Zechariah 14 1 to 14 21

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good detail you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back in our father's word Minor Prophets we're gonna complete today hopefully that works out right the great book of Zechariah we're going to do Zack Orion chapter 14 you know I could teach the whole book of Revelation from this chapter because it it is threatenings to our enemy as well as Israel those that are misguided which in a sense make them akin to an enemy but it has to do with the Lord's Day you know what you want to understand when we speak of the Lord's Day you want to know how long a day with the Lord is the Lord's Day as it is written in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 7 name may not ignorant of this one thing that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years with men how long is a thousand years that's a millennium so the Millennium that we speak of after the change of bodies is the Lord's Day so you want to know what brings it to pass you want to know how it's going down you got it right here chapter 14 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father and it reads behold the day of the Lord cometh and you can count on it okay and I spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee the V is feminine and it has to do with Jerusalem if you want to know where the Antichrist is setting up his camp you got it right there in that verse right in the middle the spoil will be divided by the false messiah but the Lord's Day is coming and there will be an input to it verse 2 for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle I mean to war and the city shall be taken in the houses rifle and the women ravished and half of the city shall go forth into captivity and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city now you need to know spiritually what we're talking about here how does the how does the false messiah take over playing jesus how can you take over then playing Jesus he's got to act exactly as people would think Christ would well what is Christ going to do when he first comes back there's gonna be a wedding okay but a lot of people are going to think this is the Christ and they're gonna they're gonna wet him they're gonna wet Satan thinking it is Jesus just because he says he is that's what Mark thirteen Matthew 24 Luke 21 as well as many other places in the New Testament warn you this is the final threatening here as to what transpires there ravage because they are Christ wants you to remain as a chaste virgin these are not virgins and we're speaking spiritual here not physical because they chase around in horror after the false messiah verse three then shall the Lord go forth then at the seventh Trump he returns and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle now a lot of people try to come up with what day was this battle the the word battle here is kabob you doesn't mean just play around and there was only one time the Lord fought that hard and it was at the cuttable the first overthrow of Satan he's it's gonna happen again Satan's going into the pit things are going to change God is taking back over no ifs no ands no maybes war war from our Heavenly Father he's coming back and he he loves us and he's happy with us but boy I feel I pity those that he's angry at because his wrath is telling verse 4 and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountain the Mount of Olives half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the South simply means spiritually I mean what do you look at when you're standing on the Mount of the Mount of Olives you're looking across the valley of Kidron and you're looking right at the east gate and and that East Gate is so situated that if if if it were as if it were closed or open doesn't matter because this way is going to be made and as it is written in Matthew 24 when there was a local Lord look at these building look at this temple he said don't worry there's a day coming when there won't be left one stone standing atop another when his feet touched that Mount of Olives it will cleanse Mount Zion for the Millennium temple like it lump it won a war against it I don't think you'd want to be on that side it's going to happen it will be like the catapult that is bad my friend for the enemies of God it is wonderful for us that is the day we look forward to seventh from day of the Lord a way open for the Mount of Olives what was said in Acts chapter 1 when he ascended back to heaven that they would look and he would return in the same way where did he as thin from Mount Olivet which is the Greek for the Mount of Olives same place his feet shall return and he will take over big time verse 5 and ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains or the valley of the mountains or the nations shall reach unto as L there is no Iselle it's a new place yeh ye shall flee like as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of judah and the lord my god shall come and all the Saints with thee that was quite an earthquake remember we covered it back in Amos chapter 1 verse 1 it was so it was such a famous earthquake such as such a tragedy that they even remember it clear on through the captivity and after the captivity is still spoken up when when our Father gets upset to the point that he's going to take action that the command has issued execute then it shakes things up real big time but not to those he loves that's why you want to be on the rock that is unshakable and that rock is Christ it is the one that his feet touched the Mount of Olives he is the commander-in-chief of the Christian army and boy is he ready when that time comes we're getting closer closer and closer it's gonna happen in this generation I really believe that with all my heart why because it's the generation of the fig tree that's when he said it would happen Matthew chapter 13 mark ruther chapter 13 Matthew 24 verse six and it shall come to pass in that day what day the Lord's Day not maybe it shall come to pass that the light shall be it shall not be clear nor dark whoa wonder wonder what that means well it means that it's the Lord's Day and how long is a day with the Lord it's a thousand years and when he returns his brightness the spiritual brightness lights the world he is the light of the world we're in the daytime this was the this was the example and a type set forth when God stopped the Sun and set her back ten degrees where by man I can't remember the exact number a man would would have the rest of that day to complete a battle that's letting us know in that day we complete the battle naturally with God's help it's the Lord's Day there is no night there is no darkness as far as things on no one why because everybody has changed into a spiritual body verse seven but it shall be one day a millennium one day which shall be no one to the Lord not day nor night but it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light it continues right on I mean we can kick take names and kick dragon 24 by 24 seven times 24 there's no end to it the discipline will be taught in the millennium verse eight and it shall be in that day that Living Waters shall go out from Jerusalem half of them toward the farmers scene the dead sea and half of them toward behind er see the reed are most likely the Mediterranean in summer and in winter shall it be it's gonna be the same all the time okay okay God is with us it's going to happen things are going to change in the first place you must remember that at the very beginning when the order to execute goes forth that means the action bringing forth the Lord's Day what happens you've all read first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 through fifty two we instantly at the seventh Trump before this day really gets underway good this corruption which is to say this flesh body instantly puts on incorruption which means we step into our spiritual bodies away from these flesh bodies we put them to the side and therefore in that spiritual body do you think whether it was winter or summer or sun blaze it or not blazing that it would make any difference the temperature on your spiritual body of course not that that her flesh is perishable your spiritual body is not there's only one entity that can destroy your spiritual body and that is written of in Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 fear not those that can kill your flesh body but rather fear Him who can kill the flesh and also cause your soul to perish that means the spiritual that's our Father so kind of keep up with it okay keep up with the time and you'll better understand the scripture being as these things are described concerning this day what day the Lord's Day okay verse 9 and the Lord shall be king over all the earth King of Kings Lord of lords in that day shall there be one Lord and his name 1 that's it again like I said you can teach all of the book of Revelation from this one chapter he comes he comes not to be crucified this time he comes not this time writing a lowly ass he comes on that white steed ruling with a rod of iron discipline discipline discipline verse 10 and the land shall be turned as a plane from giba that's to the north okay think of it too Ramon that's the south that's is the south of Jerusalem and it shall be lifted up and inhabited in her place from north to south east to west all the way around from Benjamin's gate and inhabited in her place from Benjamin's gate unto the palace of the first gate and to the corner gate and from the tower of Hannah Neal y'all graciously gave unto the Kings wine presses this means all around all the way around the wall it's it's going to be turned the land shall be turned as a plain he's got he's gonna level it it's a cleansing beloved well wouldn't that be a little dangerous no not if you're in a spiritual body it's not verse 11 and men shall dwell in it and there shall be no more utter destruction but Jerusalem shall be faithfully inhabited do you know why we're taking over the gods children are taking over and God himself as it's written in the great 20th chapter of Revelation as it's written in the Old Testament in in Ezekiel chapter 28 38 rather and 39 God is the wall and nothing comes through that wall there will be at the end of the Lord's Day this day we're talking about there will be many infidels that will come at that wall God will make such quick work out of them they're going into the lake of fire and their King daddy's going in with them you know they're gonna have a lot of company and they will be no more as it is written in Ezekiel in the great acrostic rather of Psalms 37 they are turned to ashes and their smoke goes up forever and ever and ever fear not he that can destroy the flesh but at the second death he that can destroy your soul documentation again Matthew chapter 10 our fathers word is complete have you read it it tells you all things this tells you what happens on that day after that it's going to be safe in Jerusalem but it won't be safe anywhere for those that disobey God verse 12 and this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem their flesh shall consume away while they stand up on their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouths now this would first of all what is your time element involved here that is to say as a student of God's Word there is one word utilize that lets you know the time being discussed so that you know what tense were speaking flesh their their flesh shall consume the way that that means they're still in flesh bodies so the seventh Trump hasn't quite sounded but it is the seventh Trump that brings it to pass because after that there is no more flesh so what is it talking about here a change of bodies that's all it sounds real spooky doesn't it but all it's talking about is a change of bodies however however if this again I'm gonna repeat the scripture so that it's familiar to you Matthew chapter 10 God speaking fear not Christ was the one that delivered the message fear not those that can kill the flesh caused it to consume the way but rather fear he who can cause your soul that's your entity your being yourself he that can cause your soul to perish to just blot it out it doesn't exist any longer this kind of lets you know how that's gonna happen as well just I know that is not normally taught but then there's a lot of truth that is not normally taught if you do not quite understand that do not let it frighten you our Father loves his children and he takes care of his own set her on the Shelf verse 13 and it shall come to pass in that day again one day the Lord's Day the day we change into spiritual bodies that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor what are they gonna be fighting about like that but come on over to our house and have a little study brother how do you how's the Lord gonna do this all we're gonna fly away yes siree Bob you don't have to worry about the end we're gonna fly out of here well right the neighbor of the one that's teaching that stuff at this time is going to be very angry at them saying you misled me you're a false teacher you're a false prophet and now my soul nears Hell and it's your fault well I'm sorry to say it it's not it's not the false teachers fault because God sent this letter to everyone to read equally it's your fault that you allowed the neighbor to deceive you so don't don't get upset at your neighbor for teaching false stuff you stick to your father's word and study it with read it with understanding did you hear what I said you can read and read and read but if you read without understanding you're wasting your time read with understanding that means work on it until you understand see that you're not in this crowd that poor mean baby stuff that's trying to find a scapegoat Christ paid a price that we all can have salvation you don't need a scapegoat you don't need to blame somebody just blame yourself and get your act together verse 14 and Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem and the wealth of all the heathen that's to say the nations round about shall be gathered together gold and silver and apparel in great abundance Oh what's it fit for ok what we call valuable today how valuable will it be when we are transferred to after verse 12 into spiritual bodies make Purdy's you like Purdy's well I guess you could make pretties with it 15 and so shall be the plague of the horse of the mule of the camel and of the ass and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents as this plague each one of these each one of them is a beast of Commerce so you're gonna lose your horse you're gonna lose your mule you're gonna lose your camels you're gonna lose your ass because these things are no more of any value to us and who cares and the spiritual body our Father provides all these are again animals of traffic to peddle Goods he won't that's very serious my friend yours not not something you're supposed to come out of her don't forget that verse 16 and it shall come to pass not maybe it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which come against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles you want to hear that again and it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up form from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles the feast of harvest through the Millennium what is sacrificed through the Millennium you better get that straight in your mind there's no flesh there's no animals to sacrifice he doesn't burn ample animals anyway Hosea 6:6 he wants your love I want you to love him and for all he has done for us in protecting us in blessing us in giving us common sense you see the beauty of having common sense and our father's word you know like like even the people say well we have to make a living don't you know that if you serve God whatever you do to sustain your family you're going to be blessed at it and you'll have plenty anyway you don't have to deal all that much in commerce god knows what you have need of and he will add it on to you as long as you work okay you never have to worry God takes care of his own and how could you not go to a Feast of Tabernacles when it is the Feast of the harvest because it means you've had a good harvest if you're serving God verse 17 and it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the king to do what to worship the king to love him to understand what he is worth and to worship that that's what worship means the Lord of Hosts even upon them shall be no rain well what does it mean here but whosoever will not go up there be no rain well it's a little different kind of rain my friend than you might be accustomed to that water that runs from that stone that water that runs from Jerusalem that we read of earlier in this same chapter that water that which is the same water that Christ gave to the woman at the well when he said if you partake of this water you'll never thirst again meaning he is the living water and that comes from the throne as it is written in the millennium chapters in the great book of ezekiel in the closing chapters chapter 47 somewhere along and there where that water runs from under that temple the altar rather out to water the people if you you don't go close to God you don't have to worry he won't come looking for you in the Millenium that's it's your final threat Nina but you still have free will even in the Millennium to do as you choose I mean this document said those that refuse to come up wine they're too busy well yes I would I would like to go to that to God's give him a little respect but I be busy I'm a busy you don't understand I'm a very busy person Oh too busy for God that's interesting guess what he's too busy for you bye verse 18 and if the family of Egypt go not up and come not that have no rain they shall be the plate that there shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles its disciplined you know you will either learn to love our Father and you will do that through the Millennium when he when he's there it would be pretty you know the son will be I would think that any well let's just be real truthful about it if we're in the Millennium and everybody is in a spiritual body and they see the son it isn't a thing we're up for grabs as to you believe or not you can seem and if they refuse him then hey off with it let them go they're not worthy they need to die and as it is written they will as it is written in Revelation chapter 20 and do you know what it is called it is called the second death well what's the second death it's the death of the soul where he blots out a person if they don't love him when they can see him in person and see his blessings and know from whom all blessings flow they should die that's that we don't we don't let's put it this way God is putting together a family that must live together peacefully for the eternity and in doing that if you love him you will eat from the tree of life that never as it is written in Revelation chapter 22 in the first three verses for that you'll never this this doesn't translate properly but trust me in the Greek it's what it says that if you eat from that tree of life that you'll never you can't even get bored you can't get unhappy you just total satisfaction they'll miss all that one thing because that tree is not available in its finality until the day of the Lord is passed and we're into the next eternity verse 19 this shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all nations that come not up for the Feast of the Tabernacles verse 20 listen carefully in that day it's the Lord's Day in that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the Lord and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar it'll all be holy it'll all be blessed why he's with us he's there and if the son is there if the Lord is there all is put in his hand to judge though the full Godhead makes the final great white throne judgment and naturally everything he touches is holy and unfortunately many people feel that in the Millennium they're all going to just rush up to Christ that's not so it's just not the way the cookie is going to crumble only these a doc as it is written in Ezekiel 44 can approach Christ sorry the others didn't make it charlie but they were good yeah they were good but they still fell some short and they have to prove themselves in this Lord's day when everything is holy that means there is no excuse for anyone to make mistakes by that I mean many times you will say well if I only knew I would not have done it well you're gonna know and if you go ahead and do it then you're guilty and there is no repentance at this time you know why because the day of repentance and when that Lord's Day has passed it's over so and this is why that that that would sin that that would fall short it's going to be gone it's going to be done away with so it's not a possibility to happen even in that time why it's all holy how many do you think won't make it well according to Revelation chapter 20 there's still quite a number and they're not going to make it verse 21 to complete the chapter yay every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of Hosts and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them and see therein think about that word do you know what see the means that means to to embroil yourself with his love okay to absorb it and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite mark that word well I'll be coming back to it in the house of the Lord of Hosts this Lord Canaanite should be this word Canaanite should be translated trafficker as I told you okay many people would call it Canaanite but as I told you back in a prior chapter that in the final verse it would be translated rather than then poor of the flock which is a sorry translation its sheep traffickers what that sell the souls of people that had that are ignorant of God's Word that confuse people that mislead people should be translated with a k' which is Kenites sons of Cain they're the Sheep traffickers and they're the ones you want to be very very careful of poorab the flock be careful my friend because that's the attitude they always put on poor me baby feel sorry for my people we are downtrodden we are picked upon well they should be the Kenites sons of Cain and let's say there's one thing that can fix it and that's if they become rather than sons of Cain sons of God children of God you do that through the son our Father is fair to all his creation participate or don't participate it's always an individual's choice and thank God those that choose not to participate we're not gonna have to put up with them much longer unless you call a millennium a long time but be that as it may they could they're there were not free to act as sheep traffickers necessarily through the millennium because their Pappy as it is written in the first two verses of chapter 20 the Millennium revelation that is as he's locked in the pit and will be free to take names and straighten people out it's called discipline that's what will be taught in the millennium verse 5 stipulates that there will be priests with Christ that will reign that means teach for a thousand years trying to salvage those that go against God it's hard to realize that people there would still be something that would go against God even after Christ returns but they will hard to understand but then look around you today what you have what live-in hmm well thank God for those two do love our Father and find him pleasing that brings his blessings all right great book of Zachariah remembered of yah I hope you enjoyed receiving it as much as I did teaching it and we'll pick up the next book in the next lecture bless you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
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Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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