Leviticus 26 - 27 (Bible Study) Pastor Daniel Batarseh

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Leviticus chapter 26 beginning in verse 1 you shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it for I am the Lord your God you shall keep my Sabbath's and reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord let's pray together father thank you for the Book of Leviticus as you have faithfully led us through this book and as we come to a conclusion in it we pray for your grace and mercy that is the same way you have so skillfully ended the commands found in this book to challenge the people of Israel would we take heed to the same challenge and Lord as we enter into the Book of Numbers give us the strength and the focus to receive what you have for us in this overview we give you praise and glory in the name of Jesus we pray amen you may be seated if you've been with us in the past few weeks we have been journeying through the Book of Leviticus and for many believers that seems intimidating but my prayer and it's been our prayer really is I the Lord would have spoken to us through this book that there's so much in there and if you were with us last week we explored the the seven feasts that the Lord has instituted and how those feasts speak prophetically of Christ the first four already being fulfilled through his first ministry and his first coming in the last three speaking of what is yet to be fulfilled in his ministry in his second coming and really this is just a challenge for all of us to to ask the Lord what the psalmist prayed in Psalms 119 Lord opened my eyes that I may behold the wondrous things out of your law law he said he didn't have the epistles he says let me see what you want me to see in the law and you pray that prayer every time you open this book no matter what book it is including Leviticus and you can be sure that the Holy Spirit will assist you he will and now we've come here to live it again chapter 26 where the Lord skillfully lays out a simple challenge to the people after all the things that he is command in the nitty-gritty details and the big things like the feast he's come down to lay before his people life and death and really it's something that you and I have to ask ourselves when we come to this book or if you're in here and you have never given your life to Jesus you have to make the same decision or if you've given your life to Jesus but you feel like you're still Lord of your life to some degree you still have to make a decision based on what we're gonna read here and so what is what is the Lord doing here the Book of Leviticus as it ends and close this year well he's really just telling them hey listen you can either obey and hear the blessings for obeying or you can disobey and hear the punishments for disobeying and what we see here in verse 3 of Leviticus Leviticus 23 26 rather is the blessings for obedience and what we can get out of this short chapter here is two things one we're gonna understand the heart of God we've been saying this since we started Bible study but we'll just say it again that if you really want to receive revelation from any text in the Bible ask this question what is God's heart behind this what is this say about the God that I serve if you ask that question continually you can come to a book like this and you can receive revelation and secondly we're gonna see how the neglect of text such as this can really robbed us of Revelation other texts that they're tucked in truths in this very chapter in this book that can literally robbed us because of our lack of duty of being faithful to the whole Word of God what did Paul say Timothy not some scripture all Scripture is god-breathed verse 3 if you walk in my statutes and observe my Commandments and do them verse 4 then I will give you your reigns in their season and the land shall yield its increase and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit your threshing shall last the to the time of the grape harvest and the grape harvest shall last the time for sowing and you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land securely well 4 and 5 what does he promise here he promised process prosperity he promises provision in the physical sense he says you obey and I'll take care of the crops I'll take care of everything concerning what you need to eat and everything concerning your necessities will be met that should be motivating enough no but he goes on he has more to say he says here in verse 6 I will give peace in the land and you shall lie down a nun shall make you afraid and I will remove harmful beasts from the land and the sword shall go now go rather through your land second thing is peace first thing was prosperity the second thing is peace nothing will come against you nothing will make you afraid you will dwell in your land with security with assurance what's with confidence and you would think there should be enough he has more to say verse 7 you shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword 5 of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword the third thing here is power power prosperity peace power he's saying here listen I'm gonna give you some supernatural fear in the light of your enemies then when you pursue them even if there's a handful of you it would chase away hundreds you think that's enough I know the Lord has more to say I will turn to you make you fruitful and multiply you will confirm my covenant with you you shall eat also old store long kept and you shall clear out the old to make way for the new here's the last thing verse 11 I will make my dwelling among you and my soul shall not abour you and I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt that you should not be their slaves and I have broken the bars of your yoke and made you walk erect prosperity or provision peace power and the climax of his blessings is my presence and I would walk among you that you would know something of my nearness that we will do this journey thing together and you will know it well now out of all those things which do you think is the most motivating in light of the New Covenant by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit when the Apostle Paul the same way the Lord here in this context is trying to motivate the Church of Jesus Christ to live a holy and set apart life a lifestyle of obedience which do you think out of all the things that we just read here that the Apostle Paul pull out of in order to motivate his Saints we find it in 2nd Corinthians 6 and that famous passage about not being unequally yoked in 2nd Corinthians 6:16 look what Paul says what agreement has the temple of God with idols for we are the Temple of the Living God as God said I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them and I will be their God and they shall be my people out of all the things that we read he actually takes part of the Leviticus chapter that we just read here and out of all those things the Holy Spirit says what will be the greatest motivation for the New Testament church to live holy prosperity so much emphasis of that today power peace from enemies everything going well in the physical sense remember the emphasis of blessing in the Old Testament is always physical blessing and the emphasis in the New Testament Ephesians tells us a spiritual blessing and today we have so many that have switched that today we have switched that and many of our messages unfortunately we have a lot of people who claim to be in the New Covenant when they're really Old Testament Saints and the preaching Old Covenant stuff my presence that if you choose to live that life completely consecrated unto me what will you have as a reward he pulls leviticus 20:6 out and he says I will walk amongst you what is your motivation for holiness what is your motivation to live a pure life before God is it Lord I want your nearness is it Lord I want to know what it's like to walk humbly with you is it Lord I want to know your whisper is it Lord I want to do this life day by day with you many Christians don't want that they want the prosperity they want the peace in the sense of just things going well they want power they won't recognize and they want status very few want presence very few want to know the nearness of God's heart let it be known tonight that it doesn't matter what you have in this life if you go through this life unknown by men if you go through this life with pennies in your bank account there's one thing greater than anything else and that is knowing that Jesus Christ is walking with you you can be living in an igloo or in a bachelor pad if you know that Christ is living with you and in you and through you there's no greater reward in this life you want to fight sin fight it with this motivation Lord I don't want to do anything that would harm or grieve or hinder the maximum knowledge of you and your person in my life wonderful blessings but we shall we have to understand that we have to realize the kindness and the severity of God according to Romans 11 verse 14 tells us the punishments for disobedience and though it's true that it is in the context of the Israelites and these are very foreign to us concerning consequences there is still a principle here but if you verse 14 will not listen to me and will not do all these Commandments if you spurn my statutes and if your soul abhorred my rules so that you will not do all my Commandments but break my covenant then I will do this to you now we're not gonna read all this but if you read this chapter carefully what you will see is a cycle look at verse 18 and if in spite of this you will not listen to me then I will discipline you again Sevenfold for your sins now look at verse 21 then if you walk contrary to me and will not listen to me I will continue striking you Sevenfold for your sins look at verse 23 and if by this discipline you were not turned to me but walk contrary to me then I will also walk contrary to you and I myself will strike you Sevenfold for your sins then look at verse 27 but if in spite of this you will not listen to me but walk contrary to me then I will continue walk contrary to you what is he trying to say if you read this carefully is that if you continue to walk away from the Lord it is just a downward cycle and spiral from there that's what he's trying to say here that these punishments to some degree intensify by the longevity in the distance of one's rebellion of turning wholeheartedly to the Lord I speaking to his people he's not speaking to the world and if you're gonna take any principle though these punishments are so specific concerning a land and not having rain that that's irrelevant to us but the principle is still true that the longer you walk in disobedience if you've truly even been changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ you can still walk into so biddy ins unfortunately the more you will realize misery and even destruction in your life it's so true and there's this one verse personally I'm going through the book of Hosea I after coming to the end of Hosea I just need to read this again and going through Hosea just realizing the love of God and pursuing a backslidden people and that same book he says the backslidings of my people are many it's such a grieving it's such a wonderful book and is such a heartbreaking book at the same time but there's one verse that so popped out to me that I just have to keep reading it and keep writing it down and keep writing it down over until it just embedded in my mind embedded in my mind Hosea 2:7 speaking about this backslidden people and he's speaking about how at one point they will come to this realization concerning their decisions then she shall pursue her lover's and not overtake him then she shall seek them but not find them then she shall say I will return and go back to my first husband because it was better for me then than now that many people in this room tonight guess what I have no idea where your heart is with God only God knows and yes your fruit can show it but turning away from the Lord does not just happen all for a sudden it starts in the heart it starts with your meditations it starts with your lack of discipline and there's no knowing of where you can go from there but if you in this place through the Book of Leviticus in this Bible study because we're not just looking for information here we won't got this do not take it from Hosea take it from Leviticus that if you are you are just entertaining a lifestyle or entertaining a decision that you know is contrary to the will of God know this you will be greatly disappointed a greatly disappointed oh it seems good it's packaged nicely you might think that you can get away with the consequence but know this can I know of some Christians that are right now in a backslidden state you know what all you need to do is look at them and you can see the misery on their face don't make decisions in your life don't have to go through this cycle until you realize that it's so much better to be with him it's so much better to have all of them than some of him what do you need to do to realize that don't go and make decisions only having to realize that after you taste the bitterness of sin and it's so much better to be in his presence some of you here are in college some of you in here a high school going to college take it from somebody who's been through college young ones it's so much better to be married to him into this world oh yes I remember being in high school and all those college guys came back when they were older and telling us about the campus life bro oh yeah oh you're gonna live on campus oh and frosh week and frost week and yeah you have a week of it then you have a whole life of regretting it oh they don't tell you they don't tell you about the parties also tell you about the drink I also tell you about all the things that you can do they won't tell you about the date rapes they won't tell you about the drugs that have been planted in people's drinks they won't tell you about the sleepless nights they won't tell you about the people that are vomiting their guts out they won't tell you about the people who have overdosed they won't tell you about those who is so given themselves in their bodies to sin that they are forever scarred unless the Lord Jesus Christ comes in and heals them from the inside out they won't tell you the people in Hosea have come to a place where they realize you know all these idols and all the things that we've given ourselves to it was so much better to be with the Lord and I can tell you as so much better to be in the house of God on a Friday night then lining up to go into a place filled with debauchery and filth and confusion so we see this cycle and they go down and they go down and they go down but in a very practical sense many of the things that the people of Israel experience is found in the overview of Leviticus chapter 26 so here's an example maybe you've you've read this we we've seen judges and you start to see how after the Joshua generation there's just this this generation does not know the works of the Lord it just goes down and you have these reforms here and there and then you go into first Kings and second Kings and then Jeremiah has these details a lot of those punishments a lot of those consequences that we see are found here in the the layout of God's promise and warnings and and this is the practical this is so important to read these things because you get answers in this book for things that you read later on in the scripture so here's an example you'd have to turn there you've probably read this if you read 2nd Kings and you probably have a big question mark on this story 2nd Kings 2:23 this is Elijah he went from there to Bethel and while he was going up on the way some small boys came out to the city and jeered at him saying go up you bald head have you read the story before the Bears and the boys they don't preach this one in sunday-school go up you bald head go up you bald head and he turned around and when he saw them he cursed them in the name of the Lord and two she bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the boys from there he went him interested past me that from there he went to Mount Carmel and from there you returned to Samaria for the longest time I read this text and I says what is going on so you have this group of kids and you probably think they're like Sunday school age they come out and they see this prophet clearly Elijah has no hair and if saying go up you bald head go up your bald head and what's his response he turns around and says he curses them and these beards come out of nowhere and maus 42 of them meaning there was way more so I guess some of them got away look at that I go what is going on and there's so much in this and there's a time last year where there was weeks really dedicated to this study many things are going on here one this is just not part of the study but just a thought so you don't think there were little boys the word boy is used for a various Ainge range Joseph as seventeen was reference to as a boy in Genesis so they could have been late in their teenage years as well this reference go up you bald had to remember the context earlier on what happened with Ally John he went up to heaven the chariot of fire took him up and so what were they saying here coming out of Bethel get out of here we want nothing to do with the prophet of God also remember where these kids are coming from where they coming from Bethel they came out of Bethel Bethel is a specific place in the scriptures especially in light of that second Kings context first Kings 12 tells us that Bethel and Dan were central locations where Jeroboam put golden calves remember the division of the northern and the southern remember Israel was split up into two kingdoms when Jeroboam was in the the northern kingdom that the you know the tribes of Israel and Judah was a southern he set up idols in Bethel and Dan so Bethel was a key place of idolatry where people would come in worship so they came out of that location but what about the curse when he says he curses them and these bears come out of nowhere he's just like what has that's so specific the answer is found in leviticus 20:6 look at verse 22 this is part of the curses for disobedience what does he say here and I will let loose the wild beasts against you which shall bereaved you of your children and destroy your livestock and maybe and make you a few numbers so that your road shall be deserted there it is right there so this was part of the Covenant that they had made that if they were to walk in disobedience one of the curses would be that these wild beasts would let loose and they would Maul your children so there's the answer right there elijah did not come with a spontaneous curse idea and let these bears come and destroy these children no this was something that was written in the word and was fulfilled because of their continuous turning their backs on him second question this is just another incident just to show how this these texts answer how long was Judah not Israel because Assyria captive did they took Shirelles captives Judah who were they captivated by Babylon for how long seventy years 70 years now does anybody know why 70s a random number why 70 years it could have been a hundred years it can be 150 years why 70 prophecy of Jeremiah who said that they would be in captivity for seven years but where did Jeremiah get 70 years yes yeah it is in Leviticus oh you found the verse yeah what does it say 26 18 can you read it out for us okay so I see we're saying this is a Sevenfold idea but it's even more specific than that 7 years 7 years 7 years let go to Leviticus 25 verse 3 these are the laws concerning something called the Sabbath year we know the Sabbath week we know that there's a day take another week where you would rest but there was something called the Sabbath here what was the Sabbath you're about for six years you shall sow your field and for six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its fruits but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land a Sabbath to the Lord you shall not sow your field or prune your vineyard for six years work work work work on the seventh year every seven years you don't work which is interesting because I know some people that keep the Sabbath and they condemn Christians who don't keep the Sabbath and my question is if you keep the Sabbath day every week you keep the Sabbath year do you keep the Sabbath year do you work six years and then when you're off you do not work for a whole year it's my question to those who condemn Christians who don't keep the Sabbath second thought just what's the idea here here's the here's back in Leviticus 26 34 then the land shall enjoy its Sabbath's as long as it lies desolate while you are in your enemy's land then the land shall rest and enjoy its Sabbath's now you'd have to turn there but let me read this the connection between 70 years and the captivity of the nation of Israel was that they did not honor this commandment they did not keep the Sabbath year and so for every year they did not keep got to place them in captivity how do we know that listen to this verse don't have to turn that you can write it down though 2nd chronicles 36 21 to fulfill the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah until the land had enjoyed its Sabbath's all the days that it laid desolate it kept sabbath to fulfill 70 years what do we take out of these lessons just from this God is very specific with his word God is not forgetful of his word you and I can share things and we can tell things and we can forget it a week later God can write something down and hundreds of years later he will fulfill it to the tea God is very detailed he's very specific he will not forget which is very exciting a very terrifying just depending on how you respond to it it is an awesome thing to know that God will not forget his word that he will keep every promise that we will see not just mere coincidences when we call upon the name of Lord or walk in a certain direction or honor him in every aspect of life he will very much specifically answer that's what we take out of this I just think it's fascinating that after this was written and commanded hundreds of years later that people forgot but God did not forget God did not forget his word and that's a holy thing that's a glorious thing that's a that should make us tremble even as you read those text you go what's all that about it and we could have read through Leviticus and God is so specific you know why he doesn't tell us the answer there you know why the writer does say and this was the fulfilled Leviticus 26th so-and-so that if they didn't do this that because he wants us to know the word so that when we come to those text people I've read that somewhere and we make the connection isn't it so much more enjoyable when you make the connection and go and so it's a challenge for us to continually scale and dig and and go through these things in the scriptures to find these truths so then we come to the last verse of the Book of Leviticus what will the people do will they obey will they disobey verse 34 these are the commandments that the LORD commanded Moses for the people of Israel on Mount Sinai that's the location all these laws were given a Mount Sinai and now we come into the Book of Numbers
Channel: UE Church - Chicago
Views: 1,991
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Keywords: leviticus 27, Leviticus, bible, study, bible study, old testament, torah, moses, israel, daniel batarseh, Uec, ue church, united evangelical church, agape young adults services, ue church agape, christians, sermon, preaching, teaching, jesus, god, holy spirit, christ, christianity
Id: 39qfyXa4Zhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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