A FRESH START || The Long Dark || Part 1 || Custom Stalker

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hey everybody yakiris here welcome to the long dark it's gonna be a new series a fresh start the last custom interloper series i did i added firearms to it from the interloper uh difficulty level and it was sort of broken because there was no cleaning kits for the firearms and it was just sort of frustrating the whole time it was i just felt like i was looking around for for ammo and sort of getting geared up to have firearms but then i knew that they were just going to eventually break within a couple two three four shots something like that and i couldn't properly maintain them it didn't seem right so i'm gonna start fresh it was just it was tough for me to get into this series because of that so we're gonna start fresh here um we're gonna do custom but i'm gonna try to do something a little different here i'm gonna start with a stalker mode and i want to make things more difficult so baseline resource availability we're going to do low certain time of day i don't really care start starting weather let's just do random i don't want heavy fog i hate fog but if it happens on random so be it indoor spawns permitted no oh yeah we don't want to spawn indoor survivor monologue oh you can actually make them be quiet be interesting i like the day multiplier uh weather variability high very high low let's just stick with high blizzard frequency high we're going to colder over time low medium high stick with medium um wind variability that's fine aurora frequency fine fire overcomes ambient air temp no no matter how much fuel or how cold it is outside we're going to keep that where that's at because that seems more realistic calorie burn rate seems good medium i'm fine with all that frostbite rate high all these should be high that looks good sprains um you know what i'm gonna turn that off because that is just annoying i didn't know that i could turn it off i wish i could cut it in half or it was a little more granular rather than just straight up a binary yes or no type answer here uh food poisoning i probably should turn that off broken ribs let's see here or parasites i get parasites a lot too it seems like actually yeah we'll take all that wake up player when freezing near fire no we don't want that fire prevents freezing not necessarily it decays item decay rate uh i don't really like it decaying as fast as it does that seems a bit unrealistic so we're going to bump that down to medium loose item availability uh the amount of items spawned outside of containers okay empty container chance modifier six branches responding okay that looks good starting gear allocation rifle ability yes revolver yes okay there's nothing here about cleaning kits uh harvesto yeah okay reduce container item density yeah we're gonna have that on low because we want to have as little as possible wildlife spawns a chance to catch a fish i think we're gonna bump that down too in the winter yeah we'll just keep it at medium we'll spawn chance um very high timberwolf spawn chance that's only on the the new the new uh region so i guess we'll put that at very high deer spawn chance medium rabbit bear moose time for wildlife to respond medium reduce wildlife population over time okay we'll spawn distance close how far away wolves may spawn when you enter or exit the interior closer means they are more likely to catch you unawares that's fine uh predator grace period no so that'd be i'll be safe for the first 24 hours like they would just not exist in the world we're not going to go with that wildlife behavior small small range we want that on high scent increase from meat and blood that's i'm just going to keep that at normal passive wildlife no unless you provoke them directly that's like pilgrim and uh ex whatever the other one is i never never played those wildlife attacks during rest yeah does not apply to wildlife currently stalking you when you begin resting um i wish it was like near fire like fire would keep them away because i would say yeah keep fire would keep them away but if i just threw down a sleeping bag and took a nap without a fire then i could still get attacked but uh that's this is a little bit different than that so wolf fear medium flares torches and stones i didn't know that stones could deter deter them i thought just sort of annoyed i guess it does i don't know timberwolf moral low wildlife detection rate medium that seems normal struggle bonus low struggle condition modifier none what does that mean okay uh struggle clothing damage modifier low um let's bump that up to medium struggle damage severity and we have a very high uh yeah we're gonna up that so that makes this the uh the struggles a lot more important you know a lot more dangerous all right that's everything so let's get started here sorry it took so long random oh god i hope it's a good one after all this geez i don't want to die within the first five minutes male oh you know what i think we were yeah let's be uh let's be female this time we were male 1 i always try to go back and forth between the two just to things sound different in my in my headphones just for just for variety i guess snow walker stamina returns 20 faster that seems pretty good let's activate that free runner running burns less calories efficient machine that's always good um 10 fewer calories cold fusion is always a good one to have there we go book smarts heck i'm just loading them up with all i have i guess it doesn't even matter get ten percent more about the bonus from that i have a couple that i haven't unlocked yet as you can see blizzard walker uh straight to the heart sneered a hundred rabbits i don't have it i haven't done that i wonder if it has to be a hundred or habits cumulatively or just in one session a thousand fires i think i gotta be getting close to that right the level three fire starting skill that's pretty good okay well anyway let's get started i kind of like what i have here anyway even if i had these i'd still probably pick what i got i don't know let's get started sandbox one let's do this uh fresh start there we go let's redeem ourselves guys i missed you guys i just it it actually kind of made me not not want to play the game it was kind of depressing honestly so let's get started here long enough timeline the survival rate of everyone drops to zero yep we all die where we at oh god where are we oh wait yeah we're on uh is this ravine back here leave coastal highway oh we're at coastal highway that's not too bad um what's the temp see here it's uh negative three yeah let's let's trick on ahead here because there is a trailer up ahead of us let's go there first get warmed up see if we can maybe wait until daytime because the daytime is just around the corner so at least we started somewhere good man it's loud in my ears i have to make an adjustment there we go that's a little better peek down here if i can i see anything not seeing anything i don't even know what kind of clothes we start with in stalker anymore there's been so many updates and i've been playing interloper um hard to say all right i'm just going to kind of stay up here i'm kind of glad i don't have sprains anymore that was just so annoying the guy was like the clutchiest hiker i'd ever seen i mean i get having a sprain occasionally but this guy it was like your character was mr glass or something i won't make a run for it i'm not gonna worry about him i'll get back to him during the daytime i just want to get inside where it's safe a little paranoid you go a month without playing a game man suddenly you feel like every step you're gonna take is gonna kill you all right so let's see here 37 in here which is better than freezing what have we got here we got ourselves a hat oh we got some work boots a little sweater honestly some thermal underwear this ain't a bad we got a sleep bed roll to start with that's i'm spoiled not too bad okay so not a bad starting uh and we got 1900 calories on board so that's not too bad we'll wait till morning time to uh let's just go about two hours and then we should be able to see everything fine and we should be somewhat warmer probably not fully warmed up now not fully removed and not quite bright enough to see everything let's go rest for one more hour if it'll let us probably won't yeah it wouldn't let's just pass time then wait hold on let me think here hmm can i do anything plaid shirt i will take that it's cotton but let's just layer it on throw it on top there there we go let's see 20 waterproof good enough i'm not too worried about all the metrics at this point because we're gonna be changing things up as we go quite a bit here sleep for one still not tired enough all right that's right because i was i didn't actually pass time last time all right now i can see enough to actually do some exploring so let's do that simple tools cool cool sure it's a drawer yep we'll do that all right i think let's see here i don't know it's oh the first few episodes is always the most exciting in my series it seems like i mean i do have some moment oh can opener normally i'm looking for one of those like for episodes upon episodes and that's a ragged vest but we'll throw that on because we got nothing better to put on so let's do that it's not doing a whole lot for us but it's better than better than nothing what do we got down here granola bar take that do you have any water oh no i got no water we're gonna have to remedy that situation open that i did i searched that let's go outside and see what the weather's like and see it feels windy feels cold let's go search this guy over here yes it's nasty we're gonna wait until this weather passes i can't remember if there's anything worthwhile over here i'm gonna grab some stones because that's about the only self-defense that i have at this point against the wolves and apparently it can scare them away i didn't realize that i guess i kind of knew that but i just never used it really what's this cole what the coal in my stocking okay so i'm gonna get up here and not have to worry about spraying ankles and get the high ground just in case a wolf comes up the switchbacks right down there oh feathers we're gonna take those for sure that's it just two all right searches corpse uh no luck oh more feathers here we go i don't say normally there's more than just two all right i really don't want to go down there because it's almost guaranteed i don't i don't think i've ever gone there not run into a wolf so i'm going to go back here wait for the weather to change a little bit get a little bit nice negative 23. yeah we're gonna go back inside and wait we're going to go back inside and wait for a second now i do want to check behind here because they've gotten pretty tricky about hiding rifles behind out buildings and things like that so i'd hate to pass up a rifle if it was right literally right there now i think i'm going to go back through ravine and then and then hit um the the hydra dam and those two trailers and the truck and all that because there's so much good loot right there that should get us set up pretty well before i come back here so i would like the weather to be a little bit better before i go through ravine though no point in freezing if you don't have to plus we can get toilet water there and that's probably number one on our list of things to do right now is get water all right i still hear the wind ripping and roaring out there four degrees yeah and it's still negative eighteen good it's gracious man is it gonna get any better or just gonna be a nasty is it gonna be one of those days just a nasty day i think just being nasty we might just have to go with it i'm gonna i'm gonna rest here for two hours can i rest for one no all right let's pass time for one hour hopefully the wind stops maybe i don't know felt like it was slowing down oh yeah okay all right there we go all right so let's get going here side by the side with this series i am also going to do um oh i don't know why i checked him again the computer didn't the game was like why are you checking him again i was not expecting that that's why it sort of froze like are you what i'm not expecting you to do that um so side by side with the series i want to do stranded deep so we have sort of a fire and ice type thing if you guys feel like watching me get sunburned go check out stranded deep if you guys feel like watching me get frostbite come on over here you're in the right place don't change that channel now i would like to go down here because i think sometimes you find ammo down here but sometimes there's a wolf down here i don't really want to start off the first episode being all right i'm going to try to look down here see if i see any ammo seeing it okay i'm not going to bother with it right now i'm going to continue on play it safe completely vulnerable at these moments i feel so much better when i get some sort of an offensive weapon even in a like a struggle you know i set the damage to high so right now i don't even have a knife to stick a wolf with or anything that's the other thing is we're going to find knives and axes here and i will have to make them at the forge so that'd be kind of nice i wish that was an option if you could take those out i wish i had more options to choose from there was a lot of options but there's some of the ones i really want to choose like i can't like i would pick interloper and sort of change that around but if you start with interloper you don't you're not getting those rifle cleaning kits stalkers should have them uh hopefully we find one in the hydro dam and then we know for sure we're on the right track with this series so i think i'm just going to get rid of the the last series all together i'm just gonna you know turn it private and we'll call that the lost series so those of you that have seen it congratulations um it just i just wasn't feeling it man i felt like i was working at cross purposes with the metrics of the game basically what i was trying to do from the get-go just was not going to happen so it is what it is all right what does it temp out here now it's at four degrees and it's not too hateful for this for this game four degrees fahrenheit by the way guys i am i am running fahrenheit so over here in ravine we're safe there are no at least unless they've updated it and added wolves in an update or something i there should be no hostile animals on ravine pick up coal as we go because coal is awesome for heat all right that's probably one of the best starts i've ever had where i'm less like oh this is like great normally i'm like oh i need to dodge wolves and bears and heck just go watch for well you probably can't now that i've taken the series down but last last series whew that was a rough start it was felt like i was uh like a running back trying to avoid tackles started the first episode and the last one i got what was it two two wolves and a bear and then the wolf and the bear started fighting each other or something like and then i jumped off a cliff to get away from him and somehow i survived oh yeah now she's starting to die we need to move along um i would like to go down there while i'm nice and lightweighted oh there's a is that a wolf no that's that rabbit there's rabbits down there um light weighted geez oh my gosh all right i kind of want to go over here see if there's anything in here because there might be in stock remote i don't know uh there is a cave over here i don't know if it's warm enough to spend some time in and grab some birch bark it's always good to have i don't think we're gonna need too much of the rushy mushrooms but i'm gonna grab it just just to be safe grab some sticks just in case for birch bark we can make a healing tea out of that for those of you knew oh here we go so this is worth it got ourselves a little granola bar some firewood burned out campfire oh god okay don't ever do that again to me rabbit oh hold on hold on you know what hold on i got i got something for you i got something for you now you got something for me oh he's so cute sorry sorry what is it in here 27 that's not that's not warm enough all right now we're a little stinky because we picked up a rabbit but in this particular area not a big deal all right let's get going hey sorry i wonder if i should do a next-to-kin notification there with that rabbit i can't reach you and just pick up sticks since we don't have any way to cut wood at this point we do have a piece of firewood which is nice so rabbits are easy prey they make some nice gloves and hats too but right now i just kind of need to get to a warm warmer place oh wait i always missed that turn okay let's head down here across the the box car bridge here oh oh which way do i go this way yeah this way nope this way yep this way let me go up here let me up let me up oh god what am i doing wrong can't jump and you can't jump in this game go figure ah there we go i think i would know by now but i don't dead guy let's run across in a haphazard banner because what's worse can happen oops rose hip's okay i'm not too worried about my condition um oh a t-shirt is that what i got a t-shirt i went to ravine and all i got was a stupid t-shirt all right i got a rabbit too it's not true we've got some rose hips and things like that oh there's some old man's beard probably you know what it's probably good to grab real quick i think no we have antiseptic don't we i think they started this with antiseptic but now that i'm standing here i might as well just go ahead and grab it because normally i want to grab this so i can make a wound dressing all right let's grab some shoot i thought there'd be feathers here apparently not all right there we go my question is what killed that deer and ripped its guts open i don't think it its guts got ripped open from old age so i'm pretty sure that this this uh well this piece is cool nice pretty sure that this cave up here is going to be just as cold as the last one i don't think maybe the last one was not a a cave that had a warm section towards the i back grabbing these as long as they're not too many steps out of my way all right we got another deer up here that's it's got its uh guts ripped open from old age we'll make some dressings ahead of time hopefully there's some feathers around this one then we got a couple feathers come in handy when we start making arrows or maybe i'll make a a pillow nice beautiful feather pillow ah some more wood some cedar wood this time how warm is it back here 30 degrees not warm enough to get us warmed up i could start a fire but we're really close to uh salvation to warmth hopefully the carter hydro dam's warm enough i know i know the trailers will be so i'm not too concerned all right one more there we go all right i don't know i mean i'm probably picking up way too much park at this point now probably overdoing it but it does make some delicious tea some restorative tea it also warms you up it gives you a little bit of a warmth bonus as you wonder oh shh okay i've had a couple heart attacks already okay i can't get these because i don't have a hatchet or a saw but i will come back for those eventually oh no that's i thought that was a stick all right up we go let's slow down here get our stamina built back up because once we go into this next section there's a possibility there will be a wolf in this general area somewhere we might have to run for it run to safety so we can always double back that's always an option but uh i am a little stinky i might drop my drop my rabbit there for now it'll freeze it'll be all right i just don't want to be stinky until i scout this place out because i don't really want to get attacked right now i'm going to go for the trailer first see if there's any wolves around here i'm not seeing them okay let's get inside i just don't want to be surprised when i come back out because there's only one way and one way in and one way out of this trailer and and i just don't want the wolf to be sitting there waiting for me check the first aid box got some painkillers yeah right you know you know if there's a apocalyptic event the painkillers would be the first thing to be gobbled up by everybody all right a ragged light shell that sounds crappy more antibiotics we already have some but that'll help so painkillers i used to use those all the time for restraints that's not a factor in this particular playthrough so we need to find ourselves a pry bar for that one okay so um basically painkillers can be used if i get attacked or i fall and hurt myself or something silly like that or i burn myself i guess i don't really need this for tinder there's gonna be tender inside the it's 37 degrees i should probably let myself warm up a little bit but since i have a little bit of warmth i'm gonna run over to the other trailer just to continue loading let's get low when we exit so if there's a wolf in area we have a less likely chance to alert him to aggro okay i'm gonna make a run for it there we go i've come out of that trailer and immediately been growled at by that wolf in this area so let's try it extra careful okay we got some mittens i don't even know if we have mittens we might have mittens already no we don't okay so let's put that on at least we're not gonna get frostbite when we wear those and we have our head cover so that's good um yeah 7 degree warmth bonus we can do better than that we will do better than that 38 degrees in this one this is a warmer trailer we got banged up pork and beans beans and molasses with bits of what looks like pork it looks like but maybe not who knows it's a mystery me stump remover that's pretty heavy we'll take it you can craft ammo with that some pinnacle peaches take some of those a little bit of reclaimed wood um a bed they put a bed in this one i didn't know that was a bed i think it's the first time i've ever seen that interesting that's an interesting looking bed spray paint i don't know if i'm going to start tagging oh let me check i wonder if we can tag right here let me see um never used spray paint before so stan stand by folks i'll try to figure this out i can't do that it's a weapon not a weapon um never use spray paint because like you know i pretty much know where everything is views shoe shape clothing avoid direction danger searched oh i could do searched fire starting first aid food drink hunting area materials store i could do the storage tools clothing okay we're back to the same way so i'm gonna do searched i'm gonna start doing searched this is i need to make sure i know how to put this thing away in case i need to run around or whatever let's leave this area let's see if i can do this i'll probably get killed doing this try something new how dare you searched confirmed oh okay oh okay that's kind of cool it shows up on the map i didn't know that never tried any of that stuff before oh well that'd be real helpful for new people you'll be fine trust me you're in good hands you'll be all right let's take a look around make sure there's no walls just creeping on a come up okay there we go that's kind of cool i can i didn't know it show up on the map i just thought it was something you could visually see so i can like i can kind of see it from over here but yeah i like that i do like that methuselah where you at oh another mystery mysteriously dead deer remember back in the day when carter hydro dam was a little bit scary going because you never knew if the fluffy was going to be inside search briefcase oh that's attempting here it doesn't feel that warm 34. it's warm enough with warmer than freezing that's all we care about i want to take that just because fire starting material i can always drop it if i need to it's awesome there i'm going to ignore it it's getting colder now all right search this here my wife's messaging me she's working the night shift at the hospital tonight she's got the night shift she said she had to do a uh an organ donation surgery tonight so she'll be she does anesthesia so she'll be putting somebody to sleep for that it's kind of cool i didn't know um i asked her what organ it was gonna be and she didn't know yet but uh uh i'm not sure i should probably check the message in case it's something important you know happy oh why she crying she's making a crying sound how goes it she's like got a frowny face and there's another another message coming through so i'll have to check that here in a minute see what why it's not not a good night for her so far i hope she didn't lose patient she hasn't yet so that's good but you know some people some people are very sick and the surgery alone is very traumatizing for them it's enough to kill them just just all that by itself so i think she's been lucky and hasn't had to have any of those surgeries yet but it will eventually happen unfortunately this comes with the territory all right let's get going here uh let's see your metal shelf trash can oh more spray paint okay i'm going to become a tagger i kind of kind of i i sort of downplayed it sort of poo-pooed it a little bit i kind of like it i don't know see i'm open to having it my mind changed all right all right now don't be afraid even though it's a toilet water it is potable um i'm not sure how it is without an actual tank but uh they allow you to so okay there we go i i wish i need to be able to go in there i don't know why i can't because there's valuable water in there that's interesting different different amounts of water that last one was point 14 gallons this was 0.23 gallons so i'm not sure why there was different differing amounts i never noticed that before okay i think we're good i did check this yeah i did check that trash can all right oh i already checked that one too uh let's open this up i'm pretty sure i can't i don't see anything in there still 34 degrees we're okay let's head downstairs try to look for anything i think sometimes there's a hacksaw down here i know i've missed it before um gotta be very careful uh i can't go out that way which probably a good thing because the door probably shuts and locks behind you all right a broom it's not a rifle like initially thought let's go all the way up check the top of this landing here top of the stairs whatever not seeing anything can't go out that door either oh some soda we'll take that because we're thirsty why am i not drinking let's drink that get some calories on board running around with all this toilet water this beautiful fine perfectly harmless toilet water apparently according to the game it's fine so so what's my strategy gonna be well i'm on a raid mystery lake obviously since we're here this is a great place to raid and then i think i kind of want to head over to pleasant valley sort of hit that area more spray paint all right i'm getting a little too much spray paint at this point it's going to be one of the first things to go if i have to drop weight starting to get a little tired search the medical locker antibiotics take it crowbar crowbar this will come in handy yep well let's see what [Music] checking to see if she's all right oh wow two emergency surgeries already then another one coming and an organ procurement is now at 3am so it's 10 49 pm right now so and she started at seven so in what uh three and a three almost four hours she's done three emergency she'll have two emergency surgeries a third one coming and then the organ procurement at three a.m so dang she's earning her money today sometimes she goes in for the night shift and gets to uh because they have like uh rooms that they can go and sleep in and they have pagers and they they get woke up if anything comes in because there's no surgery scheduled for for the night shift and uh sometimes she'll go and do like one thing and then like sleep the whole night and get paid for it which is cool but not tonight she's making up for it tonight but that's all right she did get plenty of sleep i made sure she got plenty of sleep today and i'm off tonight so i'm watching the girls uh they're they're tucked in bed and i'm off tomorrow as well so she also does the same thing tomorrow as well where was i oh i wanted to see about these i want to see if these were better than what i have on problem i don't know it depends slightly and in one category and not another and those are 72 so i think if we repair these these would be better they do have a lot more armor as you can see here it does slow you down a little bit i don't know how gloves would look i guess technically it's more weight but yeah so we can repair these if we get some cured leather to repair this with maybe tear down some shoes or something like that it has leather and then we'll put these on but right now i'll leave them i'll leave the mitts on for now i can't go through there let's open this [Music] check all these areas make sure i'm not missing anything down low [Music] just kind of surprised i haven't found a rifle around yet or anything honestly i'm normally pretty good about finding those maybe it's just because i don't realize it when i miss a bunch of them sort of a confirmation bias thing going on i don't know reverse confirmation bias but i don't see them i'll take it um yeah we don't need those we already have those so i'm gonna put those back only thing we get from there is we tear them down and get cloth from oh beef jerky baby sorry i clicked through that i thought it was gonna be empty but uh beef jerky i'm leaving it i'm leaving it behind obviously there's plenty okay billy the big mouse about big mouth bastards oh i see something wonderful down there revolver ammo 10 rounds yay the bass did not have anything for me i can't eat them and now you're going to get this having i have not gotten these drawers i almost walked right out the door and neglected this entire desk look at how old that computer is and the t and the tv wow books are good for burning i'm gonna grab that just because they're really good fire starting material especially early on when skill levels are a bit low got everything here except for this one locker right there all right let's keep going this feels like an area they'd put a freaking rifle around right in this area here somewhere i don't know i mean i'm just tripping out all right down to the main floor again head over here to the safe normally the safe has some good things oh i didn't check this i think i checked this yeah all right you guys who commented that i missed the toolbox here you can go back and delete your comment and oh no i did get that one i did get that one okay now i'm thinking i missed everything over here that's a fake locker it's a fake locker someone picked me out with it more spray paint all my loose rifle rounds have now been replaced with spray paint okay i kind of want to kind of want to get up there and over but i don't think i can i can't can't step up four inches oh so difficult more spray paint okay it's all orange too like mix me up some colors frontier shooting guide by tim banks i never noticed the name on him before is that new uh matches lovely matches just makes you feel good to have like a huge supply of matches i wish there were npcs kind of wandering around the map and things like that too sometimes friendly you know most times friendly and helpful occasionally you run into one that's a little crotchety i put that back kind of now we already got two pieces of metal metals easy to combine oh simple parka baby that's gonna be nice let's put that on right away too sweet baby too sweet let's put that on three and three yeah we'll take that now we're starting to look like a survivor look at that love it love it simple tools we'll take it because we will go through our tools pretty quick what's our weight at now i'm just curious we're doing all right the only this normally 66 pounds is our total carry capacity unless we have like a well fed bonus or something like that but uh it's only low because we're starting to get tired so we're starting to get a little bit weak that's all it'll gradually go down to 33. so but we're okay we can sleep here or probably on trailers that's probably where i will see oh there we go hacksaw that's hugely important that's a really good find um let's check out this medical box more painkillers a bandage all right we'll take that uh metal table how much do i get for breaking down a metal table eight that whole table would be gone and then what about this thing oh it's not i thought i could break that down i guess i can't sometimes there's a yep there's a rifle cartridge right there that's always a good table to find a rifle around i think more often than not there is one there i don't know if it's 100 guaranteed or not but it seems like it in my world just from my experiences okay let's get back to looting and focusing here now we just need to find something to put these rifle and revolver rounds into a bang bang we need a bang bang all right nothing there all right let's crack this safe around 30 i think that was the first one okay let's reset it go to about 30. there we go that's 29 and then like what 15 or so so let's do this here we go bring it back a little bit start slowing down right around here 15 it was 29 15. all right i got it and 54. big bucks no whammies i don't want cash anymore but okay hey rifle round here's looking at you and sometimes there's boxes of rifle ammo uh so a rifle round is good it's better than none but i would have preferred to have a entire box but i am just spoiled on past experiences that's that's all search locker requires pry bar not this one that one does both of those do wow so we got some we got some pry bar to do back here eventually one of these days i do have a bed roll so i can make camp wherever it feels like 37 in here warming up because we got some better clothes that park us especially definitely don't want to put your uh bed roll down on these wires because if the aurora happens in the middle of the night it'll energize the building and you'll get you'll die it'll be a horrible nasty death all right let's see if we can find some more great things here i'm going to start over here and just kind of work my way down the length of the room sort of try to do this as methodically as i can with all this junk here steps no really thank you i didn't i'm glad i saw the sign for the steps because i didn't notice the huge steps right in front of me all right tippy toe over here see if we can see anything worthwhile i think they want us to break this down to try to get the things but i'm not going to spend all that time an hour and a half and 304 calories doing that screw that because more often than not there's nothing there what i got over here can i see anything from a distance hmm nothing's standing out at this point mercy exit only i think it's an emergency the end of the world has happened every emergency exit is now a valid and exit egress point see anything over there looking along the walk sometimes there's a rifle that's placed against the wall there's our little burn barrel i'll leave that wood there in case i ever need to come back here again of course you can always break these pallets up too sometimes it's over here let's kind of keep going back and forth through the middle just checking all the little nooks and crannies best as i can sounds cold over there sounds cold up there actually gotta climb up there i don't have enough strength to do that yet maybe i need to do that real quick yeah i'm a little overweight oh yeah i just noticed the icon in the bottom right hello all right we can go back up there once actually i think we can just go we should be able to walk across there i think we have to take the rope maybe we do i can't remember i think i can't remember i can't believe how little loot i found over here of course i did set the loot table low so there is that it's sort of my own fault okay hand cart you get four from a handguard huh well this camera can't break that down really oh should be able to pick it up and go take it places and use it i think a ladder would come in handy hey carl's cousin maybe this is carter himself and what do i see here painkillers and what do i see here big old rifle round all right that was good all right well finding that rifle round made up for pretty much everything about this black the lack of loot in this room so far wait let me see if i can get over there i think i can maybe i don't know maybe we'll see we can get to one side or the other i think sure yeah yeah i forgot about this box over here maybe there were some some sort of loot to be had more painkillers wow i'm not sure what setting i selected that said uh abundance of painkillers but apparently i selected it yeah cedar firewood we'll take that spraying risk nope nope don't think so never had to not have to worry about sprains i mean uh yeah i've never had to not worry about i think they've always been in the game haven't they from very first alpha of the game i believe springs were always in it i can't remember back when you could your primary defense against wolves was flares you could throw it at them bounce them off their heads and they'd run off ah those were the days when mystery lake was the only region the only region there were no other regions crazy crazy days all right let's head on over here started getting sleepy starting to get real sleepy here come on let me over come on really don't make me okay i thought maybe i had to go up and down the rope and just to get over that that seemed a bit unrealistic just checking making sure i don't miss anything here okay let's head on down maybe we'll find a revolver down here it's possible search corps we got antiseptic search of i corpse nothing what those are what are those bandages that's what they are okay i get the point where i can't walk fast at all anymore but that's okay we can we can sleep anywhere pretty much in here what's this here oh it's just a paintbrush okay nothing i can do anything with oh hey so oh i thought it was a rifle cleaning kit i got really excited there because i haven't seen one in so long oh man i really hope that i find a rifle cleaning kit at this point i'm almost more excited to find a cleaning kit than i am my actual rifle okay there so i guess the wolves and stalker are more abundant there's more of them um but they're not as aggressive as the ones in the interlopers so the interloper doesn't have as many wolves but they are a lot more aggressive so that's my understanding just thinking back to how i sort of customized this that i was using sometimes there's something good down here like clothing maybe i can't remember something worthwhile is there anything worthwhile let's see ladder i'll see i need a hatch to break down i can't use the uh saw to break it down i think you'd be able to use a saw to break that down oh well here's what it is i just wanna make sure i'm not missing anything sort of looted this area in a really weird way okay head on down we're gonna sleep down here probably sometimes those are openable so i would always check those if you're not sure let's let's go up this way on the way down and then on the return triple we'll go that way make sure we don't miss anything revolver yep this is a good spot to try to find the revolver lucky day i wonder if i load it i wonder if i can drive and then look at it oh it won't let you look at it again like that will it oh i had three rounds in it already we got 10 more that's awesome perfect so we got six yeah they're awesome i like it let's put this away because it has a hair trigger you can hip fire that and if you don't act if you like accidentally click down here rather than on the search drawer boom there goes the shot so i always recommend putting that revolver away unless you plan on using it luckily moose kick big moose kicks coffee ingredients coffee beans product to canada all right i think it's probably a product of colombia but whatever it's like columbia is saying that they're putting product to colombia on maple syrup another revolver cartridge another one this is interesting was the desk going to hold oh nothing what's this this rifle cartridge nice i thought it was just uh one of those little you know artifact type things whetstone all right we can sharpen blades up in here you know i haven't found a hatchet or a or a knife yet oh yeah that's torch is always there wow almost an hour already this episode sort of flew by little scarf oh wool wool's nice let's put that on let's get rid of the the cotton one wolf's gonna be so much better it is there we go all right what do we got down here anything give me something great come on now i'm pretty happy i got myself a room i got i got a revolver so i'm pretty happy got a hacksaw revolver lots of matches decent amount of water feels like 42 now strictly thanks to our improvement in clothing this stuff will come in handy um i'm already wearing double layers there or not yeah that's wool that's plaid that's cotton we don't want that crap that's 1.3 versus four yeah and you can see it's an increase there increasing armor let's wear that one every little bit helps broken metal control box it's starting to get starting to get dark yeah it just definitely is good timing a book uh i'm gonna leave that i already have another book i can burn if need be not one of the research books but another one oh man i really want to find the cleaning kit just for my own peace of mind like have i been jinxed i used to trip over them everywhere they used to be used to have tons of them i'll take it uh those are better than what i have i'll take those and i know i should probably put on the other ones instead yeah let's just put these on for now until i repair the other ones the work gloves eventually i'm going to get a rabbit i want to get rabbit mittens okay nothing they're starting to get real dark now fridge any anything delicious in there no nothing little afraid i'll miss something here looting with this type of dark i could you know go back grab that torch and use a torch but i don't really want to waste a match honestly at this point so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just go ahead and uh camp out here for the night 300 yum yum shouldn't need to eat anything we should be good still uh because i'm afraid i'm gonna miss something worthwhile like down here like a nice little rifle round something like that so we wake up in the in the next episode it'll be nice and bright here and we will uh check everywhere but i'm gonna hit all the major spots first hey ketchup chips no thank you put that back what is that up there is that a hacksaw looks like a hacksaw no it's a clipboard okay all right yeah it's starting to get real dark over here yeah i can't see can't see well enough to do proper looting now haven't found a uh lantern yet that'll be nice someday boy can dream all right well i think i'm just going to uh drop my bed roll it's nice to have a bedroll drop my bedroom right here um exhausted yeah let's make sure that we uh [Music] are good on calories 55 calories no we what really i'm that low what was i looking at oh i am i was looking at water that's that's what i was looking for let's eat something some stuff here we can open these up let's do the pork and beans that'll be 600 calories then i'll eat something that's sort of small like granola bar or something like that then we'll wash it down something to drink chocolate bar yeah let's do chocolate bar have a drink and then get our rest on and we're nice and tired should be able to sleep for 10. i don't think we have any problems about freezing to death since it's like 43 in here and it's indoor i think we're safe let's do that and we should be back to 100 health by morning no problems so all right guys well i hope you're enjoying the new series i know i'm going to enjoy it a lot more than the last one and i am looking forward to to uh surviving with you guys so after i get done with this i'm going to go uh do a little strand of deep and uh try to avoid try to avoid heat exhaustion so thank you so much for watching like comment subscribe if you do want to become a patreon producer uh for as little as one dollar per month head on over to my patreon page accuracy talk to you soon you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 1,142,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the long dark, tld, survival, video game, pc, hinterland, games, apocolypse, hunting, clothing, starving, mystery lake, coastal highway, ravine, pleasant valley, timberwolf mountain, fire starting, water, freezing, accurize2, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay
Id: MQcb5DRipy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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