Lie #7 “I Won’t Be Able Handle It.” | Jud Wilhite | Central Church

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nice to see you guys thanks for being here i hope you're hanging in there taking it one day at a time leaning on god trusting his goodness in your life and i believe you're going to leave today with a lot of hope and encouragement so i want to welcome you i want to welcome each of our central family locations big shout out as well to those who are joining us in our partnership with god behind bars in different prison facilities thank you guys for being with us today we're so grateful for all of you and i'm so grateful all of our central locations are open for both live services as well as online and we need the church we need community right now and so let me just say a word to those of you that if you're out and about if you're going to restaurants if you're hitting home depot if you're going to different things but you've yet to come back to church you will have a tremendous i think personal encounter if the first time you come back to church in a more live environment and you realize how much we need each other and how much we need god you know there is a lot of fear related to our physical health and that's a big that's a serious thing and we need to take that seriously and we do at all of our locations it's why we have mass and social distancing but listen um there's also the spiritual health and the spiritual dynamic and everything i'm reading is saying uh the mental health challenges are on the rise alcoholism addiction domestic abuse all of those things are on the rise and we're going to talk about one of the kind of lies that gets in our mind in the midst of that struggle today but just a word of encouragement if you've been out and about but you've yet to make it back to church my challenge to you is get back to church and let god move and work in your life and help bolster up your spiritual strength as well in your life i don't know if you've felt overwhelmed or not recently but i had this moment where um i was watching these youtube diy videos and uh if you watch youtube sort of diy videos they can they can kind of mess with your head because you can start thinking i can do this i can do anything i i just know i can do it i can fix it i'm the guy and so i've been you know having an issue with a radiator in one of our old cars i'm like i can replace the radiator that's no problem i watched the dude do it in fact i watched like four different youtube videos how to replace a radiator this is easy and the last guy i watched did it in 14 and something 14 minutes and so many seconds i watched the video like how long it took him it's gonna take me 15 minutes and then i can get back to watching the dallas cowboys lose and so i'm like all right you know here we go so i buy the same radiator it's going to go on the same car i get it in there i take the old radiator out no problem just like the video i am the guy i should have been a mechanic and then i you know set the the radiator down i'm going to take the fans off the old radiator i've got to mount them now to the new radiator and the first thing that happens is i break a bolt i break this bolt in the new radiator that like i shear it off and it's a mounting bolt hello like i gotta have that and it's gone but it's okay because there's more diy youtube videos right so my next youtube search is how to remove bolt and keep threading you know like and so i get the video pulled up you know where this is going right and well you know you got to have this tool it's an extractor tool you know so i'm like okay i gotta have this tool so now i'm in the car i'm going to the you know hardware store i get the tool the extractor tool finally after a long time finding this thing and then i get back home i'm like all right you know i watch the video again all i got to do is like drill this in it's going to bring this kind of screw out it's going to reverse it out this bolt out and then you know i'll be good to go and i can continue on except it didn't really work that way it didn't really grab it i'm like well i'll go up to the next size you know that's the no problem there and i go like go a little bit i'll go up to the next size i'm going to get i'm good now you know i won't lie there been some tools that have been thrown around the room i won't lie that the inner pastor in me was not really coming out in this moment i'm about to take a hammer to the radiator anybody feel me here i'm like i i got something for you you're never going to work again anyway by the end i'm sitting there i'm about five hours in to my 45 minute project literally my whole family's asleep in bed i've lost my religion i have no self-respect i'm sitting there with the radiator the bolt is now completely just there's no threads it's all just a big new hole i've drilled and i'm looking at this thing and i pull this little bolt head off that i broke and i remember just looking at it and i remember just thinking i i i can't handle it i'm not going to be able to i'm overwhelmed i'm totally overwhelmed because of a bolt and i think this is part of the corona virus dynamic somebody said you know like talk to me about the coronavirus this was the chronovirus is like the song that just does not end you know remember that song when you're a kid you know it's like this is a song that will not admit this and it goes on and on my friend i don't remember the rest i just know it's very annoying and i feel like the coronavirus is like the song that does not end right it just keeps going and it can lead you to a place where you can be overwhelmed by the simplest things right a bolt too many dishes in the sink you know like any simple thing in your family dynamic can kind of set you off by the way i did eventually get some rest came back prayed up patient kind loving gentle went back to the radiator got new threads in that radiator got a bolt that fit got the bolt in and i had success i was very tempted to call on some friends who are very good with cars but i did not and we got that thing done so small victories friends small victories glad i saved the 100 install on that from the auto mechanic anyway um i want to talk to you today about that lie that can take root in our heart and mind that i won't be able to handle it and sometimes it's just little things that can trigger that or it can be big things and we just think i'm not going to be able to handle it and we let it take root in our heart in our mind we let it swirl around now here's the funny thing about this kind of lie i won't be able to handle it i actually think god agrees with you you know like he's not calling you to handle it on your own and the point of life really may be for all of us to get to this point of saying hey if i'm going to make it i need greater help i need greater guidance i need a greater plan i need someone who is greater than me to handle the things that feel like they're too much for me when we hit that point when we humble ourselves what we find is not a god who is distant but a god who is present and more importantly a god who is present to help see anxiety and that feeling of being overwhelmed is really an invitation to give god the things you cannot handle to trust him with the things that threaten you because listen god never promised you a life that you could handle in your own strength he promises to be with you no matter what you may need to handle he promises to send his strength within the struggle he promises to send you what you need in the moment that you need it and so if you're facing huge things that feel like they're way too much for you listen they are not too much for the god who is for you so i want to take a look with you today at this amazing story of the bible at somebody who was i think wrestling with some anxiety who felt like they weren't strong enough or put together enough to be able to handle what god was calling them to do and how god challenged them in that moment i want to look with you today at the story of moses now moses was an individual first he was like the prince of egypt um and uh he was you know this person who was raised in influence and authority and power and then he got into a situation where in a moment of rage he killed this egyptian slave master who was beating this israel israelite slave and he basically gets exiled and so for 40 years he's kind of out learning to be a shepherd navigating life and he gets to this place he's not like this 40 year old handsome you know uh movie star kind of figure now he's like 80 and he's an older shepherd and he sees this bush that doesn't burn now bushes burning in the wilderness wouldn't be that big a deal but this one just doesn't burn up it just keeps burning and so he goes over to the bush and god basically tells him that he's been chosen to set the israelite people free who've been living in slavery under the pharaoh and it's interesting when you see like moses becomes this incredible leader this amazing man of god we we remember him you read about him in the bible i mean phenomenal his impact and his influence but look at how he responds to the call of god in the moment exodus chapter 3 beginning in verse 11 when we get to the red words let's just say them out loud together but when god first tells moses that he's been chosen for this says but moses protested to god what who am i you see that who am i who am i to appear before pharaoh who am i to lead the people of israel out of egypt now some of you i don't know where you're at in your life but a lot of times we have kind of a who am i moment who am i to go after this dream who am i to to try and restore this relationship who who am i to navigate online school who am i to face these challenges that i'm up against and yet here's god's response god answered i will be with you i will be with you in other words god is challenging moses stop focusing on yourself and who you are or who you're not and start focusing on me and my presence moses it's not about you it's about the fact that i will be with you somebody needs to hear this today somebody you're making it about you right you think your job situation is just about you you think your lack of funds or your your financial pressure is just about you you think you're navigating the crazy in your house right now it's just about you and i think what god's reminding us today is that it's not about you and your limitations it's about who is with you and he is clearly promising not only to moses but to us in our life that he will be with you so you may not be able to handle it but he can handle it he can handle it and he can work with you in your life so one of the first challenges if you want to deal with that sense of being overwhelmed in your life is to simply shift your focus to shift your focus focus is so important i don't know um how you sleep i know there are different peop different ways of sleeping some people sleep on their backs some people sleep on their side some people are stomach kind of sleepers you know like i'm a really restless sleeper i'm all over the place but i saw this little slide on instagram i thought it was pretty funny those of you that have kids or pets you'll relate to this but it was different sleeping positions that happen when somebody something somebody or something climbs into bed with you this is called the capital h position if you've ever been a parent then you you've navigated this right you understand this uh and then let's go to the next one here uh this is called the scarf position yeah cats like this too cats are down with like the scarf position um like that but then this was this was the one i related to the most this is the roundhouse uh position and this is ethan man my his entire childhood that kid would come in our bed and he would kick me and they don't look little kids man they don't know they don't just kick you in the face they kick you in other places that's all i'm gonna say about that it's brutal now lori lori sleeps like a vampire y'all i mean i'm like restless i spin around 500 times a night i'm just like in place just like a i'm like a like a hamster on a wheel you know all night long spinning spinning spinning lori never moves and if it's so freaky she's started wearing glasses which is kind of awesome because i've been wearing glasses since i was 17 so i'm like yeah welcome to the family you know anyway so she's finally like crossed over right to glasses she's getting younger every day but um but she's not only she not only wears them y'all she sleeps in them like she puts the glasses on and she'll read and fall asleep and because she sleeps like a vampire on her back i'm talking all eight straight out and then it's like good morning seriously i'm a disaster at night like i don't even i can't even remember my dreams and that's a god thing you know what i'm saying because whatever's going on up there is crazy town but lori's just like chill no problem never i mean it just kind of opens her eyes and so she just leaves her glasses on now so that she said that way when i wake up if i need to read or whatever you know like i can focus i don't have to look for my glasses they're just on my face and i'm just saying like focus is a big deal what you focus on has a huge impact and i wake up and all i see is blur right like i can't see anything lori wakes up she's got that clear focus god is about to teach moses about the power of focus and what it looks like in his life and so check this out when it comes to anxiety i think what we often engage in is what we might call self-focus you know we just we're looking at ourselves at what we lack we're looking at our relationship and how frustrating it is we're looking at our work situation we're looking at our business plan we're looking at our retirement numbers whatever and you're focused on yourself and it feels absolutely overwhelming but god is challenging us through this story that the recipe for courage is to shift that focus from a self-focus to a god focus from a self-focused to a god focus and what i think is fascinating is in the midst of this encounter that moses has with god god is going to basically call him out to remember who he is and to shift his focus to god exodus chapter 3 beginning in verse 14 they're having this go back and forth moses and god and moses says all right so if i'm to go and if i'm to lead these people like you've said who am i supposed to say like to the pharaoh who do i say sent me like who are you this is the voice at a burning bush you know like like who are you who's sending me and i love how god doesn't really clear anything up but exodus chapter 3 beginning in verse 14 it says god replied to moses i am who i am now just think about that for a moment you're like so what's your what's your name like who do i say i am who i am okay say this to the people of israel what i am has sent me to you i'm not sure that cleared a lot of things up but here's what's amazing about this hebrew scholars will tell you and this the old testament was originally written in the hebrew language the new testament in the greek language the old testament hebrew scholars will tell you this is a really hard phrase to translate it could be translated like i am who i am could also be translated i will be who i will be you know in other words i think part of what god is saying with his name to moses and to us is listen mo you don't understand you cannot put me in a box you can't define me you can't feel like you've got me all figured out i was from the very beginning and i will be at the very end and the closest i can approximate to your very small brain is this i am who i am i will be who i will be and listen if god is i am moses and us here's what that implies we're not right if god is the i am then i'm the i am not right god's in charge i'm not god's in control i'm not god has been from the beginning i i'm not me god will be here at the end right like god is all-powerful mighty strong incredible good patient kind all the things that i don't have enough of god is and god's saying to moses like look moses stop looking at yourself all you need to know is this i'll be with you who are you i am who i am and that focus can shift your perspective that focus can shift your attitude you shift your attitude you can shift your life so the first challenge is to shift your focus when you feel like i can't handle it just acknowledge i can't handle it on my own but i am is with me i am is beside me i am's presence goes with me and let that fill you with courage here's another thought and that is to listen to what god says listen to what god says in your life i am so this past week was laurie's birthday um she's amazed looks amazing for 21. incredible and uh so i got up on her birthday and you guys know how this is right you wake up and like so for me i grew up birthdays weren't that big of a deal so when it's my birthday i'm like oh yeah it's my birthday that's cool you know but not so much with lori right it's a big deal like it could go all month you know like i got a i got a plan i got to be ready right so i wake up and i got to go run some errands so i'm out running errands and it's like lori's birthday i've let her sleep in a little bit i'm like okay um i'm gonna get her a breakfast sandwich and it's her birthday and we live large in the will high family so i'm like do i get to mcdonald's or starbucks what do you think she wants mcdonald's or starbucks so i i saw that she had interacted to a post on social media so i knew she was awake right i'm like hey i could you know i know you're up like um you know it's your birthday happy birthday i'll get you like a starbucks sandwich you know or mcdonald's what would you prefer she's like you're you're i'm right by starbucks she said yeah starbucks would be great so great so i get in the drive-through line at starbucks and she calls me back which i knew meant like she'd been thinking about it and that mcdonald's i know it's mcdonald's y'all but that mcdonald's have been sounding pretty good you know so she's i said i'm already in the line she's like no problem no problem that'll be great but i kind of knew what that meant so i went ahead and went through i got her a drink i got her a starbucks breakfast sandwich and then i went the extra mile i went to mcdonald's and i got the sausage biscuit from mcdonald's okay so i got both and i had this thought i had this thought with both of them in my lap i'm like i should post this to social media i'm killing the birthday game right now like i'm already out and i got her not only this sandwich but i also got her this sandwich this is what everybody should see this is how everybody should perceive me as a husband now what i didn't want to post was that i was out to begin with because it was her birthday and i still didn't have everything i needed to wrap her present which didn't arrive because i ordered it too late and i was going to be wrapping a print off of what her present would be and putting that in a box with stuff that i just bought so that i could get it wrapped so i had it all together to get now i'm not posting that but i should be posting this right and i actually thought about that for a minute and thought you know what that's disingenuous i'm not gonna do that but here's the thing we're all influenced by what other people think aren't we we all have a kind of a way we want people to perceive us and sometimes that can have a really devastating effect on how we live our lives that's where moses is in this moment look at this exodus chapter four he's going to argue with god four different times but now he comes back and he protests but this time he's protests not just on what um you know like who he who he is but he protests based on what other people may think how they may perceive this situation moses protested again what if help me they won't believe me and listen to me what if they say the lord never appeared to you and then the lord asked him what is that in your hand a shepherd's staff moses replied throw it down on the ground you're like what what's going on well first moses is kind of like having this moment with god sort of going back and forth because the focus kind of shifts here you know the focus shifts from from who am i to what if what if they like what if they don't believe me what if they don't listen what if they think i'm crazy what if they shoot me down what if they shout me down they run me out of town because that's what happened the last time god i tried to be a rescuer i was rejected i was vilified i was exiled i lost everything i had and so you know it's normal to care about what other people think but often the people who are the most effective at leading they're often people who are very good at listening and sympathizing with other people but here's the here's the danger when you start to care more about what other people think than what god says then you start to slip into this whole realm of people-pleasing and people-pleasing is when you let the wishes of others override the will of god in your life it's when you let the complaints of others cancel out the calling of god in your life it's when you let the approval of those around you override the will of god who is above you so it kind of leads us to this second ingredient in the recipe of anxiety and just feeling like i can't handle it not only is there self-focus but there's just kind of this pull to please people and we've got to shift that if we want courage from just pleasing people to pleasing god and really focus on pleasing god and anchoring into what it means to please god in fact there's this age-old problem and you see it even if you go back to the greek philosophers they were wary of public opinion fact socrates said that having popularity and approval in your life is sort of like having a big monster as a pet that lives at home with you and the monster is always hungry if you don't feed it that monster will turn on you and eat you so pretty soon your values start to shift everything that keeps the monster from eating you is good you care less about what's right and wrong good bad purposeful or purposeless and you put all your efforts on feeding the beast that's what it's like when you live for the approval of others eventually you have to compromise every conviction that you have you basically leave your values in the dust your self-respect in the dust you even abandon your identity just to keep others from rejecting you and don't miss this moses is willing to reject god's call in his life a call that will literally make him a hero of the old testament because he's worried about what others will think but listen it's better to be disliked for who you are in god than to be loved for who you're not so he says to moses what's that in your hand he says a shepherd's staff he says throw it down moses throws it down the staff becomes a snake and then god tells moses pick it up so he picks the snake up which i'm like dude i'm not picking that snake up but moses picks the snake up he's a shepherd he's lived in the wilderness he ain't afraid and immediately becomes a staff again from then on the staff is called the staff of the lord and god will do many miracles through moses with that staff but what's fascinating is the staff represented for moses his identity his source of income it was who he was and god says to him take that thing that represents who you are your identity your job your work your source of income like that that identifies you and throw it down before me throw it down and take up my identity that i'm giving you and once moses took up that rod again that staff again everywhere he went it was a reminder to him that god's presence was with him that it wasn't just about him anymore that it was about god going before him god walking with him god moving through him that he wasn't alone he may not know how to handle it he was gonna have to lead one to three million israelites that's a big job y'all that's a lot of staff right volunteer or not that is a big massive undertaking he couldn't handle it but god could handle it and god was calling him to he had to look at that staff and remember i don't know about you and your life but i know a lot of us we grew up being called a lot of different things a loser unworthy maybe we carry a lot of these kind of identity labels in our lives and i think god is telling us today look you got to throw that down you got to let go of that when you start to feel like look i'm not going to be able to handle it i'm not good enough i'm not strong enough i don't have enough ability or talent or skill you got to lay that down and you got to take up the new identity that god says you have you got to listen to what god says and let that sink into your heart and here's what the bible says about who you are i just did a flyover of the bible and listed out all the things that god says about you as a follower of jesus he says that you are my follower my child you are a child of god you are a child of light you are a member of god's family you are holy and blameless standing before him without a single fault you are the salt of the earth you're the light of the world you're a branch that bears fruit you're a living stone in his temple you are a holy priest you are a member of a holy nation created to show the goodness of god you're a chosen you're a chosen one he's a who me yeah you you're a chosen one you're god's worker you're christ's ambassador you're a true minister of god united with christ you're a part of his body and you are made alive by his spirit you are god's masterpiece you're a faithful one made for better things you are destined to receive a kingdom that is unshakable you are an inheritor of the new heavens and the new earth you're one who is made right with god you are a citizen of heaven you are no longer a part of this world you are equal as brothers and sisters and heirs of god's glory you are set free from the slavery of sin you are truly free that's who god says you are so you got to throw down what others think about who you are you got to let go of what others think about who you are be more concerned about taking hold of who god says you are when that anxiety stirs up use your anxiety as an invitation to give god the things that you cannot handle shift your focus listen to what god says and here's a final thought believe help is on the way believe help is on the way four different times moses argues with god in exodus three and four four different times he's like i can't do it don't do it i'm not the guy what will they think i'm not gifted he says to god i'm not a good speaker like he's going down the whole list right exodus chapter 4 but verse 13. he finally just cuts to the chance to cuts to the chase look at this but moses again pleaded lord please send anyone else you got to love this right like moses is like seriously god like all right all right enough of this just send anyone else i don't care who it is all right he said well notice this it says then the lord became angry with moses fascinating this is this is exodus chapter four second book of the bible the floods already happened the fall has happened you theologians out there but if you go back and look at those sections this is the first time in the hebrew bible it says god was angry he judged the world but it doesn't say he was angry but now the fourth time that moses and god are going back and forth god's had enough god's getting angry and it says he's angry with moses why i think part of why god's angry with moses is because moses refused to believe that god's presence would make any difference now i'm talking to somebody today we're in the midst of the corona crazy it's been an insane run and it's still going and there's a lot of things coming at us but let's not make the same mistake where we start to live our lives as if god's presence makes no difference in our lives today that's where moses was and it stirred up the anger of god he's like dude i told you i am right and i am with you and that's really what you need to know it says all right god said now he doesn't discipline moses in this moment he actually says this what about your brother he says send anybody else what about your brother aaron the levite i know he speaks well and look he is what check us out on his way he probably hasn't seen his brother in decades he's already on his way to meet you now he will be delighted to see you so here's moses send anybody else and so he's like all right i'll send your brother and your brother's going to come along and he's going to help you help is already on the way somebody needs to hear this today look because you're facing you know your past your hurts your attention your inadequacies we could go back to this slide that sort of breaks it down a lot of times what sort of feeds our anxiety is not just self-focused and people-pleasing but also our hurts and what can give us courage it's not only having a god focus and being focused on pleasing god but also realizing god's help is already on the way he's already moving and working somebody today you say i'm anxious about the mental health of somebody that i love but god's help is already on the way look some of you say i'm anxious about the future of my kids god's help is already on the way i'm anxious about making ends me god's help is already on the way i'm anxious about all the divisiveness in our country or in my family god's help is already on the way i'm anxious about the things that i need to do for work or for school god's help's already on the way and god says to me god doesn't he's angry with moses but he doesn't punish him he says look i'm going to help you man and help is already on the way your brother aaron is coming so if you're like i'm anxious about being able to handle a health issue in my life or in the life of somebody i love god's help's on the way i'm anxious about retirement god's help's on the way listen if he makes you anxious it invites god's action and his help is already on the way god is already working on the thing that has you worried so today if you're feeling like i'm not going to be able to handle it just shift your focus from yourself to god just shift that perspective shift your focus from worrying too much about other people and pleasing other people to what god says and who god says you are and then believe that his help is on the way listen god's name says it all i am i am you say i'm just not strong enough god says i am your strength you say i'm just not uh i just can't see how it's all going to work out god says i am preparing your future you say i can't seem to get any traction or to make any progress god says i am moving and i am working you say i can't control the outcomes god says i'm working all things together for your good you say i have no idea how it's going to work out god says i am making all things new you say i just don't know if i'll ever be able to handle what comes god says look i am with you always you say i can't see a way that gets better god says i am your guide you say i can't guarantee that we'll have what we need in the future god says i am your security you say i'm scared for my health and for my life god says i am the resurrection and the life you say i'm just so unsettled by everything i see going on in our country god says i'm the king of kings i'm the lord of lords i am sovereign i'm in control i'm still saving people i'm still blessing people i'm still seeing my plans through i'm still for you and i'm still with you i'm the one who was and is and is to come i'm the alpha and the omega i'm the beginning and the end i am the way the truth and the life i am and so i'm preaching to myself today i'm preaching to myself as i hope i'm preaching to you some of us all including me we just need to step back and remember god all right god is god is the great i am and i'm not i'm not in control i'm not alone i'm not enough but i don't have to be because i am is with me and that anxiety is an invitation to give god the things that you cannot handle how do you move on when anxiety shuts you down when you think i won't be able to handle it shift your focus from yourself to god don't say who am i but instead take confidence in the great i am listen to what god says over what others think and work on pleasing him in your life and believe that help is on the way god is already working on that thing that has you worried you say i won't be able to handle it hey that's okay you were never meant to anxiety is your invitation to give god the things you can't handle maybe you're here today and maybe you've never crossed that line of faith and if that's where you're at i'd love to give you an opportunity just to come and place your faith and your trust in jesus christ to ask him to move and work in your life the bible says if you place your faith and trust in jesus that you'll receive the gift of eternal life that god's spirit comes to dwell within you that you'll be forgiven for your past sins and mistakes that the rest of your life you can know you are never alone and that you can walk with a sense of confidence the bible also says that god will start moving and working in your life to fill you with new life the bible calls it a second birth a new beginning that you can experience simply by placing your faith and your trust in jesus christ so if you'd like to accept him into your life today if you'd like to cross that line of faith i'd love to give you that opportunity and so i'm going to ask everybody to bow your heads and close your eyes and if you'd like to become a follower of jesus you can begin that journey by repeating a simple prayer after me either out loud or in your own heart and mind to say dear god i thank you for loving me thank you for sending jesus into the world i believe he died on the cross for my sins i believe he rose again forgive me for my sins give me the gift of eternal life help me face the challenges that i'm up against god i surrender my life to you in christ's name friends with every head bowed and every eye closed if that's your prayer today if it's your commitment i'm gonna ask you to just slip your hand in the air just to say before god you're gonna follow him in your life you're gonna trust him just slip your hand in the air and reach out to him today god i thank you for each person reaching out to you and i pray you'll fill them with your goodness your peace your love your joy we thank you for the opportunity to know you and to walk with you and to experience you in our lives i pray you fill every person here today with your hope for those reaching out to you give them a new beginning new life forgiveness and a new start and show them how good you really are we ask these things in christ's name amen let's put our hands together for those who made spiritual commitments in their life today and if you made a spiritual commitment i just want to tell you congratulations we're so excited for you we've created some resources that we think could be helpful to you uh we created a resource called how to follow jesus it's just kind of a daily guide for the next couple weeks to help you on the spiritual journey so if you just want to go to or just use that qr code if you're at one of our locations if it's on the seat around you or on the seat back in front of you and then click i've decided to follow jesus and we'll send that resource to you digitally it'll be helpful to you as you begin that spiritual journey well i want to thank you all so much for being here and let's put our hands together now for our location pastors who come out and close out our experience awesome that was awesome wasn't it thank you so much pastor judd that was fire this weekend so glad that you're joining us all of you from around the world thank you for being here if you raised your hand huge shout out to all of you congratulations on making the most important decision of your entire life we want to get that free resource into your hand that pastor judd mentioned just go to you don't need to know anything else type in your web browser central dot family then click that link i decided to follow jesus and there you're going to find the guide how to follow jesus it will change your life it will help build a foundation our team also would love to chat with you on that same link you can chat with our team they're standing by they want to encourage you to help you in any way but again high five to all of you who raised your hand absolutely congratulations and for those of you who have been around here at central we miss you we love you we want you to stay connected so go to find any of our websites or social media reach out to us let us know how you are doing how god is working and moving in your life and as usual we'd love to invite you next weekend to join us we go live on saturdays at 5 00 pm sundays at 8 a.m 10 a.m 12 p.m pacific standard time and we always remember one thing that we close out our experience with right it's romans 8 if god is for us who can be against us thanks for watching and keep showing up see you next week
Channel: Central Church
Views: 1,472
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: central church, central online, central live, drew bodine, it's okay to not be okay, pastor jud wilhite, jud wilhite, Sermons, online church, outta my mind, out of my mind, i won't be able to handle it, series, teaching, message, god, covid-19, election
Id: Xkcv61Yj-gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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