Let's see what we can win with $20!

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hey guys we're back with another $20 claw machine challenge up first is this pillow it's a sequined pillow it says celebrating 90 years at G Keaton's Boardwalk and it gives you like five seconds it says it's easy as well right here it says easy we're gonna fight maybe this is easy it's easy to lose apparently maybe that's why this was so close maybe you should open all right whatever you think Chris I kinda wanna get some try yep three seconds yeah it's already down to two seconds that should be it that should be it that's it that's it you got it you got it maybe it is easy that is so awesome and you still have one more play Chris she can't get it out it's easy to get stuck in there oh that's really cool oh I guess that's the wrong way let's go back up you have won my breakers more late do you think you can get this one the same way I was gonna play this my personal one yeah I think so awesome that is how you start the video right there with the win all right times up to win it for you I guess thanks Chris oh now Chris was playing that pusheen one you guys know she loves these who's really going for grace yeah what that is a heavy machine I think she's going for this one right here Oh two two one two one two one you got one you just know oh that's okay it's ready to let you win though it's ready let somebody win it might not be you but it's ready to let somebody win it's totally ready do you think you can go for it but like its tail and I like just flopping crystal gets so lucky with these machine calls I don't know why here we go no you got it right here's gonna flip in okay I guess you actually have to pick it up oh man you do get free plays for dollar though so he plays it again if you want but that hairy one is very weird five seconds poured so actually three to please win please yes no yeah we go again you have put another dollar and you play again three more plays ready to go Chris was like if I spend two dollars and win this worth it it is really worth it actually five seconds good luck come on it wasn't better I don't know I don't know it looks like I said it's fine it picked it up back there so it's not that it can't pick it up I think it fell out it didn't fall out because it let go it actually fell out the first time you picked it up maybe maybe it's on the plastic it's okay it does say do not try to drop the ball as soon as you get beyond the plastic I don't know what that even means yes that's good no that is terrible I feel your pain on that one Chris so that one is like no longer in the play area so when you can go for now she's hoping that this one right here will do something how far back does it go well you have time but I was wondering how far back and wait because I'm that guy looks pretty good yeah three seconds times up come on because oh my god 9 my heart it hurts right now right now would be awesome now it would be awesome to get oh you mean Oprah tellin maybe but it does say drop the car [Music] Crystal's going for a very shy until of with the peach that is it look at that look how big the peaches it's bigger than crystals head you know it has to be a big peach eggplant is bigger than your head as well oh it has two rubber grippers it has like on two of them the columns are do ever grippers though so she still has two more tries hopefully she can get it I feel like if you went for the eggplant it would just tumble out yes it's really bottom heavy then on the top you have two seconds sorry I'll try to keep track but I was talking okay so that was a perfect oh just wait to him yeah I bet that thing is really heavy a candles like a shopkins face right well I bet there's a copyright issue there you have 12 seconds Chris last try make it count 10 seconds she's making sure it's lined up 5 seconds 4 times up you want a piece of course you would oh man that claw machine shoot got in the way we bare bears I don't know 100 angel I know so good is this one bullet bill oh that's one in bulletville purchase nothing I don't know the thing it is oh look that one might be winnable I don't know all the others [Music] it's really close yeah no he won't win a big game you won't win a little bear yeah yeah Oh No now crystals up hers is moving freely not fair and she has 30 seconds what is that about she's going for this one here I'm not sure what these are it says lotto my neighbor totoro this is a motto um oh yeah it looks pretty good I think make sure you get a lined up nice River grippers right no just one of them dripper all right I think it's an owl oh ah maybe that one maybe not that one maybe like that one over there yeah I don't know what these are have you ever seen this before I think I feel like I've seen these in the Hot Topic or something yeah go back a little bit yeah like yeah way from you right that looks pretty good these machines are always so weird because like crystal it has to look up here through the glass and I have to look back over here for her that was pretty good right there I think it definitely is I think it's pretty good right there all right whenever you're ready yes you were so excited that's like that's why you never get excited all right so George for this one is dead that's why you don't get um celebrating before you win all right go a little bit to the back right there I think I think that's not think that's pretty good I think that's pretty good yeah make sure it's lined up up top just like this one good luck all right yes yes yes oh you have to go again that one's laying down perfect right there so she's going to be able to get that crystal I think you can get it okay she got it just three more plays right three okay three more plays um let's see how's that with you guys looks perfect actually yeah it looks like perfect so it actually picked it up right right over here last time and then dropped it over there okay sorry she she's oh she wants to blame it on me if she doesn't win she actually had to check the side yeah I'm ready when you're ready come on for the win come on Jess hold on five seconds three can you get that one can you get hers it is too far oh okay yeah definitely try that it it does that's what I was thinking I thought you were gonna get it because I thought it's gonna drop like right on the edge it looks really good to me whenever you're ready yes hold on hold on no all right so you have one more play right one more play man let me get up here this is crystal view oh man is light okay over here come on Chris oh I guess oh yeah check your side I forgot I forgot how to check it sorry that's my fault yeah this is what it looks like up top all you see is like little um great things down there all right Chris you gotta make this count this is the last play here it is come on hold on to it hold on to it oh so good hold on look at that guy's landed on top of the other one but we're not gonna play it anymore so we're starting to run out of money guys but now Chris is gonna play the Black Panther ball yeah this is kind of cool right so she's gonna go for this one right here she's hoping that she can get it to maybe if it falls it falls right over there she's going for its head I hope it doesn't hit the are the blue one right there I hope it doesn't that blue one though how much time you have left moving outside yeah three seconds two one just come on close close close oh don't go for that one don't go for that one what do you think maybe you just go for that one over there yeah maybe she's like yeah that won't they I think it's probably the best these are really high up here but that one's really close do you think you can get that one I mean I think you can but if you don't think so go clear different ones alright good luck I hope you get is it looks good over here as long as it don't hit the prize shoot a sugar issue yeah I think it looks fine actually yes visit us oh I feel like it's really weak I feel like this parmesan is super weeks let's line up yep I hope it's a win okay [Music] wait wait and what if my angel oh yeah right there all right guys that's we're gonna end it very awesome prizes that one is the best that was just really cool I like it and a second souvenir and everything so crystals favorite is that one my favorite is you got a maneuvered the claw sometimes Chris and just pick it up so you guys let us know this one your favorite or is this on your favorite thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 676,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade, jenkinson's boardwalk, new jersey boardwalk, plush time wins, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade games, claw machine wins, claw machine, crane game, claw machine challenge, arcade challenge, challenge
Id: WZbBiI0XDlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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