letting people TOUCH me in VR with the Haptic Suit

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touch me bro really wherever you see it light up is where i feel it when you touch my arms now it's a bit weird [Music] oh no okay i received in the mail today three packages right here of maybe the weirdest and maybe sketchiest product i've ever had the pleasure of receiving it's a suit that i'm gonna put on that's gonna let people on the internet touch me and i'm gonna feel it [Music] i need a knife always cut towards you kids [Music] this is what is called a haptic sensory vest hey if i put money into this company would i be investing you know you like that you dirty merry christmas actually you know i'm gonna do this all fancy-like damn it okay that's that's better that feels better it's too hot hell yes i'm [ __ ] sick i'm ready to go i need a [ __ ] [ __ ] gun i need a gun my super gun nothing's not very super find out a little bit more about this product avoid humid spaces avoid direct sunlight feel sensations on your forehead [Music] next thing we got to do is take this into the office this is all the stuff htc vive all the cables all the everything sensors and everything the modifications that i need in order to make this vest work with this thing so i'ma spare you this and just go ahead and i was also told do not wear this with no shirt on because i might get electrocuted i tell you what though i am feeling like a like a power ranger right now okay maybe i'm feeling like a biker guy maybe i'm feeling like i'm i need to be singing ymca at a club all i know is i could not walk into an airport like this oh my god i did not when does it stop it's currently vibrating the [ __ ] out of me so i've downloaded the software it turns out it's going to be a little bit more complicated to get make it so people can touch me there's not even sensors for my pants so i don't know how this is gonna be worth it i was led to a website where i'm directed to a japanese youtube video that directs me to a japanese some sort of patreon thing where i have to pledge yen to get a mod to get something and i'm gonna do it [Music] yeah i was gonna ask you to touch me but i'm not so sure anymore hey sure come no this is even weirder you can't touch me this is weird enough right here i'm looking for i'd like a normal touch like this wizard there's nothing wrong with this lizard touching me give me a touch little guy i am not great she said that you should know all right we'll go for the animal okay let me see no i don't think oh the back what the hell somebody hit me in the back that was so scary oh my god oh you don't run through me either that messes me up too so powerful man that's a lot of vibration i think if i try and stick my arm light through your front and then yeah that dude just walked through me and it felt like he walked through me oh i don't like it it's a very powerful sensation in the bod all right somebody touched my face i'm doing that touch my face okay oh i got the face working everyone attack me all right touch me bro really touch my feet somebody's touching my lower back back here oh it's you it's you that's so weird that's like the scariest thing about the suit is when somebody touches you on the back that's the creepiest thing stop it stop it it's like near my butt i'm uncomfortable what happens if i like rub your rub your arm do you feel it like stick your arm up yep any wherever you see it light up is where i feel it on my arm on my real arm oh god no don't go all the way in me you can touch my face too that these things up here you hear that i think they make pants too but they didn't send me the pants because we all know damn what you're gonna do with the pants dude what am i gonna do if the cameras are off then you're gonna go to the voice the cameras are never off buddy just gets uploaded to a different site you know what i'm saying okay who's got who's going my back okay you're that is like that feels like an actual massage that's unreal because when you do that when you like run down i can there's like 10 sensors so i can feel the whole the whole way you have anything special you wanted to do now that you have this like i don't know pavlov that would be interesting yeah it runs on i think 12 different games right now [Music] [Laughter] i guess there um too wow that sounded like it hurt oh yeah nice that's a lot of uh you have like that touching thing or whatever yeah it's it's that's the technical term is dude you need a hamburger you are so little hey i'm a japanese idol okay i have to be small and frail dude you need a bowl of ramen like right now there's no way there are avatars that small holy [ __ ] oh god yes there are my guys they're avatar smaller you do realize when you say don't go inside me touch me listen i'm doing this for science okay this is not for my own personal pleasure have you seen ready player one no i'm no no no no i'm good no whatever what does it feel like it just feels like somebody taps you on the shoulder no it feels scary i promise you i'd give you the grand tour you want to do some [ __ ] you want to do some [ __ ] i'll tell you why are you crying bro [Music] hold on i wonder if i'll feel this hold on actually [Laughter] i feel it throw it at me can you throw it at me okay okay yeah yeah yup i it hit my stomach wow that's insane yeah after this oh no okay oh no [Music] oh if you drive oh that works i want to see how how a helicopter feels okay yeah yeah all right all right all right here we go uh ascending forward forward why do two of them say forward oh oh be careful bro be careful be careful bro be careful shoot me bro he's losing control only if they are in large numbers oh can you throw me some food oh ducks oh my god oh i can feel it oh big boys better okay every other piece of food oh god that goose came right at me all right it's on me it's on me my god oh my god all right what an experience [Music] this is what people buy him no that's how does it feel having five guys teabagging you know oh my god it's like crazy you know oh my god okay oh what's up dude laying down again not again what's up dude you're laying down again bro oh yeah i'm very secure in my sexuality i assure you [Music] here we go oh gosh oh this is weird uh i hope i don't vomit oh my god that's amazing [Music] oh that was so good thank you guys for showing me that that was amazing that was so good you know if you get back on people yeah yeah i friended most of you you guys can all request me if you want if i hop back on i gotta i'm gonna go because it's really late it's nice to meet you guys all right guys insane oh i don't even know what to make of it that's insane the only thing that i think would make it a little bit better is if somehow it could produce cold and hot some sort of fan man it's so crazy how technology is advancing that is about as much of 4d as i can take on this fine evening but if you want to see me use this stuff uh in more vr experiences and or games like the video and i'll see you guys soon for a whole nother one thanks for joining on the adventures take deep breaths smile and stay
Channel: Kugo the Mighty
Views: 726,200
Rating: 4.9709191 out of 5
Keywords: virtual reality, vr, haptic suit, bhaptics, haptics, bhaptics vest, haptic feedback, vr haptic suit, haptic vest, bhaptics tactsuit, haptic vr suit, virtual reality haptic suit, vr suit, htc vive, haptic, haptic feedback suit, ready player one suit, Kugo the Mighty, kugo, kugo vr, kugo the mighty vr, vr touch, vr feel
Id: jicHjfjzaqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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