Elden Ring - Level Up FAST with this Early Rune Farm - Best Start Guide for any Class Build!

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if you want to level up your elden ring character very fast at the start of the game then this video guide will show you how to get 100 000 runes to level up your character fast and it can be used at any point you are in the game whether you've just finished the tutorial or you can even come back and do this method right now it works with any class and technically speaking you actually don't need to kill anything or at least anything that can fight back as you'll see in this video it's very straightforward to follow along with but you can always favorite the video if you want to use it for future character builds since it gives you a massive jump start to leveling in eldon ring so i'm assuming you've just started the game and you're at the first step resting spot if you haven't already unlocked the starting area of the map and your mount there's a guide on how to do that linked down below in the description after you follow that guide you'll have a mount and the starting area of the map unlocked which you need for this guide after you've done that from the first step resting spot just here on the map we're going to turn and go directly south because there's something we need to pick up in order for this method to be successful just go ahead and hop off the cliff just here using the jump button so you don't take any full damage and then we're going to run all the way off the edge of the cliff just here just go ahead and sprint off and jump and as long as you land on your horse at one of these sort of channels of air you won't actually take any full damage now what we're gonna do is ride over to the east just here and we're gonna pick up this treasure hidden just on this pilgrim's body here there will be some undead spawning around you but you can just ignore them because i mean you can literally just walk past them and now we have the gold pickled foul foot which we need later after you've got that we're just going to go ahead and jump on this whirlwind that's going to send us back up here and then we're going to jump on this one to get back up to the top here which is a pretty damn cool view or alternatively you can just fast travel back to the first step resting spot but if we go to our inventory and then we look at the gold pickled faux foot this is essentially an item that increases the amount of runes that drop in the game for a short period of time and we're going to need this later on in the video now once again looking at the map from the first step resting spot we'd want to travel directly east along the bank of this lake just here all the way down around the dip here and we're gonna put a map marker just over here which is near this sort of fork in the path here you can see we're gonna travel from here just over here and i'm gonna put a waypoint over there by pressing a and then we're gonna go and travel to that waypoint that you can literally see in the distance over there just hop down the cliffs here and carry on going all the way to the waypoint and if you're a fan of eldon ring or any other souls games you may also be interested in display they sell metal posters that you can attach to the wall with magnets and they have some really cool dark souls and elden ring artwork which you can grab from the link down below in the description if you are excited about it especially right now while there's a discount and you can see in the distance there as we edge closer ignoring all the enemies on the way that there is another resting spot of grace exactly where i'm marked on the map now we're going to be just here on the map at the agile lake south so if i go ahead and zoom in you can see that just to the side here there's a path that we can follow that goes all the way down for a valley and across a bridge just here on the map so we're going to put a waypoint just after that bridge over here and that's where we're going to head over to next so let's go ahead and mount up and then we're going to jump up this rock here and just sort of walk over to the road and you can see our waypoint over to the south there so we're just going to head down the road through this valley and across the bridge of sacrifice which is a rather dangerous bridge because it actually has a ballista on it so in order to avoid that ballista basically what you need to do is just listen out for the sound of it firing as soon as you hear that sound just dodge to the right like i do and then it'll miss you every single time and we're literally just going to ride across it and ignore all the enemies they won't be able to hit you because they're far too slow and we're going to come to the other side of this bridge where we put that waypoint we're just going to pause here in the weeping peninsula valley and then step a bit more forward until you can open your map and now you'll see you've uncovered kind of like a path that carries on going south we're basically just going to keep following this road to the south and we'll put another waypoint just here where this sort of a t is at the road and we're going to carry on heading down this pathway and you'll see just ahead of us there is a broken down carriage and inside the back of this broken down carriage i hop off my horse we're going to find a chest that we can loot for the morning star weapon which is a very important weapon that we need for this guide so let's go ahead and pick that up now at this point you can die and if you're playing as a mage or a weaker class the morning star will require a higher strength to will but don't worry you can just two-hand it and use it effectively to do this hold down y or triangle on playstation and then press the light attack button while holding it down and then you'll be two handing the mace and you can now use it effectively as a weapon and we're gonna fast travel back to the ag hill lake south resting point just here on the map once again and from here we're actually going to go all the way to the north east where there is another church of america located just here just below this little lake here we're going to put another waypoint there and if you watch my other video you already have this area of the map unlocked if not starting from the ag hill lake south resting point we're literally just going to go northwards on this pathway you guys can skip ahead if you already know the ramps i'm just showing you for new players just to make it super clear where to go because a lot of people have commented on the videos saying that they appreciate that and then we're just going to carry on north past the bridge that we come across you can see the path turns left across that bridge but we're going to carry on going right north down this dirt track here all the way over to the church of america which is the next location and here we are at the church of america so let's go ahead and head on inside of it and just here we can activate the resting spots of grace and as you can see we're now right here on the map at the third church of america and if i go ahead and zoom in on the map right to the north just where this lake is we're going to put another little waypoint just over here because there's actually a teleporter that's going to take us all the way over here so from this resting spot you can see there's a gap in the ruins here which is going to run over here through the bushes you can see our waypoint is just over there they hop down these rocks to the lake just here um and this is the teleporter hidden in the bushes kind of like a wispy bit of wind and we're going to activate this teleporter and travel to another location oh spooky and now we're at the grey dolls dragon barrow and there's a sneaky enemy behind us so as you can see this is teleports us all the way to the north east of the map over here so we're going to zoom in and pretty much directly south we're just going to put a waypoint marker around here where this clouded area is just over here this is basically the direction we're heading and you're going to follow where i go now so if you look in the south there you can see the waypoints we placed next to that golden tree basically that's your reference from here and now it's going to run past this guy he's not going to attack you he's not fast enough i'm just going to go down this pathway heading east currently but it sort of loops around to the south there you can see there's a big bridge but before we get to that bridge there's actually another resting point which we're going to want to pick up if you die for some reason in between here you can just come back using the same teleporter but you see just before you get to this bridge there's a resting point of grace just on the left here there's also a massive dragon on that bridge but don't worry about it he is absolutely harmless he's very friendly want to get on our horse again and then we're going to ride up to this dragon and as long as you're quick like it doesn't attack you in fact i usually like to run between its legs so you guys like the video he seems to just sort of react to you and then take ages to actually start to attack so as long as you're riding straight on you shouldn't have any problem and you'll pretty much miss everything as you can see so now what we're gonna do is carry on riding down this pathway and you can see that's the golden tree where we place the waypoint and we're going to continue up to this ignore the lightning by the way it doesn't actually do any damage and you can see there's another boss directly ahead so at this point go right around these pots and then you're going to want to go straight on in between these pots just over here and then you're going to head left up this little sort of a rocky area just here and then we're going to stop here have a look on the map where we are so you can see this is where we were we went across this bridge here and now we're just here at the minor earth tree so then from the foot of this giant tree that we're at we're gonna go directly west now and we're gonna continue along this pathway until we basically get to the enemy we need to get to head west down this pathway ignoring the enemies once again just carry on following this cliff edge here keep going and you eventually have to drop off this ledge just here so go ahead and do that there'll be a giant ball you can go ahead and eat if you like and then we'll get to this sort of area where there's a cliff face so at this point follow exactly where i go gonna jump up the cliff here there's a big dragon on the left we're just going to ride around just here where i'm going exactly carry on riding round we're going to go just to the right of his wing here hop over here and head round behind him and then jump over here and we're now basically behind the dragon just over here you can see there's no enemies here and we're pretty safe so we're gonna jump off our horse and we're gonna enter sneak mode just make sure that none of those uh dragons have followed you now if you want to know the exact location you don't have the map uncovered this was the minor archery we're at and we are now just here next to this pathway and that is where we are at this dragon boss and as you can see we are absolutely fine here so what we're gonna do is now we're gonna walk in between this sort of dragon's wing here and just like armpit area and we're just gonna start hitting him from here while we two hand our weapon now as you can see we are going to start to melee this dragon with our morning star mate and it will do very little damage but this doesn't actually matter because each time you attack you'll actually be stacking the bleed effect which does percentage based damage after it builds up so after several attacks you'll do 13 400 damage very suddenly and a big chunk of the boss's health will disappear and you're pretty much going to carry on light attacking the dragon to do this repeatedly until the dragon is low on health i suggest that you just carry on light attacking until your stamina is low and then wait for it to fill up and then start the combo again this will take you five minutes to kill the dragon from full health so it doesn't take very long at all the best part is the dragon doesn't fight back so you're going to get these runes for nothing really but now comes the most important part of the video you do not want to kill the dragon completely yet you just want to get it as low as possible so as long as you're doing this early on with any character in elden ring at the start of the game using the morning star weapon you always end up getting the dragon to this sort of small sliver of health that we see at the end here so once you've almost killed the dragon and you've just triggered the bleed effect and it drops down to low health like this you're going to want to make sure you've equipped your golden pickle foul foot from your inventory and put it in your quick slot ready to use then we're just going to hit the dragon several more times then activate the golden pickled foul foot so you can see it ticking away there and then just carry on attacking until it's dead then you also get the extra boost in runes that the golden foul foot gives you for being active at the same time that you're killing this dragon but if for some reason you run out of golden fowl feet there's a guide on how to farm them linked below the golden foul feet do give a 30 boost to the amount of rooms you get so they are great for farming rooms with and you can actually farm an unlimited amount of them very easily as well so as you can see after the dragon is killed we get all of the runes from the dragons surrounding us 96 702 on the bottom right corner there in total so you can see there's a big difference there in fact there's a way to increase that number even higher which i'll talk about at the end of the video however it is a bit harder to do so now we have killed the great dragon we can pretty much just fast travel back to the first step resting spot or anywhere else we want to go and we're going to level up our character so as you can see using the 100 000 runes depending on what class you're using and what level you start at you can now set up your character build however you would like i would strongly suggest checking out another starter guide or character build guide linked below so you don't just allocate your stats randomly and you instead have a build plan in mind in total from starting the game at level 9 the samurai class can level up another 24 times using this method but if you want to get even more runes using this method and i mean like another 20 000 runes or so to allow you to level up even further you're going to want to obtain the golden scarab which boosts the runes you obtain by another 20 and when stacked with the golden foul foot you'll be getting another 50 more runes whenever you kill something however the golden scarab helmet requires you to kill a boss in order to obtain which is why i didn't include it in this video instead there'll be a guide on how to obtain that and unlimited golden foul foot link down below in the video description so i hope you found this video helpful i'll see you in the next one
Channel: ESO
Views: 4,874,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring level up fast, elden ring level up, elden ring fast leveling, elden ring fast runes, elden ring fastest rune farm, elden ring fast leveling early, elden ring fast runes early, elden ring fast farm, rune, rune farm, elden ring, levle up, fast leveling guide, levelling guide, farm, guide, souls, elden ring early rune farm, elden ring best start, early, location, early rune farm, early runes elden ring, runes, elden ring gameplay, eso
Id: I6xvvJr9yQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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