Best Way To Start Elden Ring! Max Weapons/Flasks In 1 Hour | OP Early Guide

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so here I am approaching the two hour mark at the game and I've just arrived at Market but as you can see I'm level 67 and I have a Blasphemous blade but it's not just any Blasphemous blade it's a maxed out plus 10 Blasphemous blade and alongside that I do have a plus 20 finger seal which obviously the god Slayer still is going to be the better option but the fact that I have a plus 20 weapon is the entire Point as well and I do have all the talismans that I need to carry out through the entire play through the only one that I'm missing is the shot of Alexander which you get at the end of the game anyway and I also have 12 plus 10 flasks 12 of them and I have my wondrous flask with all the crystal tears that I also need and I have every single spell to carry me throughout the entire game also catch flame is the best melee option lightning spirit is a very solid projectile option golden valve flame Grammy strength and as you can see at the two hour mark and I did all of this without any farming no glitches no major skips I only killed one major boss in rycard obviously so I haven't even gone to lendel and this like barely takes any skill anybody can probably do this even if you're a new player playing playing for the first time you could actually probably pull this off and if I could accomplish all of this in two hours if you're a person that just wants to get a Max weapon or a Max flask you could probably just do it in an hour also it doesn't actually have to be the Blasphemous blade as well the reason I actually went with the Blasphemous blade is of course it's arguably the best weapon in the game and I just try to make a Surefire way to make sure that you start off the game as overpowered as possible to turn it into an easy mode essentially but unfortunately this is only going to work with somber upgraded weapons to get it to Max because if you're using a smithing upgraded weapon plus 20 is the highest you can actually go which is obviously is still really good but obviously assuming you're not using any glitches but that's as the highest you can go is plus 20. unfortunately summer ones are just going to be the better option but that's enough of all that let's just get into how I actually pulled it off as always please do like and subscribe and do follow me on Twitch because I should be live by the time this video is out so we're going to be starting off with the samurai class and the golden seed Keepsake now the reason we're starting off with the samurai is because it does get the uchigatano and this main option which is a very solid weapon gets bleed gets unsheet as it's actually wore which is going to be very solid to kill only one boss we're gonna be fighting it with which is the godskin noble and we're gonna also get a bow and arrow which is going to be very handy I do recommend us taking off the arrows that you already start with because we're going to get separate arrows to buy but yeah obviously just hit up The Graces along the way I'm gonna go straight to the gate front to get our horse so we'd have to do a lot of running we're just gonna be running instead but yes pick up those red rails I'm gonna a bunch of materials we are going to pick up root resin mushrooms and we're going to pick up Trina Lily so definitely watch out for those things but yeah go back to the um first step Grace turn around to jump off the ledge obviously recently four damage is because I landed on the spirit spring gonna pick up the gold foot which is going to give us some Rune and ruin acquisition boost which is going to be really nice against certain bosses at the end of this playthrough um yeah go back to the gate front hit up the map and we're gonna get the Wet Stone knife which is going to be very beneficial in terms of like obviously infusing our weapons themselves we're going to be getting a dagger later on which you just buy from the round table we're going to infuse golden vowel onto it um yes I'm just going to run past a whole bunch of different types of like items and Graces you guys can pick up if you want to I'm just not going to bother I'm going to talk to Buck here because he is going to give us 10 mushrooms which is going to be pretty handy because we're going to use the mushrooms to infuse a bunch or actually craft a whole bunch of sleep pots we only need five but this guy gives us 10. we are gonna just grab a whole bunch of different mushrooms and train a lilies even though we only need five of each but just in case we end up like dying to the godskin noble it is beneficial because you can just craft some more but as you just saw it's picked up a smithing Stone and our summer Stone and we're gonna pick up our second gold pickled foul foot which we're going to use against two different bosses one is going to be Reichard and One's Gonna Be the putrid Avatar boss which you fight towards the end in the dragon bar we're gonna like have the Blasphemous bite at that point anyway so yeah that mosque is like it's about 90k runes but at this point we're just gonna head all the way down to the Weeping Peninsula now at the weapon Peninsula we're going to grab um pretty much all of the secretaries and the Golden State that's going to be there as well as the faith Crystal tier I just pronounce to show you the locations as to like what's going on there um but yeah as approaching this bridge we're going to be grabbing the stone sword key ends this a couple of smithing Stones as well now we're going to grab two stone sword keys and which is going to be used to get the somber 7 which is going to be after the godskin noble so if you actually don't care about this Sombra upgrades at all you just want to get the smithing upgrades then don't have to worry about the stone sword keys but as you saw right there I picked up some more root resin and some trainer lilies and now at this point we're just gonna head north all the way to get the faith tier that this is going to give us plus 10 to Faith I did just miss another trainer Lily there so best picking that one up just in case but yeah we're just gonna go from church to church to grab a whole bunch of sacred tears there's gonna be a blood grease right here we do gotta pick that one up because with the root resin we're gonna have to craft even more blood grease because I think we need about like four or five just in case they end up killing the godskin noble and to actually use it against greggle as well to kill the big dragon okay that's all I'm a second sacred tea and I'm gonna go back to the bridge of sacrifice and Grace and just continue all the way forth there we go pick up a mushroom there's gonna be another couple of smoothing Stones along the way that we're gonna hit up this Grace which are gonna come back here to buy something off that Merchant um I did this pick up the green turtle Shield over there because the reason we have the green turtle Shield is to boost our stamina recovery speed which is gonna be very nice because there's gonna be a lot of running involved um ends with cutting killing certain bosses is gonna nicely does have it on Just for more stamina recovery speed but yeah this Branch just follow this path all the way along because we're going to grab our last sacred tier at this church here and they're pretty much done with the weapon Peninsula I quit out there because obviously enemies are egg Road and this game is amazing to where you know you can't open up the map when enemies are aggro so that's a point of quitting out there but you're always going to head all the way to the storm Hill Shack grab our second stone sword case so there's no more actually gonna grab now it's gonna head north east all the way along right of this giant we're gonna grab the strength tier this is gonna give us plus 10 to strength which is going to be very good because we're gonna get the serpent Hunter spear which is gonna obviously scale up strength so it's gonna be very beneficial in that regard now we're going to continue on Ace and then kill this guy which is going to give us the golden vowel Ash War which we're gonna equip onto a dagger to give us 10 I think it's 12 more um damage and 12 more damage negation now we're going to continue on this way hit up that Grace because we're going to have to come back here to speak to that Merchant there is a smithing Stone and there's going to be some more trainer lilies that we must acquire once again we only need five but just as insurance if we end up dying to the gods can never weaken this craft some more now we're gonna head down and end up getting a bunch more of these runes and we're gonna grab that cookbook because that is actually gonna help us craft the Sleep pots with the trainer lilies and the mushrooms now obviously coming back to the church America getting our wondrous flask which we're gonna put our charged here which will get just up here and the strength here that we just acquired but yeah pretty much as soon as you hit this map take a left and then where that Scarab is you're gonna grab this tier and then pray head in a West Direction where you're gonna see a structure and you're gonna grab some more Trina lilies where the big giant bear is I think there's about four or five here and we're gonna head down here to grab the ax Talisman now as the spiked tier and the actualism does is actually boost our heavy attack damage or our charged heavy attack damage which is gonna be nice I'm now speaking to this Merchant gonna sell two of our golden ruin fours and we're gonna buy the 10 arrows and we're gonna buy the smithing Stone ones now the arrows are gonna proc sleep on the godskin noble boss we can just use the pot spot the arrows are just going to be another way to do it just to save our pots just in case now in this area just going to grab all the blood roses grab the golden seed and there's going to be the cookbook here to actually craft the blade grease so I'm going to actually have um the red resin as well to actually help craft it but yeah we're just going to come all the way up here grab our Medallion because obviously we're going to need this Medallion to go to the Altus Plateau that should be the left one but yeah going back to the third treasure America to go hit up the teleporter to go to the dragon bar now this is going to be like an end game area um there is actually a Grace just ahead of that door I just didn't bother grabbing I'm just going to go down here grab this Grace instead but the reason we're going to be at the dragon bar is to kill the Knight Cavalry enemy which is going to be on this bridge right here he is actually going to one shot too that's because this isn't like an end game area technically um but we're gonna actually beat him off the ledge to get a bunch of runes but obviously when you wrestle that Grace melon is going to spawn exhaust or dialogue she will teleport you to the round table but when at the round table might as well just buy the dagger which we can Infuse the Golden Bell onto but when you're actually on this bridge you actually do have to be at night time so the boss can actually spawn um go to the inside of the bridge and as you can see what you actually have to do is have him go on to the right side of the cliff when he's actually on that little lip down there you're trying to like be like a jumping attack and you end up dying if you end up dying it's fine just like rinse and repeat make sure it's night time and then yeah once he does that jumping attack he should just end up dying and jumping off the ledge so we did just acquire the Bloodhound step Ash of War you can actually equip that onto the deck if you really wanted to against certain types of areas which I actually will explain later on but yeah we're just going to go up this Spirit spring and get the memory Stone which is going to give us another spell slot which is pretty handy later on if you don't really care about spells then that doesn't really matter but yeah I was going to go up here grab all of those golden runes in the coffins and then we're gonna run up hit up the grace over here and it should be leveling up with those levels we just got all those rims we just got off the bus should be leveling up 15 endurance and mind and put in the rest of the points into Vigor because we're gonna be able to tank attacks because we are going to be going through a couple of like end game areas that is going to be pretty beneficial but yeah at this point we're going to run through Fort far off and then get the last Medallion to be able to go into the Altus Plateau which is gonna be really nice and I think we've got a quid out of this one yeah because enemies are aggrid onto us and now we're gonna go to the church of Ella this run is going to be here as exhaust or dialogue but the reason we're actually here is to actually grab some things off Kali so we're going to grab the crafting kit to craft some stuff and I'm gonna grab the cracked pots to help these sleep pots now it's going to go from Merchant to Merchant pretty much so you go back to the same Bridge go to this Merchant and grab his craft pot and I think I'm gonna buy some of his smithing Stones as well yeah I think we're gonna buy two because I need 12 smithing stones of each single category now obviously the reason we have smithing Stones is to upgrade our uchiketana to do more damage so it can actually kill the godskin noble boss but yeah once again going down to the merchant in the weapon Peninsula grabbing the smithing two and then grabbing the last crackpot so we should actually have five crackpots so she'll be able to craft five sleep pots themselves now at this point we're just going to run all the way to Leonia of the Lakes now the reason I slowed it down here is because I did like a little bit of like a skip jump like which is kind of hard to pull off sometimes um but like if you don't know how to do it just like to the right of that area there's literally a bridge which like you know the skip says like 20 seconds but that's pretty much the entire point but yeah at this point we're just gonna run all the way through to the Narrow Path gonna hit up the church over here to grab the sacred here now it's going to run all the way back down and hit up the grace at the start of lagunia and we're going to be talking to the merchant as well and I'm pretty sure we're going to be buying a lantern I believe it is I forget what it was exactly but I'm pretty sure we're buying Atlanta we've got to sell some of the runes so yeah gonna sell the golden six ruined by either smithing Stones as well because we need a grab a bunch of spitting twos at this point so we can actually get our uchigatana up to plus five I'm now gonna go grab the map which I just completely gave up on because there's enemies in the way and I didn't really care to grab the map but if you guys need the map then you can but yeah it's gonna head up north to the purified ruins um it's gonna be a little hidden like crevice down below or a little Stellar because at this point I'm going to grab the two finger Talisman or two finger Alum this actually gives you plus five to Faith which we're actually gonna need later in the playthrough to actually wield um the I have the requirements to wield the Blasphemous blade okay now it's going to head up north just go straight through hit up the teleporter and at this point we're gonna craft our bleed grease in our sleep pots um also hit up the grace as well and at this point we're going to jump off towards the end of the bridge and actually die on purpose yes because we're going to activate the stake of America because when you actually activate the stake America it teleports us right here which is right next to the golden seed and then we can just walk back to the grace which obviously you know a little Speed Run tactic it just saves us about 30 seconds of running just to get a golden seed but yeah now we've got a Sprint off make sure you jump off halfway and then land on that Little Rock right there otherwise you might end up dying to fall damage I'm gonna grab those golden runes grab this smithing Stone two or three of them and then continue hitting West so you can actually go to the temple quarter side of Grace I'm a bit lost here because I'm trying to find where the trainer lilies are so grab a few more of those hit up this grace and now we're going to go grab the academy key so we can actually go into the academy We're not gonna fight anywhere bosses in rail locario Academy we're just going to be going to the version of doctor so you could actually you know transport us to the volcanic manner um but at this point it's going to head up the grace go all the way down and grab another golden seed and then just warp back but yeah going through here there's a couple more things gotta pick up things like a trainer link to the left here yeah and there's a couple or Samba threes and at that point we just go straight to the next Grace so it should be a summer three around the back here I'm not gonna hit up the grace at this point now you might end up dying here because of these enemies will probably end up you up but that's fine just continue forth and there should be another summer three just past the Onyx Lord here just on top of that little coffin I think it is not sure what that is exactly but yeah after the next race is pretty much like as far as gonna go and now at this point we're gonna go to the volcanic Manor which um yeah it's gonna be a bit of a problem just in case against like the god skin level here might end up messing up but yeah at this point I'm just like using all of the golden seeds and the sacred tears of acquired to upgrade my flask and I gotta respect or I'll reallocate my flasks to make sure we have at least five blue flasks we need at least five of them and then we're going to go put on our strength tier and the charge tier which we don't really really need right now we get it after we actually use the uh serpent Hunter spear but it does actually boost that damage by a little bit if you do end up using it but now looks like we're going to go back to the round table so we can actually um sell some of our runes to upgrade our weapon to plus five definitely very important you don't actually go teleport to the volcanometer before you actually do this because after you teleport there's actually no way to actually come back unless you hit up a Grace which actually don't do um but I think we're gonna go Infuse our dagger here with the Golden Bell because obviously we're gonna use Golden valve to get more damage and more defenses which is going to be very nice and then teleport back to the classroom that's regular carrier now we're going to go to the other side of the bridge or the other side of the like little lift two-way lift and I'm gonna take it all the way down make sure to equip your sleep plots and your blade grease as well and then we're gonna die to this enemy right here but make sure you actually have died two the grabbing attack because when you die to the grabbing attack it teleports you all the way to the volcanic manner which where we need to be because there's going to be a somber 7 in this regard and actually get the serpent Hunter spear while you can just jump off there you're not going to die to full damage you should be fine and even if you do die it'll just teleport you right back to the same spot now running all the way up here to the left there there's going to be a man's weapon make sure he's actually on that side because you don't want to actually know aggro him because he might end up one shutting you but we're gonna grab a somber 5 which is right here which is going to help us upgrade our serpent Hunter spear which is going to be what we're going to be using until we get to the blossom Spide or whatever weapon of choice you decide to choose but yeah at this point it's gonna be pretty hard to try and fight this enemy I'm just going to continue my drink it only gives you like a little bit more damage but it is beneficial now I should actually have the dagger in my right hand and the um bow in my left hand but it doesn't really matter you're just gonna have to like you know work your way through it but make sure you have your sleep hours equipped and is hit them with three jumping attacks the jumping attacks come on faster than regular I'm standing attacks that's the reason why I did jumping ones but hit him with three then he falls asleep and makes you have full FP as well when you do this um use Golden Val and then you switch back to your uchigatana make sure you're two-handed um use blood grease to what do you call it um buffed open with a blade and then hit them with three heavy attack of the ash of War so L2 on auto combo hit him with three the staggered hit him with a light attack and then go for the repost and then after that then you hit hit him with a sleep pot so just throw the Sleep pot at him and then you should you probably have to dodge like one attack but then he goes to sleep again um yeah make sure you use your blue flask have full FP now you've probably don't need to buff again because it's going to last that long so hit him once again three more actually more heavy attacks he gets staggered hit him with a light attack and then go for the repost and then pronounce this rinse and repeat so hit him with a slave pod again now at this point being that every single time you hit him with a status effect it's gonna take a longer to proc again so you actually might have to dodge a couple of attacks but if you end up dying it's fine because you crunches up enough mushrooms and sleep pots or mushrooms and trainer lilies to actually craft a whole bunch more so they end up dying described some more and just do it again but you probably only have like three attempts otherwise it's gonna be too late but at this point my Buffs were off so I'd actually you know drank my juice used the um golden vowel again rebuffed because obviously I switch off the weapon hit him with a three Asher War heavy attacks hit him with a light attack go for the repost and he's pretty much dead at that point because the blade would actually just end up killing him out but I think you need like at least a plus five at this point so actually getting those smithing ones and twos are very important but yeah at this point we can just probably level up and we're never gonna use the Uchi Katana again because we're about to get the serpent Hunter spear so we're going to put all of our points into strength because that's what the serpent Hunter actually scales off so there's actually do more damage in that regard by this point we can actually just take off the bow take off the Sleep pots and it's going to run all the way through pretty much now you still can get like one shot by certain types of enemies in this area but um as long as you just run through you're gonna be perfectly fine it's not gonna be that big of a deal but your premises are going to get the super Hunter spear gonna level it up to plus five and then we're gonna go from there and pretty much I forget what we actually do after this but I think we'll just kill like another couple of bosses and then before I get a bunch more runes in that area but we're actually going to hit up the um elevator there actually takes it all the way down actually accidentally took it down sort of skip that part out but you definitely want to hit up that elevator because you actually do have to come back to this area to get the somber seven um but at this point we're gonna go take the teleport out this is like a one Narrow Path gonna grab this serpent Hunter spear you know I don't have to fight right card at all we actually can do that later you can fight rock hard at this point now um but yeah we're gonna go to Fort far off and then go down to this dragon and then pretty much buff your uchigatana with some bleed grease and there's a whale on it for like about a couple minutes you can actually equip the um the turtle Talisman are they total Shield to get the faster stamina region might be end up being a bit quicker and you probably need like a couple of Blade greases to speed up the process as well but if you don't have any more blue grease they're still perfectly fine you can still do it it just might take a couple minutes longer but yeah just continue following the path we're gonna go down to this church right here and I'm pretty sure we're going to go teleport all the way back to Rio Lucario at the South rail Lucario gate so it can go all the way to Ichi but you have to run all the way down to the bottom of this bridge and then actually Sprints off and jump off I think you can't do like a little bunny hop otherwise you might die so definitely like Sprint off in that area um and they should be fine you probably shouldn't die default damage but yeah continue heading this way and going through the teleportal now I did actually walk straight past the map you can pick it up if you want to um but yeah gonna equip the seven hundred Spirit now we have like a bunch of range of like 70 000 runes from where we just killed the boss with um so we're gonna go buy the Sombra 2 and the sun before because we already have a one and a three and then level up our serpent Hunter to plus five through EG and then we're going to go all the way back to the Church of the plague and I'm gonna probably head through the Celia Crystal tunnel so we're gonna go head north and then jump down these little branches here you can just like walk around if it's like save it for you um it doesn't really matter um but definitely when you're walking down this Branch get off your horse because you probably might end up dying um grab this golden seed and then hug right until you go into the Celia Crystal tunnel and make sure you have your um ax Talisman equipped and your strengths here also I think I just leveled up um to 30. the bigger I think it was and I think I love it up to 22 strength because 22 strength is a minimum requirement to actually wield the Blasphemous blade and 50 index dirty but you already have 15 dexterity when you actually go over the samurai starting class um but at this point I'm actually I'm going to be grabbing some smithing fives if you actually don't care about getting a plus 20 smithing weapon then you have to bother about this I'll be trying to get upgrade your sub weapon then it doesn't really matter you just gotta progress through this entire area I'm definitely kill that guy because he like shoots on the back shoots on your back with like some white stuff figured I said that but um yeah definitely grab that somber folder because you're gonna need that to upgrade the Blasphemous blade but yeah this is just the pasta take to grab all of the smithing Stones because if you need to get all five and later in the game I'm gonna grab another I think it's like seven I'm gonna grab this Talisman here the faithful canvas Talisman another smithing five another faithful Candace Talisman is actually going to give us more spell damage um as a Talisman body the reason I quit out there so I can actually safely use my Buffs and de aggregate enemies um but against this boss it actually shouldn't be this hard I'm making it seem like a lot more harder than what it actually is basically all you got to do is like lead off the fight with two charged heavy attacks hit him with another heavy attack then he gets staggered and he pretty much like stay still for like a few seconds hit him with two more heavy attacks to his head when he's like you know not even moving and he pretty much end the fight but I I just like missed 90 of my attacks um but that's perfectly fine because you're gonna have plenty of practice fighting these bosses because you're gonna have to end up killing three of them I mean you actually kill a kill three of them if you actually have to go with the plus 20 weapon if you don't care about the plus 20 weapon then you only need to kill that one watch it as you saw right there I just teleported back to the beginning hugged right and then grabbed the somber five and now we're gonna go teleport to the summon water Village now at this point we're gonna go all the way to Kayla to grab a couple of things we're gonna grab the flame strength spell and I'm gonna grab the gold Scarab Talisman now first looks like we're gonna grab the flame gummy strength spell now that this is going to boost our damage our physical damage and our fire damage which obviously the Blasphemous blade does both of those things so it's obviously gonna be very beneficial and we can use it with the 700 spray as well which is gonna be nice but you're gonna hit up that Grace let's continue around and let's go hug the left side of the castle itself to grab flame strength which is hidden between those two enemies and then we're gonna teleport back to the fourth Gale Grace and then head east and it's like hug this like smoldering wall thingy and then hit up the grace and we're going to continue going Ace to go to the abandoned cave to get the gold Scarab Talisman now the reason we're going to get this is to boost our Rune acquisition so we can actually fights certain types of bosses looking to switch to it after they die and then to get a bunch more runes now I did this level up there to 30 face or 30 bigger I think it was because I've had a free I had a bunch more rooms on white as well um but yeah equipped the lantern here because it is going to be pretty dark but to actually go through this area land on that little thingy wait till the geyser explodes jump and just Spam a bunch of backsteps and you can actually use the Bloodhound step ashore if you actually are struggling to go through that little swamp area um but actually going through the dungeon itself just hug right the entire time until you actually go down here into killing the bosses is pretty easy this user your Buffs hit him with like two charge heavy attacks at the end I'm just like getting staggered then you can just like yeah do whatever you want pretty much yes it's very very simple boss fight but um yeah as you can see when the boss dies you can actually can switch to the gold scarb and then the runes actually come out later so when you actually switch the gold garbage get a whole bunch more runes but at this point we're gonna go to the Altus Plateau so go back to the academy gate I'm definitely hit up that Grace because we're gonna come back here later um especially if you're gonna go try and get the smithing Stones um the Bellum Church gonna get another secretary and I'm gonna head all the way to the left now we're gonna head up the grace outside of it because I've got to come back to that Grace as well um when I go to get the Sombra 10. but we're actually going to be doing at the Altus Plateau is pretty much just grabbing a whole bunch of sacred tears and seeds um we actually are going to be grabbing the ritual sword Talisman which is right here in this area of this boss now it gives us plus 10 more damage when you're at maximum health which is gonna be really nice just more damage for free pretty much um but yeah it's been a bunch of heavy attacks against this boss I'm difficult to switch to the gold Scarab Talisman every single time you kill a boss and then switch back afterwards um but yeah we're also going to get to the golden vowel spell also but yeah just jump off every here head east and then pronounce is going to be doing a bunch of running at this point to describe all of the golden seeds and the sacred tears so if you actually don't care about getting the sacred tears on the golden seeds you can pretty much like to skip this section um yeah if you only care about upgrading your weapon itself but as you probably saw that I think it was about like an hour into the game at that point and yeah it pronounces the bunch of prep but yes continue running along this path hit up that Grace because they're gonna come back there later and yeah it's gonna Head West and then drop down to go to the church now at this church you're gonna have to like you know quickly pick up this thing and then open up your map and then go back to the highway Junction um Grace because you know enemies do spawn right there so if enemies did aggro just like run around the church and quit out and then like then you can open up your map um but yeah that's gonna head up this path grab a couple of golden seeds up here to grab a few more golden seeds I'm definitely hit up this Grace as well because we're gonna come back here later if you're going to get the plus 20 weapon because we've got to go through that um the dungeon and there's another falling star base that's near that area that actually gives us a whole bunch of smithing Stones you guys are still picked up some two more golden seeds now we're gonna head down this way grab another golden seed and then head all the way back up to grab the last sacred tip now at this point I can actually like finally stop talking honestly I've been talking so much be honestly I'm gonna just run through and then it grab the sacred tear um yeah geez I've been talking like 28 minutes straight no no I feel like I'm out of breath damn Amber grab all these I'm golden ruins here and then describe the Lost secretary and I'm pretty sure we're gonna go teleport like to the grace right next to us which is like the forest Grace I think it's called yeah go through the teleporter Chuck a left and then go all the way down because we're gonna go grab golden vowel at this point if you don't care about the golden valve spell then you can skip this um we're gonna come back here later anyway to actually go to various questline to get the summer 10 so it probably is actually worth at least coming this way and actually hitting up this Grace um you don't have to worry about that blood grease I just picked up um but do definitely probably level up if you have the rinse because it's pretty much like a suicide run at this point because it's gonna be an Invader here and trying to kill it's gonna be like a pain in the ass um I end up killing it because you know I have a major skill um but you don't actually have to I definitely recommend just leveling up and do a suicide around just jump up with ledge um but pretty sure we're gonna be going I have no idea we're going actually okay we've got to go back to the godskin noble Grace at the volcanic metal so now we're gonna level up probably should have done beforehand but yeah went to 30 bigger I think it was but this point we're gonna get the um somber 8 9 7 8 and 9 so we're gonna go back here but instead of going straight to go to the teleport I'm gonna go Chuck a left and then go up the stairs use the stone sword key actually take consumes two of them so make sure you actually grab both of those things and then go out to the exit where it actually has the purple item and then at the top there is going to be the somber seven and now to grab the somber 8 and 9 they're actually both right next to each other in the dragon bar so go to the Fort faroff Grace run all the way west pretty much there's gonna be a map to the left there which I don't bother getting but um this Scarab up here is gonna drop December 8. so just you know just them up not gonna really do anything now this one actually does explode though which is pretty funny um but yeah I don't think I want shots here but yeah as you can see that to that right there is going to be a map if you wanted to grab that for the dragon borrower but let's come down this way to grab this number nine so yeah at this point you could pretty much like skip half the things that I did at the Altus plateau and you could have like a Sombra nine within like the first 40 minutes of the game without only like with only killing like one boss which is the godskin noble um but at this point I'm going back to the round table grabbing the finger seal and a memory stone for like more spells because I think I'm going to be equipping the flame Grammy strength spell to fight rikod so at this point you have to actually have to fight right card but we actually have the weapon to do it with the soap and Hunter speed which is gonna be very very easy so at this point it's going to upgrade my flasks with all the stuff we got at the Altus plateau and I think I'm going to be you'll actually reallocate your flosses actually have more Crimson than Cerulean so equipped your flame strength and I think I'm gonna be equipping both the strength and the faith tier because I don't have the requirements for flame gaming strengths but if I have the faith tier it's gonna give me plus five to Faith I drink my juice and this point I can use the buff and then to kill rykart it is pretty simple just you know use your Buffs I'm a golden vowel as well I've already put on the smaller Shield because it's lighter Because the actual way to fight him is just like put on your shield and just do a bunch of blocking attacks so you just block and then start poking and as you can see it's just gonna be pretty simplified so you don't really need to kill him if you don't want to get the blossoms blade but like it's a pretty simplified as you can tell just have your buff spray stay at full health use a ritual assault Talisman which I don't actually have equipped um also I completely forgot but this is the boss we're actually going to be using the gold pickled foot to actually get a bunch more runes so I actually should have had it equipped but I completely forgot about it but um yeah you don't have it equipped and as soon as he dies you use it and then switch to the gold scarb and you'll just be getting a whole bunch more runes I think it's like about like 50 more runes that you'll be getting or even more than that but I'm here you might die a couple times because he actually does a lot of damage too because you still like a bit under leveled um but yeah just remember like a bunch of those like poking Shield attacks and then yeah as you can see it dies so at this point I'm like panicking to switch to like the Pickled foot switching to the Scarab and then I consume it and I just get off in time but as you can see I end up getting like over 200 000 runes very early in the game which is very very nice so that point I can switch off to the gold scarb and I'm pretty sure I just level up at this point or I go teleport somewhere else to level up I think what I actually do exactly if I go back to the actually I'm probably gonna go back to the round table so I can actually go grab the Blasphemous blood itself so at this point now I actually killed a Rembrandt's boss this area is going to be opened up so I can talk to anyone when she actually talk to any of then you actually can do various quest line so you actually have to kill at least one remembrance boss to do various questline to get a plus 10. um I just killed right card in that area um so I grabbed the Blasphemous blade and now at this point I'm gonna go back to ener and actually offer her the sambal bearing that we actually did acquire earlier um by the summer one and the two and you should have a three four five and maybe a six I think it is um actually we have all of them but we can get the plus nine never mind I'm stupid but yeah so now we're gonna go and upgrade it all the way to plus nine so now we have a plus nine Blasphemous plate so the difference between plus nine and ten isn't really that great so you don't really need to get a plus 10. and I think at this point now I'm gonna level up gonna put all of my points into Faith um because you need to get a 21 Faith requirements actually will the Blasphemous blade but I only have 20 Faith but that's the point of actually getting that two finger Alum we got earlier in ligonia of the Lakes because that gives you plus five to Faith um so now I actually have like you know the requirements to build the thing but at this point we're gonna go to the rod view balcony and kill this error tree that dies in like two hits because you know we have a plus line up and now on the o3s are very very weak to file um so that um O3 is actually going to give us the fire tier so which is gonna boost our fire damage so we're gonna equip that alongside the faith T which is gonna boost our faith by 10. and I think I go back and equip um the golden vowel as well but we're gonna kill another archery boss this one actually doesn't drop us anything that we need but this one actually does drop a bunch of runes so once again we're going to use the gold pickled fell foot I think I use it here um yeah and then we go use all that Buffs because it still is like an end game area um so it's also going to do a lot of damage ends um it is raining so fire dam is gonna be doing less but being that you know the archery is very weak to fire and we have a plus lined weapon it's not gonna be that big of a deal um but don't forget to switch to the gold Scarab after you don't kill this enemy because I already have the um gold pickle foot used and I'm pretty sure I got like normally he drops like 90 000 runes but I think we got 160 000 when I use both of those Buffs so that's like a free 70 000 for doing pretty much nothing so it's definitely beneficial to actually grabbed both the gold pickled foul foot and actually equipping the golden Scarab but this one we're gonna go to the temple quarter Grace that's Legion of the Lakes put all of our points into Faith so that point we actually no longer need the two finger heirloom Talisman who can actually just equip something else like the original sword Talisman now we're gonna head Southeast to go hit up Vari and do his quest line now this is the reason we're going to do various questline is to get to the um mogwan's Palace to get this number 10 and there's gonna be a smithing seven we actually get there as well so if you're on an early summer 10 this is the only way to actually really do it pretty um consistently um but yeah we're gonna go back to the Mount Gilmore Grace um head this way and there's gonna be a little summon sign I've got a like invade his ball then you pronounces kill this Invader which dies pretty quickly anyway um NPCs are really annoying they just keep dodging your attacks but you know you're over level at this point you're just gonna kill him pretty easily I'm at that point then you go teleport back to Barry you did this like three times head Southeast go um exhaust his dialogue is going to give you like this little cloth and you have to like soak the cloth in this maiden's Blood um now there's two different meanings you can go to um there's one in the Church of inhibition in Leona which we're actually going to go to um the reason I'm gonna go there is because you actually get a secretary from there also which is obviously very beneficial but you go to the Grand lift of dactust I'm Grace chucker left and just continue along this path and you've got to kill vike which is going to be in the way um watch out for like the you know I have siren definitely stay with full healthy because you actually might die along the way um but yeah he dies pretty easily when they don't actually you know like input read everything but yeah the church inhibition this is where the maiden's gonna be pretty like interact with it soak the cloth in the blood you can actually go back to the starting area which involves you going to the full belfry area um I think this one is gonna be the better option but yeah go back to the temple quarters go back to vary speak to him he'll exhaust his dialogue kill chop off your finger talk to him again he'll give you this item the pure Bloods night medal um use it then you get teleported to the mogwins um Palace I mean it can just continue progressing along here definitely pick up that smithing seven if you want to get to a plus 20 weapon um but I'll continue going along here um equip your Lantern because it is pretty dark in here and I'm gonna grab this Lord's Rune which gives us like you know 50 000 it's along the way you might as well pick it up but it's 50 000 runes for free pretty much and at this point is where you get the somber 10. so um yeah let's continue going along you might die doesn't really matter the grace is just right next to you anyway um but at this point we're actually gonna grab another golden seed which I actually didn't know there was a golden seed here until like someone recently but um you can just actually just jump right here and there is the golden scene so that's pretty nice um quit out because obviously you're getting egg Road and then we're gonna go back to EG at the road Manor Grace and at this point we're gonna go upgrade our weapon to plus 10 and now we're going to go through the carry manner because we're gonna get the carrying filigree Crest because that is a very decent Talisman to actually boost actually you know decreases our FP cost um because take his flame is a very good Azure War obviously it does a lot of damage gives you health regen as well um but it consumes 30 FP but with the carrying Philly good crested only consumes 23 FP so if you want to spam it over and over again it is a very beneficial um Talisman but as you can see just continue going through this path pick up a couple of the smithing Stones along the way um they're not really necessary because we're going to grab the Bell bearings anyway to buy them but it does save a bit of earrings um there's another golden seed along the way now we're gonna kill Loretta because to get the carrying for Lego Crest we have to go do the first part of Ronnie's questline but yeah use all your Buffs and then you just die pretty quickly because you know you have an overpowered weapon now so it doesn't really matter um there is a Grace that spawns right after she dies and I definitely recommend switching to the gold Scarab every single time a boss dies I didn't do it there but continue heading to the Southwest direction to Ronnie's Rise um hit up the grayscope all the way to the top to do the first part of Ronnie's questline which pretty much is like exhausting her very long-winded dialogue going all the way down to the bottom probably jump off halfway off the elevator for the you know ultimate speedrun strats but interact with these three NPCs um exhaust all of their dialogue and then you should rest at the grace and then you can teleport back to the road manner where aj is and then you can go by the carrying filigree crest for only 5 000 runes which you actually just got you know a whole bunch of runs for killing the Raider anyway so there is that's now we're gonna go to the Earth tree gazing hill now this is where we're gonna get to the fire scorpion charm and once again another golden seed so the fire scorpion charm is another good Talisman that actually boosts your fire damage by 15 but it actually also increases your I mean decrease your damage negation by 10 so being that you can go through the game early you're really like over leveled we're not going to really be getting like killed by that many things so the 15 more damage is still definitely viable um there is a Grace there to the left that has went straight by but it's going to continue going along here um just ignore all the enemies pretty much go up this little um staircase and then jumping over this is gonna net you the fire scorpion charm now this point is going to quit out and then go head down to the east regular carrier gate where we're actually going to get a bell bearing um the initial Bell bearing and the um Raya Lucario Crystal Cave I think it's called and killing the boss is gonna get you the um the first smithing Bell bearing which you can buy the smithing ones and twos um because there's no point actually trying to like Farm them from anywhere might as well let's go kill this boss get it pretty quickly you know you're gonna be over level this boss is gonna die in like one hit anyway after you do a posture break him um but yeah because we did get a whole bunch of smithing ones and twos already I definitely recommend picking up someone like the smithing Stones along the way because you know it just makes it cheaper don't have to spend as much runs even though it is still pretty cheap but as you can see after I partial break him he got one shot so that Bell bearing acquired now we're going to go back to the Altus plateau and then go to this cave all the way down here to grab another Bell bearing now this one's gonna be the Bell bearing too um to get you the um by the threes and the fours I actually get this right at the beginning um but we're actually going to clear out this cave because there's going to be a bunch of smithing fives that we're going to acquire um so as you can see I've grabbed that one splitting five there there's the Bell bearing that pretty much can get you to be able to buy smithing threes and fours jump up halfway grab that smithing Stone I think there's about like seven in this area you're gonna grab all seven and at that point that would actually give us 12 smithing fives which is going to be enough to level up um there is actually gonna be some smithing sixes here as well but it is going to involve having to you know have this virgin abductor enemy actually smash the um statue that's right behind me and when it smashes the statue so you have to have that like you know hit with its weapon and at that point it smashed the statue and behind that statue is gonna be three smithing sixes which is going to be also very beneficial so we're gonna need those to actually get out plus 20 weapon now it's gonna head all the way back up grab a couple more smithing fives um you don't have to kill the boss here but I'm just gonna do it anyway because you know it's better than running all the way back because you know you pretty much right at the exit anyway and you are like over leveled so it's not gonna be that hard but there's the one spinning five and there's another smithing five and I think we Skip One More which is just past this little section here so yeah that's gonna be the last smithing five so yeah I'm at this point right there it's gonna be pretty easy anyway um you don't actually get anything else I forget what this boss actually drops anyway just drops a sword you don't really need it but it gives you a bit of runes but going back to the outer wall Grace by this time you head through the other way because they're going to kill another falling star beast and now every single time I fight a full install base I'll make it seem like it's the most difficult challenge of all time um but I promise you it's actually not that hard and either way if you die you do you're right next to the other Steak America nearby as well uh but now we're gonna go to the um bridge over inquiry because we're gonna kill another falling star Beast because that falling star base I think it gives you I'm smithing sixes which I think now we have enough to actually get um I think right now for 12 which is enough but now we're gonna go to the Bridger inquiry and now it's gonna go up a bunch of ladders and plus that first letter there actually was like a Grace with a bunch of coffins so I think you can get a bunch more runes in that area I just bunch of straight pasta because I didn't really care um but yeah a bunch of letters are gonna go all the way to the top just ignore all the enemies and then we're gonna be gonna kill the last falling star base which is going to be the full grown one so we've killed all three in the game to get the smithing Stones so if you're not familiar with the falling star beast fight and now you are definitely hit up that Grace because there's no stake America nearby um use all your Buffs and put your correct talismans on and when he's charging at you you can actually hit with the actual warrant actually will stagger um I actually made the full grown fight seem easier than the other fights I don't know why maybe because he had more room but yeah he gives you a whole bunch of smithing stones and he gives you a slumberstone as well which you don't really need anymore because you have a plus 10. um further downward there is a golden seed which is going to be I think our second to last Golden State Bridge acquire uh but now at this point we're gonna go back to the Leona of the lakes to get a um to lightning spear spell so we're actually going to kill a um singular lendel Knight to actually give us some Like a Prayer Book I think it's like the dragon prayer book and we can actually net lightning spear from that um we don't really need it but like you know more lightning damage is good because with a build we're only doing fire damage at this point having like a different element is going to be pretty beneficial so yeah kill that enemy for that book if you actually wanted to get lightning speed which is a pretty solid pretty solid spell but now we're gonna go back to brother Corin at the round table give him the book and we're gonna buy both catch flame which he already gives us anyway and lightning spear I'm now going to go back to um this person I forget their name the twin maidens um give her the bill bearing and now we're gonna buy enough smithing Stone one two threes and fours that we have 12 of each so he should have like already some picked up but like buy enough so you have 12 of each one and at this point now you can upgrade your sale to plus 20 or whatever other weapon they have enough runes to go all the way to plus 20 or enough spitting stones to go to Plus 20. so that's really nice um if I do recommend upgrading the smithing of the finger sill if you're going to actually use this build actually recommends killing MOG at first because you know um you can get the god slay still directly afterwards and that's going to be your last golden seed there um next to the storm Hill Shack but at this point I'm going to Margaret to pretty much finalize the run it's been two hours now the reason I actually didn't get the gods later because I kind of like wanted to make it the whole like purpose of the video it's like oh getting you know overpowered just before a market you know so it's kind of like the click baiting type as title but you know it wasn't really clickbait but yeah I definitely recommend killing Margaret first getting the god slave seal which you get in Stormville Castle which is going to be the better option compared to the finger seal but you know for the sake of actually just making this video um I did use the Lord's Rune as well which gives me 50 000. let's level up a couple more times and yeah that's the entire playthrough I did a lot of talking there um I definitely recommend watching it on mute if you'd ever want to like rewatch it by any for any chance um but yeah that's pretty much is that that's how you get overpowered early as always please do like and subscribe my throat is actually killing me now pause hold up anyway do follow me on Twitter because I should be live by the time this video is out and yeah see you next one guys bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 30,160
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Id: oognxMc2Klk
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Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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