Rayco RG80 update

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hello again YouTube family Jake here with tactical stump removal we're gonna try I guess we'll call this video living with the RG 80 I've been getting a lot of requests and phone calls and things like that about this machine just because it's so new people don't know who to talk to so obviously I've got one and people find my information online I don't really try and keep it secret or nothing so it's kind of cool I can help you guys out if I can like I said that's part of the reason for these videos right now well I guess I can turn this back on we'll give it a couple seconds but yeah I just wanted to do a quick update video on this RG 80 I think I've got a hundred and eighty hours on it now something like that I'll tell you here in a second I'll see here with this thing is telling us all right there 189 two 119 hours on this machine I've definitely been using it I've had it on a lot of different obstacles and different yards and all kinds of different situations just typical stump grinder stuff that you guys might understand but yeah we'll go over some things that I like a couple things I don't like and we'll just keep updating from there I guess we'll start from the very beginning up here your your stump grinder teeth I know you guys are aware that I use these green teeth and again the the Reiko teeth they only stick up just above where this is at you know they're only sticking up you know just about the tooth size over the top of this so when your plunge cutting with a wheel this wide it doesn't allow you to take real big bites off of it even though the machine is plenty powerful enough to do that with these teeth on here I can still run this at a hundred percent on the remote you know and then take a cording bites you know depending on the type of wood these will allow me to do that you know I get a lot of guys saying you know why would you put those their rake hoes not gonna warranty your stuff look if Rico wants to be nitpicky about something like this you know my machines running smoother it's running you know it's not shakin or anything like that when the Reiko teeth get dull during the day I don't have time to change them out multiple times a day this just makes my life so much easier and honestly it's gonna save me maintenance in the long run I mean it's gonna be saving my bearings and everything I've heard guys say that you know these teeth will blow out bearings those are guys that don't use these teeth you know they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to that this thing is super smooth zero vibration coming from the cutter head especially when you're in you know would you get some nice sharp teeth on here and it just buzzes right through it the bearings they've been holding up very good haven't had any issues and they're squealing no nothing like that just keep them greased up like I like I tell you in all the other videos maintenance is key here's your belt guard box they just did an update so if you buy a machine today you'll have the updated one and basically what it is is there will be a cutout right here I don't know why Reiko didn't do that from the get-go sometimes you know they just forget stuff whatever I just placed an order for one on this machine I'm gonna replace this whole box here with that rather than take every single bolt off of this thing every single time I want to check the belt which I've done I've had this thing off probably ten times now it's a royal pain in the butt to in a tear it all apart put all your bolts up here take this off now you're cleaning everything it's a pain now you'll be able to just pull two bolts off you know inspect your belt and it will save you a lot of time in the long run most of the time when I pull this off the belt doesn't need adjusted I'm just checking it to make sure that it's good chip guards are holding up very nice no issues with those this thing here when I purchased it it had had on it kind of looked you can see this this guard here just doesn't look real pretty all the other ones I've seen since this one they've all come out really nice and you know black whatever but really thick oversize guards here nowhere underneath of them at all hard to see on video here but yeah they're looking great holding up nice so I don't suspect any issues there up underneath the here at that very bottom when there's a grease fitting down there that's kind of a pain in the butt I don't really like that as soon as you get into some stuff you know halfway through the day that's full of dirt and mud and you got to pull it all out kind of a hassle in the way that this thing is shaped out here you got to pull this thing up but so you're getting dirty and whatnot but not a big deal i greased it every morning I wash it every night so every morning it's ready to go and be cleaned the rest of the grease fittings are all very easy I haven't had any issues with any of the grease zerks they've still taken grease no problem yeah that's that up here well I guess this is kind of be a two for one I painted this this is now a gloss black and the reason why I did that was it was starting to rust I guess you know had went through powder coat and just didn't get a great coat on it and it started rusted inside all these little holes here so you know me pull it off clean it up and painted it real nice and pretty again which brings me to my next point the paint on these things they look good but if there were any imperfections before they powder coated these you'll find it really fast I guess I can show you over here there must have been a little scratch right in here I don't know if you'll be able to see it on here but it's this little thing right here it bubbled up started rusting I got rust coming back out again gotta take care of that stuff as soon as you see it so the paint right now I'm not too happy with up here you'll see this big strip right here there was a little scratch here when I got it within you know a month or so this thing was bubbled out you know a couple inches all the way across and all the way down here so I sanded it all down cleaned it all up and then repainted it just to make it appear a little bit better I know a lot of guys here don't care about stuff like that but that is what it is you know I like to keep my stuff clean and nice next thing I guess I can say Reiko guys if you're watching these videos please fix this problem this is my biggest problem these tires fill up with mud in between here and I'll show you on the other side what I've what I've done this side here is completely fell apart same with the other side and I'll show you what I mean this is not mud in here this is foam I just filmed this with you know your typical can foam whatever and it's really helped out in the last two months in the muddy season and it just I mean without that foam it just leaves giant chunks of mud all over people's driveways and stuff like that so if you guys can see if you can figure out a way to fill that gap I'll buy it I don't care and I'm sure other guys will too just to prevent you know having to walk back and forth from the truck a whole bunch of times yeah definitely a must please hook us up on that other than that the blades working out really nice no we're on it I have painted it I did paint it over the winter time just to clean it up a little bit looks nice and pretty again hey get little scratches on them from pushing stuff around I mean that's understandable their blades definitely holding up good nothing's bent not broke same thing with you know all my hydraulic I I don't got no leaks there anything like that just this week I noticed they had some black marks kind of seeping down through here and then in here I noticed my bottle was empty they never overheated or anything but it was just leaking and it turned out it was leaking a little bit out of this bottom hose here and the fan was obviously blowing it through here and then down the side here I caught it and we're gonna fill it up today I just a new jug of antifreeze so I'm pretty sure we got that problem solved inside the motor compartment here I haven't noticed any other leaks everything sounds good exhaust is sounding good still we'll go this side these latches they suck you know what's in Pennsylvania salt weather in the wintertime I think screws them up so you got a kind of finagle them but up underneath here this is all staying nice and clean and dry I haven't noticed any real bad rust problems or anything like that I did notice that the piano hinge across here will get stiff you got to keep it sprayed with oil again not too big of a deal of just every once in a while run a wd-40 can across that that'll be good I had one small leak down underneath here one of those I think it was one of these hoses underneath here it was loose that happened as soon as I got this machine again simple fix just wiggle stuff around you'll find it tighten it up no issue there and the fuel sending unit the that tells you your fuel level mine went out on this one it was kind of finicky from the day that I got it could have been just a bad part again not rico's fault just you know bad parts happen sent it up there they fixed it right up we're good to go now what I have noticed people complaining about them saying that you know some of them aren't working correctly and whatnot so keep an eye on it Reiko take care of it for you again no other leaks through here just that one there the motor sounds phenomenal it's grinding great I love this grinder I've been getting a lot of people asking me my thoughts on it versus the 45 and the 55 it's a different machine guys it's not the same thing the whole style of it's completely different it's running a gas 4-cylinder which is basically the same as the Kubota or cylinder the 45 has a turbocharged diesel engine which is the same as the 55 gas without a Terp no excuse me care about the 45 and 55 are direct driven so what that means is basically have a shaft that comes out and attaches to the well it's a bell housing then the shaft and then it goes to the belt so it's direct drive this is run by hydraulics obviously you can see that I I was always afraid of these I wasn't sure if I would like this but it has not been a problem I mean this thing feels like it's direct driven once that wheel spinning it does not care it would take a lot to slow that wheel down again the motors mounted inside of this one instead of on top and rotates with the cutterhead the 45 and 55 they rotate on top and then this motor just sits down low into the belly so definitely a big perk of this thing is that it has a low center of gravity and it will it'll climb Hills it'll work on hillsides and you don't nearly have to worry as much as you know with the 45 and 55 of rollovers not saying that the 45 and 55 is you know gonna roll over on you you just got to be careful and be mindful of your surroundings and things like that I've seen I've seen some of them fall over on their sides it happens but you just always got to be aware of your surroundings even still with this thing here you know you can't don't be out you know running around blindfolded because you just never know what can happen as far as cutting speed goes this thing's definitely faster than a 45 and 55 other than that I mean they're they're both very very good machines buy what you can afford and you know maybe maybe you don't like this style of grind or maybe you want to completely stay away from the hydraulic at side of things well then go with a 55 they're they're great units they come with rate you know lots of different options radio-controlled standard push blades on everything they're just they're outstanding this thing will grind any size stump that I put it up to in the 45 and 55 we'll do the same again I think this one's just you know a little bit faster I don't know if it's going to be more reliable iikeiy these are things that I just cannot answer right now until I've had it you know for five six thousand hours whatever I won't know that until I get there but so far so good we're looking forward to the season I appreciate you guys for you know hanging in there and waiting for me to get back and do some more work with this machine I am gonna be posting a lot more videos of grinding so you know keep your eyes out for that yeah wish you guys the best of luck this year if you have any questions concerns comments please let me know I'll help you out any way I can I talked to these guys up a Reiko all the time and they're just super good people and they're always you know out to help you out if they can so I can put you in you know towards headed towards the right guy if I need to whatever but that's about it you guys have a good one and I will talk to you here soon
Channel: Tactical Stump
Views: 2,853
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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