Diablo 2 - Let's Play Diablo 2 Amazon - Bowazon Guided Playthrough - Nightmare

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what's up youtube mr llamacy here and today we're going to be going through the guided playthrough part nightmare of the boazon so this is the physical no no sorry not physical this is the elemental bow that we're going to be playing through right now we're using exploding arrow a freezing arrow is coming up really soon and we're just going to be going and rolling right into that we'll do a little gear check and everything and uh and just pop on in does that sound fun so hopefully you've leveled your characters up i'm actually just gonna go forward at level 28 i feel pretty comfortable with that but like i said if you leveled to like 32 33 34 35 whatever it is there totally fine only helps your character and we've got one in crit strike and penetrate because we want to get that one in pierce when we can and then we've got exploding our max and we've prepped ourselves to get into freezing arrow as well um there's really a couple of ways that you can build this character out from here one is you can just keep going pure fire all the way into hell uh or all the way through like nightmare to like act four um and then you can kind of like respect more into freezing or kind of like shift half and half whatever it is um and so that's kind of a way additionally you could as soon as you hit freezing arrow just go right into freezing and all of that stuff or you can do like a mix and match right um you really have a lot of options so all i can say is yeah take advantage of that uh we're using zephyr just tier tier right now a little fire res stealth we got some sanders gloves which are very nice for the ias for us nine energy 30 light res random belt um dual res right here on this ring also super nice and then some 20 faster runway boots with a little bit of fire res so we've got a couple uh couple things right there and you can actually just shop a better belt and like even usually some like really nice boots just right here from charcy so let's just see if she has maybe a something for us and there's some like 10 fasters with seven light res you know there's there's a couple little random things there's a 51 to life belt right now that is only two two uh slots instead of three so that is something but i mean you know that would that wouldn't be a terrible thing at all uh so let's get more arrows and then we can keep going forward let us begin part nightmare i shall purge this land of the shadow so we still just do tons of damage and i still really enjoy having our um thank you timmy our mana per kill here and just overall mana gain for this character because it does help a lot thank you very much but we'll move forward we'll do the den we'll get that skill point because we do want to have the skill points for when we get into pierce and and all of that i also want some more scrolls as i was running short on those thank you to i love squirrel do you love squirrel though no mercenary late night llama so we could obviously have a mercenary here if we really wanted to i mean you know he'd still probably die at some point with something but it would be technically a possibility um just get like an act 2 mercenary and kind of roll them the thing is nothing really matters for like the auras too much i would definitely say a holy priest or would be best but otherwise one sub we're not really caring a lot about a lot about a lot of the stuff you know yeah we got two open socket masks i'm going to hold on to that could maybe make a laura in there drops of titans do you abandon the balazan guide or crush chat by selling them uh we probably just keep them in our stash thank you james blessed aim that yeah the thing is i always hit i mean so once again the like physical part of my bow doesn't always hit but you can see that i always hit the explosion at least which is kind of the important part so it's not really like a a crazy big deal to to need like blessed aim or anything so yeah i mean and even like the might aura once again it's not really buffing this character up at all so it's not it's not a crazy big deal like i say if we got him he'd be okay he could help out a little bit we'll we'll probably go get the act 2 mercenary i think that'll be the the best one for us act 2 defensive gonna run out of mana [Applause] thank you nasty appreciate that catherine's doesn't really do us that much six percent lifesteal once again our damage is not really physical so yeah we have a tiny bit physical two to seven good luck stealing anything from that um and yeah so we're we're just gonna focus on and damage by two is nice but i mean we've got better rings already yeah sometimes people use an act one mercenary as a harmony carrier or a faith uh carrier sorry so do i respect in hell you totally can once again this build really has like multiple ways that you can play it um it's just it's just kind of up to you what do you feel like doing is almost the question with it you know oh partisan what do we have here oh yeah let's see how many sockets will this partisan get will that get four or five honestly i'd be okay with either so five that was my assumption if it does get four i'm good with it because then we can work towards an insight or something if it gets five we can make honor i can't so i like i like either way oops wrong one she runs so fast i really want to get some 40 faster rock boots on her and just really zoom around thanks tylen also i want to state a lot of people misunderstood in my reading of that console uh dev post i wasn't saying i thought d3 players were stupid or console players were stupid i was saying it was weird how things were written and how they were like it felt like blizzard was saying that so that's what i was trying to get across was like i was acting like blizzard in that where they were like oh we the console players don't know what single player means so we're gonna change it for them because they aren't gonna know what eye level is the partisan i mean 36 so it'll be four open sockets it's kind of cheating though i was trying to not do the cheating way of looking at it and pluggy but yeah yeah it was like in order to pander to the console players that won't understand anything we just put a big play button videos from a few years back and it's been really fun but i have a question as a streamer do you get tired of getting trolled by chat by them asking same kappa questions and jokes yeah all the time thank you for asking so that was that was my main piece cause i was just like man it really feels like they're just acting like console players have no clue about anything and can't even like read properly so i thought i thought it was a little insulting my character stat sheet says i'm bugatti yeah why hasn't this updated oh hold on there we go okay i literally just had to bring it to the forefront and then it it fixed itself but didn't you make a pledge noise when bagel girl said she played d3 oh he's smiley face i still don't enjoy diablo 3. i still don't think it was a great continuation in the diablo series that's true that hasn't changed at all no i i wish diablo 3 was a much different game and what they sold was a a game on its own that wasn't really in the diablo genre but just some other game i mean i still think the game is okay but i don't think it fits in the diablo expectation for me help me trolled by chat donations who do you think we are anyway hey chad do you want to just wrap this up tonight maybe take a break tomorrow how do you weigh a millennial in instagrams nice and then i guess you a uh how do you weigh a boomer in male grams nice killing it man i should be a professional comedian joke writer that was good that was good it's my favorite class overall uh science no i like a lot of classes different reasons the boomer be a telegram isn't that what i said i said a male gram dang it i should have said telegram isn't a male gram a thing maybe that's just what boomers called telegrams maybe male grams were even before t telling no is it just not a thing am i just making words up right now i'm doing a run on release day and was wondering what you thought isn't that just mail i can get with a white gear only paladin uh the white gear only paladin i mean if the punch barb can go somewhere did i move or am i streaming from my pediatrician's office what i can't this is my parents house we hit 30. all right so we'll get into pierce here and we'll get into a freezing arrow hey llama did you see the devs tweet about fixing trapson i did gonna be in the day one patch traps will no longer affect monster spawns tracks ain't gonna be my first char it's actually a huge change actually a huge change right there getting that fixed that's the stuff that we've been waiting for them to fix like and more vitality of course that's the stuff that we've been waiting did i get in that cooking and dating app yet no i still need to get on grindr oh thank you for the reminder happy birthday it's my dad's birthday but thank you it's very nice so the the real nice thing as well with freezing arrow is you get a nice a nice freeze on it i mean look at that freezes for two seconds 3.3 yard radius it's huge man and then you can if you get your pierce up then you can pierce a bunch as well with it actually a solid uh solid build solid helper [Music] and you can just permafreeze everything if you would like or not a nightmare for the boson yeah how good is raven frost for this character on a scale of one to ten uh i mean it's not as critical as it would be on like a fury druid or a frenzy barb or something because obviously with this character you're playing to never get hit right like that is your entire goal pretty much for this character is don't get hit she's generally pretty glass cannon overall getting hit a lot of times equals death of some sort um so you know with that in mind that's a thing but at the same time like it's always good because here you can see i'm frozen right now so you know not being frozen there would definitely be really helpful any range freeze is still going to suck a lot birthday to you and papa llama so i gave it like a five to a six it's a game changer dating life but it's really just the cannot be frozen so maybe even less just any cannot be frozen thank you yon ryan viking i appreciate that so yeah i'd say it's like a four i mean it's it's cannot be frozen that's that's it that's all you're asking for that's all you're looking for or just want more cannot be frozen and that's the source of it so you know it ends up being a really great place to get it because it's hard to get it in other slots especially since you aren't using a shield there can you get a fury druid play through is about paladin a viable build just curious um yeah you can make it did nobody notice he said he had to get on grindr and update his profile i think you'll have a hard time finding women there yeah we're looking for some good cooks seven to life keeper 15 to life seven rez definitely a keeper uh i'm gonna drop one to five lightning damage one to five lightning damage both of those can go away that sixth poison can also go away very very minimal add there um though i do kind of want the poison for prevent monster heal in some cases so we'll keep it i guess for now what was the traps in bug so the way that it worked was on a trap sin if you laid your traps down it counted as unique boss groups basically and here's where we have to make the decision as well and i'm not going to make it yet i'm going to put it in pierce and now i have to make the decision do we keep going exploding arrow or do we start pumping freezing arrow hmm tough choice let's let's go ahead and keep pumping exploding okay the rune um but yeah so basically when you lay traps down on the ground it is going to then spawn it acts as if they're unique monsters in an area thus the other unique monsters that would be in that area will not be will not spawn because basically areas have a certain number of boss groups that can spawn like these guys hazer and the unholy and stuff and these are what you want to farm when you're magic finding so when it did that basically farming became pretty worthless on an assassin because you'd lay traps down at the first boss and then you wouldn't have any you'd just be screwed right so they fixed that so now it doesn't do that which makes it better so we're all very happy about it because like literally that made the assassin just a a bottom tier magic finding build because he would have to literally run around the entire area so yeah so that has been fixed now they tweeted that it will be fixed in d2r yeah for sure eternal if you're caring about defense a lot of times i just don't care about defense [Music] please fix next hit always miss yeah that'd be very nice a lot of people would be asking for that one a lot of people would like that one i know i saw a button that's huh do you think this build is viable as a first build totally i think this is actually one of the best characters one of the best amazons as a as a starter um the reason that i really say that and think that is because it runs a multi-damage the damage is really good from exploding arrow and from freezing arrow both of them actually have very sick damage um so you get you get really nice damage out of it and that's a huge that's a huge win uh for starting and it's the multi right you get cold and fire damage so you're not having to worry about getting caught in an element it's better than physical bow and the thing is like yeah javazon is generally the best but javascript i think also takes a little more skill because you're going to run into all those like immunes and act three hell and this character just kind of breezes through like actory hill and stuff hey dark it's good how are you so hello jesus christ now that's an amulet ah fresh meat 14 to strength 33 fire is 20 ares that's an amulet man holly frog skin being quick the release of d2r would you like old times and wear your chain mail or maybe you could wear a bone weave to go with the new graphics also rigged amulet that amulet is very rigged streamer drops are enabled yes okay see what other silent bug fixes happened well i mean in the beta they fixed some ones that we didn't want fixed ethereal defense bug and strength bug both were fixed we'll see if they leave them fixed or if they break them again for us did i tell people what we're farming here oh yeah so there's a few different things to be farmed in this area i guess it's a guided playthrough i should talk a little bit about that um the first one that we're looking for is lorehelm this is the easiest one this is just ort soul um so i guess not super easy but easyish and uh we we want to find that plus the skills plus some res mana per kill it's very very nice um tear towel am is edge bow yeah but i mean the thing is here let me bring it up it's not gonna be great for us okay i mean it's it's okay it's definitely okay let me pull it up so thorns is pretty pointless it's not really gonna do anything we do get the nice ias i guess it has mana per kill on it as well uh i mean we lose some of the faster run walk we gain five to ten all attributes and two mana per kill a little bit more iis let me go to zephyr uh time for fast forward 25 there i actually kind of like the twister as well you know what i guess it is a little bit better it does i don't really care about much of these other things like that's a little bit nice but we have prevent monster heel on it which is good um but really it's just kind of these two things and a little bit more is you sold me on it all right tear tell am is also what we're going to look for you sold me on it i didn't realize it had 35 ias on it i knew it was thorns and reduced vendor and some of that but uh i thought the is was was going to be minimal so when i saw 35 i was like it's probably gonna be better now we will run a little slower but that's probably fine uh one to combat skills don't care yeah cause really that's all we're caring about yes reduced vendor does lower gambling prices as well um that's all we care about though is uh is really on this build is and skills that's the main thing so we're looking for edge now tear tell am of which i think we already have tier in tao so we just need the am we're looking for um lore ort soul we're looking for peace shale though whoa co-roon jesus shelton am shail am though shalethol am um so that would be nice uh insight for the mercenary i mean is really nice for what is that melody now that we have a random co-rune i mean that's such a random drop like that's that's a crazy drop right there yeah i guess let's bring this up and let's talk through more of the things that we can really look for here um so honor can be something for our mercenary ml if tier soul not too expensive um [Music] let me go into here uh where is our melody there it is shell conef um has three to bow and crossbow skills and 20 ias it also has knockback 10 decks which is kind of nice so it's a little bit slower but three to bow and crossbow skills is pretty disgusting right um so that's probably even more worth it uh right there just for all the the added from this because this will boost both our um bone crossbow skills for exploding and freezing arrow right so that's a great bow for for elemental um but it is like i say a little bit slower that is something to think about uh and then we have um where's peace at peace is shale fall am and this is really just used for the two to amazon skills uh and then a little cold res little hit recovery but also if you have one point in valkyrie then you'll get a level 15 valkyrie if you don't then it'll disappear so kind of a rough part of it but yeah that is uh that's pretty much what we're looking for here and then obviously like i said lore the plus three help with pierce no it's plus three bone crossbow skills not uh amazon skills that's where like the piece comes into play um so that gives us a lot of shale runes to find shell is is definitely very nice for this character and then as well if we want an insight for the mercenary that'll be more uh more shales there or a sauron sorry so you can yeah i'm unplugging right now note that not all of these things i'm saying will work in old diablo single player without pluggie or something like that but latter rune words are now going to be enabled for uh d2r single player so anybody will be able to do that right there doll room so within a week if you're playing d2r all of these will now become available to you what can we do with doll rune not a lot honestly i don't i don't think doll fits for any of the stuff that we want um maybe harmony for speed uh harmony does have vigor aura which is very nice but here if soul co i guess once again we do get a co rune but if we look at it as a bow it's it's more of a harmony is a fantastic bow for oh my god that's actually a lot of cold and fire damage added um this is a fantastic bow for a physical character i would say if you're playing a physical zone this is going to be a lot better you're getting all that ed you're getting the min you're getting the max this is like really doing that now it does have all this added cold fire and lightning damage which once again will add to the exploding arrow and stuff so yeah this would also be okay i mean there's a lot of really nice things in the middle and you do get a little valkyrie which is cool um little mana regen 10 decks you know it's nice it's it's definitely a nice bow um but it has no ias which definitely hurts so thanks that's there's a lot of really good bows here there's there's definitely a lot of them i still feel like i'd rather um run melanie here than harmony now you do get the vigor aura which is very nice level 10 vigor does speed your character up a lot do those soft points from bow for the valk make the valk stay out when peace procs it should it should put on an act one murse that would also work now you gotta keep her alive but i've considered it um so yeah and this is once again another reason that i really love the boson this is one of my favorite characters and why i love this specific boson is there's so many options and there's different ways that you can go about it you can you can actually grab that bow and start doing some kind of physical damage a little bit behind your hits of the exploding and whatever stuff as well you know like it's you can really do a lot of things you thought i hated the boson no boson is one of my favorite characters i uh i love bosons i've always loved ranger classes just in general i'm just on p1 right now now the physical boson purely physical can be a little rough going through [Applause] thanks doomed um now at this point also things that we'll be looking for is bows and socketed bows and then once again we'll be looking for how many of the bows are gonna be um oh geez magic resistant gross how many of the bows are gonna be uh what you call it like socketed for us to use you know stand out here or dole man what's with these doll runes such a lame drop such a lame drop i need saws man do i have any at 35 fcr spirits to spare i mean on what so if we want we can go to um [Music] this i got one more thing to show you guys and if you guys remind me i'll put it in the um description for you so we have the sockets and this is where once again you can look at sockets by number based on the eye level of the item and then you can determine the eye level based on the area dropped the monsters that dropped it things like that right so here you can just look for all the bows and you can see which bows are gonna get three four six five whatever sockets so ceremonial bow grand matron bow reflex bow right we can look for all these and then we find bows especially ones that have plus two skills on them because that'll be extra good for this character we can look and see the sockets it'll get and whatnot so it's nice sword and shield amazon she has no sword and shield skills that's awful yeah so keep keep your eyes out for white bows socketed bows she has fend jesus i mean you can always email me if you have a run you want to sponsor that is something but if it's as awful as that it's probably going to be a decent amount impossible get passion for yeah try zealing someone sponsored the punch barb no i should have made somebody sponsor it that was a freebie that was a freebie because i love you guys i can't did she ever finish that one i remember her doing that axon composite bow is actually nice because it's really fast so there's a three open socket composite bow which we could use for a melody close your mind punch rub as possible mine too and we found a belt upgrade and this is also something that i like to imbue is sharkskin belts and stuff those are those are always nice and views any idea how much longer i'll be running these countess runs i mean there's a lot of things that we would like to get from these countess runs i can either a just go grab them eventually because it is a guided playthrough out of my uh plugin this is the amazing kinds of runs you can see when you sponsor my content right um or we can just go on without it because people will be like that's cheating you know i'd be okay with either one and i say that the countess is eager to stay out here do runs i mean i'm still getting experience so like i'm leveling the character while i'm doing this happy birthday llama's dad yes llama's dad's birthday so there's a little dexterity right there i'm just gonna put five more into decks and we'll keep going on exploding get on that stuff and we can run like a couple more levels here let's go to level 35 and then we can uh move forward and cheat a couple runes in i can't because it really is just you know i mean it's just spending a little bit of time here it's honestly not too crazy usually but like i say there are a lot of things right there you know tear towel am shalethol am uh ortsol you know obviously if if you want to go for another sauron if you want to go for uh insight um you know so there's definitely some stuff there long warbo four open sockets oh yeah we've got that so i mean there's really a lot of different things that we could do but every shell rune every soul run ever you know amaranth are generally more common you've seen or worried about with resurrected that might make you go back to mods or rebalances uh them not allowing mods really [Applause] thanks to appreciate that how do you know i may say i'll get to get from larson based on the link i had there plus knowledge of where the item came from what monster dropped it in what area cold enchantress or towel man we're really getting lame runes here really getting lame runes super rosy green upper yeah fair share for sure and obviously if you find something like a lem rune or something later making a treachery would be really dope you know there's there's a lot of great in between uh runes for this character and then and armors and stuff and we're pretty much always on the if it gives some good ias it's good is skills is skills this is a youtube guide yeah yeah we can we can move on i mean people in the youtube comments have definitely said they don't mind the farming of the builds um like i say while i'm trying to get uh whatever stuff i i don't mind it either three open socket a little slower though thanks to but i can't the farming helps us catch up when playing yeah exactly and like i say oh yeah a lot of people will be playing and stuff and and doing this farming and and whatnot so it gives you someone to do it with you race to level 99 my dude good luck thanks tubo and death lord do you prefer b-net maps or static ssf maps i mean i like both honestly when i did the holy grail contest with three moth we did b-net maps on our holy grail characters and i honestly thought it was pretty fun kind of enjoyed but for like lk farming and stuff know it's nice to just have have your set stuff know where you want to go you know can learn your boss groups and things as well impossible is it hard to sync my lips with the person voicing my youtube it's the same that's ridiculous [Music] y'all know what time it is it's gg amulet time hey we got one got a soul let's go okay let's put our amazing amulet on and let's check out the charm tend to life not worth it in a grand charm too much space keep pumping up that and we're pretty much max on exploding arrow obviously we have some fire arrow for added but otherwise we're looking pretty good there and more vitality i got a soul but i'm not a soldier [Music] i can't yeah we're doing sorceress for that race what does three doll runes make is it a hell rune gosh darn it i was really hoping it wasn't the hell but i knew it was no three hells makes an io i knew it was the answer i just wanted somebody to tell me it was something else anything else yeah three shales equals dole so you can see we've already found what two doll runes which is above the shale sometimes you just get stuff you need sometimes you don't you know but i mean it's not terrible leveling down here and you can also adjust the player count if you really feel like it uh to increase the player count make it harder just make sure you turn it off when you kill the countess and then you're good to go impossible why do you have to turn a player count on count uh otherwise she drops bad drops the way her drops are is kind of the reverse you need to have good um good stuff there now we do have enough thul runes and this is why it's also good to keep all these chips because we have three full runes and what does that make chat all together now amro there you go you guys were you guys almost were saying it not zod nope so now we have the am rune so if we want to make that edge we can make the edge um if we want to make the honor now we have that for honor and we have the soul as well so we could do that for the mercenary um [Music] yeah and there's a lot of good stuff and then here's insight ralph tear towel sole and i think this will be a honestly a big best use of our soul rune right now because giving this to a mercenary we get meditation aura which is huge for this build then he also gets really good ed some in damage good attack rating blah blah blah i mean it's a very um very very good early rune word and even late runeword um so i kind of want to use that there because i feel like that'll be a big boost to the mercenary yes we could also use it for our uh not the melody then we need a shell for that um we could use it for our lore helm or soul plus one all skill i mean this is a great helm and i definitely would like to get this um yes it could also be used for uh what other not edge melody where's melody at there it is no what am i thinking there's one other whatever maybe i'm maybe i'm not thinking of another one honor thank you yes honor a gift for you yo lama looking forward to d2 resurrected and lots of content from you so he could do that following you through years and appreciate your dedication to this masterpiece of a game i think less than three appreciate that yeah so yeah it could be in the honor yeah it could be for um was harmony soul rune as well sounds plausible [Music] harmony is soul and co yeah i mean harmony would be nice with the vigor and honestly with the added damage but the lack of is really is gonna hurt a lot on the character thank you sabre so i feel like we're at a melody or edge um is where i would be also most people are not going to have a co-rune at this point at all that was the weirdest random co-rune ever i can't but ammo it's dear soul but yeah getting that insight will be really big for this girl so like i kind of say i mean i kind of don't mind farming down here it's really great experience you get your runes it's nice it's a nice nice time do i plan win it or full screen this is a nice little window you're seeing right here been watching a lot of your yt content lately in preparation for next week nice i really appreciate that also love the change to your green screen i do miss the butthole painting though much love just a flower thank you wow i mean what are these drops you guys we're getting the io runes and the doll runes but we can't find the stupid ooh do i have an f storm guild i probably do but let's double check these are way too high of the runes i mean there's almost a guarantee that i do way too high i oh dole dole io gosh dang it you guys keep messing with my mind um i'm actually gonna put another point into pierce getting a couple points in pierce is super nice hi lola should i write a book on what is wrong with cybersec infosec having never held a job in it yeah maybe increase players so i get worse drops right that's what i'm saying man what's going on do you use nos belt for this when you find one for more pierce i mean razor tail would be like the the best belt then you get that 100 pierce that'd be that'd be crazy nosferatu's is also good but i i prefer razor yeah pits did i try the milk and peanut butter thing putting crunchy peanut butter and smooth milk in my mouth no i did i did not by the way if you have a team that is going to be racing for world's first bail kill and or uber skill let me know if you're streaming or someone on your team is streaming uh we already did that txc and then uh i can have method follow you guys around and keep track of your position in the race razor tail says 33 is it bugged no it's 100 pierce when you mix it with your chance with your pure skill when you get pierced up to 67 who else is on my team unsullied nano taiyo bt lav um jim uh we're missing one aren't we maybe two there thank you world's first happened years ago this is d2r okay let's go ahead and make an edge join my army of the dead best two rune words for physics and in which space tal am this is also a very very cheap rune word we could get another amaroon in the future um and that would also work for us perfectly fine right can't finish nightmare today yeah um that would also work for us perfectly fine so best known for physical boson i mean i really liked uh that harmony honestly that was a really nice one so yeah we can just have edge there for now and uh then if we want to adjust i guess i can keep that temporarily if we want to adjust if we want to make that melody or whatever it is later then we can do that um and let's also go back to let's go to nightmare really fast because i know this map and get the outer cloister and then we can go make the insight for our mercenary finally got that thorns aura that we were all waiting for i'm super pumped for d2r hearing you talking about your grail sword has me wondering if a grail wind druid is reasonable any thoughts superior composite bow there's another there's a four open socket if we want to make one of those come on grab the demon knight sash that's another potential imbue in case the one that gets really bad excuse me father llama i'm quite baffled at how low level you are at the moment grill windrud it's okay i'm like level 55 when i finish normal 18 act 1 30 act 2 maybe more 36 after acts 3 and 4. i'm always going to be under level by the way compared to what most of you guys will be okay we can get rid of that and we'll keep this guy and this over here and now let's go back to normal really fast and this came in act one of nightmare so it should get four sockets it's also item level 36 because we can see that so four sockets hello and then inside is row tier towel sole but let's just always look and double check ralph here town soul ral i don't have a tyrone what oh it's level level 12 meditation i sneezed guys let a man sneeze ugh well that's the worst karma uh so we'll give that to our mercenary and act too we could hall it basically but then we don't have another soul rune for it unless we reached into our magical box an edge viper magie or should i save it for like a breath at some point nah don't don't my java's on don't waste it huge waste i can't thanks emre big old waste right there we'll set that so we can come back and get the imbue quest later and once again you can save that imbue quest like we talked about in normal or you can uh use it on your run because they're easy to get just depends if you're doing this for like a character you want to take forward and yada yada or if it's something that you're you know just like saving for later right but here you can also see that fire arrow does fantastic still and it'll be fantastic for a lot of nightmare hello after d2 release are you going to start doing sponsored runs again um it'll definitely vary a little bit it's hard to say exactly uh but i mean i'm gonna be pretty focused on d2r and i could definitely do some sponsor runs like earlier in d2r because after a little bit i'm just going to be chilling because i'm going to be going for world first 99 on ladder but we don't know when the ladder is going to be yet so depending on their answer for like when the ladder is i think i'll have a big effect you know it's kind of the main thing i'm we're waiting for how does this september thing work it's 20 off all subs in september gifted and um just your own subs i think you can also get a discount if you extend your sub or do like a long sub but i'm not a thousand percent certain on that also repairing doesn't replenish the quantity in your arrows it's pretty annoying i wish that was something that it did no closed rider on ladder on release no they're gonna wait until they kind of get the game a little more stable what about discount on your prime sub is there any amazon prime discount thing going on yep you can sell errors to restock them like i just did there ugh man she really is so good and we're not even running peace or any of the like super gt stuff right now you know lore peace we don't have any of that running we're literally just shooting stuff off and we're kind of like medium leveled at best yeah a lot of people sleep on this character for sure so i i definitely think this is a fantastic one to uh to run this is only nightmare calm down yeah i mean obviously it'll get harder in hell it always does it'll get harder even later in nightmare but honestly by that point especially if we've got freezing arrow rocking freezing arrow actually does a really good job in hell it's pretty impressive so the biggest issue that this character has is just bosses boss kill is just slow yeah cold is good versus a lot of hell the only part of hell that cold really struggles in i'd say is act five pretty there's a lot of cold in act five but there's not a lot of fire immune in act five so our tv tries to charge required for hell maggot with both on no remember we're running dual uh spec on this one right so i kind of want to run both of them and and then not have to worry about all that stuff our magic muni's a thing yeah but they're immune to magic damage not magic damage does that make any sense like the actual damage type of magic gosh dang it does somebody have the video can one of the mods link the video i made about how magic is it's such a mess because everything is different you have magic damage magic damage magic damage reduced percent magic damage reduced like i mean all the stuff and every single way that it's referenced is something else magic resistant which is different than magic immune it just it just gets cold fire light poison is elemental yeah but they listed it as magic still in some cases so sometimes it includes the poison sometimes it doesn't i'm pretty sure in the definition of like conviction it says reduces the resistances of magic magic resistances but it doesn't reduce poison it's all a giant mess um okay let's go get the waypoint just because hey it could be a great farming spot right and let's put one more point in pierce there because pierce is really nice am i done to streamline how those things work in the future yeah i mean if they want to fix that up i would not be post make it a little easier gotta farm those sojs that's right i mean nightmare and dario and nightmare mephisto once again mephisto and dario are always really solid farming spots so always recommended if you really want to farm up some gear get some sort of canopy frozen piece get some uh you know i mean there's so many things that you could really want with it get those sojs get a raven frost whatever but finding some sort of cannot be frozen pieces is definitely a nice nice piece of it let's go yeah we're gonna we're gonna burn through nightmare now we're just gonna be sorry flying is a ghost armor good for cannot be frozen you're talking about spirit shroud yeah it's great you also get plus to skill on it so that's even better for this character right we love plus two skills so pindle dropped song for me yesterday that's big man nice find once again is campy frozen always 100 necessary on this character no but does it help yeah it's nice still it's still nice there's still a lot of range monsters and stuff that are going to be hitting us with cold good night yeah now you can see where our character kind of starts to fall off a little bit damage and i mean she's got terrible fire res and we're still not doing a ton of damage to her this part definitely gets a little worse hey ordeal you are so serious smile all right ah rare ring and a composite bow darn greetings i mean 50 is technically better than 35. we lose a little bit of attributes we lose some of the mana per kill which kind of stinks but massive is we don't really care about anything else on this bow deadly strike and whatever blah blah blah but it shoot real fast and we like that 90 attack rating five already four life steal i don't even know if it's worth more than that ring honestly i'm gonna say no and it does have 10 all res which is true that's a good point we also like the 10 all res because we are running without a shield obviously and uh so that's helpful for our for our resistances there so we'll take it merce oh yeah it's mercenary time so we're gonna be going for a holy freeze mercenary once again that's going to be best on the defensive mirse um take those two pieces sure and mirage uh might aura would also be like okay but it's not gonna be for us it would just be for his damage which isn't a terrible thing either oh he won't be able to use that yet that's right um 113 67 let's see what he has 92 69 so if we give him a strength how so many hours my index man i don't have any strength does it happen to you any recommendation uh if it starts hurting rest it that's always my recommendation okay we just need to get him some some strength so let's get them a random pipe to start and then we'll just try and level them up a little bit and or level ourselves up a little bit as well and we can go from there thank you real not here perfect life total we can also bug him i'm just scared he's gonna die here before yeah saw that one coming this is like the one place we need to get away from first but that was also cold enchanted beetles which is just gonna be terrible extra damage so he he had no chance there but it's okay we've got it stored on him now so he's he's holding on to it and once we level up a couple more times we can actually just go buy a higher level mercenary um and then if we can find like a flawless amethyst or something we could make him a little strength helm to wear thank you foxy treachery i mean i'd love to give them treachery sure but that's a bit later but yes we will we will deck him out so that in bug him so that he doesn't die once he actually gets to a point that matters but really just hiring a new guy is going to be the best bet because he was very low level bozon vs jabson i mean honestly i really like the boson like javazon is the better end game clear character everything like that technically is faster but boson's great man people sleep on elemental bow physical bows kind of tough physical bow is definitely a little tough oh it's great fam fan burglar great great great very happy about the trap sinfix those are all the bugs that we were hoping they would fix you know am i so using stealth today i switched to pierce i have not put a pierce on i just have my stealth because i didn't find the shell rune and i didn't want chat to get too angry about yelling about cheating or anything pvp and i think pvp bosons are better yeah the more sought chat's never angry and calls me out on cheating of course big strength so once again also this is a time where if you really feel like it you can set your players count higher if you feel like you're murdering things maybe we'll go to players three and uh try and get a little more experience while we're kind of playing through this area you know why not i can't hmm boson's actually nice here beautiful beautiful the next i asked for 75 and 142. i think i'm at 70 ias yeah i don't think this has boosted us up yet to the next ies breakpoint put all those points there i still like this bow a lot for the 10 all rez yeah this is actually not a bad character for this area not a terrible character at all and gear i'm looking to upgrade soon i i want to oh yeah we need to imbue the belt i'd like to upgrade the helm and the armor i mean honestly like i said if we went and did more countess runs we could upgrade even more gear there i just don't want to like have everybody sit there and be like all right you know we don't need to do three hours to count us now but honestly that would be probably the best thing for this character just get a couple shell runes and call it gucci you know so highly recommended for your guys characters highly recommended [Music] amazon teleport frames are painful oh yeah they're horrible absolutely miserable frames you cannot rely on her teleport much at all in this game will be exploded explosive and freezing arrow oh ice is a fantastic bow late game for this character yeah especially if you're gonna really stick into that freezing arrow did i break my leg yeah i broke my ankle not the most fun you're really short on gold i need to pick some gold up or just sell some things i mean running light source through nightmares is gonna be a little bit painful you can but i mean it's okay it's not like end of the world painful i'd rather run cold at that point but paradox thank you light source usually needs a lot of plus skills to really kind of start doing well there but she'll be okay how did the american medical system treat me uh the bills still many of them have yet to come so waiting on on bills more and more bills win force versus faith has been the age-old debate i mean faith is a higher max damage win for i mean win force is a higher max damage faith is pretty much everything else attack ratings skills all the other stuff fanaticism [Music] from a pure dislike max damage standpoint when force is gonna outperform it no health insurance i mean i have health insurance but this is america even with health insurance your deductibles your co-pays oh yeah just stepping foot into the hospital cost me a thousand dollars cope like copay that's like my portion of it you know not like that'll then get tossed around and stuff out of network no it's an in-networker hospital and network impossible that's just the price of going to a hospital my insurance sucks well i have to have market insurance because i don't have a job with like an insurance you know i don't like covers or anything so yeah i pay 350 a month to my insurance so that when i get bills and stuff i pay all the bills it's a lovely system we have a great time okay we'll go more vitality hello and [Music] we got a little more strength there morph that we're level 38 and let's see what's around for hire not a single defensive mercenary amazing will that respawn them at all i don't think so just amazing thanks prime that was a bit ago we did that how'd i break michael i was rock climbing and a i fail ever sell the tax issues from oklahoma yeah they kept my money for like eight months but eventually they gave it back to me the funny thing is though they admitted that they were wrong eventually they were like okay fine we were wrong we'll have your money to you within like eight like 90 business days or something so then they kept it for like another three months before they finally gave it back like what that's my money give me my money did i get interest of course not i mean it's kind of like banks in america right your money is never like good to you for three to five business days we could easily have your money available to you immediately but they want to keep your money for a couple extra days it's probably true that's like one of my least favorite things it's just like so painfully obvious and annoying no like if you get if you deposit you know whatever money or you get something transferred or sent to you or whatever it is it'll take multiple days before you can access that money in your account so yeah every bank does it so it's super annoying because you could get like money that you deposit into your account and i mean i don't have this happen because i'm not living paycheck to paycheck and not at like that point where i have whatever there but there will literally be people that will get money put into their account deposit it in then they go and they make a purchase with the debit card and they get an overdraft fee because the money didn't hit their account yet even though like that's technically their money gift for you god morning doesn't matter though so yeah people get screwed on that one a lot i mean there could be direct deposits or whatever things right there's just a there's a lot of ways that money can go to your account that it takes many days getting injured in america everybody knows it a big no-no there that is true anyways what's your track record for first per second waiting in a guided play through ask because i don't want to lose all my eo dolls well it's already third or fourth so third way third way it um yeah so like i went and stayed at a hotel and the hotel charges me you know they put they put the card and they like do incidentals right they're like hey it'll be like thirty dollars for incidentals and it's like okay and then after that it takes them a few days before they send your money back to you if you didn't mess anything up and then after that your bank will take another multiple days before your bank gives you the money anyways back so if you when you can put money down for incidentals it could be like eight business days before you actually get your money back which like i say isn't a big issue because i'm not keeping paycheck to paycheck money in there but for many people who that's all they have that's a massive issue i think i'll hold my money for eight days oh god nobody likes to give money back and like i say this is really something that affects the people that it hurts the most like it does not affect me because you know if they take a little bit to put the thirty dollars back i have another thirty dollars in there that i can use whenever but not enough geez thomas do i miss the punch barb no you know fun well he lasted happy it's over you think so kenton cool the payday loan scams make it all even worse it should be illegal dang uber oh yeah i mean that's really good awful all right now we're going to get into durial fight which is going to be a little bit annoying careful llama if you start considering how these policies affect people other than yourself they might start changing in ways that stop hurting people that's a good point actually crap good point good point so again we're gonna chug a lot of failing potions so this is nine minutes now of that that we have get us those res and uh now comes the long fight so of course you can just have him jam into the wall and of course you can identify him to death as well if you would really like a gift for you how's nightmare balazon going good state dreamer now you could also get yourself a lower resistance one if you want to help out with some of these you know not a terrible idea stop identifying yourself stop identifying yourself it is actually just going to be slower though to identify with this bow and i'm pretty sure [Applause] thank you seth thank you anti thanks for identifying him to death you gave the people what they want oh it can hey resonating how you doing exclamation mark swap casting if you want to know how we identified him to death darn so close i mean it really is a long slog of a fight bosses like i said are just terrible for you duriel had been having a mid-life crisis really just terrible truly was thank god our fearless valazon came to his rescue to help him identify his true self thank goodness any funny swap cast i can finish him with i mean i think the identify is the funniest one in my opinion i always loved that one right a virgin cocktail maybe sometimes who are you dario who question we've all wondered a gift for you practice sat nice to work 11 am your time see you then mr llama happy yep i'm good for that one thanks jim uh five to strength could give that to the merc canary i know i usually make a joke at your expense but none of that today thank you how are you today nice shirt you look good in it do they make it for men i'm sorry i couldn't help myself wow really that's really nice i keep my sanders but very very solid stream practice yeah okay and let's keep pumping that real mature where are the okay do we need to do this first and then hire i mean where's my defensive mercenaries at how am i spawning these new mercenaries that are defensive i guess we're recreating the game get more vita higher defensive 36 perfect oh 37 wait make sure you drop the items off first though um okay that joke didn't even make sense you're wearing just a regular shirt i'm sorry i'm really slipping i'll try better i don't have enough gold killing me come here is on okay it's got 108 strength we need 113 strength on him is that right okay so let's do this and now insight perfect we did it oh yeah barb swap cast gets all crazy and just like that congratulations you have made it to act three a nightmare good job you guys flying through it we did not imbue the belt yet let's go and view good to see you give yourselves the clap not great two to life five to fire as pretty annoying obviously better than any of that but overall pretty weak versus nine strength short i mean that's why i literally just like shove random stuff in a helmet for him you know um is there anything else i want to give him i could give him some resistance against like fire or something maybe let's give him a round i can't use that all those things we found one tier room we stole one thanks okay and also it is going to be time to uh bug him here very shortly so we can work on getting over there but for now just focus on run through the jungle killing some baddies the uge and we are a little short on golds let's grab a couple gold thingies i crippled hey only one ankle's broken we're still kind of moving around okay so i don't really want him to die here because those scooters are very nasty so we're gonna do the magic secret this is called bugging your mercenary you go to the inner cloister you go up here you go down there and you shut them in and you come over here and wait and just like that he's bugged now he doesn't get targeted probably a fact so the mobs will just go go around all right good call mercenary you go you cover that side i'll cover this side is that still working d2r as far as i am aware it does weird bug that's all i got for you just a weird bug if you die he unbugs if you leave the game he unbugs if he dies he unbugs so [Music] mr david h on youtube bozon video youtube comments are youtube comments man you just really get a whole whole thing over there i can't did they say if they're fixing vibrant poison clouds i we i mean we brought it up to them i can't oh thank you you also broke your ankle i'm sorry it's not a fun time let's get a little gold i mean it's like the layers for every layer that you extract further away there's an exponential increase in the the hate and the like safety people feel i can't like if a person is in front of you you know in real life the chances of them saying something so mean and nasty very low then you go to twitch where they're here but like there's a screen between us but it is live so i'm technically right here and can read an answer it calms many people down there's still plenty of people who troll and are just rude and whatever stuff but you know it has some effect did you eat for your dad's dinner and did you pay for it like a well-mannered and heartwarming child i did pay for it um i had a burger it was very good though it was like a little upscale joint but then you go to youtube and now they get the in-between layer but also the thing that it's not live so you can't immediately respond to what they're saying and i mean it's just a skyrocket for for the nastiness and comments thanks slowpoke thanks korean it just skyrockets it's amazing absolutely amazing so yeah every every layer you remove it's kind of like with money you know like if i'm paying for something and i have to pay with cash i'm so much more aware than if i'm paying with like a credit card which has that layer of extraction so much less painful to pay with a credit card so much easier to spend money and then if i'm using like poker chips it's even less so because i'm just like tossing the chips in the middle making the call or whatever and it's like 227 dollars to call but it's just some chips you know it's crazy how fast your parents pay for groceries in cash for the exact reason yeah i mean honestly it's like a very smart tactic by just like the united states the world the whatever like to help with the you know get people to spend money and stimulate the economy more and whatever just extrapolate it make it so it's not cash chips aren't real money they don't feel like they are and that's the problem they really trick you thank you race what's the worst rune word in d2 myth was was pretty garbage there i i think myth is the one we decided was was the worst i mean yeah you can put it on a character for battle orders for a short period of time until you get something better man thank you i can't carry anymore so here's where i'm at for upcoming content i mean leaving the gold standard was fine that needed to happen currency needs to have inflation to it it otherwise it just becomes a mess it becomes an asset not a currency um but we need to get in that wow thanks for the ring amazing um so no no so here's here's what we have upcoming for everybody i am going to be focusing to do a lot of thanks pro cow um i'm gonna get all of my guides i think ported over tomorrow also i'm doing an event tomorrow i don't know if i'm allowed to talk about it or not yet thank you supa i don't know if i'm allowed to talk about the event if it's public or not yet so there's an event tomorrow at 2pm us central so i'll be on and i'll be doing that um and then i mean i probably can but i just i just want to be safe you know uh not a not a diablo event but it will be a fun event um and then after that on i'm going to probably try and get the rest of my guides all pushed uh over to icy veins so that by the weekend though we can publish them all there we can start doing like the final touches on them on the site and publish them um at the same time i'm going to try and start getting every build a uh video um guide as well so you'll have both the text and the video guide itself um i would love your guys thoughts on that um icy veins how come instead max roll uh because i see veins was willing to pay me for my guides and maxwell was not i'm be honest about it that was it um money talks yeah like you i don't have enough i don't have time to write a bunch of guides for for nothing you know at the same time i think my work has worth and is worth being paid um have you ever seen anything in a mod or had an idea that you thought should have been in the vanilla game but wasn't uh did i pick up the brain i did that was weird it's like i don't feel like i did um ever seen that should be in the vanilla but wasn't i i like the the crafting senpai has in season three i think that kind of could have been cool in the vanilla game i mean some people would say like rune stacking and things like that i i think that stuff could be all right i'm i'm i'm okay without it but i understand what the appeal of being able to stack rooms and gems and things i definitely think there's definitely some value to them and they could be nice um impossible but i don't know i mean i feel like the vanilla game really has a lot of stuff right hey moo how you doing thanks pandamoonium oh pandumonium sorry thank you thank you more stash tabs i mean yes and no i really like one stash tab because i think it's fun in the game to like i think it's definitely part of the game to run around and try and like figure out what you want to keep what you don't what you have space for at the same time i think once you beat the game yeah just give me like more stash tabs you know like a character should be able to unlock stash tabs or something i really like spending time on on inventory management and on stash and what do i want to keep in here for later what do i want to get rid of i think it's an interesting idea it's like dark souls and having weight in a bag and stuff you know like to me that's that's interesting i think it's very good for a play-through of a game and it makes it a little more realistic to me as well makes you think some but like i say yeah once i've kind of got it all done it's like okay now i'm ready to just rock and roll anyways so now that we've got that we're here at the lower cross and what do we say with the lower keras is always a yummy yummy fun thing to do grab the waypoint and you can farm the lk for gems runes charms all that stuff literally just go to players eight and push every single stash every single log every skeleton all this stuff you can just crack open all these things you'll find tons of bases yada yada you can also find um the super chest if you find the fire i have a whole video on on lower cross farming but you can just run around here and press a bunch of things and you'll find a lot of decent things there's a charm right there great place to farm if you ever feel like you want to get a few more things and here are the super chest that one this one and this one right here there's also always a weapon rack right here and an armor rack right over here ooh sharks getting gloves so you can just run around and pop all that stuff and it's just a great place to to get there you go i mean there's another charm right to just get a lot of cool gg things anything about item filter diablo 2 doesn't need an item filter there's so few instances where it actually would be like needed this is also well nightmare great marsh is technically the first place to drop skill or grand charms to run cows as a job but he is there with conviction but doesn't interfere with the grouping uh but in the restaurant how's it going it doesn't fit grouping yeah yeah i can totally be good to do it doesn't get in the way of everything for sure for sure i can't carry anymore and two to max damage 21 to life it's not terrible not amazing let's check out these gloves 10 is 27 fire res 9 dexterity those aren't bad i will keep the gloves i have but those are nice still no this is on p1 i switched it back and one thing to note is in the curse bazaar you're always once again looking for the temple facing this direction that will always have the lame essence tomb in it i used to always be confused when i was growing up playing which one would have it go back here get all this stuff sell these things sell that sell the staff always good to pick up those sorts of items just to get some money if you're ever feeling a little low on it yes you grew up shut up mom and fire as six percent seven to life i mean they're not great charms i'll probably get rid of those later on but there's something try crafting some gloves yeah i mean could be nice and we'll go more stats and more vitality and back to the sewers [Music] don't want to grow up i feel that man i feel that it's awful no they they got rid of name rarity no more farming and selling names and sitting on names forever which i'm not sure how i feel about it i know a lot of people will steal the name mr lomas c and then pretend to be me and scam people so that part i'm not super happy about but at the same time it was kind of cool you know if you got a really fun name for your character and spending hours just going through random things trying to get a cool name impossible do i really think it'd be the first one no but at least whatever name i got i could tell people this is my name or something i don't know and people are gonna do it anyways in whatever maybe i could capacity blizzard to reserve it for me or something console and pc play uh i felt like melee characters were honestly decent on console or controller i mean a lot of characters seem pretty good on controller i'm not gonna lie join my army heading off for the night just remember just a rebrand to mr llama d2 so you can finally become a starcraft pro it's a smart idea thank you very much all right let's hope our mercenary doesn't die to uh travel now i need a key gosh dang healers stop healing each other god they're so annoying thank you ripley thank you ron do what you find fun i mean honestly yeah that's that's really the best advice for it it's just you know make sure you're having a good time while you're playing and that's kind of why i try and do a lot of these guided playthroughs into alternate builds that aren't just the meta and why i'm also showing a lot of ooh that's nice i kind of want to run this the frost nova instructs 16 life 25 light res i think i'm gonna run it uh 27 life 10 hit recovery is also decent but i don't want to lose the slots thank you laser flip get some more errors um but yeah i really try and do a lot of these so it's just like people can see that you can run a variety of things and you'll be okay build is totally fine now once again are you gonna get world's first stuff with it no probably not but you probably weren't anyways right so play play what you think is fun have have a good time go from there and what i really love and once again this isn't just this this is d2 overall as a whole what i really love about this game repeating crossbow wow is how fun it is to play all the different builds they're actually they're actually really nice i mean i kind of want to run a doomslinger now what's the pierce attack actually worth on doomslinger 50 let me check uh 35. um okay it is a repeating crossbow though so that'd be 50 ias i do get plus one skill though and piercing attack it's very tempting how much will that slow me down what's the what's the wsm zero on it on a repeating crossbow what is it no god i hate dolls see you in hell the pierce is very nice bitty thank you thank you tech greetings and that's why you always run away from dolls minus 40. wait what minus 30 is the maximum i'm pretty sure hello okay let's bug the mercenary again wiki says minus 40. there's no way a gift for you hiya llama man i thought i thought nothing was faster than than a phase blade at minus 30. hi bunny thank you how's your stream biddy ah fresh meat huh well i guess let's give it a look and see we'll put a little dexterity in just to try it out i mean getting the extra is already pretty nice on it right i can't thanks bitty appreciate that good luck good luck all right well okay we'll put it on but yeah i mean the thing is even still it has piercing attack and plus one to skills which is very nice for our character which also increases our points and pierce anyway so that's going to put us at like 85 pierce which is super nice now this is also once again another great way point to get once again farming bosses isn't always great because it will take a long time you will notice that now like this is not going to be a fast kill of mephisto magical chain gloves why am i making magical chain gloves what would be the most enjoyable i mean there's so many that's the thing it's like what kind of characters do you enjoy playing and want to play and stuff like it it's so hard to say i love so many so many builds in diablo 2 for so many different reasons barbarians great for battle orders for your teammates and taking your time and having a great great like time being slow and positioning yourself well through the game this character is really fun because you get to be a little archer girl and she actually does pretty well decent damage simon necro is great if you want chill have the minions to kind of protect your party a little bit more yeah i mean there's so many traps in is pretty noob friendly elemental druid is decently noob friendly um the necros are almost all except poison are pretty noob friendly uh yeah a lot of a lot of good options there so of course you can try and fight him straight up or you can just do the run around this is the easiest way come after for sure but then he just uh long shot him it's actually usually better i'd say to kind of get him up in here and like down in this path kind of like like doing that more i feel like he it's a little bit better get a few more hits from this direction but yeah i mean mephisto cheese is classic diablo cheese man doom slinger will be two frames slower oh that is a lot of frames there's a lot of frames slower plus one skills and piercing is nice two frames is a lot though i'm gonna say ultimately not worth it but all the pierce later would be very nice and that's with 50 ias you're saying right right now i'm running 70 iais and i'll have 50 with doomslinger definitely worst part of the amazon definitely definitely right here getting yourself some gloves made with some crafted crushing blow can be helpful a little bit hey bez how you doing but uh yeah this is her this is her weak point killing a bus amazon basin is the best info page a lot of the other ones have bugs wrong info all sorts of stuff what do i think about the set gear you know mavina set is actually really good for a frost maiden actually a really solid budget build thank you yo soy crushing blow ranged penalty it's half as effective from ranged and then half as effective on bosses as well [Laughter] dang it i sold out of my arrows venus home so rare i mean it's a set diadem it's mildly rare but oh no it's not that crazy in my books i need mana exclamation mark gear to see my gear um blade wow got the bladey guys wrong character wrong character blades on something like that uh yeah i mean gotta love spectral shard though right 50 fcr baby also a little one-to-bone crossbow skills but you can definitely see here you start getting into really high requirements which makes it just not really worth it to run these things but congratulations everybody you know what time it is give yourselves the clap you have just beat act three of nightmare well done and we're level 42 so we're really rocking we're rocking baby let's go see what rune we can get let's see what the lord diablo will bless us with i know valkyrie i mean you can run a valkyrie it's not really needed right now but you can definitely run it later and especially if you get a piece um could be nice for that no crossbow i need 50 dexterity to put the crossbow on thanks dark impossible honestly finding two bows that are actually mildly okay and usable is kind of crazy uh okay let's grab our mercenary and i don't think i actually want to bug him right now kind of want to keep him not bugged kremlin how are you doing so that we can do usual because if he's not bugged then he'll actually tank his will for me which is pretty nice i can't thanks for topsy yeah we need a tiny bit more is to get i can't next frame impossible there we go much better you bet he feels much stronger now that's kind of what i was betting as well this is p1 yeah he's looking a lot stronger mercenary can still die when he's bugged he just doesn't get targeted by melees which helps a lot don't don't you'd be happy if they fixed the next hit always mrs bug i think we all would that's one that they said that they weren't fixing initially there i'm still gonna hold out hope that somebody in here gives them a little nudge to fix it you just made a massive post about that an hour ago on reddit oh my god i was streaming um what does the post say we can do a post review after this but what's the give me the tldr that's it's essentially was like mr llama smells thanks for coming hey wait a second no stupid amazon teleport frames so bad pretty hard yeah that sounds about right i'm gonna be honest i pre-ordered because of it honestly you'd probably get a lot of people on the llama hate train that would pre-order if y'all said that to be fair the boot does smell oh yeah the boots atrocious don't put your nose down there every time i have to take it off the shower it's just like the worst thing ever do you get a sample of his scent well i have my cologne la musk for the gamer in you can always buy that i can i'm coming up with the new clone boot by llama it's true butcher smokey salted sultry seductive [Laughter] i'd buy it yeah that sells right next to the bathwater section what fast front does the boot provide minus 20 i just try to not get hit but yeah weapon swapping to get out of being stunned used to be a thing we'll see what happens because they reverted it for uh in beta and alpha it was still the same and then in beta they changed it so i don't know which way it'll be for the launch how goes the dating profile uh i adjusted it but no no hits yet ooh there's a stag bow so there we go now we're now we're getting into some of the stuff we're talking about so you got a stag bow with plus two to bone crossbow skills a gift for you morning all cohv love to see it so that's the sort of stuff that we really like to see so now what do we do we come over here and we go to our uh where did i have that and nope was it here okay we go here we go to stagbow and it's going to be five open sockets this will get five open sockets because we're in nightmare act four which is gonna be everything there will be maximum right there so we can then go over here and we can look at the rune words and is there anything that's gonna fit in a five socket is this all melee weapons or any weapon yeah melee weapons [Music] honestly just doing like a bunch of shell runes in that would be really nice cta yeah i mean most of the bows are gonna be four sockets that we would really be wanting so that's a bit unfortunate hey mr titan i always see you in chat chilling writing little hearts and people sub and stuff appreciate it um [Applause] mr underscore titan 147. that's four and that's i mean what are you what are you talking about uh yeah i don't know if there's any good five open socket that i can think of off top my head let's put that over there for now i don't know if there is what do you need but it has to be cheap cheap you guys i mean we have to be able to afford it here so no jaw runes or anything like that cta is really on the five socket yeah i mean there's really really not a lot so like i say it would probably honestly be best to just shove a bunch of shell runes in that plus to the bow and crossbow skills with shale runes like get crazy attack speed 100 100 is plus two bow and crossbow skill we could also of course just do the recipe for sockets and risk it what would the recipe be for the stag bow yeah we're gonna just have to gamble for sockets and see if we get a three or a four socket and then we can put something in there we could also get two sockets and put a zephyr in there and that wouldn't be terrible we could go we'll see what we get up here um ow stop being cold enchanted so annoying i need my mercenary here to help us with this holy freeze bringing her vest to the chaos sanctuary yeah we figured he could join us here get him reasoned really what's this bo this is just rogue bow well they have a force toggle aura for the mercenary why would you want to turn off oh you mean to force it on i mean they just need to fix the bug so it doesn't take so long to turn on uh gold thank you can you make a cta bow sure perfect amethyst ah lumroon all right we can make a smoke smoke's nice it'll help with the resistances later on in the game we'll save that for now perfect amethyst gives us a chance for rolling so we just need an amron oh yeah we got warlord's trust that's right we have one thought row okay yeah we got a little work to do on that still could also just steal it over from our other stuff if we wanted because once again this is all just running normal or nightmare countess runs over and over again for the sake of playing fast ah karma again we got karma again so yeah five shell runes and that's gg okay let's do the chaos sanctuary shall we fresh meat slick 34 gifted a tier 1 sub to grief peepee thanks slick that's what you get for cheating you're welcome youtube twice man a 12 meditation and a five socket bow not our day now for cast sanctuary feel to free to go as fast or as slow to get in here taking your time is never [Music] a terrible idea also killing these oblivion nights is definitely in your best interest to save your mercenary and help yourself out from getting frozen and stuff this is also a great place if you expect in the freezing bow to do that so i'm almost debating right now just specking over into into freezing bow now or freezing arrow excuse me not though i think he feels stronger do you think it's worth buying d2r uh on the ps5 i mean the console is gonna be not as good as the pc in my opinion that being said controller still played really well if you're gonna play single player with it or offline mode i think it's totally worth it um online without lobbies and stuff like for me that would be kind of a deal breaker i feel like i'd really really want lobbies there but mercenary you can you can go fight dudes oopsies hmm let's get some arrows yeah our mercenary is doing a lot of the work right now let's see yeah we might as well go respect now kind of feels around the time okay i can try to go to 50 dexterity for you guys and i still do want to put some points into energy just for a little bit of mana it's actually really helpful strength wise i think we're good um 40 strength needed you can try we'll try it out just for you guys since it dropped for us we'll smash out freezing arrow i'm gonna put four points into pierce there and then let's do cold arrows like that and i want to start adding some to exploding arrows so we can start really working that up and then everything else can go here oh it's definitely slower but the pierce is very can't carry nice definitely slower though a gift for you i am so hyped for d2r we can't wait to watch you make us plebs look like noobs just one more week nah it'll be great i mean it's not terrible you know like it's okay it's okay the piercing is nice it's definitely slower i think ultimately the slowness really kills it and uh getting a shell rune is gonna be our best bet so yeah it's it's not quite there fastbows just always end up being better unfortunately just been able to pound dudes that much faster and that's why we have a mercenary for those times fast bow on the mana drain yeah i mean it definitely drains the mana a little bit more so i put some points in energy and you know but yeah i mean doomslinger wasn't a terrible bow though yeah i i still think overall d2r will be worth it on console still a really great experience and being able to play it on console will be a ton of fun the lobby thing is definitely a small i mean it's a big issue but definitely something that kind of sucks but i don't think it takes away from how like fun it's gonna be still you know still gonna be a really good time it'll be a different experience though that'll be the big thing it's not gonna be the experience that is the same as the pc bump and freezing arrow up try and keep diablo facing away from your mercenary so your mercenary can actually get some damage in double team um you go from behind i'll take the front no mercenary don't walk through that ah fresh [Applause] mercenary no what do you mean you can stand on top of diablo and nightmare if you're right on top of him but then he'll hit me with his freezing or his cold fist and you know i don't really want to deal with that raisin just stay on him man why are you like shifting around so much yeah any any monarch is automatically gonna get four open sockets from larsak you'll never find one below i level 41. they don't start drop until hell so and just like that chat you have killed oh i love this armor ambiso's adamant wait why can't he use it oh he's only level 43 well only 43. and a long warbo i can't one to amazon skills but not very good for us we'll leave it in the trash and uh we'll keep hermosas for now poor man to enforce not even i have rogue spo and give yourselves a clap act four of nightmare donezo wow and once we get smoke our resistances should honestly be good enough for like medium and hell you know they'll be at the low to middle of hell which is great for not having a shield but the nice thing about making the switch to freezing arrow one it's good and it does a lot of damage but two it actually uh it freezes everything right so it's super super safe really nice really nice for that need to work on some crushing blow gloves soon yeah for hell bosses they'll definitely be helpful even if they only hit a few times could be nice [Music] could be nice thinking of going free zeros on it's a great build and i mean i could have even run even more damage but i've got 10 points that i shoved over into exploding error right now because i want to start working towards like hybridizing the build so we can deal with multi immunes in hell but you can totally just go straight in the frost max out cold max out freezing and then if you want to increase the freeze length you can do ice arrow i don't really feel like those points are worth it i'd rather jam up like a 20-point valk or something you know whatever what do you think about the spear amazon i don't think about her how did javazon's work with fh with uh only limited ammo you just go repair when you're ready after hell games cold is handicapped it's actually cold is still really good in a lot of hell act two you'll have a little bit of trouble um act three it's pretty darn good act four it's okay not bad at all i mean act five it'll be you know have some trouble again but and you all know what time and spot it is right chat well it's time to give him his upgrade for one it's eldridge farm time that's right yeah so as always you can always put the players count up come up here and just farm eldritch over and over again you can farm them to your heart's content have a grand old time 14 to life yeah i like that better than that let's check out our stag bow plus two with 20 ias it's kind of nice i kind of want to use that let's see how much slower it is one frame worth it a gift for you hello hello so just right there find a bow is it worth upgrading no because once again remember we're not doing the physical damage of it we're just doing the elemental damage which all comes from these skills so getting plus two to bone crossbow skills is huge it's great addition for us absolutely great we dropped one frame but we gained a lot of damage from it which was really nice keep going freezing arrow barricades always our biggest enemy [Music] teleport barricades are the silent killers exactly harmony might solve a lot of my problems i mean harmony is only adding it's adding vigor which is nice and it's adding a lot of damage but i'm losing ias so it's gonna drop down another frame or two does harmony have plus skills yo art said thank you with five gifted subs on top of your sub it's got plus three bow and crossbow on harmony no it doesn't it has nothing you would have to put it into a bow that has the sockets and blah blah whatever only if the base has it but i could shove melody or you know whatever into that base as well [Music] yeah melody i actually am liking more and more because we're getting all those plus skills zephyr's great low yeah oh boy okay nasty you do get a free valk which is helpful i mean valkyries are fantastic and you can totally run this build as just pure frost with valk and that's a fantastic build let her take care of the stuff you know did i see pez's post no we've been streaming we're gonna look at it right after this though mercenary you need to be killing dudes dude is slacking right now is the go-to crossbow it is i fantastic yeah she's she is nasty good [Music] is holy freeze murse worth the point if i'm already freezing everything i mean like i say i could give a might aura so he does a little bit more damage um but yeah it's still really nice because he'll freeze cold immunes as well which is a pretty big cell holy freeze deals cold damage and slows uh mobs and the slows is not a freeze it's uh its own slow that is not resisted by anything in the game or prevented would you ever use call to arms in a bow i mean i've seen a call to arms bow made before i didn't make it technically it could be you know not the worst thing ever like it's okay actually it's okay let's check out that uh demon hide another point freezing thank you appreciate that lin yeah i'm sure there's some pvp build character amazon where cta in a bow makes sense because you can't have the cta you know elsewhere or something i'm sure some something somewhere out there has used it in that capacity [Applause] uh thank you dress what mercy is with the fizzbow i mean the might one would be really nice but you could also use this could all see his holy freeze i i one of the two oops afternoon 16 to life why is there elbows on in the title because this boson will be going to hell okay give him that upgrade keep going someone told me that i look like pete davidson no never heard that one that's an annoying kill i can't carry anyone gross i look like post malone okay i definitely have not heard that bruh come on now prime alone there you go yes hyper oh my gosh dang it i keep forgotten forgetting to buy arrows sorry we'll get some ancients away oh boy slow it all down um yeah the guides for icy veins are very close i pumped half of them half of them over to the server today the other half will be over there tomorrow and uh yeah and then we'll just be finalizing them pretty much after that warren's been busy he helped with some but it is it's been a lot of work man it's been so much work when do i think ladder will start i mean i don't think they even know yet like i don't think they're hiding it i think they're waiting to see how servers do what the launch is like and stuff so assassin builds seem kind of lackluster yeah i mean i've always felt a little bit lackluster from her stuff but she's got some cool builds thanks putts all right what do i have in there oh rogues bow don't know let's buy another set of arrows yeah i found a 220. i like it so having a bug mercenary here definitely helps i want to really try and keep him alive if possible uh huh do this good way to separate them out tell always from the staff wow smt come here garlic come on there you go wow horlick does a lot of damage jesus garlic chill bro what is this aura what was that i can't carry anymore i didn't even see it dude it's hitting hard though it's just a prank bro buggy axes how do you get more damage more plus the skills if i had peace that'd be plus two more skills if i had lore that would be plus three more skills in total there if i was using like melody that'd be four five you know i mean just i have atlet should be even more yeah i mean just stack those plastic skills baby and you're rolling thanks andy getting some i can plus bow and crossbow gloves which honestly we can just go shop right so we should probably just do that three open socket razor bow it's another good bow to uh utilize even more decks which is a little bit annoying but please don't recommend infinity for cold source it's generally not recommended now just get them some high damage and stuff nothing up there impossible let's go ahead and grab this waypoint just for funsies [Music] grab a little gold have a bow with a lot of mana per kill on swap to alternate i mean it cost us 19 and a half mana a shot even having a little bit of mana per kill isn't really gonna be like it's nice to have a little bit but you're just not gonna get a full sustain getting that inside will help you getting more points that's why i put like 50 points in energy honestly you could even put a little bit more points in energy if you really wanted to like you know it's it's it's just gonna be get some rings and things with plus two mana like just do that sort of stuff it's going to be your best help conviction and yeah cold mastery is already kind of doing the job of what conviction would be doing um but additionally it's not like going to break many immunes at all so for cold amines cold immunes are the hardest to break so just it just usually doesn't end up being worth it i run it on mine my level 99 because i'm running a dual spec with her i'm running a cold fire source so that's how i'm able to why i'm able to run it but otherwise you know that's very specialized build generally not recommended i can't no call immune hell which is mods like this won't be in d2r no or yeah not even like this [Music] i actually need a better helm for our mercenary hopefully we can find one impossible beautiful i mean this little this will freeze but now yeah it can shatter mobs it has a chance to shatter ah fresh meat thank you otto how's the title elbows on if this is nightmare because what do you have to go through to get to hell you guys i'm gonna give you one guess actually two because there's two answers normal and florida that's right divorce divorce is a happy time i mean it's like not in the moment happy but overall two people who no longer wish to be together are no longer having to be together you know like it sucks but it's better than if them just stand together when they don't want to stay together it doesn't have to be two people though sure but if the other person doesn't want to be with you then you know a relationship is two ways both parties need to want to be in it so also she's a great nightmare baylor for sure i know we were talking about doing eldritch farming but you can totally just farm right here this is this is a great spot for farming we got a bad spawn of cold fire immune but a lot of a lot of good experience right here yeah they give good experience i mean bale's the highest yeah i guess minions get him get him buddy great place to level up i mean we're already 49. fantastic how neat is that chat is boson a good starter character i mean i think this character is not a bad starter at all what's our murse rocking he's got insight hemosos and then just a random helm that we needed for strength to wear insight prior now we can wear it so we can get a better helm for him but i'm just saying on all of these characters bail runs aren't always a great answer for for experience right many of the characters that are non-meta bail runs can get a little difficult eldritch ends up kind of being a better bet for that time i can't how bad is running full maps of the boson not bad at all if you're running frost maiden it's actually great i actually love one of my guides has a frost maiden uh like budget build written out in it because it's so good i don't think we're far enough away from him uh no we were not yes all this goes up onto the youtube yeah yeah we can still read the reddit post after this gold strike drop we coming shift into a physical zone for hell if we got that that or breeza how do you know what charm throws keeping life res hit recovery generally your main stuff magic find if you want to have some of that on the character depends which which character it is and what you're doing but yeah and then for some melees getting or you know even whatever some physical characters max damage attack rating faster run walk um and sometimes people like poison charm or like a little cold damage charm or something did i start with exploding error and respect miles of speed on d4 yep i need mono stay alive no it's just higher chance to hit with attack rating hey hisaris a little bit better easy clap and just like that wow nightmare is donezo how neat was that chat there's no problem whatsoever let's go level to 50 really fast okay we're maxed out there perfect let's go ahead and bump the exploding arrow start working that bad boy up again more vita and yeah so we're level 50 at this point like i would say i or like i've said many times before i would recommend leveling up whether you're going and doing bail runs doing eldritch runs whatever it is um getting up to level 60 55 60 65 somewhere in that range pretty good depending how you feel about it uh we can do a quick gear check and a little talk once again we've got our sanders right here um 20 is 40 to life and like i say you can even just do some shoppi shoppie see okay i got garbage there um oh we're not gonna be able to shop over here huh i guess yeah you could shop for some of the gauntlets right there if you really wanted um we'll go back to act two and hey 69 to life belt that's nice 40 fast run walk boots those are nice so you can get some nice things like that right there and then you can just literally shop around and see what sort of stuff you can get um you can also do some gambling if you would like how much monies do we have try one pair good day 10 is gloves yeah i like shopping anya for them because you get a real quick reset 10 is 23 cauldre's gloves 20 is 27 fire res so very easily once again can uh look for stuff there and yeah i mean i'm gonna go over my gear in a second two to martial arts so what we can very quickly just kind of look for here is um 220 gloves and so i believe they want to be yellow like that that's two to passive in magic but yellow is going to be the ies yeah so we're looking for golden gloves like those and you can just do this blah blah blah and just look for the golden gloves to the passive and magics with dexterity it's a great way to get a nice boost to your character let's see if we can find them here quick maybe yeah it's like a dark yellow for ias very much i think it's darker than that gold that the passive and magic gives so i don't want to like burn too much time on this but i i didn't want to give a couple attempts at it [Music] like i said this is a great place to to do it because you can just refresh this shop so so quick days i know we're so close yes so close yeah all right we're not oh eddie not getting them five more four three two yes ah all right last one zero okay well we didn't find them um but let's go ahead and talk about the gear so we have 20 is40 to life we've got a 220 bow and once again i've got a lot of bows i have this edge bow which is 35 ias which is very nice and some stuff this is 50 ies 10 alright which is also nice we got the doom slinger which is 30 is piercing attack which 35 pierce one to amazon's 15 to life i mean that's pretty solid i have this four open socket superior composite bow which is a very fast attack speed um and we could make like a harmony in it or whatever uh so many bows so many options here i know but i'm liking this one right now because we've got the 220 it works really well the speed is just one frame slower than the rogue bow um and we get plus two all skills i just have this helmond 16 to life 25 light res and chance for frost nova honestly it's not even like a big thing for us i'll probably just give it to my mercenary and get myself a better helm going into hell lore is definitely the helm that i want so i'll probably go farm a lore um before i get to hell right and kind of the off we found this baller amulet really great for this character 14 strength 20 all res 33 fire reds that's just so sick um stealth armor will probably upgrade to smoke neph lum uh just because we got that from our nightmare forge uh you know we'd we'd do we would lose some hit recovery some faster run walk some fcr for our teleports i mean it definitely would hurt a little bit but getting 50 rs would be pretty sick and we get some hit recovery bag of smoke uh this ring is just low energy light roads we had that early this belt is not that great i'll probably try and just shop a better belt um this is a dual res ring i like it a lot 15 mf and then we got hisarus boots that we just found they're off bale charms are just life fast runway life life res life life life and life um so pretty standard stuff so overall that's the character through nightmare i hope that uh you found some cool stuff along the way you've got some fun choices to make and things are going well for you um yeah i'll catch you guys in hell make sure to level up peace youtube okay don't forget to like and subscribe and don't forget to like and subscribe don't forget that's right don't forget to like
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 94,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 38sec (12278 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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