Lie #8 “My Faith Isn’t Strong Enough.” | Jud Wilhite | Central Church

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ah come on thank you please please be seated be seated i did not know that was happening so thank you guys and thank all of you um very grateful and uh grateful to be here with you uh i saw somebody right before this experience and they said judd it's my first time back and i said wow you are gonna love it and i know they are it always feels so good to be able to gather together and worship together and experience god together so thank you for being here want to say a huge shout out to each of our central family locations so grateful for all of you love you guys and if you're watching online so thankful for you thanks for being with us if you're joining us in our partnership with god behind bars and different prison facilities around the country we love you we're grateful to have you with us today i don't know how you're holding up right now but i know there are some parents that are still trying to navigate home school stuff in their life and so i saw this last week jimmy kimmel on twitter asked people to send in their home school fails i thought some of this was pretty funny one person said this on the second day of kindergarten the teacher had to send out an email saying parents and guardians please stop arguing in the background it's very distracting homeschool fail anybody that feel like they're up in your living room right now you know like hey back off a little bit all right check this out here's another one uh this kid says uh what does copious mean me use the context clues in the sentence to try and figure it out kid three seconds later hey alexa what does copious mean a home school fail that's real right there that's just a smart kid's all that is that kid's gonna rule the world all right next one look at this uh i got a call from the vice principal telling me that my kid attending class from the hot tub is inappropriate and cannot happen again home school fail how many of you are parenting that kid right now yeah you're in it right now yeah i was that kid so kind of love it but um we all face different fails there's homeschool fails there's life fails there's sports fails i'm a cowboys fan i got to tell you this last week it was pretty brutal when our quarterback dak prescott like you know dislocated and fractured his ankle tragic tragic uh if you're a miami heat fan then you know you're going through your own championship fail uh right now we all face fails personal fails financial fails but one of the toughest things that we can wrestle with in a moment of crisis in our life when things are really hard and really difficult it's what we might call a faith fail or when you feel like your faith is slipping or failing when you go through a tough time a difficult season a crisis like the one we're in the middle of right now uh it can do all kinds of things to your emotions it can do all kinds of things sort of to your feelings and particularly to how you perceive your faith and i am confident right now that there are some people who are facing a crisis of faith in their life and that crisis of faith may be coming from a couple different directions on the one hand maybe it's sort of a crisis of faith where you doubt yourself you just feel like i don't know i'm not good enough i don't know maybe maybe it's just something about me but i don't feel like i get it other people seem to be getting their miracle come on somebody but i don't know where my miracle is i'm not sure where god is i don't sense him anymore man i used to feel god i don't really feel him anymore then you start to think it's about me it's you start to doubt yourself and that's something i've wrestled with a lot in my life and continue to wrestle with and you can kind of enter into a crisis of faith where you're like maybe it's just me it's just not not working for me or maybe it's more like god related you just start to wonder like maybe he's not even there if he's there maybe he's not powerful enough to do anything in this situation maybe he doesn't care because you know i can't believe i'm in the situation some of you right now are in a situation financially or with unemployment or with your job or with your work we're like i never thought i would be in this situation and we're navigating this global pandemic that just keeps going like i never thought i would be here in this situation it can lead you to a faith crisis and you can start to feel like my faith isn't strong enough it just isn't strong enough to see me through this season and i want to encourage you today i think sometimes we believe that doubt is the opposite of faith and that if you have doubts about god or doubts about yourself that that means you don't have faith but i want to suggest to you today that faith and doubt are like two sides of the same coin in fact if you struggle with doubt self-doubt or even doubt about god if you struggle with it that actually is an indicator of the faith in your life otherwise we wouldn't call it faith we would just call it certainty right like hey i'm just certain i don't need faith but because there's faith there's doubt and in the midst of that struggle it's okay your doubts don't disqualify you they actually define you as a person of faith and so some people today may be struggling you may be going through your own kind of uh wrestling with doubt and if so i'm going to bring some encouragement to you today i'm going to bring some hope to you today we're going to talk about how we get out of our mind the idea that our faith isn't strong enough because listen your faith may fail but your god never will he's faithful even when our faith fails and so i want to look with you today at um a story in the new testament that really gets to this whole tension between faith and doubt let me just set it up jesus has died on the cross he's risen again after three days and he actually appears to his uh disciples the 12 apostles this unique group the inner circle if you will of jesus he makes his appearance to them they experience him it's an amazing thing they're blown away except one of them wasn't there and we read about it in john's gospel john chapter 20 beginning in verse 24. when we get to the red word i'll just ask you to say it out loud here with me but it says one of the twelve disciples thomas nicknamed the twin was not with the others when jesus came and they told him we have seen the lord they're like thomas bro he's alive it's amazing right but he replied i won't what believe i won't believe it unless i see the nail wounds in his hands and put my fingers into them and place my hand into the womb in wound in his side thomas is like i i don't believe not unless i see it now unless i'm there now this is why thomas gets the nickname doubting thomas right but i think sometimes we're a little hard on thomas here we call him doubting thomas but we forget that just a few chapters before i think thomas sort of misunderstood a situation where jesus was talking about going and visiting lazarus who had um who was really sick and had died and and when he leaves thomas says this he says let's go with jesus and die with him so this is a guy who has faith that's what i want you to see he had enough faith to say i'm willing to die with jesus i'm willing to follow jesus to the end i'm willing to go all the way yeah he's having a moment right here but it's not his only moment don't we all have our moments yeah we all have our moments sometimes that's mostly what we have right but they're not our only moments you know and so thomas yes in this moment he's doubting he's struggling he may be in his own faith crisis things haven't turned out like he thought they would god hasn't done what he thought god would do come on somebody jesus died he was put into a grave that was not what he expected and so he's wrestling with discourage and disappointment and here's the thing about doubt i think a lot of people that wrestle with doubt if we're honest there's something underneath the doubt especially intellectuals become a god you know and and make all the intellectual arguments for against god or whatever but you know what's often underneath those intellectual arguments if you peel them back it's hurt it's discouragement it's disappointment and i think thomas feels a little left out thomas is like he wasn't there when jesus showed up right he kind of missed the moment and maybe he doesn't even know why but i think there's some hurt here there's some discouragement here and in this moment um he lets his doubt kind of come forward so we call him doubting thomas what do we do when we're struggling with doubt what do we do when we've got this thing in our mind that my faith just isn't strong enough well the first principle from thomas's faith journey is this just to keep showing up just keep showing up even when you're struggling even when you aren't sure what's going on with your faith it's easy to want to give up especially in romance i saw a few of these on social media i thought they were pretty funny one of them says a pretty lady in a restaurant just asked me are you single i happily replied yes she took away the empty chair at my table this is some of you're like this is my life yes oh man all right here's one more i sent my wife a text this is i've had this experience uh her typing bubble popped up for 10 minutes and all she sent was k i'm as good as dead yes oh that's real that's real sometimes we can get frustrated sometimes we can get discouraged and i think that's where thomas is right now he's frustrated he's discouraged some of you are there right now in your life but don't miss this look at this john chapter 20 beginning in verse 26 it says this eight days later the disciples were together again and this time thomas was what with them see that he kept showing up even though he doubted he kept showing up even though he wasn't sure he believed jesus rose from the dead he kept gathering he kept showing up and because he kept showing up he was with him it says the doors were locked but suddenly as before jesus was standing among them peace be with you he said listen this is a word for somebody today you're hurting you're struggling maybe you're in your own faith crisis one of the most powerful things that you can do in your life is keep showing up thomas kept showing up even though he may have wanted to give up thomas kept showing up even for eight days he'd been we got to assume discouraged eight days he had been frustrated eight days he had continued to sort of be in this tension with the other uh apostles who were like hey i saw jesus and he's like yeah i'm not believing it till i still i see it with my own eyes and he kept showing up and he kept showing up and he kept showing up and eventually because he put himself in a position to be blessed by god he was blessed and in this case with an appearance from jesus himself listen you can drag your doubts to god or you can allow those doubts to drag you away from god right you can drag those doubts to god or you can allow those doubts to drag you away from god so take your doubts about who you are and your failures and your sin and your junk and drag them to god take your your concerns your cares could maybe you're not feeling it anymore maybe you're not sure what's happened it's okay bring that to god pray about it to god bring it to a spiritual friend bring it to your group start talking about it and journeying it out with others and with god and you'll see god begin to show up in the middle of that i mean when it comes to faith i think a lot of times we sort of see faith and doubt like this we've got faith over here and we've got doubt over there and we think well hey as long as my faith is big man things are good things are awesome you know everything's awesome god's moving he's working things are great and our faith is big and then on the flip side let's go to the next slide if we see you know our doubt begin to grow and it feels like our faith is shrinking then we think man i'm all alone i'm lonely i'm hurting i'm frustrated i'm discouraged and we sort of see these as two separate worlds but again let's go to the next slide i want to suggest to you that this is faith and doubt and that it's all the same circle and if faith represents the the blue sky if you will then doubt may show up in clouds along the way and we've all got but listen i can have faith and i can have doubt and i can hold those two things in tension together as i walk with god and truthfully i've got faith and i've got doubt and i'm going to have some faith and some things i'm going to doubt and struggle with probably my whole life this is more accurate as a picture of the human experience these doubts don't disqualify you from your faith they just come along with your faith and you go through certain crises in your life certain difficulties and those doubts can feel more prominent but your faith is still there god's still moving and working in your life i want to encourage you to trust the light you have until god gives you the light you seek right trust the light that he that you have until god gives you the light that you see keep walking keep showing up thomas kept showing up but check this out john chapter 20 beginning of verse 27 it says then he jesus said to thomas come on y'all check this out put your finger here and look at my hands put your hand into the wound on my side don't be what faithless don't be faithless any longer believe this is jesus now my lord and my god thomas exclaimed so doubting thomas gets his moment his moment of certainty his moment of proof where jesus right here says go ahead put your hand here jesus think about this jesus doesn't judge thomas he restores him he doesn't judge him he restores him he doesn't say where were you you know i came before you aren't here he said he says here i am right and by the way i think it's powerful that jesus offers up his own wounds to heal thomas's wounds you see that you know the bible says by his wounds we are healed so if anybody's feeling wounded today know that you are loved by one who is wounded you're healed by one who understands i mean think about it jesus wasn't even like physically in the room when thomas said he wanted to put his finger in his wounds but jesus heard it jesus knew right he knew his issues he knew his struggle god knows how to give you what you need look even though the door was locked jesus came to him even though thomas was doubting jesus came to him even though he missed the miracle initially jesus came to him just like he came to you and just like he's come to me in different seasons in my life think about it when you were lost jesus still came to you when you felt left out jesus still came to you when you were messed up in your mind jesus still came to you when you were running for with the wrong crowd jesus still came to you when you made a bad decision in fact bad decision after bad decision jesus still came to you listen when you cheated jesus still came to you when you gave into temptation jesus still came to you he showed up in your life he didn't abandon you look when everyone let you down jesus still came to you after you let everyone down jesus still came to you when you had no idea how to get to god come on somebody jesus still came to you so when you have your doubts when you have your discouragements when you have your hurts just that's normal it's okay but keep showing up to the places god shows up you know to this day when people are getting baptized or they accept christ into their life for the first time and i get to interact with them often they'll ask me like what should i do you know what where do i go from here and you know i always say to them the same thing i say just keep showing up just keep showing i can say a lot of things but they won't remember that anyway so i just say just keep showing up you know if you say i'm going through a hard time what should i do just keep showing up i feel like my my life is on hold what should i do just keep showing up i'm not sure what god wants me to do just keep showing up i'm not feeling like god is moving in my life just keep showing up people say i messed up again well look just keep showing up people say i feel like giving up keep showing up until jesus clears it up listen drag your doubts to god so they don't drag you down it's okay to doubt we don't need to be afraid of those doubts because you know your faith may fail but your god never will so keep showing up here's another thought and that is to remember your reasons remember your reasons i don't know if you've ever messed around with the timehop app at all but the timehop app will like bring up things that you posted like a year ago on social media and it's pretty amazing because you kind of get to look back but it's very it hasn't been so amazing for me and covid to be honest with you it's kind of discouraging like recently the time hop app was like boom a year ago and i'm like oh concert with emma people yay you'd be like boom a year ago pack churches people worshiping yay you know like i mean so i'm kind of like wrestling with my i'm kind of like i'm gonna mute timehop for a while we'll be back but i recently had this moment where you know my timehop popped up and i saw this picture of emma and this concert and i was like oh that's cool and it just kind of took me not some of you are really like detailed with your photos and you keep them all organized and all of that my photos are all just sort of random and they get kind of dumped into iphoto or whatever they're just sort of out there and i'm like when i retire someday i'm going to go through all that junk anybody know what i'm saying but i had like a over an hour i just started looking through those photos i started looking at faces and people and church gatherings and memories and experiences and i'm getting sentimental in my old age y'all i start cropped tearing up i'm having a moment you know i'm just remembering right life flies you know i mean my son was born yesterday and he just turned 17. what the what and he can grow a beard i can't even grow a beard it's not right it's amazing right it just fly so i'm i'm emotional i'm having a moment but it was powerful sometimes you got to go back and you got to remember what god has done in your life you got to remember the journey you've been on you got to remember where you've come from because it will strengthen you in a moment of faith crisis some of you are in a faith crisis right now one of the most powerful things you can do is just remember your reasons remember what god has done in your life when i was in graduate school i i went through a pretty significant faith crisis of my own i was studying to be a pastor i got really discouraged i was reading a lot of material and i was interacting with a lot of different very smart people who had very different views of god and it just all kind of brought me down and it came to this head where i was sort of in this faith crisis and i was thinking like i don't know i don't know that i should go into ministry i don't know if i should do this like i'm not sure kind of where i'm at in all of this and a couple things brought me out of that one was i was at church and i heard a testimony of somebody else and what god had done in their life and they came from addiction as a background and all that as as do i and it was so powerful to me to just remember again what god had already done in my life and that was bigger than a book or an argument that was what god had done in my life even though i didn't deserve it right the other thing was when i was at church i saw somebody get baptized and they had so much joy on their face and everybody was celebrating and cheering and there were tears and they were talking about how different their life was and i just remembered again like what god had done in my own life but i want you to understand those things hinged on the fact that i kept showing up even though i still had doubts i kept putting myself in the faith community until god used that faith community to bring me back from my moment of crisis john chapter 20 beginning in verse 29 says this john says this then jesus told him thomas you believe because you have seen me check this out what blessed or blessed blessed are those who believe without seeing me he says look thomas you believe you you saw me you felt my wound you you put your hand right there but blessed are those of us who believe even without seeing remember your reasons for belief and these reasons are not just out of nowhere we have personal reasons we have reasons from history we have eyewitness accounts there are reasons for our faith our faith isn't just irrational it isn't illogical but it's still faith you can't put it in a scientific test tube and prove it like at the end of the day we still have to believe we have to have faith right but there are reasons for our faith let me just share with you a few reasons why i have faith first of all when it comes to jesus resurrection like thomas i could say you know or like jesus says to thomas i never touched jesus side you know i came into this thing thousands of years later right this is an act of history but here's what i do have i have evidence from eyewitnesses and what i mean by that is we have the accounts of the gospels matthew mark luke and john and i think those accounts are very compelling when it comes to reasons for your faith and to give kind of evidence for your faith for example um you know when it look when you basically any historian worth his salt would say hey look jesus lived died was crucified i mean you you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody that just writes that off there's probably more historical evidence than jesus lived than just about anybody else on earth okay so they'll go that far but then what do you do with the resurrection well some people say well you know they stole the body maybe they just stole the body and that was the deal but the challenge is like the body was guarded by roman guards that's what they did they guarded bodies and not only that you had the early followers of jesus who had these encounters with jesus who were literally willing to die for their faith i mean many of those early apostles of jesus died for their faith church tradition says peter was crucified just like jesus was but he refused to be crucified right side up like his lord and savior and he was crucified upside down dang look people will rarely die for something that they know is a lie right but these people were all willing to die for something they experienced we say well maybe it was just a hallucination right like you know they just thought jesus rose from the dead they had too many wheaties that morning and it threw him off but hallucination but the interesting thing is you go to the first corinthians and paul says there were 500 witnesses jesus appeared at one time to 500 uh people and and is he writing this about 20 years later and he actually says um you know many of those some of those eyewitnesses are still alive he's like fact check me go talk to the people that witnessed it go see those people yourself you know he's just sort of laying it out but i think one of the most compelling things for the eyewitness account of jesus resurrection is the fact that women were the first people to show up at the tomb and women are the ones who are declaring the resurrection of jesus and culturally listen if you were going to fabricate the gospels and make all of this up i'm sorry but you in that culture you would not have women showing up at the tomb first they couldn't even give testimony in a court of law right like so it almost sort of undermines in some ways the account that women showed up first or i think it gives the account great legitimacy because you can't even make this stuff up y'all women showed so you have the evidence from the eye witnesses not only that uh but secondly you've also got evidence from history you look at what like what happened what happened for this anonymous carpenter in this nowhere part of the world to all of a sudden be literally i mean if not the most influential person in all of history this top two or three period hands down like what happened to these men who were hiding out in this room with the friends of thomas and all of a sudden jesus comes to them and now they're out declaring messages and preaching and and 3 000 people are getting baptized and they're traveling all over the world they're putting themselves at risk their families at risk their kids at risk and they're taking the message of jesus to the whole world what happened back then 2 000 years ago that we would still sit here and talk about it today that we would look down through our history and realize hospitals were started by people of faith universities were started by people even science didn't it didn't arise in a non-christian culture it didn't arise in a non-faith salt culture because science itself presupposes a world that's predictable a world that in many ways like has a creator that's organized it's so we can understand it all of that science history you look at universities hospitals so much of that traces back to people of faith it traces back to jesus you look down through the centuries and you're like what happened and i don't think you can explain that with an empty tomb so there's evidence from eyewitnesses there's evidence from history for our faith and i would say thirdly there's just the evidence from experience your personal experience and mine i know for me when i was 17 years old and four years in a drug addiction and i had nowhere to go and nowhere else to turn all i can tell you is that god moved and worked in my life and god helped me get around people who helped me the church community helped me god saved my life and restored me and that's why i always say i'm not just a pastor of a church right i'm the product of the church god did that in my look back at my experience every good thing that came in my life i can trace back to the time when i originally surrendered my life to jesus christ and turned a corner there that's my story you have your story but we all have our collective experience and then we see it every day we look around and people are coming to faith every day in our faith community we see people's lives being transformed so you you look around and you say i may have doubts i have faith but my faith isn't just kind of irrational and not based on anything it's based on history it's based on eyewitness accounts it's based on my personal experience i can't put it in a test tube and prove it that's why it's called face but i still believe it and i can affirm it even when i'm struggling with doubt and so sometimes we just got to remember where jesus met us to be reminded of how far he's brought us john chapter 20 beginning in verse 31 john sort of sums it up with these words he says these are written so that you may what continue you see that so that you may continue to believe that jesus is the messiah the son of god and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name john's saying i wrote this i captured this so that you may continue to believe you know this past week i was really moved by a baptism of one of our central family members sweet little girl has been wrestling with leukemia for a while now and leukemia has stole more and more and more from her but she said she wanted to get baptized and her family was here for the baptism in the midst of the weekend experience at the end i'll often ask people to raise their hands if they are placing their faith and their trust in jesus christ and i was talking to her grandfather he said you know what's interesting is she's lost the ability to control any of her limbs except one hand and when you ask people to raise their hand if they want to pray and receive christ she raised her hand and then she had the courage to allow people to carry her into the baptistery and to baptize her i will tell you i don't understand i do not understand why kids get cancer i don't understand why kids suffer at all frankly there's a lot i don't understand i don't understand why people suffer i don't understand why we go through all the different things that we go through as human beings and so yeah there are moments where i have my doubts about different things things i just don't understand i was talking to the sweet little girl's grandfather and you think in the midst of that kind of situation you can get pushed one way or another when it comes to your faith and he just looked at me and said what thousands of people have said to me over the years he said i don't know how anybody goes through what we've gone through without god and without the people of faith around them [Applause] doesn't mean there won't be things you and i don't understand doesn't mean there won't be moments where we don't i don't understand why somebody lost their job i don't understand you know why we're in the situation we're in globally i don't understand a lot of things and that's okay i can still affirm my faith even though i don't have all the answers it's okay to have doubts but we can still proclaim with thomas my lord and my god thomas was affirming his faith with that statement look it's possible to have doubts and still affirm my faith i can say i believe that that god is good even when life is tough i believe that god is in control even when the coronavirus hits hard i believe that god is working in my life even when i'm still so far from perfect i believe god still performs miracles even though i may not have received my miracle i believe there is more to this life even though i can't prove that in a scientific test tube listen i believe god is good even though bad things still happen i believe that god so loved the world that he sent his one and only son not to condemn us for our sins but to save us from our sins i can i believe even though it's hard i believe that jesus was more than a man that he was god incarnate sent to declare the arrival of god's kingdom and make a way for us to enter in i believe that jesus is the way the truth and the life and that no man comes to god except through him i believe that jesus gave his life on the cross to save us and three days later rose again so that he can one day raise us i believe jesus appeared to more than 500 of his followers as the bible says and that he sent his spirit to build his church and that not even the gates of hell can stand against it i believe that jesus is alive that he sits at the right hand of the father that he's been given all power and all authority in heaven and on earth i believe that jesus is moving and working in the world and he's moving and working in my life i believe he hears me i believe he forgives me i believe he empowers me i believe he guides me and i believe he loves me i believe jesus was with me yesterday he's with me today he'll be with me tomorrow and i believe that one day he will return in power it's okay to have doubts but to still make the declaration of thomas my lord and my god see one day i believe he's going to dry every tear heal every wrong right every wrong heal every wound and that one day every knee will bow and every tongue is going to confess that jesus is lord so if you're in a faith crisis keep showing up just keep putting yourself out there and keep trusting affirm what you can affirm right now in your life because your doubts do not disqualify you they simply define you as a person of faith drag your doubts to god so that those doubts don't drag you away and even when you have no idea how to get to god remember that jesus can get to you and then remember your reasons the evidence of the eyewitnesses the evidence of history the evidence of your own personal experience where god has brought you from and let that encourage you and strengthen you and help put out of your mind the idea that your faith isn't strong enough look it's not about you it's not about your faith it's about the one you put your faith in and even if your faith feels like it's not strong enough god is strong enough and he has not abandoned you or turned his back on you maybe you're here today and maybe you've yet to cross the line of faith and i'd love to just give you an opportunity to surrender your life to jesus christ to ask god to move and work in your life and to take that step of faith so would all of you please bow your heads and close your eyes and if you'd like to become a follower of jesus today you can begin that journey by repeating this prayer after me either out loud or in your own heart say dear god i thank you for loving me thank you for sending jesus into the world i believe he died on the cross for my sins i believe he rose again forgive me for my sins give me the gift of eternal life help me face the challenges that i'm up against god i surrender my life to you in christ's name friends with every head bowed and every eye closed that's your prayer today if it's your commitment i'm going to ask you to just slip your hand in the air just make eye contact with me just to say before god to say to me you're going to follow him in your life you're going to trust him slip your hand in the air god bless you guys thank you thank you bless you thank you just reach out to him today thank you god we love you i thank you for each person reaching out to you across our central family locations at home watching online incarcerated right now i thank you for all those who are reaching out to you and i pray you'll show up in their life in a huge tangible way work restore heal forgive we commit them to you in jesus name amen well let's put our hands together for those who made spiritual commitments in their life today friends if that's you if you made a spiritual commitment i'd love to introduce you to a resource that we've created that i think can be super helpful to you uh it's simply called how to follow jesus we'd love to give it to you electronically for free just let us know that you made a spiritual commitment and the way to do that is just go to and just click the link i decided to follow jesus we'll get that resource to you it'll help you over the next days and weeks kind of know what it looks like to follow jesus and to grow in your faith so make sure to let us know if you made that spiritual commitment let's put our hands together now as our location pastors come and close out our experience wow what an incredible and powerful message from pastor judd we are so thankful for him that was a great way to wrap up our series out of my mind in fact if you'd love to catch up on that series or watch any of those experiences you can watch them all on demand at our website or you can just visit but hey if you raised your hand today i want to say congratulations that's one of the best decisions you'll ever make in fact like pastor judd mentioned we have a guide just for you all you have to do is visit click the button that says i define i decided to follow jesus and then we'll have that guide for you digitally well hey if you haven't known we are gathering live in person at all of our central locations and next week at central henderson we have fall fest happening so if you're in the area we'd love to have you join us here but if you're continuing to join us online don't forget our experiences are on saturday nights at 5 p.m and sunday mornings at 8 a.m 10 a.m and 12 p.m we can't wait to see you guys again next week but as you go through this week remember to hang on to what romans 8 says if god is for us who can be against us keep showing up
Channel: Central Church
Views: 1,392
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: central church, central online, central live, drew bodine, it's okay to not be okay, pastor jud wilhite, jud wilhite, Sermons, online church, outta my mind, out of my mind, my faith isn't strong enough, y faith, strong enough, teaching, lesson
Id: ZNIgLCkQp54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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