Level Up Fast & Easy In Elden Ring! Best Early Rune Farm

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so you want to level up fast and be able to afford a bunch of different types of upgrades in the game well ladies and gentlemen you've come to the right place because in today's video i'm gonna be showing you a nice little trick to be able to farm up over 2 000 runes a minute upwards to even 4 000 runes per minute it's pretty darn good now if you are just starting off this is something you can do at the very beginning of the game now not only are we gonna go over an incredibly fast i don't even know if i would call it an exploit but just this little farming route that i found as well as how to get an item called the flask of wondrous psychic which you can get at the beginning of the game if you know where to look for it and this will give you a nice not only 50 health recovery but a plus 10 strength bonus for three minutes now to kind of orientate you to where we are you start the game here in the first step you can travel here and unlock the little blacksmith and santa claus you can run through the forest here and at the gate front ruins you can unlock the lake north camp and then also this gate front cap and from here we're actually going to run up through here on our mount to the storm hill shack and if you haven't unlocked the mount already recorded how to get this but it's actually right here when you rest at this particular site of grace you'll be able to unlock this mount and we can use this to travel around incredibly fast we're just gonna run right through this area now if you watched my first video already i did show how to get this vial but it really really helps out with this particular farming method which is why i'm going over again once you go through the gate just watch out for the big bro face that's going to jump down you can avoid them and just kind of plow through these gates oh my god you can jump over them with double jim nailed it i'm just really terrible at this and but the goal is basically just to run through this area without fighting anybody now as i mentioned in the first video if you grab this item that's going to be right here it's going to be very useful grab it right next to the tree watch out for the big doggos falling from the sky right next to this camp and this gets us right into the area that we need to get the first item to upgrade our vial so just go ahead and unlock this site of grace once you do that there's this giant that is up on this ridge now just to orientate us on the map here in a second once i de-aggro this i can show exactly where this location is there we go so we unlocked the storm hill shack here and we're going to run up to this little cliff edge now you don't need to fight anything for this early part of this it's just important that you pick up some of these items beforehand and right at the edge is going to be this little bowl and you're going to grab the item out of this particular bowl it's called like a strength knot crimson tier or something like that once you get that item go ahead and fast travel back to the lake north camp once back at the lake north camp we're gonna head south and we're gonna go across the bridge and then down this road all the way over to the third church of marica now this is your first time in the area you might have not unlocked that part of the map yet so you can't see where the road is but you just turn left right after the bridge and follow this road all the way down now we're going to be doing two different things at this church and this is where we start the main process for the xp farm now once you're at this particular church you're going to want to go to this thing right here there's going to be an item you can pick up and then inside of this bowl is going to be another item and the vial that we want to be able to upgrade called the flask of wondrous physic or psychic i'm not exactly sure how to pronounce it my words are hard man uh but once you do that you can rest at this site of grace and what we can do since we picked up a seed you should be able to level up your flask to be able to add a charge to it and then you should also be able to increase the amount replenished by the flax flasks from one of the upgrades that are here and then you can go to mix wondrous psychic and you're going to add the crimson crystal tier that we got and the strength knot crystal tier that we got to temporarily boost your strength and give you a new potion that recovers your total hp by half now from here is the sneaky part the open world i might be terrible at this game which is why i'm trying to find every possible edge that i can find but i have been enjoying exploring the map and finding all the little secret things that i don't suck at and if we go behind this church into this little water area here there's like this little portal that we can travel through and that's exactly what we want to do now there's going to be some creepy music here and what looks to be like some kind of tentacle monster inside of there or at least its mouth is full of tentacles but that's that's not where we want to go anyways what we want to do is hop on our little horse dude bro if we have one and we're going to run down this little path now you'll notice there's another glowing tree down here for one of those sacred seeds so you're going to want to collect it from this particular tree and once you grab that we can continue on if you haven't upgraded your flasks or anything like that you can use those to do that to run past all of the dudes and there's going to be one of these lost grace sites right down here on the left and this don't go fight the dragon i know you're probably tempted like i'm gonna go stab that dragon you could you're probably gonna die or at least i know i would anyways rest here at this grace site now this is where the fun begins what we can do is we can pop this flask because we're not going to be needing any extra time to do this and if we go up around this little edge this gives us a plus 10 strength boost for three minutes we're gonna be able to kill all the guys for this farming method within three minutes now even if you screw up the sneak attack on these these mobs are pretty darn easy so it allow i'm just gonna kill one of these just to show you how relatively simple it is to murder them and just bash their heads in even for somebody who absolutely sucks at this game pretty easy so once you kill that guy you're going to run down to this one that's going to be kind of roaming through this area over here there it is there's a cat in front of my screen which is making this rather difficult now let's actually sneak up on this one and if we stop and then hit l1 we're gonna do the sneak attack and then as it's getting up we're gonna lock on and just pimp slap it to death with our giant sword and there's another thousand xp now every single time you kill one of these you're gonna get a thousand runes i keep calling it xp but i guess i shouldn't because it's both currency and xp so yeah there's another guy here oh he saw me but yeah i highly recommend if you're doing this first starting out then yeah it's probably a good idea to make sure to not fight these because they can one shot you if they hit you there's a solid chance they will one shot you so just keep that in mind go for the sneak attacks i've been doing this for a while so i kind of got used to their little tactics but it's a lot easier to just murder them and it's a lot faster as well you can kill all four of these in about a minute and maybe a minute and 20 seconds if you do all the sneak attacking properly so it's really just about optimizing the run and trying to kill these as quick as humanly possible and being a little bit more sneaky than me but yeah wham bam thank you ma'am easy peasy freaking lemon squeezy uh our little uh flask of wondrous physics psychic i don't know is still running which means we still have our nice little strength boost and then we just run right back to the site of grace and then we'll rest this will cause all of those mobs to recycle and every single rotation of this be able to get 4 000 xp so you can really optimize this to your heart's content and there's probably other sites in the game that are like this but this is the first one that i found if you find any other really great farming locations in the game feel free to let me know in the comments below send me a message on twitter or discord either those are great share the wealth because there's gonna be a lot of us that are terrible at this game that could use every little edge that we can get our hands on but thank you all so much for watching i'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 2,493,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden ring, elden ring rune farming, elden ring level up, elden ring level up fast, elden ring experience points, elden ring guide, elden ring gameplay, fastest rune farming, elden ring unlimited runes, elden ring rune farming spot, rune farming, elden ring best rune farming spot, elden ring early game rune farming, elden ring easy xp, elden ring xp farming
Id: 8W3wJaI_Twc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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