Lie #1 “I’m Done!” | Jud Wilhite | Central Church

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welcome everybody nice to see you today so glad you're here thankful and uh man excited to share with you some uh teaching that i hope brings some hope and encouragement to you have you ever just said at any point in your life i'm done just like i'm done i'm done with this i'm done with this situation i'm done with this thing you just you've had enough it's like a line in the sand i remember my wife lori homeschools our youngest son and has for several years as he navigates some things and at one point in the midst of homeschooling i sort of came home and they had been in an argument over school and i walked in and laurie said just so you know ethan's door is off the hinges and i remember like what she goes yeah his door's off the hinges i i went up and took the door off the hinges i'm done and she's like are you upset about that and i said i think it's awesome and then she and i and i looked at her and i said didn't you ever i mean it's a rite of passage man every kid's got to get the door there you know my doors were always off i said you never had your doors off she looked at me she goes i never had my doors pulled off the hinges when i was a kid i'm like we come from different places right she was done she was done i saw some things on social media i thought were pretty funny just people who are done one person for all of you homeschooling online learning teachers and parents this next week this person says i need a math nerd to solve the following problem i make my son a peanut butter sandwich i cut it diagonally into two triangles however he wants squares come on somebody if he weighs 55 pounds how much force is needed to launch him into the sun right they're done with snack time we're done with the whole thing already right that's where we are okay here's one more i thought this was funny my husband just walked in he told the dog how cute he is and how much he loves him he held his face in his hands he stared into his eyes and gave him four head kisses and then he left the room i'm sitting right next to the dog come on ladies she's she's done right and he's going to be done that's really then i saw this i just thought this was funny this is uh posted near a public restroom snake's active in this area please flush before use i don't know about you but if i see this sign i'm done man i don't need to go i'll just hold it i'm good i'm not messing with that but we all get to these places in our lives where we just say i'm done i know during this pandemic we've all had some i'm done kind of moments i definitely have mine i remember you know at one point i kept trying to figure out the right sort of longer term plan for central and trying to figure out how we're going to lead through this thing come on all you leaders and business people you're trying to get you know long-range planning and mid-range planning and and short-range planning and then i remember a moment kind of in the midst of it all where i finally just threw my hands up and said i'm done man i'm done long-range planning is like a month month and a half right short rate mid-range planning is a couple weeks and and short-rage planning is you know tomorrow i just can't figure it out i'm done um how many of you had a moment where you said i'm done with the news i tell you i i definitely had a moment where you know i watched you know i watched one news story and you know this thing is bad and all this and then a good thing happens and then immediately this other news story comes out on that good thing and how the good thing is now bad and i'm like all right i'm done i'm done with this right you know you just get done um we just had enough different things in our lives when the pandemic started we had all this video equipment in our house in case we couldn't leave our house so i could record for the church and it was in our house for like i don't know four months it was we're tripping over wires and there's cameras and there's gear and there's lighting stuff everywhere i remember i finally walked in and i'm like i am done we're done and lori was done how many of you are married to somebody you're done with their attitude you know what i'm saying yeah lori's been done with me for a long time in my attitude i'm working on it i've been working on it i've been doing better so but we get to these moments where we just have had enough and that's okay but the challenge is when all of our disappointments and frustrations and difficulties layer on one another and we move from just saying you know i'm done with whatever this is in my life to feeling like we're done as people we start to feel like we're finished like god's not going to show up like hope isn't coming on the horizon like my life is over i'm done and that's a dangerous place to be in our life and it's really a lie that gets planted in our minds that begins to grow and have a tremendous impact and i want to encourage you today because no matter how done you feel listen god is not done with you no matter how done you feel god is not done with you and so we're kicking off a brand new teaching series called out on my mind and we're going to be talking about some things that we need to get out of our minds or they're going to drive us out of our minds right and we're going to be diving in looking at some lies that we often believe especially in seasons like the one we're in in fact we'll bring some up here on the screen we're going to talk about the lie today i'm done i'm finished it's over for me we're going to talk about the lie i'm on my own the lie that things can only get worse that i can't do it all that i won't have enough that people are the problem that i won't be able to handle it that my faith isn't strong enough just these things that we need to get out of our mind before they drive us out of our mind and to do it today as we look at this whole idea of i'm done i want to go back with you to first kings chapter 19 to a scene from the prophet elijah's life elijah was a prophet of god to the nation of israel incredible powerful spiritual person he had just had one of the greatest victories of his life which we'll talk about in a minute but he finds himself the next day on the run because the queen of the land basically issues a death threat against him so people are now kind of out for his life so elijah flees the city he's alone he's running for his life he's come off this huge high that he just had and now it feels like everything has kind of gone sideways and so here's what we read first kings chapter 19 beginning in verse four when we get to the red word down here if you just say it out loud here uh real loud with me i appreciate that it says this uh when he went on alone into the wilderness traveling all day he sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die i have had what enough i've had enough lord he said listen if you haven't been at this place in your life well just keep living because it's very likely that you will most of us at some point or another in our life come to a place where we're just done we're exhausted we're worn out we don't have anything left and this is elijah this incredible person of god he sits down under this little tree it's pretty pathetic isn't it you know and he's like god just take me out man i'm finished i don't know how to move forward and if it can happen to him it can happen to us so what do we do when we start to feel like we're just finished and there's no hope and we're done a couple thoughts for you one is we've got to remember god's victories in our life we have to remember god's victories in our life um you know i was talking to my son we actually cleaned my son's room a couple weeks ago it was uh man it was like a amazing experience honestly pulling out dirt that had to be years old if you know what i'm saying stuck behind some things then it was something else but i kept trying to throw things away and one of the things that i kept trying to uh to you know get rid of was all his little knick-knack things you know and he had this little car that he and his grandfather had built together and it had his little ribbon on it and he won first place with this car that he and his grandfather built together so the car was huge for him i'm like i'm like well let's you know we want to move it to the closet or we want to kind of move it over he's like no no no you don't mess with the car you move whatever you want but the car stays on the shelf because the car reminds me of the victory we need some things in our life that remind us of god's victory in our life we need some things in the valley that remind us of all that god has done on the mountain because elijah right before this moment when he feels hopeless he had had some pretty incredible mountain kind of experiences on mount carmel just two days before there had been like a showdown between the prophets of the god baal of the that a lot of the people of the land were starting to worship and the god of israel and elijah the prophet's there and there are 450 prophets of baal that are there they built this huge altar they got wood and then stones around it and the the kind of the throwdown was this that the prophets of baal would pray to their god and elijah would pray to the god of israel and whoever was the true god would rain down fire on the altar and burn it up so that was kind of the match right and so they all sort of line up and elijah says you guys go ahead the prophets of baal get to go first so here's the 450 prophets of baal they start praying they start dancing eventually this goes on for hours and hours and hours they start chanting they start cutting themselves it's getting desperate now right we're getting hardcore man they're bleeding out cutting themselves praying to their god bring fire down do the whole deal and this is what i love and this is actually in the bible you can read this but elijah starts trash chalking them he's trash talking them like they're on the basketball court and they're just going after one another he says hey where's your god now was he asleep do you go for a trip and then the greatest line in the old testament he says is he in the bathroom taking care of business can't get free no lie i look it up i'm not making this up man elijah just it's kind of shocking it's like dude you said you said that but he's trash talking because this throw down time nothing happens so then elijah kind of steps up he doesn't cut himself or you know uh go through this whole thing he just prays that the god of israel would show up and reveal himself and fire falls from heaven and consumes the altar and as soon as it happens all the people that had gathered there saw it which was kind of elijah's prayer and hope and we see this in first kings chapter 18 verse 39 it says and when all the people what you see this saw it they saw it they witnessed it they fell face down on the ground they cried out the lord he is god yes the lord is god so elijah's thinking dude we're about to have a full-blown revival god is going to move the people just saw it the god of israel is the true god stop worshiping baal stop worshiping all this other stuff focus on god look it's gonna happen it's gonna go down and then the next day he finds out there's a death threat on his life from the queen and he's on the run and that's when he sits under that tree and he says god i'm finished i'm done listen when things are difficult and things are hard we got to remember the same god who gave you the victory on the mountain is with you in the valley the same god that gave you victory on the mountain is with you in the valley even when you're lonely he's working even when you feel lost he's working even when you feel defeated he's working even when nothing is working he's working right yeah look even when you feel forgotten he's working even when his plans are too big for you to see he's working even when you lose control he's working even when you get bad news he's working even when you're waiting he's working even when you're worrying he's working even when you can't see how it'll work out he's working nothing can stop him nothing can can delay him nothing can confuse him and nothing can surprise him he's working today he'll be working tomorrow he will complete the work that he began and you listen he's working all things together for good for those who are called according to his purpose i'm getting kind of fired up now you guys you guys feeling this my my daughter this morning my daughter's like dad why you so excited i said girl it's church sunday morning i'm fired up anyway some of you may feel like you're done right now and i'm there been there and i'll be there again but when you feel that way remind yourself of god's victories in your life remind yourself of the things that he did and other seasons for you how he worked in your life how he helped you when you had nowhere else to go how he saved you even though you weren't worth saving how he redeemed you and restored you how he pulled your family back together or your heart back together or your sanity back together how he saw you through the dark night don't forget that just because it may be dark right now remember god's victories that's how we push back on the lie that we're done here's another thought and that is to fight the whirlpool fight the whirlpool now when my son ethan was little a little toddler he just loved flushing things down the toilet he loved it man there was something about like hitting that button and then watching the water go around right and then you know watching the things swirl and then like watching his sister's toy disappear forever like i think he just and then when he the longer he did it and he'd get in trouble and he was really little could barely understand things he could talk but but you know he he loved i think that it was wrong and he knew it was wrong and it was like it's happening anyway he could actually control it so anyway he flushed so many things he flushed and i know this because i dug them out they all get stuck in the toilet you know and i have to go in and disassemble the toilet take it off the base i actually kept wax rings on stock in my garage because i got so sick of paying plumbers i just go grab one of those suckers throw it down boom pastor judd man get it done i got i got plumber in me mount that toilet and i'm good to go i could dig all kinds of stuff out toys sunglasses i remember that once uh dull little dolls i don't know how he got that thing up in there you know just amazing right all kinds of stuff he loved to flush but we had all these conversations about it and finally i got him to a place where he said i'm never gonna do it again i'm not gonna you know i worked really hard to get there then i go to one of the toilets and i flush it and it's immediately clogged and i'm like oh it's it's on and i had enough i was done so i was going around the house and and uh trying to find him i couldn't find him anywhere and finally i went back into that same bathroom and i pulled the shower curtain back and he was right there he never even left the scene of the crime little kid got his diaper on you know like right there his little lips quivering because he's probably never seen his dad this mad you know like he doesn't even know what all this means and i just remember saying ethan why why why do you keep flushing things down the toilet he looked at me and he goes dad sometimes i want to do what's good but i just do what's bad and i had that moment of like oh i relate to that i remember i sat down on the toilet and i'm like i didn't even get onto him because i was like man that was a good answer he doesn't even know how good that was i think all of us understand what it is to feel a pull to things in our life that aren't healthy and the behaviors in our life that aren't healthy and particularly when we're going through a difficult time like the one we're in now when there's a lot of uncertainty when it's hard and frustrating it's been going on for months and we aren't sure exactly what's coming next there is a pull in our lives towards unhealthy thoughts that can have a lot of negative energy in our lives it's almost like a whirlpool that builds steam in our lives and starts to swirl around and kind of take us down and i think this is part of what elijah went through and you could you could kind of visualize the pull of that whirlpool like this uh maybe you had a bad moment like elijah had a bad moment and more than one um or or you have bad feelings right and then they kind of kind of result in bad thoughts or you have bad thoughts that result in bad feelings but all these things start working together and you're like man you know god isn't god doesn't love me nobody's here for me i'm all alone it's all going to be up to me things are never going to change things are never going to be different and then those bad thoughts lead to sort of really bad assumptions which leads to these really dark conclusions i'm done i'm finished there's no hope for me and i think that's part of what happened to elijah first of all he goes on alone right we saw that he left community he's traveling on on his own and his thoughts are playing like jezebel's put a death threat out on me nothing's gonna change man we just saw this amazing spiritual moment but god um even though he showed up in a big way people aren't going to lean into him they're not going to believe in him i've failed i'm not the prophet i should be i'm not the person i should be and some of you are professionals you are professionals at being hard on yourself got real quiet there for a second didn't he you're really good at it you're so good at it you don't even realize when you're doing it anymore it's just always happening right like are you so hard on yourselves you know and um i think all of this is pulling into that whirlpool in elijah's life to bring him to that place of just being like i'm done i'm finished here's what we read first kings 19 verse 4 after he says you know i've had enough elijah basically says to god take my life for i am what know better you see that i'm no better than my ancestors who have already died he's like just take me out god i'm finished now interesting in this moment of depletion and exhaustion god does a couple different things that can give us some insight into how we fight back in this kind of a moment one thing we learned from elijah's story is that we can fight back with food let's uh go to this next slide we can fight back with food some of you are like what yeah like elijah hadn't eaten in two days and one of the things that you see in this moment is god comes to him an angel comes to him in this moment and gives him food so basic so simple but this is your license to eat more okay there you go um some of you're like i got no problem fighting back with food i got that cove at 30 you know at this point and we're even going north from there but the idea is you got to eat you got to take care of yourself physically because the physical part of our lives is connected to the spiritual part of our lives they don't just live in totally different spheres and so first thing we see elijah do is he eats you know what happens after he eats he's exhausted he falls asleep so you can fight back with rest let's bring this up second point fight back with rest uh when it comes to rest in our lives we need to be uh just cautious and aware if we're in this sort of negative whirlpool of thoughts and emotions and experiences and we're not eating well we're not resting well it a bit you know it may have been um two days really since elijah got a significant amount of rest and he had come off this huge high that was incredible but a high is still exhausting right it takes it out of you so he's just emotionally spent so he eats you know what he does then he sleeps then when he wakes up he eats again and he sleeps again the dude's exhausted he gets up he just keeps eating and sleeping he's just resting trying to get ready for what's next and then we can fight back with truth interesting thing about elijah's case is i think in this moment he feels like he's done he thinks he's finished it's over some of you have been there at some point in the last few months but look he wasn't done he was actually just at halftime like he still had half of his life to go he still had a huge amount of ministry ahead of him and god comes the angel comes to him and basically gives him food encourages them to rest and and he says because you need to be prepared for what god has next for you listen this is a word for somebody it's a tough season it's a hard valley right now and some of you you think you're done but it's only half time what god wants to do in your heart right now in this season is get you ready for what he has for you in the future he wants to get you ready for what's coming around the corner elijah thinks he's done but it's just a new beginning right he thinks it's the last chapter but it's just a chapter in the whole story of what god is doing and listen friends we're in something right now but it is not the last chapter of the story god is writing in our lives it's only a chapter it's only a chapter and it may be hard and brutal and you may have ups and downs like you never experienced before and i don't want to take anything away from how hard that is but it's not the final chapter it is a chapter so we got to fight back with truth i put together just a list of lies that we often get pulled into in this whirlpool that starts to build emotionally in our hearts and then paraphrase some scriptures to just push back on those lies some things that can bring encouragement to you so listen when you hear i'm all alone remember that god says i will never abandon you you gotta hang on to his truth and his word when you hear everything is ruined remember god says i can do more than you can thank or imagine when you hear it'll never work out remember god says is anything too hard for me listen when you hear no one has a plan sometimes it feels like no one has a plan right now right listen remember god says i know the plans i have for you when you hear i don't matter remember god says i made you on purpose and for a purpose when you hear no one is looking out for me remember god says no one who puts their faith in me will ever be put to shame when you hear no one cares about me remember that god says nothing can separate you from my love when you hear that no one listens to me remember god says i hear your prayers and i know what you need when you hear it's all over remember that god says look i am already doing a new thing when you hear i can't change remember god says i will complete the work i began in you when you hear i'm not strong enough remember god says i will be your strength when you hear the worst is on the way you remember that god says the best is yet to come you got gotta turn that whirlpool of defeat into a whirlwind of hope come on somebody you gotta flush the lies before they flush you you gotta fight that whirlpool then a third thought is simply this and that is to begin again to begin again elijah has this moment he rests and then he needs clarity and he goes on a 40-day trek to a very famous mountain where god had met moses so he's looking for clarity he's looking for insight into what god wants him to do he's been through his own personal crisis and he gets to this cave and he goes to this cave and there's this huge like windstorm that comes down on the region and he sees this windstorm and i don't know if you've ever stood outside when it's just crazy you know windy and you know this and you're just you kind of like whoa it's like the power of god right there in front of you right the interesting thing is the bible says he sees this windstorm but god wasn't in the windstorm and then it says there's there was an earthquake but god wasn't in the earthquake and then there was fire but god wasn't in the fire which is particularly fascinating because 40 days before god showed up in the fire but in this moment god was not in the fire and then this is what we read there's a point first kings chapter 19 verse 12 it says after the fire there was the sound of a gentle what whisper a gentle whisper and when elijah heard it he wrapped his face in his cloak and he went out and stood at the entrance of the cave why did he do that because there's a teaching in the old testament of the bible that you can't see the face of god the full glory of god and live and god came to him not in the fire not in the earthquake not in the windstorm but in the gentle whisper and i think there's a powerful lesson for us right now we always want god to show up in big extreme ways and he will move in your life on the mountain he can move in your life in the valley but most of our lives are lived in the plains right there's a town where i first told laurie that i loved her outside of amarillo texas it's called plain view let me tell you man it's the plainest view you've ever seen in your life it's just flat land man there's nothing there and so it was there in a mcdonald's parking lot that those incredible romantic words just came out of my heart and soul i love you we went back and visited that mcdonald's and it was a mcdonald's but most of our lives are lived on the flat land right on the plains between the extremes and we're often looking for god to move in huge big ways but the good news is god's teaching elijah hey you don't have to go do all this stuff to hear from me i've been speaking to you through my small gentle whisper every day i'm in the everyday things of your life i'm in the dirty dishes i'm in the like hanging out in the living room i'm in the kitchen stuff of your life i'm the gentle whisperer that can i'm sorry you cough in this day and age it's like whoa you okay i'm all right i'm all right everybody it's okay it's clearing my throat all good i did that on a plane no lie on a plane a couple weeks ago and i was like really everybody i'm okay everybody's like i need to request uh move get out of this seat on the plane um where's that time about oh it was good it's come it's coming to me but god is in the everyday stuff you know just the normal moments the quiet moments in the morning right uh you know the the the moments before you go to bed at night as you head out into your day he's present he's near and it doesn't have to be a big moment to hear from god and the way he shows up in elijah's world in this moment i think is a reminder of how he can show up in ours so my encouragement to you is if you think you're done right now listen i want you to lean into a couple things remember what god has already done in your life remember those victories and then fight back on that pull to just sort of go down and down and down in your thoughts push back on that with the truth of god's word remember who he is and what he has done for you and then realize that you can begin again even today god's spirit is available he wants to move and work in your life look even a day if you feel defeated even if you're tired even though you may feel like it's too little too late here's my encouragement start praying again right start trusting again start believing again start serving again start forgiving again start dreaming again start laughing again start living again because it is never too late to begin again you're not done you're not finished yet listen your story isn't finished your life isn't over your calling is not canceled your mission is not mangled your purpose isn't poison your destiny is not derailed your dreams aren't dead you serve a god who knows you you have a savior who sees you you have an advocate who guides you you have a spirit who strengthens you you have a future listen and that future is in christ himself it's one he's preparing for you you're not dead yet so you're not done yet keep going don't give up don't give in even if it's hard get the lies out of your mind or you will go out of your mind but replace them with god's truth listen even if you feel like you're done god isn't done with you he is not done with you turn the person next to you and say god isn't done with you i know for some of you that was a long look god's not done with you he's not finished so each week over the next several weeks we're going to take one of these lies we're going to talk about how we can push back on it with the truth of god's word and keep those things out of our minds so we can walk in his victory in his peace maybe you're here today and maybe you've never crossed the line of faith i'd love to just give you an opportunity to reach out to god and to trust him in your life the bible says if you place your faith in your trust in christ if you believe in him you'll be forgiven you'll receive the gift of god's spirit you'll receive the hope of eternal life implanted in you you become part of a church family a community you realize that god is with you every step of the way it's amazing and it's available to you in fact i want to invite you to just repeat a simple prayer after me either out loud or in your own heart to just ask god to show up and move and work in your life would all of you please bow your heads and close your eyes and if you'd like to become a follower of jesus today just repeat after me to say dear god i thank you for loving me thank you for sending jesus into the world i believe he died on the cross for my sins i believe he rose again forgive me for my sins give me the gift of eternal life help me face the challenges that i'm up against god i surrender my life to you in christ's name friends with every head bowed and every eye closed if that's your prayer today it's your commitment i want to ask you to just slip your hand in the air just to say before god and to say to me you're going to follow him you're gonna trust him in your life today just slip your hand in the air god bless you guys let's reach out to him today thank you god we thank you for your love i thank you for each person just reaching out to you trusting you today i pray you'll fill their life with your goodness with your hope uh with your spirit with your forgiveness we thank you we praise you in christ's name amen let's put our hands together for those who made spiritual commitments in their life today if you made a spiritual commitment i just want to tell you congratulations i want to encourage you to go to on your web browser of your mobile device or your computer later and just click the link i've decided to follow jesus we'd love to send you a free resource called how to follow jesus along with along with some other materials that i think will make a huge difference in your life [Music] you
Channel: Central Church
Views: 3,392
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: central church, central online, central live, drew bodine, it's okay to not be okay, pastor jud wilhite, jud wilhite, Sermons, online church, im done, lies, crazy, madness, over, outta my mind
Id: 1g81xwJGzH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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