[GUIDE] How to Prepare for Hell in Diablo 2 Resurrected! - Gear, Mindset, Playstyle

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what's up youtube mr lam sc here and today we're going to be going over one of the guides i think a lot of you guys uh really have been looking forward to we're asking a lot i get asked this maybe 500 000 times a day in my chat and this is how do i get to hell and get through hell because you know what diablo 2 is actually a hard game this is something a lot of people i think sometimes forget especially if they've played a lot of diablo 2 or if they just got rushed by their friend and then got given all the good gear or whatever it was um a lot of people kind of forget that the game is actually just really hard if you're gonna play through especially things like immunities are really difficult to get past and the level up in difficulty from nightmare to hell is pretty substantial right like when you go from normal and you get a nightmare it has like a nice gradual curve up and then you get to hell and it just takes a big old bump and it becomes very difficult so we're going to go ahead and talk through some of the things you want to look at for the gear as well as the mindset of when you're playing through this game right here so the first thing is uh you'll have your character and over leveling is never a bad idea especially if you have a character that relies on an actual hit with attack rating right if you need to hit something with attack rating there is a formula where it takes your attack rating the monster's defense but then that's only half the formula the other half is your level and the monster's level so even if you have decent attack rating if you're 20 levels below the monster's level it's going to be a lot more difficult to hit that monster right so the more that you can kind of over level as you progress through the easier it is going to be to hit and that will be very helpful additionally things like ignore target defense on weapons can be super super solid as that will take away that first half completely of the uh formula so you only have to deal with your level versus their level and it's much easier to hit them that's for things that require attack rating what sorts of skills do it would be stuff like multi-shot requires hit guided arrow requires a hit right strafe these things require hits those physical hits generally are the ones things that do not charge strike charge strike literally if i put it on um and i guess i have to get a javelin of some sort see if charcy's got something for us probably not here yeah regardless uh the attack rating will just go away because there is no attack rating for charge strike same with lightning fury it just hits when you stab them when you throw it whatever it is it just hits this is also true for all of your spells so bone spear hammers from the hammerton frozen ore blizzard meteor fireball right any of the spells they are always hitting and so you don't have to worry at all about having to deal with attack rating and all of that so that's kind of the first thing to talk about right there is you want to make sure you can hit now an important thing and a big thing that we're going to note the first thing i really want to go go to here is i want to talk about um the end of nightmare so leveling up in nightmare there's really a couple of ways to do it number one you can go level in the uh doing just like eldritch runs if your character is a little bit weaker so you just come up here you come up here and you kill these guys you kill eldritch and his minions and you're good to go of course the more popular one and what you can do with players is you can do world stone keep and do bail runs and so a lot of people will go 50 60 70 and they'll kind of stop around like 70 72 3 4 whatever and then move on to hell i think you can definitely move on a little earlier but if you're moving into hell and you're like level 55 60 you're probably going to be a bit under leveled and it's probably going to be a little difficult i would say you at least want to be in your mid 60s generally especially if you're newer to the game um i'll go to hell and at like 49 as like i guess i've gone at like 44 45 before when i'm speed running and that's like the lowest that i'll ever go and it's very difficult would never recommend it that is for speed run purposes pretty much only definitely take your time in nightmare and make sure that you're leveling up now in terms of things that you want to be looking for and gear the best places to really be gearing are going to be nightmare mephisto i would say nightmare cows nightmare chaos runs and nightmare dario also has some decent drops so a lot of these sorts of things rockstopper water walks blood fist jalal's mane magefist um trang's gloves the runes for spirit right nightmare countess too runes for spirit uh sword um telling a beads angelics mahim oak right all of these sorts of things are gonna come from those places nightmare mephisto is one of the best places to farm highly recommended if you need a guide on how to farm a fisto i've got a guide down below um but you know you can just get so many of these items and we'll talk a little bit about why these items are important uh for going into hell but that's the main thing is you really need to get some gear and get some levels because like i said hell is another step up and so it's not just having the mindset it's also having the right gear um when you're going into it so both of those are going to be very important so that being said let's go ahead and talk a little bit about the gear right the first thing that you want to do is you want to make sure your resistances are going to be strong in hell the biggest reason for this is because you have a minus 100 resistance penalty in hell you have zero penalty in normal minus 30 in nightmare and minus 100 in hell so this means if i take all my gear off and just have nothing with resist whatsoever you're gonna just see massive drops and resist and this is perfect this is nightmare and i have minus 20 and this is because oh the difficulty penalty is minus 40. but because of anya it's minus 30 that's right so i now have two anya quest done so that's what it is excuse me minus 40. um but whenever you save anya you get 10 all resist so that's definitely expected so i've saved them in normal and now in nightmare as well so this character you can see difficulty penalty minus 40. um but i have bonus plus 20 from my quest but in hell if i do that i will be at minus 80 already and we can even see right now i think i was at like 47 and all that stuff on this character right now if i go over here i'm still in the negatives on three of my resistances and this is having like all these things and whatever right so like take out the annie and torch and it's just awful and this is a character that has you know some gear on and some things obviously she's missing a couple pieces whatever but like it's very easy to not have resistances in nightmare and hell okay that's the important thing to say and especially in hell so you really want to focus on this the second thing you want to focus on is you really want to focus on vitality and life if you can boost those up that's going to be super super valuable to you and the last thing you really want to focus on is faster cast rate faster hit recovery faster run walk all of those kind of fasters you want to either hit your break points or have enough like run walk whatever to make it so that your character can move and get away from things and you can see i've got some frw on from uh probably here yeah there's some right there and then some fast run walk small charms so you can see this character can run at a normal speed but if i drop all of these and i go down to zero faster run walk perfect you can see i'm a lot slower and if i'm trying to like get away from monsters it's just going to be difficult it's just going to be a lot harder to get away from the monsters and space myself out in an appropriate manner than if i have a little bit more run walk and i can you know navigate around and and get away just a little bit faster it's really amazing how much that does additionally like i said your attack speed and your cast rate is very important because there is the idea of he who puts the other in hit recovery first wins is a little bit how it goes so if i'm next to 20 mobs and i go right in the middle of all of them and they start to swing to hit me if i hit all of them first like with a nova or whatever it is all of them will go into hit recovery and not hit me if they all hit me first i'll go into hit recovery and not hit them so the faster that you can get your spells off or your attacks off the better you're going to be because now you're going to be able to hit them first rather than them hit you first and that is a very big deal in diablo 2. now stacking some of these things that we had just kind of talked about what are good places and whatever to look for well like i said getting it from your gear is going to be important and charms as well so something like a rock stopper is fantastic you can see this has vitality hit recovery resistance and damage reduced that's super great something like blood fist this is little ias good hit recovery plus to life something like this some faster run walk big dexterity massive life 65 to life right there that's super solid right big resistances on akira's guardian and cannot be frozen magefist gets you the faster cast rate on gloves goblin toes gives crushing blow which can be nice for a year like a melee character trains gives faster cast rate and cold resist and of course something like spirit gives faster castrate vitality mana and of course plus the skills which is another beneficial thing because once again the more damage that you can do the faster you can kill monsters and the less that you have to worry a lot of times right so if you can stack up your damage on like spell casters and that stuff having plus skills can be very useful maybe you'd luck into something like a shaco maybe you do get yourself i mean a nice raven frost can be really good for that can't be frozen maybe you get a t-god strength vitality some lightning absorb which helps out lifesteal damage reduction even just regular belts though like this plus 49 to life 28 light res this would be a fine belt to take you in into hell so once again i'm looking for skills if i'm a caster and you know using plus skills really helps my damage life resistances damage reduction and then the faster cast rate run walk hit recovery all that stuff right i'm really just looking to get those things so that i can just power through and be a mobile damaging character that has some tankiness additionally like we said charms are great getting a little fast run walk resistance life charms these are great little 18 20 lifers any of these things that you can pick up can all just be so nice and so useful just resistances hit recovery this is it right this is what i'm just looking for on these kinds of charms obviously like skillers are great and things but don't worry about needing all of these um if you can't get them even this charm i found this charm thirteen hour at seven fast runway i was like that's fantastic that's a great grand charm so let's go ahead and continue a little further right here um and let me put on just a little bit of gear so i can what do i need i'm five dexterity short uh give me water walks how much strength short am i 20 20 on t gods oh but then i lose the dexterity how am i still short there all right well we don't need a shield that's fine we'll play without a shield um so oh that was blade buckle i think yeah wrong one okay so that's still breaks all right whatever this is all fine uh we have an amulet available mahimoke halfway there perfect so now we've gotten ourselves into hell and the thing that like i said i really wanted to show about this is the is the idea of this right here let me change my controls the idea of how you have to navigate when you're actually in hell so the first thing is there are a lot more unique monsters and bosses in hell which means you have to be a lot more careful about how you engage stuff if i'm in normal i can just run up and these are just regular dudes now it's a champion pack so they're gonna do a little bit more damage to me right yeah you'll run into some but it's gonna be you know you're gonna run into more of the boss groups as you go through additionally boss groups are going to be harder so you have to note that in normal they only get one affix and nightmare they get two epics and in hell they get three affixes so this means you could have a normal boss that's cold enchanted but you could have a hell boss that is cold enchanted cursed and extra fast right or they could be extra strong lightning enchanted and and cold enchanted i mean literally all of these can stack and so now their damage is just getting absolutely insane as you're getting more bosses with more avixes doing even more damage right so this guy is extra strong extra fast and he has conviction aura which is gonna drop our resistances down a ton so that's pretty deadly but additionally when there's multiple packs now you're going to have these packs stacking up next to each other so you're going to have why is my immersion okay he's still he's good um you're gonna have you know this pack with the conviction aura standing next to this pack with lightning cold enchant mana burn and then another pack shooting you with arrows or something and you can very quickly run into death right you can very quickly run into very scary situations that is the stuff and so when you're fighting a lot of these these mobs and and stuff like that you can't just run in like normal and be like i'm just gonna go right here and attack all this stuff and attack everything while i get hit from all sides that's not how you fight here when you get to hell or if you're having difficulty a nightmare the way you fight is a lot of kiting fight first i want to get out of the range of ranged monsters and then i can fight and i can kill like a monster here right i'm taking these monsters on one mob at a time or in in a line whatever it is so that i'm not having to deal with so much stuff all at once because you just can't always deal with so much stuff all at once and that's really an important piece uh that i want to get across to everybody let me go like lost city and this character kind of can because she's you know stacked up and has some good stuff but if i'm fighting all here once again i can't be standing in the middle of this stuff trying to fight it because that's just gonna kill me right instead i need to be backing up throwing that stabbing over here dealing with this like this right like you need to be playing a lot safer in how you engage and i think a lot of people don't understand that because they come from a lot of current rpgs that exist or i feel like you don't have to do that as much your positioning doesn't matter as much and so yeah diablo 2 you'll if you watch me play a lot you'll notice how much i do like kiting and moving and dodging projectiles and making sure i'm only fighting one two monsters at a time and this is melee as well once again for melee as well i'm doing the same thing it applies to both melee with range you're doing a lot of drop a blizzard run away drop a blizzard run away and kind of have them walk through it but for melee it's even more important because i really need to make sure that i can not get surrounded otherwise i'm always going to be in hit recovery right so you just you know like all of this i'm never charging into all of this to fight i'm backing up like this and throwing and throwing from afar stabbing the one who comes at me stabbing the one who comes at me right like keeping the distance and kiting like this is going to be so much more helpful for a lot of you guys as you're playing through the game and just fighting a few or one or two mobs at a time rather than all of those mobs at a time because otherwise like i say you're just gonna die it's just gonna happen where you just die over and over now let's go to something that is also difficult for a lot of people right here and something that'd be good to talk about let me grab this real fast and do that um dealing with immunities so for instance let's go to the flare jungle out here and run around a little bit so one thing that you'll see is light immunes right these wing nightmares are immune to lightning well crap i do lightning damage obviously i have at titan so i do some physical damage as well but you won't be able to so it's like mr lama what do i do with all these light immunes i'm trying to kill them i'm trying to stab them they keep killing me what do i do you need to just go past them right fight the mobs that you can and the ones that you can't avoid them this is literally lightning immunes here and i just can't kill them i mean i can like i say because i have you know a little physical damage but i really can't so i can do that or i can pick up a lower resist wand and it won't even break these guys so it doesn't even matter on them let me see if it breaks them it does so i can't even break these guys so i'm not going to engage with them and this is going to be the biggest thing and why i say getting faster run walk and tankiness and all this stuff is important because you want to be able to run away from them and notice how i run to avoid dealing with them and okay i ran into a dead end there okay notice how i gather them and lead them to a certain side so i can go around them the other way right this is going to be an important thing that you need to learn and a very important skill in diablo 2 because if you try to kill every single thing and you can you can get a mercenary and bug them using the murse bug that i've talked about in the mercenary video and that stuff i can link that down below um that can be helpful but this is how i'm really getting through a lot of these areas i'm just avoiding the monsters i don't want to have to fight plain and simple it's a little it's a little scary i mean obviously you don't have a shield and stuff either but it works and a lot of it is how do you guide the monsters once again lead them to a side so you can go around them on the other side right this is going to be the best thing and this is the one of the hardest areas for the the amazon right here which is why i went out here because this is one of those areas that just murders a lot of people um when they try and run through it now like i said let's say that these guys were light immune and i could break them i can use a lower resist one put lower resistances on them and then kill them with that right so you can lower the res using a lower res one then those guys are now killable and that's so much better and you can shop this this is shoppable uh from act two i mean act yeah act one nightmare really and up you wanna be level 31 and higher you can shop this from one of those vendors and you're totally fine this can be helpful in some of these cases but overall when i'm fighting lightning immunes i'm not fighting them i'm avoiding them and then let's say i have a character and i'm going to you know now i want a magic find a little bit i'm not going to magic find in areas that have a lot of lightning immunes once again i'm going to be focusing in areas that are best for the characters so for instance the javascript i love to do in normal cows because there's like almost no light immunes the king is but other than that there's like maybe one other boss or something so i can run around kill everything and it's just going to be super super nice uh for me to just be able to farm in those areas and also none of the act bosses have immunities so you can go to indarial you can go to mephisto but once again let's say i'm trying to run to mephisto i'm not stopping and fighting every mob especially if it's a lightning immune i'm moving past it people say oh there's these maulers what do i do just don't engage the maulers right if you want to kill these guys you can throw some stuff at that but a majority of the monsters aren't going to be instant deadliness and as long as you're just not getting hit by them all the time then you're good you're good to go you just keep running past him you go for the boss you get to mephisto you kill mephisto you rinse and repeat and it's just gonna be great right here we go perfect how easy is that it's like when uh yeah when somebody in twitch chat is acting up do you feed them no you don't feed the trolls and then i just kill my fisto and he drops his stuff and i get whatever i want and then i leave and i'm i'm good i'm a lightning amazon who avoided the lightning immunes and i farm mephisto and i can rinse and repeat over and over and over again be in a great spot and once again get the gear that i need for this character like those blood fists that raven frost you know razor tail water walks mahimoke tracks maybe a shaco if i'm doing like helen dario helmefisto you know but tarnhelm kira's magefist right all of these things all these items and i have in every one of my guides that are up on icy veins or on my youtube there's a whole playlist of every build guide i've created uh i have a list of budget gear specific for that character as well so i have like ideal gear that you want to aim for but also all of the budget gear or a lot of good ideas for budget gear and ideas for the stats that you want to get while you're playing through the game and these sorts of things that you want to stack so that when you get to hell you have resistances that aren't in the negatives that's going to be a big thing right getting there and you put this on and oh wow look at this my resistances are are really positive or they're 30 40 something like that you're gonna be great if there's zero five negative 20 you're gonna have a terrible time in hell because you're gonna get murdered by so many of the elemental damage uh monsters in hell they're just very stacked there's a lot of damage in hell so remember get your good stats get your good levels make sure you're engaging the right monsters properly and not just diving in and expecting to kill everything because you can do that more in nightmare but less in hell and then remember um to just uh what was the last what was the last thing remember to farm and not engage monsters that you cannot fight right those are really gonna be like my four main tips right there i know this video is a little bit long um but it's kind of a lot to talk through because there's a whole piece of going from nightmare through hell and it's not just an easy like oh you just do this and you're done it has just a lot of uh difficulty to it i mean it's still a hard game it's it's just very tough and if you don't engage the right way you're just going to be in trouble so anyways with that being said i hope that's helpful i definitely recommend my guides for learning some more of the budget stuff and how to get the character you know each unique character kind of through the game little tidbits about them because that might help specifically but uh yeah i hope that this was helpful in some way good luck out there peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 466,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: a3azAJ1oO6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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