Terraforming An ENTIRE PLANET In The Planet Crafter ! [E1]

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[Music] what's going on everybody c here and welcome to planet crafter that's right we are launched into early access and i am so excited to check out to see what the game has to offer uh we are going to start a brand new world here because uh these are all early access builds and i want to start fresh we got to start new and okay so stan oh standard what there's selectable game modes standard relaxing intense and hardcore okay we're gonna go standard in landing site standard grand rift sand falls and random interesting interesting let's start with okay so the grand rift that's probably gonna be like the big canyon area sand falls is probably gonna be kind of where we were before random oh i don't even know you know what let's just go with standard let's go with standard everything we'll check out the other spawn points uh at a another time okay let's go ahead and create uh standard and load oh my gosh i'm so excited so uh if you've never played flightcraft before this is your first time i highly recommend checking out the game in the link down below um but basically what we do is we are on um mars essentially and we're gonna turn this planet green lush rain forest stuff everywhere i'm super excited so uh all right first thing we gotta do let's get in here and we'll see what we got going on uh we've got all our standard stuff here we got some standard stuff here uh so we got a craft backpack equipped backpack craft auction tank equip oxen tank and craft a construction tip got it easy enough so backpack is to iron iron cobalt magnesium all right let's do this oh my gosh i'm so excited i'm so excited for this we've got so many things to do it's gonna be ridiculous um oh look at a chest full of goodies okay i think we actually have everything we need let's take these back let's make it up make it happen and we gotta we gotta get our base going we gotta get like our actual base going here so we can get some actual terriformation going because we've got a lot to terraform here all right so backpack is on oxygen tank is on looking good there uh microtrip construction we need a magnesium for that oh magnesium how much space do we have okay we got we got storage let's grab these too we're always going to need iron there's magnesium right there all right perfect uh let's see microchip deconstruction oh wait construction oh oh we don't even have a construction ship right now oh oh that's new okay all right all right let's grab another magnesium here we can't even build anything okay i like that that's a good change to change all right uh now we need to equip construction we'll go ahead and equip deconstruction as well so living compartment living compartment door drill wind turbine screen all right so living compartment living compartment door um that is three iron two titanium and one silicon if they didn't change the recipes i remember that it's it's three two one three iron two titanium one silicone because that's like the uh that's like our go-to little structure for when we're gonna go out explore places um i need another iron though iron okay let's grab this iron right here oh come on all right perfect so um we are probably gonna be building up there in the same location just because like it's a big nice open flat spot to build and it's a fairly centralized location um okay so let's see let's go ahead and organize so we've got three three and one okay so three two one perfect all right let's go ahead let's go up here and let's get this bad boy built because this a whole area right here spoiler it's gonna be under order uh eventually yes it will yes it will actually you know what i'm gonna see if i can build a frame as well i kind of want to build a frame under the foundation to start with uh let's see do we have the frame yes okay so let's get this built just so that way we can uh make sure we have lots of places to expand our base to all right getting this thing lined up it's always a trick okay that looks pretty decent i can deal with that let's go and grab our living apartment and then we're going to need a ladder oh it links now oh it actually like linked to it oh that is super nice okay so now we need to craft a drill and a wind turbine winter winds iron drill okay so we need some more iron let's grab some more iron whilst we're up yeah because this right here this is gonna be our main base location we're gonna do all of the things here oh i'm so excited okay so there's a couple iron we'll grab a little bit magnesium we'll grab a little bit of the stuff you know probably need to probably need some more iron because we do also have to make a screen the term screen for blueprints all right let's go ahead and let's get our wind turbine built throw that there let's go ahead and get a drill built throw that right there for now i'm not really too worried about those because those are going to get end up getting moved anyways um okay so screens we need some more silicon let's grab these all right we gotta get oxygen i keep forgetting like you know oh i'm so used to playing this game with like a huge auction take where i could just stay outside for like a long time uh all right so we need some screens here now before we get a screen um i do want to get i want a desk okay we're going to put that desk there and then i can't uh oh blueprints okay so yeah this is a little screen so put that one there energy levels terraformation okay so we need energy levels terraformation um the the reason i put that desk there is because i'm gonna put another desk here because there's actually gonna be two big screens and i want like everything right here let me go grab some more iron okay perfect uh let's see let's grab another desk i want it to be like right here in line with this all right that'll work blueprints tear information let's get the terraformation screen up you know what we'll just center this for now put that there and then energy levels we're going through right here and now we don't have enough energy yeah killing the power let's go ahead and get another wind turbine up let's see we got some silicone i need to grab all of this i just need to go through and grab everything all right you little wind turbine you give us the power all right so now you can see we've got our terraformation right here um we are working on pressure because that is the the drills are doing some pressure uh we've got a our electricity interface here how much we're using how much we're generating and we have blueprints here these things will be unlocked as we hit certain tiers which is awesome but then we'll also have uh micro microchip so we can put here and decode those that's super cool we need to craft a heater and a veggie tube all right well before we do that we need to get some more buildings in here so we need iron and titanium all right let's go get some more iron more titanium oh there's a storm there's a storm coming okay so we're gonna get this building uh attached real quick but we need to head back because i need to get some water and we don't have a crafting thing here yet um do i have enough for another one i do perfect all right so there's those i don't think i can make a uh a crafting craft station here too oh actually it's just iron we can make that then we'll be good then we want to leave perfect let's get our craft station tier two up here and then let's go ahead and get a water bottle consume that wonderful all right so now we need a heater and veggie tubes what does a veggie tube take iron onions iron for that and then we need some iridium and iron for those okay all right iridium is over here in this area so we'll just pop over there real fast and we'll try to grab some iron i probably should have grabbed an oxygen bottle that's okay might not be okay actually i guess we'll see how much radium we get i guess i can always find a chest over here possibly maybe has uh has an auction container in it that'd be nice so there's iridium right there you can see it glowing oh actually take tier two already available very nice uh my oxygen is at half we gotta go back now oh no darn it yeah maybe we'll see what we can make with the uh we'll see if we can get the auction canister tier two done because this whole tier one thing is awful all right this is gonna be extremely close here okay fading to darkness we're good oh my gosh oh we survived okay whoa uh what's the uh actually take tier two uh i just need literally one magnesium okay let's get we definitely need that okay and then let's go ahead and take off our auction tank get in here build a tier two and throw that bad boy on oh wonderful okay um you know what do i have the stuff to make an oxygen capsule no i don't so i need an iron one iron for a heater we can make that happen all right so let's go ahead and let's get our heater going oh wonderful and a veggie tube going on i can't remember which side's the end you know what actually i don't think this matters okay so now we have those going anymore uh we need more wind turbines eventually these wind turbines are going to be replaced because they're terrible don't give us hardly any power but you know what for one iron you can't can't beat it all right so we've got that um i don't think i have any seeds yet was there seeds back in there was seeds back in that chest wasn't there i do believe that there was uh let's see you know what i think there's a chest right over here somewhere yeah there's one right there let's see if there's some seeds in there if you you know what we'll just head back and grab everything out of the uh the starting chest anyways okay actually my inventory is full [Laughter] we're gonna i'm gonna need to make some storage here also i just remembered we need to head over there we need to check that place out we need to get that golden crate because there's a a plant in there gives us like four or six hundred percent oxygen production and in the beginning that would be huge that would be like a huge huge win i'll put this there for now all right so let's take a food let's go ahead and make a water actually we probably should go ahead and eat the food perfect okay we'll take a water with us a food and then you know what let's take an oxygen bottle with us oh what uh one two take an oxygen capsule all right we're gonna head over to the wreck now where i don't think i'm gonna go through the wreck completely um because actually i don't flashlight yeah i don't flashlight so but i want that golden crate all right perfect we're gonna set up a little base thing here so we get some oxygen uh so let's grab this guy this guy and we'll go ahead and throw a chest in here perfect okay so we'll throw those in there now i would go through that but i don't have the flashlight module yet and it's super dark you can't see anything however like i said there's a golden crate up here that has some goodies some really good goodies uh right here oh yes uh yes the golden seed some super alloys uh let's just take this golden crate with us perfect perfect i actually really want to check this out because uh we did glitch into that reactor room and i'm curious if that's actually implemented or not um but unfortunately i don't have the flashlight yet so as soon as i go through that door it's gonna be pitch black we're not gonna see anything so not right now unfortunately but yeah okay cool let's go ahead let's head back i'm gonna grab basically as much iron as i can because iron's like the number one resource that we need for everything uh oh actually i don't really even have any room for iron and we're back okay so this guy let's throw our golden seed in there that's a 600 multiplier for oxygen um generation which i mean still like 0.9 that's that's not great but that's 600 percent more than what we normally get so uh we've got oxygen a backpack tier two okay so we've got oxygen we've got a little bit of heat we got some pressure going wonderful i think that one default like if you use a regular plant i think it's point two uh well six hundred percent i don't know did somebody do the math maybe it's point three it's probably point three that would make sense okay so now we have the backpack tier two what do we need four here too uh silicone titanium let's go and drop all this in here silicone titanium drop those in there i think my backpack is gonna drop to just these slots though you know let's grab another iron let's grab another chest can we stack these man that'd be nice all right just here temporarily okay so let's throw all of these oh we need the silicone titanium and what else do we need iron silicone titanium okay so get rid of those get rid of that that that iron let's go ahead and take off our backpack grab our backpack tier 2 so we can store all of the things looking good do we have an exoskeleton in here oh we do titanium silicone magnesium let's grab that too um maybe not wow i don't have titanium silicone or magnesium are you kidding me oh we need the extra skeleton too okay let's get that okay so there's our exoskeleton tier one exoskeleton's gonna give us more uh equipment slots so i actually need to swap that out real fast there we go and then we should be able to make our torch which is our light so we can actually see what the heck's going on uh one silicone tube magnesium for that let's go and get that all right perfect microchip torch clip that now we have a flashlight yay uh now we could go back and explore that rack and then that would give us some more resources uh should we go do that possibly because let's see what are we waiting on here um where's our so terra formation we need to hit 175 000 to get blue sky and we're at like 600 right now so we need a lot more oxygen a lot more heat a lot more pressure uh but let's see as we go along so this is our overall terraformation um so veggie tube tier two is gonna unlock at 500 pk we're at almost 200 right now drill tier two is gonna be 1.2 we got always to go on that oxygen heater's gonna be at 1.8 okay so it looks like the next thing we're gonna get is a veggie tube tier two uh yeah okay that looks pretty good let's go ahead and let's get let's go explore that wreck let's go explore the wreck before that whole area becomes flooded and like kind of a pain to get through uh we need some food we need some water is that oxygen capsule fantastic let's go and grab some water wait what oh ice here thank you all right let's go back all the way back to where we came from loot the whole place and then uh i'm actually kind of excited to see if that reactor room is is there and if like we can get to it oh it's our first meteor shower oh how wonderful oh yeah we're being attacked by the space gods okay uh we shouldn't we don't need to worry about this because we're gonna be inside let's go and get our light on and let's get in here shall we all right so we've got this crate basically we're gonna go through grab everything deconstruct every chest uh always got to check the uh the shelves too because sometimes there's stuff sitting on the shelves you go and deconstruct some of the stuff to get stuff out of the way um oh we got a heater tier one very nice deconstruct that bad boy what we got in here ooh first microchip anything else laying around trying to make sure i don't miss anything whilst we're being attacked by the space gods anything else all right take this out of the way take everything out of here we'll take this and then we gotta go back all right let's go back and drop all this stuff off we might need to build another chest too probably will all right another chest coming up throw that there and drop that water bottle you know what let's just consume that space food okay we're good back into the crashed ship we go curious if this reactor room is going to be unlocked okay so we already went that way nothing we could do that way uh we could go that way or this way let's go this way first okay take all of that thank you thank you get this out of the way oh there's a heater tier 2 right there that's nice all right oh we can get to the reactor room this used to be a wall oh that's exciting oh we've got ourselves a reactor oh wait what okay we're good um all right oh darn it we're gonna do okay gotta go drop our stuff off our inventory's been cleared let's do this all right let's grab all this stuff grab all that stuff deconstruct oh my gosh there's so much stuff in here open fuel reactor i'm curious what that's gonna be oh i'm so curious oh another chip okay hold on okay we'll drop stuff off again i need a bigger backpack okay we're good wait didn't i deconstruct these i thought i'd deconstruct those already interesting all right let's take those grab this deconstruct that and then let's listen to this message read message cargo ship cyrilla four we're sharing a log this morning as we were in our 17 days of space travel to stigma the ship inexplicably exited hyperspace velocity the navigation tools went crazy and all of a sudden the ship's power went down as if it was drained by something exterior we're going to try to make an emergency landing on this unreported planet i'm not sure what we'll find there seems to have a huge storm on the surface i hope we make it year 30 21 oh very interesting very interesting indeed i don't think there's anything i can do here i don't think i can deconstruct any of this stuff oh that's super cool okay um let's go get some oxygen so uh we do need to i'll stop and read the message i forgot to read the uh the beginning message for like this whole game but i believe unless they changed i think we're like a convict that is uh working off our sentence by becoming by coming to another planet and terraforming which is a heck of a way to spend a sentence but i think that's what i think that's what's going on here i'm not 100 sure so we'll have to um i have to verify by reading the message but let's go in here again because there are there's like another area that we have to check out and get even more goodies oh my gosh so many goodies here okay so we went that way we need to go this way now all right check the shelves some of these crashes have stuff on the shelves and some of them don't take all of those deconstruct those all right i think is that everything let's verify here nothing here nothing here nothing this way can't go through george can't go this way i've deconstructed all of these chests already what the heck they keep coming back hey i guess there's an infinite iron source so if you need out if you need four pieces of iron specifically there's four iron that is always responding here that's funny um that's not a game breaking bug don't worry four pieces of iron is like nothing once we get the uh or extractor going um it's gonna be so nice all right so let's go through here i'm gonna go through i'm gonna grab the best stuff that we got and we're gonna take that back first so obviously we're going to be taking uh chips with us i'm just gonna go and build another container okay so i think i got the most important things um honestly the most important things out of here are obviously the microchips and then probably the seeds because microchips obviously give us new items the seeds are going to give us the ability to make oxygen faster like more actually we can place more things um and these eggplant seeds right here that's food that's a sustainable food source so we definitely need all of that um i'd like to take the aluminum but like we're kind of close to aluminum deposits i know where aluminum's at so i'm not super worried about it uh but yeah let's go ahead and let's head back to our base and get some things offloaded perfect all right so now um let's see oh let's do our let's start with our chips all right so we got mining speed tier one uh agility boots tier one mining speed tier two uh compass ooh the compass is gonna be nice we'll get those things going uh i need some water actually need some water pretty bad here uh do i oh oh i need water yeah we don't have any water all right water's good food is good okay so now we have a bunch of seeds so we need to go ahead and plant uh we need a bunch of veggie tubes going and then we need to get some more heaters going so we can get some more progress going on these it's gonna turn a light off here so we've got we're almost out of veggie tube tier two actually so we'll probably go and wait for that does that send that makes more oxygen oh we have solar panels now too oh solar panels are so much better than uh than the wind turbines it's fantastic but that's actually gonna end our first episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did don't forget to leave a like if you're new here maybe consider subscribing as well for some more does help out the channel and uh yeah if you made it this far maybe consider hitting the bell icon to be notified of future videos so planet crafters out we're gonna be playing this uh you're probably gonna see this episode these these videos every day because oh my gosh such a good time so much fun um i get a link down below if you wanna check it out and uh i'll see the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 157,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet crafter, planet crafter gameplay, the planet crafter, base building, planet crafter game, survival game, planet crafter part 1, terraform, planet terraform, terraforming mars, terraform game, z1 gaming
Id: sjj7ZTztGdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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