Let's Play Diablo 2 - Fist of Heavens Paladin | Part Hell

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[Music] what's up youtube mr llama c here and today we're jumping into fist of the heavens let's play guided playthrough part hell so hopefully by now you have gone through the part normal in nightmare videos or you just have your own fist of heaven's character and you're getting into hell and you're like wow this is getting a little difficult or whatever so we are going to play this guy to play through this piece through hell uh so far it's been pretty solid this character has leveled up really well the nice thing is he's super strong in act 4 and then in act five for like the bail waves net pindle he's also really strong so it makes it so whenever you get to the end of a difficulty you can really spend some quick time just leveling up dominating some stuff and then move into the next difficulty um yeah it's it's really gone quite well we will jump into hell here we will uh do a little bit i actually might go back to nightmare and do some some tower runs to try and get one more ammeron honestly maybe maybe that'll be a good little starter for us and then you can like skip past that if you want as with all of these let's plays you can play with it up on your monitor next to you while you're playing along if you need to pause if you need to fast forward you can do either one of those to get to wherever you need to be so you can continue to follow along but let's go ahead and go through the character right now again still just 50 strength bass i haven't found anything to warrant more um 60 strength could be a thought at some point because there are some like nice play to belts and things of that uh dexterity i'm just kind of working up my block a little bit so it's 50 percent and then rest into vitality for skills nothing here um one point into all of these and then i'm starting to put more points into conviction and then we maxed fist of heavens and holy bolt and one point into everything else so pretty simple there for our gear we have rust handle uh we got this nice helm that we found still don't really have an amulet like i said i might craft one later our spirit shield our stealth armor so still nothing to replace this this is where you could have like uh a smoke or something like that later on if you wanted blood fist fcr night smoke's been really nice another fcr ring and then these boots that we shot and then a couple just resistance charms right there and then on our off hand we have our teleport staff just to help us there so do this let's do this put some gold away and let's go ahead and start hell you can see our fire res is a little low but nothing super terrible um being just slightly in the negatives i don't hate you know for for a character that's got decent health and stuff like that um and then also we should be good to go down there and again this is we could probably really start doing some more uh like higher player counts even right here because we are going to run into a lot of immunes out here um or we're gonna run into a lot of demons and undead out here excuse me so that should be pretty good for us so just stamina shrine there so if you wanted to go up to players three something like that you totally can right we can go hey folks before you skip ahead just a quick reminder to ring that sub notification bell to stay up to date with gaming news highlights ellipsis ellipsis dot wait wrong video a youtube like comment subscribe and ring that bell good enough so the biggest issues in here are going to be their gargantuan beast as they are gonna be animals otherwise uh we should be good to kill most of this stuff and again we can always heal up our mercenary ourselves um no this build won't dethrone hammerton i can see it slightly dethroning just because i think people be excited to play it uh so i think that'll that'll be something right there that like people will want to do this to play this build but it really only kind of keeps up slightly and where it kind of keeps up is like waves bail waves and chaos which is very you know highly gone after but at the same time it also is something that um i think a lot of people are doing at higher player accounts and the hammer and still kind of wins out in the higher player accounts so that's kind of the issue i would say but it looks super cool and something that's super nice about it is it does have conviction aura so people are gonna love you in the party right concentration or doesn't really do a lot for most party uh members but conviction a lot of people have elemental damage so that's usually pretty big so i think it's gonna be super nice a lot of people are gonna enjoy it and it's you know with hammerton there's a lot of where you have to stand and all of this the positioning and i think a lot of people don't like that as well so well i don't think it's ultimately better than hammerton um with the exception of a few areas i think a lot of people will still really like the build and use the build anyways just because we're also kind of sick of you know all of us have played hammered in for so long right we're like all right give me something new also no need to spend two birds on infinity with you in the party this field is worth 350 birds yeah exactly do you need a lot a lot of energy early game it definitely helps to have something with mana i mean getting that early spirit or something would be huge for it and this is players three so i'd say it's doing decently well another point we'll go another point into conviction and we'll just go vitality right here and there we go nice and easy also makes for a decent hybrid smiter yes that as well yeah i mean it's it's it's a great build like don't get me wrong at all another point in the conviction for that this won't run into any issues key farming uh let's see summoner technically is not like i mean you're not going to be i guess you can be teleporting around later if you want to put enigma on um it'll be fine in the tower summoner is not a demon or undead but the whole area is oh no so that's a little bit annoying otherwise yeah nothing really there to worry about i guess it's gonna be soh paladin for me at ladder start hope to become the foh king yeah i think a lot of people are just gonna do it because it's just i mean it's just fun right it looks fun it plays fun it still has a lot of really solid areas who doesn't want to be mr fister you know it's kind of my question so even when you get to the lightning immunes and stuff it just doesn't matter because you have that right so this is the it really is an interesting combination because again your combination is lightning damage plus demon and undead damage so you know it's kind of kind of not bad level up again another point conviction we'll put these into dexterity again you can just kind of bounce back and forth between dexterity and not there if you want to uh get a little bit more block chance going and i'm still just rocking players three i like doing that in um act one in a few areas because once again you can really get some nice uh nice experience there there's really a lot of demons and undead out here so you can kind of pick if you want to fist the heavens like in these sorts of big groups i feel like just throwing a fist of heavens down makes the most sense and then more single target holy bolt is really solid or if they line up in a nice line that also would work no safety portal oh man our experience is just popping right now it's really nice build boss farm well if it can then do you use holy bolt for bosses yes yeah it's it's i mean it's not like the fastest boss farm right charge strike is still gonna be like a little faster and stuff but honestly it boss farms really well because uh you do have um a lot of damage from holy bolt and holy bolt can get up to like 10k damage or something with gear and that just i mean that just crushes so many mobs it's kind of disgusting the reason i didn't go back and do nightmare countess is i want to actually give hell count just a little bit of a try on this character for sure i think son also with immunities to speak on it we also have conviction or of course and lightning immunes are the mo the easiest to break by a long shot in this game so that's another like nice point really just so many nice things going for the character okay let's find tower and again we've leveled up because we're just running on players three and we just crush mobs so quickly i mean this leveling is insane this speed already at 61. like no problem 61. it's kind of nuts where do you mf with this character to get gear i mean you could definitely do like nightmare pistol and stuff you could also do nightmare travencoal i think that would be a solid place um we could go and do helen dario if we wanted like because the the boss kill is it really is fast that change to add damage to demons is just huge see if we can find this waypoint man nope i do find boss groups this is actually some of my favorite places to level up as well and it's like some speed runs and stuff is just going around in act one because there's a lot of bosses out here that aren't too terrible to kill so having a character like this that performs extremely well in fighting all those is really nice is it gonna be like up here no where's the waypoint excuse us um there it is the last place we looked all right so let's try out what it looks like to go down in the tower this is players three once again yeah i mean this is pretty nice because again we're getting a ton of experience that's another level up it's wild there's a lot of good boss groups down in the tower and we're running into everything again it's gonna be undead or demon so it ends up just working out super nice for us okay looks like it'll be a backwards rap map what characters are good to party with this i mean a majority of characters that are already played in this meta because you know the met has very much always been on uh playing like elemental casters and stuff right a lot of them so all of those fit really well here this is so wild man it's so good and we'll go vitality right there kind of bouncing back and forth between vitality and uh dexterity tower we'll pick it up and keep moving dead end there we are i'm gonna switch to players one now before countess so we get the better drops always remember to do so jaw drop yet not yet cameron all right let's go baby that's how we're talking about perfect and the strong gets stronger so since we got that i mean again we could keep farming in there because once again that was easy that was an area full of only demons undead um and so so much experience was was in there like i mean we gained like three levels just doing players three going through the tower really fast so you could very easily just go in there and farm a lot and get a bunch of really nice runes right you can get up to a low rune technically you're probably not going to get that high but you can get iss and mouths and ums and poles and limbs and all of that stuff all the way down it's just really really nice so a lot of good stuff to be had down there highly recommended and let's uh we're in nightmare let's go ahead and socket this broadsword remember it just needs to be eye level 26 plus which this one we found in like act two of nightmare or something so that's way beyond that thank you nary goods we add that four open sockets there we go tal thal ort am just kidding am 32 fcr all right uh 97 to mana seven magic absorb perfect so we get even more mana now which is really helpful we also get the additional plus to skills which is also super nice um yeah i mean that's just did you all go no got him um yeah let's go back to hell so yeah it's like if you want to keep farming there keep farming there i mean i might even go down and farm there one more time because i just really love the levels and it's like maybe i should go do players five uh you know and really kind of get into the nasty of it and we'll go five more points here [Music] see if we can find a tower here call me phobia thank you damage is spicy and another point in conviction we're at 20 points in conviction so we really aren't gonna have that many points to put there um especially if we're planning to get more plus the skills later because then like i said once you get past 25 it it becomes uh pointless basically to have any more points in it since it stops going we have a gem shrine and what do we do at gem shine gem shrines everybody gem shines we get one gem that we want upgraded only that one gem and then we go to the gem shrine and now we have a perfect amethyst and now we can start looking at making ourselves a crafted caster amulet because we need a new amulet how fun is that and that'll be rall p amethyst jewel and whatever blue amy that we have but we want to use a blue amy that has high a high level that's the only thing that matters is the eye level of that you don't have a gem in your inventory click it regardless cuz you're clicking everything right receive a chipped sapphire that's that's probably what most of us end up doing hey trust me i've been there myself i'd be a liar if i said i haven't accidentally clicked a hundred of those and gone no sometimes you're just in a clicky mood and we'll go one more point conviction and now we can start going into holy shock if we want for those next points it doesn't feel hardcore viable i mean this is players five so i'm running very aggressive right now i also am not running with everything set for like max res like i'd be going more into my resistances if i was playing hardcore i wouldn't run run around with the negative res at all white thresher yeah holy shot gives more damage to fist of heavens that's why we could we would do more points there see if this bends around backwards yep okay and we'll go to players one it's just so nice fanaticism there tauren but like i say do that as much as you'd like again we gain like a level and a half just doing that right there uh let's do ralph p amethyst random jewel and we can just go gamble a blue amulet one is shape shifting and ah curse you wrong character but such is life it's okay we'll try again next time it's probably dark woods right i know just no this chance of iron make sense of this build the extra damage to the university is a nice touch i don't think any of that damaged demon run dead is gonna help you that that should just be coming on your melee attacks so i mean you could run it just for all the you know resistance and stuff in the plus skill but i think enigma is still going to be better for this just being able to quickly teleport around probably still just does the most but i mean again i really like the idea of running if you do want to run non-enigma i think running a full griswold set would be super fun and then just jam the lightning facets into all of the slots because there's so many sockets on the griswold set you can you can do that and then you can charge around and then have a ton of damage on your fisted heavens i mean how many sockets do you get you get one two three in the armor you can get four in the weapon right is it 11 or 12 12 sockets nasty armors three shield three home two yeah seven ten twelve so you can get plus 60 minus 60. you know that's pretty nice and then you know you're running the conviction or on top and it's a it's a lot perfect or jam with p topaz and s for mf you could also do that i mean yeah it depends what you want to do with the build you know do you want to make it an m effort or what do you want okay jail level three i wanna go left there it is i just love the the spread of the bolts man it's just so nice does chris said have good bonuses yeah honestly all of those sets have really nice bonuses and we'll go holy shock now we'll start pumping the lightning damage like every one of those end game sets it's like plus three to skills and i mean you get a lot of like res and all sorts of really nice things in all of those it's just a lot of times it's not that is great you know there's like you don't get you know enigma or whatever so you know you can't really run it it's not quite as good but the sets are generally pretty decent if i'm my giant not yet maybe we'll find it on this play through i need a key i need a key yeah you can up any of the set pieces if you want as well though most of them are already upped on the grid set right you have the corona so you can't up that you have the shield that can't be up for the vortex shield you have the caduceus that can't be upped so the only thing that can be upped is the armor once which doesn't seem like it's anything you'd want to really up anyways so that that is more useful for other things like death's belt and stuff probably perfect level two and again as we've kind of stated before this is uh a very good place if you want to farm gear highly recommended highly recommended so i would say go get this waypoint one thousand percent so if you find this first you just go back and go look for the waypoint afterwards set your teepee and then you're good to go and a lot of the stuff in here will be undead or demon so you're good for most of it really it's just the spiders that you're not gonna be able to kill [Music] get a couple more mana pots and keep going to farm gear catacombs i'm saying in dario if you want to farm a boss this is a really solid boss but even down here in the catacombs it's really nice because again yeah you're gonna have spiders but other than the spiders really everything else is demon or undead i'm trying to think if there are any other mobs but i don't think there are so this is a fabulous place but you still haven't even finished normal on the eight-year-old paladin play-through are you telling me you're not better than an eight-year-old playing this game i thought you were gonna bring it up at this point i'm not angry anymore just disappointed we can do the eight-year-old builds yeah this is this is another really good place to farm levels and experience and some items and stuff i mean you can definitely get some nice items just farming all around here nine months already what the hell avoid spiders condricks thank you wow nine months wild feels like just yesterday doesn't it okay and here's level four if you want to go to a higher player account like players three and dario for more items we totally could um because honestly [Music] it just would work fine we're gonna we're gonna crush in dario pretty easily here i imagine in honor of the eight-year-old bill let's all got a youthful wonder when and ariel shows up [Music] that is true now if you wanna just pierce her from afar you can where'd she go so really pretty easy for farming i mean my work here is pretty easy for farming good evening i mean just like that we got black hand key that's fun 30 fcr 50 life 37 fire is if we didn't have spirit i would probably use this just for all the nice stats on it but just like that give yourselves a clap hell act one is done and i mean you're flying through it it's ridiculous hello flying through it we'll go another point in holy shock and more vitality put that over there we've got a lot of these if we wanted to like craft some gloves later got a bunch of those you can also craft other things let's just keep moving let's just keep moving now remember act two generally a lot of animals a lot less undead right so we're not really gonna stop to kill many things out here you can if you want but you're gonna have to fight them one by one because it's just gonna be the fist of the heavens damage uh so personally i say i prefer fighting in those more insane areas we can go down there if we want and we don't even need to set the tpu we could just like go in if we want to go to the stoney tomb because there is a little bit we can kill in here get some undead and there are beetles here which are not gonna be as good for us so we'll just have to fist the heavens them down and that's just not going to be a fun one you can also just avoid them and just move forward because we know we have this blossom here and that's all we're really here for do that and get out so just a little bit of experience we can pick up but i mean again we're already level 66 i mean we could we could straight up just rush straight to ancients if we liked and still be okay uh you guys might want to put a little bit more leveling in just for the sake of leveling but otherwise i'm pretty happy with it and just a lot of animals again so sitting to try and farm each and every one of those it's just not as fun not as fun as blowing up the whole screen grab the waypoint and we'll keep moving your pants okay far away sis only the birds out here i think are going to be undead or demon not the raptors though just the like undead birds so again another area we wanna really kind of move past yeah the vultures thank you and just look for the maggot layer and the exit a lot of raptors out here which is definitely not my favorite raptors are pretty annoying they're very fast i'll just kind of get in the way all right okay there's that and let's get out of here is live yes i'll make it nice i don't know if it'll make it top tier because you still have training belt which is just better than death sash but death sash plus gloves is a nice combination so andy didn't drop anything really maybe a new grail item honestly that's about it good to see you so let's go back repair get ready and stuff down here will be uh half and half right the snakes are gonna be bad but the undead will be fine so another flawless amethyst take that try and get a gem shine and maybe we can craft a halle amulet next time perfect and just looking for level two and again if you want to avoid a lot of the hassle and the scare you can just teleport up here and that just makes it a lot safer feeling so that's generally my preferred just make sure that they're not standing up there sometimes they will stand at the top otherwise it's a good area to just kind of poke at them so there you go now you got the amulet now the next area will be a little bit more difficult this is going to be kind of the scary spot um the snakes don't climb the stairs really they're a little too big not fat shaming them they're just really narrow stairs so down here is where i'm going to recommend that you just really teleport and don't try and fight now if you want to fight you totally can but fighting beetles and maggots and everything one at a time is just gonna be awful right now you can see you do a little bit of damage there but it's not a ton highly highly recommend just going for a teleport days through because this is this is going to be probably the worst area in the game for this character which you know it's also the worst area in the game just for a lot of characters so it's not surprising but there you go we got that we can leave or we could open a portal if we want whatever it is go home you can also hope for the perfect mega that's right so i would say the area that you might stay and clear out and do stuff is just gonna be that that final area right there so easy though now we keep moving and we could also have our our mercenary i mean she does cold damage and could have helped shoot through there so you know that is one thing right having a mercenary in the maggot is actually really nice um very helpful gonna get a mixed bag of demons and undead here so sometimes it's decent sometimes uh you just get a couple animal types it's not that great grab waypoint why not force this over that way so for instance the invaders are not right and neither are these dune bees so still some animal types in here but you can get a lot of skellies and things every now and then but arcane sanctuary this surely we'll go to players five because remember the arcane sanctuary is all demons and beasts or undead i mean so if you're looking for uh a place to level as well again this is not a bad one and looking at just holy bolting things as well is not a terrible idea especially if you get a nice line of stuff which we do have with the stairs how you want to do it right this is players 5 so we're kind of really cranking for a little bit of extra experience here nice and easy we also have another targe potentially get some really high res on it like 30 40 rs and that could be really nice as uh we do need a little more res only 11. unfortunate holy shock more vitality unfortunate there will be a lot of seven paladins i believe are you yes of getting the same questions about ladder start over and over again blink twice if you know the date but nba prevents you from telling us blink price if you know the date but no nda is preventing you from telling us oh god he blinked in some capacity at some point okay not first way it does feel like players 5 was maybe a little slower than i wanted so wow i'm gonna go to players three lower it down just a tiny bit and there are chests at the end as well if you wish to pop those chests do you want me to go pop the chest is that going to bother you what does it mean if you drink high time it just means i had a good pie day another sauron i can't carry anymore and we can pop these chests and nothing good yeah those are super chests at the end so they're good to go pop those are good ones so like you said p3 now we'll do that see how it goes we made an insight for an act one mercenary she just died sometimes i mean it's kind of you know we could resurrect her when she when we want she helps a little bit with the insight for sure now gross smt [Music] minus the lightning spires and the summoner those are the only two non-demon undeads in here so long with 18 months thank you very much they changed it gtr not close well ptr is over they took ptr now so the next thing i imagine is 2.4 coming up like the actual release of it okay nothing in second area here and we can always right before we open the chest change to players eight as well just to make them players eight chests because chests are not on spawn but on pop nothing there we'll go back to players three and try again so that's something you can always do with like the cows you can go run around and clear all the cows out and then once you've done that you can change to players eight and run around again and pop all the chests if you you know can only do a little bit or something maybe a good amulet no wish you could change player count on console you can you just have to go into the menu it's a setting now if you go here oops that's not it that's quitting the game hello if you go here and gameplay and scroll to the very bottom you should have a player's account that you can do i just wanted to go back out there this surely is the product of a twisted mine i am overwhelmed before you find your own another point another holy shock we'll go five more dexterity and that's got us at 54 block pretty decent crashing absolutely crushing definitely a nice area for this character [Music] and third way it is i mean again you can see the range on this is insane sometimes as well we don't have to kill the summoner you can if you want especially if you're like trying to find keys or something i guess but not needed cold damage doesn't do anything for us and again there's a lot of animals out here and we'll just have to see what we get i'm gonna go to players one we'll have to see what we get in our tombs before we decide so we have one undead another demon so if our third mob is demon or undead then we're good to go we can look and see what we get no it's beetles so beetles are probably my least favorite to draw on this character simply because well their lightning rez is really high and even though we can break them our damage still doesn't quite do a ton to them it's a unfortunately slow process there so we'll probably just be teleporting through a little bit more of this if we had drawn monsters uh i did them if we had drawn monsters that were all undead or demon or something then i'd probably crank the players up a little bit and spend more time in here farming could be decent experience yeah beetles are a very good experience and we like them in a lot of cases but not on mr fister looks like we need to go down this way and over here potentially yep and we are just going to grab these beetles and really drag them out because again it's just not going to be a good time really trying to deal with all of them and if you're ever having clicking issues because fist of heavens does have a little bit of a weird like range just swap to charge or like a normal attack or anything else and then you can click on things so that's just a little tip to help and of course now that we're at durial we can buy up some thawing potions and it's 50 cold brings us to 74 percent now for like five minutes after drinking all of those and now we can fight mr dariel and i just like to stand with my back against a wall so he can't knock me back and otherwise pretty easy how simple is that you guys i'll grab that for gold that's hell durial easy as pie give yourselves the clap honor tell russia's sacrifice well done oh well done wonder cold skills wow and garbage thing hey mr llama i don't know how much you have played d3 but i was thinking the ring that reduced the need of one set item could be fun to add to d2r in one season what do you think um [Music] no i don't know i barely know what that ring is i don't know enough to have an opinion on it good day perfect perfect zap italics thank you and we're in act three so remember there are a decent number of demons uh in some areas when you get these fetishes but if you don't have these fetishes and you just get like these birds you're not gonna have that fun you're not gonna be able to break them really as well so this is gonna probably be the hardest area i would say besides like maggot layer this would be a tough area for this character for sure you're gonna have to do some dodge duck dip dive and dodging because while you can kill these guys these cloud stalkers will be pretty annoying and you can go one at a time on them but perhaps i could trade it's it's a pain and then even down in here it's gonna be painful so you can move slow because again you saw that we could break those immunities and you know the more you have a conviction the better your chance there right if we put a few more points in conviction and get it 225 it gives us even slight slightly better chance and damage and everything so that's definitely something that you'll want to take note is it may just be a slow move and also having your mercenary could be very nice for it right so we can go back just go grab our merch really fast uh it's definitely in there mitzi send me an image of it i'll bet you a sub i can find it in 20 seconds or less and again another just like difficult area for this character mercenary should help some though as she does have decent cold damage there and can help free stuff up baron thank you [Music] we'll come here we'll grab the eye and bounce out of there that was nasty with five gifted subs wow and again we will just go for a teleport and kind of just try and move forward here it's like i say you can fight these cloud stalkers one at a time if you would like and with your mercenary and such and that'll help it out but there are a lot of lightning immunes in uh act three hell she can help you out with the cold damage or she can be father for the boss group as you grab the island either one a little bit of fodder never hurt nobody we'll go ahead and continue to the great marsh here and hope that this leads us to our flare and if not we can always go back we are on players one yes [Music] and always be aware of your resistances for instance i have low fire res here so it's a little scary for me moving around in some of this there's our flare jungle right over here perfect some stuff killable still some stuff not but if you get all of these little shamans it will be better so that is the nice thing is when you can get all of uh all of this stuff just get soul killers and fetish guys all around flares and honestly if you get all that this honestly becomes a pretty decent uh farming spot just overall so the birds are kind of annoying here simple nice and easy make sure we cast our holy shield and keep that up get that extra block chance like i say that right there like those guys are lightning immune so for most characters that becomes a giant pain but because we have that damaged demon undead so much easier and just go get the waypoint of course uh easily farming along the way that's too much for him to read no way point there building a mage this character you're saying do like hammered in plus the volleyball part of another point we'll go holy shock and vitality yeah i think that could also work but then you're just playing hammers more you know i think a lot of people want to not play hammers but that would give you more of a solution to animals for sure might aura curse or holy fire or whatever it was over there painful what's my dora extra fast always be careful as uh in hell you can get some really nasty combinations really nasty and we're level 69 so nice and easy another gem shrine i have that amethyst here so we can make another perfect amethyst real mature [Music] but another really good area to farm honestly uh perfect good day there's something about the way that the screenshots are cut together it has to be that map makes no sense at all well it doesn't even have an exit tile right now so three to cold skills to the blizzard nice i mean there's no maps like that's not a known bug you know okay so we have rowell p amethyst jewel yeah let me see the middle part too there might be something there good to see you again gamble another amulet 38 fire is actually kind of nice but we're gonna morph it that's pretty good wow not bad at all so 77 mana 17 already 10 fcr 17 mf and it also has a couple uh lightning skills so yeah this would be amazing on like a nova source or something the 17 mf is super nice on that really would be helpful that's actually a really nice craft but now we have 17 res on this character an additional 77 mana which is super nice and that's why you try crafting things that's actually pretty nasty you guys what what what a craft they were probably just patrolling or trying to talk about the regular ones there's nothing new there wow if only fist of heavens was a lightning skill i know recipe is ralph p amethyst a blue amulet make sure it's a high level and uh any jewel jewel doesn't matter with 17 all rights too and now we are in the lk which of course means you can do that same stuff we talked about a nightmare you can run around you can drop up to a burr rune from the super chest wherever there's that fire i have videos on what lower crossed farming is and how to do it um but just a note for you there and we actually have a pretty good map for it as well honestly so a lot of stuff you can get and there's our waypoint so you can just leave join go players eight run around do that stuff really is nice if you want to farm more find more weapons things like that otherwise you can continue forward of course battle made serena also a place that we can farm like i say just like normal a nightmare uh you know it kind of rinse and repeat on hell for a lot of the stuff it's very similar areas that we're really aiming for focusing on all of this oh that was a different bus okay didn't notice grab lemon essence tome and keep rolling we'll go to the sewers here and start looking around see what we can a find of uh animals in here kind of a mix and match again so probably not gonna stop to fight everything but we can see what all we run into that's over there and there we go there's our sewers exit oh good godless how are you and there's our heart we'll take that back once we just come out here really quick and get to the travencoal and again not a terrible travenco farmer right here remember travinco minions are demons now the zealots and stuff are not so if you are surrounded by the zealots that's gonna be annoying but the ghoul lords vampires are so can be a mixed bag kinda depends what spawns near you we'll go back to town and you're sure you're in the underground passage greetings i mean that is it that's just not how that map generates that's so confusing yeah yeah okay and we'll go back to trav and uh time to fight some demons baby i'd recommend doing this on players one however if you wanted to increase the player account you could it'll just be a little bit harder for a little bit but honestly works pretty well more room small charm ralround can use that for another craft if we ever wanted one and you can also use holy bolt there as well i mean it's you know it kind of depends what you want to do i mean that's pretty easy right good to see you and put those away we'll do more vitality and we'll do another point in conviction why not five more vitality drink our potion and just get a few more potions here see what this ring is 10 fcr with 47 to mana that is better than honestly kind of either one of these a little bit so we'll take the additional mana and we can keep rolling yeah this is definitely not a cow farmer this character can farm some good areas but cows is his worst have fun with that down here though decent month air like just yesterday you hit 1 000 followers crazy to see you consistently having 1 000 plus viewers thanks pie guy does seem like just yesterday doesn't it is a little dangerous still some nasty mobs here the speed on him just dolls in general good enough no wow hi guy it has been a long time hasn't it thank you for that 420 and thank you cat daddy now again if you're looking for a place to farm maybe it's levels experience items whatever it is you can see the difference of hate is everything is going to be undead or demon so another not bad area to go around and kill stuff it does have dolls so it's going to be a little more dangerous but you get mephisto at the end of it which is really nice so kind of a mix and match there right you can also just use it and go straight to mephisto if you would like so just go and find this waypoint in that case and then you can come back and farm it whenever you want and you can also of course reset for a really nice map that's always something that can be done in this game just be really helpful oh i thought we were gonna have a really good map there that would have been such a nice spot for it to be there's not really anything there and uh getting used to kind of stutter stepping here is going to be really helpful as well just something to note so you'll see me kind of doing it especially with the dolls because i want to get away from them wow a double fake out being able to just kind of move away and cast is a skill that'll be really helpful to learn um and that's something that on this character is really good but also you'll find is really good on like a it as well 20 to life i will keep that but so much to be killed nicely any worries right there you want to kill these council members as well feel free i like setting a portal just for safety purposes but i still want to be around him when he explodes laying of hands does not help fist of heavens now we'll go here and again you'll have the same thing that we've had before which is do you want to man up on mephisto or do you just want to bring him over here and then cheese him [Applause] both pretty much work and again it's a pretty fast kill so always good to show off the cheese for the people that don't feel as safe uh standing right next to him fists of heavens is okay but the holy bolt damage is just so good like you can you can do fist of heavens if you want but it's just gonna be like less damage even with the conviction right there the lord and then we also have once again an armor stand we have a super chest at the back here i need a key nothing i drop need a key and a weapon rack over here so those are always there you can always go and shop those otherwise act three complete easy as that and now we're getting into act four which is more of our bread and butter so we are level 70 and a half right now it's just been easy leveling yeah we did get some animals right here it's a little bit annoying leapers are not my favorite and hopefully no souls out here we'll see what happens if there are souls and you have a point in conviction it can be a nice place to use it but nope no souls we're good to go so we'll just go looking for usual and we'll stick on p1 this time out in this area even though p8 or p3 or something would be nice just to get more experience uh when you eventually find a visual i'd rather spawn on p1 just the first time here our fire res is still low it's only three percent so that is a slightly annoying thing we'll need to remember we can't really stand in the path of a bunch of like infernos or anything like that otherwise if we just kind of stutter step our way around it's pretty crushing again this is where a lot of characters are usually pretty scared and uh this guy's not but if you do run into souls and you don't have salvation or something like that or point resist lightning anything to kind of help you out um something you can always do is just quit and then restart the game just create a new game and then you'll get a new selection of mobs out there and you can just keep doing that until you don't get souls in your plans to despair your feed for me is very choppy and pixelated is this because i'm only a tier one sub is it is it really it shouldn't be so yeah that's just souls can just be super nasty but if you're max res and feeling fine and everything you just want to make a tier one sub joke is that it well maybe you should upgrade your sub and then you'll see i think my bit rate's like 6 000. let me check uh yeah it's 6 000 which is like the max you're supposed to do with twitch right otherwise it gets all weird and glitchy there's this hole and thankfully even though we can't damage him with that now our lightning damage is doing good amounts that's just nice and easy right there necro skills good day and we'll put another point in conviction we'll get closer to that 25. we'll just keep moving just keep moving here let's see what we draw in the city demons demons all right all good we got all demons and undead so that's really nice don't have to worry i know i have to talk to israel to get the skill points i'll i'll do that eventually cow hugs with five gifted subs thank you so much cow hugs and baron with the five from before as well today thank you both okay that makes sense tier one for sound and tier three for video quality what no way warren that's wild i want to check this i mean i trust you checking it like i don't even see where that tile is i'm guessing it's maybe a non-connected teleport tile that's so strange though yeah tier one first for well tier one just gets you basic viewing tier two increases the audio quality and tier 3 increases the video quality and also the elusive crotch camera most characters would be scared jumping into the middle of that this character is like yummy experience tier one is uh a boost to the drop rates in your game especially your rune drops nice we've got all demons and undead again out here no maggots that we have to deal with and we have the smith who is also a demon so we can deal with him in a second and it'll probably be best just to do this now what room do you think we're gonna get here remember you can get up to a goal room don't be so imprecise tier three gives you access to the spicy snapchat that links to the only fans once subbed to the only fans you get the crotch cam i'm dead this is terrible holy phrase is horrible here all right let's try and take it nice and easy a hydro let's clear this out slow and steady wins the race i hate you and your holy phrase nasty all right let's smack it like it's hot hal roon the goal rune what's it gonna be it is again all right two foul runes more disappointment but if you got some um runes or cool things like that you can always like sock it and i'm running in a helm get some nice resistances you can use it in some fun rune words maybe enjoy your nice rooms lamrin you can make like a treachery for your mercenary or for yourself if you want the fade crocs though who's that a few ideas there like i say even though there's a lot of lightning immunes out here it doesn't really matter because we have damage versus undead and demons so crush it all we can do with the foul rune you can save it for an obedience for your mercenary if you can get a co somewhere it should be really nice i just say that i really enjoy your guided playthrough i have learned so much i hope to see one with the kickstand and in the near future so i could understand how and what works with kik for sure keep up the good work do you even check how many socks in the head bro um or you can make a lion heart that's probably the two does unbending will require falrune that can't be made quite yet once that comes off ladder i think that's a falren word forget all of the runes that that are in it lightning immunes doesn't matter and kill as fast or slow again to get in there if you just want to mass teleport your way in you can do that as well but if you want to take your time and kill everything it's not bad experience you can get really nice drops this is an area level 85 so it's really a solid place it's a good build for starladder this is one of them again we do need to be careful about standing in the way of a bunch of fire damage but otherwise we do pretty decent right here i would say and again everything in the chaos sanctuary gets crushed by us every single month so this is this is one of the best spots for this character i mean this is hell right here and it's just like easy uh we'll do another point conviction we'll get a few more potions make sure we fill up our scrolls and we can sell some of these things put these away and we'll go into holy shock and keep grooving again safety tp just in case make sure holy shield is on god is it good that's just nasty thank you clark appreciate that jewel 1540 and remember these guys do have a leash so you can always just kind of stay a little further back while this ace is alive and it'll be a lot easier to fight them it just smokes everything whoa that was a long delay i can't carry anymore honestly i think this is also in my opinion a good showcase of why immunities are good in this game and i'll get to that in a second let's go ahead and go massacre mr diablo and his lightning will not touch us because he shoots it beyond our head because in hell it starts out too far away from him this is always kind of funny and there you go that was easy that's hell chaos it works in hell and slightly in nightmare but not normal give yourselves a it's clap of a bug just a miscalculation kind of done eerie music but now we're going to kind of get into another area that may be a little tricky if we get some like archers maybe but no we got animals and animals so this is not going to be great so we have to be very careful running around here and probably just really want to move forward but i mean if you guys saw how easily that character crushed the chaos sanctuary to me it shows like this is what the game would look like if there were no immunities anywhere you could just run around and murder everything just by like pushing a button and and you're done like everything's dead so oh i like that one yeah try the the comeback and it just it just is well it feels more fun in the moment because you're just like bam bam bam and everything's just dying left and right and it makes you feel really powerful ultimately i think it makes the game way worse when that exists i think the game is way more fun when there are a lot of areas that will be challenging it cheapens the game yeah so even this character it's like okay he's crushing there but now in this area you know these are all animals and he's you know it's a lot harder and there still are some lightning means in some difficult areas and all that stuff yeah so it it makes me happy that there is immunities in the game seeing something like that because i'm like man if every class and every build could do that this game would fall off quickly from fun to eh okay we'll kill shank our rugged is free there's some light immunes that you can't break with just conviction especially if there's like a unique boss with you know light enchant or something that is high lightning already somebody had insane damage over here that was nasty it's hard to tell when you're affected by an enemy or a conviction uh i'm never gonna be affected by an enemy or a conviction the reason is because who's whoever's conviction is higher wins that's how it works so whenever i come up against a monster that has conviction aura their conviction's not going to be above level 25 not even uber mufistas is above that so our convictions will compete and mine will win yeah uber mephisto has conviction or level 21. so i win out over him as well thank you for gathering the eu friendly streams of course that's just for me cause oh i did not think those were hitting me wow i went to teleport there i thought that those bolts were going to be behind me happens don't need conviction aura for uh mass charge bolt damage there we were running a low low on health pots anyways i was like oh i need to go back and get some happens dreadfister it's a nice name for it anyways moving on how's my day it's good how's your day could have gone after those archers but there were animals right after it and i didn't feel like dealing with them fight those guys instead i don't like being frozen honestly it's not a character that needs cannot be frozen but man cannot be frozen would actually be nice on it grab the gloves 25 light res which is nice but i don't crazy need just 25 light reds gloves not really anything else brought to the table from him we'll toss them maybe maybe not for d2r i'm still up in the air on doing a member stream this weekend 50 50 right now feel free to always set a safety tp whenever you want and crystalline passage honestly i still think crystalline passage it's good especially here because we have demons all over so we can actually farm through this area really easily to get this waypoint just in case you want to do anya check the archon plate why not but just good one for safety purposes two uh you can always come back and do on you later on okay both of those reasons i think it's nice just to grab it let's do that there why did i not go smite fo i mean we could have gotten smite foe because at this point putting points in holy shock is increasing our fist of heavens damage but we could have just focused on having our single target be smite instead of the lightning damage portion you know but that's just another style another way to build it honestly this character really has a lot of kind of options to it i'm just building more into a pure foden here instead thank you very much quark back smoke break kid getting a domcrafter we'll grab a waypoint here and we'll just continue forward are there any changes with this build coming up to ladder i hope not we're making the guided play through right now i'd be really sad if all of a sudden it was like and the whole build is actually different now so hopefully it still plays at least similar enough that the guided play through holds its holds its own i mean i think getting to the 75 break point is totally fine what in the world warren can you go anywhere else besides like dark wood what if you go to like black marsh or timo or anything like that the game just stopped loading that's the weirdest thing i've ever heard all this shield put that in holy shock we'll get some more vitality again this is actually somewhere i would recommend getting a waypoint as well uh simply because it can be pretty dangerous at the ancients and if you do die there you want to be able to kind of get back and not have to run you know a lot of the map again so definitely a recommendation oh boy just for a little bit of added security to grab that hello and now we'll go look for the ancients and there they are so once again for the ancients what can we do well first we should put things there okay right we can put all these things away i also like putting away some of my uh some of my like re-juice just because i feel like i i generally want to have less rejuves there i'm also going to switch my belt into just a bigger life belt not a really big deal but gives us more potion slots and now of course we can just load up and you can use the cube [Music] right you can also go out here you can drop potions on the ground if you feel like you're going to need a lot of potions whatever you want to do you can do this as many times as you'd like those potions have a i believe a 10 minute life span while they're on the ground there so you do want to be a little bit careful um and that you're using those you know in that time or at least picking them up and juggling them around that also works but otherwise i mean i think this should be pretty pretty solid now the big thing is we want to make sure that we're not rolling anything that is lightning enchanted or lightning immune that can't be broken so the three ancients are going to be italic maddock and korlik korlik we just need him to not really be lightning immune um even if he's like spectral hit or something he should be fine it's just if he's lightning enchanted i think that's an issue pretty much similar with talik same idea uh maddock is going to be the one that's probably going to be the hardest and that's because we need to make sure that he's not like spectral hit he's not magic resistant and he's not lightning immune probably those three he can probably honestly still be like magic resistant or spectral hit just alone but it'll be a little bit more annoying to try and kill him and do all the damage for the other things you pretty much just want to make sure they're not spawning with insane things like extra strong cursed fire enchanted or something or like extra strong cursed fat you know extra fast on you know mad or talent could just be really deadly so you just make sure you have your teepees ready and you just kind of check there's lightning enchanted there i don't want that and that right there looks pretty good so with this we can break and we're good to go and so now all we do is just kind of run around and uh zip zap zooey on top of these deweys that's a terrible thing to say it just sounds awful and if you want to separate them off you could also do that if you want to uh smite them because you've got some crushing blow or something you could also do that um you know that's something that we've kind of discussed before is having uh just having them separated a little bit or just smiting down one at a time and we're just gonna make sure that we're not really near getting whirlwinded as that's probably gonna be our biggest concern if you do want to fight them like one-on-one or something we can show that in a second as well go corlic really fast so if you want to fight talix straight up a good way to do it is we just come over here you can get your teleport staff ready nope we need to separate these guys perfect and oh they're gonna actually come down together interesting i didn't think maddox would join there okay so here we can just fight matic straight up just have to be careful here's gonna have a little bit of damage because he does have that might aura which we don't really like but we can come down here and for talic we can fight him like this and make him so he's not going to swing on us or spin on us you just come stand against this wall like this and have him come at you straight on and he'll only go to hit you straight on which is nice so this is a way to prevent whirlwind and like i said if you've got both of them or all three down here can be annoying but for just him it's pretty nice and if you wanted to do something like uh you know shift your potions up i can let me pick up like potions here okay i could do something like this pop those potions off and then come over here and pick these up and now those potions have a a timer on them right as well and maddox is going to be the annoying one uh this is also where like i say you know having like smite would be nice if you had like crushing blow you could just sit there and smite him so you just don't want him to be too strong that's honestly the main thing you don't want mata to be doing you know tons and tons of damage so this might or is annoying but we can survive it and it's just gonna be a little bit through but yeah i would definitely say like a midori here is gonna be super helpful all right a uh smite you know or some sort of something along those lines why not shooting holy bolt he is not a demon or undead you can also just play the dodging game if you like but yeah maddox just takes a little bit d2 pilot thank you and this is also where having a good block chance can help for sure as you're gonna be able to block you know half of his attacks which should be really nice nice and easy yeah if you walk you keep your defense but also you keep your block chance so that's why i'm i'm walking right now because i want to still have my block chance when he does hit me otherwise it drops to a third and no defense so i don't really have any defense to to matter but i've got block chance going for max block i'm like 50 block if i get like a nice shield like a hodge or something i'll be like pretty much right on max block at that point so there you go ancients done took a tiny bit of time but really not bad at all i mean and that's gonna be you know a spot where this is not like you know it's gonna be hard right no i sell it all the potions in my cube as well so we were fine that's why you saved some extra potions you know that right there is honestly why i like super helpful we'll set that down oh i'm out of teleport charges i was like why am i not teleporting that's why this is gonna be a little tough that's not a nice area i'm gonna die again let's just get them away okay i mean it's a nasty uh nasty setup for us there i needed i remembered i needed to go repair it just a second too late touch the house shine and we got a terrible set of mobs as well in here i just want to find a spot to like relax this is a really bad combination honestly resetting this let's just reset it you know what i think that's easier we could die 15 times and then get our body back but i think this is a better place to just reset uh if you spawn just terrible stuff like that sometimes it's best to just leave also i didn't have all my potions and stuff set up i didn't have my teleport charges uh repaired so there was a lot of bad planning i went into that so that definitely did not help us at all so now we're in a much better spot that's what a little planning can do for you all right and now we'll continue through and go here and see what mobs we get instead and again if you want to go as slow as you want you totally can uh because you can kill pretty much everything right now it's just how much time do you want it to take we've got souls those are going to be annoying but we can break them and so just gonna take us uh chillin for a sec just being a little careful also yes if you have salvation a great place to use salvation but otherwise it's pretty nice down here the souls are annoying but we also can kill the souls which is nice because they are demon or undead i mean so these trade-offs and again is this a place i'd recommend getting the waypoint 1000 percent we are in level 2 there so highly recommended to go after the here and it clears pretty well through the soles it really does a decent job here [Music] mean there's a lot of good areas for this character honestly beyond chaos and pits arcane it's also really nice a lot of most of all of act one most of all of act four tower it's really good travis good yeah p1 fo is better than p1 hammers in those areas yes p8 hammers are much better though lego meister thank you so much it's also good at bail waves crushes all five ways which is nice so that's better than hammered in there who only gets four waves but he can do you know the higher waves that more and [Music] oh boy i don't like those guys okay throw on room we can kill death lords but it will take a few shots the issue is it's generally only one at a time the nice thing is at least the the hit recovery stun is a little bit of time at big daddy basis gifted a tier one prime subscription to moana this is their 26 413 gifted prime subscription in the chanel wow big daddy bezos with the prime sub thank you so much gifted it to mo and now we get the waves of which all waves should be uh pretty solid i might go back outside really here just to clear a little bit of space for us if we want perfect i do need to be careful especially with this holy freeze i don't like that very much sometimes you get a rough draw i also don't have great fire as so again that's kind of a difficulty for us a little more fire as it definitely have helped for wave three and four but wave four is pretty much dead before it even gets to us so honestly not that big of a deal [Applause] and wave five this is p1 right now yes could definitely have done like p3 there on the previous wave we wanted another man over and that's annoying [Music] just want to kill bartok there beautiful absolutely beautiful even with the some tough spawns there weird oren and last but not least mr bale and again this is where we could have smite with crushing blow something like that if we wanted but uh now we'll go back really fast get some potions and of course if you want to despawn the clone just go away for a little bit eight seconds and then come back and the d the clone and all of the tentacles will be despawned you can spawn them again of course but for that time being they will be despawned i recommend to start this build new ladder i think it's a great starting build honestly conviction or a plus for when you play with all your friends or other people they're gonna love that where'd you go so i changed it to other people and we'll go ahead and finish them off with fist of heavens because it's a fist of heaven's field and that's it [Music] that's all she wrote we're level 74 too i mean the leveling on this character was just spectacular give yourselves the clap congratulations you have just crushed through this game as the new fist of heavens uh paladin again we can go through our stats i just stayed at 50 strength my base value there this is just to stay around that 50 block for the decks everything else vitality one one one one one conviction is maxed fist of heavens and holy bolt are all maxed then i started putting points into holy shock if you want a single point in salvation or something like that again that can be helpful same with redemption that can be helpful so you can always make those decisions for yourself otherwise pretty simple there gearwise spirit two combat skills some insane amulet comment and subscribe that we crafted peace youtube like actually an insane amulet that we crafted pretty nice for a random craft if only it wasn't lightning skills but uh even with the lighting skills keep that for a grailer or something so we love that spirit shield stuck with that stealth armor the whole way blood fist 10 fcr we have this in night smoke another 10 fcr and then i should have gotten some like fast run walk plus fire res boots but i was a little lazy charms really didn't find a lot of charms a little 20 life right there but didn't do a lot of charm farming either and then of course teleport staff at the end that's it man that's it that's the crush and blow patriarch mr fister congratulations he's done it uh yeah so hopefully this was helpful hopefully you enjoyed this uh playthrough of the fist of heaven's paladin i think he's really a fun character because he really does have that combination of good and bad but it's looking at instead of the immunities you're looking at the monster types and you're like oh this has you know this area has got more undead and this area's got more you know demons let's go here this char be able to clear act six you know it's just really nice uh for sure there's plenty of undead and demons in act six so i don't think i think it's better than hammerton in some areas and in some ways i don't think it's better than hammerton overall though i think overall the hammerton is still the best paladin but this gives you a new way to play the character and uh a new way to kind of have some fun in different areas which i think is really interesting and nice so i love what they did with this character i hope you do too don't forget to like and subscribe youtube i'll catch you guys next time peace everybody
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 88,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 9sec (8469 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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