Lets Talk with Iyanla Vanzant - #ENOUGH

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grande rising grande rising grande rising to you today wanna end with you and see how are you feeling also got some information I want to share with you today so that we are all equipped and prepared to continue moving forward through the corona through the challenge that we're facing want to talk to again the Minneapolis family but today I want to really talk to men if your man out there o African a man of color and a white man I want to know how are you feeling so let me know right now I am feeling and remember how to access your feelings take a breath breathe in let the breath out and I feel and then see what comes up for you okay we want to clear feelings because feelings are the key to our awareness and I want to give you a little deeper insight Grand rising to you beloved I feel numb good right now I'm feeling anger rough night last night rough night last night I acknowledge that but I want to talk to men today if you're a man out there and you're you're hearing this you're seeing this hear me how do you feel it's so very important that you get in touch with how you feel right now okay yes Tariq I see you I hear you too reek but I'm gonna give you some information so that we can all become a part of the healing and the solution so that we can understand this from a different level please understand that this is not just what our physical eyes can see there's something else going on and and and and it's important for you man white men black men to understand and for us as women to support you in your healing okay so how are you feeling take a breath it's centered in your chest in your heart right now I feel not what you think right now I feel and I know that this can be challenging for men okay no Tiffany I hear you tell him to breathe tell him to greed and and and the reason I'm talking to men is because I want you to understand that this is a culmination of something that's why it keeps coming up that's why we had our mond or buri and that's why we had George Floyd it started we didn't pay attention to Phil and oak estate Castile we didn't pay attention to Trayvon Martin we didn't pay attention to Michael Brown we didn't pay attention to John Crawford we didn't pay attention to a Emir Tamir rice so this thing is trying to get our attention and I want to give you a little more information about what's happening on the on the energetic level okay particularly you who are studying or planning to study to become spiritual warriors you can't be fooled by your lying eyes there's stuff going on on all levels so men how are you feeling how are you feeling if there's a man in the room with you ask him how are you feeling come on breathe right now I feel right now I feel come on right now I feel and if you're a woman now is the time for you to do your work as a woman which is to heal which is to support which is to call in the energy because as women we can birth a new energy in the environment Oh okay right now I feel good see Taylor right now I feel I see you Britt Samuels right now I feel right now listen Brian don't try to understand just get in touch with what you're feeling okay because we're not just clearing for ourselves we're clearing for the past and for the future so it is important that we get in touch with that feeling right now okay I feel yes I fear you Jermaine I hear you Jemaine I see what you're putting there and that's normal I mean it's it's to be expected so let me explain to you how I've gotten the download that I've gotten then I want to share with you hopefully you can hear this hopefully it will take us to another level of understanding so we don't just get caught up in the fear that's why I'm asking you to clear that stuff out bring it to the surface so we can clear it out remember if you were to go to a coroner or or whatever those is the coroner that does the autopsy and he were to cut you open he wouldn't find distress or anger or outrage or fury he wouldn't find that because emotions are energy feelings are energy and they get lodged in our being in our bodies so we can clear that out so that we can see and hear what is going on right now let us see and hear come on breathe right now I feel hashtag enough hashtag ask hashtag arrests in charge alright that's our request and we continue to put that out I also want to say this for those of you who are writing the governor or the mayor or the DA or the senator Klobuchar senator Klobuchar or representative Omar some of these are our allies okay so we don't want to attack them we don't want to go in for them we want to have a clear ask what is our ask arrest in charge arrest in charge and please don't get just distracted by what you're seeing on the physical level what looks like burning and looting and robbing we're not condoning it but let us not judge it when a person doesn't feel heard they will yell when the yell is not heard they will scream when the screen is not heard they will attack and this thing the looting the the burning we're not justifying it we're not judging it we're not condoning it we are seeing it from another perspective take this into consideration when the Boston Tea Party occurred it was white settlers rebelling against the oppression of their home country their motherland and that became a historical event but when black people do it when people of color do it when the Native Americans did it when the Africans did it it becomes a rebellion and an uprising and unlawful okay so let us understand that people who don't feel heard people whose needs are not met will rebel they will rebound and like I said the Boston Tea Party became a historical event yeah but the Amistad the rebellious slave rebellion on the Amistad became something that was hidden and an outlawed okay we've got to look at this here's the download what's happening right now is that anything that we as individuals or as a society has swept under the rug it is being revealed okay here it is anything that we as individuals you me your mother your father your son your daughter your Hislop up up up up have swept under the rug have denied have resisted have avoided have coveted have covered to and not healed not dealt with it's being revealed and one of the energetic purposes of the coronavirus was to stop us in our tracks to stop us in our tracks so that we had the time to deal with individually and collectively anything that had been swept under the rug that's why this thing is ravishing so many people not because they did anything individually but so that we would see we can no longer shift hi covered cover racism male domination the D moralization and diminishing and devaluing of men of color we can no longer hide and sweep under the rug that the class distinctions the race distinctions that we as a society and perhaps as individuals have failed to deal with we have been stopped in our tracks don't move stay home home is where the heart is we are being called by the universe to investigate our hearts because you have private things that I have private things people have private things they haven't dealt with alright so at the same time we're being called to look at and investigate white male domination and superiority we're being called to look at the dehumanization and devaluing of men of color come on breathe this is not political I'm not speaking to you from a political or with perspective I'm speaking to you from an energetic perspective a vibrational perspective some of you will be able to hear it some of you will not my job is not to convince you my job is to inform you anything that has been swept under the rug in your life is gonna be revealed that's why we have money issues that's why we have relationship issues that's why we got health issues because things that we have refused to acknowledge and deal with are being revealed and yes the pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color because we've ignored and denied the inequity of services and availability I'm telling you I applied for a PPP loan I'm using myself as an example but it happens it's happened everywhere they wouldn't give it to me but Shake Shack and the MBA got millions of dollars okay I'm not the only one please I'm not making this personal but I want you to understand we are being called to heal anything that has been swept under the rug anything that we call something else okay and we have to look at it which is why I said yesterday what are you feeling who me is on your neck that thing was played out for us for a very specific reason energetically vibrationally spiritually not just physically again some of you will be able to hear me some of you are gonna have to have a communion or disagree that's not my job I was scolded in the spirit for getting into argument yesterday with people who disagree I'm not here to agree or disagree I'm here to educate that's my purpose whose knee is on your neck and what are you holding in your heart about it and whose neck do you have your knee on and why what is the position the mental position the emotional position the spiritual position the physical position and when I say position something that you are insisting is the way you see it what position are you holding that you may need to let go man how are you feeling how are you feeling man white man how are you feel black man how are you feel Lattin man how are you feeling and we have allies we have allies I heard the Minnesota governor this morning let me tell you he's an ally you don't have to like him but he's an ally senator globe achar is an ally it's an ally but don't get caught up in color race religion that's not what this is about this is about energies and issues okay breathe Whitney breathe Whitney breathe with me and even though there's just a few of us here in this environment if we clear if we clean if we lift it will clear and clean the energy and that's what this is about okay you individually can clear your stuff about race you individually can clear your stuff about men you individually can clear your judgments and the things you haven't looked at you individually can take your knee or for somebody's neck your knee take it off your own neck take it off your children's necks your partner's neck your co-workers your supervisor take your knee off their neck and deal with how you feel about someone's knee being on your neck that thing was played out in front of us for a reason that way we have been stopped in our tracks in order to come home to ourselves to the truth to a higher vibration come on breathe but we gettin caught up in politics and right side left side red and blue it's deeper than that it's deeper than that yes it is about race it is about racial inequity it is about male domination and superiority it is about white privilege it is about black inferiority but not just in the world we have to each look at our own contribution to it can you hear me can you hear me take a breath take a breath yeah if you think you don't have issues around race you ain't ready to heal we all have it if we don't have it consciously we have it in our DNA can you hear me that's how deep this healing is it's in your cells it's in your atoms if you were educated in the United States public school systems you got issues okay I got issues because it's written in the history books it's distorted it's not true and we're all chained down to that and we're being called to deal with it and we're being distracted yeah we want to get caught up in the right and wrong of rioting and looting it's looting it's an attack because the people don't feel heard come on breathe believe don't believe except don't accept that's not my purpose my purpose is to provide the information and that's what I'm doing I got stuff to do I'm here because I was directed to come here to help you clear we're gonna clear okay we've gone clear and we're gonna clean because I need you and the 10 or 15 people that you're gonna connect with to meet you with clear energy all right take a breath how are you feeling yes how are you feeling good how are you feeling excellent how are you feeling good just get in touch with it and even if you feel confused or conflicted or or whatever it is let's just clear it up how would a man feeling how are you not what you're thinking the mind has to become a slave of the heart not the other way around and so many of us make our heart and our feelings a slave of the mind and when I say slave I mean in service to I don't mean chained and shackled okay in service to we make our heart and our emotions a slave of the mind and the mind can be tricked by the senses the seeing and the hearing and the testing and the smelling and the touching and the right and the wrong and breathe so we're gonna clear yeah we're gonna clear yeah stop with the opinions stop with the opinions don't believe anything you see how do you feel because if we clear the feelings the thoughts are gonna shift can you hear me how do you feel that's what we have to do because the mind will tell you this that or the other the mine is a slave of the senses alright the heart is connected to the spirit alright here we go remember we know how to do this I keep coming because I want you to remember I wanted to be automatic for you as soon as you feel sick and exhausted disappointed horrified disbelieving stupid all of that I want you to remember okay we're gonna we're going to I forgot listen it's 85 degrees and I forgot to turn the heat off in my house I am sweating like oh lord have mercy I don't feel saddened in the year of 2020 that weird this is it this is the healing we can lift this up okay we can lift this up this we can lift this up okay here we go here we go yeah alright you breathe I'm talk inhale to the right exhale all the way to the left and you got to clear some ancestral stuff and when I say ancestral I'm talking about DNA what's running in your blood what's running in your blood okay and those of you what will happen is as you start to lift and clear you you won't feel the hurt and anger you'll hear it any and you'll get the interpretation alright because those of us who are not in Minneapolis what can we do I mean we are protesting in in other cities and I know they were protesting in Memphis and in Phoenix and in those kind of places and we have to do that because our voices have to be heard but we also we got to do it energetically so those are the people who are called to do it physically and and then there are those of us who are called to do it energetically and it all works everybody doesn't have the same purpose can you hear me everybody doesn't have the same purpose so this is our purpose can we do this okay I hear you Lily I hear you Lily I don't see my men out here I don't see my men but that's okay I know you're here if you're listening we're gonna do it for you and with you yeah stop with the opinions stop with the opinions yeah stop with the opinions just let that go we'll clear thoughts in a minute yes I hear you France I hear you I see you HC okay you're here we are here I'm glad for you can you just breathe I know for some people this feels so stupid and silly and you know I saw your comments yesterday but that's okay the thing you got to know as a warrior this that everybody ain't gonna agree with how you do what you do those people who are supposed to hear hear and the other ones they get in and maybe one day you see that there's a scripture that says that you put the seeds on on in the earth and some falls on hard ground some falls on fertile ground some calls falls on rocky ground so if your fertile ground you'll hear it you'll get it if your rocky ground you'll dissect it and take what you need and if you're on hard ground well this is not your purpose how about that here we go let's breathe to the right and then all the way over to the left I'll talk and then back to Center I will talk you have the thought in your mind and then we'll clear it okay let's start here I am choosing to release outrage I am releasing outrage now back to sin okay my facebook just went down I'm gonna get back on Facebook let me see what happened stay with me okay just switched over switched over stay with me are you to keep on breathing breathing just keep on breathing that's okay keep on breathing you know we're doing the world oh you're gonna have difficulties remember I told you yesterday when you take on a big issue when you take on a big thing faith you gotta have faith so you're all in YouTube just keep breathing checking in on your feelings until I can get my network back up just like that this thing has been on all day and now we get ready to do the work and it goes down that's all right that's all right it's gonna come on and we're gonna do the work here we go so I'm going back to Facebook mm-hmm because I am a warrior all right as soon as we start doing the work soon as we start doing the work it goes down that's all right come on Facebook I know you out there I know you're out there what about the lady in Central Park don't get caught up in the details it was another she said it she said what we needed to hear she said what we need to clear she said it an african-american man is doing this because that speaks to the devaluation the dehumanization of men of color particularly african-american men okay speaks to that and we have to deal with it because we've swept it under the rug all the way back to Emmett Till all the way back to forget Emmett I mean not forget Emma to you but Malcolm X Medgar Evers Medgar Evers okay I came out yeah I know I went down on Facebook because uh I don't know why my signal is not coming up but that's okay I'm patient will you be patient with me we had a we have a much larger audience on Facebook in that interesting let me see what the laptop cuz the the iPad is having some kind of special issues stay with me okay if you can if you're working or you got something to do that's okay you can come back in and feet and do it later but let me get in here and see what this is doing it's not I have to go upstairs to the big computer I'll do that I just find it so interesting that as soon as we get ready to do to work the computer goes down mm-hmm but that's all right I'm patient I am patient let me see and I got a full signal I got a full signal on my computer in that interesting same Network same network on Facebook when all of Facebook or just my facebook went down let me see okay that's all right keep breathing keep checking in on your feelings you have to do that and just checking in on them sometimes it makes you feel better okay let me see where I'm supposed to be I know they're over there having a fit that's all right be patient people I'm coming be patient I had to go to another eye how come I can't spell my name all right we gonna get it done we're gonna get it done okay we gonna get it done Oh Lord here we go come on baby you gotta be patient yeah Facebook kept cutting me off that's okay and I'm on the same in system I'm on the same system but that's okay it'll it'll it'll happen or not it'll happen or not we'll see we're breathing yeah we are breathing we are breathing okay so here I am now I don't know how to do it on here so oh here I go create alive let's see what happens it's coming out real slow but that's okay it's coming up slow that's why I had them both on okay all right let's see here go live now aren't you're proud of me and my technology just I don't know I can't start my own TV studio yes I'm so okey-dokey let's see just won't do it let me go back to the iPad somebody gonna do it won't he do it y'all pray for me pray send me energy we got enough frequency on this thing here I'm on the network let's see now y'all sending me energy you praying you praying come on because it won't take it on my computer it won't take it on my phone okay it doesn't tell me where to go I want you to see the same network that this phone is on is the same network this computer and the iPad is on and it won't come up on the iPad all right so it could be the heat I don't know let me see I'm not using the keystream I'm using my camera and I refuse to have a camera issue yeah all right i'ma get it let me go over here I have another platform let me see if I can get it over here uh-huh yeah let's see see if that'll happen hang Whitney I'm working i'ma get it you just got to keep doing yes come on you all do the prayer and I'll do the it might be Facebook it might not be us let me see what's happening and if not y'all a breathe and I will pray and then we'll do it later I think this is gonna come up let's see all right no I'm going here connect the camera it is connected showing streaming I'm not on tip your hat Tuesday I am on okay I don't know I'm just here do I look flustered no now this you know what let me um now this thing is not acting nice all right stop yourself behave yourself stop it okay let me see here are you there okay so very interesting ah there's something I gotta do here I know I froze up on YouTube too isn't it amazing ah that's okay I'm trying to get myself back up on Facebook I think I'm here on YouTube do I see you yeah I see you I got the camera connected let me take you out yes I want to remove you and I want to show you in the screen in the stream and I'm gonna take you out now there was something now I'm just working to get this connection are you there on YouTube let me see all right all messages are visible okay good came from Facebook okay I just wanted to make sure cuz I know I froze up on YouTube also but that's okay it says that alright okay no I'm not importing I know it's live on YouTube now good I'm just trying to get myself back over here to Facebook and that's gonna take a minute so it's not behaving well let me see if I can come here it's good I have all of these devices all right I'm so proud of myself cuz a while ago this would have scared me to death they have all of this stuff going on but now I just know it's necessary let's see come on baby let me see what's happening miss Angie I may not have a title on here but if I can get up here you can just share the youtube link to Facebook and now Angie you know that's way out of my tell me how I shouldn't miss Angie that's my that's my tech person she's telling me how to do it I don't know how to do that how do I share the youtube link to Facebook how do I do that let me see here I will do it okay but I think I got Facebook now miss Angie okay let's see before you do anything all right let me see if I can go live there we go okay all right ain't it funny that just as we get ready to do the work the thing goes down I just find that so interesting that's okay we will not be deterred yeah the warrior has to wait some time the warrior is strategic so I had every every device our own is on this table hey cheese every device our own so just as we get ready to do the work live on Facebook okay because it's the same network it's the most bizarre thing but that's okay that's what happens sometimes you know energetically oh come on now how do you feel how many of you waited patiently and how many of you got disturbed and disgusted okay just look at that we've got to look at that okay not because it's me please don't make this about me but just about everything that we do is a function of how we run our lives everything that we do is a function of how we run our lives and we're being called to look at everything nothing can bypass us right now just like with the corona how we got a heightened awareness about how people close people come and where we are and what we touch and what we do we have to also do that with our heart and with our mind so if you will on the other message I'm not gonna repeat that I'm just gonna remind you if you have you email the governor today the governor is an ally okay don't get caught up in the color his skin or whether he his political party I heard him speak but more importantly than hearing him speak I saw his aura the government there is an hour senator klobuchar is an ally so when we approach an ally we want to approach with kind loving kindness and and respect we do and even when we approach an enemy if you're a warrior you have to approach an enemy with loving kindness and respect you may not know how to do that yet and that's why I'm training up warriors okay breathe check in on how you're feeling what's happening with you over here YouTube y'all are very quiet okay let's see live chat all message visible that's what I want okay chatting view options but they won't show me your messages mm-hmm are you frozen you too I don't think you're frozen type me some messages type me hashtag enough hashtag enough hashtag in now and let me see what's going on over here uh-oh I see the thing miss miss Angie where I can share it all right here we go let's not have just hug black men let's hug white men because there are some good white men out there who have dysfunction in their DNA and they're battling that themselves they're battling with that okay they're battling with that so we're just being called to look at anything that's been swept under the rug personally and globally globally we've been called anything that's being swept under the rug and here's the piece that I really want you to get we all have a blind spot we do everybody has a blind spot a place where they just can't see where they just don't recognize and what happens is when somebody points out to you the thing you can't see the first thing that come up is defensiveness and resistance and denial okay so when somebody says something to you and it creates an upset in you before you go for them before you go on the attack what I want you to do is check it okay what am i what am i hearing here am i hearing this now am i hearing something I mean did he upset the minute you have upset it means that there's something you need to look at because if you didn't need to look at it you wouldn't be upset about it I don't care what it is all right that's just a good practice if somebody said something to you that triggers you the trigger is in you it ain't in them it ain't about what they're doing if it you gets triggered in you whether it's upset or sadness or whatever there's a call for an inquiry and an investigation so those people who are coming in for the spiritual warrior training I'm going to teach you how to do inquiry and investigation because we have to eliminate reactivity and we have to step into response ability all right let's clear I don't see your remarks anymore so I don't know what the heck I'm clearing I don't know what you're feeling I'm looking particularly at YouTube and I don't want to do something wrong and and cut you all off so I'm gonna have to look at Facebook all right let me see if I do that what does that do oh that's help that shows you all my kitchen let me turn it back over after I don't know why my comments are miss Angie my comments aren't coming up on YouTube so here we go tell me what you're feeling so that I know what we're clearing okay tell me what you're feeling so that I know what your let me see if I can do else because my YouTube I don't have any comments on YouTube the last one I have is at 12:47 and it's I don't know what time it is okay here we go right breathing to the right holding a second breathing to the left and then back to Center we're gonna do some clearing of feelings so I was looking at your feelings so that I would know what to clear but now they're not coming up all right but that's okay we're gonna clear the general ones in the environment here we go inhale and exhale back to centre so let's do this today so that we can go a little deeper okay jewel jewel calm down baby I'm this jewel here jewel got a little comment Jewell Johnson okay it's not it's not just white America jewel it's black America too I know we don't want to hear that we wanna but when we think it's just black America then black America becomes victims and then we put that out we're looking at a higher vibration looking at consciousness we're looking at cellular memory yeah okay so let's just clear it alright here we go inhale I'm choosing to clear anger I'm releasing anger now I said clear let's do that one again I'm choosing to release anger to the left I'm releasing anger now back to Center inhale I'm choosing to release rage exhale I'm releasing rage now back to Center I'm choosing to inhale I'm choosing to release outrage exhale I'm releasing outrage now back to Center I'm choosing to release trauma exhale I'm releasing trauma now back to Center I'm choosing to release being traumatized exhale I'm releasing being traumatized now Center come on with me I'm choosing to release denial exhale I'm releasing denial now back to Center I'm choosing to release resistance exhale I'm releasing resistance now back to Center I'm choosing to release the blind spots in my consciousness exhale I'm releasing the blind spots in my consciousness now back to Center I'm choosing to release being horrified exhale I'm releasing being horrified now back to Center we're breathing and we're moving faster so that it can begin to restructure the brain I'm choosing to release sadness exhale I'm releasing sadness now back to Center I'm choosing to release being lost exhale I'm releasing being lost Nana back to Center I'm choosing to release confusion exhale I'm releasing confusion now back to Center ooh I'm choosing to release self-righteousness exhale I'm releasing self-righteousness now back to Center I'm choosing to release separation exhale I'm releasing separation now back to Center I'm choosing to release feeling lost exhale I'm releasing feeling lost now back to Center I'm choosing to release feeling victimized exhale I'm releasing feeling victimized now back to Center and breathe breathe I see you there YouTube I just can't see your comments I'm sorry I don't know how to tell you okay okay there you go I see you now I had a little thingy I needed to do yes negative rebuking negative thoughts good check-in how you feel come on check in how you feel and let's do a little I am this let's create another energy okay thank you Robert I see you Robert David Andrews from rural Minnesota thank you all right let's get on your I am I am come on I am I am healing come on I am growing come on I am getting feeling balanced come on I am NOT I am sad beloved I feel sad if it's a negative emotion don't put your I am on it okay I feel targeted come on I am what do you am I am growing I am powerful I am power I am choice I am vision I am but if it is a negative emotion make it a feeling not I am this I am power yes I am a conqueror yes I am Victoria I am willing I am ready I am healing I am present I am compassion I am come on I am I am yes I am the head and not the tail come on I am let's get some different energy we've done some clearing let's put some other stuff in there come on I am open yes I am I am I am agreement yes I am acknowledgement I am acceptance I am vision I am joy I am peace I am awesome yes I am I I am growing yes I am healing we're resetting come on reset we've done some clearing but the universe aborts a void that means wherever there's a void the universe life energy will fill it up so since we've released some stuff we want to fill it up with something else I am radiant health I am wisdom I am trust I am truth I am patience I am light I am light yes I am rising excellent I am beauty yes excellent I am learning yes I am I am don't don't put a knot in your I am leave the knot out not that I'm I'm victorious don't even talk about victim I'm dude I'm graceful yes I'm willing yes I'm ready and willing yes I am centered yes I am strength I am strength I am worthy I am worth I am value I am a changing yes I am an agent of change yes I am transformation yes I am my yes okay come on you can do it I am my yes I am my yes I am willing yes I am clearing yes I am loved yes I am unconditional love yes I am non-judgement yes I am acceptance yes I am excellent yes I am abundance yes I am worthy yes I am worth yes I am I am prosperity yes I am clarity yes yes come on let's fill it up and all my men come on all my men I am infinite intelligence I am wisdom I am power I am compassionate power I am the new way I am the new one yes I am freedom yes come on come on yes I am freedom yeah come on you can do it yes I am wisdom I am free and freedom yes come on I am respect yes I am compassion we don't like compassion but yes I am compassion how about I am teachable yes I am learning yes you can do it yes I am worthy yes I am valuable yes yes come on come on not control baby Dominion we don't want control we want Dominion I am protected how about I am safe I am forgiving forgiving and forgivable I am triumphant yes I am I am capable yes I am wonderfully made yes come on you got it I am courageous yes I am grounded I am centered I am strong I am beginning I am new how about that I am new yes I am new I am breathing I am breathing yeah I am protected yes I am safe yes I am safe yes the things that we want I am awake that's a good one I am focused that's a good one I am open that's a good one yes yes I am a vessel yes good good that's what I'm talking about I am I am I am hope yes I am trust yes I am true I am conscious that's a good one I am divine I am noble I am met majestic I am filling in those holes from the things that we just that we just released filling in those holes you got it filling your hey Lakeisha filling in those holes yes yeah that's what it is I love that I mystic I am I am trying I am triumph that I am triumphant I am the whole thing all of it I love it yes I'm a child of the king and the Queen all right I am victory I am I am okay I want you to check in on how you're feeling let's um go put some in now check your feelings take a breath in and let it out right now I feel grace mm I am feeling centered I am feeling outrage still there and that's okay I can feel it it doesn't have to govern me all right I'm feel calm yeah check in because then we're gonna go to the ancestral level all right I wash and clothes right now I love that I'm doing laundry yes I am anointed come on somebody I am me I am majestic check your feelings now check your feelings and understand you can still have the anger there but don't let that be all that there is let that don't let that be all that there is okay I right now I feel connected right now I feel connected mm-hmm right now I feel protected mm-hmm right now I feel kind ooh let me spray myself ooh I got to spray myself the job go get some or it's over spray I know it's expensive but it'll help you alright mmm-hmm alright I'm using Serapis Bey and I'll give you that I feel relief good feel lighter feel supported feel generous feel blessed I'm feeling pain is that physical pain beloved if that's physical pain go right to the place you feel the pain breathe it up I'm choosing to release pain I'm releasing pain now back to centre I'm choosing to release this pain wherever it is and I'm choosing I'm releasing this pain now here we go okay right now I feel peace how am i man how you feeling man where my men where my men tell me how you feeling I'm a man and I feel I'm a man and I feel I feel hurt excellent I feel empty that's better than no uh-huh I feel empowered I'm a man and I feel I'm checking in on you man I'm checking in on your man I feel help good I'm a man and I feel I'm a man and I feel I want to see how my men is my men is Lord that's bad grandma how my men is doing how my men is doing come on I'm a man I fee I'm a phenomenal man excellent I am blessed okay good good come on tell me how you feel I'm a man and I feel perplexed that's okay mister man I'm choosing to release feeling perplexed I'm releasing feeling perplexed now back to Center and then put I am clear I am wisdom I am infinite intelligence all right that's the new step of the training when you breathe something out put something else in so H see I want you to breathe out scared I want you to put in courage I want you to put in wisdom I want you to put in safety all right I'm choosing to release feeling scared I'm releasing feeling scared now and back to centre alright maybe HC and summer I'm a man and I feel the reoccurrence okay so Lawrence lacy we're gonna we're going to clear out because some of it and this is where I started today some of it is ancestral but because it's been with us so long we take it on and we think it's us greetings to you Brazil please stay safe Brazil Nana please stay safe in Brazil please wear your mask we listen I'm gonna give me some no little hoods for my ears I'm gonna cover my eyes I got my head covering my mouth covered I might cover the hoo-ha okay what nothing coming in from nowhere okay alright I'm telling you I'm not taking nothing now did y'all do your lemon bath last night do your lemon bath listen this is I know this sounds crazy to some people because we're so addicted to the you know the status quo and you know the beauty thing I'm telling you what your grandmama did okay cuz I'm telling you that alright so if you didn't take your lemon bath last night ask yourself did you sleep well and if you did take it did you sleep well and if you didn't do it again tonight I'm a man and I feel hatred towards those cops okay Brian clear out the hatred all right it might be ancestral can I tell you a quick story I know I don't want to keep you on here all day but I want to tell you what's the lemon bath I told everybody cut a lemon in half and scrub yourself with it scrub everything but the hoo-hah okay the man can scrub their male parts but the lady can't scrub the hoo-hah okay scrub yourself the back of your neck your armpits your boobs and everything with the actual lemon cut it in half and scrub with the lemon why because lemon is a natural astringent and it works not only on the physical level but it also works on the spiritual level okay here we go my grandmother was a to slakey I've told you all this before she was a translates to slake II which the English tongue says Cherokee and she was born in the 1920s and she left the reservation in the 1920s and went to New York and passed as black okay can you imagine in the 1920s that is better to pass as black than to be seen as a Native American because back then Native American women were squaws that's what they call them they called them savages my grandmother was born on the reservation so she knew what it was like to be called a savage so she passed this black she was lighter than me but she had the native nose and if your native you know what I'm talking about it she had the native ears but she could cover that with her hair and she became a cook accomplished chef at the age of 16 she left my father in Virginia so my grandmother worked hard she worked hard she was a domestic and she cleaned houses during the week and she cooked on the weekend and she cooked for some very famous people they thought she was black they had no idea she was a Native American and she worked hard and she you know I don't even know cuz I didn't even know about money when I was born I didn't know what it was but she would come home and and she would pay her bills and she very often brought food from her madam she called it her madam she called it food from her man his house and that's what we ate and she would buy her chickens at the revival the revival that the raw the live chicken market because my uncle in Smithfield you know he had a farm so she was used to live animals and so she would buy the chicken and he'd have to pluck it up just like I do I do appreciate Perdue yeah so listen I'm not talking about people's whose last name is Savage don't misunderstand me I said she was yes one can tanka she was called the savage as a Native American so she passed this black because it was easier to be black than in the 20s can you imagine when black people couldn't go in certain places it was easier for her to be black so anyway that's not the point of the story here's the point of the story so she worked very hard and the thing that she taught me was that you have to work hard to make money so all my life I've worked hard even when I was receiving public assistance I probably shouldn't say this but they can't lock me up now I used to work because public assistance didn't give me enough to take care of me and my children and and the fathers weren't the father's weren't being responsible and so I always worked hard and I carried that message from my grandmother and her mother and my grandfather all my life until probably about maybe 20 years ago I thought I always had to work hard to make money I never thought I could be blessed I never thought I could save I never thought I could own I I never thought that keep breathing States they focused I see what you're saying stay focused okay so I found myself being unable to receive unable to receive good unable to receive help unable to receive miracles and blessings because my DNA was you have to work hard to make money you have to work hard to get by and then I had a resistance and an antenna of obstruction to taken things from white people because I grew up watching my grandmother bring home leftovers from her her her job and we'd have to eat him or the clothes her madam gave me I'd have to wear them to school and and so I had a resistance to that and for a very long time and it wasn't until I started working on clearing my cellular memory uh-huh that I was able to see things in a different way okay to see white people in a different way to see myself in a different way to see work and money in a different way it wasn't that I didn't think I could it was that it was cellular it was cellular can you hear me so you you don't have to work hard to make money yeah you you have to be open to receive abundance wealth and prosperity in all of its forms I probably have about maybe two to three hundred homes I don't own them but what I have is invitations I could probably go anywhere in this country and somebody would take me in I'd have a home yeah I don't have to own it but there was a time when I couldn't receive that I thought I had to work and have it and you understand so today we're gonna clear out some of that energy that cellular memory for black people or people of and for white people because there are good white people good-hearted good thinking but they've never healed their cellular memory and so their great-great-grandfather still gives them a covert message that their superior or their great-great grandmother tells them that they are in charge they are the madam and that's why that woman in the park would say to a man of color an African I'm gonna tell the police the master that an african-american man is threatening me that's why Emmett Till was home and drowned because he whistled at a white woman okay this is hard to hear but this is where we gotta go all right why Medgar Evers was killed because he was bringing a message of freedom and hope to people of color and the superior white men said no no no no that n-word he's a problem he's trying to free the slaves get him out of here mm-hmm and anybody who knows the story of Harriet Tubman understands that the way she freed the slaves was by the intuitions that she received how to go and where to go she was the most sought after slave on the on the planet because they couldn't understand how I should get out a waif dogs in the and and the slave catchers and everybody because it was coming from a high around this is not to make white people bad or black people good it's it's the history this is what we're clearing we've got to understand that so even though you got black friends or you got white friends or you think you know it's cellular it ain't even physically historical it's in our body it's in our being that's why I got kinky hair that's why you know there's so many the pieces and I've got all the nations the red nation the black nation and the white nation my grandfather my father's father was a mixed-race man his mother was black his father was white okay so it's right up in my face yeah but I sure do have the African hair I got the African hair the African nose the native ears see I might use a mask in my head most Native Americans have their ears are not only huge but match to their head okay so these are the things that we got to know and it can be exciting it doesn't have to be traumatic it can be exciting but we have to understand can you hear me we have to understand okay I have big boobs like my mother her family came from de homine my mother's mother was born in Dahomey West Africa and came here at the age of 11 yes I do know all right let's breathe because everybody's saying it so the officer has been arrested breathe the officer has been arrested hashtag arrested and charged okay let's breathe let's breathe now we don't want to celebrate but we want to take on the victory it's a victory okay breathe hashtag arrested and charged okay breathe and let's see what it feels like to sit with the internal victory all right not the outward celebration the victory that's a spiritual that's a spiritual experience the victory and when you have victory at the spiritual level then you go to gratitude let's go I am grateful come on what's your grateful for let's get grateful I'm grateful for the answered prayer I'm grateful for the answered prayer I'm grateful for swift justice I'm grateful to have been heard I'm grateful to have been seen I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful let's go to the victory I'm grateful this is how you take a spiritual experience and elevate it I'm grateful thank you god that's all you have to say thank you angels Thank You ancestors thank you the spirit of life Thank You mayor Thank You mayor whatever his name and Thank You governor whatever his name is because they were the human physical beings and bodies that facilitated the answer of the prayer don't forget them thank you da whatever his name is I don't know his name is thank you to da of Minnesota thank you to Minneapolis thank you all thank you for the man Oh Minnie oh let me spray myself oh I'm too excited arrested and charged I'm grateful that the shift is happening I'm grateful that the prayers have been answered I'm grateful that the people's efforts and energy were not in vain I'm grateful for our hashtag arrested in charge we can drop that now and make it hashtag convict but we're not gonna go there just yet come on I'm grateful I'm grateful I thank those young people those were young people in the streets and we may not have liked what it looked like but I'm grateful not only were they in the streets but that they were safe that we didn't lose the life that nobody was hurt or harmed I'm grateful for the young people I'm grateful for their energy I'm grateful for their enthusiasm I'm grateful for their courage hashtag arrested in charge yes I'm grateful come on that's how we do it I'm grateful for this victory I'm grateful I'm grateful that things are shifting I'm grateful that things are changing I'm grateful that people's eyes are being open I'm grateful that things will not be the same I'm grateful things will never be the same I'm grateful that I will never be the same hashtag arrested and charged okay come on I'm grateful changes unfolding I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful yes come on thank the young people they was out there I'm too old I couldn't have been out there but I was sure praying with them okay and then we're getting caught up in the looting sometimes that's what it takes healing ain't pretty suppose that looting and that burning was the blood on the surgical floor what if that was it okay yes let's just get grateful for the victory come on man come on man I know I know that that that it may not have felt good along the way come on man how do you feel how are the men feeling how other men feeling this is a victory okay it's not the it's not the end of it but grateful could you just be grateful and and and and and know that the piece and the part that we did those hashtags that if that it worked all right let me plug this phone in before it cuts off all right yes let's just get grateful we still going clear but right now we just we just taken the victory all right Healing ain't pretty and we may not understand it that's why we can't look at the physical level we got to look at all levels I'm I'm grateful yes and they were black and white youths out there they weren't just black kids okay so people want to say was the black kids the black young uns or the black people looting and I don't know they may have had a little more I don't know but I don't care there was white white girls white boy I said girls and boys because they under 40 so to me they're children okay they were they were out there together they were out there together Thank You mayor was his name Thank You governor what's his name Thank You senator Klobuchar Thank You representative and I don't even know if they had anything to do with it but I'm thinking them anyway okay let's just thank them thank the DA now can we hash tag can we send a tweet or email to the DA and say thank you can we hash tag thank you can we do that I don't know what the how you do it if anybody know okay come on Oh YouTube I got a little problem phone ain't charging let me see what I'm gonna do help me let me get you all keep hash tagging let me uh let me see what I can do my phone is going dead YouTube if I go down I'll have to get you some other way let me see I plugged it in but it ain't acting Mike all right you two hang tight let me see it babbles okay I'll see what happens all right let me do this clearing real quick let me do this clearing before I lose you to any of that my phone goes down ok let's do the same such you're clearing all right we're doing it the same way that we did the other one this time we're looking at we're looking at ancestral energies okay breathe come Center remember to the right all the way to the left and back to Center okay here's where we go inhale I'm choosing to clear and sexual trauma exhale I'm clearing ancestral trauma now back to Center I'm choosing to clear ancestral contracts exhale I'm clearing ancestral contracts now back to cinema' I'm choosing to clear negative and traumatic and sexual agreements exhale I'm clearing negative and traumatic ancestor agreements now back to Center I'm choosing to clear ancestral cellular memory exhale I'm clearing and negative ancestral cellular memory now back to Center let's do that again I'm choosing to clear traumatic cellular memory exhale I'm clearing traumatic cellular memory now back to Center I'm choosing to clear ancestral beliefs exhale I'm clearing ancestral beliefs now back to Senate not history not culture but ancestral beliefs because those beliefs were made on the time that they lived in you understand so when that clearing culture when not clearing history we're not clearing that stuff we're clearing the beliefs that were based on a time that we know longer live in okay come on breathe I'm choosing to release ancestral attachments I'm clearing ancestral attachments now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral stories exhale I'm releasing ancestral stories now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral relationships exhale I'm releasing ancestral relationships now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral wounds exhale I'm releasing ancestral wounds now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral restrictions exhale I'm releasing ancestral restrictions now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral fears exhale I'm releasing ancestral fears now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral Chane exhale I'm releasing ancestral shame now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral guilt exhale I'm releasing ancestral guilt now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral range exhale I'm releasing ancestral rage now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral apathy exhale I'm releasing ancestral apathy man back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral limitations exhale I'm releasing ancestral limitations now stay with me back to the center I'm choosing to release ancestral out exhale I'm releasing ancestral outrage now back to Center two more I'm choosing to release ancestral inferiority exhale I'm releasing ancestral inferiority now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral superiority exhale I'm releasing ancestral superiority now back to cinder breathe ancestral rage oh let's do that one thank you and Gillian I'm choosing to release ancestral programming yeah I'm releasing ancestral programming now back to centre I'm choosing to release ancestral conditioning exhale I'm releasing ancestral conditioning now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral social conditioning mmm exhale I'm releasing ancestral social conditioning now back to Center I'm choosing to release ancestral patterning exhale I'm releasing ancestral patterning now back to centre now breathe one more come on stay with me I'm receipt choosing to release ancestral commitments exhale I'm releasing ancestral commitments now back to cinema' as for black that's for white we all have it yes I'll do that one Kenya I'm choosing to release ancestral brokenness yeah yeah I'm releasing ancestral brokenness now back to Senate let's do this one why am I not welcome here why do you think you're not welcome here beloved nobody said you weren't welcome here everybody is welcome here okay genetic predispositions let's do it come on inhale I'm choosing to release ancestral predispositions exhale I'm releasing ancestral predispositions now back to sin I'm choosing to release ancestral back to Center I lost that word Delinda is welcome here okay okay do your burdens your brokenness okay ancestral self-hating self-hatred let's do this one and we'll do poverty mentality okay let me get that one I'm choosing to release ancestral self-hatred exhale I'm releasing ancestral self-hatred now back to Senate come with me I'm choosing to release ancestral poverty exhale I'm releasing ancestral poverty man back to centre come on breathe breathe yes you do that one B yeah release ancestral shame come on y'all look ya'll look good now ancestors shame come on yes yes ancestral expectations you know what to do come on breathe it makes you emotional because it's it's rattling yourselves and your molecules and your genes Thank You Berlin you're welcome you do it to Berlin Berlin you do it because you've got some other stuff over there you're Berlin everybody this is not just for black people okay this is for everybody we all have cellular memory yes thank you Winnie ancestral superiority ancestral yes generational curses I started coughing that's good that's good this is visceral okay now as you add your ancestral ignorance come on let's do that one on both sides okay come on breathe I'm choosing to release ancestral ignorance I'm releasing ancestral ignorance now Chester good let's do that I'm choosing to release ancestral aggression exhale I'm releasing ancestral aggression now back to Center cuz it wasn't just a white people who were aggressive we was aggressive we were grounding a grunt glass and putting it into people's food okay come on breathe and set your anger whatever it is if there's something else coming up for you if there's something else coming up for you and if you're finished with that now let's tap come on here we go I'm releasing I am releasing I am releasing I am letting go I am surrendering all ancestral and cellular memory that no longer serves me I am releasing and letting go all ancestral cellular memory that no longer serves me if it doesn't serve me I'm letting if it's not for my highest good I'm letting it go I love my ancestors I honor my ancestors but anything that no longer serves me an ancestral energy an ancestral memory an ancestral program an ancestral contract an ancestral covenant and ancestral conditioning I'm letting it go I'm calling in the light of my true self I'm calling in the light of my authentic self I'm calling in the light of my of my purpose and my value and I'm surrendering all ancestral memories that no longer serves me I thank my ancestors I am grateful for their life in my bloodstream I'm grateful for their wisdom in my spirit but the contracts the covenants the agreements the restrictions the limitations the programs I'm letting them go I surrender them come on tap with me my nose in my chin my collarbone under my arms my two wrists the top of my head I surrender I let it go if it doesn't serve me I let it go if it's not for me today I let it go I'm not judging my ancestors I'm setting them free I'm not dishonouring my ancestors I'm setting myself free any ancestral memory any cellular memory any generational memory that is none of the light for me today that is not for my highest and greatest good I surrender it I let it go right now take a breath take a breath read yeah weird I know but that's okay you you you you can't you'll never be disconnected from now what we're releasing are the things that they had that we don't have okay that the things that they had to deal with that we didn't have to deal with and it's in our memory black/white native Latin yeah come on freedom okay let's do that eyebrows freedom side of I freedom under I freedom nose and chin freedom collarbone freedom under arm freedom both wrists freedom top of head I claim my freedom eyebrows I claim my freedom side of I from the past under I I claim my freedom nose and chin from dysfunctional patterns collarbone whether mine under arms or my ancestors under breasts I claim my freedom ah wrist I claim my freedom top of head I claim my freedom eyebrows I claim my truths side of eyes I claim my truth under eyes I claim the freedom of my truth nose and chin I claim the freedom of my truth collarbones I ask that I be filled under arms with the freedom of my truth under breasts in every cell wrist and every atom top of head in every molecule eyebrows in every organ side of I in every system under I in every structure nose and chin of my being in my body collar bomb the truth of my freedom under arms is awakened under breath it takes hold of me risk and creates a new reality top-of-head within me eyebrows around me side of our as knee under eye through me nose and chin the freedom of my truth collarbones is now active under arms in a powerful and productive way under breath in every aspect of my being wrists and I give thanks top of head I am grateful breathe if you have or can get some water do that okay if you have or can get some water do that good are you grateful we got a victory and we got cleared okay because this arresting of this officer I have to say this breathe it through this white man who put his neck his knee on a black man's neck the fact that he's being held accountable we call it arrested in charge but it's being held accountable that is a spiritual victory now we'll go to hash tag convict hash tag accountable can you hear me it's not just that he was he did it and he's not he gonna pay and but but let's raise the energy of it up okay let's raise the energy of it up he is being held accountable hashtag accountable yeah because one of our grand mothers or grandfathers was beaten or hung or sold and nobody was held accountable Medgar Evers was killed and nobody was held accountable and mate'll was drowned and countless others nobody was held accountable the church was bombed and burned Birmingham and nobody was held accountable okay and and and white men and white women when you hear this don't get afraid and don't get guilty understand that as we heal and lift as you clear and lift accountability is gonna come up doesn't make you wrong or bad it means that we're healing the things that were swept under the so breathe okay raise the energy raise the energy can you hear me raise the energy and we've got to say what it is you gotta say what it is a white man is being held accountable for his unconscious or inhumane treatment of a black man this has been generations incoming okay do you know they used to have public hangings okay and and even now in certain places not all Klan members wear sheets but what that also gives birth to is this whole notion of white male superiority that they can get away with anything and I I'm not promoting democratic or Republican or political posture but we see this being played out in front of us every day where white men think they can get away with anything we can't sweep it under the rug anymore we have to hold people accountable okay and we're not doing that on all levels we're not doing it in the job place we're not doing it in the political arena we're not doing it sometimes in our homes okay breathe good and people will get upset and they'll call it whatever we're not judging it don't give it a name give it a principle no no Brian we're not hanging nobody no Brian we are not hanging nobody come on Brian clear that out because that's revenge and reactivity we want victory of accountability can you hear me we don't want revenge we want accountability that's a higher vibration because if we get revenge then there's gonna be guilt and then we gotta pay for that no no raise it up raise it up raise it up okay well we got a victory today hashtag arrest in charge we got a victory we did some deep clearing for our ancestors and listen when things come up when things come up here it out I don't have to be sitting here with you alright if you are interested in really doing the level of training good I don't know even know where to tell you to go I'll talk to you about that on Saturday when we do our antiviral message cuz this ain't the antiviral message this is something long ago she said Brian no we are not hanging out okay good that's okay it's Brian you know what you do Brian clear it out just clear it out and and listen it's good when these things come up when it comes up and you you know you say something like you know cut the left testicle off you need to die clear that out don't judge yourself for having the reaction just clear it out unless you unless you don't want unless you know you know it's it's not there just clear it out when you're looking at somebody to say that Kyle need to die okay let me clear out anger okay clear it out all right and do your lemon bath and get you some Serapis bag or a you are a som a or a Solman North North America it's expensive but if you can afford it and you just you know but I spray it on my pillow at night you want Serapis Bey ser ap is BAE sir piss bag and then the other one that I use a lot is lady nada lady nada it's pink and it's for unconditional love all right we have to do these things because everything is about energy it's all about energy and if you have your masterpiece products this is a good time to do clearing and releasing okay positive vibes won't be discussed what is going on why you're over there behaving bad don't do that PG leaving people alone don't worry about it okay people can say whatever listen look what they did to Jesus Who am I I ain't nobody look what they did to Jesus okay hung him I tried to kill people I ain't nobody if they would do that to him okay let people do because a lot of time they're trolls and they come in they come in and they want to take you off point that's why I said don't pay no attention to that don't even respond to it PG or anybody else don't respond to that let them do whatever and the other thing is I released okay and the other thing is they come in because listen when you declare yourself to be a thing let me say this let me say this I feel numb I live in it okay Green Goddess clear that out baby come on unless everybody listen to sit with Green Goddess for a minute Green Goddess lives in Minneapolis okay everybody do this with me for Green Goddess and anybody else inhale I choose to release numbness exhale I'm releasing numbness now back to Center this is for you Green Goddess I'm choosing to release avoidance exhale I'm releasing avoidance now back to Center inhale I'm choosing to release resistance exhale I'm releasing resistance now back to Center because sometimes when we go numb it's the way that we avoid and resist and deny what's going on numbness is not a good place to be so when you get numb release it and don't be afraid of what comes up we've been sitting with everything here we were sitting with everything anger always trauma all sorts of things it won't kill you it's just an gee but if you don't acknowledge the energy it will persist and it'll become more intense I'm gonna tell you this one last thing and then I gotta get out of here I got things to do I've been with y'all two days here we go listen anytime this is from conversations with God Neale Donald Walsch back in the 90s any time you declare yourself to be a thing everything unlike it is going to show up okay you say that again any time you declare a thing any time you declare yourself to be a thing anything unlike it I'll spell it again Kimberly it's going to come up so when you declare yourself to be peaceful everything that could disturb your peace is gonna come up when you declare yourself to be free everything that keeps you in bondage enslaved or tied up it's gonna show up why because whenever you reach for something in faith your faith has to be tested gimme a man any time you reach for something in faith your faith has to be tested so you're saying that I'm clear and I'm free and I'm both the book the book that it's gonna be tested and you're gonna have to say no no mm-hmm I'm not responded to that I'm not responding to that thank you Jesse I'm not responding to that anytime you declare yourself to be a thing anytime you do anything in faith your faith has to be tested to make sure you're not a punk make sure that you don't have poor understanding that negates the knowledge that's what a punk is poor understanding that negates knowledge you know your word is powerful so once you put the word out there the energy is gonna be created but the energies that want to negate it are gonna show up you gotta stand in faith okay so you say you're free you say you're clear you say you're peaceful you say you're joyful I guarantee you it's gonna be challenged something's gonna happen you're gonna get a phone call somebody's gonna act up and that's when you have to say I'm not doing that okay people are asking about ya people your faith will be tested to see if you've got patience and faith poor understanding that negates knowledge that's what it is that's what a punk is all right so somebody say you a punk don't think of it just in the language in the colloquial terms think of it on a higher level okay the bad lemon is a natural astringent you can also use a grapefruit but lemon I go to lemon cut it in half take it one in each hand or just take one and scrub your body with it because it breaks cuts negative energy it's a physical astringent and a spiritual astringent scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub so that the seeds and the Rhine and the little thingy thingy boo-boo papa then put your soap on and rinse off okay so you're clearing your spiritual energy and your physical energy all right that is the whole premise behind masterpiece body therapy but I'm not here to sell you nothing okay aura soma products they're made in London and they're made with light frequencies sound frequencies crystals minerals oils and then they're treated so that they create or clear a certain energy all right purification when you're doing it clears what's there that's what these quintessence is done do clearing goes in and pulls out all right clearing goes in and pulls out so with our lemon what we are doing no don't scrub yoo-hoo hob with the lemon I told you all that yesterday don't grow up scrub Tallulah so when we scrub with the lemon we are clearing so with scrubbing putting that natural astringent on us because you know what you put on your body goes in your body right what you put on your body goes in your body so when you put that lemon on your skin that natural astringent is going in and pulling out so then you take your soul whatever it is you take your soul and you put it on yeah okay and then these are purifying these quintessences are purifying the air around us so you spray I was spraying so much yesterday was all over the floor and then I didn't know what happened to it all right Oris almond north america aura soma north america cuz i'm aura soma practitioner but i don't even I don't even do that listen to your shall I put the lemon on before the soap yes baby put the lemon on before the soap put it on before the Soul yeah please leave the flower area along hey freedom freedom freedom come on freedom was taken on now come baby come come come say hi to the people now say hi to the people now say hi to the people now say hi freedom see hi is she just not the most precious thing yeah okay what else did I want to tell you can attend Europa yes please do the children please do the children yes please do the children get you some lemons and nobody Brian lemons never get black freedom freedom is black and you can drink lemon - yeah but right now we clear in our body and my policy is if I'm cleaning my body with it I don't ingest it okay so because I'm bathing with lemon right now I'm not gonna eat lemon because I want to be clear about what the person is your son has eczema can he do the lemon this is what I would say mom put it on a place on top of the eczema and wait 24 hours see if he has a reaction to it okay yeah yeah okay I'm not gonna answer the phone until I get finished with y'all let me see that's my manager Rodney I'll call you later why are you licking my neck you know I don't do kissing now I love her but she can't kiss me in my mouth yeah the acid will tell it no I don't know that to be true listen what do you think people did a hundred years ago they didn't have ivory and of what are you talking about stop it what do you think they they use what was in nature you know when I go to Jamaica when I go to Panama I go out in the wood and rip me some herbs and put it in my soap and and and that's what I use yeah okay all right what else you got any question where's my men I want to check in on you men man how you feel I'm a man and I feel I'll tell you okay Carol I'll tell Rodney hi I'm gonna know don't ask sugar to the lemon I do not add sugar to the lemon scrub your body with the lemon okay okay oh you got to go your your head go your hands getting in my mind okay Rodney's calling me let me see he must need something let me see if that's him yeah he needs me hold on I'll be right back yes sir I know I've been talking about that I'm on Facebook okay no we know we've already celebrated the victory say high-riding oh he hung up you wanted to tell me that the officer had been arrested okay all right what else where my men I gotta check on my men if you're a man and you're out there tell me I'm a man and I feel let me hear you I'm a man and I feel look at the laundry soap and dryer sheets don't treat the symptom I don't know what that I thank you tight I says he feels better okay good for tae freedom lovely yeah I love freedom too Rodney said pick up he did ha ha ha come on I'm a man and I feel what do you feel Matthew you feel what check your check your feelings I have eczema and I use the lemon to help with the itching okay but let her check on the baby before you do it just rub some lemon on a place on your skin and let's see what happens all right come on I'm a man and I feel calm good thank you I'm a man and I feel mama do you use black soap I have an entire line of products made out of black soap masterpiece pe AC II masterpiece Bobbi therapy I'm a man and I feel calmer I'm a man where are you and I feel lighter - thank you good I'm in the Caribbean we use limes to clean all the time right I know but you know we think it's it's Irish Spring come on Matthew feels peace and blessing oh good and Andre okay I'm a man and I feel what do you feel Omar check-in take a breath right now I feel let's see I want to make sure everybody's good I feel optimistic excellent I'm a man and I feel grateful excellent I'm a man please pin the information of the oil y'all know I don't know how to pin nothing I don't know how to do that you I don't know how to do that somebody pin this on the thing on the Facebook or a soul in North America that's my teacher all my aura Solman North America you want to set up this bag Angie Kirsten sigh I don't know how to Pete nothing okay we all stop giving the people a advice they say if the baby got eczema take away wheat and dairy okay I'm a man and I feel I'm not a punk come on that's it that's right I'm a man and I feel hopeful Thank You Dustin Thank You Dustin all right I'm cuz I ain't coming back to your lying seeing y'all til tomorrow voodoo she's sending out good vibrations you know what hoodoo is a simple way a name that they give a cultural expression they don't understand and I'm not insulted I know who doing I'll do you too you know what that's ignorant and spiritual warriors fight ignorant voodoo was a derogatory name given to the spiritual practices and beliefs of the enslaved people in Haiti by the French so let me tell you what those people used to do to the enslaved peachy people in in Haiti they the French I don't know what he was the Emperor whoever they used to stick dynamite in the rectum of the enslaved people and then took bets on where the body parts were gonna fall where the body parts would fall and then they light the dynamite blow the person hot and then how the body fell and sometimes in the process in the process of the body parts falling out of the air it would look like they were dancing and stuff and if you pointed in the direction of one of the people in the in the royalty they called it voodoo okay know your history know your history and don't get caught up in doing what everybody else is doing know your history that's how they diminish and demean the people of Haiti and call it down and wrong and evil family because Haitian people are black people out of Africa they have a very different culture than Jamaica Trinidad or El Salvador or whatever but they still African people but we don't like them because the French who used to put dynamite in their rectums talk to them about practicing voodoo come on this is the stuff that's been swept under the rug and this is the stuff we gotta let go off and if you think this is voodoo get off the thread leave it let me spray myself you see when ignorant comes up I'm I'm the ignorance I'm the anti ignorant warrior I can't take it I can't take it that we separate ourselves from our Haitian brothers and sisters because people that put a dynamite in their rectum called the falling of their bodies voodoo and then what they did what the what the brilliant slaves did was they took it because they knew it scared the French people they knew it scared the evidence of it calling something blue dude ain't that wrong with voodoo is how to slave save themselves from having dynamite stuck up their rectum here we go how my men doing you doing good okay I'm gonna leave you we had a victory today for which we're grateful hashtag convict hashtag enough hashtag ask cuz you gotta have a ask and hashtag convicted that's where we're going that's not gonna happen today it's not gonna happen tonight but we're gonna continue to do the work okay I'm not gonna be with you tomorrow tomorrow I have my anti viral message okay so when things come up when things come up clear it all right do that that's what you're doing okay if you want to join me for the anti viral charged with murder in the third degree mMmmm third degree I don't know Minnesota law I don't know Minnesota law but third degree he's you may not get life yes teach them I am Haitian am I telling the truth Eveline okay am i telling the truth okay I want you to understand somebody who call booth let me tell you yes come on with it I'm telling you that's how the slaves what they call their their their spiritual practices because they knew it scared the French soldiers who were blowing their asses up oh I said a bad word I said ass Haitians are brilliant they are brilliant gorgeous courageous people they are all of us are okay here we go here we go here we go if something comes up clear it okay the lemon bath you have that work on your I am now let me just say this nameste from India deep bow to you thank you you gotta be in this for the long haul alright this is not going to happen overnight and what we've done in the past I'm not scolding us what we've done in the past is we've marched and we protest for three months and once the news isn't covering it then we go away that's what we did with Trayvon that's what we did with every gardener that's what we did with Tamir rice you don't know what's going on with Tamir rice now because we stopped but because of what's going on in the heavens they're saying we can't sweep this under the rug anymore can't sweep it under the rug anymore okay so we got a deal with this stuff to the degree that I can't write similar to obeah that's what they call obeah okay so as much as I can yeah rosewater is very good as much as I can I want to be with you to walk you through it but I've taught you a lot you've got to use it don't be codependent don't be codependent you don't need me here use what you have if I think you need some more I'll come back how do we heal racism we heal it individually we heal it individually we have to heal it individually I confess to York yesterday I've been a racist not in the sense of oh you know they are in the world I don't have the money or the power to restrict white people but I've had some very ugly thoughts about white people in about white society all right uh-huh what somebody say open the windows and doors and just let it walk out I wish we could we got to heal our minds yes this is a marathon not a sprint but we each have to do our individual work and that's why I'm teaching you thank you v-rod orem Solman North America so that's why I'm saying to you when you get triggered and ain't what they're doing out there it's you when things come up clear them and release them it right then and there don't wait clear them and release them don't wait all right so I got to leave y'all all right you know what to do take care of each other take care of each other all right let's pray for we go how about that let's hold hand collectively yes a goons all working they right here didn't you see them ah we gonna hold hands collectively breathe with me come on man breathe with me white men black men red men latin man griever we're gonna pray once that here it is precious lord of the universe pains that you are known and called only in all faiths and always in all roads none better than the other all bringing us back home to you we pray today help help me help me now thank you and Sylvia nothing else to say deep bow
Channel: Iyanla Vanzant
Views: 224,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -AwxtjJmqfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 53sec (6953 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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