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what's up YouTube mr. llama SC here and welcome to the assassin guided playthrough this is going to be a trap assassin we were talking a little bit before and I will go back and do and continue in the future and make a martial arts in we can make you know maybe a Werebear or something we can do a zealot like different builds for each of them but I just wanted to get the classic straightforward those generic kind of health speedrun stylish builds out into the world get everybody a chance to beat the game with probably the easiest character builds for each character so I just want to get those out there for you guys and today like I said we are going to be playing the assassin so the first thing that we always do is we look at the stats and what you'll notice what the assassin is she has some really really nice stats this is probably gonna be one of the easier characters to beat the game with kind of like that necro was where he just had like really good crowd control and could just kind of like take his time and everything like that you're gonna see that with this character as well so let's take a look the first thing she starts twenty twenty twenty twenty five so okay starting stats not amazing but not bad we want to get to that early twenty five strength of course to wear a belt and then vitality is really gonna be our main pump on this character the stats per effect I want you guys to take a look there she gets three life per one vitality now remember the Barbarian gets four he's the only character that gets four three characters get three and three characters get two she's one of the characters that gets three and you can see that that is a very healthy amount for a character I want to say like as nimble as her it's definitely something that you would I would kind of have thought or maybe more balanced wise to life per vitality would have been better because she's very strong and has great like hit recovery in all these different frames or breakpoints so it really makes her super strong having that three life and that's something you'll notice is it's just like hard to really kill her she's hard to bring down every character level she gets plus to life plus one point five two five stamina one point five mana she has a lot of stamina to start at ninety five so she can go for a long time and then if we take a look at her frames you're gonna notice her faster hit recovery frames are insane they're so good so with just a couple of charms with just wearing that stealth with whatever it is you're gonna be getting down into that six or five frame territory very very quickly and this is just going to speed you right along through through your playthrough I mean it's just gonna do so well you're gonna get hit you're not gonna get put into hit recovery often first off because of the so much base life remember hit recovery is when you take one twelfth of your health or more in a single hit so the more life you have the less chance a hit is going to put you in hit recovery but even at the same time if you do go into hit recovery you're gonna recover so quickly you're not just gonna get stunlock basically so that's really nice she's also got okay block frames there that you're not really gonna do too much blocking unless you go for the dual weapon block which we're not gonna be going for in this run so we'll get her an ancients pledge whatever and you know it'll be alright we'll get her to that for three so it's still really good block frames once again not gonna get stunned too long and then the only really thing that she doesn't have amazing is her faster castrate frames and here you can see that like you're gonna kind of be in that probably 13 12 range but casting is not actually that important because what are we really gonna cast we can cast for our teleport staff which is mildly important and then you might say well we're gonna cast traps but casting traps is actually wrong traps are based on attack speed not on cast speed so and she has great attack speed so you don't really have a big issue there and so a majority of your casting is maybe like Mind Blast or things like that but it's workable with that like I say 13 to 12 frames and that's probably something a lot of you guys knew so look at these and keep this in mind and then take a look at something like the druid and look at how much worse all of his frames are look at his hit recovery definitely way worse look at his FC are way worse look at his block rate way worse like he obviously has terrible frames but I mean all of these characters look at their starting frames really and so she'll see as like decent FC are there and then once again go back and take a look at this assassin she has amazing break points so you're really gonna get the feel the effect of that playing this character through she's gonna have one of the lowest kind of delays between everything and that's gonna do really well so with that let's go ahead and start the character first thing we're gonna do is of course get rid of our buckler because we don't like blocking in the early game the reason is when we get hit out here when they hit me it I don't have a chance to block and so it's not gonna be a big issue at all right so instead I just smack around and if they do hit me I don't even go into hit recovery because they're not doing one tellin one twelfth of my life and so it's totally fine so I'd rather have zero frame block and that's not just a speedrunning thing that's also just kind of a normal thing I don't like shields early in the game and then later on in the game getting shields better especially with the low block rate or FBR that she has and so with that being said we're just going to go and do the den and do all of that stuff we'll turn notifications back on and when we have to talk about super important things we'll talk about super important things which will probably do when we start leveling up here pretty soon so one thing we are gonna be sticking in the trap tree we're just going to start out fire traps and that's gonna be our main reason main thing hhhh iyah iyah iyah okay [Music] did you know den strat was back for speedruns with vendor world record did he take my idea of shoving everything into fire blast right at the very end and and fire wake of fire and fire blast and vacuum completely out of bursts of speed because I think that actually is the way to do it so yep not well there you go I told you guys I mean it just seemed like it was gonna be too good so yeah so first speed we're gonna get first point we're gonna use this fire blast we're gonna be working our fire blasts up a little bit but we want to make sure at level 5 that we take claw mastery so that at level 6 we can get burst of speed burst of speed is another huge huge thing and this kind of will be a character where you're going to learn some things yeah exactly this other this is gonna be a character that you're gonna learn some things which is really nice one thing that you're gonna learn is the importance of having faster run walk and you'll really see it on this character just because she gets that burst of speed and you'll notice oh wow I can run past a monster and kind of like save myself rather than being slower and kind of getting caught in these tricky areas and this is something that I think a lot of people slightly undervalue they might say oh well having a little more resistance or having a little more whatever is really good but having some of that frw first can be the the critical thing to save you so definitely don't undervalue it and we will see it show up here very soon once we get to burst of speed but until then we're just going to be dumping into fire blasts and all of our points are gonna go to vitality except at one point we will take five points and we will put it into strength and that's purely so we can wear a twenty five strength belt easy as that so the nice thing as well is that the guitar does five to nine damage on attack here so it's actually a huge damage boost early and we also want a dagger so if you find a dagger keep it if not go get one at charsi it'll be like fifty gold you'll be fine but the assassin actually has really good damage with the claw and especially when you get claw mastery as well you can actually have solid damage in the early game and so it can one-shot most monsters she has a really good attack speed as well and so you'll notice that like she's killing a lot of stuff before it gets a chance to hit and this is something that will also just kind of take advantage of a little bit early on and the assassin overall is gonna be very strong throughout a majority of the game but especially early on this is her like strongest point once you get wake of fire moving but even before then she's still really good and really quick and one of the big reasons for that is that burst of speed yeah claw master you could totally carry thunder normal that is 100% you can do most anything through normal but climb master will help there so why do we need a dagger though some of you might be asking and the big reason we want daggers the dagger has the fastest attack speed for a weapon that we're going to be using down here and so you'll see that when we have this dagger we cast a little bit faster with our fire blast because once again it's based on attack speed and you might say but they're both very fast attack speed it's true but the base of the weapon matters in that calculation and daggers are very quick for that so we'll go and put three two energy on nevermind I like five fire is better and we'll just sell all the rest of this stuff get a lot of mana potions get your tomes pretty simple and if you want you can find a to open socket gray staff as such just try and find a cheaper one also I don't like a long staff because it's gonna be slower so having a short staff it's gonna be a little bit faster and a little bit better to get so I would recommend getting a short staff and then yeah we have our extra point did we talk to a Cara we did yes and we'll do this we'll dump our point into fire blast I remember once again when we hit level four we will move forward and then we will get ready or prep I should say to put that level five point but a big thing you want to focus on and learn is grouping of monsters notice that how I kind of run and when I cast it's when there's a big group behind me this is going to be a big saving grace of time for you so you're not just spending forever trying to do you know trying to kill one at a time right oh I killed that one and then oh I killed this one and right like that'll just take you a long time the assassin has the capacity to kind of run if you can drag a whole group behind you and then let them group up a little bit you can kill twice as much and you know half the time basically good morning are you doing a now storm as each of your these guides who is trained in Japanese quick review the characters already check to be super full as it is and only 20 minutes turn trying to catch peace instead of knowing exact word to go home or to watch from what do you mean by quick review also note we do want it to open socket armor so we have that and that is great any night there's good oh we want to go do the stones so the nice thing here you can actually stay away from raccoony shoe and kill them before you even have to get up next to them and deal with them so you can you can just kind of out range them a little bit which is nice it just depends sonic or zion.t depends where you're at thank you Devils thank you so much is itself necessary yes stealth is extremely necessary when I say necessary it's nothing is a hundred percent necessary you can obviously beat this game naked but it is extremely helpful fire enchant monsters we're just gonna ignore by the way you just kind of kill all the minions why do you kill the minions why am i focusing on boss groups I'm focusing on them because they give five hundred percent experience champions give three hundred percent experience so obviously there's not a ton of boss groups to start the game so I'm gonna have to kill some regular monsters but I either want to kill packs of regular monsters or I want to kill boss monsters and their minions that is the true reasoning there for it all right that is that is all you should be focusing on focusing on single normal monsters is just gonna be so much less experience and so when I run around I'm trying to find the bosses more often and things like experience shrines before you run into a boss Kubra great you'll also notice that I hover over bosses so I can look at what their mods are so that was one boss group there was extra-strong and one boss group there was mana burn and so that was super helpful because now I have an extra-strong and a mana burn and so I know that they're not gonna curse me I know that there's no like cold enchant I have to watch out for any of that stuff and I'm picking things up like wands and whatever that's a nice home we'll talk about that in a second because they can be worth a lot of gold and getting gold early on is actually pretty important I know in late game Diablo Gold is like whatever nobody cares but in the early versions in the early stages I should say of Diablo 2 gold actually means a lot because you're gonna be need to be you need to be buying potions and all this stuff so we do have burst of speed right here and we'll go ahead and cast it and this is just going to speed everything up this is gonna make us run faster this is gonna make us have faster attack speed this is gonna make us yeah I guess those two things but those things really mean a lot I was like is there a third thing no those two things mean a lot so let's go find a waypoint here and so we can do some tower runs so that we can get our rooms that we need for the future and I'll talk about those in a second and here's another great boss group and once again notice how I try and bunch them up not face them on just you know single terms but group them up instead that's just gonna work out a lot better you're looking for the tower and the Waypoint and I still have the scroll so I'm gonna go back of course and turn that in and I have a teepee set I'm pretty sure at the Stonyfield I hope I set one I don't remember now don't remember now so longer that we don't find either of them really the better because then that means they're closer together and I did not set a teepee there darn that's okay we'll just run it from the cold Plains not a big deal so six percent extra gold is nothing we really don't care I said we need gold and gold's important but then I saw that you're a hypocrite mr. Lama maybe but in this case the gold drop itself is pretty minimal I'd much rather just find like an amulet we're 1391 gold then get like eight gold instead of seven or you know things like that so there's not even gonna be really big gold finds later on and so that's why it just doesn't matter that much so something like this you could wear oh you don't have any rings like you can put it on if you want to it doesn't really matter one D'Lite radius is sure whatever the big thing would be or the big you know the tend to attack rating means nothing for a character because traps are always going to hit and so this just doesn't really do a lot for us but if you want the light radius and you have no jewelry on i feel free to wear it i don't really care some other things that we might note let's talk about our gear really quickly that we found we could totally throw off these gloves it really doesn't matter tiny defense - defense defense is pretty irrelevant overall as a stat especially for our character it's not till you get to like late-game and start really stacking defense that it matters too much because a lot of it is just gonna be the way the hit calculator works is my attack rating or the attackers attack rating and level versus the defenders defense and level and there's a whole calculation of how that all works to see if they hit you and so like yes if you do take it really slow through the game and you build up good defense and all of that like it can make it so things hit you a little bit less which is nice but overall as a stat not the most important stat I prefer just avoiding things by running away from them or something and that helps a lot better so the more skillful you are the less defense really starts to matter at all we're keeping the sash because it gives us extra slots down here we have our two open socket armor once again because we want to make a stealth rune word which is tau plus F we will go over that later but that is a very very good rune word and I would like to keep that unless you know I found something like a twitch throw or something which gives me a TAC speed which is super helpful of course fire res is nice one to strength is sure doesn't really matter right now I've got 15 points to spend let's just throw them in vitality strength will be nice to add in as we start to get more and more permanent gear over the over the set of things just because strength is gonna be used to wear gear and the last thing let's look at this helm tend to hit recovery well that's really nice we can already see that 10 to her recovery brings us down to frames so or we went from the 9 to the 8 excuse me so now we're on 8 frames per second or 8 frames per hit recovery so that already gives us a little bit of boost right there if we do get hit and we don't need a live hit recovery there - - energy is actually not bad right now because having a little bit more mana I don't want to put permanent points in energy right now but having a little bit more mana at the at the time is you know nice to have so like small things of energy at the start I think are really nice and then we get dual res one poison res which is less important but dual res is still nice and we don't really care about repairs durability so overall totally ok cap make sure to cast our burst of speed again we'll actually put this next point in and then cast again and you can see that just at level one but even going up to level two there you get such a big boost to your faster run walk and so that's just really really really nice so we're just gonna head over here and go back to the stony field and go to the stones and save cane because we will why is poison res less important the biggest reason poison res is less important is because poison overall is a worse damage type because it's a damage over time so let's say a monster hits you with poison and and you they're gonna deal a thousand poison damage you're not going to just immediately die from you know that like thousand poison him it's gonna be tick tick tick tick tick and you're gonna see it slowly ticking down you can use potions you can go back to whatever as opposed to if something hits with a thousand cold damage or whatever you just gonna die you know like all of that will just hit at once or fire damage that just all hits it's just BAM that's the damage and so there's no damage over time aspect to it and and so it makes it a lot easier to get one shot to get put in hit recovery all those things that kind of worsen your your ability or make it easier for you to die are gonna be there boys poison broken for us early on poison is really great if you if you watch like our javis on early on because monsters can't use health potions and things like that so from our perspective poison is really nice because we can just drop some poison on him and run around and then they'll eventually die in so that's great and if you can kill them fast enough then congratulations like you know you just kind of set some poison down and run away and eventually they'll die and it's great but other than that you know poisons not the best and and it definitely starts to wear off as monsters gain poison resistance as they and like poison reduced time and stuff as they go up or as the the game continues so that's something that you you notice as well is that poison kind of gets worse and worse until you really get some really good gear going in the later stages of it alright where's this tower it has to be right here where is it oh is it up in this little cul-de-sac yeah it must be so that's kind of why we like the poison early on but you know then it kind of wears off some but yeah from a monster perspective if I can get instantly killed or take a big hit or take a bunch of small hits over time that aren't doing anything terrible then I'd rather take the the small just like dot cuz I can just heal out of it so that's all you don't care about poison as much so we'll keep boosting our burst of speed there that's what I just did also try and find strangling gas potions right now they're not a hundred percent necessary thank you mints by the way but they are gonna be useful now the way the tower works is the towers usually gonna have one boss group per level sometimes you'll get two if you get what's called an l-shaped map and sometimes you'll get zero but majority of time we're gonna get at least one and also you can always run this map in just a clockwise direction meaning just stay on the clockwise wall so always stay on the wall that you're gonna go in that clockwise direction with so here I would just run along this wall and I'm gonna run into this here I would just run along this wall and I'll run into the exit again right you can just keep doing that and obviously in level five it's straight across but one through four you can just run clockwise that's a very easy way to kind of understand the padding of it all that's counterclockwise no it's not clockwise so here's what I mean so the countess is fire enchanted you can either sit there and fire blaster to death if you have a cloth you can whack it her and kill her or if you have strangling gas potions you can just throw strangling gas potions down and those will kill her faster so that's why having strangling gas potions can be nice that's really up to you on what you want to do I like I like that way I think that strangling gas potions well I mean the speedrun strat is strangling gas potions so I'll just say that three two strength one to light radius I'd rather still just have some fire res what once again getting some of that strength early doesn't really matter to us so we got a Terran which is actually one of the four runes that we need and you might say wait I thought we just needed talent Ahrens and you would have been correct if I had finished explaining all of it completely to you also here is a staff to open sockets it's gray not blue notice this is a blue staff but it's mechanics this is to open sockets but it's blue it will not make a rune word do not put runes in this and expect a rune word I repeat do not buy the staff and put runes in it and expect a rin word like I said there did so anyways I'll just put that staff way for later easy as that and let me see I've got I went to cold die I've left just enough all right so I'll buy that back so something I like to do along the way nice gym shrines something likes to do along the way is just kind of like look for experienced shrines so don't feel too bad for like going out of your way to get an experienced shrine it gives you a nice little % experience boost and so totally just go and pick those up if you would like I think it's for what 98 seconds or something like that and here I'm just going to look and see if there's another boss and this is a great example perfect we're gonna get the double boss so here's our first boss on this level that's a cold enchant so if you want feel free to on the last hit just keep your distance and you don't get hit so Plus that and you say okay well you got it oh my god what's that it's a second boss group crazy so there can be more than one bus per level yes yes there can and when does it happen when you have like I said what's called this l-shape so when you get this specific tile it comes with a boss about 98% of the time maybe like 95 percent of time and the other 5% of the time it just doesn't spawn the bus so if you have that there could be good what is that jacket thank you so much and make you Trang part again so that's just a great way to you know get an extra boss group and once again at 500% experience I mean you can literally watch my bar when I kill other stuff and then when I killed minions and bosses it's the the experience difference is insane it's like five times as much experience or something I guess technically it's exactly that so we will go ahead and also grab I think you felt some things like this that's one open socket I'd really also like to pick up like a - open socket helm just because I can start to put some other runes in there for fire resist or for whatever I want there and so let's talk about the runes that we do need once again we need to get towelettes for our stealth but we also want T Rao for our staff and the reason we want to your RAL here is because tear al is going to give us a leaf staff now you might think hey mr. Lama isn't leaf for girls I'm for Sorceress's and I would say yes it can be but it can also be for an assassin or a druid it can be for many characters and the reason is because it's plus two fire skills not plus two sorceress fire skills and so getting plus two fire skills well we are gonna be using fire skills like a fire fire blast those are fire and so that's gonna go ahead and help this up 10 to life small charm is amazing that's a great find early on TRL aren't really gonna be worth anything for us after our first tear we cannot get mana per kill doesn't work for the assassin the reason herbs explosion is also fire skill I believe because it's half fire and half physical damage so I believe it would count but the reason is traps basically the way they work in the game is that they count as their own minions and so when you cast a trap and the trap kills something it's like that minion trap is killing it not you so you don't get mana per kill because you're not technically killing it the minion trap is it's a little weird but that's the way the game handles traps so just note that as a thing so beyond the first one doesn't matter too much and there we go we got ourselves a nice beautiful experience shrine will get up to 5 points and burst of speed and at this point I'm going to stop and biggest reason is because five points in burst of speed gets us to the next breakpoint first speed once again I want to check and make sure that these guys are not cursed looks like extra strong and mana burn so we should be fine they're gonna do a little bit damage but I don't have to worry about getting cursed and losing my awesome shrine what they mean they don't get an experience from kills no because they shared party with your traps and so they're gonna you're gonna get experience from the kills still but you don't get the benefit of the kill itself yeah so we're this gets us the break the next breakpoint for attack speed that's what level 5 is gonna do and so we want that next breakpoint and so getting to 5 is great also you'll start to note that anyways like it's starting to peter out a little bit with the bonuses for like our walk run speed and stuff and you know we don't really need the duration that much at this point so now we're not caring as much there instead we'll put another point to fire blast and then it can be ready to start dumping into wake of fire yeah and same with magic find traps do get your magic fine but it's gonna be just like a mercenary or something where you know it's gonna share they're gonna get your magic find as well plus theirs which they don't have any so that's that I'll try and get a to open socket hat we got one perfecto and yeah kill some things and once again drop some toys and potions once again if I'm ever getting ahead of you if if you're ahead of me whatever it is feel free to just pause the video or skip the video ahead whatever it is and catch it up simple as that so I'm gonna go ahead and put this to open top cap away and like I said this could be great if I get like extra rail runes or whatever I could put rails into it I could put orts all later and get a lore helm like there's a lot of different things that we can make with a nice to open target helm 1 to max damage does nothing for us because that's physical damage and we are not doing physical damage and I'm just gonna refill on some mana potions and if my strangling gas potions were low I would check them as well so we're not getting great runes right now which is a little unfortunate we're gonna keep farming here for these rooms though they are very important to us another experienced train is nice it's just another one so if I was speed running or whatever it is Baba you could actually use this as a time to take advantage of an experienced shrine and we can even just do it right now for funsies so I could just overwrite the experience shrine but I can also say you know there's gonna be more bosses and getting good experience right now it's really nice to do and so I'm gonna run around with this experience shrine on and I'm gonna kill a few things and then I'm gonna go to the next Waypoint and eventually I'll just come back and I'll get the runes and a little bit time cuz that sounds fine to me also I'll go ahead and put five points into strength now so I can get my belt later on but here you can see that was one group this is now a second boss group and we get wake a fire as well so now we off wake a fire rollin and wake a fire is gonna take a lot of mana but it's a very good skill and we're gonna like it a lot don't put the rest into vitality and you can just drop one or two week of fires and you'll be great and this is also where I'll soon talk about something called next hit delay and how it works on some skills such as wake a fire so this is a great way point to go ahead and stop at and then go back yeah I've got a little bit of extra time left on it and I could go to like the jail level one if I wanted but that's fine you know we were just showing off something so wake of fire and next hit delay basically you can cast up to five wakes of fire at a time but they're each going to be casting out waves and those waves are gonna hit a monster and the thing is when a wave hits a monster it goes into what's called next hit delay and so it's not going to take damage from for whatever little bit of time and let's actually bring up the official so we can get all of it I think it's like point it's like four frames or something for this skill maybe it's a little more okay I'm gonna share this out property is just called next delay okay so next lay is a property of missiles anything that flies across the screen including arrows Nova's may skills that activate a hidden hit timer that limits how often any missile with next delay can damage a single target this works similar to the infamous casting delay which limits how often a spell can be cat any spell casting late can be cast yes the difference is the hit timer doesn't prevent you from attacking it just disables collisions between the affected monster and any missiles with next delay until the timer runs out so the moment a certain skill from the following list damages a monster it prevents every other skill on the list only on the list so other skills not on this list can always hit but every other skill on list from hitting said monster for the original skills next delay duration whether from you or any other character so some big ones are like shock web blade Sentinel tornado that's a 25 that's an entire second volcano is ten war-cry is six Fisher has won at five and on for frame you can see there's a lot of things know about blah blah blah blah blah and down here you will see wake of fire so what this means is that if you put up five wake of fire traps all next to each other and they all start attacking the same monster they're not gonna do a lot playthrough assassin which one just joined trap they're not gonna do a lot because only what we've tested is only about two of those really matter the difference between two and five is very very very minimal and so it's just gonna be so putting up two is pretty optimal and what we always go for and speed running and all that stuff because it when you get more than that you're just not gonna get the hits out of those other traps and so yeah you can throw a third one up if you would like that's totally fine whatever but two to three generally gonna be that spot five doesn't really add much more because once again it's getting into that hit delay and so it's just preventing so much of the extra damage to be hitting there so that is how next delay works and why is important and it is very important with the wake of fire players will continue here we'll grab our experience shrine and we will go down into the tower and continue our search for these runes remember we have tier rune we still need Rao rune and you'll see a lot of times that I cast like one trap the reason I cast one trap is because for a lot of monsters one trap is gonna be enough to kill them for boss groups especially firing enchanted ones if you want to fight those you might cast a couple but like that's two traps and it's gonna take care of the boss and all of his minions right there and there's a fire enchant dude what its gonna run past him we could have you know stayed a little and killed them or used our strangling gas potions if we wanted that'd be totally fine well but it's it's also the reason that I might like start dropping it on some normal monsters a little bit more often is because it's so easy to just drop a single trap right like instead of me having to sit there and cast fireblast over and over and over again I can just pop in you know drop a couple traps here and then run away and so if I see a group of fallens or something instead of casting to three fire blasts at them and trying to pick them all off I just go it's good enough one trap will kill those guys and now get me some experience and that's nice it's Marshall even viable for a speedrun I mean you're not gonna outpace the traps in but if you want to do a Marshall speed run of one kind you can and we'll just keep looking for our end and hopefully get the runes you want and even against fire enchant monsters the skill is still pretty good so we're just gonna bounce between using that we got the F if Neph that's actually not a bad drop for us at all that almost gets us to our goal and I'll kind of show why so 2x or 2 to Neffs could be an F but we do have an errand that's really nice we have two roots and 3/8 runes would make a towel rune and so we need one if and a RAL or a towel in a RAL and we will be right where we want to be if the mobs are dying but you leave the area do you still get experience so you need to be within about two screens of a monster when it dies to get the experience that is the general rule of thumb there's an exact distance but about two screens away is is where you need to be and I don't mind continually checking down here for a BAS group because often there is one and getting that dual boss group experience is nice how's my day been it's been alright we've had better days but you know life is life and you do what you gotta do and not every day is always gonna be the best day but it's not life's not about having the best day all of the time that's not what happiness and positivity is happiness is knowing that more happy days are coming in the future and when you can have that mindset it will change your life what I have for dinner to pote lay what else what else it's delicious the search for happiness it's beautiful so you'll definitely notice that at level 13 we're starting to get way less experience 13 14 is when your experience really starts to tank in the tower and it's not gonna be worth as much I generally would say 14 is the max level that you want to be down here but that's for more speedrunning purposes if you don't mind being a little over leveled in an area and whatever then more power to you it makes the rest of the game easier that's an eighth rune which is not what we needed but three EPs do make an eighth so it does open up more potential of now we could use two F Thrones to get our towel rune because we'd have to add 3's which would then make an earth which will then make a towel because we would have the 3 s than the towel and we'd still have the extra ethanol of that so combinations are great and an experienced shrine will make it better do I want pizza for supper boo Pizza sounds good I just say Chipotle and yet Pizza still sounds good you got that camera guy oh god I'm turning into Vince yeah we would still need a route but this just opens up our towel options pizza is just gonna be second dinner that's a thing right today is a good second dinner kind of day so yeah once again there is nothing super wrong with being ahead on levels especially when you're not speedrunning and you're just having fun and enjoying the game because then things hit you for less damage you have more life there's less chance of getting into hit recovery blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda we want to be careful that is a cursed Archer and I don't want to get hit by a cursed arrow as then we lose our nice experienced trained fourth meal pizza well it would only be my third meal technically I don't really do breakfast well I guess I do breakfast but I just wake up later and so breakfast is more like mmm Lex Lex fist whoa did you call lunch and breakfast young ma thank you so much for the leat [Music] brunch you would call it brunch thinking about lunch first that makes sense just pretend I didn't say anything please thank you there's a tower in hope everything is for the best Cheers Lamas thank you to you both leave me alone dang it oh all right for two attack rating doesn't really do us any good once again we don't care about attack rating at all I'm gonna actually get rid of some of these health potions as well because at this point we're just kind of killing stuff before it really hurts and so we're not gonna worry too much about that brunch you know French I'm so used to brunch being described of its own like oh my god thanks a lot when people describe brunch they don't say it as a this is gonna be a breakfast lunch mid you know let's do it in the middle brunch is like its own meal like people use linor as a way to describe lunch and dinner but not you know people don't go for dinner there's not linor places to pick up food there's no restaurant that's a linear restaurant there's a lunch restaurant or a dinner restaurant but there are brunch spots and brunches and all of that stuff so that's that what about bark bark Oh bright so I'm saying you know Leonard you don't think of the word brunch as a word to describe not quite lunch not quite breakfast do you think of it to describe a meal in itself that's its own mealtime don't just all right we don't need to yes right we don't need to talk about that anymore let's get this router in because this is actually taking a lot longer than it should and we just want to move forward with the guy to play through and we don't get it it's fun fun stuff I feel like I'm doing a marathon at Twitter or at games done quick or something all right so we have another that we have another s it doesn't really matter what the boots we'll put them on because why not why not and at this point and this is something that we can actually do cuz it's a guy to play through and not a speedrun if you're spending some extra time down here you can go ahead and change the player account so let's go ahead and change it to like players 5 we want to make sure that we change this back before we kill the countess because she has some weird ruined drop rules basically where you always want to kill her in players 1 but we can boost it to players 5 just to kind of help the experience out and this is something that you can of course always do at any point in the game to make it harder to get better items to get more experience at whatever right so this kind of will bring back experience into the mix for us as now we're gonna get a lot more experience killing everything I specially with this experience training it's gonna be really nice so we will just do that and don't worry too much about the logic behind why a higher player account screws with the countess but it does just know that it's all about how she drops her items and stuff and when these guys do I like to pick up mana potions just because like I said before the assassin really does burn through a lot of mana potions every skill by the way is going into wake a fire until it's maxed and vitality like we are a hundred percent wake of fire and and vitality until we respect basically I mean we'll have to put some points in Fire Blast prior to that but that's gonna be the main thing right there dinner what used to be what you kissed call inner who you calling you kids okay buddy ghostly and we can go ahead and just drop down to players one and go kill countess here can you not farm rooms in pod you can get them but you're only gonna get one rune per kill on the countess so she can't do those like three rune drop four rune drop times not that she's doing that for us anyways right now and so you'll notice right now that I can't press up to bring back the text from last game but if I do this because you can always press ENTER up enter to do your latest text that you posted if I do that ten times this command will now transverse between games games games games so now when I quit the game and rejoin the game I'll be able to press ENTER up and it'll still have that saved in my text Andrew says what do I like for dinner Pizza time a gem shrines so go ahead and once again raise that player account up a little bit and just get ourselves a little bit more experience killing some stuff just to make it a little bit more worthwhile to be down here don't I do Starcraft 2 it's been a little bit since we played that is how we started way back in the day that was many years ago and dota 2 any any twos twos are good once you get to threes you start getting into things like Warcraft 3 reforged and then you're in for a whole new Z best players for LK farming most looking for BER at the moment I mean I just like a sorceress you just get a 200 FC our sorceress and run around the place like a madman so we're just doing the basics right here kills dudes change players back to one for the game so I play right now nothing really right now I mean I just did some p OE but since that nothing really sorry Diablo 2 I'd like to play some AoE to be honest hey we got a router in perfect all right so now we have our runes and we're level 16 so now we get to like fly around like an absolute crazy person gonna be so strong mama this is how you lost the Cheerios sponsorship you are supposed to answer any question about your favorite food sorry meal seriously strategy with honey nut cheerios from General Mills be happy be healthy registered good to call so we have a lot of Rindge but the ones that matter are tell F tier RAL thank us right for the reminder we're gonna go here and I'm even getting go-to players 3 I've been changing the player account a little bit around so that we could make experience with it and that is a dead end because I didn't look at my map so there's three maps here the first one is the one that you're looking at this means go left for the door the second one the Waypoint will be right here this means go right for the door and the third one means the Waypoint will be right here but there's like a cross in the middle or an X or whatever you want it's this shape and that means the door is over there those are the only three layouts in the outer poster and they are guaranteed so you always know where the door is unless you don't look at your map I like picking up charms because charm lasts the entire game especially if they're good ones like 10 to life small charm that's massive so that's so wonderful the maximum you can get on a small charm is 20 to life and within the first few levels we found a +10 to life so when you don't have very much life at the start to really big my life here is the J level one we'll go ahead and leave a TP and we'll just keep running forward what players is difficulty is best o players eight seven or eight doesn't matter it's the exact same in terms of drops and then players three I think is also good for BER wounds it's like the same same drop odds you can look up like exact kind of tables for it or there's some stuff on the internet and it will tell you which which combinations of players and Laura Chris chest well will drop which rooms more often but players seven and players three tend to be the most highly valued there so we're just gonna run around find our doors one and two are straight across three is to the left of the way you come in and there we go and now we can go back and we can go back to the barracks here and go for the hammer if we want just because hammer is really nice so what does changing the player count do and how does it work the first thing that it does is it increases and here we can go to Diablo 2 player count let's see / players player settings so what does it do players 1 monsters are a hundred percent for everything right and we're right we're at 110 plus players to 150 percent two hundred percent this is the monsters hit points two hundred fifty percent three hundred percent 350 400 percent 450 so you're increasing the amount of HP the monster has you're also giving them a boost to their damage and attack rating and you're increasing your experience in that same amount when we were running players five in the tower we were getting five hundred percent experience for killing everything right and that's why I was really running it down there because otherwise and like we could kill everything still really quickly but we might as well do it at a higher player count and get more experience so we can actually still get some levels their players 64 used to be a thing it was patched out but that was a thing before and then item drops will increase as you increase the player count by decreasing a thing called no drop so basically whenever a monster is going to drop an item it has a chance to drop a thing called no drop which means no item drops and so no drop gets reduced the higher the player count so you get more items as you do higher player counts and here you can see bosses no drop would be reduced to 0 4 5 on party players or 3 near party players in the same party and single player the difference between the drops for 3 player setting and fire player setting is only marginal though so basically when you're on players three fighting bosses you're gonna get maximum boss drops most of the time and there should be where's that little I guess it doesn't have it in here but yeah that's basically what you need to know is that for four bosses you're really just players three is is gonna get you those item drops and that's for like Diablo and in Dario those bosses if we're talking like a unique monster those are gonna have always one drop unless they're specific ones like Pindell or something which is a super unique monster which is gonna have two drops but that's always guaranteed no matter what the item no matter what the player count is so this is just increasing it on regular monsters and then big bosses and then one more thing is notice that it's every odd that player that the items go up so the step drops are four players three five and seven so players eight and seven have the same drop rate six and five four and three and two and one so that's not going to change any of that stuff so that's a little bit of knowledge of drops and how that works so we have the imbue quest here we're not gonna use it yet it's a great one to save also this is really nice too - energy 18 light res way better than five light Reds and one two strength and also getting light res heading into Act two is nice because there are beetles and those charged bolts hurt a lot but we don't want to use the imbue quest yet and the biggest reason we don't want to use it is because the imbue quest is based on your character level and so sure I could use it now but then I'm getting an item that's a level 16 you know in Butte like I character level used for that imbue which is not going to get me a ton of awesome stats or anything like that it'd be much better if I get something cool like a diadem when I'm level 85 90 whatever and use that then and you know if to wait till 85 or 90 but when you just get higher on and there's more or higher up in levels and there's more cool affixes to add items then it's gonna be better to UM view stuff there because you can just get items that are just gonna do more for you why do I skip bone ash the reason I skip bone ash is because he has no minions so remember when I said you get a you get fibers 100% experience for killing a boss and his minions it's not super worth it to kill just a boss alone because then you're like they still have a ton of HP and so I'd rather kill like five regular monsters essentially or you know six seven regular monsters than just a single boss so bosses without minions are worth a lot less to me just because the minions really are gonna do it like now I don't really care to sit here and waste time killing blood thorn I killed all those minions that was good enough so here is the waypoint to the exit we're in level two we can go and get the waypoint now if we would like you don't have to get this Waypoint if you don't want to in normal like you might go yeah I'm probably not gonna farm normal so I don't really need this Waypoint but if for some reason you have some intention to farm it or anything like that it can be a good way to get I wouldn't recommend farming normal and dorial too much though as her as her just drop pull overall is pretty limited and so it doesn't really do a ton to farm yeah there's a few items like she can drop his soros boots or crush flames or whatever items like that but overall you know it's not great so check these boots and they are terrible and let's look at why they're terrible so first 10% chance gas level through chargebolt that doesn't really matter level three charge bolts pretty weak especially as we're moving forward and that's pretty weak overall 24% enhanced defense that is local to these boots meaning the boots bumped up to eight defense from you know six or whatever so who really cares one two dexterity is nothing and we don't even care about dexterity 17 to Max stamina is pretty pointless when we're just using stamina potions and stuff and poison don't lengths reduced by 25% once again just we don't really care that much so overall probably some of the worst rare boots I could ask for right there and we're just gonna trash this and there's some champions but I don't really like champion cools fighting that much if you want to you can also remember we are still on players three at the moment I was just doing that to get a little more experience we're gonna end Act one at level 17 which is very high but you know why not have some fun and also we're level 17 we're just gonna throw those out so we can take our tower room and our throne and make one of the most beautiful rune words you'll ever see in your life this is a stealth armor 25% faster run walk which like I said before is super helpful getting away dodging between things all of that stuff crazy 25% faster castrate not great for this character but still decent because it's good for when we're casting with our teleport staff later it's gonna be good for casting Mind Blast any of those like you know cloak of shadows any of the skills that we're gonna be using there it does help a little bit and then 25% faster hit recovery is super super nice because as we saw over here on our little that alone right there is dropping us way down we're at the seven break point and when he taken to the effect that we have a temp fast recovery helmet we're at the six frames and so we're just able to get out of most anything wearing that six dexterity yeah it doesn't really matter too much for generate man to 15% that's okay max stamina whatever poisoners has 30% I mean I'll take it it's not bad especially going into Act two where there is a lot of poison damage and magic damage reduced by three that's not terrible early on it'll obviously fade out as it goes on but not the worst stuff ever still more vitality and let's keep going well I have to go over the stealth every time because not everybody has watched any of the other guided playthroughs so I think it's important to go through you know stealth or whatever stuff each time just to show it to as many friendly beautiful faces as possibly they need to know the beauty of this item so now we're going to make sure we change back to players one before we go down into level four unless we wanted to fight in Daario on players three which I suppose we totally could have and maybe we haven't spawned her yet at players threw at players one we'll just have to see ya increase drops former can be nice and so we'll go over here and check her out hard to tell might be plays through and there we go we got some cool drops so let's go ahead and drink up all these potions move some stuff over and grab some beautiful items and that'll work now at this point there's a thing called the in Dario bug the Andy bug if you want and Dario to be quest bugged because the first time you kill any boss it's going to have a better drop better loot drop than all next times after that right there's called a quest drop and then every other subsequent time that you kill a boss the crest drop is better with and Darda you can actually bug her by doing this we just come here and we go and talk to war if you don't talk to Cain you just talk to war of before we leave the game and we head east and now she's bugged and she andariel in normal only right now cuz we're just a normal will always drop a quest drop no matter what how do you spell assassin well you just did it oh and I didn't miss close another pair of terrible boots I was really hoping to get some good rare boots right there so those are gonna go in the trash once again enhanced defense dexterity max stamina light radius worthless mods we don't need that we could totally keep something like this for like a shield if we wanted just to throw like 11 Allred's into a shield that jewels not terrible that would be really really nice on a paladin or a barbarian or some sort of melee character early on 7 max damage is really big to start especially at level 8 and the Neels to get some fire eyes with it cauldre is 4% we will keep that 9 to life we will go ahead and keep that as well we will sell those sell that cell that attack grain dexterity we don't need this is ethereal so even though it's a nice belt we don't need it also it's only two slots and at this point now that we're in act 2 we're gonna go ahead and buy a big-boy belt that is three slots well check gloves and boots for faster run walk resistances life magic find I don't see any of it so we'll just kind of go without it well put this puppy on it has 14 to light res will trash the trash rain from before 14 light red is really nice the other mods not so much don't care too much about any of those other ones but the light red is good there and we'll go ahead and put these things away and we'll get our potions and before we forget congratulations you're beat act one normal give yourselves that clap good job everybody let's see it in check and I'm just gonna keep riding this player's three chain because the assassin does so much damage early on that players 3 is really gonna help with getting some like levels here and I enjoy that so once again the assassin is so strong there is pretty much no other character I would do this with maybe the druid but he's a little bit weaker in life total so it would be a little more dangerous but like she does so much damage that running players 3 at this point I think is honestly not as terribly real mentor so we can just drop it like it's hot get it no it's okay and yeah so we're gonna just get out of the rocky waist Beatles are nice but also scary remember but they are very good experience so we do like them dry Hills we're gonna look for the tomb so stony tomb and waypoint if we just find one that's fine we can move forward to the maggot layer and if we would so choose and we'll go ahead and go up the stairs here as well once we killed this bus group and you ones ones amulets anything well first off anything that's gonna have plus the skills you always want to pick up cuz it can be worth a lot of money but beyond that and there we go we'll drop a teepee at this that the halls and continue forward to try and find a way point or an exit and a waypoint in the next area anything with plus the skills though is generally gonna have a chance to be worth decent money so picking it up can be very nice whenever you get a skill shrine make sure to recast your burst of speed as it will give you a little bit of a speed boost so why not and you'll also notice I'm not like killing too much stuff but when I do get a nice group bunched up behind me I don't mind dropping a little trap action on them but I don't stop for every single pack or anything like that feel free to if you'd like but really I mean look how fast we're running it's crazy there's another nephron we can use that to make another a throne which we can use to make another a throne which we could make to use another tower and if we wanted so all of our rune possibilities are endless through the basic boring easy routes so that's nice we could also make a nadir something if we wanted but being an assassin who has cloak of Shadows as a skill nadir doesn't make as much sense also manipro kilt is very little for us so we're really getting very little out of that helmet but we'll go ahead and go down here there's not a lot of experience to be gained once we hit level 14 the experience down here it gets pretty minimal except for like a couple boss groups you in there but you know we'll go ahead and just clear out some basic stuff why not so this could be a bus trip them might be worth a tiny bit but even then you can see not a ton just got us a level there and so we do have eighteen which like I say we are way over leveled for this area but that's over leveled and like speedrunning terms we're probably right on pace with a normal leveling speed but I'm like never eighteen here is it follower only February no my channel has never had any limitations as who can watch with the exception of people who are negative and/or mean-spirited and yeah so we'll just go through the three your playthrough helped me a lot to learn new tips on some class good first time I catch one live keep up the good work awesome awesome good to troll I'm sure the next one will do it for me thank you then test queue and thank you GG as well before Thank You doli ode identify some items trash that trash that trash that 10 F CR 3 all res now that's a that's a tricky amulet right there I'm actually just gonna hold on to it for now I like having the 18% light res currently because 3 all res is really 9 important res and three mattres with poisonous but the 10 F CR is very juicy it's just f CR means literally nothing to us at the moment but down the line it could be really helpful if let's say we have our teleport staff and that kisses to the next breakpoint and that would help us out you know and then having two extras on on top of that so whenever you get some f CR pieces you know especially in something that you're going to take to hell I definitely think it's worth at least holding on to them it and it's not too bad at all is this build very gear dependent not at all No this build is probably one of the less the least gear dependent builds in the game so that's one of the big positives for it for sure so here we have beetle burst beetle versus always nice great experience feel free to come back and kill beter burst as often as you would like if you really just want to keep boosting up your experience he's wonderful that's actually the tactic used in the sorceress speedrun and a couple other speedruns now as well paladin I think get to level 18 killing beetle burst and then continued forward from there when is the first place I can buy a low-res one at a vendor acara in nightmare level 31 is the first time you'll be able to get it you could probably get it a little earlier of a place but not earlier of a level so and here we'll drop a TP and move forward just to go check out our lost city see if we can get a waypoint or whatever it is I like ya am I going to keep fire traps I will keep fire traps all the way through until middle of nightmare and then I'm gonna switch into light traps the reason I'm doing that is because fire traps are just really good early on but eventually fire wears out and then especially when you get into hell fire starts to really wear out as a lot of monsters are fire immune in hell so how do you deal with the immune to lightning and hell you get a lower resistance wand you can also use conversions corpse explosion all of that in combination to deal with them so we'll definitely talk about the ways that traps essence can handle hell and that's why this is also one of my favorite characters is because I think that this character has one of the best methods for handling all of that so there's even more lightning rest so you can see we're at 48 lightning RIS right now which is crazy we got a waypoint so now we're going to take it back to the Faro ASIS and try and look for the maggot layer as well as look for a waypoint at least one of the two hope I got some rest after grilling mvs it was brutal but I have to say this was the the first man burst stream that was scheduled for two 12-hour shifts with a race against time with the 24-hour clock and I actually thought not only was it better for me cuz I got to like have some sleep and stuff but I thought it actually went really well from a gameplay perspective and stuff I thought it was better for chat it gave Chad a chance to like refresh and stuff and sleep in the middle so healthier for some of them people didn't have to stay up as late for it all that stuff so yeah not only was it healthier but I actually felt like it was more enjoyable because then I also got to have like more energy and you know it felt like overall it was just a a better time so I know there's definitely the lack of fighting against sleep and mental deprivation and that is one fun piece of it but get a little older guys start taking care of myself a little bit better and one way I feel has to be done is eliminating or lessening Bluetooth headset you wearing right now I am considering to buy one because cats I like it it's it's good it is the battery life is decent it's probably like 12 to 14 hours or something so it's not you know you can wear it through a couple sessions I love the fact that I can wear it like for an entire 24 hours and it doesn't bother me at all I've definitely had ones that like heard after a few hours whatever this one does not feel like that at all and then obviously it's heaven it's wireless you can just walk around and everything like that so I really do like it and yeah it's I'm I wasn't I'm not a giant fan of wireless headsets but I still choose to wear this over my wired one because I love the small convenience I get when I'm like oh I need to go and put my dish away or oh I need to go in my room or whatever and I can just keep my headset on and keep listening to the music or the movie or all that stuff so I'm not a big fan wireless headsets and yet I kind of am okay oh boy sounds good chilled bubbles we all need to love to message me on this card and we can talk about times and stuff because I have a couple of trips coming up so watch this at a time little later is it ever worth it to UM b101 dozen on nekron in hopes of getting good attributes no I would never waste my Ambu on a wand in a speedrun i use it on boots often to try and get +2 like frw but other than that I like to save it and mostly circlets sometimes a pair of javelins or something for an Amazon you know things like that but never never a wand really unless I'm trying to get boned spear one for a necro and I'm failing to shop one and you know it's just I could just go shop it honestly so what could you need to look around some items there nothing great so one thing that you might be noticing dem maggot layer is I'm using a lot of fire blasts and the reason is because traps don't work very well in tight spaces plain and simple they're just not great also always look for shiny lights that means bosses and here you can see that says minion above is or under the sand maggot there so we have a boss group over here is it always a boss group no there's some but some monsters like fallens that'll have light around them but for the most part that is going to mean boss group so whenever you're running around and you see lights either be excited because you want to kill the boss group or be wary because the boss group might kill you if you're teleporting into that area thing yeah maggot lair is definitely not friendly for lost skills but something like fire blast at least gonna hit down here whereas fire traps don't always hit because they're trying to cast something across a ground that just doesn't allow it to go across it's pretty pretty gross of a of an area and we'll just keep going on the same train vitality and there you can see very little effect of those fire traps their vitality and wake of fire and now I'm already up to 360 life which is pretty crazy for act to normal and yeah so it's just like so hard for this character to die sometimes the fire traps work in certain areas especially if you cast them like right under beetles I do like casting that when there's any sort of open open area like this this is a great place because it gives enough space for it to move around and cast what builder I've gone on my paladin and puffin pod if didn't I don't know I don't know what I would have ended up with eventually and you don't have to kill cold worm but feel free to if you'd like he does have a chance to drop some okay items so can be nice did I enjoy the Super Bowl the halftime show I mean 13 year old me loved that halftime show ooh 22 light rays on a ring so that's even better than this ring right here Thank You Gigi great and you might say what but this ring has 5 mods on it that's crazy but the other four don't matter so the only one that matters is the light rez and that makes it better however we will go ahead and swap it out with this ring right now cuz the FCR over here doesn't matter as well but now we have an entire FCR setup so that is actually really useful and I will keep that all the way through the end game and that's also a nice charm getting some more fire resists and +1 strength and now that's a permanent strength for us pretty much but yeah we want to go ahead and keep that because like I said later on like let's look a look at the image again 30 FCR drops us from 16 to 13 but then you add in the additional 25 that's 55 FCR and that brings us down to the 12 and we could even go 45 FCR if we wanted to keep some other thing and go be at that 12 breakpoint still so that's really nice and if we found another 10 FCR somewhere else we'd be at the 65 and now it gets to 11 frames and that would make it even easier to teleport through things or do whatever we need to do so it's very nice yeah and a great way to look at stats from charms is that they're worth life and this is the other beautiful beautiful thing in pose she be like where my pizza I know where my pizza at you always want to look at stat points as life what is one strength on an assassin one strength is worth three life because one strength is one less strength that I've put in which means one more point in vitality which means three more life right so if you get something that gives ten to Strank that's giving you 30 to life which is huge so always be aware of the +2 strength value that can be had and and what it means to find a little bit of strength somewhere and sometimes that strength is inside of you all alone right what about a thirty-two strength a me that's a ninety-two life amulet right there because if you have a respek or if you're going to be putting on something later on that is worth thirty strength it's now 30 more vitality you're adding which is 92 our life quick mass and something that you might notice is me having this throw equipped item on my left click and that's just so I don't actually accidentally be like let me make that a real English sentence that's so that I don't accidentally click on a monster when I'm running and stop to cast a spell you know because that can get you stuck so instead I swap around with DNX there and so I put throw equipped item because that will not have her go through the animation to do anything when I accidentally click on a monster do only need add strength forgetting index as well Dex and strength but more strength it depends what item you're trying to put on though but for a majority of items you're not gonna be needing very much dexterity what's the strength bug the strength bug is when you have enough strength to wear an item only by wearing that item so for instance let's say boots have 20 strength on them and you have 62 strength and the boots require 80 strength you find 20 strength from charms or something you put on the boots now they give you the 20 strength you take those charms out and now your character has the strength only until they unequip those boots and then they won't be able to wear the boots anymore right because the boots were given them the strength and so what it does on battlenet is it makes your character look naked if you strength bug like armor or weapons or things like that it'll show up on your character's outfit that they aren't wearing anything anything that strength bugged even though they actually have it on so it's just final thing he can do here you can see that like snakes all these things that should be doing damage to me are just doing very little to nothing and I think I'm still on players 3 because it's just this character once again it's so strong early game that you can just run at a higher player account and this just makes it so you have to farm less later on yeah and you can strength glitch full like a for the golden aura exactly lots of people like to do that you'll see those characters running around and so we'll keep shoving vitality keep putting it in the wake of fire talk to drag men and now we are ready for the arcane sanctuary now the arcane sanctuary is random there is no advice to be gained or given for which direction to run at the time of this filming and for all of the years prior so just know that but something that you should note is that not every path is created equal and I'm actually gonna switch back to players one for the arcane sanctuary just because it's really annoying it's just a it's just a really annoying area and so what I mean by not all paths are created equal is that the assassin and druid basically fare better on different areas right grab some of these things so stairs just don't work that's traps on stairs are like the maggot layer they just don't work so you want to run down this straight path first which is this path the path that's just all flatland because it's just gonna be the fastest path the best path you're not you're gonna have lowest chance of death all of that stuff there's a lot of open areas and you have to worry about silly silly things once you get past this path if this isn't the right way it's gonna just get a little bit worse as you're gonna have to go to a path that has like a little bit longer routes but can still be flat maybe some minor stairs and then the further and further you get in really heesu I mean should see it further and further you get in with it yeah less and less chance or the worse it gets because the paths just get worse and worse once again the more stairs the harder it is and you'll need to drag guys off of stairs or just fire blast em to death as at least fire blast do work in those areas but hopefully we can first way we don't have to worry about any of that nope these are also super chests at the ends of these paths they can be really nice to open you can get lots of items feel free to change the players seven or eight right before you do that and it'll give you a lot more items from this chest so if we go down another path and run into that then we can do it coal drives thirteen percent with five percent MF I'm totally gonna swap this out yes it's one percent less rez and yes we lose to two strengths but I know I'm gonna be replacing this ring eventually so that to the strengths is worth less to me than like a strength on a charm that I'll probably keep because it's got six virus and adding in magic find is super nice especially really early magic find because magic find at the beginning of the game is worth a ton ever just magic find the first magic find that your character has is worth the most it's an asymptotic scale so it goes like that so every early point gives you a lot of additions so now we have to pick another path we can go ahead and see this is the terrible stair one I'm not gonna go on that one this one also has stairs and teleports and we had to try and avoid that one I'm gonna go on this one which has the bendy but at least like I said the paths are gonna be straight and if I'm still feeling like I want gold also pick up some you ones and stuff but I can pretty much avoid stairs here completely again just really nice even though I keep running into roadblocks with these guys so I like to try and run past as much as I can but it can be difficult sometimes and sometimes you have to do a little bit of killing since it's just such narrow pathing but the nice thing about this direction is you can get lost stuff pre-killed before you even get to that area so and also a lot of things block themselves the biggest worry that you really have to have is getting caught on like stairs like I was talking about before and then a bunch of ghosts come up and block you in from the other side of them that's gonna be your biggest concern most likely other than that you're very strong strong independent woman who does not need no man and here we go we'll kill these things and now we can upgrade player seven and now when I click on these chests they're gonna do player seven drops is there like a man magic find number two consider it worth it as they're also assassins can open all chests including locked chest they don't need keys just a heads up um no there is no minimum magic find number if you're gonna be a magic line character it's just have as much as you want later on three the strength is nice on a grand charm not so nice because it's pretty big and that's like one strength per small charm with no additions to them just not enough so I'm gonna go ahead and dump that but it's great like I said if you can find just like gloves and right there there is another helm that we could totally swap out if I wanted more light res I would totally say that's worth it but I like having the hit recovery to be honest so is that what's with the player set thingy that's not pluggy at all this is vanilla well try this path third with the teleports and stairs heated seven million three hundred sixty one trillion 738 billion seven hundred that whole landing area was so blocked that it spawned me below all of those monsters that was really nice right that's what I was saying it's an asymptotic scale so the early points are worth a lot more than the later points of magic fine so the first one point that you add into magic fine is gonna be the best point you'll ever add every point beyond that it's gonna be worth a little bit less and then a little bit less Wow again we got the spun so far away from the monsters because they were blocking the exit that's crazy rarely find that two times yes I saw the amulet and it is a third way so we didn't have to go the worst way but we did have to go one of the ways that's not my favorite thankfully we got kind of lucky with it it didn't turn out too badly Carol really smart she knows numbers that's right good job Carol and we're gonna go to players five down here one two two cold damage does nothing for us but it's worth a little bit of gold seven to light res large charm worth it we'll go ahead and keep that one we got to go to the moon the direction here is very important it's going to go circle moon square son double down arrow triangle circle over moon that is the direction and order that it will always spawn in so you can always know exactly where you need to run to get to the correct tomb easy as that yeah I'm going players five here because I want to go ahead and try and get some good experience while I'm in here looks like we didn't really get the boss groups I was hoping for it's actually really annoying getting these skeleton bosses or just skeletons in general beetles is what I really wanted lots of beetles and ghosts are pretty good for the assassin down here so just could have been a nice way to pick up a little bit of extra experience while in the tombs here if you really want that badly you can totally just reset and I like to do resets after I explore a map if I don't explore the right direction and I don't have the boss groups that I want because then I can just come back in and run around again but it looks like we do have the correct direction so we're not gonna get too much of that I'll go ahead and change back to players one and we will take our staff out now for those who are scared of doriel and don't have great cold resist you can literally just do this watch my cold res boom +50 and now for every potion I drink it's plus 50 for 30 seconds so we have two and a half minutes now of 74 cold res and that's just great and that makes gorillas hits way less damaging as you can see when he hits me it's not bad however being assassinated speed we also can pretty much avoid always getting hit by em and just run around so you don't have to have too much fear of dorial but that is a great way especially for other characters to avoid taking a lot of damage from doriel definitely makes them less scary this guy wrecks everybody on their first playthrough so don't feel bad if you die okay and we'll drink some potions move some stuff around pick up some items didn't really get anything good from derrial that's okay I saw an anime with a plot like this oh boy talk tutorial identify our stuff and then I like to pick up a couple stamina potions right here if I want some that's a great place to just grab them and then forward thank you tt that's a great little quick tip because you have to talk to Jen first so you can talk to him and then pour it over from inside and immediately go to mischeif faster way to get there if you would so like we're just gonna sell these things doesn't really matter too much there and now I'm just gonna fill up still on light mana potions I don't really feel the need to waste gold on full mana potions because I only have 62 mana and a light mana potion is gonna get me the man at the pace that I really want so we also are past level 19 so I totally screwed up I'm used to not getting level 19 two lakh three so that's how I was thinking it but we could done this at level 19 grab a tier rune you grab a RAL rune and now we have one of the dopest deaths you ever seen that is a beautiful leaf stuff now what is great about this staff number uno +3 to fire skills that is HUGE and if you take a look at your tree you will see the blue which means there's added skills it has actually worked so that's actually a giant boost in damage for both Fire Blast and wake of fire additionally you're also getting for two defense if you really care about that which we don't to demand per kill which doesn't matter for us but 33 to coal dress which is really nice so now our cold res is high our light res is high like we have two really good resistances now our fire is is low and this is where we could totally if we had additional rouse just shove the rouse into this gap and that would be a great easy way to just get some additional fire res right there we didn't get extra rails we're not gonna do that it doesn't matter too much as well for us we're gonna go back to players 5 because I want a level up here but you know you can obviously be players 1 and that's totally fine what you can just watch and see like oh yeah okay we do a lot of damage and so I always think if your damage is so high and you're not really at too much fear of dying running up players a little bit is a great way to just play the game because it just makes it so you can just level up and then you don't have to worry about like coming back in farming areas for levels and things like that which is what we would normally have to do right normally on this character I'm going to spend in act 3 until I'm level 23 and a half so that way I can get 24 by the end of act 4 so that way I can go and get 25 on ancients so that way I can finally be out of the terrible penalty and probably a lot of you are saying what is he talking about what's the terrible penalty and to you I say Diablo 2 player and experience chart just one yes - I say this this is how the game functions right here so the way it works is your level character level and then this is the act that you're in and this is kind of the average monster level right here or average experience across that act is going to determine how much experience you get so if we go up to the top and everybody doesn't have it on this one let me go back and then go to Ariat summit nope that's not it should he use Bing regardless basically anything within 10 levels or within 5 levels on either side of you is gonna be a hundred percent experience and then six levels seven levels eight levels nine levels and ten levels is the maximum pretty much everything ten levels in beyond is five percent experience for your character so you can see here if I am level one and I go to Act three night or normal this is normal Act three I'm gonna get five percent experience for everything that I can which is terrible absolutely terrible and the reason for that is because I'm just too low of a level these monsters are gonna be 10 more than 10 levels above me it's above or below and so I'm going to lose a ton of experience that way so you want to fight in the blue here right you want to fight things that are gonna be in the blue when you're you know in here okay blob well you want to keep everything within five levels of you pretty much to make sure you're getting maximum experience the further away you get from that the less experience you're gonna get until you hit level 25 at which point they removed the top cap so no longer does the top cap exist of the 5% for for anything that's levels above you yes I'll post this link so getting to level 25 is super important because when you get to level 25 all of a sudden you can go into these future areas and start getting massive amounts of experience and and then you'll be good to go right until then though you're gonna get this cap and it's gonna just really decrease the amount of experience that you're gonna get and it sucks and so we want to be level 25 pretty much as fast as possible so that we can get to act 5 and start killing stuff and getting good experience from there otherwise we are not going to get good experience in act 5 at all we'll practically get zero experience in act 5 when we kill things or one might say 5% experience so that's why being 25 at that point is super important and if you're not 25 an AK 5 then you don't kill anything in act 5 you just go forward to the ancients you can kill bail and whatever if you want but then you go back and do cows to level up to 25 right yes do you use because it's more useful for you know research yeah thanks where sceptre is generally worth money but that one is not so we'll just trash it turns it had no plus the skills instead we'll pick up a scale mail because scale miles can be worth good gold that's all so there are three areas in act three there's three different jungles nice gg nice badge the first thing that you need to see is well you're gonna have within the flare jungle the great marsh and the spider forest you're gonna have three entrances this is one where ever you see those little pillars is an entrance so three like circles one has nothing in it one has a waypoint and the erect and lair in it and last one has the spider cavern and that's the only one we care about also some of them will have two entrances so you can't base it off of just the entrances because you can see this one had an engines here and an entrance here there still is going to be a third area we are gonna want to find that third area as that is going to have what we're looking for we might run into the great Marsh or something first and that's okay I can set a teepee down this doesn't mean we have to go through the great Marsh though so these are some of the most confusing Maps the biggest reason that they're confusing is they're not set and guaranteed you might have a flare jungle that only connects to the great Marsh or you might have a flare jungle that only connects to the spider forest or it might connect to both it's super weird and so that's definitely something that you have to like know about these maps I have a video on my youtube channel that describes these maps and a little bit more detail and how it all functions and works but basically if you don't know how hack three works just know it's gonna be confusing try and see if you have a flair jungle off your spider forest if you do not then no you have to go through the great Marsh to get there and right now based on how these maps are looking there is a high high high chance unless this kicks out left it does not so we don't have a flair jungle off of our spider cavern and we will need to go through the great Marsh so that's something that we notice and we need to be a little careful here especially on players 5 says Ark the burning is a fabulous easy way to die as he does very good damage I'll go ahead and grab a town games I and keep going is there anything that can force aren't you for the marsh skip no there is not it is just how the map generates so I'm just gonna have to run back out and head to our teepee simple as that and the Waypoint and TPR about equidistant so doesn't matter too much mason leaf staff i am i am using leaf staff i have brother so we'll go through the great Marsh there is nothing that we need to do or kill in here we can kill some stuff if we want for experience but we don't have to go into any of the areas whatsoever this is a cold enchant lightning glom pack not my favorite pack to fight thankfully and normal Souls really aren't that bad especially when you have a hundred and fifty four light Reds so that's Roy two says that if you throw enough bits to mister llama you will never have balding problems that's right it's a weird rumor Church of latter-day searchers no good so we have an experienced Ryan which is great also I am always always always trying to take whatever turn offs go left or right and you'll see I'll kind of look for those you can't really see it right now but if I see one that's going left or right I'll show it when I get to it I'm gonna try and take it the reason is because this game doesn't have an exit or a dead end that face is left or right but it can turn into the flare jungle facing left to right so I'm looking for that so I'll keep running and keep running and I like to try and stay on the left side of the river generally but here you can see okay I'm gonna go straight left so I could keep going up but there's a better chance that going straight left here is gonna lead me to the flare jungle and it looks like it's shall we just have to go on the high side so got here that's our third entrance we know that there has to be a flare jungle here and there is easy as that I still have this players five on which like I said is actually kind of great because we're getting so much experience out here we're already 23 which means we're gonna have our 25 by you know act 5 and we will be great I'll definitely lower the player countdown as we start to get around there but I really don't mind the over leveling here at all and I don't really need the gold damage so I'm just gonna pick up this grand charm instead I'm trying to still take advantage of this experience shrine as much as I can while I still have it this is a fabulous place to farm by the way these little dudes all these salt killers and and little flares are just wonderful wonderful experience highly highly recommend I wish that I had even more of them out here so this is a great place to just come back and farm if you do want to get that pushed towards level 25 or 23 24 whatever you're going towards killing this and then killing sarena and other bosses kind of in the later portions of act 3 can be really nice and of course you can also do like some tomb runs and things like that that can be another nice place especially if you boost the player count there as well okay so we'll go ahead and identify some stuff and get some more mana potions 1/2 to cold damage like I said it isn't a lot 7% faster run walk is really nice and I'll go ahead and use it for a bit this might be something that I'll trash later is we have a lot of faster run walk but right now it's not bad at all 9 to life on a grand charm is on a mule it's just not worth quite enough for me fire is 12 and 1/2 life and fire as 14 though they're both hard I would say fire is 14 is better than the twelve and I'm gonna probably place it over this for now that's really tough you could you could take any combination of these I'm just doing to boost my fire as a little bit since fire is a high damage in this act but we also have three Tao runes and you all know what that means well we have a lot of junk in here we can go through we can morph it into a rail rune and we can now put a router in on our head and get 30% fire risk which is really nice so we'll keep this ring and we'll go ahead and sell the stuff in the cube as we don't need that and 12% MF is nice on boots but I'm not gonna put 50 strength just to do that and I'll actually go back to the light mana potions here and we can go back to their jungle you kill some more dudes and so now we have 57 fire Reds which is gonna make it way easier for us and if we stand in the fire of one of these fire breathers or when we get to act 4 and there's venom Lords and there's so many like fire sources that can really just one-shot us almost I mean probably not one shot us with this much health but they can do a lot of damage very quickly it feels a lot more comfortable to have a look of fire risk I spot assassin wrong did I where oh you're right thank you I'll just keep writing around and like I say feel free to kill as much as you want down here because it's great the only thing that really doesn't give that good of experience out here are the birds so if you get birds which we did not those guys aren't worth a ton of experience and you might want to reset and try and get as many of these little dudes as you possibly can am i ignoring the statue quest I'm not I mean I turn it in later how much for a classic man versus strength classic man versus stream like an older one that we've done or like play it through classic Diablo 2 I don't know I would have to do some formulating on that one so go ahead and do this quest get the jid bin right here and then we can take this back and restock on mana potions and then we'll talk to them again and get the ring and that's not a bad ring I'm gonna hold on to it Dex is whatever okay for the strength is nice you know I can maybe help us away or something later 9/2 man is not bad 11 coal dress is okay it's not a good ring but it's not a bad ring and we'd really have a lot of options here this gives us some cold res option - got some more light res we've got some more fire Reds so we can start kind of stacking resistances into areas that we need to have those resistances let's leave a teepee and move forward so we can get a waypoint and come back here so that's always really nice to to just have their right just be able to go okay well now I'm moving into an area that has high fire risk so I want to put my fire red skier on now I'm moving into an area that has high cold damage so and I've cold right that sort of stuff yeah it's not good rants I'm battering it's a ring it's a situational ring you could argue it in any situation and so now we're going to look for a waypoint you can get the lower crest one if you want to do lower crust popping of chests and stuff there's a lot of good things to rap run around and pop in this area but there we go I don't really care too much and normal to pick it up generally something I'd rather pick up in a nightmare or hell where I can start getting like skill or grand charms and better runes and all that stuff how much playtime it takes to get to 99 like a month unless you have a dedicated online group that's helping you and then you could probably do it in a couple weeks but like they would have to be really helping even then two to three weeks yeah I will eventually go into light traps and grab the amulet and we will go to level three it's level 3 has set Maps you just have to know what the maps look like and run the patterns on them otherwise just run around like a maniac for a little bit but most of them require you to run through the middle at some point so just know that oh it's nice to kill a boss he has fire me in this we will avoid him but we will kill off his minions and grab the brain out of t piece and I'm gonna go ahead and do that cuz I'd rather have those there 16 attack rating 1/2 strength doesn't really do a lot for us one let's go to the bazaar continue moving forward we want to do the lame essence tome here so we want to find the temple and the temple that we're gonna be looking for will be two two two two the one I'm just trying to face it to show you the one that's facing not this way you can see this temple is facing to the bottom right we want the temple that's facing to the bottom left this one right here this is always going to be the ruined temple and it will have Sarina she is a wonderful person to farm if you ever want experience come down here and just kill her you'll get great experience and this is a great way to level up but then you also get the tomb and that'll get you some stat points which is wrote the fifteen life we also have the sewers right here so we can drop a TP actually we'll go through the sewers because sewers can obviously take us to the next area check back really quick grab a small charm let's go how do you get past hell ancients low-res wand should help a lot and then you can do just some positioning tricks to help even more but you can also just run around like a madman the whole time if you really want and we got lucky ran right into it by immerse the tank I mean you can buy a mercenary tank if you want yeah he'll ancients will be on a day is it Monday on Wednesday we'll be doing hell ancients so we can exit and head to the travandkel we are almost 25 which is beautiful as then we don't have to worry about that penalty anymore and we don't have to worry about farming up I still in last good no that was a couple weeks ago should I actually get there pretty soon hopefully here perfect okay we're level 25 mi drop the players countdown now I just really wanted to rush to 25 so I didn't have to like waste time on the guy to play through leveling and just being like alright now watch me level for a little bit so instead we will just continue forward and kill some stuff [Music] try not to get cursed by these guys but it might happen flail feel free to grab that Waypoint if you feel a little scared off to the left most of you guys probably know where it is but like travel goal can be dangerous they can actually hit for a good chunk of damage so if you ever do feel worried about it just come over here first we have the Waypoint before you go to the traveling goal nice easy thing to do and you don't actually have to kill all of them despite what it says if you're online you want to kill all of them but offline you don't have to worry about that oh and the leveling actually did mess us up for getting a teleport staff as well cuz I forgot to do that early oh well we'll do it later or we can do it after this more vitality the Waypoint is off this way so once again if you wish to get the Waypoint for normal Mephisto you can totally like go look for it over here it's not that crazy to get sometimes it will do this notice that I cannot click on the Waypoint if that happens go to town come back you can click on the Waypoint it's a weird bug it only happens in like five locations or something four locations jail catacombs Durance I want to say like glacial trail or crystalline passage know one of those frozen ones maybe and maybe one other place but there's really not a lot of places that's gonna happen if you do drag one of these dudes over and make sure you kill him before Mephisto gets too weakened as these guys will heal Mephisto and it's pretty annoying also make sure you set a teepee we do have a lot of life with this Mephisto is not gonna one-shot us especially with all the resistances that we have but just in case you die you know it can be helpful so I'll kill my fist out and we can grab some dudes and I'll go ahead and go back first and sell a couple things here yeah we're just doing normal today nightmare tomorrow and hell on Wednesday milah Braga's is really nice this gives us 20% IMF you can totally use this on a swap if you have 45 strength to just get 20% more magic fine whenever you kill a boss additionally we have this armor 41 strength but it's got some nice mod this could be good for a mercenary if you want to get a mercenary at this time and maybe we'll hold that for a mercenary just for some fun right because we're gonna need a mercenary eventually for a tiny bit of time and we'll go ahead and put this away oops I want that I'm gonna try it okay so now I can move forward and we could do some fun things first thing we'll do well identify there it's not worth a lot let's go get a mercenary we're not gonna really use him much but we will need him for a couple of fire immunes so we'll get has aid and that armor is also not terrible that could be fine we have to go and fetch those quests that we just got that's right so we will do that and we will trash these things here pump this stuff up 1 2 5 light and damage just nothing for us I'll do that and I actually want to pick up a nice pike for his aid so Pike's are really good damage and so just grabbing a pike for him is a super good way to just boost him up so we'll do that and now we can go back to act 3 and turn in all of our quests and at this point you can also just exit and restart because we need to talk to miss chief it's a faster way to get here gives me determination to donate more thank you so much tt thank you boo ID so now we do that first we get 20 to life in the form of a potion next we get another 15 life so that was a 35 life swing right there just by doing that additionally at this point we can start shopping for a staff that has plus to teleport charges on it if I was under level 24 this would be better unfortunately I am over level 24 and that is my own fault I'm now 25 and that's gonna make this shopping a little bit worse for us as I can no longer just look for stabs that are red I now I have to look for stabs through all of the staffs and just look for teleport charges note I am saying teleport charges not plus to teleport okay teleport charges so like that says Nova charges we want teleport charges simple as that and so let us run to these things that one had +1 to teleport that's for sorceress skills that's not what we're looking for you will find it that's teleport glacial spike charges and so this can take anywhere from first try to 10 minutes I really know Orion Garry gifted a tier 1 sub - grumpy pancake RL they have given 52 gift subs in the channel thank you so much a Corian Gary there are red ones before level 24 if you shop this at 23 22 20 whatever like that in the earlier stages at least 19 you have to be but if you if you shop it between nineteen twenty three the reason it'll be red is because it's a level 24 required staff so all you have to do is look at the red staffs at that case in that case thank you you are a bold one mr. Grinch so like I said we kind of ruined that piece for us a little bit because we leveled up so much earlier what was what charges are on that fireball but that's okay if you're watching on YouTube feel free to skip ahead a couple minutes until we find this it's not any anything crazy exciting it's you know just some quick teleport shopping but this is going to be very very important and helpful that was telekinesis for us throughout the run so yeah this is unfortunately extremely crucial and you can't just ignore it did I ever try raid SL again I didn't it was uh I thought it was fun but not the mobile style game that I enjoy as much I play Lord small well that's a little more my style I like the feel of that game a little better so I thought raid was fine you know I thought it was a game that had some interesting strategy and stuff and you know could totally be fine to just play through when you're bored for five ten minutes here and there but firestorm yeah no no was the one that I felt like continuing cling why is having teleport charges so crucial there's just so many places in this game we're being able to teleport past a group or past a wall or past anything like that is just worth it like it's so so good and so valuable it's not a hundred percent necessary okay you can play this game without teleport especially on an assassin without a teleport staff and just kill everything or slowly you know push it aside or whatever but having the teleport staff just helps with so many different scenarios or it's just like ah alright let's just jump past it and speed these speed this up a lot you got the shopping music okay [Music] teleport all right for 206,000 rip that hurts three two chain lightning that hurts a lot so the cheapest that you're gonna find it is about 16,000 and that's if it comes by itself you can however find it 457 and different things like that so okay that'll work alright so now we have teleport charges so you can go ahead and put that there and move to act 4 and restock on some things and we're good to go so now we have teleport charges and it's just like I say so helpful in the event that you just get stuck in an area there's this group right here and you're like I don't want to fight it you just teleport past it right you can just go right past it the thing you have to be aware of is that it is very very what's the word expensive to use teleport charges every teleport charge costs like twenty five hundred three grand something like that and you can see I only have 21 grand so I have to be you know a little cautious in how I use the teleport charges until it kind of goes on so as it continues and I start getting more and more gold I can be a little more open with them but to start I need to watch out a little bit and how I use them so I can't just teleport like a sorceress everywhere but an or Troon plus a chipped gem in your cube will restore the charges for free so that's worth about 75 grand if you have spare or trims and chip gems so once again in the early game we don't have any sport runes so we can't really do that but if we find 2 3 4 or trims later on we've already got a lore helm or whatever stuff we need our ancients pledge yeah sure why not so now we're just gonna kill things we're gonna kill Israel as we kind of move along because Israel has a very high HP pool very high and might as well get some additional experience killing other stuff while we're killing Israel right easy as that and we'll grab things like grande scepters because they can be worth money if they do spawn some good +2 skills I wish that one did not but you never know so just keep continuing running around 30 months time passes by quickly don't think so sorry about your latest relationship oh well praise the Sun thanks flag que ver and a rare amulet very nice that could be super solid so Israel is extremely worth it probably one of the most worth it characters to kill because he gets plus you get plus two two skills for killing him which is massive absolutely massive so if he is near you go kill him if he's not near you go find him and go kill him because plus two two skills is just worth so much in this game anything that's plus two two skills or plus two skills I should say is just gonna be a ton of value so yeah never never skip him really anywhere Thank You MK appreciate that welcome to llamas of the round and it's complete trash what a beauty three and a minimum damage doesn't affect us because we're not doing physical three lifes one per hit doesn't affect us because we're not doing physical replenish life six is okay but tiny poison res and nine percent damage taking goes to mana it could be like mine early okay for us but not really what we're looking for so let's uh let's go and just get some mana potions filled up here and continue forward it's unfortunate unfortunate amulet right there so we have the city of the dank and now we just go the river of flame if you want to get some extra gold and also have some chances that some good gems doing the forge is really really nice it doesn't matter what level you do the forge at but it just can be worth a lot for you so highly recommended as you can just get 30 40 grand out of it pretty easily and then also you have a chance to drop a rune that could do really well and if you're on ladder or if you've enabled ladder rune words maybe you get like a spirit for a character or something from getting an AM rune if you get lucky whatever so there's a lot of like different ways that it can be beneficial and all of that but otherwise you can just run through and the later forges will be worth more of course because you can start dropping runes that really start to make a difference like you can draw you know and um rune or a nist rune or things like that that can be really really nice but we'll just grab over a flame and make your way through and this is also an area that i'm not a huge fan of just because there's like a lot of small little gaps in between and sometimes traps nice work so this can be one that you also just kind of teleport into the chaos sanctuary if you if you don't want to spend too much time right here you gonna say forget about it i just i just want to you know teleport in I'm tired of running and dealing with all these dudes like this that's just teleport easy ways to get get yourself in there and also over here you can get in these really like narrow gaps where you can get surrounded by big baddies and maybe you're not doing quite enough damage to them and they're like over here and over here having some teleport can be super super helpful to escape situations like that so that's really one of the big reasons we like teleport especially in these earlier levels before we get any sort of crowd control like our crowd control right now is just our massive damage which does pretty well but having that teleport can just be a little bit extra helpful so grants kept her so we want to try and get some gold off of that and then also this right here is a tough L shape or just a tough shape since it spawns the boss over here and there's no escape route so first off you can just kind of hang over here if you really want drop some traps and then just avoid your traps do the killing be yd7 need lots of emotes but additionally you know if you if you don't want to do it this way don't want she says much you can just teleport across over here and then you're good to go so we'll head back well identify items we'll pick up our plus two skills we're just gonna shove those into fire blasts as a higher fire blast is more damage for us oh so that so that 10 F CR but the 48 attack rain does nothing and we already have 2 FC our belts or rings so I don't care too much about that but we got some really nice gold out of that 40 grand which is really helpful put that away and now that those baddies are dead you might actually want to pick up the scepter and staff could be worth some money we'll run over here and we're just gonna drag him he takes a long time to kill because he just has really high fire resist he's got spectral hitting stuff so he takes a long time to kill so generally we just grab him drag him around and kill kill ii killed this ace and everything well we've gotten him on our tail and we just kind of killed him together and he actually asked super high fire res in this game usually he'd be dead by now if i'm level 25 with lief so he's actually really really high some games his fire rez is just like insane it's ridiculous so you're gonna kill them both together or just drag them towards the third bus he'll eventually die and killing stuff in here is not awful we do get some experience still I'm not gonna grab any shrines in here right now as that would be a great way to die or to lose this Ryan I should say for this shrine to die pretty immediately and here you'll see we run into our first example of a fireman boss that we have to kill no matter what he needs to die and we have no way to kill him and this is where his aid comes into play I'll go ahead and give him his little armor he's got his little weapon it's perfect if we want we can get in there and just whack this guy a little bit well his aide really goes to town on him I haven't been clapping well we'll give ourselves a clap hear what we can save this experience shrine now to be used for this make sure we have a teepee set his aid is gonna die to Diablo there's nothing we could have done and so we're just gonna cast a couple traps and then use fire blasts cast a couple wake of fires these fire blasts wake a fire when we can use Fire Blast and it's can't rinse and repeat if you don't want use the Fire Blast because you feel like it's a little dangerous and don't that's okay your wake of fires will do enough just remember to cast them in pairs of tunes generally or you want to have about to down and know that these traps shoot five times so you want to kind of learn the timing so that you're overriding it around the right time without too much overlap you know and there you go just like that go ahead and give yourselves the clap you have now completed act numero Quatro well done chat you are just flying you're level 26 already which is nuts you got your levels in it's great for the dexterity if we like dexterity that would be wonderful six to light wrists on a large charm is not my favorite well go ahead and keep it for now though also you could totally totally totally keep that topaz if you wanted to do some like magic finding a little bit later I don't really care too much with this character but if you do I love keeping every topaz that I get and then he just morph them all together until you make perfect shove them all into Helms and armors and stuff and you can just add a little MF to your play pretty simply so would highly recommend doing that and let's go ahead and head to act five here continuous vitality continue with wake of fire we'll go ahead and resurrect his aid pretty easy there he should be able to stay alive because we're gonna be moving pretty quick here shouldn't I do this all stone I mean like I say you can if you want it's it's not a huge deal I'll teleport for little speed just because it's there's some just trappy areas in this map and then whenever we get to spots that have good clusters and monsters or boss group as such with deck I can drop that and kill them get a little bit of experience here and there but we're only killing stuff out here because we are at least 25 if I was not level 25 I would not be killing anything I would just be running to ancient Street because it's just or I'd be going back and leveling one of the two because it's just not worth it otherwise yours getting absolutely zero experience yeah and doing this also gives us the chance to glitch his aid which does look like you glitched yet but there's essentially a mercenary bug that will cause his aid to become untargeted by monsters which is really nice and there's another one of those shields for 20% magic find if we wanted that but once again I'm not going up to that strength so I'm okay does that happen a little fizz a day it would happen with any mercenary that you get to to poof like that all right so we got a circlet to check 1 2 elemental skills for the druid brutal still gonna be worth some gold we have a rare belt and that has 15 fire us on it yes please to strength as well nothing else really matters on that belt but actually three chance of crest level 3 frost Nova does matter that's actually really really nice that's one of those things that can kind of save you in a tricky situation just kind of randomly so that is a nice little thing to have I love getting that on a piece of equipment as it's just you know you'll just be in tough situation you hit everything with the frost Nova and all of a sudden you just get a second chance at life but circuits are always great because you can get that plus two skills on it and so we could have picked up you know plus the traps or something and that would've been really nice so we're gonna save all of the barbarians sometimes there's two in a row sometimes it's just one mr. llama SC has charged seven quid roma 361 trillion seven hundred thirty eight billion seven hundred forty six million three hundred fifty two thousand eight hundred thirty six times already seems slightly inaccurate we'll grab the experience shrine as why not and we'll save our last set of our bearings make sure you stand next to them until they open a town portal sometimes they don't like to open in town portal and if you run away and save them from too far away then they're not gonna be there not actually ever gonna come out basically they'll stay in their cages with it with the fence down it's really dumb but is what it is so when we do that quest we get RAL ort towel those three runes will be given to us from Koyuk and that's actually super nice as that is the exact formula necessary for something called an ancient pledge shield which gives you a bunch of resistances like super mega resistances so it's kind of a free big res to get you prepped for nightmare essentially is my assumption for why they did it so we will go ahead and get ready for that okay I played throng twenty-year-old game yep hey it's never too old to enjoy a game man especially a great game like this go and pick up a waypoint cuz why not trying to avoid getting hit so you don't get cursed there it doesn't look like the exit there's also a ton of things to learn that even people who have played this game for 20 years can learn a thing or two so here we want to go this way but I do want to come back I want to get the way point over here hopefully it's right here cuz I want to do the frozen river and the reason I want to do the frozen river is because you can save Anya and get a +10 to all resistance scroll which is super nice as that will give you resistances through out the rest of the game so having those in nightmare and hell can just be invaluable an extra thirty all res by the end of it when you did the quest three times didn't attend I gotta admit seeing Warcraft 3 reforged scares me a little bit because they absorbed Warcraft 3 classic into the client and that I don't like at all so that definitely makes me a little weary that they're gonna there's potential that they might do something with Diablo 2 where they suck Diablo 2 into the battlenet launch or client and you can't do anything oh there's a waypoint good we'll go back you can't play offline or anything like that or they take down the old servers and all that 12% magic find is probably good enough that I will just keep that ring we don't need to get full so you can just get these ones right here but we will see maybe this is a learning lesson to not do that I don't know I don't know yeah if they were gonna do something like that I'd rather they just not touch Diablo 2 to be honest just leave it alone it's great we don't we don't need any upgrades okay so we'll keep going on vitality and that we're just gonna save Anya be careful down here it can't get a little dangerous the thing that triggered me the most was the restrictions on custom maps yeah that's not a great one and we obviously don't have that problem in Diablo 2 but you just never know what they'll come up with it like I say they might remove single-player from offline mode or something and so it'd be a whole mess with all of that and we're gonna like illegally download the game just to play offline single-player or something I don't know but you want to be a little careful down here one those balls that the harpies spit out can be pretty dangerous but additionally you can have danger literally every cinematic looks like a bad fan made giant even got released and Blizzard official released it anyway the yetis can do a lot of damage lay off the cash flow mindset a little bit so yeah there's just a few things you can get Souls down there as well so there's some things that can do some damage and especially when it gets a nightmare in hell it'll start to really get dangerous down there d2 was remastered you could bet mods like path of Diablo would be toast also evening llama that would be the the scare is that they would somehow try and make claim over every mod or take them all down or anything like that I see one remastered as good though SC one remastered is how remaster should be done they're like one in one now you know SC one was a fantastic remaster I love it I loved it I just wonder if it didn't make enough and that was why they started cutting funding to Warcraft three year I don't know who knows alright so Ancients really not gonna be a problem the only thing that we have to worry about is sometimes core liqu and italic are gonna have crazy high fire resists so just look at them in the first early stages and make sure they're taking damage if they're not taking any damage just open a TP and reset the ancients otherwise you're gonna be here for a long time that is all and you can either run around and let your traps do work or you can go to different spots on the map this is one right here this one's the easiest and just have them come stand on top of you here and talaq won't spin on you anymore like this kind of thinks that he has cold damage so he slows me down a little bit but you can sit here and you can cast fire blasts and fire traps and it's pretty easy you don't worry about getting spun on so that's a that's a safe spot also right up here is another spot if you get right up on the stairs like in this little corner right there there's another spot yeah is it me or is this game easier on the female characters I mean paladin is brayton not too bad necromancer is pretty easy to be honest I don't know the female characters are more about you know big power like elemental I guess he got Jabba's on you got sorceress whatever so they were very like elemental ish but did you just assume paladin's gender I apologize no one's on me so here we want to get the Waypoint the reason I get the Waypoint is farming here is just super super nice as an assassin you don't have to farm here if you don't want to and also like I could boost up the player count again to like you know alright let's go to players three all right something like that but like you can actually move forward as the assassin she's strong enough to go into nightmare at level 27 26 whatever and be perfectly fine but you know for the sake of a playthrough and blah blah and having fun all that stuff it is a totally fine place to do that and a great place to just get some basic easy farm in get our mana up and let's get the throne there it is okay got a few death Lords here we just got watch out for some death Lord once again the nice thing still you are strong enough you do enough damage you have enough life pool 548 life is insane that you can really come in and just assert your dominance in most areas you do enough damage to put things into hit recovery that they're not gonna hit back too often and even if they do hit it's not gonna do enough damage to really kill you unless you get fully trapped so through normal your character shouldn't have too many fears to be honest in some other areas you know things can get tougher for sure but to start it's not too bad I'll go back to players 1 for the first wave because they do have a fire immune and there's our rooms by the way make sure you those don't drop on the ground if you stand up here your mercenary and actually won't get to cup of fide while you do just a fun little tip and then we can like raise the player account you know on this wave or something if we'd like get a little bit more experience out of it cuz AIDS going die that's okay if he doesn't die to wave to he dies to wave three and then just be careful not to get immediately stepped up on by Bartok because if he brings all of his bolts right on top of you that can be some good damage and take you out so I just kind kind of try to avoid him and I have 70 light rays so I'm not really that worried right now but especially if you have lower right lightening resist can be a little bit dangerous I'll go ahead and lowers back lower us back for a way for here as this one can take a little bit longer to kill I probably could have left at players 3 if I wanted we are 29 so our damage is pretty high but whatever that kill and then the last group at any point if you don't feel like killing group you can always just drag it so you can actually just take the group and bring it outside of the throwing destruction or the the main piece then you can just go back in without them and he'll start laughing I want to kill them because I want the experience but you know you could totally just do this and run forward and then he'd be totally good to spawn but I might go ahead and farm them for the experience here yeah the assassin blazes through normal she's very fast her burst of speed especially helps a ton we will switch lightning traps but that's the middle of nightmare so I would not need to worry about that right now okay we'll do that and go ahead and get some more mana potions really fast and if you want to go ahead and grab a thawing pot that can help as well and here we'll do a repair and you'll see this is going to be kind of expensive 18 grand and that's because we have eight charges missing over there it looks like it's about two grand per teleport actually not three where do you go oh all the way back there so you want to avoid getting hit by his cold wave so you just cast to every few seconds if he does Papa clone you can either make the clone disappear and to do that you just need to run away from him in the clone get a decent distance between yourselves penalty I like to go to mala buy something come back and then come back in the clone of despond the slash players effect experience even when you have a penalty yes but the penalty still applies to all of that so it's still gonna drop it you know but yeah it'll be you know four times or three times to whatever 200 percent to 50 whatever players count you set on it'll be that times the penalties experience people do PvP runs for time no okay not a huge worry here as once again we have so much life and so much damage we can take bail out and wham-o just like that you're now the owner of a brand spankin new assassin who's in nightmare give yourselves a nice clap good job everybody and that's not bad to get 30 to life right there but obviously stealth is just worth so much more to us just worth so much more so we can pick things up and sell I'm nothing here matters too much for these items easy clap all of these items are pretty worthless for us 223 edy Wow and so at this point what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to act 2 and we're going to get a shield and you want to get a three open socket shield now you can either just find a three open socket shield by refreshing act two over and over again if you just come here and I would recommend you do this unless you're not gonna play the character again like shortly after right so like when I finish this character I'm gonna be done with it so I wouldn't mind wasting my socket quest but for most people there you go so doesn't take long you can just get it there those are nice boots I'll go ahead and grab them because I don't have boots at all so like that's something for most people it's gonna be save that and then you get to save your socket quest otherwise you can grab a large shield take it here to larzac add sockets put the shield in add sockets to it it'll get three open sockets right and all I'm going to do is I'm going to go RAL ort towel in that order and it makes an Ancients pledge cold res light res fire res poison res all 48 and colds 43 but whatever amazing amazing amazing resistances you also get a little bit of damage taking goes to mana super pug only 34 strength and so we can just get 34 strength super easy you know I can come in here and just go back to normal really fast if I want and let's do players five sure go the world stone kill a couple things in the world stone get some experience yes damage to mana does not mean the damage does not hit you it just means you also get mana for 10% of the damage taken so if you take a hundred damage you will still take a hundred damage and also gain ten mana hey this should do it right here and demonite sash is also really really nice there we go we level up we put all that into strength and now we can put on one our boots for a little more light rays and some magic find and - our shield uh we don't need to wear yet because we're using leaf but this shield is what we will eventually be using so when we switch to light traps fire skills don't mean anything to us anymore so we're not going to use leaf anymore we can put that aside and instead we're going to use ancients pledge and then a one that has lower resist charges on it which we will get later on in part two of the the guide when we go to nightmare so this is gonna be used later and you know act 3 act 4 nightmare we'll start using this shield but you know you can use it right now why not pretty easy pretty simple so that right there is our character we can go ahead and grab some fun claws here there were nothing pretty trash maybe if I had like plus skills it'd be nice and we can do a quick review of our characters so we have these gloves which gives 16 to lightening resist one to strength Twilight rays ring 15 light rays belt two to strength there as well and chance for frost Nova which I really do like 14 to fire res 17 light res with 8 MF our stealth armor which of course has the top three stats which are fantastic Alif staff with us which has fire skills and cold res a helm that we put a rail rune in for 30% fire res and we just never found another rune to shove in there I could also put like a ruby and get some life or something like that and this is where doing your Forge and things can be good but you know I I'm fine with just having this right now and if I find another router in tomorrow or whatever I'll put that in the helm as well for additional res light res on our amulet with some energy this totals us out at max res for fire and light and 47 res for cold and I have a demon hide sash here and demon eyed sashes are actually really nice for an imbue so if you want you could totally take this back and imbue this puppy if you don't want to save it once again if you want to take this character to hell and like do a lot of stuff with it probably save that imbue quest and use it on a diadem much later on but the difference is you get a whole extra row with a demon hide sash right and that that's worth a lot that's really really nice so yeah from here at this point we're also five points inverse to speed nothing in our martial everything in wake of fire that we can and the rest in Fire Blast that's because synergies for these but at this point and everything in vitality and I have 34 strength you can have a little more if you'd like if you want to wear more gear 60 is the magic number I like to say for strength you can wear plaited belt you can wear most boots you can wear a lot of gloves like there's so many items that having 60 strength is gonna allow you to wear so I like to get up to 60 eventually not by end of normal but by like mid to end of nightmare I think having 60 strength is a pretty good spot to get towards 45 is the next kind of like point so I would say going to 45 by mid to end of nightmare and then 60 somewhere early he'll something like that is good to go and do it alright we'll go and view it Thank You Gigi shibam ah terrible terrible belt no good rolls on it whatsoever why'd you make me do it you wasted it awful belt so at this point what do you do well we you can just wait for the video tomorrow and and we can go into nightmare at level 30 you'll be plenty strong things will be plenty fine or you can go and do some bale runs at the same time you can also go and do some eldritch and and shank runs if you want you can do these on players 5 even it doesn't really matter right you can come here and you can kill these guys and and have some fun here I think that was a player one kill but that's ok like thats worth experience so like kill these guys kill bale kill whatever these are gonna be great places to just get some good experience you can also get some good gold you can find some cool items whatever and you can do that all the way up to you know even on players 1 you can go to like level 40 if you want on players 5 7 you can do that up to like 45 to 50 if you really want spend as much time level as much as you would like a lot of people I'd say our SAS and probably move forward in the mid 30s I think that's a general moving forward spot so level as much as you want it just makes it easier for you when you do get to nightmare because once again you'll have more damage and more life and that really helps helps you out so with that thank you everybody for watching I hope you enjoyed it and yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow peace YouTube ha
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 473,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 5sec (10625 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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