Leveling Up in Modded Rounds

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in the red corner standing at four foot two we have time to grind [Applause] in the blue corner the thomas most handsomest prettiest man me [Applause] [Music] all right so we're doing uh rounds 1v1 20 rounds we each have a custom modded class that we've created henry sigils nico and biffle you guys bet or choose who you think's gonna win the winner whoever wins if you choose correctly gets a new hug oh i want to lose who are you choosing i'm betting sunday because hey edward who are you choosing are you know what the difference all right let's do it are you ready grind you ready you got your you got your class set up this is a brand new mod we have new classes right check this out check this out how this works okay so grind's choosing his those are all the new classes and dudes here's the deal while he's looking at all these classes if you think i can win this you hit the like button if you think grind can win this hit the like button like button hit the like button are you going to choose juggernaut i think i'm going to just become a really good plus 250 health i'm gonna be a little bit slow but he's got 200 videos okay okay so these are the different classes how these work like this one i'm gonna choose shield hero use the power of your shield to take down phones as you're standing still you start to level up every time you level up you get additional buffs i'ma choose shield hero let's do it boys let's do it bring it gross i can't let you block my uh bullets because then i think you auto level up as well oh look how big you are big boy here okay okay so so oh okay look at me you see how the blue the blue circles going around once that goes all the way around i get a number another level but if i move around my level starts to reset i don't know dude you already boy wow ian this class is really good who who had my back who had my fireball this is a custom card too launch a fireball towards foes electric fury harness the power of lightning when you block or blizzard no i can't let you level up i can't let you level up yes i got a level now it goes you see how it's a red circle it goes on cooldown i can't level up until that goes all the way back down from level two though okay that's a big electric fury let's go boys remember if you think i can win hit that like button i'm saying okay we got fireball launch a fireball towards foes when you block what do i do blocking block double block double black echo blocking triggers another delayed block oh i can have two electric fields you are so tanky i could just take those bullets so whenever i hit andy it starts to reset so i just got to be careful just gotta be careful move with slow movements you are so tanky you are you can't fit through there you're a thick boy oh no i thought you weren't thinking oh wait i forgot if i block a bullet i level up automatically oh yeah so you can see in the top left right you guys these are all the points once we fill all these if he gets all that red point then he wins you know what i'm saying but if i win then i dab you know i'm saying okay should i get fireball blizzard implode huge more hp tank even more hp lifesteal or frost slam not on your team but huge ian all i'm saying is it looks real bad for you right now what do i get niko what do i get no implode implode implode you pull him into the lights i don't want to pull him because he's a thick boy the lightning stormy in no i don't like it let's do blizzard let's do this is another custom car that that was made this is blizzard so whenever i block i send out yeah blizzard oh i love wizard games what if i sit down here it doesn't level me up because i have to hold a oh no whenever you're like yes i leveled up because i blocked it i'm level four i'm level four i'm level four did you see the dps so the more health you get the bigger you get got it yes yep stay away from me scared of your stay away from me oh geez you're level six what do i do oh i blocked your boat i'm level six so how the upgrade works i think it gives me more blocks every time i level up right no way yeah and it makes it cool down lower i think oh jeez increases the damage and speed of your next shot this shot also triggers any block abilities where it lands so when i block and if i shoot oh time to grind time to grind you're about to get ready you're about to get ready okay i don't know if i'm ready for this time oh this is oh okay okay she's gonna shoot the platforms no i don't want to go next oh guys listen this will be an underdog tail if you think i can underdog kill this one hit the like button we'll come back and win oh fireball should i get fireball let's do leech i need to heal myself when he does damage to me yeah i picked you and i'm regretting it oh no oh no it's a slow build level oh my gosh your level you're going to just eventually become like oh god oh my gosh he's reloading no no no no no no no no yes i got level seven i got level seven oh no dude what a clutch oh oh my gosh and i just healed i instantly healed oh oh i i'm still i can't even move it i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew okay we just gotta keep bumping up our hp yeah like that and i automatically shoot you wait so that gives you more hp with radar so blocking scans the air and you automatically shoot an enemy found oh yes oh okay oh oh wait why did that not that shot should have put the effect on the ground oh no oh okay stay with me i'm gonna use this stay away from me oh you know what i'm gonna heal i'm gonna heal no full health full health full health full health grant this is about this is yeah that might give me a little bit of movement speed here and more health and more more ammo more shots okay he's getting strong he's got more but look how many bullets he has above his gun how are you going to get up here i'm leveling i'm level 9. oh i blocked your bullet oh what okay okay okay okay all right okay mister come on guys oh no oh no come on grind i believe in you oh i'm good no it's not good it's not good [Applause] so when he blocks all 15 of his health just annihilates my face this is my house you need more movement speed now okay i'm breaking it oh it is i blocked it like this we are tied i think i want to do that i want to be i don't want to be a big boy anymore so whenever you take damage you get smaller which makes you faster yeah i'm level 13. oh my gosh that's so unlucky oh oh where are you where did he go what where did i oh what just happened all right mod broke we're back to where we were all right what do i pick can we uh or nico and scissors what do i pick i'm not gonna help you stack field i think you block uh did pull the enemies in dude and then freeze them pull up oh pull him in okay implode pulls him in come on oh he is massive he's so much bigger boy i got some poison bullets now so oh yeah you have parasite oh oh god oh no okay okay oh no he's healing oh i blocked one of level three again okay i'm leveling up boys oh stop it stop it all right we got this we got it we got level up okay we got we got to level up again should i get fireball do 50 of your max hp to enemies i don't have much hp though leech oh i can get leech again i'm getting leech again since i lost it before i'm going to leach again what is that oh you god that just wasn't fair we were winning static field what do i get sigils huh fireball the options i'm trying to make uh i already got leech frost slam i already have i already have fireball i'll do a fireball next time i die fireball is the modded card they have to wait for it guys stick around for fireball hit the like button so i can feed my family right no yeah i agree with it let's get him with it hit him with it come on guys here there we go i'm coming to you oh i did level up at level five [Music] on level seven oh we're back up to a boy we're back up to it you're bigger just just more more health yeah you know what more health is already i mean if you get that card again where you block and deal damage to me based on your health i am gonna get one shot oh [Music] i do no damage i have so much help when i'm frozen just shoot him dude he's bullying us by freezing us so i think i just attempt to yeah and more hp good luck it's not happening it's not happening look at how big i am you got even more hp i am like a rage game range game range game why is that thing dude why is the range of that freeze so massive now oh you heard no way oh he's falling well be careful sundials be careful i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good he can't oh oh okay i got a secret here oh you wanna you want a buzzsaw you want a buzz no no i got another one do you want another one that's cheating you cheated all right all right oh shield charge but that launches me forward blocking triggers another delay i'm doing shield charge oh all right i'll do fireball i'll do fireball so every time i block it shoots a fireball i'm sorry i have like 18 blocks because i'm level 11. let's see what happens oh no oh my gosh oh my god i need to heal i need to heal i need to heal up no i heal i heal i heal i heal look out back to full health oh my gosh and you're broken bring it bring it bring it bring it you're just getting thrown in the corner i am supposed to do i don't know oh geez okay so if i block my bullet does the damage too bring it grind oh come on oh no oh yeah that's toxic what's it gonna get yeah tactics oh my friends i'm level 19 i'm level 19. the brave boss gets stronger oh my god i'm gonna make you work for it i am the biggest bullet sponge all of you are a giant okay you know this is what happens when you build classes boys i keep healing i keep healing look at all the rocks i'm level 21. i'm level 21. i need big books then you call me okay there we go there's a big thing about last stop level 21. i just can't let you get yourself oh yeah oh oh oh oh i forgot you have parasites and you can't break the map man you need it oh no he can hit me though he can hit me i gotta get out of here i'm level 27. so the more i level up the bigger the circles around me more conditioning you need enough health to where it doesn't matter that's what you need remember every time i level up i get an additional block so yeah don't get it yeah just like oh look at the rockets flying in the air wait where am i at what is he supposed to you do how did i die oh my gosh how did i die you know you know a tank a huge amount of hp good luck boy oh i'm nervous for you i'm sorry grinding i might have to specialize you can't we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this one we got it what are you supposed to do [Music] i need to win five more rounds boys six more rounds because oh no you know what you know what you know what blocking pulls enemies towards you already have that chill charge launches you forward or emp gives you another one no it gives you another block dude i'm scared i'm gonna do emp i'm gonna do empty because i don't want to get launched for exactly launched for like a billion times oh good idea emp time these emp's are going to hit you across the map look at the orange emp what's up i'm coming for you what am i watching i'm having fun are you guys having fun you destroyed him um ryan i'm sorry that i always invite you to these mods i'm sorry this wasn't my plan static field i don't know the fact that he's healing as well what are you going to do what are you going to do you're the professional at this game look how giant you are there we go i'm level 33 oh there you go there's the damage attack attack uh overpowered deal fifty percent of my max health to you every single time i block your weight isn't it an insta kill is it if it triggers every block get away get away come here get away come here i'm no longer the raid boss come here come here come here come here come here this is the dumbest one we've i'm thinking about switching i bet all my foots on you oh no oh i'm getting picked though every time i buy health it does more or get help it does more damage oh [Music] oh more health more health he's just gonna out heal the damage oh no oh yeah can we stop playing these maps that break it oh god sit here sit here sit here just chill does everybody chill everybody chill i i can't jump okay okay so i respawned he is gone you're so powerful you're destroying yourself dude i'm getting attacked again more hp oh my god okay this map doesn't get destroyed oh my god 47 oh he died he died he died i died okay okay don't worry guys he's coming back this is fine let's fight just chill camping we're fine it's fine we're fine we're fine just get up there yes so he does damage based on how much health you have oh no i'm level 55 though oh you're big too odyssey oh jeez we're fine everything's fine just hang out here everything's fine i click one button everything breaks i click one look at your health going down what am i watching dude oh my god where did i go die wait no i'm in the bottom i'm underneath the man just keep healing just keep peeling where is this oh my god i'm still healing i'm still kick him healing where did you just go i keep flying i have no clue i think he's in this corner where are you [Music] [Laughter] can we just agree that i don't know who won i think we all won [Music] oh my god that one along the way hit the like button hit the subscribe button i don't know what the heck just happened but yay we get a house
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,933,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wz1Q2EOOWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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