The BEST RUNE FARM In Elden Ring! The Best Way To Level In Elden Ring BEFORE Beating The Game

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well hello you wonderful humans and welcome back to elden ring in today's video we're going to be going over the fastest way to get rones in eldon ring without having to have beaten the game first this is going to be the fastest way to level with almost no skill required whatsoever to help you level up and destroy everything in alden ring now as i mentioned this is going to be the easiest and fastest way to level up i really do hope you all enjoy this there's a lot of optimizations to go through here and we're going to go over everything you need to do where exactly you're going to be doing this and the exact process to get the most runes per hour and this is all based on math i'm just not throwing out random numbers you can replicate this extremely easy and get the exact amount of runes per hour as me there are two things that you're definitely going to want to get when farming runes and the first is the gold scarab which is going to increase your xp gained by 20 percent in addition to this you're going to want to make the gold pickled foul foots which is going to boost your runes by another 30 now i do have video on exactly how to get both of these in the same video i'll leave a link in the description and in the cards on the top right corner right now highly recommend doing it because you're going to get 50 more runes just by using these two items now there are a couple other items that we're going to need we're going to want to use a long bow for this or a crossbow will work as well i just like using the longbow you'll need to pick up some arrows which you can get from any of the npcs and buy them from them and then we're going to be using star scourge radon's uh great sword as well now if you have trouble defeating radon i am going to be showing you exactly how to cheese radon to easily defeat him in this video as well now i do have a separate video going far more in depth on how to take down star score to radon if you want to check that out i'll leave it linked in the description below but essentially we need to head into caled following this road all the way down until you get to the caled highway south from here you're gonna head just a little bit farther south to the cathedral of the dragon communion from here you're going to want to go to the altar and you're going to want to pick up something called rotten breath you're gonna need to give this alter a dragon heart to be able to unlock it but it is so good now this particular spell causes a scarlet rot and all you need to do is hit radon two times in phase one with this to be able to take him down to half health and then two times in phase two to be able to kill him now before you go in you're gonna wanna make sure that you have one of your incantation equipment your finger seals equipped on your right hand so that way you can easily cast the spell when you need to now you're also going to want to have a few of your flasks set for fp regen and once you get inside the main goal is to just not get hit he's going to be shooting these purple arrows at you that you can dodge through or under and then you're going to start reviving your fallen friends so keep dodging these purple arrows and you can also use the weapons that are in the field to be able to actually absorb one of the hits once you revive the big bowl dude he's gonna start shooting arrows up in the air you can actually just block these with your shield and then continue dodging the purple bolts or get completely blasted by one whatever your heart desires just try not to die it's okay if you get hit by one or two of them but the shield does work really well for these arrows if you're very far away we're going to revive this last friend over here to be able to be a healer and then from here we're going to hop on our horse we're going to run in and pick up this last friend and now we do have our finger seal equipped and we have rotten breath ready to go we're going to be patient and wait for an opening behind radon to run in and apply one level of this rotten breath we need to apply two of them so do it and then run away because sometimes this will cause him to aggro you rather than the friends and the goal is to just keep running from him until he starts focusing on your friends anymore basically this is a game of sacrifice we're sacrificing our friends to live this is a game of patience if you try and rush in too soon you might just die so there we go he's aggroed as friends again and what we can do now is just run in get an opening behind him we have to apply two levels in each phase there's two phases to this fight and each time we need to hit him with at least two rotten breaths that's all we need to do is two now that we've hit him with two he's actually taking damage every second this is gonna take him all the way into phase two and our main goal right here is to just keep running away until he disappears off the map if at any point in time he starts just chasing you again just keep running away and once he hits about halfway health or just below half he's gonna disappear you'll hear the music get quieter which means he's kind of vanished you can run around and gather up your friends but he's going to come like a freaking meteor out of the sky and you just need to run away from the direction that he's falling in he's going to hit the ground and now you have entered phase two at this point in time what i do is i just keep running away from him making sure i revive all of our fallen friends so that way they can be the focus of his hatred i don't recommend running into him he can easily one shot you in this phase if you keep running away from him kind of at an angle then you shouldn't get hit by any of his ranged attacks or anything like that but the main goal is just patience in this phase i know it looks like he's almost dead but he can go crazy in this particular one there we go now he's focused on our friends and this allows us to have an opening to apply our first level of rotten breath basically when he disappears it resets all the debuffs on him so we have to reapply rotten breath we hit him once we're just gonna run away very quickly and wait until we verify that he has aggroed our friends once again which it looks like he has but i'm just gonna go around and make sure that we revive everything that we can uh because sometimes even when he's aggro your friends if you run into him he'll like charge at you and like i don't even know what kind of attack it is i've just died instantly so i've learned at this phase two in particular patience is very very much key i'm gonna run around the edge of this here just to make sure there's no more friends and we're gonna try and just come at them from the back and apply our last level of rotten breath which should allow us to easily defeat radon what we need to do after defeating godric or radon is heading back to the first step where we're going to see a message where vare used to be we're going to read this message and we're going to go seek him at the rose church now getting to the rose church is pretty dang easy you could take the shortcut around the castle if you want and get to the lake of facing cliffs and kind of run down through the water all the way through here up to the rose church there is no sight of grace here but once you get here you'll see our lovely friend covered in blood standing outside now when he asks you a question just make sure to pick the top choice and then continue through the dialogue after you're done talking to him the first time then talk to him again and he's going to give you some bloody fingers now once you get these bloody fingers you're just going to go into your inventory and you're going to use one of these to try and attempt to join another player's world it doesn't matter if you win or lose that fight you just need to do this three times before returning to vary after you do your three invasions you should be able to go back to vary and have another a conversation where he will anoint you and provide you with the lord of blood's favor which we need to go get the blood of a maiden so that's fun now to get our maidens blood we're going to go to the church of inhibition now to get here the easiest way i've found there's actually two different ways you can go up through here to the mausoleum compound and then jump down the stones here to get to this highway or if you can go from the east raya lucaria gate you just run along the edge of this and you just make your way around the mountain all the way around and then up into this particular area avoiding madness along your way now right before you get to the church you will be invaded by an npc just take that one out and then we're gonna head over to the maiden that is sitting right here where we get the finger maiden uh armor set and we can get the blood as well we can dye the cloth with the blood of the maiden now we just gotta go back to vary where we're gonna get the bloody finger and he's also going to give us a medallion that'll allow us to go to the location that we actually want to go to after talking to him again after getting the bloody finger now once you get your pure blood knights metal all you need to do is use it and it's going to take you to the audience grounds once you are here you're going to be able to hop right onto your spectral steed and we're going to turn around behind us we're going to run along this wall right here and this is going to get us to the location that we want to go to there's going to be a bunch of things that spawn out of the ground you're going to want to quickly run away from all of this because it's going to murder your face and we're going to want to run right through this like river of blood and we're going to run past all of these dudes trying not to get slapped and then we're gonna see this little ramp on the other side now we are almost at the location which many of you i'm sure have been to previously for not only my farming methods but many others we're going to be actually combining two different ones right here and a method that is going to get you well over 6 million runes per hour this is incredibly efficient and incredibly easy to do without having to have to beaten the game now once you get to this location just pick up the site of grace and we're gonna make sure that we have our bow equipped as well as the star scourge greatsword now i know this takes 38 attribute points to be able to use but using any of the rune farming methods that i've shown in the past and this one you'll be able to level up your strength until you can equip this then you can kind of evolve the process from here so it's pretty easy you don't need any special equipment for this and you're going to want to make sure you have your gold scarab equipped as well and then once you're ready to initiate this the best thing i like to do is to pop the gold pickled foul foot and then we're going to rest so that way we can reset the spawn of the chicken that we're going to be shooting and everything else so once you rest you're going to get right up you're going to equip your bow you're going to run to this rock right here you're going to click in on r3 to be able to see the chicken and you're going to shoot it as it turns then once you do that you're going to switch over to the scar scorch great sword you're going to run right into this middle spot here you're going to suck them all in with l2 and then you're going to hit l2 again to blast them this kills them you're going to be able to get 35 000 runes per time you do this and the faster you get comfortable with this process the faster you'll be able to do it on average you can get about three done per minute netting to over a hundred thousand runes per minute and it just adds up as you progressively get better with the process you don't need to wait for the chicken or anything the chicken's gonna run off the edge no matter what and you just kill those dudes run back to the sight of grace sit down and rest and you're gonna get just a stupid amount of runes while doing this the only faster way to do this process is if you have beaten the game and you have that like relic sword that will be able to kill everything on this hill uh in one swipe but for now until beating the game this is the fastest process for getting runes in the game i really do hope you all enjoyed this if anybody out there has any ideas for faster ways to get xp that doesn't involve actually beating the game feel free to reach out would love to help the community as much more as possible because quite frankly you know the game is hard and i've really enjoyed trying to find ways to make the game more enjoyable for the community and i really like optimizing these kind of like rune farms as much as humanly possible but thank you all so much hope you all have a great day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 1,431,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden ring, elden ring rune farming, elden ring level up, elden ring level up fast, elden ring experience points, elden ring guide, elden ring gameplay, fastest rune farming, elden ring unlimited runes, elden ring rune farming spot, rune farming, elden ring best rune farming spot, elden ring early game rune farming, elden ring easy xp, elden ring xp farming
Id: TuYt4Q9X6KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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