Trying To Terraform A Hostile Planet For Humans ! Planet Crafter [E1] | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] oh what's going on everybody's here and welcome to planet crafter now i had actually never heard of this game until i got an email um so the devs sent this over to me and they told me to check it out and it is right up our alley it is a uh planetary survival crafting base building kind of thing it looks like a lot of fun so we're gonna hop in we're gonna check it out um i will have a link down below to the steam page it doesn't say it's gonna be released until quarter one 20 22 so i don't know we'll see but this is a closed beta they sent it to me i'm i don't think there's any way for anybody else to access it but we're gonna hop in hopefully you guys enjoy if you do like subscribe all the fun things i'm actually super excited okay now like i said super early access so keep that in mind but i already like this it already looks cool okay hold on my mouse sensitivity is like really high okay all right we are good um so spacebar to jump e f craft okay so we can click on it to craft uh oxygen capsule water bottle chip deconstruction uh equip this chip to be able to deconstruct entities with your multi-tool chip light so that's basically that's a flashlight backpack and oxygen tank uh it requires iron and magnesium stuff like that okay so my guess is we're probably supposed to go out here cobalt oh oh we magically sucked it up oh nice oh that's super cool that it's so satisfying to do oh oh my goodness we'll slurp up all the things what's this iron i think we need more iron okay all right let's see what we got here um now i can see that my water's already going down so i think we need to get this stuff going here okay so i click on this uh let's see backpack iron iron oh so each one of these is one so like that is one cobalt got it oh pretty simple pretty simple i like it so um yes like i said there is base building look at that there's like giant stuff already here okay i'm i'm like super excited about this you know it's not every day that you get a game that just like feels like what you've been looking for and uh i'm not gonna lie i saw this and i was like man i oh we have a water bottle right here um we'll leave that in in our inventory just in case i keep hitting space i don't know why so let's see what else can we do um oxygen tank tier one increase your oxygen capacity okay let's do that and then let's go into our inventory thank you for having tab as the uh as the the inventory thing that's very nice to you okay so what else do we have in here so we need some upgrades we need a deconstruction we need a light so let's get the deconstruction chip and then what do we need for light uh silicon and magnesium times two okay did that install equip this chip to be able to deconstruct and things like this multi-tool okay so let's go get some magnesium and what did it say oh silicon okay so not ice cobalt you know i i i'm loving this i'm loving this i like games that um i do like games that keep things like simple and like i know this is you know we're talking early access stuff here so like yeah things might be a little bit more simplified but like i like things that are nice and simple it's just it's really nice um okay magnesium i need more magnesium this is iron is mag is this magnesium right here iron as well iron iron which one did magnesium look like was this magnesium type titanium we haven't had any of that yet oh there's a box over here iron uh what do we have here cobalt iron silicon uh i can't care i can't carry everything let's throw some ice in here let's take some iron let's throw that ice in there um i need another magnesium oh huh oxygen level low who wasn't paying attention [Music] oh my gosh okay um let's grab an auction canister here holy moly oh man would i i could have been the first person to die in this game ever oh geez okay we need more magnesium where is the is this it yes okay cool i needed you so um i want to go explore that stuff up there all right so i needed the two magnesium and no not cobalt i needed silicon that guy and that guy grab this guy uh chip light and then we have a light i think oh oh you can see on my multi-tool there's a hammer there's a d-hammer and there's a light yes that is a d-hammer that's what it is oh welcome to your sound planet your mission is to advance the terraformation process of this world generally o2 heat and pressurized heat and pressure to do so reach 150 ti and create a blue atmosphere oh see that's super cool so like our goal here is actually to terraform the planet so um how do we craft stuff so like let's say i wanted to craft something deconstructor backpack increase inventory size is there uh um i think we need to go explore i don't think we have what we need to do what we need to do yet do we go over there i think we do i think we need to grab our water and our oxygen what do we need can we make oxygen uh oxygen is iron and cobalt okay let's do this uh iron cobalt iron cobalt okay let's make two more oxygen deals i might not need these but just in case we're gonna go explore that thing up there we're going straight for it uh right click to consume okay and then let's go ahead and i don't know why why do i keep hitting space for this i have no idea i don't know what game i've been playing that is like use the spacebar to like interact with stuff um all right let's go let's do it because we're gonna have to start crafting a base at some point i don't even know if we can go over can we go over here again i don't know if like the world size you know like the playable map area is like just this area down here did we open that crate i thought we did pretty sure we did we have like okay we have gravity there's titanium i want to get up there see what's going on i think maybe there's something i'm missing here maybe like with the titan maybe there's like a research thing or something i don't know i don't know if we're gonna be able to get up there though um i don't think i can get up here oh maybe it's really steep though all right auction this will give us a full thing um i don't know if we're gonna be able to make it up there that's not supposed to go around a certain way yeah cause see like out there there's like really nothing so like this is kind of like the area that we have to play in right now but there's this giant thing over here we're gonna go to this thing first thing we're gonna go over here it's like not even uh it's not even where we're supposed to be going it's like they're gonna be like um i don't know why you went over there but like yeah you're not supposed to do that yet but we're gonna check it out we're looking at it okay all right all right we're over here i think uh shoot it's really hard to get up oh no oh no it's dark too it's like super dark and scary uh let's go ahead and consume water oxygen looking solid now i don't think there's enemies and it would be not very nice if they failed to mention that there's enemies in this game oh i mean there's a crate oh a sea lerma water bottle some fabric what is that sound it's just music it's just music oh my god they would make a good horror game too where's all the people oh my gosh i'm terrified this isn't even a scary game aluminum oh we don't have that in the radium we don't have that either uh iridium okay sorry oh okay let's look in here uh oxygen oh shoot like out of oxygen now what's in here fabric aluminum fabric take all this um okay i don't need that stuff yet oh we got to go back i don't have enough oxygen to do this we're gonna be dead uh oh auction oh holy moly silicon iron okay okay whole bunch of stuff up here whole bunch of goodies all right we gotta get back though because i don't have enough oxygen to to do this entire thing but we can actually go up here which is super cool so i'm trying to figure out okay the tariff terraformation index zero ti all right we gotta get out of here because i don't really have enough stuff for this um silicon okay i'm not worried about that i think we can start building stuff i think we can build stuff all right i'm gonna fall uh i don't have health okay we just we just glitched right through that no problem no clipping okay so we need to figure out how we're supposed to do stuff i feel like we're supposed to research stuff get stuff on logs and then start like doing some baseballing stuff was there another thing in here maybe i need to deconstruct something hmm let's go looking uh let's see i have enough i have another auction canister okay let's go look in this thing ice um okay hmm we have a hammer mode i'm thinking that we should be able to build something okay we're good here craft is the only items that i can see that we can craft can i have multiple backpacks that'd be kind of funny um oh my gosh q to build uh look at that base building machines some screens some furniture cue to build okay so let's see what we need to do here living pod living pod door outside stairs outside grid grids can be used to create outside floors stairs reaching spaces or basically anything you can imagine okay so it's just a standard thing outside lamp and then we have craft station veggie tube places in this device to donate o2 uh a drill tier one produce generates pressure by releasing gases trapped in the ground oh pressure so we have to increase pressure wind turbine generates energy that powers all the machines on the planet and heater okay so we got some like super basic things going on uh let's grab some iron and oh titanium iron and titanium um let's go ahead and put these away so that's why uh all right um all right let's go out and let's go grab some iron and titanium okay the inventory is full uh we're gonna try to start building some stuff here let's grab some auction and then we're gonna fill up figured out a place to build our base now like i said it looks like this is pretty much our area to uh to kind of mess with right now so i'm gonna say it's a little living pod oh you can kind of make and kind of place it up in the air too um well shoot i kind of want to place it in an area that wouldn't interfere with the like you know all the stuff on the ground maybe like right in here kind of get like right in here oh we did the thing we did a thing uh do i have enough for a door oh we get oxygen in here oh that's super cool um i'm actually kind of curious i should i think i can build another one right next to it they attach right he needs to make here's some iron do you attach like do i have to attach you like is that attached so hold on let's go in here oh it's not attached huh kind of weird it like looks like it wants to attach it's almost like it's kind of not quite you know what i mean um is there like a rotate there's not a rotate it definitely looks like it wants to attach okay uh let's grab some auction real quick this is super cool i like this i like what they got going on already curious about these though basic habitat providing oxygen hmm unless we just have to put a door in between do we put a door in between them like what if i did it on the front here that definitely looks like it's hidden you know what maybe i'm just in a bad spot here like what if we did what if we did something like that let's do deconstruction deconstruct this guy let's construct uh oh shoot i need some silicon uh okay and then let's construct this guy that doesn't go all the way down down to the ground but can we can we click another oh i can't because what am i missing iron can we click another building on it now it's like it's doing some snapping but it's just not quite snapping right how do i delete oh i can't delete just the door all right well it's all coming with me [Laughter] oh this is cool though and we got some outside stairs should we try to build stairs up to uh will you will you snap uh option will you snap does it rotate you and e doesn't say the hydration level critical okay doesn't really say anything about snapping okay let's see how that looks that looks pretty good oh then we put this there now you put this uh iron and silicon okay let's grab that what is this magnesium no thank you titanium we're gonna have a floating base because why not um i need this silicon rather quickly because i don't have any auction shoot okay we're going to head back i don't have a door looking okay quickly yep i'm dying oh we did it just in time holy moly okay we're gonna do our base up here because why not right exactly um will these snap now oh i don't have the stuff for it okay oh yeah we're gonna do a base up here why not off the ground it's nice and safe um i'm gonna wait till it's day time i think it's really dark it's kind of like it's kind of dark and hard to see well actually you know what never mind because we can't really wait because we're going to use uh iron and all that fun stuff so iron and silicon to get the crafting station uh iron ice and magnesium to get a veggie tube generates heat uh wind turbine is iron generates power okay so let's see if we can get any stuff going here um i don't have we need more iron let's grab some more iron here i know this magnesium though still grabbing iron okay so now if i oh holy moly that thing is actually like huge oh see this one rotates okay so if i put this here which one's actually like lined up here it's like that one is info energy restored okay so there's that uh let's get let's go ahead and get a crafting station up here let's put that guy right there and we can craft things oh we got a wind turbine oh look at us go look at us go now we have a whole bunch of this stuff here um heater tier one curious if there's like other stuff right now i'm i'm thinking so this is what i'm thinking i don't know for sure but i'm gonna say that what we have here is probably what we can play with as of this point in development why did the music just change to be like super creepy like that that scared me it's like okay now it's time for the raid like what raid what aliens oh geez okay um energy 1.2 per second so there is some kind of energy grid is there screen terraformation screen blueprints energy levels oh there's energy levels blueprints about new blueprints and how to unlock them what hold on a second um let's get a desktop in here oh my gosh we're gonna make like a research area okay so let's put that in there uh screen so i need iron silicon magnesium iron silicone magnesium pretty much okay oh so there is more stuff titanium i don't think i need any more titanium now i also don't know if resources like respawn over time kind of hoping that they do but i don't know for sure so let's see blueprints yes oh terraformation oxygen heat backpack tier two solar panel backpack two-person bed solar panels a heater oh there's a whole bunch of stuff to unlock nice um let's do our energy infos as well and try to get these like lined up as because i can i'm sorry it's not gonna be perfect but you know uh generation is one kilowatt per hour consumption zero we're seeing producing one machine's consuming oh that is so nice and then screen tear information i'm not super worried about terraforming right now like terraforming stats um oh a storage crate would probably be ideal too now i'm kind of curious as to how let's go grab two more iron because i'm almost positive in the thing that these were connected they were interconnected and i'd like to see how that works so let's see if we can't get them interconnected i mean if not you know what if maybe we can't right now and that is okay oh you know what what if it's an upgrade what if like the connection portion is an upgrade what if there's like a connecting base tube or something uh let's see um a bio dome perfect place to grow plants and generate 02 living pod glass glass floor or ceiling for living pods pod window oh so we can put glass in here if we wanted to auction tank tier two drill tier three veggie tube tier two exo skeleton increased equipment size oh that's kind of cool uh okay so i don't see i don't see anything so let's see if i want to go to this it looks like right here would be connected definitely not definitely definitely not definitely not in the right spot um okay let's uh let's go ahead and take that guy out of there what if we put a door um i don't know i don't know if these can connect or not right now so what i'm gonna say is let me do this can we just stick it on the bottom of this one so it doesn't look like it's floating no no okay that that ship has sailed can't do that so it looks like for us to do this we're going to have to do something like this basically go ahead and just set up wait what oh darn it it won't connect there it won't connect there either it's because it's kind of clipping into the um into the building there so i'd have to bring it out by one like this because i was going to build it out and then put another room just right next to it you know what i mean but i guess we don't really need the room right next to it whoa oh [Laughter] talk about a view i don't need windows i'll just delete half of it uh let's go ahead and fix this just by doing that okay it's probably fixed now [Laughter] yes it is okay it's good it just goes out to nothing holy moly i was like wait what there was giant gaping hole okay uh devs if you're watching you might wanna i wanna adjust that one a little bit there um okay so let's go and put this here that'll give us a spot and then we could actually we could probably place another cube thing in like right there see that's what i should have done i should have lowered this oh well i tried to line it up with that i should lower this a little bit and have it you know what can i do this wait hold on how's my inventory okay so if i do that and then we grab this um also it's clipping behind the planet i love it i love i love early games they're so much fun they're such a good time some people you some people would complain i think it's i think it's fun i mean how often are you ever going to see that it's like this is the largest staircase in the universe look at this it's literally we have to go to that planet it's bigger than a planet oh shoot auction levels low i need some stuff okay we're fine oh uh water as well all right looking good let's get back over here let's get our staircase built we're gonna build this up to here now see i think this will be fine kind of hard to see though all right i'm gonna say that's good it's gonna be a little bit taller than it oh we'll see that's like perfect that works i mean we kind of have to jump down the stairs but that's all right see look at that and then we could put another building right here it'll be fine i think can we put another building here uh i'll just titanium for it i'm gonna grab the titanium real quick oh okay that is a little bit of annoying um magnesium that's what i need to build another building so can i throw another oh no i need titanium oh shoot titanium that's what i need right there okay all right uh living pod oh oh but i think we actually need to throw it back how far back would you say this is i would say it's probably a tick so like one maybe right there oh yeah see that's probably perfect if we throw oh you know what shoot it's low it needs to be up it needs to be up higher it needs to be up higher than we need to throw the door on it okay okay we're gonna get this we're gonna get a secondary room in here don't you even worry okay i think it needs to be right there like that and then does that look oh it needs to be one tick lower wait should i try to do this from down here maybe can't do it from that direction because there's a planet in the way okay let's see so the bottom of it's like right here we need it lined up centered though how's that oh i think we got it i think we got it okay iron titanium silicon okay let's see if we get another door here uh not magnesium there's a lot of magnesium around here okay i got the stuff that we need uh we should be able to put a door right there and oh look at that yes you know what's awesome about this too check this out we could probably put we could probably line these grates up now yes so okay so this is gonna be the front of the building you walk in here's our first stuff and then in here then we have different rooms we're gonna have a room here we're gonna go either side have rooms there there there kind of be nice to have like some uh like some foundations or something that would go underneath these and like i said i don't know if these are supposed to click together or if that's just something that i'm messing up right now but it is working we're doing things um do we want to get we're supposed to release energy minus one per second energy minus per second this is going to increase pressure um do we want to get pressure starting to increase maybe not maybe we need to do more things oh this is so exciting though unlocked at 250 oh wow and then oxygen oh wait so what's the oxygenator wait what what creates release generates pressure by releasing gas is trapped in ground so that increases that what makes oxygen oh it was the biodome wasn't it replacing and generate o2 so we have to com we have to so we have to start with pressure to get the biodome the biodome will then give us the oxygen and then the oxygen well we can already start to heat too oh this is cool this is super cool i'm having a blast oh i'm enjoying this um i know it's super simple but it's it's fun it's fun i'm having a good time with this i cannot wait uh but that is actually going to end our first episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you do here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more i'm going to be continuing this because this is a blast this is a blast next episode um we're going to start i guess with the heat i guess we're gonna start with the heat get that stuff going um and then yeah kind of go from there see what's going on so you uh see all the things and the stuff and such now um as we go along if there's any updates to things i will let you know also some of these videos are going to be pre-recorded so um because i usually try to record you know a little bit at a time so i get some stuff done so um the the devs might reach out and say hey there's like you know an update or something like that and i might miss it for an episode or two and that's the reason just because you know pre-record stuff but this is so cool i love this i'm loving this i just like this i like it's like i just feel like a lot of games try to kind of do this but then they get like too serious and like they want to make it look too like graphically beautiful and like super realistic hyper realistic stuff it's like this game is like it seems like it's taking a little bit simpler approach and i i just i like that it's so much fun but yes thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed this is planet crafter again link down below to the steam page you can't do anything yet but you can watch so make sure uh make sure you leave a leave a like and make sure you subscribe you get two free videos a day at it i'm just saying you subscribe you get two free videos what's what's bad about that thank you so much for coming out i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 85,746
Rating: 4.9114718 out of 5
Keywords: planet crafter gameplay, open world, open world survival craft, planet crafter first look, planet crafter pc, planet crafter lets play, base building, planet crafter, resource management, the planet crafter, planet crafter game, miju games, z1 gaming
Id: tE0H4Ujji7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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