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what's up YouTube mr. llama SC here bringing you the hell druid guided playthrough speedrun thing not speedrun just a guy to play through this is going to be part 3 of 3 for this series and our druid right now is level 57 your druid might be anywhere from level 46 to 73 there's really a massive massive range that you can spend time here in nightmare just leveling a character gearing your character all of that stuff so remember that's really the important thing to remember is go at your own speed if you're if you don't feel as comfortable playing if you don't feel like I can dodge as much stuff and do all that stuff spend a little bit more time just leveling up use the slash players command a level and do your stuff on nightmare Bale do that a few times I mean heck even if you do like 10 bail runs and then you start pushing it to like players 8 for a lot right as you're getting a little bit further into it you're gonna be like high 60s I mean it's crazy so you can spend very little time less than an hour bailing and be in you're good good into your 60s there it's really nice so wherever you're at that is fine make sure that you feel comfortable because we are now going to hell and this is what we are looking like in hell so the first thing I want to mention is we have nothing in our skill trees except for elemental you might have summoned grizzly bear right so one one one one one I'm gonna work towards this for sure I'm only 57 now I'll probably want the bear by like act 3 somewhere around there so you know I'm gonna be working towards this you might already have it that's totally fine remember if you want more life you put points into direwolf that'll increase the life and then also remember any that's anything that's +2 skills overall is going to also give the attributes to everything because synergies in the summon tree like I said in the normal video synergies in the summon tree soft and hard points both work first energies this is like one of the rare cases that that works in this game stats wise we have 60 strengths because 60 allows us to wear plated belts and just a lot of like nice gear everything else is vitality so I'm just trying to pound up my life right there pretty quickly and then gear wise and we're in Iran as this ring right here with some fire res just belt with some cold and light res but I might swap this on because this is 87 life even though I do lose a slot that is a pretty substantial gain right there I have this ring 10 FCR with res which is fantastic NEF c r+ res jewelry you can find is going to be best in slot for you faster run walk with fire res that's fantastic for me ancients pledge which is good resistance here you might have a rhyme shield or something you could also run something like a Mosers or something like that right so depending what you found in nightmare the more resistances you can get on your shield the better that's going to be your goal right here is just get res get res get res I'm wearing a stealth armor you could also wear a smoke you could wear a Lionheart you could wear a treachery you could wit right there's multiple like mid to low level rune word armors that you could wear that are gonna be decent I like this one because it does give me the fast run walk a straight and hit recovery and all three of those are really important for this character right now but any of the others can be very nice especially if you want to boost your resistances which is super super helpful I have a 20 FCR wand this one is 62 mana it really isn't that hard to find one that'll have like resistances so you can shop a Cara or drag ninh and you can just look for you know this has 30 cold res 10 energy if that's 20 FCR then you get 20 FCR 30 cold res right so it's pretty simple and you can just do stuff where you just reset it or go get the cold Plains Waypoint and use that for your reset and just like shop to find yourself a wand that's fire res and 20 FCR blah blah blah whatever it is you want you could just do that so that's gonna be a pretty important like thing to do over time because just getting the additional FCR is pretty important and then I'm gonna head over here and like I said before you can also shop for a really nice like plaited belt and some gloves and boots and Helms and things like that while you're over here right so I'm gonna keep this belt let's do let's just put it right here and take these out with us I could probably Rio Sanders and yeah so now we've got some life and some res and my res are at least positive which is decent for me and now we are good to go let's start our timer so one of the first biggest most important things that you need to think about is one there's a lot of cold immunes now in hell and so we have to be careful about cold immunes because cold immune we obviously can't hit them this boss is cold and physical immune so this is literally impossible for me to kill because I do cold and physical damage remember tornado does physical and hurricane does cold but the nice thing is his zombies can still take physical damage so I'm going to kill some of them just get some experience and same thing happened there and same thing happened here be careful of conviction aura you'll notice it has massive drops on your resistances also I like picking up full reaches I would I would say that's one of the best things that you can do is just just get your full regions going and one of the most important things as well tornado is positioning and this is something that you're gonna have to kind of figure out is just what is the best positioning for my character as I'm playing through the game because your tornados look if I send a tornado let me go down here let's send a tornado right here okay that one had a pretty good path let's send it over there that one kind of took a hit to the right that one is going way to the left like that's not at all where I'm casting that one is though so you have to really like think about where you're clicking your mouse and where you are standing when you're trying to cast things like that nightmare countess will not drop a lum rune no you could get it from your fault he'll Forge you can just get it as a drop somewhere nightmare cows could be a solid place to try and pick it up and he'll countess the highest you'll get is an IO rune so if you want to try and collect those you can trying get fast man did someone said I owed all didn't dent our door Thank You gymnasium welcome back for 23 months yeah the other thing is remember that bosses have added on another modifier inhale so in night in normal they get one modifier and nightmare they get two modifiers but in how they get three modifiers and when you get things like stack damage because fire and cold and lightning and so like that when you get conviction or is with lightning and chance all these different combinations really start to get deadly and so you need to be extremely careful a marooned lots of amaranth's that's our third one actually defense they finally hit my one-year mark what do I win now you win a new subscriber badge that says you've been here for a whole year pretty park yeah Paul I'm really hoping that uh we don't run into like a Stoneskin physical cold immune boss that would stink nope okay but here we do have a cold enchant latency low careful there's underscore underscore Rama gifted a tier 1 sub to Marionnaud Tekken Wow given 287 gift subs in the channel GG thank you so much Fez Congrats Mariana yeah just be a little careful the yeah quartz fire can spawn dual immune it's a little annoying sometimes it's worth just running ahead to check him and see and make sure that he hasn't spawned it and here you can once again see the beauty of tornado pathing it's really tough sometimes can be super annoying okay we have a lot of regions in our inventory taken up a little bit of space let's do this well go ahead and drop the Jade Tendo I don't really need a lower res wand which is really unfortunate because that would be like nice to need and such a cool find but we just don't need it put that away and then we can put a few juvies away I also don't really need croco though I could use that for a mercenary later if I want so it seems pretty okay okay let's go where's your three-year badge and and come in a any second now and we have 58 which is nice and never feel like you need to kill every single thing either right always make sure that you focus on killing some stuff the Deku Tree how long do I have to farm to get a Master Sword drop I don't think it quite works like that but there are monsters that give differing amounts of experience and stuff and this for instance is one of them so gargantuan beasts are actually really nice we'll grab the shrine before we kill him really good experience even though we do have some levels already you know and this is the thing we could increase the player area level if we wanted burial grounds Asher will do it why not let's go have fun with bloodraven thank you very much micro so with how much she runs around and it's gonna be a little bit of no hangar but at least hurricane will hit her so not that easy to find Stoney every time usually it's I mean I should have known on that man I wasn't looking give me a good drop nothing nothin there so much experience though it's true my next FCR break point is going to be 68 which means always pick up demon heights ashes and stuff cuz you never know when you're gonna get a really good one it's also where's good gold if you like so I have twenty forty five fifty five sixty five because I have a ring that has FCR if I want it so really I just need to find an FCR amulet as soon as I find that then I'll be able to hit that break point nice and always check shrines that's why whenever you see a shrine go check it cuz you never know you might get an experience shine can I make spirit sword I cannot because I'm playing on ladder whoa hello also did I mention how Opie archers are goodness gracious yeah so you have to play on ladder you have to play with pluggy mod or some other mod or you have to have adjusted your runes dot txt file to enable it could craft a caster belt for it that is true I could also just do a caster a me if I wanted and make it easier which maybe I'll end up doing cuz my amulet is a really funny it's just some resistances that's not the 23d r1 I have a 23 damage reduction one that's kind of funny not many speedrunners craft yeah I mean it's just very expensive to craft that's usually why you don't see it too often like it's hard to get the perfect jab and all that stuff Oh God and this is one of those really dangerous monde mobs one they are fast too they have they can slow you with frozen and thorny you're not like fast to get away and you have bad frames so it really is a pretty rough scenario if they get on top of you they'll just keep hitting you for cold damage and it makes it just super hard no belt and it was amp damage which is also very rough exactly oh and fanaticism here they come and that's the other thing extra fast is super brutal so in certain areas like this it can just be super worth it to move a little slower right just take your time and you know you don't have to fly through and this is also we're having a bear can be really helpful right you can just throw the bear down they'll focus on him and you can keep resetting him all right so I need rail room which I'm pretty sure I have P amethyst a jewel and there's a sharkskin belt another good belt to pick up and check and big rez and then the amulet and we'll cast our trying craft on that not bad that feels like a committee patch more their mod yeah it's kind of like that I mean it definitely had some mod feeling to it in my opinion but that's mostly just like some of the skill changes because they made some things and a little bit too Opie I feel like let's see let's see move through a little too easily and there needs to be just more worse death and something like that just avoid it right it's like archers in trees trees are gonna get in the way and then it's just gonna not be a fun time for you to try and kill stuff in there so just don't bother like you can waste your time on it but I would not recommend it and then same with something like this do I really want to sit here and try and deal with an extra fast cold enchanted group not really I'd rather just run away but if you want to you can write it all is personal preference how much do you want to put in in terms of effort and and time for different things like that so for me I just look at a group like that and I go yeah I'm just gonna spend a long time kiting and dealing with it that's just not worth it to me and the nice thing is you can do countess runs on this character because his damage is physical and so that's what all we really need right for those let's kill some things here Oh God guessing while the archers hit me for cold damage so we're gonna go ahead and take a look and this is where you would potentially come if you wanted to get a lot of like really good things nice look at all those full reaches so if you wanted to get a bunch of room do you want to make that smoke you want to make hurricane is cold damage you can see on the screen physical cold but yeah like if you want to get you know and even get higher rims right because couches can drop up to hyster own for her drop and up to low room for her regular monster drop and then her minions can drop even higher than that so I think that's how it goes it's like I say if you draw a map like this you could spend even more time here be careful with archers they are disgusting very usual and positioning can also just be rough yeah we got a really solid map though so that's nice and it's also decent experience down here still right so that's the other like nice part about it thank goodness map so lust okay long map yeah he'll help countess maps and to just have some distance on him for sure oh lordy they're pretty big Maps there it is so just refresh all your stuff whenever you get a chance nice night and do be careful of ghosts as remember ghosts or physical immune now the nice thing is if you want you can just let your hurricane kill them the problem is they have to get close to you for that to happen and so that depends how long you are sit there and let your hurricane go after them honestly I generally just avoid ghosts and say nah it's okay let's go down here refresh our stuff and I'll set a safety teepee never a terrible idea now we need to go to Kane as well that's right yeah Blood Ravens pretty pointless unless you just want to have fun and killer otherwise not much use there also that is a super chest it whenever you have that spot like that so just heads up for what to look for on super chests there you can see most of mobs down here aren't too bad ghosts are gonna be a problem because the physical immune everything else though really isn't too bad unless you get some like really awful archer group in which case I recommend just running past it pretty usual for that recommendation that's Bloodraven give quest loot I don't think so maybe twister ghost if they're immune to physical will twister still stun them that's my question oh they're extra fast okay and one more casting I don't really use twister too often some people like to use it Hank it's just so much damage to get hit by a regular Archer it's crazy already what's the difference in rolls from chest there's a lot of difference actually in them they're each very different so not quick explanation careful of her minions they are cold immune he'll towel not exactly what we're hoping for all right well that is countess easy enough we have enough Halloran's to make an ir in if we want to make one of those I mean like I say that doesn't really do a lot for us but you know we got it so that's a thing go ahead and just get some gold that there and I actually want to I'm gonna check again for 20 FCR with the resistances nope we can save Cain but let's go over here gamble and amulet when does sorceress skills not quite amulet I kind of like that jewel jewel P amethyst do I not have a railroad oh my god I don't have a router in that's weak it's towards the farm okay and nightmare yeah totally okay let's go Stonyfield totally worth crafting cancelled now one thing to note is I am NOT crafting fully optimally here because I'm crafting at level 59 on an amulet gambled from a level 59 so the higher up that you go the higher level you are the better your gamble is gonna be essentially and a lot of people like to gamble level 93 I think is when you want to gamble amulets because then you're always gonna get an amulet with a high enough thing on it that it can craft the best essentially because there's different mods that can't happen below that so something to just note five so regardless let's go ahead and start working towards our grizzly bear and I'm also gonna set our oak sage now I'm not really gonna focus on the oak sage because he's gonna die pretty much immediately but it's so fun to have him you know so just a nice thing and I can always use them as a bait to just get in the way so at the very least that's always a good thing is just whenever I need I can cast him up but also if I'm like at ancients and I've got the focus or something like that that also totally works leg room yeah I can be super nice to get 40 IAS on that with some IDI pretty decent a little bit low damage and this ring does nothing for us to to strength attack writing there manaman yeah everything else is pretty mad about it not the greatest not the greatest but that's it okay have I ever made a more in-depth crafting video no but I could honestly it feels like I would need to make like five or six crafting videos because crafting is it's not complicated in this game like POA crafting it's complicated this is not that but it is complicated in the way of like knowing what levels you want to get for every affix that you're shooting for and things like that so the crafting itself is pretty self-explanatory it's much more just like okay when I'm crafting gloves I want to be level 60 X to have the best chance to craft the perfect gloves because I don't care about any of those higher mods so using a character that has that it's gonna be best as opposed to if I'm crafting you know an amulet the higher the level the better of course and then 93 is where you want to be in blah blah blah yes there's a lot of just like that stuff and it gives you yeah so it's like an item level guide is really the big piece of it so I guess the cool part of the video would be one if we did a bunch of crafting in it just because it's fun to watch crafting but also talking about like a different mods that can be crafted and why they'd be beneficial for your character I think that could just be true over although not even specific to a crafting video but I really want to make an ethics video that just talks about affixes and just says here's all the affixes in the game here's what's cool here's what ain't and I simple like that and Minkus you know and I've always wanted to do like a an ethics rating video where I literally go through and I like rate every single affix in the game from top to bottom and like order them I think that would be really fun and some of them are tough to rate because it's like okay you know it's a tack rating good like on a melee character yeah on a caster it means nothing but her you know a melee like that's probably t2 something like that with your T ones being like is enhanced damage cannot be frozen that sort of stuff light radius light radius would not be the bottom I'd say on the bottom would be probably poison lengths reduced feel like that's worse than I'd rather have light radius than poison length reduce personally what's going out with the splits what I mean they're there right or I mean you could say like repair but s repair like that's a tough one to rate how do you rate s repair or not a throw pair but just repairs when durability is that in a t1 because it enables it's like one of the best things that you can get on an F item that's like super good or is it low because it's trash in almost all cases with the exception of when it's amazing you know well it's a little hard to rate some of them because it's not one that when you find it you want to go yes I got it right like unless it's an ethe item and then you go yeah now it's good that's the only time what up duck so that's definitely the hardest part of the rating in my opinion is just what do you do when you run into things like that because I want to make something so somebody can pick up a rare item look at the rare item and go wow that's good or darn that's not good and that's one of those so maybe I just have a grouping for hard to taste hard to tell something like that you know I don't know that's creamy here hey Kimmy I remember my first time discovering rune words accidentally making an enigma job arathor whatever cuz I didn't realize the order mattered the rare ring point system yeah the point systems interesting but it doesn't really talk about the range of it as well right it just says give a point for each one these mods life strength you know things like that but it's not talking about like are you getting twenty strengths or are you getting five string also what character is it on because that has another effect I guess in an overall value but for each person you know they need to know that strength is worth more on different characters Dex is worth more on different characters things like that okay I'll go here and continue working towards our big ol bear and once again I'm okay just moving through at you know hey I Oh doll I'm a doll I had a slower speed on this character rushing is really tough for this character because if you do jump forward and you jump into an area that you can't fight or you jump into an area with monsters it's not like the assassin or sorceress or whatever where you're gonna like get out of it as easily this character gets stuck just due to the simple nature of how it works so something like this is risky you gotta be careful on that stuff they are lightning balls I'm not sure if they also have some like physical damage mixed in with them to be honest but I know they do lightning damage 24 hit recovery not a bad belt something you could definitely use so we're gonna run this in a counterclockwise direction and the reason is because I want to get the weight point first because this is going to be your new next best spot for farming right until Mephisto and Daria land Mephisto are both just amazing you're going to have to learn to love them they are so good and you should appreciate in Darla Mephisto yeah we got a physical them in there come over here don't really want to fight on that give ourselves a little more space to fight oh nasty all right Oh we'll go get this way point would be more rollercoaster tycoon in the future I know all of your guests are excited to ride creamy : they were very excited to ride creamy : I can't deny that potentially yeah I'm sure we'll do some more in the future like that's not one that I scheduled in all the time but you know thank you nose trip so again if there's a monster that's just taking a while to kill and all this stuff feel free to just ignore it and just move go do what you want to do wow I did not expect this to be all the way over and up so those spiders are just taking a little bit too long for me level three see where this takes us and always just keep an eye on your resistances make sure they're positive the closer to 75 obviously the better I mean I don't need to state that but like it really makes a difference having good res or snot like right now I can tank those fire shots and it's not too bad i also have my cyclone armor i can fight against tainted if i want stuff like that if I did not have resistances I mean it would just be super deadly for me to even try that stuff try to skip everything that's called phys immune pretty much okay so I just need to make sure I keep popping this stuff up careful these hits that was a double immune so that was fire or I mean light and cold and chanted so I just wanted to make sure I put on my elemental armor again and I'm gonna keep recasting it kind of every time that I'm getting hit by these tainted balls just because it's a lot of damage he's he's got a physical immune going okay just go turn this in first source was stacked with P topaz that's the way to go man turn our hammer in fresh thank you scary look for any sort of dope no kisses for you quick look at the items continuing vitality and we'll get up on them there so I can even just avoid that boss right that boss's physical immune I can say you know what forget about it or we can go to him if we want and just do the runaround game and let her hurricane take care of him it's kind of annoying but he's so slow that I don't met it doesn't matter that much forget about it and now we just kill and Arielle and remember this is going to be one of the most important things that you're gonna do in the game and that is quest bugging and Dario Qwest bugging and dario so in order to do that remember as soon as we kill and Dario we're just gonna go and we're going to talk to war of and head east and then it's done and then it is done simple as that it's not too much crazier and that attack is her most deadly so be aware of that but it's just one of those fights that's just gonna take a little bit of time you know just some running around and the biggest thing of course also is trying to get your tornados to actually hit her you can see those ones went way off track you never know if you're gonna get a good tornado path or not so when you do it can be really nice to cast like two or three just for a safety sake will do that feel free to get antidote potions as well if you want to stack up on poison that also works so that adds 50 poison rez forever for 30 seconds for each potion that you chug and then 10 dear max poison rez as well who cuts the game most people accidentally bug andariel but some people don't shake out rip nothing right well no items but that's okay and andariel is bugged give yourselves a round of applause you have now massacred and aerial and feel free to go and kill and re as many times as you'd like to farm for some good items and I would also highly recommend having some sort of magic find swap right 11 mana I mean it's just not anything my super need I also don't really need this mana either so I'm just gonna dump that up there so yeah it's it's one of those like have a magic find set up where you just carry around you know like this right I can just take all these and shove all four of these I could make them perfect using the gem shrine trick where you just go and just keep finding farming gem shrines so they're all perfect shove all four of them into a four open socket armor and then you're gonna have 96 percent magic find in an armor and then right before you kill you swap it on because it's on kill that it calculates your MF not on cast not on start it's on kill so you can just put these things on right at the end you can shove three of them into a helm for the same effect you can buy MF gloves MF boots very easily MF belt and so it really doesn't take too long to farm up those sorts of things and then you can just continue with that pretty easily so let's actually go back here we're gonna go to nightmare really fast we're gonna go to the frigid highlands we're gonna get this RAL rune ooh let's actually pick up this jewel as well as that will be a better jewel and then we can save our good jewel I need is that I think I wrote the script for this game I wish same pickle pickle sounds nice so yeah always remember you get a free RAL or tan towel room just for completing act fives basically so it's really simple so if you ever need to pick one of those up it's an easy way to do it and not there okay I guess it could be in that area let's go check it nope that was the end okay I already got all three nine didn't I just said - we got one more should be right here okay so now we'll get this will wreak amble an amulet I'll actually go level up to sixty two and then we'll do it we have our railroad and they resent me every gamble and amulet is will get a slightly higher amulet i level looks likely and yeah we're doing it for that so did a lot of like cold immunes in the dry hills and stuff so I usually just ignore them yeah and then just push forward because the biggest thing the first thing that we actually care about is getting the Far Away sixth a point really birds are nice they're pretty decent experience we'll grab them and I don't like fighting those guys so we won't some spare cats there's a waypoint and [Music] no exit there so I'll keep looking but I want the other nice things is act 2 is actually a pretty decent area to farm especially the faraway psious if you have some Lightning resist and the lost city as well assuming that you don't get those Marauder dudes who are cold immune and can be like fast and hit you for cold damage and stuff so a lot of times that's a place I'll also come over and farm is just out here because you can just get a decent amount of things jagged star you can get a decent amount things to kill ichi's are cold immune as well by the way so you'd have to be careful with that but or I mean physical immune but the nice thing is your hurricane actually does pretty good damage to them so it's not actually too long before you just get a kill on them and here is moon fall which has some nice damage on it this could totally be a weapon at level 42 to use not for us obviously but you know just in general he's barefoot oh that's a good one what a feat I'll say hallo but it's pretty nice just come out here and just kill a lot of stuff and like I said your hurricane pops most most things pretty quickly so any good open areas without a lot of cold means are generally pretty solid and Wow we just have all of the waypoints which is pretty helpful so that's nice and this guy's me into physical but money's on me too cold so if we want to take the time we can I'm just gonna kill his minions because his minions are still worth all of that bonus experience right like we talked about sometimes it's just super nice to fight minions and call it good Oh God here these night Tigers are gonna be lightening immune so that's not a big deal to creepers are gonna be fire immune so that's not a big deal so like I say it's a pretty good area for farming again Neil's run into some physical means here and there you miss watch when you play dota and there we go we leveled up so we'll go we'll go get our next level of crafting probably here in a second I haven't played dota in a while yeah I mean dough does not like ever my main game but it is fun to dabble in here and there I will admit okay so we're gonna be a little careful in the claw viper temple snakes are just really brutal kill Radha and get your free skill point you lazy flower painting wow that's I'm so lazy though so one snakes are cold immune so that's dangerous for us but they also have this stunning charge and it's just truly awful and so you can just get caught over and over and over again in net right and you just can't really do anything so it kind of is pretty rough also bone warriors that called me as well might make one per class yeah might be a good way to do it honestly okay the other option of course is just teleport through and say forget about it I don't feel like taking all that time and sometimes that yields success other times you're just gonna die and it's very tough to get out of situations if you get caught in them with this character like we talked about before so one of the downfalls and there we go so feel free to take it as fast or slow as you want this is also we're having a bear very helpful like extremely helpful right yeah you wanna you want i teleport through i don't play me cuz they can just be pretty nasty kill some dudes here get a little experience pick up some of these things and the eye level of that amulets probably very decent so that's probably good enough to to shadow disciplines darn okay so now what we can do is we can literally take this and we're just going to craft it right so we're gonna make a this is a castor amulet and this is where you just want to look up crafting on Diablo 2 and you can look and see all of the different ways that you can craft in this game and so this is going to give us faster cast rate on an amulet a couple other mods and then we can get some bonus stuff as well so maybe we'll get some like plus the druid skills here's good res or something hit the lever hit the lever hit the dark ah Thank You stranger now well we got the nine FCR so that will get us to our 68 other than that this amulet really has nothing for us though to to war-cries would be fantastic for a war-cry barb cold damage there's nothing energy mana regen mint I mean those are gonna be there but no res or anything like that on it so kind of disappointing but at the very least it is FCR so we have that to work with but darn could have found could have had something a lot nicer you know but crafting in this game is actually really hard so Oh Ellen don't forget to look up llamas fold crafting video on YouTube for all your answers you need in this playthrough I don't have one you just talked about that dun-dun-dun when I first played Diablo did I go ladder just fun I mean when I first played it was back when Diablo would like came out so I definitely played online I guess my first play was on single-player I didn't like go extremely far with it there and then and make sure you keep your cyclin armor up with beetles around and then after that I went online and I just stayed online I didn't even like finish the game or anything you know on single-player am i late for sub only December well it wasn't a thing so no cuz that's not a real thing I never actually beat this game in single-player as I'm sure most of you guys have not until middle of college because most people just go online they get rush they get some friends that whatever stuff you know been a patron supporter since 2016 nice then make another IO dole want how I thought about doing a guide video for Diablo 1 like a walkthrough honestly I'd have to like I don't have enough Diablo 1 knowledge in my opinion it's Frankie okay maggot later time another area where you can go as fast or as slow as you want just make sure you keep your whatever up that's all I can say make sure your cyclin Armour stays up if it drops you're gonna be in a word of world of pain good morning how are you what are your thoughts on playthroughs we have to kill every single monster sounds like a nightmare yeah when I was a kid also your tornadoes in here are atrocious friendly reminder when I was a kid it was like oh no the game was just so hard I never played through actually wasn't until until I got into being a streamer and and not even being a streamer before I became a streamer but much older that I actually sat down and tried to play at the holo game and went wow this is really hard mandra's stream is gonna be on the 29th [Music] you should just be able to window capture it I don't know why is yours isn't mine's never had that problem ten days from now that's right and you can sit and kill stuff if you would like in the maggot layer as much as you want or not up to you it's so hard to cast tornadoes down here okay I have not tried Wilson all I've done is watch their difficult lunch until they fix that bug did they fix the bug build yet I still don't know why that hasn't been fixed it's one of the most frustrating things I've seen mr. time I feel like the game and for months will be more fun to play that's that is my prediction thoughts whatever on it give the game they released it too early they weren't ready to release it and now it's just you're paying 45 bucks or whatever it is to beta test for them that's what it feels like to me I played any game from software what does that mean I know he's physical immune from from software still don't know what that means [Applause] Thank You wheat nut Cooper for the sub Dark Souls blood burned out no I have not I need to just do a Dark Souls playthrough if we're gonna be honest curse fire enchanted I don't really feel like fighting that let's just grab the staff and let's get at all yeah I think I would enjoy it does every player can also make for better drops depends what you're killing but generally yes the overall idea is a higher player count equals more drops not better drops but more drops which is going to give you better drops because you're getting more right but not every monster is going to drop more drops because some of them have a set number that they're going to drop for you and that's it yeah it reduces the chance of something called no drop so whenever you kill a monster it has a no drop chance which is the chance that it drops nothing and so the higher the player account the lower the drop chance of no drop that's the higher chance of a drop a correct these guys have so much health if that makes sense and this is where when you get two bosses eventually they're gonna hit that limit because they can only drop so many items and so that's why most people don't like to farm like most bosses / players 3 because you're not really getting a lot of added value for in terms of items because the no drop chance at players 3 is gonna be pretty close to non-existent I mean it's a little bit but it's a pretty big boost so they're at players 3 most bosses are dropping maximum items Oh God get him how are you shooting me oh that's it I didn't even see that make sure we got our stuff up and he's fire and chin light and chant and gets on you and hits pretty hard throats can avoid it so now we come to the arcane sanctuary which is one of the worst areas and the biggest reason is because there's ghosts in here and it's tight passages with good with ghosts which are physical immune so feel free to go as fast as slow as you want through this area I personally just like to mass teleport it because it's just super annoying and slow otherwise Oh baby a first way goodness gracious hello that's super nice and a key of hate there you go first way with a key of hate so if you're saying what the heck is the key of hate that's weird in this game there are Ebers okay and so you take the keys you take a key of a - key of destruction and key of terror which come from the countess and nila thak those are the three and then the Summoner are the three people that drop keys they're drop rates are roughly like 1 in 8 1 in 10 1 and 11 I think that might be on a higher player account and so it's probably a little worse than that so you take the three keys you shove them in your cube and you press transmute and it will open a portal to one of three areas which has a boss in it Uriel or Israel or Lilith and you go in there kill them get their organs combine those together you open up Ober Tristram where you fight baile Diablo and Mephisto all in Tristram and then you get a torch which is a really good item you can do this on online or you can do this if you have a mod like pluggy that enables it it will not work in your regular single-player unfortunately just as a heads up will not work in regular single-player so a key is actually worthless they just left that drop in but it doesn't actually do anything here and we got ghosts as a spawn which is kind of annoying yeah it makes it kind of silly to drop it because then it's like why it just never removed it so yeah those kind of stink overall though it's not too dangerous in this tomb just got to watch out for some extra fasting some Mahler's stuff like that and of course mass swarms of ghosts yeah so Huber's are completely recreated in pluggy which is really fun to do the only difference is they don't spawn all of their ads because they're moved they couldn't get that since that's done server side when the game is going so that's a pretty easy tuned to this run-through yours might be more filled with stuff maybe some beetles and stuff it is also decent experience though so hey Yama as a streamer do you feel you get the same questions over and over again it's nothing no it's nothing to do with uber bosses Thank You cosmic we're gonna chug these to get our cold res up get some more potions and swap on this ring to get ourselves even more cold res and go into the chamber alright darriel time so same sort of idea and style that we've had before be careful he can do some good damage this is also where having a summon can be really helpful as you can do this stuff and so you can kind of lock him into it a little bit more and it might even be worth trying a sparrow of right so this is where the summons are just super super helpful right instead of having to constantly run around and this is once again also where a bear is actually extremely helpful because a bear is gonna take a couple of shots and that's gonna give you enough time I think for every sub anniversary I've mentioned being so beans bean so beans not animal abuse they're protecting me so dire woofs are also decent here just to get in the way get him so it just makes it a lot less dangerous for you you don't have to do it all the kiting and stuff that once again with a bear it's super nice save the frames kill the animals right all right let's get a good drop if you want to stand in rain sea or hurricane hits mislead me better well better defense nothing good there unfortunately but but that being said Act two is now done look at you moving through these acts like a professional killing it good job it's got some nice enhanced damage on it you can give that to a mercenary some life steel as well twine to max damage it's a pretty good fork right there this would totally be something you could give them if you didn't want to make them a nice Rin word or something nine life leech max damage edy prepare monster I mean it's let's just sell it all around solid all around and we picked up a Thorin we will get rid of the T rune for it there now remember we get our stamina potions one also be nice to just pick up a sign just in case and feel free to summon things even though don't forget to bug to Arielle - you have to talk to Jaron and then go to the palace and take a town portal before talking to mash if Rama will say it's just quick no it's just quicker it's not actually a thing here Thank You KBL fake camel right so now we are in act 3 hell and this is where things can start to get a little bit rough now the nice thing is the druid is decently well equipped for it Thank You capita tier 1 sub 2 LZ keel the gift accept gifts up in the channel so it can get a little a little dicey out here to say the least this is definitely where I like having a bear this manna burns annoying but the nice thing is it's going to be a lot of lightning and chance in the spider forest if you have to go through the great Marsh you might get Souls which might just be a reset honestly probably not worth the time and otherwise oh we got this as well die off and we're one away from a big ol bear and then flare jungle is either cold or lightning immunes so you just have to be a little careful if you get a lot of cold means but like I say out here it's not too bad for the druid so far you can kind of handle himself through the spider early and stuff that way Souls can go to heck so we're 63 yeah and like I say bear is bear is good bear is worth it this is also one of the areas where let's say that you just have a terrible mouth right let's say that you go and you get the waypoint for the spider forest and then from there on it just is so bad everything is so horrible and you just cannot like you have this long great marsh and you can't get through it and you keep spawning terrible stuff and all that love of Oh blah if that happens what you can do is you can reset your maps over and over and over again until you get an immediate exit to the flare jungle from where that Waypoint is I'll show that to you guys here in a second or I'll give you the general idea of it soon at least there's an item that made tornado move faster I don't I I think when you start to get into those sorts of things that's where games in my opinion start to really get ruined that's like the path of Exile style peace whatever stuff there is like I don't know I I just I just like it when you start allowing those things everything just starts to move too fast you know and like speed in these games is actually something that I think ruins a lot of them and makes them not as fun overall Diablo isn't a slow game Diablo is a perfect speed game and that's what makes the habló great you speed it up even a little bit it starts to get if he okay so I'll do the spider I mean everything is slow compared to P o ee p OE is insanely fast yeah and I'm a speedrunner but like you gotta have an appropriate speed and pacing for a game it's just the truth that extra strong what about d3d three's got its own issues lightening res 10 requirements - 15% that could actually be useful later on and we're just going nice and slow through this area it's another one of those that if you jump in too quickly you might just be screwed darn we do have to make this jump okay okay I want just clear a lane for myself Thank You Calvin oh no subscriber only messages here thank you anyways alright so be very careful in this area we're going to go around and then grab it it's honestly not even worth fighting down there like no point unless we have a bear and we're like a high enough level in doing well so this might be one of those instances so the way that these maps work is are they can connect between them through these like side entrances so let me let me clear this out first and then all I'll do a better job showing it let me just clear this out ow okay so look right here on the map right you got this circle here and you have this entrance in you can also have an entrance over here right you can get a second entrance to these subscribe to mr. llama SC to hear this message not that's not the case Thank You Crunchie so between here and here this could just connect to more spider forest or it could connect a great marsh or it could connect a flare jungle so what you can do is you can just keep resetting your map and then where and then you just go to your Waypoint and see if you have an exit to the flare jungle through right there and that way you can avoid the great Marsh you can avoid all of the just like headache of stuff like that here you can see we do have this and it's just going to take us to more flare jungle unfortunately or more spider forests so you know that's alright that's usually not going to be a thing but every now and then and if you reset your maps enough you can get that and then you can just totally skip everything so we will see we're most likely gonna have to go through the great Marsh yep there's our great Marsh so our map just didn't really look like it had a skip on it but it also doesn't look like we have souls so that makes it better unless we have some sort of skip way down there so the great Marsh without Souls isn't bad I always just try and look for an exit to the left or right so whenever I have a pathway that lets me turn right or left I want to take it that's using my focus and the biggest reason is because if I get that I'm gonna have a better chance of Java's on has cows sorc has quick magic funds necro has necro has he's pretty good in pits if he's like corpse explosion the druid is overall like endgame I'd say the biggest thing is he's just very strong as a character he has a ton of life because he has its Oaks age and it's bear he can tell he stomp things he can be really good in like the maggot lair he can be really strong and honestly a lot of just areas I don't know if there's any specific area that I'd say he's the best character yeah he's pretty good key farmer that's a good point he's decent for key farming but yeah he's one of those where I don't know if I'd say he's the best of anything but he's he's pretty solid single player Leslie so here's another ability to turn off to the left and I'm gonna take it because generally that can get us to a flare jungle it's like this time it will not maybe right up here hopefully not a dead end as I say that we run into a dead end and once again we might have an entrance over here into the flare jungle off of the great Marsh sparkly chests doesn't look like it yep it happens okay so we gotta get run back once again though the nice thing is even though this is a terrible great Marsh map at least there's not any sauce so it's pretty easy to just run around and souls aren't even the worst issue for us because we do have cyclone armor so we could just like continuously recast it but if you get a nasty Souls group that can be the end of you regardless conviction or duel and chant whatever stuff like even with your cycling armor they'll just whittle it down so quickly not gonna so now we have to see we've got some immune to colds and these shooters got a minion somewhere and those shooters and let's go ahead and just go take this stuff off of us my bears coming up ah three the masteries brittle twisted essence of suffering essences are used for respects so say you want to respec in the future but you've used all of your den of evil quests respects right because you get one for complete intent of evil in each act well you can do is you can get all the essences you get one from killing and doriel or doriel they both drop the same one and then one from each further act box Mephisto drops one Diablo drops one and Bale chops one once you kill all of those you can combine them in your cube all four of them together you get something called a token of absolution and that when you right-click it which it says right click to respect or whatever well respect for you all right and now I got myself a big old bear so bears viable oak sage is not viable for us right now once again oak sage is something that I could throw up on the back lines in cases if I want to do that but bear is immediately viable as you can start to tank some things here and there a lot of mana burns so you can see that even though he's not like just chillin standing up hanging out whatever the whole time he can take enough hits to start right oh there's a dual enchant right there as well cold enchant light enchant yeah oak sage is Opie but it needs like levels on it so this is also where as you get +2 skills you're gonna really start to improve your character a lot because plus the skills on this character is worth so much since you're gaining everything right like think of how much a +1 to skill is worth on this character I get more cyclin armor a stronger tornado a stronger hurricane so already that's pretty big then I get a stronger bear a better oak sage and then the synergy points also increase because like I said soft points still increase for your bear and and for the synergies of a some entry of the druid so you get like so many so many value points out of +2 skills here and so that's where you don't have to really focus on like dumping everything into oak say just up like that if you just get a few you know skill ergy sees if you want if you get some plus you know agile owls if you get whatever +2 skills items and just kind of start rocking those get an amulet with to to druid skills or whatever just thing things like that if you start putting a few of those things and you are just gonna notice you know everything surviving and doing a lot better and you're just in such a good position hi YouTube hi mom so like I say you can always put up your oak sage in behind and like I'll use this on ancients as well because if I can get them to focus on the bear put the oak sage behind the bear then they're not going to touch you know either one right so now the bear has more light and they're leaving him alone because they're focusing on the bear and me that's always a good way to go with that secret Hitler is a great game oh yeah every game on my such my recommended Amazon list there is a fantastic game just a heads up none of those are ones I like haven't played those are some of my top ones so you're looking for good board games there's more I should put on that list honestly and I picked up that cuz I was just worth a lot of gold right yeah code names also fantastic okay and we will just continue forward and get the Waypoint this is also where once again picking up these sorts of things can be nice cuz I'd still I have my lure but making a better lor would still be really nice right then I played tabletops yeah I have I think a tea board games unfair you build a theme park on thirty opponents that sounds pretty fun munchkin is trash don't bring that trash in here and compare it with real board games do a tabletop stream sometime yeah I could my biggest issue with that is one I have to have friends yep that's it's just one I'm not played or fortress no the biggest issue is I would want to you know when you're playing board games with people a lot of people like dang that stinks didn't I put there a lot of people you don't know if they want to like be streamed and stuff you know they come over they want to just like hang out play game not have to worry about like all of that stuff right gin fight Carles and so that's always one of my like big concerns is I'm like yeah I'd feel bad being like hey come over also I'm streaming cuz then it's like they can't you know no cursing and all that stuff right on my like Extreme Rules a lot of people just want to like relax and play games and not have a bunch of rules so we are now once again at a lower cross spot and this is where you can find beroun this is where you can find up tuberin but also grand charms and gems and jewels and all sorts of stuff you just pop these three things see what you get so getting the Waypoint here is really helpful I'm also not sure how much fun it would be for people to watch I guess it just depends but I do worry that it's not watchable enough simply because the games a lot of the games I like to play are so complicated dude that dude just did a backstab maneuver on me as you see that you know so it's like a lot of them have pretty long rule books and it can be tough for people no it's not a humble brag I'm not saying like I'm so smart because I like to play complicated board games anybody can play a complicated board game you just you know sit down and read the rules for an hour and a half and then you can play it like it's just we'll chat have the patience to like you know and we do it at the start but then for those that don't know I don't know that stuff this rings not great it's not bad as 9% M F so if you want to save it for like magic finding the future that could be solid but otherwise just doesn't really give us anything that we need so yeah I I think you guys would understand if you sat down and watch the rules but the problem with twitches people come in at all different points of the of the game and so anybody who wasn't there immediately at the start is gonna come in and go well wait why what are they doing and then like I don't know a game seems way less fun to me if you don't know the rules or what's happening oh god oh god oh Lord really so that right there is just like a worst case scenario nightmare extra fast cold enchanted ghosts which are of course physical immune and then cold immune and then also lightning enchanted rip that's just a worst-case scenario that I should just teleport past to be honest and I was also mana burned because they mana burn so I couldn't even cast my bear to get in the way goodness gracious is it gonna be rough there was just so much wrong with that picture it's part of the walk through guide yes this is dealing with difficult situations no get a bear up okay so we need our body we also need these guys not on our body all right we could not click our body from there they were in the way this is gonna be pretty brutal now you're still here okay see this try and drag them out to the bear oh god I'm dead again oh alright and teleport teleport teleport teleport all right easy there you go that really is like worst-case scenario though it was pretty pretty crazy so yeah those those are situations that may be resetting or teleporting past whichever you need to do but because you just can't do anything in there dang that curse phoof yeah no more no more cheek clenching hey and open the chests and there we go now we have the brain how easy was that so now that I have my bear I'm gonna go back and I'm just gonna keep dumping over here to keep boosting our damage up there we'll go ahead and turn this in and get our life as well we're playing with no resets no I mean I could reset if I wanted but I just figured I could get out of that bear is a chunker yeah yeah is grab that 20 to life beautiful make sure you grab that for sure and that's a pretty good like layout for at least one of those so you know if you want to LK runs here you can totally do LK runs which is the fastest way to get like enigma and stuff would be just doing LK runs getting a bunch of Bourbons morphing up it would still take you like you know 45 hours 50 hours or something but I'd only guard like this for throw barb not for throw bar but I did for a melee barb okay we want to always be careful of dolls down here as dolls are a huge nightmare as you guys probably know by now and look at that beauty Haley Barbour's boring I actually find melee barb to be extremely fun you just have to pay it at it play it at a slower pace you're gonna spend time farming you gonna spend time doing that stuff but I think it's really a lot of fun to play actually it's just not good for like speed running or anything and obviously for a lot of people in today's gaming world where everything moves so fast you know I think that's a very like boring character to them because you know most people are used to moving very quickly right oh you play POA and every character you you grab you can fly around and Massacre an entire screen by pushing one button right it doesn't matter so you know with a melee barb like there's a lot of like drag the monsters out and one at a time and you know that sort of stuff but I really I really think that it has a lot of fun in that way of play actually you just have to know what you're getting into that's all okay so now we have travandkel and travandkel is actually pretty hard so I would recommend killing stuff like kill everything kind of take your time get the Waypoint kill stuff come in here you know fight these guys like I I don't think this is an area that you want or SuperSpeed through obviously you can you can speed through anything the aura floating in the pool it just means there's one of these dudes in the pool there the my door is coming from one of the travandkel guys up here and then you can just like separate these guys off a little bit so you don't have to fight all of them at once put yourself a nice path holy freeze plus cold enchants is a really bad combination this is little rough that is a pretty tough combination as we're just moving super extra slow there check out this grand charm 19 to life totally worth it ah to the summoning skills necro and we'll go ahead and just keep that and we'll just use our bear as a tank for us while we take these guys out one at a time and make sure to get your armor up because once again as soon as your armor drops you'll just start noticing yourself taking the ton of damage insanely fast and see if you can get in the spot where your tornadoes will actually hit doesn't look like minor hitting nope still not hitting let's see if we can move him off that spot still can't hit him with my tornadoes there we go perfect and that's a pretty easy way to just deal with the traveling coal which otherwise is extremely difficult there's still gonna be some difficulty here as we aren't done killing these guys whatsoever I'm gonna throw my bear in there and try and keep him just keep them distracted with him while we go hit the orb a couple times and there is that might over there so I do want to be a little bit careful careful go here nothing good there I have another Thor run don't really need it but it's not a bad room to keep to be honest you'd rather wholly freeze the next or fast debatable both are pretty awful and be honest cast our stuff and head towards the level one and always being wary of dolls as dolls are just terrible okay level two so here once again I want to run clockwise so I'm always gonna be sticking on this wall and this is so I can get the Waypoint now and once again this is because farming this area is just super nice see if it's above and it is there we go so again you can reset this over and over again it might take one try it might take 30 tries but feel free to keep resetting it until you get an absolutely gorgeous map where everything is right lined up next to each other and then you can just have an immediate turn off into your currents of hate next level and just be in a really good spot so map resetting is a skill Wow are you kidding god I wish I was a barbarian especially a shout barb all right we got ika helm which is amazing for a hike a barbarian or just a shout barbarian pretty lucky slash unlucky yeah that would have been really nice put up our bear let him tank those guys for us and any second now god oh lordy okay we will find the exit here any second now there we go okay so now we have Mephisto I just like running across and teleporting across the middle here I find that works pretty well and this is another one that you can cast cast that thing there and look at how fast for melting Mephisto like it's super nice we have our cyclone armor which helps against him as well so as long as you make sure that that stays up this is a very simple kill Wow really interesting and this up here is a super chest so feel free to pop that you can get some nice rooms and things like that from there what are the chances seriously like that's actually crazy so double like a finds how's that sound trash trash actually a solid belt strength fire res light rez pretty bow I don't want to go up to a hundred and ten strength but it is pretty nice and then of course to to war-cries to open sockets 29-percent magic fire and yeah you would get a bonus if you were both this is a very good helm for sixty-five strength especially like I said on a worker barbarian super super good so it's kind of funny that we found both of those and also kinda sucks because I would have loved some other item that would have been useful to me strength bug the belt the problem is I don't have 25 strength for strength bugging like at all it's a cool belt though I had a hundred ten strengths that would totally use that or if I was trying to wear like spirit shield and stuff and let's give ourselves a nice round of a clap as we have completed act three hell good job strength bug is where because that item gives plus the strength you would just put on like you know charms or some other items that have a bunch of strength to them put that item on it would give me 25 more strength take the other items off but now I have all of that plus the strength still from the belt and so the belt makes it so I can wear the belt but if I take the belt off or if I die then I can't wear the belt anymore because I don't have the strength right so that's what strength bugging is you use the strength of an item to allow you to wear said item even if I strength bugged it though I would still have to have we got souls here this is where once again like I say we got to be very careful I'm gonna recast my cycling armor quite often and try and find the exit and try and avoid stuff if you just want to reset when you get here especially if you're hardcore do it don't think twice about it you can go until you don't get souls you'll be in a much better position recast again okay haven't found it yet there you go like I said all it takes is that to drop off and you did spray brittle pretty brutal and I have 43 light wrists so I'm going to even run around with no light resist but it just doesn't matter in the world of souls so let's just see so much damage so maybe we won't get souls this time I can let me make that teleport need light absorb that does help a lot that will help you a ton ah gosh darn it we have souls again okay well we know our Exodus we just need to get there without dying to sauce that is all oh I don't like that group or that one all right got ourselves into the city let's head up a little safety tepee get some recast and go and let's go and Israel would be nice but when their souls out there that's one that will like come back too so I'll move forward here I'll grab this Waypoint then we'll go back we'll wait until we don't have souls out there and then we'll find Israel and kill them was defense useful for us the defense is used in the calculation of is something going to hit you or not yeah so physical hits something anytime something as attack rating and is trying to hit you that's where defense is used does gr and cyclin armor stack damage reduction is different from cyclone armor cyclone armor is an elemental absorb damage reduction is physical damage reduction there's also technically a magical damage reduction but that's magic damage reduced by and you're still gonna have whatever piece at that hello this you you do some good damage hello I don't like these champions here that are hanging out they're doing way too much damage not taking near enough damage seriously they have like as much health as visual it feels like now tap faith especially when you got those guys coming up on you but for two skill points it's totally worth it and this is always always worth coming back for when you can get the double skill point here this champion it's our terrible I haven't hurt that one dude chomp on him bear they're absolutely atrocious my goodness I mean I shouldn't be on players ate right when would I have gone out to players ate well just double set it oh the super chest oh I thought I reset it did I not change it back that would make some sense I thought I changed it back but maybe I didn't wow those tornado pads were terrible that would make a lot more sense for why this is happening as it is yeah that's definitely a player's name Hey preset he's almost dead though that worth resetting plus I might get souls again if I do and stuff so why bother why bother we're showing that you're you're so strong you can even fight on players eight that's all easy look at that nothing good on that and now we get plus two more skills so get even more damage it's pretty good okay and now we continue to the city of the darned [Music] every now and then you get this running up into the area I've had it happen a couple of times usually not good morning to Texas and I don't really like fighting with all there's way too many the spawn dudes here and so they really clog up the path that's kind of annoying because we have both of them and maggots have to do some teleporting through when does he give plus his skill points always just as the old thing man get some experience yeah those those enchant dudes are one of my least favorites not a chance the cold called immune guys these guys grow tests well like I say when you pair them up with maggots it's just so much stuff is in your way you just can't run so we'll go here we'll reset that and see if we can get a better boss group out there also see if we have a closed area or not yeah anything that's just birthing a lot of mobs exactly part carver to unique Ronal is it good having it's okay okay let's try over and up right here it might be over and up right there yep okay we're gonna go pound a stone that's right that is more stuff than I want to fight so let's go up here and oh my god this is so terrible there's so many things here are you kidding a horrible group of stuff make it a little bit less make sure our armor is on make sure our bear is up and helping tank for us so that's always nice you can just separate things away right I always say one of the best things that you can do is find yourself a safe corner somewhere that you can just put your back against the wall there's extremely important you can do that you can survive most any area students are tanky okay careful here looks good - this seems like damage has really dropped off you have to remember I'm only level 65 right now in act 4 of hell and I have like pretty weak gear on so my damage has dropped off a lot every additional point that I'm getting I only have +1 2 skills right now so if I can get you know other items that are giving +2 skills it's gonna help boost my damage time it's actually like a huge damage boost for us so that's something that's pretty important to remember Eisley is yeah our damage has dropped off a lot you know but that's because we're pretty underleveled and we just don't have a lot of +2 skills and stuff like that so getting even a few items that are you know there's some like clubs there like to to druid skills and stuff like that getting those is that's just such a huge difference for your character all right see we got it is FAL rune well I have two fouls actually so let's see what the magic cube recipes two fouls and what oh it's three fouls in a flawed Ruby for a LEM dang I thought it was too but it doesn't switch it to until after that we got another perfect amethyst that's kind of cool we could try and make another cool thing there make ourselves a perfect Ruby put our fallaway ten FCR don't need it also dump the crow car do I have another round at all or do I need to go get another one looks like you still have to get one unfortunately and I don't have any easy way to do it I'd have to go and farm normal countess's to get that but yeah I could put this on if I want to get to that next breakpoint I would lose some resistances to do so though if you want to do that let's think ask me another tool let us hang on wait howdy howdy and then often when I'm going to get into the casting story I just like to teleport once again you can kill stuff all along the way if you would like this character is this isn't like a terrible area that's impossible to get in you can usually deal with everything pretty pretty easily I just find teleporting to be you know better because there's an enough time and effort and everything that I'm gonna put once I'm inside the cast sanctuary I figure I'll devote my energy here rather than waiting and this is pretty busy so you gotta be a little careful here this is actually quite busy we have a champion oblivion night group which is not fun at all so we'll go up here and do this sighing ourselves a little bit of space it's hardcore now this is a guide this is a very very busy Kaos sanctuary it's all I can say so because this is a guy playthrough we can take a little time just clear it out this was a speeder I'd probably just reset it and you can totally reset it on your own if you would like as well if you get in there and it's just like jam-packed like this and you're like there's nowhere to survive and hang out and do anything I can't find a wall to put my back up against right that sort of thing you have no kind of safe spaces she's another boss group right there then you know feel free to this reset there we go we got we got one area kind of cleared out here kind of house great a nice thing is we do enough damage now that and we should be pretty alright so even if it's really crowded like that our tornados doing enough damage that we can clear it in a decent amount of time Wow look at that padding so just and then find a little bit of a safe space it's a lot of nato's heck yeah heck yeah it is but we need them and we'll go ahead and repair our teleport charges as well get all our summons out and enter the fists the courtroom just knead it around okay now we'll go back down this way and clear some of this stuff out you have a question ask away yeah if you guys have any questions feel free to discuss these champion guys really are awful by the way call them in they're gonna be in the way they're just they run away and that they're really hard to kill it's take a long time so one of my least favorites look at how little damage I do there and then they also curse you and stuff so they're just bad and like every regard the samurai like that that's what you're wasting it on now you never get another question football you've wasted it had your opportunity now it's been wasted yes yeah I really really really hate that champion group so much but we'll go ahead and kill the other guys the champion is okay it's really the ghostly that I hate the most champion ones are not terrible terrible yep NATO is physical damage that is correct and tell him okay good enough for me what a droids do before Blizzard and in respect I heard Zig blast you just waited that's all you would just have your friend level you up and then and you would do it maila until 30 I used to figured out a way to chill until 30 it only takes effect on the active skill airdog with the exception of this summon tree like I talked about before okay so be careful with this boss this is where having teleport is really nice and then you can do the whole bug abuse of the leash if you can get him leashed fortunately our leash wasn't very good but this is where you can just play that game of separating them kind of and going back and forth and casting fairs and all that stuff just to make them take a little bit time until you kill the bus you just want to avoid that ghostly dude and make sure that we have our seminal because if we have our stubborn up and our cyclone armor up we are good to go there we go busted so I don't have to kill the rest these guys I'm not terrible experience though if I want to yeah good enough cool do you get experience and drops from all minions we kill the boss first the other T's fun yes happy cannot experience but they do have drops thank you snapper good seriously look at how crazy this Casas they're they're just monsters everywhere in this cast sanctuary it's actually insane there's not a single area that's just like yeah this is where you can relax um this amber with tornadoes No I don't believe so really grinds my gears I don't know not a lot to call it the insane sanctuary right time for that five NATO home hey camp would break it yeah that definitely you can break physical immune with amp damage but I don't believe it'll actually boost your tornadoes damage maybe it does that I'm like 80% sure it doesn't that's resembled a to go look at kill some of these guys just more stuff everywhere more things to see can it just relax for a second my goodness this is insanity and then we still have that champion or boss group or whatever now we have to go deal with before we killed the seis so we're not even in the clear yet this group of all these champions can I just want to drag him away to be honest come here chairman oh my god there's just so much stuff amp damage survey both they do increase tornado damage I mean it makes sense because they increased physical damage I just figured there is some sort of exception for spells interesting apparently forums J is a decrepit lampwork auras don't with NATO's okay so my Torah won't increase it which makes sense because you're not you can't like boost that that's you know it's a spell that's then doing physical damage and so might orange stuff isn't going to be giving a spell increase that's true amp damage and cez a combo for some reason I just thought it Dan work with tornado I don't know why it's had in my mind even though it didn't make sense that it wouldn't we will take care of these guys here with our safety net of a bear Thank You mr. bear kind of hurricane ASMR it's nice right thank you for the host and to that chaos sanctuary Concord and that's about as hard as it's gonna get in the chaos it doesn't get much worse than that now I want him to just keep breathing lightning at me to be honest that is idea no I don't sleep a socks on I would burn up man my body gets way too hot at night see so here I can once again stand between the beam and Diablo it's super easy in hell to do because the beam starts really far away and that my friends is a dead Diablo bone shield easy as that there's one of those essences as well give yourselves a clap hey CJ yep super easy that's right so we got a miller Braga's which is like just complete trash like there is nothing on that nothing but we do have wall of the I list and this is nice because it has FCR and mana per kill which is pretty solid the problem is we lose all of our resistance from our current shield and that's really always the issue with these FCR shields you just lose so much that unless you have a bunch of resistances elsewhere it's just not worth it just not worth it oops so let's continue forward and we can go why no spirit sword because we're on whatever you call it actually let's see I'm just gonna go and use my socket quest on my wand cuz I'm not using it and I'm almost at the end I would not recommend this to you hey we got to open socket sick so I can do 24 called res and I can put something else in there if I want I could do like +10 to strength or something don't really think I have anything else that she's gonna help me right now with it so we'll just do that I guess I could put an Iowan in there for 10 - vitality if I morph my three hells together and that would be a nice boost of life a little 20 more life there but that's okay man up Raquel yeah may have Raquel's also not bad I'd rather do ten by tality personally hi-oh Dalai adul so now my res are looking good again are you gonna keep keep moving so you'll want to be careful out here these fire archers and there's also quill rats there's this a lot like awful ranged monsters out here that are really awful and can kill you it's like a less bad version of souls kind of when you go against them all so just note that and be careful there can be a lot of them - yeah and topaz in a wand will not do anything just a heads up squit police what it what are the split police here for my splits are just fine officer I just got them checked last week do I not have that I don't think so okay so we want to do the first quest here his first quest is good quest first quest oh my god are you kidding me sorry I cape ESA's bro we're gonna find the entire I K set by the end of this so this first quest will get you look at that padding it'll get you cheaper potions from mullah definitely want to check out the boots rare boots are really nice so yeah we got today I'm not playing a barb seriously like I mean 225 strength but look at that this is a very solid mall by the way to open sockets on it very 40% increased attack speed 200% enhanced damage 38 percent chance of crushing blow increased damage first diamond and Undead I came all is primo and then also when we had the helm and the belt I mean we could have really been rocking stuff as a barb yeah we got 38 percent so pretty good roll it rolls 32 40 so I'm kind of sad now I want to go and obviously it's almost 76 like level 276 and then become some sort of like fury druid with that mall or something have some fun I can also put hell rune howl rune in it that's not going to lower the level requirement though on it right it'll only drop the strength requirement it's so nice look quick respect to fury to kill bail the problem is I'd have to go to 76 I would need to hack my character really quick and hero editor or something so that we could like do it right before bail can be fun there Michele dropped love requirement probably to Opie if it did oh I'm dead I can't move oh my lord I really thought I was dead they're not gonna lie really thought I was dead the teepee didn't go off on the first one and that was close did too okay my cheating anyway how am i cheating I haven't cheated yet if you want to say Vanya eat oats can this can be a good this is also really scary area just as a headset especially with these mob mob spawns Thank You bender oh my god frozen river where's the waypoint net Wow there it is thank you so much welcome back eight months so this is a really like hard nasty area that we're kind of going through right there I'm definitely gonna reset to have better bosses as those are just terrible spawns so that for sure is gonna happen so check back here and see there there okay and now we should be able to reset let's go is there an on yours this is bug yes if you die it'll reset darn trash there so it won't work anymore even though it pretends like it is working let's drop our errand let's get it rid of Athol rune let's drop in a Marin let's drop a tear in let's drop a nephron don't care about that guy let's keep our Ike a piece to keep our rau room let's put an art in place of a doll rune drop or towel rune cool perfect so yeah I guess a if you want to go after Anya there totally can you can get souls down here and it gets really nasty though so just a heads up if you got salt in here you might reset it also these rot lockers which can charge you can be kind of annoying as well so just depends what you get go through here and not too bad honestly okay now it got suddenly a lot worse over here now it suddenly got worse I don't like having this boss man right here and that guy is extra fast as well oh that's bad that's just a bad set of monsters yep I don't want to fight that that's just not gonna happen biggest reason is in there we have just some terrible terrible like extra fast on the main boss and then to boss groups all right next to you just not gonna be fun so I'm just gonna move forward I don't really care too much about Anya right now my rezard good enough but that's something that you want to do anyways this guy supposed to be my world record run from four years ago okay with a bunch of pause and chill and slow down and gear talking stuff testament to how much faster we've gotten I suppose it's very funny and I've like overleveled and stuff so it's actually really funny oh so many extra fantastic old deeds oof there's eight ten now I can't beat it he'll bail takes a while to kill he's actually super annoying how long it takes to kill this is RIT original must be tired as game now nope wait points or check points grab as many of them as you can slash once they are fantastic and then because that's so close to the ancients way I'm actually not gonna get an ancients way way point whereas normally I would get the ancients way point just as like a check point in case something you know goes wrong whatever but here I don't really have the need to now hit the bear you know since we have that one right there and I can always never Thank You Grievous so you're sharing pencil and she read that I don't know looks like you're shaving time on your hell druid run after all Lama Gillette the best a speedrun can get the best speedrun can get huh ouch I should get some time Persians friend there this is where my low level is catching up to me for sure because I've been pushing through the game a little bit quickly my gear and low level is definitely starting to catch up and we're seeing what happens when that happens you have to start moving very uh it's a lot harder to kill things there's also a lot of cold immunes and and act 5 found in here and stuff and just like really fast monsters in general as well so that makes it also quite difficult let's get the ancients okay so eight nine you're bits from - let me - we can't tomorrow we riot if we don't have them by tomorrow then we write it okay so now we're at ancients hell and this is the point where you're gonna want to start putting some potions into your cube apparently I have something in there and the biggest reason for this is it's easy to run out of potions on this fight so you can one put them here and two you can drop them in the Ancients area themselves and then they'll be on a timer right so I can come in here and I can physically do that and just throw potions on the ground to just have spare potions for this fight if I think I will need them simple as that peaceful rioting yep okay so now we can go so we don't want stone skin is gonna be bad cold enchants will be like kind of bad it's not like the worst thing ever because you know we can still hit with physical if anybody's physical immune we have to reset it and stone skin as well we're gonna want to reset that and then beyond that we're going to want to reset anything that's like extra fast Alec I like to usually reset maybe like a fanaticism or my Torah we're gonna reset like those sorts of things so you just got to kind of feel it out and try and get stuff that's just like teleport and you know spectral hits not that terrible and whatever those sorts of things what you're gonna go for it magic resist there's a lot of mana burn here I'm gonna reset just because of all the mana burn I don't really want to deal with all of that that actually could have been some I did if I just kept my bear up but there's a Stoneskin so we'll reset out of that extra-strong Stoneskin don't want to fight stone skins mana burn gold enchant spectral okay this is probably okay this one's probably okay so the first thing that you'll want to do is you want to separate them in some manner right so here we do that and then we come down here and just like that we've got not separated perfect looks like a bear man didn't quite do the job of separation effectively so now we just got try and grab one and bring them over and your bear can sometimes aggro more which is the biggest issue see Manor burned no he does have an enchant on though so Maddock isn't gonna focus the bear really so you need the bear to just be in between you and then also make sure your cyclin armor is up during this fight and he is really not giving us he has folks him to bear that time he's not giving us anywhere to fight him we need to get him into more open space because my tornadoes are just going all over the place right now this is kind of disgusting alright let's see if we can get tornados here that'll hit there we go all right and now he is focusing the bear so that's really good only he'll stop moving NATO pathing is atrocious very usual but when you can get a line and you can be in a good spot come on come on and we're out of the range of the cold enchant explosion perfect okay so that's one down make sure everything gets recast we'll go snag some more potions I'm actually really surprised that did not grow right there okay so he's got mana burn so we just want to make sure that he stays focused on our bear and once again this is where having a big old bear is insanely useful like insanely useful and yeah fighting them one at a time is also really helpful here and highly recommended if you want to fight multiple you definitely can especially like once you get talaq out because tallix usually pretty annoying but once you get him gone it's not too bad at all and then to fight the last guy we're just gonna make sure that we get in a good spot we don't want him to spin on us since he's pretty disgusting and we'll just come here and make him fight us like this which means he can't spin he is firing chanted though so we need to be careful of that as he will explode for a lot of damage I wonder if he's gonna spin on that angle he might this one he should not oh okay he will well unfortunate not a big deal though as once again we just need to get his focus not on us and this also allows us to get a little bit further back when he does die from this explosion and there you go ancients done how simple is that that was pretty easy right vitality twister now our goal is to get to the Waypoint here this can be very difficult depending what spawns you get this is one of those areas that one I would say taking it slow can be useful and just killing everything but additionally it can be really helpful if you die and then like keep running around with your naked body I know that sounds a little weird but it's it's kind of better to just like keep trying for it for a little bit then to not yeah so you just see some like naked stress right so you can just keep trying to find the exit how did that hit me and it can just save you a little bit of time and things like that okay so we do need to go this way let's see if we have some sort of teleport swap spot there we don't got a might aura here and there we go all right level two and again you just we just want to get the Waypoint oh we have souls and my armor wore off this is rough please be the Waypoint it is not crap really that's bad news let's get the curse off and now we're gonna have to do some like Big Boi teleporting straps so we know the entrance is gonna be over here somewhere so it's gonna be there and then like over here there you go I am naked now what is it I do next so it's okay to do some teleport risque stuff right there once again this is also decent experience down here if you do want to spend time fighting or if you just want to teleport through that works as well really up to you good lord ah man not my favorite map a lot of searching but there we go now there can also be souls in the throne room there can be dolls in the throne room there can be death Lords in the throne room there can be all sorts of just terrible things down here so this is also an area that we're going to be taking a little slower no biggie just to kill some things along the way all right we got those dudes another set of that boss group which is kind of annoying we'll have to deal with that later but overall pretty great shell throne room not too bad and so we'll go back here and clear up some of this stuff because I am gonna want to probably drag some of the like wave four and five stuff away and so I'm gonna need to kill this stuff anyways oh we will just come here and kill these guys make enough space for ourselves assuming we can get some tornados wow there's two guys in there I did not see that at all easy how scared I get of Ming songs dropping I mean we're mostly past the point of it but you know I'm always slightly scared always a little bit of fear in the in the tummy there so once again the nice thing with this character is because we have physical and cold we're not really running into too big of issues here right there's no none of these waves are such a big issue that we can't deal with them at all we're always going to be able to damage them I don't think any of them can spawn physical and cold immune so no real worries there you can always just you know kill stuff make sure you keep your armor up as those cold shots can actually do some decent damage Thank You Windows Defender camon perfect wave to down wave three can be a little gross and a little aggressive so be careful as they do have the lightning and chant and they do move very quickly this is another one that spreading out a little bit can benefit you some kind of like with the traffic Alif you'd like where you just kind of kite them back and so you're not fighting all of them at once but kind of separating them and then keep your armor up there's always one of the biggest points per usual in this game keep the armor up wait for we'll just take a tiny bit of time to kill but it's always worth really good experience if you want it and again so long as your armor is up you should be totally fine handling them as well let's do that and get some Gucci experience along the way and you can see just how quickly we're killing this stuff as well right like this is a pretty smooth bail character for sure very very very smooth was that padding terrible and last wave of course takes a very long time so feel free to just skip it if you want or you can sit there and fight it lightning and chant is not my favorite to fight so I'm just gonna try lightning and chant cursed spectral hit so instead we'll just do a drag and then teleport back in and then now we can fight against bail Oh No why them came back in nope there we go nice clothes go ahead and just do this give some fine potions for safety and even a comment to find it later on YouTube perfect everybody go ahead and leave a comment so you can find it later on YouTube and you can say I was there during the hell bail fight and here you will notice just how little damage we do against bail it's kind of disgusting I'm not gonna lie bail is I don't know tornadoes also just suck in general and his appendages are cold immune so we can't even kill those guys and he just loves to summon up giant armies of them so it's pretty annoying actually but if you can get some good bears going and you can get them in a good spot where he's not summoning a bunch of appendages you can whittle them down in okay mat time I don't think I was hitting him there but he also loves to just get in these awful spots where your tornados are not going to hit him and then you're really gonna have a fun time that's hitting yeah is that padding welcome to bail plates the nice thing is at least hurricane is hitting when you're near him and he does have a pretty big base as well he's just a large object not fat-shaming in 2020 big and beautiful al is level 99 that is correct you know the real one well he hasn't dropped a clone yet but I can show you when he does so good based on the name positioning just max that fake one doesn't teleport and also the demon look at the demon and bales name right now where it's positioned I am NOT hitting him it's not it's like in the middle of his name but it's not aligned left it's aligned Center on the clone it's aligned left so that's how you can tell the difference just by looking at them assuming they're not teleporting or anything like that to help show you perfect there you go so you can see it's aligned left-right demon is the line left there res unreal it's hot so if you ever want to get rid of this yeah I assume it was on purpose so you could tell the difference you just go far away and then you just head over here and basically if you get far enough away from bail and then go to town his clone will disappear tipple is that I'm to the next OoT stream Oh No part of me wanted to just like placing my ot tomorrow to be honest come on and clones really suck so usually when you get one getting away is just the strategy just a despawn it cuz otherwise it's just both of them hitting you over and over it just usually makes it really hard it plans to speedrun ocarina you know I can't I if there's ever another game that I want a speedrun it's Zelda either Majora's Mask or occurring at time things you have cheese solidified it I I mean I don't have to like get the world record of it like yeah I mean I wouldn't do the ante percent I don't care about that I'd be going for a hundred percent 100 percent or like all dungeons or you know that sort of stuff it's the current world record like 350 something but yeah I mean you know I'd want to compete and do my best and stuff but I would just have fun if I could be competitive somewhat in it and just see improvement that's one of the best things about speedrunning and a cool thing about like speedrunning a new game is you get a lot of like time improvements you know like it's really hard to improve in diablo 2 speed running yeah I think it's three hours 50 minutes for 100% so that's every item every heart piece every you know skull Tola all that stuff and then all bosses killed and everything like that ever thought about Dark Souls I think it'd be really fun to play Dark Souls I don't know if I want to speedrun darksouls and I think it'd be really fun to go play through yeah I think Zelda speedrunning would be something I would be really interested in actually cuz I just have a blast playing it man it's just so fun scary jump-scare mantains good forget that alright I'll just kill the clone and I need to go back to town anyways actually so you can see that overall this is uh not a hard fight just a long fight it's just just slow for the druid to get the kill and as you increase in damage it'll get a little bit better but you know it is what it is yeah yeah hams yo grievous thank you [Music] last time Carlos son that's the welcome to stream song it's not specific to anybody it's so hard to hit come on man should sing it every time I start to dream I never had that and there you go just like that give yourselves the clap oh no make songs you are now the proud owner proud / owner of a patriarchy WOWY GG well done look at that 8:26 not too shabby at all not too shabby at all for just chillin nothing good there so yeah that is the druid here's the gear we ended up with i rathas energy just a nice life light res belt that I purchased you could find one of these very easily in the shop nice little FCR ring right there those boots that we found from normal Bale I think that's where we got those ancients pledged stealth 20 FCR with 24 cold res dual in it and then 62 mana and then we have another slot for another jewel if we want a lure and this Hamlet we found really really early so like I say overall there is still a lot of room for improvement on gear here we were running literally +12 skills at the moment there is a lot more resistance a lot more +2 skills a lot more just stuff damage overall that we can be adding to our character but this is a very good just simple build right here right nice and easy nice and easy character right there so that was the elemental trade I hope you guys enjoyed it and had a lot of fun I have to be 76 man yeah I give yourselves thanks again then a nice little clap forgot about that mall bear with that I'm gonna get this puppy gun no move for you guys well I want to do it I came all for you guys instead I thought that would be fun to give you and I guess that's all we need for fury so I guess now we can just pump like and get ourselves a pair if we want pump some oak sage up get ourselves a heart - I'm Steve and then we go one second this program files scam Gillette perfect huh what do you know and we're a farm let's give ourselves a little attack rating shame I sold the belt no I didn't I kept it so now we get some added fire damage give ourselves a little fury attack rating boost here I so like a helmet like yeah who cares they're sure that'll work adds to cold damage sure oh and now I'm a big old bear oh wait I'm a wolf you're right I stand corrected get him nice look at us go I need cannot be frozen pretty badly it's always like the biggest key to any melee character not being able to be frozen nice come on and darriel nice we actually found it that was super fast all right let's see how quickly this takes in Dario then oh my rezard really bad oh yeah I don't have my shield on anymore that makes sense doesn't it Oh get my Sato he just called damage awful Oh alright shut the door on him nice there we go there we go now we're ready cursed not my favorite actually okay this is actually not the worst thing that's ever existed and now we're gonna dominate in Dario it's the other part of it no no let's just get away from that guy like I mean look at it is it the fastest kill of any build there was anything no but watch watching Dario [Music] get owns yeah owned all right we got to do a quick pit stop for some health here clapping those and Dario cheeks there's more attack gonna be fluid we have four K attack rating 71% chance to hit it's pretty good actually just needing a little bit better gear overall but it's okay it was a fight to the death a unique ring that's pretty good I came all approved wow that's a ring right there I was hoping for Raven Frost that would have really made this build solid but dwarf star is not bad at all not bad at all get some fire absorb 40 to life primo plus some magic damage reduce on it is actually pretty solid so yeah there you go you find it like a ball and you can go make yourself a fury druid pretty easily who actually does okay actually not the worst character ever GG good night have a good night now obviously when you go to like you know out here you're gonna run into more issues at souls that's always issues no matter what but even there I mean we do decent damage biggest issues we definitely have kena you need cannot be frozen right now I mean too physical nope that's not us so yeah with that being said hopefully this was a good play through for you guys hopefully you're able to get yourselves through hell beat the game with the druid he's a pretty solid character overall he's just he's solid he's got his absorbed from his cyclin armor he's got physical and cold damage and he's just you know I don't know he just plays well he's just he's just really really good so yeah I hope you had fun I hope that taught you some things you learned some new stuff and ma kisses to you all appreciate it don't forget to Like subscribe or those things and have a good one peace out YouTube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 150,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: BbUfA56bIpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 25sec (11125 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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