Laxasia almost made me quit Lies of P

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so it's been a while since I played Eliza mainly because I'm absolutely in love with Spider-Man 2 but also because I was told about a millennia 2.0 being in this game and I didn't know if I can handle it but I think it's about that time that I give it a shot it's been a little while but now I know I could go to the safety of Spider-Man 2 if anything happens if I rage too much Spider-Man 2 is always there to take care of me I'm still hoping though that the millania 2.0 isn't actually A millenia 2.0 cuz I don't know if I can beat this game if I have to deal with a A melenia type enemy I don't know if it's going to be possible I think this submarine's going to take me to this island that we've been hearing all like a bunch about oh oh that's a big submarine God damn what in the hell is going on here what kind of Submarine are we on what the what the hey it's Sophia sop my girl what you doing here I'm finally meeting you here I guided you this far not to save cro but to save me what please help me find peace you want me to kill you is that what you're asking for guidance ends here after images of memories rage on the seaside BEC a Sophia please be careful all right damn I got to climb all the way up there oh hell no I'm going to be doing this for oh oh you guys are smacking me with two of them okay that's how we're playing today got it oh I got my fable Arts though oh my god dude two of them is nuts though hold on I'm just going to use my fable arts on this guy first let's see if stop backing up to your homie come over here oh okay I didn't mean that fast slow down a little bit bro oh come on I couldn't do my last Fable attack par okay all right that didn't work oh staggered him staggered him e come here what here there you go e now get wait where am I supposed to attack him at can I attack him from here nope if I if I don't get the I'm pissed I'm pissed I'm very upset right now oh come on one more hit there you go all damn loud growl are you going to let me grab this before Oh no you're just going to aggro to me right now all right cool let's hit you with this e okay this puppet string is ass cuz I keep just getting hit when I'm trying to use it how about now there you go decent damage and I can't do damage to him while he's on the ground dude this game lets everybody else attack me but can I attack people when they're on the ground of of course I can't why would I be able to that's just not that's not fair right pared oh I can attack him from behind yeah here take this stupid take this oh my God I could actually there you go could have actually done that the whole time what you going to give me radiant Ergo chunk I'm not going to lie like this isn't really seeming that bad right now like it's really like a lot of dead bodies around but like it's not the worst thing I've ever played in this game like I've been through a lot in this game and to say that this isn't the worst thing is kind of nuts to me especially because everyone was telling me not really everybody a few people were telling me that like this is going to be nuts but it's not that bad hello oh oh oh we had a boss fight um Hello whoa is that you yeah bro what's up bro wait a minute oh you oh you're that piece of oh I know you you're really something seriously that's impressive oh thank you how did you follow me all the way here I did not follow you it's always my last choice you know but you're not getting anywhere near my sister friend I don't you know what I want your sister come on run me them hands buddy you get in my sister got it you think you're oh sh out of that you think you're all cool huhy no me you think you're all cool huh some buddy I did not want your sister before she's a piece of too but now I do okay once I get to your sister you're going to be real upset but too bad you're going to be dead doesn't even matter Parry Parry come here e e e oh let me get hit you with this heavy attack okay let me do the special move come on bro come on you can not be that easy trying to defend your sister why you dodging back don't Dodge back don't be scared come on stupid I I wasted a fable art for that I'm so dumb I called him stupid oh and now I get a heavy attack and this is your death buddy hit him with this oh my God I'm really running through this this was supposed to be [Music] hard crazy oh I'm going to I'm going to wear your mask when I'm with your sister oh you going to look stupid look at me look at me I'm going to be with with your sister when I'm wearing this sorry about that buddy where's she at sister better be up here wait a minute is his sister going to be the Millennia 2.0 she better not be I'm going be mad pissed if that was her the entire time cuz her and her brother were talking crazy on me this entire time so it's like if that's really her she you know oh oh what's up bro what's up bro what's good with you hey oh you oh I forgot you do that okay do this swing back oh go back come on bro the move set you get with this weapon is just insane I feel like this is that that was I for some reason I thought I was going to get that par with that e did sh this heavy hit you oh actually let me just do this I really need to get more golden fruit so I could like fix up my build because my stamina is way too low oh my oh my God it's a joker it's a joker oh what the hell there's they made multiple of you oh you just whooped your friend's ass oh that is crazy beat them up yeah yeah oh this is what I'm talking about this is why I like to see okay see what what are you in yeah get him jump them yeah all right me and you buddy B stupid oh heavy attack e get another one off here and then oh I'm supposed to go behind you I guess there you go I don't know if I gotten better at this game by taking a long break or like I don't know what it is but I'm doing way better have I finally gotten good at this game is that all I need to do I just need to like step away play some Spider-Man you know what I'm saying like Spider-Man really gave me those powers to get better at this game like look at that dude oh my God stop playing with me I don't know where I'm supposed to go right now though hello oh my God this is an actual real boss fight you can see the thing right there oh and there's a checkpoint right next to it okay uh yeah whenever they put a checkpoint right next to a boss I just know it's about to be stupid all right oh here we go oh my guy's even struggling to open the door a bit oh hell yo oh you look sick what the oh my god oh the music oh this hitting oh my oh you got some crazy eyes was that your eyes that was definitely your eyes right oh sh you throwing me into the boss fight like that oh oh oh why you running at me take it easy take it easy buddy oh what you doing what you doing what are you doing e oh my God God damn okay all right we do decent oh you got a shield on your back oh okay what that all right yeah oh I knew that was going to explode after I didn't think it was going to hit me after that too okay oh no you are not emo on me bid battle right oh okay okay oh help help oh my God hold on let me buff up real quick too okay all right you got electric I got fire what's up ew ew ew Parry okay what what kind of attack is that okay back it up yeah those are going to explode I knew it that's going to explode too right oh no no it didn't what are you doing what the what the yo yo yo what happens if I just stay over here like what oh I probably want to actually do do this so I could uh get get like the like the crush encounter kind of thing or whatever when there when I could uh heav you attack him oh my God that's death that's going to be death oh I'm alive okay all right that's good that's good I'll take that why did it just take away one of my fable Arts what are you doing oh my God that is such a weird attack dude my parrying I I need to get oh there you go now I can do the thing Parry oh my oh my you going to chill oh stupid take that oh you're still going oh my oh my God it's one of those things now I can do it okay so she does one of those things when you could do the uh the vadal attack she she attacks one more time got it that's good to know is it like yeah I'm not going to say it's not that bad but like I was expecting like terrible like like melenia I'mma die did I just break your Shield oh my God par oh oh I should not have done that oh I should I should not listen I'm doing decent right now I should not be getting aant oh my God oh my go okay all right it's okay I wasn't expecting to beat it this run anyways see what the hell kind of move is oh my God you are still going boom do do do your little thing go ahead get get a little angry go do it there you go and then now e oh my God I might have it whole this this boss fight was supposed to be hard that that that's what I've been told is it oh wait this might not be the Millennia 2.0 this might not even be it oh I can't Oh I thought I was about to get hit by that all right that's the boss fight that wasn't that I forgot this game has second phases bro all right well what we about to get okay what you doing I don't know if taking your armor off is GNA help Simon oh there goes that music again damn getting the angles right what is this they knew what they were doing bro they could have got a different angle for this shot oh the music oh no I know I'm going to get my ass beat you're like luxasia to protect this Tower trying to get with luas here you know okay I was just kidding I was kidding oh my oh what are you doing what the can I Parry this oh I send it back when I oh that oh I send it back when when I Parry it oh my God all right okay all right that's what we're doing understandable that's all good oh my okay all right take it easy bro like one at a time oh what are you doing now what are you doing oh oh oh she's coming in come here me oh my God oh my God come here okay all right me see that that that move is a little too easy though go I ain't going to lie to you lxa oh okay okay Parry okay oh my yo take it easy bro like I'm just trying to play the game you're trying to just play the game like oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm oh I'm going to hear that a lot huh all right my biggest problem is I can't make it to this face with any heals like I oh my god oh see why are you throwing more at me dude okay all right oh did you just teleport what am I fighting oh my God I'm always getting hit by that bro like I feel like I'm hitting the Dodge button but it's just not coming out and it's taking my fable art from me too I was going to use that oh my god dude okay all right all right all right all right it's all good we're just going to keep it calm Dodge this I dodge too early what are you sitting in the air for that long [Music] damn you just fing chilling in the air that you're just you're just vibing in the air R Cal down I'm trying to fight come on oh never mind I'm terrible see why are you in the air for that long like come down here oh my God I'm actually getting very annoyed right now cuz like what the please please please please AR of God will awaken I need to take a break I need to take a break bro three days later all right I'm not going to lie it's been a couple days I I took an extensive break from this game because I'm not going to I'm not going to show too much I don't think but I I I was losing my mind quite a bit I actually uninstalled the game multiple times while fighting this boss I don't know how much I'm going to show it's a little embarrassing but just know I I've been through a whole lot while that was going on though I did end up talking to my friends in Discord and they just told me to use the acid grindstone and I don't really like it when people do that I'm not going to lie I like having the experience to myself and like figuring it out myself but I'm not going to pretend like I didn't hear him tell me that so we're going to use the as grindstone hopefully hopefully I can now beat this boss um if I can't this game might stay uninstalled I don't know but we're going to find out now we like I said extensive break I'm nice and I'm calm now and usually when I play a game for too long I just end up getting worse and worse at it so I think now I'm going have a solid opportunity to actually you know beat this boss fight okay all right I forgot you do that par hey oh yeah that's not a good start okay all right there you go that's better we're not doing bad we got we got the acid on him par oh that wasn't a Parry let that explode there you go Parry that mink see okay what what this is actually oh okay all right I remembered I had to back up there I just didn't do it in time I'm going to get hit no I'm not all right all right we're doing good whoa the ass does so much more damage Parry oh okay acid is nuts on this person hold on oh okay all right we're good we're good oh my God I'm going to this phase with a FL holy I have never been to this phase with this much heals am I going to get it this try there's no way this is all I've been missing okay all right Parry Parry Parry Parry parry and then oh there's one more for E okay I always get hit by that I always get hit by that I don't understand how to dodge it but that's okay that's okay I'm not going to get angry weave M okay that that was good that was good yo is she the flash like what the hell e okay all right you did not care about that at all did you I'm just going to keep swinging we got a lot of heals I can work with this now I can kind of understand how what is she what the the hell what the hell is this all right like bro Barry Alan take it easy for a second bro what's good with you oh okay oh we're doing good we're oh okay all right she just kicked me it's all good come come down here come down to the streets okay why are you all the way over there I ma'am I ma'am I have to hit you with the heavy there you go thank you uh I should not there you go okay can I can I do the thing what the hell is that can I okay there you go now I can do it all right this the furthest I've ever gone I might be able to beat her right here dude I need to remember to take breaks when I play this game look how much better I'm doing right away like when I take breaks I become like I don't know what I don't know what happens but I become so I'm not even mad that I just died there that was good I'm fully convinced that the first run when you load a game back up is always going to be the best I think they make it easier I'm fully convinced that they do that and I okay I got to try I got to stop trying to dodge that and Parry that I think that is my problem I don't think you could Dodge that oh oh you know what probably happens she probably flashes red when she's up there and I just don't see it that's probably okay hold on bro that's probably what actually happens okay we already used up all our heals I give Parry that too okay there you go okay all right and then Perry I launched it back out okay I got to Parry everything on the second phase okay all right got it come here that that okay all right all right I still got to use my brain I still got to use my brain I still got to use my brain who designed this boss fight I need to talk to the developers of this game bro like this is just stupid okay I just know like what pisses me off even more about this dump arm of God will awaken I just hit my monitor my controller just flung into my monitor thankfully it's all right holy man the worst worst part about it is I know I know I just know one pro player's out there and has just played this boss fight no hit fing best run ever and I'm over here just dying repeatedly uninstalling the game go go in bro I I can't do it I need to play Spider-Man Spider-Man is the game for me this is not this is not it th this game is just not it is not built for me I am not built for these kind of games bro come here like the first phase I'm not never mind bro I was about to say the first phase I got down I don't even have the first phase down I don't like I really I just don't I know I don't because I go through all my heals why am I going in on this why am I so stupid just fing think for a second dumbass like this is crazy and here she goes with this thing I'm back up I'm just going to back up let hering let her play the game for a little bit dude chill out one day I'm going look back at this video and I'm going know I'm going to be like a pro at these games and I'm going to know exactly what I was doing wrong I I hate this so much bro you're like what what okay come here okay all right we're doing decent dude my first run ever was one of my best runs I can't do this bro oh my God oh my God I'm doing it I'm doing it I think I'm really doing it I think this is it oh my God I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm do oh my God I forgot she does this I forgot she does this I she's going to electrocute right yep yep yep yep okay all right let me get a heavy off boom and then do this bro bro if I don't do it here if I don't do it here I'm never going to do it this is it this is the run this is the I just put electricity on when she has electricity am I stupid am I dumb like what okay it's all good focus focus focus focus har mink mink we so good it's all good all good it's all right okay okay she's so low come on I can do this I can do this put my heart into it believe in yourself believe I can't bro it's not possible we are we are we are are we are I hate this game I hate it so much I hate it so much I hate it so much I hate everything about it I hate everything about it okay we got this come on make come on come on just one just one more hit just one more hit why why why why why why why this is it this is it there is it this is it please please I don't think my mental could take it and I got I got away with so much right there I have to get it this run come on if I could just if I could just get this heavy off I win I get dude oh Parry okay all right go in now please dude can you I can't even see you I can't even okay here here right here right here and then it goes away and then it goes away I I can't I can't if I die I'mma lose it I'mma lose my mental health if I if I die right here I'm going to lose my mental health what is this oh you doing this again please oh my God oh my God don't tell me it's a third phase do not if there's a third phase I delete this game forever Simon only you I don't want why is the music ramping up no dude please bro no oh it's done disappear B oh my God I'm I'm I'm so happy that over bro you don't even know if you guys enjoy this video make sure to check out one of my other videos here I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll catch you guys in the next one see you
Channel: Floverse
Views: 44,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Floverse, Flo, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, lies of p, lies of p gameplay, lies of p all bosses, lies of p playthrough, lies of p bosses, lies of p laxasia the complete, lies of p laxasia the complete boss, laxasia, lies of p laxasia, luxasia the complete lies of p, luxasia lies of p, lies of p hardest boss, laxasia rage, laxasia malenia
Id: aps1mpnWcgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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