Level IV Ceramic Plate Carrier Inserts

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hello guys and gals Buffalo here a while back RTS tactical sent me over a plate carrier and a couple of a or 500 level three armored plates to do some testing with here on the channel I did that video I told you guys up front I'm not an expert on body armor or anything like that I did something different than what most of the other people that are doing body armor videos did I hit that armor with a bunch of hunting rounds I hit it with 450 Bushmaster 458 SOCOM 50 Beowulf none of that stuff even put a scratch on that level three armor the only thing that put some little divots in it with some green tip five five six and though there were just really small little divots you guys can can look like video up here on my channel and check it out if you'd like I'll try to remember to link it in the description if it's something you're interested in watching you can check down there but this is what they had sent me this level 3a or five hundred steel armor plates to go in that carrier and what I ended up doing was I sent I sent that same plate that I had shot over to the leopard guns 50 channel and he hit it with a 50 110 one of his loads and just blew right through it like a hot knife through butter so check his channel out if you haven't already and look for that video but he posted on the RTS tactical body armor but speaking of RTS tactical a little shout out for them right there for working with the channel look them up they've got good deals on body armor and just about anything else tactical but this time they sent me over a couple of their level 4 ceramic plates you can see it's a much thicker plate lighter though I actually weighed these both of these plates on my scale the steel plate came in at eight pounds four point three ounces while the ceramic plate came in at six pounds 5.1 ounces almost two pounds lighter than the level three plate and weight matters if carrying these around all day in a plate carrier that's two pounds in the front and two pounds in the back you're saving that that's gonna make a tremendous difference in how you carry these things around all day thickness I measured both of these with my calipers and the AR 500 steel came in at about three hundred and fifty four thousandths of an inch when you include that spa coating on there and the ceramic came in at a little over an inch at one point zero seven four inches thick so obviously what I'm going to do here today it shoot this armor I've actually got one of them duct-taped to a five-gallon bucket of water here I want to see if it'll stop the round and even if it does stop the round you know will it still bust that five-gallon bucket of water because what we're going to shoot it with here it's pretty serious round figure these are 30.6 armor-piercing rounds blacktip rounds and I appreciate bearded CB 82 for hooking me up with these you know I've gotten a lot of help from a lot of channels over the years since I've been on YouTube for what nearly over eight years now working on nine years doing this and I've had the privilege of working with and getting help from so many channels out there just made a lot of good friends even though we've never met in person you know you build that kind of camaraderie with other YouTube channels so thanks bearded CB 82 I'll have this channel linked in the description of this video do you want to check him out the rifle I'm going to be using it's kind of a special rifle a lot of you guys like the banjo music on my outro to my videos and this rifle belongs to the banjo picker that picks that banjo music this is a Ruger generation 177 he bought this new back in 1983 still got the scope that he bought on it at the time that's a old-school Bushnell Benner scope did claw on the male's or style action based on the Mauser it's not exactly the same I've got a different ejector and stuff but still very classic very beautiful rifle I'm going to use it to launch those ap rounds into that ceramic buddy armor so enough talking let's hit it y'all see that black tip in there in the top of the magazine got my eyes on my ears in let's rock and roll we definitely busted that water bucket [Applause] all right so it did not go through that armor plate we're only at about 20 yards I thought we might have a chance but we didn't know the book it busted from blunt force trauma so the reason I didn't take untape this yet I want to hit this one more time I want to put it back up I'm gonna take one more shot at it okay we're going to try this again now that the bucket doesn't have any water in it it should seal it flying back off that table I'm gonna try not to hit it in the exact same spot I hear something in that bucket surely it's not a bullet nope it's just plastic that bucket took a ton of blunt-force trauma which you know still beats alternative let's cut this off here have a look at look at that you can see the back of our armor it's not punctured kind of deformed but not punctured nothing got through if we look at the face or the front you see that ceramic busted up in there the second shot was relatively close to the first shot but neither one of them got through probably got some bullet in there somewhere I can't dig that out right here but anyway so there's your look at that appreciate RTS tactical for sending this over so what I'm going to do with that other plate they sent me two of these is I'm gonna send it over to the liver guns 50 channel down in Alabama and let it get some big bore slam nice lemme take it away liver guns oh thanks buffalo hey everyone levar guns here hey we're going to take this 1886 Winchester and this thing originally come out in 1886 it's a John Browning design you know here's the riddle cartridge you come out in 45 70 but we're not as shooting it in there 45 70 we're shooting it in a and a bigger a bigger more batter cartridge here's the forty five seventy and here's the cartridge were shooting it in which is the 50 110 on it originally a black powder cartridge just like the forty five seventy we're gonna see in this big old plate what it will do it's known as the most powerful lever action cartridge it can generate up to six thousand foot-pounds of muzzle energy but we're not going to shoot it with that kind of energy we're going to shoot it about five thousand two hundred and this is that plate that Buffalo sent over and as you can see we managed to put some holes in it we have holes in it with the 4590 the 348 the 405 you never did get a 45 72 make a hole in it but uh that's that plate that buffalo was talking about let's get started and shoot this target and see what happens we're gonna use one of these solid bar bronze bullets and I'll see what it does [Music] well is that plate it definitely caught that bullet in there you know you can stick two fingers inside of that massive hole in there but it definitely caught it you know as you can see it pushed it all the way back into that can and this would definitely be your chest not sure how well you would feel so but hey it didn't penetrate it wonder how that got all the way back in there I mean that whole thing must have bowed backwards or something there's no way it can fit in there now maybe we can see on the slo-mo so hey it survived so I want to shoot it with another bullet here and maybe another bullet down here alright we're gonna shoot this 45 90 it's another 1886 we're gonna shoot it with this right here this is a 225 grain bullet go on 3,000 feet a second 3,000 feet a second let's see what we do yeah look like we stopped that one to you right there we're gonna yes we're gonna turn it over like this and shoot it with the 300 grain bullet or maybe a 500 grain bullet and see what happen that's some major information I mean that thing that thing did some damage this is the bullet that's penetrated all the body armor so far it's a 300 gram bullet and on 2,800 feet a second Wow three shots you pretty much this is history it's ain't gonna hold up anymore it's destroyed but I never stop until something's got a hole in it so let's shoot one more all right let's see if any of them bullets made it through 4590 was doing a number on it yep yep come on 1 2 3 4 5 oh we got holes going through this all the way through and into the wall y'all see that alright guys what do you think they'll ever actually did a pretty good job didn't they make sure you give Buffalo a thumbs up ah as always come back and see us it's all yours Buffalo that was pretty awesome guys please level 4 ceramic plate carrier inserts from RTS tactical or extremely tough very durable kind of surprised me like I say I'm not a body armor expert so I'm kind of new to obvious but that that really surprises me it you know you'd think or I thought that that once you get one good hit in there and the breakstep ceramic ax that the next shot would penetrate easier but you know four or five six shots yes it will but two shots right here with armor-piercing thirty-aught-six rounds and it didn't go through I thought that was pretty impressive and no doubt whatever guns 50 did that made it even that was even more impressive so I was looking on their website these run about $80 each that's for one insert so a set of whom will cost you about a hundred and sixty bucks but it may be well worth it for you if you want to upgrade to level 4 if you if you've got level 3 and you want to upgrade to level 4 or if you're just buying inserts for the first time and you prefer to go ahead and get the level 4 everything's a trade-off you get what you pay for with a lot of this stuff the level 4 is certainly certainly impressive I'll show you this I can get it to focus on this label you can pause the video and read some of those numbers and certifications and things you want but other than that that's gonna bring this video for to a close and you guys think I'm joking every time there's a thunderstorm just the best to open up right over my head right now you might be able to hear that thunder on the microphone I don't know seems like every time I do a video it's either been raining or it's getting ready to rain that's just the way it is here in Kentucky I'll talk to you guys again soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Buffalo's Outdoors
Views: 6,788
Rating: 4.969605 out of 5
Keywords: Buffalo's Outdoors, NIJ 0101.06, NIJ 0101.06 level 4, ceramic, ceramic body armor, level IV, Level 4, Leverguns 50, ceramic carrier plates, multiple shots, multiple hits, multiple strikes, multiple strike capability
Id: Z1x0usp8Kv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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