Going Through Evil Daniels Camera Roll - Game Master Network

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hey hey feels good to be a game master spy again if this is the real Daniel there's no way he's gonna be able to handle this because we put on a screen of spiders so it is the real Daniel but if it's the real Daniel that means that he knows he's there it is a real Daniel it is why are you doing this all right Dino come on man look you know you don't have some coffee why are you trying to scare me with all those spiders oh the coffee's weird and sour and it's green no does that mean no hey game master Network Daniel is back we were able to pull him out of a portrait and trap the evil Daniel permanently and now we are taking a lie detector test to make sure that this is the real Daniel why do we need to do this I am the good Daniel but we need to know for sure Daniel are you really the good Daniel and you're not pretending yes I'm really the good Daniel evil Daniel's in there true and we did give him lie detector mixture Daniel are you loyal to the game master Network and game master spies always not always true but only when the mission calls for it hey Daniel have you ever kissed paper RZ twin you put me out like that Matt yeah answer the question Daniel yeah multiple times no that makes a lot more sense now awkward hi Daniel do you like coffee I love coffee except the one that you just gave me now man okay game master Network I'm pretty sure that this is the real Daniel yes that's what I've been saying all along so now that you finally believe me can I show you what evil Daniel's been up to I found a private folder from Evil Daniel hidden on my camera roll so come follow me come on so I guess we're gonna go through his camera roll okay I have a photo from me I've hooked up the phone the video looks like okay so we're going through evil Daniel's camera roll yeah let's call this evil journal entry number one I'll just be making a video Journal of all these cringy things I'm doing Daniel I don't like good Daniel it makes me so angry I'm going back and forth I feel the goodness taking over and then I'm gone I don't understand make it really long journal entries yeah oh no what's happening wait it sounds like you guys were like the same person did you see there it almost felt like the good Daniel what yeah Dawn bye but we're gone Evil Daniel is now fully trapped in that portrait so he is never coming back game master spies are we for sure that there is no Evil Daniel trying to take you over still that's impossible thing okay right it looks like there's some photos now that's kind of creepy what is that like a blue tarp it's another blue tart it looks like that's like like a bloke like an inflatable or something like a pool hold on game master Network I think that is the puppet when we did the pop-it challenge why would Evil Daniel have these photos then he was like that's definitely the puppet jail game master Network did you watch that video and there's someone dumping things on us wait do you think that person could have been easy what were you dumping things on us were you the one that trapped Us in there I don't remember if I was let's just go through the camera roll and get all the information we can oh that's how I got a day with frog got you a date with frog during the trick shot don't fall into the wrong mystery cool that's what those Inflatables were from earlier so was Evil Daniel the one that did all this that put on the challenges some shirts wait Connor that's the shirt you wore for like five days in a row mad or blue wait I still want to know what you guys were wearing when we went to the mansion right yeah we were sent those shirts saying Matt Smith came over even wearing his shirt that you had sent what puppets puppets that's another from the puppet jail that was one of the DIYs we had to do man the harmonica I got hurt stepping on Legos with that those Pop-Tarts wait wait jelly what kind of flavor are the purple frosted blue I hate that rapper man you had mint yeah that was one of my foods for the eating only one color food challenge no way so evil Daniel set that challenge up too man you guys did a lot of fun challenges wait I don't get it we bought those items from the grocery store but I also a few photos of them does that mean you were at the house when we were doing the challenge okay well Daniel this is creepy did you see Evil Daniel there at all in any of those videos the poppet falling into a mystery pool or eating only one color food let us know and time coat it Eagle Daniel is having a ton of fun with these minions it's almost like there are having a party together you know when like friends like party together it's a lot of fun for special reasons okay these are the enemies though we don't care if they're partying seriously Daniel getting really into that yeah it was really having fun yeah well at least you guys look happy it's like nice to celebrate together I recognize that room it was after we escaped the man Sion we went to disneyk Master Network that is at Candy Queen's Mansion at the Mansion we were only there while Evil Daniel was trapped in the painting or was he that means I've been there before does that mean that Evil Daniel knows the Candy Queen what if evil thing is I know what she looks like you might have seen a face reveal Daniel you might be the Candy Queen that doesn't make any sense how would I be the Candy Queen but I might know right wait so if I've seen the camera well Evil Daniel saw it but we share the same body so like do you think that I know what the Candy Queen looks like I have like a hidden memory that we can access yes game master Network do you think that we should go into Daniel's mind Maddie do you think you could like maybe rig up a program where we can go inside then we'd be able to finally get a face reveal of this mysterious Candy Queen yes I will try and hack a program so that we can do that we'll just maybe take a lie detector test and of course I passed that wasn't at our house because I'm Evil Daniel what Sean was right they're so dumb these game Masters spies Daniel I wasn't lying because I don't like coffee disgusting and that dumb robot in love no way what why would I say that well because it's not you it's Evil Daniel which makes sense John said his machine wasn't broken and when you were answering questions they were different than what you normally answer but they were all truths and you weren't lying because it wasn't you it was Evil Daniel the whole time game master Network did you guys know that in the lie detector test okay let's see what I'll tell you it just almost blew my coverage let's try not to say wow you better get back in there go ahead and be a part of this competition okay you know what the zamfam had been commenting on different videos that there were such things that you were doing and during the last to say wow we were all hypnotized we don't remember what he said maybe he said something about you maybe do you guys think that we should go back to our videos and see what you guys were commenting about that might be a good idea to help us figure out this whole thing with Evil Daniel yeah and why is Evil Daniel documenting everything right now is he starting a YouTube channel or something this is so weird evil diary entry number 82. during the puppet show oh I'm so angry it's getting so close though the plan is falling right into place wait zamfam almost blew your cover that means that they might have seen Evil Daniel in the puppet jail video no you guys you're gonna have to go back and watch it let us know and time code if you saw Evil Daniel at all in that video hey there you are finally RZ twin is back there for you to take perfect I gotta do a FaceTime Daniel guys I was on my way back with RZ twin and I stopped for gas and these candy minions they came and beat me up and they took RZ twin wait what was that seriously Daniel you just gave up RC twin and then you sent just back to that prison that was based off of the one in the birth to death program you are the reason that RZ twin got trapped why would you have done that I have no idea why I would have done that is there like a bigger plan or something does the Candy Queen have something in mind for RZ twin like why did they need her it looks like that's the last photo on the camera roll so now I think we need to go back to the past videos and see what the zamfam saw and watch and see if maybe Evil Daniel did things in our videos that we might have missed game master Network before we start all of this there is a movie that I made well Evil Daniel made that will help explain all of this this will make a lot more sense so you need to go into the game master Network VIP app sign up and you can watch that movie your trick doesn't be in that movie we didn't want to be in the movie yeah Daniel we didn't know we were doing a movie but now it is on the app so it's important that you guys go and watch it because you know what when we were at the hacker Mansion the candy Queen's Mansion they were mentioning that Evil Daniel left like different clues in the movie what I don't know what it is so make sure you watch the whole thing and you can get it by downloading the game master Network app which the link is in the description you guys help us time to dive into evil Daniel's camera okay Master spies I have something to confess I lied to Rebecca Matt and Maddie I did not get a text message from RZ twins sending me on a secret mission I got a mysterious text from someone named Norman Pope Daniel us and the game master Network about your secret mission okay okay I'm sorry I just got that text from Poe I had to figure out what was going on I wanted to figure out about this script I didn't know that evil Dana was involved in all of this okay well I wasn't able to watch the video on my phone neither was I yeah same here let me bring it up because there's more to this video that was in there I was in the game master Network video yes no maybe Evil Daniel blocked our phone so we couldn't see it all we saw was like smashing items right yeah we were just crushing crunchy and soft you didn't see any of these clips no okay let's see there's one other clip that they're all talking about so confused when you guys in the comment section were commenting I take it this means you found what I'm looking for no what no it has to be there I guess this means I'm gonna have to go up there goodbye Evil Daniel for now oh good Daniel I want you to leave the manner get in your car and drive to Big Bear you will forget all about this conversation except one detail get that script I don't remember any of that he was able to take bad Daniel and pull out good Daniel but then hypnotize you so you don't remember anything I don't like that pole guy none of us do none of us ever want to be trapped in that Mansion again okay well next can you do the last to say wow challenge the zamfam was commenting on the hypnotist part something from his brief face oh it's a candy minion mask and that's a hat game master Network do you remember when I woke up I noticed the Hat on his head wait so is he working for the Candy Queen I thought that I had hired a girl hypnotist that's why I was surprised when the guy showed up but I just thought it was a hypnotist I switched him out oh the old Switcheroo do you think that they did anything to us I mean if they did then we wouldn't remember it the game master network was commenting about the last to leave the pool challenge while you guys were in Big Bear evil Dana was there or somewhere in the video yeah Matt you made a call with a minute hour within 24 hours it'll probably be more like an hour or something it'll beep you'll know okay okay good luck that's the call that I had with you I don't remember making this call to you Matt oh silly game master spies what now is the time they're distracted get inside the cabin and find it what you're the one that put me in the Box sorry I'm Evil Daniel come on and then Maddie remember you saw a candy minion in the house that's because sent the candy minions to the house Poe sent me up there and then I got the script from Big Bear so I created that whole distraction and Big Bear then so that I could get the script there was Evil Daniel trying to get the wing throughout the week weren't even to prepare for the event they're all set up by an evil Daniel I told you it wasn't real okay Maddie you are right yeah and then the big one everybody keeps commenting about was during the birth to death of a hacker there was a part where Maddie was able to pull you out and RZ twin to the game master and I'll be in touch Maddie no I might have pulled out the wrong Daniel this is because now Evil Daniel is trapped forever just one last test what's underneath the hat bad hair oh bad hair bad hair down here all right you guys I know that we're going through evil Daniel's camera right now but I kind of wanted to remind you guys that it is a special day labor day oh no school oh nice game master Network comment below if you did not have school today I do gotta get back to school though so it's our last day with you Connor yeah I gotta go kind of soon should we just throw Conor a party today then let's do it going away party yeah special day for Connor we have like balloons and cake for like maybe a special reason no we can get some though I don't think I have time for it though I've really gotta get oh sorry Connor let me get back to this please let's figure this out there is one more video on here and it looks like it's security cam footage there we go that's the Tiny Town the game master sent me remember when I was hypnotized I went into the tree of judgment we played Among Us why am I there well evil Daniel's there but you weren't there when we went to the Tiny Town this must have been after that this is recent because I was evil someone's screaming [Music] who is that their heads are covered I don't know who that is okay Master Network who is that with a bag over there have you trapped someone I must have but I don't remember any of this they look small they look young I'm telling you what were you doing I don't know guys we gotta figure this out what are we gonna do we are definitely going to that Tiny Town so make sure that you are subscribed to the Rebecca zamolo Channel because we're gonna go to that Tiny Town do whatever it takes to figure out who that is
Channel: Game Master Network
Views: 3,895,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ieyyy67JYIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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