Surprising Connor with Graduation on Youtube! (Emotional Prom with Best Friend Crush) Rebecca Zamolo

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hey thief in that's Rebecca symbaloo and right now we are getting ready to surprise a my cousin Connor aka my brother with a graduation also we're surprising him with a prom for grand night since he missed that - Holly what do we do graduation today we're the crickets I got then what what you think Maddie's gonna do with those cricket we cannot let this rice get ruined by Connor find you know early Corner what are you doing we told you stay inside and go play basketball you can't do that right now well I'm going to dance crickets in your pants you better go back inside and change why would you do that to me hey that's it with the water it worked he's going inside she did it oh she's coming back ready you break your brother with cricket in his pants I kind of did that to mat so I'm very good with the crickets in my pants yeah well that survived about 10 minutes so here is the plan we need to finish setting up for this graduation ceremony it's gonna be taking place on the basketball court since Connor loves basketball it's gonna take longer than 10 minutes to get set up this okay that's why we need to take turns distracting him so he does not come outside because we cannot ruin this surprise all the same family I got a surprise youtuber to give the commencement speech to Connor it's one of his favorite youtubers it's me no not you at all he's gonna be so excited I mean I would be a big surprise right well anyways who wants to go first distracting it I can go okay Matt so why don't you go inside to distract Carter while Maddie and I set up all of the decorations all right okay wait but what about prom night yeah you guys know Connor never went to his prom so for Grad night we have a special surprise and it might have something to do with the girl he might have a crush on but if isn't right okay Maddie what about the secrets okay Sam family you guys know we have found out two of the four secrets so far one of them is that someone used the gamemaster's reactivate herbicides me and the other one effect someone's been texting agent R yeah I don't know you guys comment below if you think Connor has done either of those two secrets but what if one person has done both of them the Halloween hacker said each envelope represents a different secret for all four of us all right so we're gonna open up the third secret at the end of this open sight distracting we are taking the secrets here we kind of don't trust you you know let's go yeah just get inside okay so Matt went inside to distract Connor and I think it's the perfect time for us to set up the basketball court or this ceremony okay good idea okay we're wrapping this step you guys know that Connor missed its graduation because he was rescuing his sister Maddie so today we're making that up for him but we have a lot of decorations and oh no where's my phone I told you guys I was surprised youtuber was gonna be sending a commencement speech but he hasn't sent it yet let me see if I can call him again okay please pick up how well the decorations also decorate okay great oh no they're not picking up the phone you guys this was my big surprise for Connor I bet the commencement speech will come in time because I really want to surprise him I want to make it special oh hey do you want you and your phone hopefully the magnet packet Channel best channel on YouTube by the way except for Rebecca's what are you watching no well hey you got your pants off yeah these are crickets in your pants yeah the crickets are gone did they bite you I don't think so but they may oh okay I got one bite the other day look at that right there it's from the crickets me you know what would be kind of fun you've never driven a Tesla right no I have do you like the Tesla's I love tests you do you want to drive my Tesla yeah I'd love to we'll grab your phone and let's go outside let's go try the Tesla do it's Ben I never let people do Oh No I have to stall this is taking a while out there there's no way they're gonna be ready for this and plus I don't like anybody driving my Tesla so I don't know what I'm gonna do all right kind of you're inside now no don't try to shut it with your hands just press your foot on the brake you are in the Tesla Model X right now this is living man where we going we're going right here you know before you drive you have to like be ready for it you know don't like go anywhere I can't drive it is my dream to drive a model eggs I thought you had different dreams but it's okay there's so many features in here and seat reclines you have a big look at this huge like huge thing over here we can see a bunch of stuff and there's like a map right here Jim and then you here we go you guys comment below if you remember these decorations from when we did the beauty pageant we're kind of doing a DIY graduation ceremony it's kind of fancy right yeah can I get some tape oh yeah yeah sorry about that's a little higher than we are the girl that you really want to impress maybe I'll let you take this car is there somebody it's on your mind I don't let Maddie date but I feel like I can maybe let you date probably a smart idea probably not a smart idea can't DeeDee the ring now are you kidding me not Maddie Maddie should in a corner should yes I'm pulling double-duty now why don't we just Park it here and go inside and play some let's go to the movie theater movie theater okay just open it and it goes open there you go see go back and say all right I can say exit slowly don't forget your phone thank you yeah nothing wrong defensive okay see it fans to make this graduation extra special we DIY some letter that spells out class of 2020 because we are awesome cousins and sisters for Connor he better appreciate that I think if we like do it right here okay nice and center wow you guys right here you go ahead and play minecraft roblox piggy what night do you like any of those yeah which one's your favorite for tonight I did for tonight okay I was thinking your maybe like a minecraft roblox piggy guy but I'll be back enjoy eternal AC Tupac a team did you see that just been sitting over there watching Zoe's verse of friends no no wait it's like a headache a really sharp headache but it's going away are you sure yeah yeah Madi you didn't use the game masters reactivate or did you what do you mean I mean the secret remember one of the secret was someone used the game masters reactivate her and it's not me oh no no I didn't you didn't text agent R did you no of course I didn't text agent R I would never keep a secret from you obviously okay aren't you good yeah I'm good okay let me know if it happens again okay we'll go right to the hospital Thank You Jenna you'll be good yeah we did it the wrong side that's okay so how because when we fail at DOI you can just fix it it's part of Venus Oh we just ripped it okay in the writers yeah Connor he'll just be happy he won't notice okay you know what he just better have an awesome graduation Rebecca have you gotten the video back from the mystery youtuber no I haven't yet but I'm not nervous they'll send the video it's totally fine he's gonna do the beach for Connor it just what I found out some information on Connor secret information did you find out my secret even better I found out whose secret crushes it's so uh how did you not know okay I mean I mean he's had a crush on her this whole time no wait that's not true it might be true and you know what there might be a surprise grad night with the prom oh my gosh would you guys do out here what happened to the truth we kind of met I'm who's a DIY tribe's class of - OH - this is terrible oh I see the zero now I'm gonna go distract Connor where is he right now he's in the movie theater right now playing games video games yeah he's leaving for tonight I try to convince him to do roblox minecraft or piggy but he didn't do any of those okay okay I'll go play fortnight with him just take the crepe know what my dance is okay no of course not I would never do for oh come on are you kidding me okay are you okay Sam fans so it's my turn to distract Connor so he does not come out because he cannot find out about the graduation but you guys know the gamemaster said we need different skill if we want to go into the realm and one of the skills is follow-through and Connor didn't graduate so by doing this we're completing another one of the skills that the game master said so we can be protein or pro proton anyways I can't remember the name but we're gonna complete it I just need to stall corner oh hey how's it going I'm doing good how are you doing really good what are you playing for tonight it's it's my favorite how do you do this like this oh yeah I knew that it looks like this for tonight's a game of one I'm actually gonna use the bathroom so you just just hang out here play all the fortnight that you want okay Connor I mean this is your special day I mean it's not your special day just like another normal day here regular day in the movie theater playing video games I'll be right back okay just like stay here hang out have fun and you got those crickets out right cool okay bye okay Sam Pham so looks like Connor is okay he's playing video games in there so I think this is the perfect time for me to go you know where now I know you guys are probably thinking Rebecca why are you going in the gamemaster said not to until we had all the skills but I think it's for the best because I want to just know the area you know before everyone else goes in so I can make sure it's safe so just keep this a secret between all of us okay plus you guys the last time I went in I didn't have much time to search around I didn't want them to know I went missing but now that I know that there is a time difference I might be able to go and explore mark see if I can find anyone in this realm whoa Sam p.m. this is a different shape than last time all right it looks like this is an act ready three two one all right Maddie such as humid here we're gonna I guess finish setting this thing up right yeah we got a lot of decorations last I'm a DIY King and I know all crafts perfect because I'm not a DIY Queen at all do you know any crafts no before we do that though we should take advantage of the last time that we can use this basketball court wait you want to like play basketball instead of setting up well not quite we're gonna do basketball truth to dare okay it's kind of like a game of horse but if you lose you have to do truth or dare I'm back in the realm I need to see what this realm is all about I can't help it you guys I'm impatient and I'm curious and I just want to go into this room you okay it's just a tit oh we have some tylenol in the tiny house I think you're a first okay okay Oh missed it really bad right here three two one good luck I even was holding the camera do I have to hold the camera no you don't three two why are you this by the basketball I'm really bad but you're not basketball okay all right this is working out just like I thought what does that mean truth or dare Manning uh truth okay I wish there was someone I could talk to about this I mean I have so many questions as to what this place really is and why am I dressed like this do you think this is like a medieval realm so this is the farthest point I went last time but today I'm gonna go even further time in this realm is really quick in real time so I might be able to do more activities without them knowing if I can learn this room early it will be an advantage for when all of us come into it did you see that oh no stay away stay away who are you who are you the legends are true legends are true you're Rebecca's of all right I am Rebecca's the mole oh but how do you know that every one of the you are my queen my name is Orion Your Majesty here at your service queen of what Queens amrok what's Sam Ron this is Sam Ron come over here you majesty where it's safe okay I'll be right there do you think I should trust him he's telling me to go over there where it's safe but why is it not safe okay comment below if you think I should trust Oregon and why he's calling me Queen have you been texting H&R know the truth yet to tell me the truth right now I have not texted him we broke up we're done it's over well last time you text them in you want to get one question okay you're at boxing go on so you said your name is Oreo how do you know me it's not second it's my cottage cottage [Applause] [Music] is this your home it is now well who are we hiding from she's trying to hypnotize us I'm the only one left who is she queen of gems of course what is she doing with everyone she's hypnotizing she's building an army with everyone you know I have friends we're gonna be here soon but we could help stop mr. Anson the queen of gems I have to go or the portal closed please hurry you need to save us I promised Oreo I'll be back it's a lorry on okay truth or dare dare I guess I dare you to unlock your phone and give it to me right now what yeah my phone your phone absolutely it's a dare go you guys Rhian seems really nice okay don't let them know we've got to get back to the graduation but where Connor finds out keep this our secret okay now I need to get back to the tiny house so I can finish it Carter what are you doing here you go in the game masters gold box no I didn't go into the game we're cousins right yeah and I'm sure but I'm the older cousin with more experience yeah okay well there's this thing called a pact why don't we make a pact you won't say anything about me and the box and I won't tell anyone that you have been texting agent R okay I guess that's a deal deal okay shake on it okay and later I'm gonna find out why back in there I prefer knights calling your name fortnight's like Oh Connor I want to play all right damn fam let me know what you think we're gonna find on Maddy's camera roll what is this why are you looking for that well I try to load your text message I don't see anything from agent arm well no because I haven't been texting him okay actually I make sure one more thing search history no you don't have to do that what Maddie what are you doing what does that mean that Fez desmo full of phobia it's the fear of ghosts trying to get over that fear I was like looking up like wikiHow how to get over your fear ago and nothing's been working I've tried everything okay okay one more thing Oh No what says in here that most ghosts are located on basketball court okay there's a joke I just tricked you you can't even yeah I know I know there's no Coke no I said there's a safe spot okay you finish up your on the shrine okay that's it cheers money - cheers you think we're chair do you think the mystery youtuber is that is doing the speech I doubt who my favorite youtuber is oh good point guys comment down below if you know who that is we think it could be do you think it's like calling ski or unspeakable or guys who are those guys Oh team edge I don't know maybe keep on setting up oh no oh no why it's bollocks oh this is a podium that you can make at home it's super easy all you need to get is like a little stand a box in the bottom and then some carve on the top it's just really easy duct tape you lay this sheep right over here nobody will know it I mean this thing probably cost about a dollar fifty honest gonna love this as idea what podium look and that this looks great I mean the podiums like a little bit off what's wrong do you mean it what took me so long I'm just joking so Matt and I will stay here at Maddy you have to get Connor and his cap and gown without we have knowing that this is his graduation okay okay you got it you're a big sister I've got this let's make sure everything says it's not what do you want hey I need you to close your eyes right now just close your eyes and put this on I don't trust you just do it I'm your older sister-in-law no peeking you don't want to ruin this take two steps forward forward not backward forward come on come on outside of the room okay don't peek or I'm gonna put crickets in your pants been there done that just don't peek this better not be a dress or a wig Maddy let's go keep your eyes closed and I'm gonna guide you go looking open your eyes your eyes faster faster we don't have all day looks like we're all set up for the graduation ceremony we have class of 2020 balloons we have decorations we have candy even of a war we can write messages to the Graduate which of course is Connor we have a DIY podium that Matt filled and most importantly we have a surprise a youtuber that's gonna be giving a speech to Connor in the class of 2020 don't forget myself let's are you singing for the graduation I don't know ever made it up yet why it's happening now you need to make it up really let me practice maybe do a parody song or something Oh hurry okay so I've got to put my cap and gown on this graduation we're all gonna line up and then the ceremony is going to start uh how do I do this how do I do that okay you guys comment below what grade you graduated from in the comments section below oh did you guys have a graduation did you do it at home did you have a graduation party there's so many things I want to know I'll see you guys after the graduation it doesn't stop there here throwing bread night with a prom and you know who might be showing up for Connor he's gonna be so surprised how much farther Maddie just a little bit farther just trust me brother okay okay man your coming-out ceremonies getting ready kids do you remember your graduation yeah of course you do oh my god ever it was the best day ever this is gonna be so special for Connor you guys smash the thumbs up on Oh quickly you to get everything good just jumpy where we have cricket ready lots of cricket so many crickets okay okay we ready yeah he's having a hard time are you guys gonna start Maddie why not okay Connor are you ready for your big surprise yes three two one we know that you miss your graduation so you can save your sisters so we made a graduation ceremony for you today I'm speechless are you excited this is crazy yeah and we even did the basketball court because we know how much you love basketball basketball yeah but we'll explain everything but first the ceremony is about to start so we need to [Music] my turn to go up welcome everyone to this graduation ceremony will the class of 2020 please stand up a wise philosopher once said what if we work together what if we join the same team put our differences aside but if we work together that's a song from the samp a musical what if we now I don't remember all of the word I know all the lyrics that's the best song ever and that's what this graduation ceremony is all about we may have all graduated at different time different years and even different grades but we are all here today to celebrate the fact that we had follow-through we finished something we completed something and that means a lot in the big scheme of life now I would like to bring a graduate sister Madison to say some words about the Graduate Connor Matty's gone this has to be way better than Rebecca's idea oh you were awesome yeah I know I know Thank You Rebecca well Connor I'm really sorry that your senior year didn't go as planned and a lot of events got canceled yeah 2020s so far it's kind of been a bust right I don't know he's graduating true but I can't thank you enough for giving up your graduation to come save me oh they're like brother-sister goals damn fam I'm almost gonna cry this is cute it's a graduation but happy you're so selfless and kind well I am pretty selfless selfless people don't say they're selfless yeah be humble you've accomplished so much already in life and I think I can speak for everyone here and say we can't wait to see all the other amazing things that you will accomplish later without crickets in your pants the crickets that's so sweet get together you better not cry and then she said crickets I'm good okay oh oh yeah [Music] that was a lovely speech Madison and now the class of 2020 we have prepared an original graduation song ladies and gentlemen I present Matt slay where'd he get the guitar I'm not really prepared so I just wrote this in a few seconds ago in my head and on the phone [Music] celebrates you in the backyard none of this is your year so proud of you for follow wind through and face in your big sphere it's almost over and so was this song it's never we will never fade you come so far and Chama so long and we don't even know your grades it's graduation it's graduation it's your graduation graduation I didn't know either boy played guitar to go go almost forgot sampan okay well before we throw our caps up into the air and officially graduate Connor in the class of 2020 we have a surprise for you Connors right so we have a surprise commencement speech by a mystery youtuber here's the laptop you guys come on huddle around okay so go ahead and hit the spacebar hey what's up guys it's Brian or phase rug no way phase run the world of Phase I just wanted to give a huge congratulations to the class of 2020 you guys all worked hard you all deserve graduating and I want to give a huge special shout out to Connor who missed graduation he said your name dude the future is bright for you all and I was doing nothing all but the best of luck have a great one I can't believe a dog did that for me do you like your surprise graduation that was awesome okay Connor well it isn't stopping yet but first we need to throw our caps in the air because you are a high school graduate three two one [Music] [Applause] thank you so much you guys that meant so much to me but we're not done yet we still have night cuz I'm about to get fit and there's one thing I know stretching slime to the rhythm and I'm feeling so good working out with slime yet something you should unicorn fluffy it doesn't matter but a rainbow's letter only make it batter time for your workout satisfying all the bright colors see me trying working with slime so I try harder sweating it is not only grad night it yeah I mean we knew that you missed your crumbs so Maddie let me grab something yeah Connor do you know what it is no go ahead and press spacebar hey hey loser Lauren I know I look a little we're without my glasses of Chinese new contents see how it goes oh I got Potter's correction Joey but I just wanted to say relations I'm graduating oh my gosh you're a college student now that is so so amazing and I just wanted to personally thank you for trusting me to save your cousin Maddie that that meant so much to me yeah Joey I want to say thanks also to you by the way that way actually didn't look half bad on me Oh the wind did look pretty good it would not look good don't listen to work can't be there in person but there is something I wanted to ask you I heard that you've never been to prom before I was wondering if you would give me the honor to dance with me for your first dance at your first all right Connor we're gonna stand back because you are about to have your first dance with your crush at your very first Prague don't kiss the screen so I just see my first dance by myself well yeah whoa where did that come from I mean yeah right from kick hits the song here we go how the gold got her going great weird that he's dancing with a laptop no no I mean kind of tip him this graduation ceremony went so well I know he was so surprised and I cannot wait for Gretna Connor I just want to say that I am so proud of you seen you grow up all the way and being your cousin it's just an honor to know you and I can't wait to see all the things that you did O'Connor I'm so proud of you and I'm so lucky to be your older sister Congrats on graduating I really hope that you enjoyed the ceremony and sorry for putting crickets in your pants great job Connor I hope you like my song that I wrote for you and whatever you do if you're watching this video do not date Zoey oh my gosh that was so much fun I can't believe I graduated thank you for giving me that speech hey shout out to you so you know that text me later save it make sure you go over to Brian aka face rugs page and tell him thank you so much for giving that speech you Connor it means the world to him I'm just so excited for this graduation thank you so much for Dancing with me and I'm so excited for you and what lies ahead and you deserve all the happiness in the world Wow Zoey super nice for doing that for me with the kanji dancing let's open up a secret guys come on okay Connor since this was your graduation you had the follow through which means you want this challenge we have two secrets left secret number two or secret number four which one do you want to open well since there is four of us at the ceremony when goeth forth see what's inside yeah while your secret one of you took something from the game masters layers oh yeah I know that's you what day master said we need one at last skill that's what stability I think I know what we need to do okay so make sure you guys are subscribed to the Matt and Rebekah channel because we have one more skill that we need to get before we can finally defeat mr. axe woven on the back
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 8,680,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surprising, connor, 2020, graduation, youtube, prom, best, friend, crush, fortnite, piggy, minecraft, roblox, reveal, faze rug, speach, song, music, dance, trick, backyard, diy, crafts, how to, basketball, tesla, maddie, matt, surprise, sis vs bro, baby, pawzam dogs, last to fall, fv family, puppy, lazarbeam, won, fire, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, funny, 24 hours, lucas and marcus, girlfriend, mansion, device, spy gadget, azzyland, the labrant family, troom troom, clean, vlog, 123 go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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