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you got the game names typed in all right let's see i see here we go three two one green game up go go go go go come on bottom right why do you always do bottom dude i don't yeah you really gotta get better maps going man this is ridiculous i'll uh i'll send the word in don't don't doesn't really matter this early but uh i'll take it it doesn't matter it's always good to have something done to you jim don't forget to party yeah yeah for dinner don't do this yeah oh there's a lot of shamans over here i need some help here oh my god there's so many shamans this is definitely troll to destruction we're playing right now 100 percent a gift for you gluten morgan gluten morgan good morning to youtube welcome back for the first time we didn't catch you on the international news section great job well it looks like your week's worth of restraining order is finally over that was one smooth excuse to quote unquote take a vacation to cancun back in my day me and my friends could speed on ubers in 12 minutes after latter restart and now you think you're good yep that's that is how it went that sounds about right that sounds very accurate 12 minutes dang dude i know begin like 1.09 uh they didn't move characters to non-letter properly so reset would be just the letter would be reset and only new characters would listed in the letter but they could play with none of the characters so you probably actually had some uh go to ubers really fast rushed in the beginning yeah and basically had to get very good it was just someone being funny but that is good to get to a note i don't i don't really remember that honestly i'm gonna need some gold i'm dropping progress after this yeah all right i'm gonna have like nothing but that's fine greetings all right river map river and cold plants i just expansions okay it's over the right i believe i mean it's the bottom right of the black really long way left yeah it was the shipwreck with the food in it unfortunately hey i got that joke just little just cross but it's a bus group don't judge take those you guys get all the crows you have another dagger does anybody need yes but i'm in front all right i'll get you along and leave tv yep how do we decide which one of me and teo becomes teleport source how's it going uh we just picked the better player uh thank you damn girl oh sorry i thought i was meeting all right i'm getting out of here i don't have a channel oh god ow it's not fun just kidding tail um lab i'm dropping dagger here i am on n a servers and taiyo's on eu servers so that's pretty much the difference nobody wants to teleport uh on wrong servers like if it's if we were on eu we should talk we would give that to you llama do you don't you have a push to it's okay i won't talk with him too much now like i do ow please respect other streamers i got you i thought it was good information that everybody would be curious about so that's all i was curious there you go thank you right here silly ow jesus uh who picked up the scroll and didn't deliver it in town or something anyway uh i have i have squirrel sorry hold on max tp is in black marsh or something we're just gonna give up all these things i guess so okay yeah yeah sas imagery yeah howard do we have waypoint yeah oh boss group on gym that was the same one that's [Music] on the bottom left none of you guys have a tp shrine a lot more lovely i can't i can't i need someone to give me a tp brush okay everybody here there we go there we go there we go yeah yeah okay i'm going to go grab bts and then i'll be in on yours power is topping max tp i'm just going to circle there's no way point at the bottom right okay let's go let's go [Music] the tower now but no tp's left yeah um let me go to the block go left from myself i i export i'm really trying here i just have like absolutely nothing all right archers back has waypoint do we have a tpin tower ride boss okay all right let's get minions in there probably good okay i might go like get some gold and shirt some things zero position holy exp please tower tp somebody there's an l shape down here double packs okay uh which cp am i going to max tp mac next dp max tv yep coming i need gas potions has anybody found any let's see i can't carry it yeah a lot from http got it hit recovery gc on mac uh yeah got it see max tv um okay there's gas there's gas dropping black marsh max tp for black marsh tier row boss back on that tea party please party up i need black marsh waypoint uh max cp for black marsh up to the top left is waypoint yet i didn't get altered but pretty organized someone got it we got him yeah you find the toe in love mac we need you here i'm coming to come on i'll put it in here uh towering it coming micro units i picked yeah i picked the wrong one slowly right there i found a 10 fcr 10 fire res ring wait am i fire sword yeah oh my god okay good thing expected is not that far off oh you're oh the spec is the same just kill the fallens i guess yes is a terrible lineup so far you can just fill up the gold if you want humphrey watcher as a new he just grabbed it i have some gold i just don't have very tv tower i love tp tower no boss here though up right unlocked oh close here we put us behind us there i think yeah guarantee pack on me i need a couple health pots if somebody can just drop a couple yeah i'll drop them for you thanks llama ring right at the next intersection okay thank you all right i got both my ring i got another fcr ring i've got both rings already okay are you here yeah okay there you go take the attention of amulet on the ground yeah llama get that amulet fresh meat mordwin's gifted a tier one sub to rosemary he mourned we just do another trust run i'm honestly blanking yeah yeah here uh can i get tp uh and party piece false group on gym lav can you drop one can you tv yeah once they're okay that's not where we're standing just crosses but boss groups let me know if you find red i still don't have black marsh way points i need someone to drop that next game this way i'm on the road somebody grabbed me an xbox oh i'm going to grab it that's lama lama i'm i have a tpf you can just cut my tpvt yeah okay hold up i'm coming for the experience which which cp would see you okay i'll go back this way okay laugh tippy all right uh yeah yeah okay i'm here close enough a little hot yeah sorry uh somebody else grab the leg this time already have one i can grab one uh power teepee archers again i love to guitar oh wow you're on five we could that way we can time it better say again let's get those okay it's not bad thank you mack tp for that pp ppp cathedral tp oh there's a boss pack okay thank you so now we're joining catacombs yep just nanosteepy river map river map stick to your groups that's that and so did you check i went down left so cross river if you can okay go okay on bt uh ready ready ready for tp okay up doubles right there oh yeah there's a button by the way i'm just running away from them i got this wasn't enough uh did y'all check down or no we did it's gonna be up here yeah it's here max tp for two oh i love it when you hit 12. oh my that is just going bottom right three o'clock should go up there to be honest we got a boss group there's something something down here yeah i was at 28 6 hp here jim a little bit more damage poison uh i know do you have a piece okay we got waypoint so top top right just top right top right top left right we have a way uh yeah that way let's be that yeah you can use the mercenary awesome too is everybody standing on this one thank you for the content dang it all right we're short one yeah experience where i think we're at four win four well i mean i like fosters we got zombies down here yeah someone come focus on zombies ran right past me what the heck going on that was crazy or i guess they drop that lysandre yeah a little bit of d-sync yeah the d-sync's not been great here it's gonna make teleport really fun today um all right i am short just one if or a towel so all right cool so i'm gonna have some gold because i have nothing yeah i gotta go fire gold forward [Music] now where where does what team are we uh jim we are progressing yeah okay we got tons of beetles out here all right wait for me all right uh tpp that's already sewers 2 is going to be let's go uh laugh coming with you check left yeah we're going left well i burned the trick first exit we should be going on the right side yeah okay you gotta check the bottom corner right yeah you guys go bottom right we're going top left yeah you're gonna have to remind me a few times because like i'm used to cold sore yeah nah that's a that's a corner right so we gotta go up a gift for you wr8 player let's go uh right here right here top top top top left it's actually done to the bottom right uh i'll start going that way yes i don't have one left it's a llama you have to drop your keys okay i've got like four or five oh llama you need it i'm trying to not actually i don't know i need a fcr ring no i'm fully fcred out so okay i'll give it the tail yeah boss pack here tail i'm gonna drop a fcr ring man there is some desync today uh we got exit um what upstairs we got exit mama love my tv jim's tv yeah i mean we gotta try to call us all right okay i'm just gonna go further yeah i'll go for their teepee uh which one which one is it i've got fire oasis here laughs let me know when you're ready i have a tpg fast [Music] where have you been already nowhere okay oh twenty light rez gloves at pharah we're going upstairs how much are they i'm gonna drop that pharah maybe one of the storks can have it up here 20 what light res yeah give that to me it's a bar yeah i dropped it yeah i want that micro where are you where are you keep getting stuck in these doorways man just die real quick now look at the tps boss i don't have it oh boy all right well i'm gonna buy tp's this is getting rough um yeah yeah just smacks those bad boys out up slowly you left us to die dude well there's too many mobs and you have no tps once again if anybody finds towel or if let me know okay uh dog is alone too who's tp are we going now we're just like going back to your stomach hold on here and we're going into town so you can come to telstra i can just get this cube and leave the game you guys that's what we're going to do we're like falling behind just up here engine tires up here check it out for exits it's over here it's over here okay snakes over there live snakes over there to the right here tp though we go ancient tunnels mack like we just check for them or help them check i am only 17 like exactly 17 so just a heads up uh tp ancient tunnels i'll have one in a second i get the boss group in here right yeah that would help but i mean i'm stuck left hold up okay there we go be there in a hot sec oh my god we should kill these things somewhat experienced interesting make it there the boss where did he disappear around i don't have a tp for llama teleport gp up for llama if you want to take for ancient tunnel plus i would who would have thought that such primitive beings could cause so much killing stuff here you're my only piece of gear so it's close to the light radius whatever experience is let me know i need to be there for now on my tp but there's not much left i guess others done we need to do like stoning tomb or something uh there's just some like monsters up here this is like wait yeah i'll just make a note it's awful uh i know where student tomb is when we run it yeah taylor did you get exactly him he was already oh yeah yeah right directly three o'clock for me yeah but like yeah keep hugging that there should be a shrine you go to like palace now and like kill stuff in power you see it temporarily good day tails top left it's not in two there's okay llama should really be here yeah i got disconnected i'm 17 and a half beatles now we got one more the zombies up straight and that probably still isn't enough by like the smallest amount 50 features high level though yeah i'm still just going to be short i am like very close okay kill this kill this this might be enough we're probably still just fairly short but does anybody have anything in the far oasis they can drop because i got disconnected so i lost my teepee there okay i have like um dry heads or something yeah i don't get that no potions okay i got eighteen i'm gonna need the saucers to help me establish before you died simulating realistic conditions pretty much oh okay teleport back a screen that's another good boss are you mana bro a really bad place yeah not top right i'm not talking about either sully yeah i'm teleporting at the bottom right then this bottom right right now that's a bad idea where bottom right max tp oh my god i can't touch the teleporter all right at least i might start boarding this way back i'm out of here dude i need someone to come through my tp uh mac will come just a mess in here man anything else about a sorek hello yeah what's going on today jesus does feel a little bit off today at least the source horses are there to represent hey man sources are everywhere right now all right real tune i'm going to circle three telly's away try it i may need some gold by the way also a belt uh good small charm here's the belt dude there's a boat okay i gotcha thanks rip man i can't even empty the harem i can tp here okay nice uh intentional death there well he just like targeted me i was like okay we travel back right yeah we can no you can't get some questions and then come back head goal dude who's tp next for teams we should actually just yeah what whoever has the circle circle which is james tv circle yeah i'm gonna need some gold in the future uplift uh bus group left what tp are we going in for leveling um [Music] yeah if there's no this is gonna be such a nightmare today you put up here with a lot of beetles i think tailsterp is really good for experience right now i got light rise up like really a lot of holes smokes too minion yeah let's kill this is a great tune holy i guess we i needed super poisoned i'll take the nano's bt took uh tp to go back to the center oh okay i might need some gold xenos is top middle actually there's nothing in here density was anymore yeah go to stp mine's better 5k golden tone thanks a gift for you at congrats on completing your holy grail and have you thought on what your first character is going to be for diablo 2 resurrected you should actually switch to the real tomb because that one actually had some more beetles that i have no gear on me i see everyone on the ground we have a secondary sorceress at 20. yep just really jesus christ [Music] i mean my experience has been absolutely nothing to your job there's a full room here hello i didn't see where the center was so i don't know where to go just hug the like left wall yeah i know that but like all right what do you need me to teleport stuff i don't know here we go i play oh is there anything up there i don't see anything but give me a sec see any split that might be here i'm not seeing anything here um i got lost in these like dragging them this that's a lot of density honestly team should come over here all right kill this room kill this room go go there's a lot of people from here all right we're gonna teleport nothing just killing density [Music] all right i'm 20 now is everybody you know yeah 11 there's a lot of density going like just straight up yeah i've just i just hit 19. nobody no no we're not we're just in player jungle still so you do whatever you can yeah you guys kill and kill stuff we should set up boss groups for uh llama and mob guys i mean i'm 19. it's hot it's hot yes down here llama yes lovely okay i need i need some gold what's down there llama yes love to be experienced ryan say that said it three times what i mean i'm going to stay experienced yes yeah it could be energy shield just appears on trees jesus oh god i'm dead jesus there's dense in there nice run max tp for bodies [Music] where are you teleporting right now okay we still need flare bottom left of the entrance from serious like bottom left somewhere all right i'm i'm good enough for getting to 20 got another experience friend onto experience right now too okay i'm just gonna be doing dungeon really fast so you can take it i guess for somebody else you are the only one that's doing this experience i'm 20 i'm too soaked 20 i'm 20 already i'm just trying to go okay uh dungeon down there guys it's probably right there to the left yeah uh we'll check terry can i have a tp actually never mind that's fine laughter beatrobe okay i'm doing dungeon and choppers i still don't have a belt i'll give you mine but uh turning in uh the gibdon i got brain who needs gold somebody's selling i'm in traffic ow jesus uh what piece don't i have i need sewers i need all sewers it's the heart right here okay sewers are done yeah now can anybody drop me a tp here so if i find it first any if or towel rune found since start needs two pieces no we found like hell and held yeah so many elves i also have two neff i think so maybe we're just doing like a 10 cubicle jesus that map i'm sitting on two eld in a tear so keep that in mind uh okay does anybody have one eld rune i think we can actually make a stealth with fourteen keep up something tp outside hit you up okay what's in love got planes thank you all right cool planes all right come on if anybody wants i got city cities up i need mana jesus you're supposed to cover the right until you get something interesting i don't have like anything uh yeah tp me again whatever such a bad time river flame up first it is there's a lot of stuff in here see there's no goose yes jesus i mean it's just so bad without stopping to be copied okay we gotta turn off of uh tp and chaos there's a lot of stuff in here did you get all the gems you know i'm on top yeah second to be ready mac we need you here for molten boulder sorry for in fact infectors already at least it's hot it's hot but infectors ready okay let's see here down here right as he got here what's happening oh my god there's so many venom lords here yeah i don't think i've ever seen that many venomboards bottom right in normal yeah after what the hell is going on oh we don't have vizier dead yikes no no it's stupid today it's not a great day for me this is just a rough one for everybody man this is time we had it easy last time yeah this has been hard i mean still no stealth like come on ridiculous double saigons that's what we're looking for that'll catch us up that's exactly right helping some germans let me know when you're ready there's two flawless rubies three you got any diamonds no no diamonds not even uh go for it yeah i have a perfect and a flawless diamond crystalline are you kidding nasty okay tpa at end of crystalline if somebody wants to take it to frozen let me know when that's copied now that's great where do you when you need me what are you not teleporting i'm teleporting on you know okay llama can pee on frozen strength and i need some help oh yeah entrance is up you mean right on him you mean immediate immediately frozen and hip recovery on them everybody come ancients when you're ready saving anya and yes freed just like running away hello lag man yeah i got it i got it level two i'm never making a leaf staff right yep right i mean i have to ral but yes not enough uh i got waypoint i got waypoints so go far left okay excellent okay i got three llama tp on waypoint if we need it can i have a bow anymore give me your belt get on the ground wasting time okay good thank you okay got the throne i'm bringing two mobiles up okay [Music] two belts dropped and thrown one with lighters remember to buy potions now for the currents and not the druid and wave one make sure to kill kalenzo somebody is not fire [Applause] all right i'll just kill all right i got a four socket crystal sword sorry lav i thought you like specifically told me to go buy potions no i'm not here i said wait you miss her yeah if it drops that shank then it's four sockets confirmed that's good enough yeah oh good i was i was pretty confident i was like i'm gonna risk my soccer quest on it you got it i got it i thought i saw it too i was like good experiment on this run i suppose yeah it has to drop from like one of those dudes right or that area yeah this is a really slow we're like five minutes behind already yeah it's real it's actually not the everything that we've dealt with i mean it adds up to about five minutes take it right no stealth for the longest time i hate noise i still really bad xp we got really bad xp in act one i don't know about you guys yeah that's terrible it was fine for me i guess i was i was two levels behind our secondary sources i couldn't do anything good literally right on top of us all right thank you as well mac don't you kill the cow king i'm not i'm running them away or run i still don't have an orb of any kind so if anybody ethereal i guess it doesn't matter yeah i've got uh oh man i want the f spirit anyways broadsword just in case we need a third one basically we're talking about the bottom snagit that's what i get okay so we should have enough for fall and all that here oh wow now it drops but i guess everybody has stuff i just got stealth literally right now someone who knows fire sort of meteor right yes yeah what sort still needed ancients what gt bt on mac uh uh a little bit up to the top left of the enclosure i don't know if you followed me that far but i actually almost don't need another current almost kind of though i need a key yeah king sir okay which one's up what's game five five five five party party party party [Music] do you know when the respect takes place last question uh yours after when we start the nightmare um so it's like after like one more time or something like that after like it was one nightmare yeah okay or rather after the um after this that i'll talk all right yeah yeah because we do yeah reporting from it is so laggy today i know it was like in the moment you say it's so like it's like perfect for me oh crap i didn't speak you were staying quick oh barb gets leg in this game i don't have any does druid go thrown right now yes yes i need uh i dropped one earlier so somebody grabbed that yeah i think something i can say to you yeah in throne and then of course i need amber so no spirit till we get damn unless we can morph up those tend to get there thank you um one more or two will get me tall as well so i don't know if we want to wait until we see if we get a thull rune i i can give you north we have all we got okay yeah just spring to bring here whenever you can here here's my thought actually about transmuting up spirits on like say we actually do it realistic in a real talk about it in a bit yeah what wave are you guys on two three two two is down three starting juicy final that's really nice three is one yeah we should skip breeze down threes down threes down work for down google bring tolerance what do you drop me near health potions yep uh full dropping okay we have another full right did you still need a towel no i got mine okay i just need am that's it wart's leg is still on the ground left okay uh really good fcr ring oh shoot somebody pick up the leg guys i think sully got it yeah i got it okay i'm already left yeah i go off to teleport ppp uh when they call it wave two you can respect oh wait no that's after andy though that was before uh who is yeah after after endearing when we joined the game for kicking the altar so like two or three months so i see yes in the game after kicking the altar then we have one or two more playgrounds i'm not gonna pick up the crystal sword when i have one stealth i gotta cross the sword and and the bro sword sound good i don't know potions nephron uh i don't have any menopause i'm feeling i need oh that's wave three done is this the last leg you need i'm not not more hungry right now i need mana oh then maybe one more leg yeah just go and get it if it's you know i guess no right some life charms this sort of [Laughter] i mean it's self trafficking 54k on the ground cattle level one come on how far are you cattle level two good you do another one someone took my gold so no potions no questions no potions no lifetime ones all right cat level three right what's wrong hold on i'm in level three oh okay okay guys yeah yeah i'm in i'm in one but he's something here we got let's go like eldritch real quick yeah you got like five seconds okay cat level four up and dario spawned one one ow that's all the caravan this is cow king well not right there but you get me uh macro ignore splits guys oh crap i don't have a tpa kidding me good thing now macro joined us for good i drew it on the letter i do alter first yes i am at snakes [Applause] 68 gifted a tier one to conquerors yeah you should not be a neck one like ever you should also bring tp's always yeah i know but still this is a really nice one for you mr bt this one to all skills god i need spirit so badly please tell me you found ambroin we're ooh looking fine barb gc there's all those we got another thought does all the sorcerers have ancients clutch yeah we should be able to we should be on a cube up we have another foal it's definitely cuba i got level two i met altar i'm ready sports take six of the orts from the quest i'm away three right thank you llama have you done megaplay already oh why are you sitting uh i'm sitting because i'm sitting at altar ready to kick and i'm naked because the so i have to quit you can drop a defeat there and we could we could yeah but i don't have my body i'll just do naked uh maggots take this and take that items what is this jim can you get the like i already have one and we don't need it we're going to one after this one everybody go act too and then you guys can kick i'm in maggot i'm dying first works and you're not then party go yeah drop everything so i can cube to am [Music] yeah you need him for double t okay okay bear it back then i've got another 20 fast cast i want oh my god i'm wearing a freaking words like okay i'm gonna tp can you get me amy [Music] i mean whatever here if you want staff then drop okay uh harem did you do you have arcane no there was a harem tp up oh my god now no it was mine oh i don't see it oh we could make it juicy juicy leaf or bt there you go there's the media all right yep uh coffee plus five medium yeah thinking that might be worth i mean i have a rail chilling so if we have a tier i've got a tear and we've got multiple tears i copied our king tp okay wave three down note that this might be the last one yeah we're in arcane and not second way can i get battle orders okay so not the last one uh i guess while i'm teleporting yeah yeah uh 20 fast cast one okay i've got summoner in case beauty needs it summoner just sleep to sleep yeah i oh you copied on top of the thing can you reset give up okay you can give me that face next game to get that there we go turn this up tennis up faces dropped and turn um i'm just gonna drop a nephron there's some gold on the ground as well guys do we need more fcr no resist on akara on mala 150k i got no golds too i have 50k oh there's plenty of attempts here too should i pick them up or all right we're at durian oh holy crap are you kidding me i don't think this will get us there oh wait okay you've copied that yeah we're good i got 10k gold that's what i can give no it's just awful there wait party okay party obama okay oh come come oh i can't because of arcade oh yeah i can't cause a summoner i forgot all right okay perfect this should time up fine tutorial is spawning so one second your presence honors me instead of two okay three down pt is like oh maybe not go in that portal yeah that was a no yeah definitely respect this game when you get a chance which game one party no those tp's out on the right talk to someone and go to ria hi daryl hi say hi which one which tomb was this llama this was double down arrow okay tear him up oh nana you got to be at harem greetings oh right all good just walk it yeah hello a walk of shame do we have am yet or can we like give me the rooms to make it uh or on the ground there was runes if you guys have another fall or is on the ground okay do we have another thul rune at all because if we do okay ntp is stood up in town okay actually i mean it depends on llama i guess i can't do anything man i'm i'm just i'm completely screwed this is it's laggy and i don't have spirit like it's actually impossible to get anything dude you got this well i'm going to tp outside the car stocks yeah yeah it's been been a while since you've gone without us built first i mean it's just the the lag is so bad right now that's true it just makes it literally impossible to read anything i'm just getting hit by everyone i mean if i now you're good for now okay i'm approaching next tune next to mess up it's just stupid i can't do anything you should have eo at least over there i've got bo but i mean i'm everything is just putting me in hit recovery like eight man you know yeah i know it's a they've done that literally not even boss groups just anything puts me in hit recovery i used my tp you're good boss group back there if you want school words also it's gonna be great marsh so there's a p fresh for the bus group here some fires amulets barb injured if you're interested in take yeah i'll take it what do you got no one fires right there such a bad one and there's a a 19 right here next to watch 12 with the five yeah take one [Music] somebody grab it somebody grab it just bring it slowly grab it on your way um party please oh yes i like them for my battle orders yeah it's nice oh where do you want to be oh um i'll drop tp you have a waypoint okay great march with souls say a prayer that's fun next to this up i have no more no more mana potions and some more questions okay as far right tp two paladin combat skill life units what is that two new powder combat amulet oh i need gold i need gold barb can you drop some oh sure teleporting next one here's some skulls party party party next what's up next on the right just a piece on the right much until back there [Music] go ahead and grab one point hello just skip these dudes they're just not worth killing off uh there's one blocking the way oh god that looks like a like a dead endless bro oh no that's the bus group it's bottom right isn't that right running off of like you know 10 potions at all times i am overburdened thank you all right that's the last two now two pieces jesus i don't think you have a ruby helm right no oh nobody made me that [Music] yeah we only got we got pretty gypsum gems as well yeah this is probably bad as it will get i mean don't play that don't say that man i just can't even why do you think we'd go without a stealth for this long i don't think so you can't really oh i guess i helped the next three plus like that was the last team you guys keep killing sick stuff yeah all right uh i could use someone in act 3 because i got dungeon right here so if you want to go dungeon oh everything is catching me i literally can't get caught like it's so stupid because this one would be like just forfeit the whole ladder be like all right guys we did well wait for next letter maybe season two okay i got heart i got hurt are we continuing leveling in that too yeah you guys keep doing i got the brain it's work we did all the i met trav yeah just kills random stuff we don't drop income we might as well we do not have lower resist yet yeah not yet okay i have 100k in stash any gold here if you can drop some of it got it and any orts or thul runes anybody got no oh yeah or i have a full drop doll drop the hole in town okay for you well hold on daddy bezos money left you've got top off man yeah actually i got it i got to hear it all right bottom tv i might need one more we have a tier ort rune lefty outside port and a chip topaz and i'm good i have a row we can come back drop chip tokyo sure sure works two rounds oh one round one round works yeah any talk should reporting i'm trying to get my runes nice is that a boss group or no no uh is all uh planes at with souls though it's only nightmare yeah oh it's pretty hot spider did you find israel no i'm not gonna see is he on jim jim's tp i got river city or did we are we on river flame and stuff uh i'm looking for a river give me the most frequent tp i'll help literally have covered the entire area there we go just starting river so i don't know if it's better for one of you guys to be over there with them we have nowhere to be okay river flame yeah guys we need to be in chaos yeah okay chaos is coming okay star is up trace is up okay uh left side is up now and spawned who's chippy first [Music] you guys want to be up there yeah okay really need to decide whether or not we're doing center on the middle yeah yeah i i decided inside after i had already put in center just gonna say i thought nice major spirit right yeah literally combining rao runes shale oh nice oh who wants shale now we're tv hopping over you just we're walking out right no no no he called himself a help he said we're over leveled as farc farq is uh a guy who leveled up a lot in a few seasons ago just so all the kids know in my strengths beware what right yeah like ten percent levels yeah we're doing one more anyways so oh do you guys get usual yeah yeah gym looking fancy oh my god the decent fancy yeah one of these days i'm going to leave this with the light plate well it doesn't have a stealth yet probably cpu factor need uh 40k gold for low for lower resistance uh i gave my gold i got either way i got gold i got gold just chilling we're getting gold for luck sure uh i really thought that was gonna go somewhere left left it was weird oh nation i can't carry anything impossible btcp left so looking long never good i'm at crystalline and it's i don't know where the heck we're going and okay another one where are we going with three three i'm gonna go ahead and drop a tp here nano i'm gonna copy it yeah well you just copied that okay ancients we haven't gotten so good but if he has ancients it works if he has ancients we can kill stone quickly infected guy here then go on yeah yep there's spawn p1 and static down so all right that's number one right game one one one then get in where's that barbed bow there it is that's what i can see impossible oh yeah i can't go through there oh that's right i was all excited yeah yeah pick that okay you can do cs um anya though yeah i'm gonna go that's why i address your boss nano why did you use the teepee oh my god it's laggy i'm i'm so laggy wow it's not bottom right i can tell you that what is happening do we have a soul rune yet no no hey what's down here it's down here in the bottom mid bottom mid i have shell room does that help nah oh my god i can't reach my body by the way i have quite a few nano can you get oh there it is i have no stop it you didn't grab the weapon did you no definitely not grab which a point yeah i have been thrown one all right i guess i'll suicide to the salt again okay i believe in you snake at bottom safety puppy frozen all right i'm gonna have frozen i'm gonna have uh okay i'm here i might need your vania yeah she's telekinesis okay i got potions we have one warped one i'll get i'll get her i'll get her i should be okay i dragged him okay yeah good one is done yeah thank you can you do a quest too uh barbs only have to kill it uh you can't kill the things i can't kill the things but i can if i have somebody help me can uh go out last time that you can i don't believe so no no uh i've got tp at first yeah first first barbs tp is ready i'll copy the first bar but i can't okay okay second second over is up there oh and third is ready let me know when you want my teepee yes archers and everything's murdering i need some help actually yeah the archers are out of my leap and then llama tp for third one and it is clean so you're fine anybody just wants to dp real static cool all right barb saved nice roon scott don't forget to get your squirrel no i'm definitely behind bt because definitely behind i think we're even oh i'm i'm definitely going can anybody even use math all right i'm gonna make a nine for hell okay so come on in you know oh do you have if you're getting a tv for your rooms for spirit all right e3 is a i got thrown dolls underground safety can i have a tp book okay there's also still a lot of questions stole it okay there it is there's another one let me know if you guys need potions because i carry a bunch of potions somebody killed that guy yeah why is he not laughing because there's a wick back here yeah so that that's the second time it's happened if bale's not laughing i'm gonna need to get stuff here outer cloister set puppy out here is there any chance we want them hammers on this for futures what the quest is uh i'm sure i mean you can just give it to the barb and he can turn it in whenever we join for hell andy okay i didn't grab it this time but it's just thinking for future like if we really care for it or need it actually you should turn it in what you do is you static andy down pp barbs in the tp boeing for us when we join level two ancient pledge with fordham are we doing another run uh level 2 here so we should have something really soon ah way point i have a waypoint level three level three all good dude because i'm gonna be forced so fast i don't think we have frigid though okay okay four's up nine nine nine we could just join him and then yeah just come get andy really fast i'm pretty pretty sure that's not gonna be firm get everybody partied okay good day greetings three still up right now doubtful but maybe freeze it up to the right and then bottom right i have my tp software i got i got souls guys souls oh wait we already cleared it all right yeah it's up now we got souls you destroy souls with the fire yeah i do i'm just letting it show you the safety is just safety so you don't have to come in until like we have another any point like i copy it before oasis go stealth would be cool to have i should do dude if you don't even know himself i'm putting this ort rune in the freaking armor okay this run in comparison through the last room is terrible oh this is i think a nightmare of a run in every possible way that's amazing maxine can you commit snakes i'm at snakes level one can you copy that tp i just set nano uh yes let me know when done uh done okay we're just showing the slowest run we could possibly do in the fastest round okay i'm at level two alter i think that's simple so all right almost done okay uh nano just yeah nine do we join now so yeah party everybody up nano while i'm doing that let party tell everybody to now go active kick i'll hold tp bt because you need to go next game and telly oh you're gonna just play ahead okay but we gotta go next game dude okay harem two is up llama i'm gonna force okay i'm gonna get her oh my god staff therapy oh there's uh emulate on the ground and a tp to seller one just didn't teleport down there okay i know that way i copied tv yeah that was a good idea yeah it was like immediately i walked through the leftovers arcane wave here for you annie i was going to and then i had the speech all right souls yeah but it's a bit hot microsoft experienced marauders recently don't bring it up yeah i was surprised when marauders hit really hard you ever die in a race you were already losing anyways at dariel about to spawn one wave two so finishing this okay and summoner is copied right by the way i forget to join you uh good to join after yeah we're all set i reflected a bunch of re-jews i was wondering if any of the swords actually wanted some fertility no i'm not for telling that's the wrist you get one cup fair enough yeah we're all set here uh okay pt can you not stand behind the behind that belt that's just garbage why you know what you want because you pulled the monsters up here and they're terrible so you don't you like decrep they're the druids sorry for yelling we're used to it yeah it should work the same uh come on bt there we go our cane's a little hot it's spicy it's warm not that bad it's warm it's not that bad tail's just not great it's it's tail level of warming we couldn't even tell that's how we do it ollie llamas tp far right one of these days i won't get frozen i i i love how there was like a goat in there with battle orders when i accidentally clicked on the game rmtp is up okay thank you sir middle middle yeah it's just like full metal nobody wants to head for it diablo and bale have escaped what's up have an all german team everybody's learning german ow god fanaticism then we'll finally beat our world record yeah that's how you beat it that's how it works yes is there is there any value in us killing eldritch during this time or no jumped it like i got to be in there cc that's my job uh teo or uh pt y'all might want to look at that armor since you don't have stealth just give oh beautiful i got two sockets open so 92 life 20 92 live and fire rush that definitely beats that uh the amulet is for one of you guys as well angel's amulet plus one sword skills that's a cold source did we kill them before they put up yes yeah god terror gamer how is actually looking better than nightmare better than nightmare spots fighting but we've got souls in the the great marsh so do you have any health pots over there nano oh yeah cool oh drop more you're good you're good to go it's gonna be over on the right somewhere yep got it okay oh that's a little bit sketch sorry this deadlock came from like all sides at the same time okay we got a bear that's done what cloak is for that too dropping 29 light respect got boss pack cows down here if you don't know i'll take it i'll take a tail if you don't need it i just dropped my broken belt for it okay they have given 13 53 gift subs in the channel where i need to go yeah but a lot of souls to get through to get there oh it's a full runner map there's a guy back there there we go let's zoom out even more time okay okay uh yeah it's not a fun tp but i copied it right before i died oh perfect that's good where are you small charm great marsh just having fun with the the souls but we found flare so another one yeah just keep going it's a it's a thing right now man it's a boss group soul all right i got out okay and flare dungeon okay my tp can you drop bow in the left corner if you want to try to make it okay laura cross you know i've seen better souls dolls up three guys okay we got brain or heart i mean i can't okay there's the might boss back in flare okay i feel your pain need uh no no [Music] yeah go around my body i'm not gonna go next to the mite oh fanaticism down here okay cool that's fine i'm not i didn't copy travia oh you have the point yeah i've got a waypoint though so that's fine okay not enough mana all right we got brain so we have everything one more wave what number it's nine oh my god all right i'll uh yeah i'll drop a travel wait oh my goodness japanese it's not probably sorry i know there's just oh going on all right here's travis cole tpsm yep and switches up [Music] your cp4 right nice dropped outside ow hydra's it's not even pd2 come on man bro i'm naked right now me too [Music] hydra naked the hell was that nope uh bram there's one on the very far right there's one on the very very far right guys so we see there's one at the door yeah this one right here yeah he's almost dead okay no he's not dead not dead dude not dead here we go yeah they're all dead all right oh my gosh this player yeah get rid of that nanotechnology remake your tv it doesn't matter do we need diamonds for paladin still oh no no i don't need that okay you can actually even push oh are you kidding uh llama tp is a little safer that's a good one oh my tp is good those two skills from uh i need potions i need potions in town i have no potions that's not nice uh can somebody leap in the teepee that would be nice which one oh copy the tp because i'm about to exit copied i can't i gotta give my buddy a swamp oh hello battle orders battlers oh wait i got that actually i was leaving yeah oh wait no i don't party i was the druid sage is this the best time i gotta use the restroom real quick i'm gonna stay in for experience since we're not like pushing some world record yeah a little bit off yeah there's a couple of bus groups right to the right of us so like just walk the whole way i respect in the cold later right yeah um yeah i got blizzard that's right healing potions i'm gonna die like really soon go buy something i don't have gold i've never had gold everybody i know that life i get fresh tv now i know it's tv did you pre-pop anybody pre-fall no seven levels gained already we're almost 60 yen so dumb this walks off yeah all those suicides i need a tp book on mac on the ground that one we're good good size he's still alive yeah he's up top very top gotcha going to the podium next close i'll go come on all right let's go that's what tp for you guys okay hey there's bottom left jim's tp hello tail oh god i'm gonna die at a super foot right by the point my first time was already safe come on dude wow like literally everything was nowhere to stand killing me too well i don't even have mine yeah i got the style see the style one yep oh taiyo these gloves bop one is up okay here's a tp take that tp good stuff hey yo they're bananas dude oh my god just relax i'm calling you out i'm just lagging i'm just clicking a lot wow dude i mean there is so much lag it's really bad uh okay crystalline there's so much gap like you're not even one hp uh i bought the amulet back by the way smile on the ground yeah secondary boss on top do i need to keep tpa crystal one no i got way point at glacial yes okay oh okay i'm at ancient sway two eta second class up take the tp don't run there you want me to copy the ancients way for safety or not i will in a second i mean you're gonna have to copy outside of it so then i can go in and spawn them and reset them i don't want the maps just behave today okay copy this tp that i set do you know how much xp left oh just a sliver i'm going to teleport down to infector i i still need a piece of tv do we want a cold fire uh hello oh okay yeah cool it's cold fire we need to reset that with lightning okay all right we're good on this one then wow i mean it is like so laggy in the weirdest ways yeah there was like a spike yeah it just like freezes the game here we go to what game now nine again it's nine uh uh both oh double golden light that fire i mean i okay look i this isn't this is not a reset one because i died because the game just completely froze so i just literally spawned whatever when you guys walked in there yeah nice there we go tell you what finally happened oh the fire my favorite yeah like wristband i thought it was somewhere let's see what what was i doing here he's like i never died there's a fire explosion uh mighty painter drop me some gold i need potions uh going i don't know how much gold i have ever literally 500 gold right yeah there you go oh my god we haven't had this bad of a run in a long time party gym it's all right we'll have a fast dupers that's right oh we could join the c-ball get some xp yeah yeah cause that's totally gonna be happening all right okay i'm gonna go try and get us anya we'll see how it goes well enjoy the bottom left nano my tp all right oh god okay sorry okay archer's just appeared out of nowhere some cold i mean cold water go ahead and copy that tp just for more minions bottom left [Applause] oh fanaticism yeah it's gonna be a thing i don't expect anything else ah it's one of these things wow yeah it's fun um all right well that is very hot in the next one that's fine so not in town hot does it finally actually tail up oh it's like insane uh okay here we go the mana burn prevents me from leaking nice there's a second boss group right inside cold enchanted extra strong cursed that's great just just don't worry about it okay it's good llamas tp is good enough where the team could go in together so we'll just well we are on wave five so yeah i mean you guys do your stuff after yeah after who's uh spawning p1 nobody don't leave all right that's not good yeah technically whatever i put my tp on the portal for when we do p1 spawn no we don't do p1 spawn we just go oh we're not doing it at all no we're like 17 minutes behind it's so bad we're not going for a world record on this one anyways yeah like we said we're we're like 17 18 minutes behind or something i said that's 15 yeah yeah it's not great oh i thought we were much further behind no no but i mean that's a lot to a hour and five minute run oh for sure percent wise that's a large portion oh public games go frozen river now left to be left tp yep oh that's what you tattoo yes that is what i died too don't go over it's not fun just like i said go around kill everything get the experience yes ooh ethereal too the blizzard on it nice yes what did you change targets okay where was i even on you're done nice okay uh do we have waypoint for black marshes no i need to get that one yeah that's the one let's go um i can get this one in nightmare what nightmare oh the questions okay let me know when you're about to get to it i'm gonna try and go get black marsh right now because i've had a cloister so i'll come over in a second [Music] and we should probably um kill shane club okay you guys tell me when you guys get to the last room i teleported source what do you do i'm teleporting you know what i don't care that's fine oh i don't care look yeah you can go with him i can't kill anything i got black marsh hop over here then make sure we save a mob for their request yeah right now pt slope all right come back yeah are we going act one or two okay next one act one knife one all right we're ready ready ready seven people one monster at the very front who was in this corner okay go to actor get your point this cave for the max did you did you not have like a really good gloves oh i do you'll you'll see him at the end oh god they're they're not for you right now but they are amazing boots or clubs five please that's rude dude someone needs to get their book yep what a misguided monster is everybody yeah okay let's uh take like one or two minutes to shop some resist gear that's like one nightmare anybody have 55 strength barb you might want this 51. you might want to go to 55. it's really not bad nothing there llama okay i'm gonna go to a new game i guess for shopping what can i do for you uh 91 life armor interested brand i don't want a light belt that's 98 life it's a light bulb oh yeah yeah i'll take it i got it i've got an actual belt with 81 so i'm probably sweating uh 20 is go up with 27 liters for assassin it's really nice do we have an art room oh yeah i have one we just saved the barbs we just saved the barb so there should be plenty yeah what difficulty was that in nightmare nightmare did we figure out a method on how we're going to organize all the items now nope okay we could sorry about that yeah um i have 37 cobras on boots yeah that's nice just grab him somebody might want him okay yeah i got him okay um i think i'm good with stuff yeah i'm pretty much good as well i just couldn't i'm good i need equals i still need a helmet and boots yeah i need a hell i got 40 faster boots do you want 40 class for walk or do you want 34 light res slowly uh like this i've got yeah 30 faster unlock boots if anybody wants that all right nobody's made a decision so faster and walk is going to be in the bottom right where you're at sounds good yeah that's all where are you which game we're in the game yeah we need to meet up and then it's going to be the res gear on the left side fire top just like in the order of your resistances so no game yet that two two to two yeah okay two yeah everybody go two can have life in the middle uh is sorry is it faster on walk down low bottom right i s glows with res up here for assassins over on the right side yeah okay lightning over here uh knife belt just in the left side middle there also light res boots over here somebody drop me some gold for potions actually one the light there's life up here on top i have fire respect with hit recovery culprit oh i see where it light sorry yeah so why don't you drop me some gold like this i'm going tower party up everyone partying some bubbling i'm at level four yeah we are doing studio like 70 or something yeah might as well go for a cow tower or a countess key yeah well we're all standing around doing nothing if anyone has uh rings or amulet let me know bts tp and chaos whatever and then we also have like an elite pack down bottom left okay okay pack is not chaos btcp do any helmets i can spot my fire restraint for lacquers another boss to the left don't run over here just like i'm pulling the busker towards us okay thank you that faster unlock though i think it'll be better for me lost backfire yeah we got champions over here a gift for you cold rust boots there how i feel what did you recite them in terms of like actually killing diablo said like kill him like once or twice for items maybe yeah like repeat donuts once so what someone can't do anything with either of those it's a sick item have the coolest yeah just a couple times apparently we're getting sick items and we're gonna get sick items i'm just reminding you what we agreed on last time because last time i said no and then we all said yes we'll do one kill just for the sick one kill i can do it there you go there you go good for magic yep actually helpful okay threes up i got the tp open [Music] center we've got three boss groups of bottom left i think two or three i have no gold for charges uh we have an orc very nice okay and all the diamonds that have dropped after the forge so many i know i've stuck with my shield with like one perfect did we get any perfect rubies from the forge we got like one flawless it was garbage yeah one or two flawless just one i never i never got the second one so whoever had that needs to give that to me in the future yeah well i ended up in bt somewhat but i put it in there so um oh you already had one no i just got a 36 already shield can i get diamonds hello i've got i've got a flawless in my stash okay just drop one experience all the way through 60k short of repairing the stuff there's a flawless diamond right there on the ground yeah thank you sweet that literally makes what i have currently it's just the 36 issue two bosses although i gotta go sock it there's another 15 13k there got it so after we do the ubers are we practicing the rush because we know who's 99 now or what i think we're just doing another yeah if anything we do another list yeah the rushing is no problem i think we all have done that all right was not the question a1 rushing is interesting well we don't have a bumper probably so that's the oh we'll get bumpers gonna do that yeah that'll be like right now that'll be the helpers trying to get people to help bump stuff do you think they'll have a bumper in time though yeah yeah definitely yeah four hours five hours yeah get level 40 and act one all right one yeah next game i got a shield free what game number four you need one more diamond i've got a flawless diamond why would i want that shield what oh yeah i think that here you go dude i appreciate it macro for taking the time to think yes diamond on the ground but uh that's what i'm looking for i'll let you know i'm not appreciating the energy bud so drop off whoa wow house uh i use an all right shield already episode 20 is close damn assassin once i have 20 out of 20 is with all this there you go there's there you go hey i called it didn't i all right here you go uh what's in your magnus 15 fire 20 is we stopped at llamas 60 that lost him right like 59. i i you guys got to 70 i was like 55 56 something like that that's that's all fine like we just needed some levels um okay we're doing yeah probably like one more is good what's number two uh numbers and the five good thank you and bottom left we have two boss groups for bosco and a massive jump pack wow yeah after this let's just go and do everything and stay in game and split off the groups and whatever we still need need attack by punch so if one of these hogs can help out your attacker point i got it but i'll get one tapped here to the undefector so you'll just want to share that over with jam or lab or whoever yeah it's up right now it's up right now okay i found an fcr ring that's your ring why the germans go get that ring yeah i'm on it you need to see a ringtone no can you give me actually yeah i've got black i've got arcane and black marsh so just stick with me right after that yeah just show them you can take that i'm going right now uh arcane is going up right now okay the actual run i will not be grabbing the hull chain waypoint unless they fix the portal okay okay and black marshes up all right let's go with that too all right uh i really need to go through the bathroom really quick me too me too two minutes did you grab paul's pain did i i did no one of the germans or me right yeah teos grabbed it i think right there got it where the heck is this tower i'm gonna talk request nightmare sure next up probably need a team for this all right i have countess up not sure everybody's uh wanting to be but we can we're just we're all hauls of what looks like let's go first then we'll go back to the countess okay countess will be chilling uh macro can you copy that can you copy tp so i can go arcane macros god oh he's going to do all right uh laugh and jim what number oh i i remember one okay we'll move to 11 after this my team i've got oh i i meant two what group is the where bear with right now here we go it's jim and the germans so if you're not german or gymnasium you're with my team pretty much uh let's just go back to uh yeah but it's okay we already have one summoner from the actual yeah it's nice top mid right now y'all want to get over to here come over here should be on there oh my god if you guys find an emerald from the cantos just like kick up stuff where is he uh okay uh go countess because oh my god i'll put it right next to the tp stoner jordan for short your power was no match for mine i think thirteen minimum damage ring because we died in halifax so many times i just keep my golden items like holding onto like a scepter or you know wand or something okay we're gonna go one i'll make i'm with llama right yes yes yeah you you teleport to nilly i teleport to here to countess i can go do arcane that's gonna happen come did you hear that yeah yeah yeah i heard you i'm gonna hit recovery we should probably do a group though before we all start telling you got it true we should meet at frigid plus one key wait no no yes we have two [Music] hates does someone have frigid yeah i'll do you tv and that'll be our 32 spirits okay you're good yeah let's meet at frigid next time wrong ep and then something left at the waypoint all right uh we need to get another lower res wand yeah we do yeah because we don't have conviction or lower res i'll try and chop that right now god i hate the poison in here jesus no matter what it's just awful i've got countess up by the way whatever you guys want nice it we have three keys so far okay uh i got laura rezwan but i need gold i need a hundred hundred ten thousand party obama uh i don't have anything i'm an act too 110k i can need more i can sell a couple of things somewhere okay yeah i need a little bit i need a little bit more gold i am um i'm about 50 000 short i'll see what i have hold on 20 fcr circulate it's expensive it's 197. i can try and shop a cheaper one if you want or we can buy this one uh i mean you might as well just get that one no he's almost dead [Music] we're probably like really close do you have anything else uh that might be enough no i'm just shy okay there we go good good good good all right okay uh barb here you go i'm gonna give this to you [Music] i'm always going right i'm waiting for you guys to open red portal in magic yeah good night top right uh swords 20 fcr circulate helmet i might i got it i got it i got i got red if you get an afternoon i could still use that stealth i have one somewhere okay two up everybody go frigid for battle orders oh no they're the most garbage boots ever they're absolute trash wow do you want to practice the now just practice it later you'll practice another time you'll definitely know it by the end of your 99 grand yep another amaranth there's like a billion snakes there i honestly wouldn't recommend it you want to just skip it though yeah i think we should skip that one okay act one tower i guess we keep power level four i'm gonna give you any time i have gold oh no no no come on okay oh llama sorry sorry sorry that was like a emergency just crazy tp oh okay yeah i'll be in the emergency i was going to die and so i just like spammed if there's anybody to throw into the emergency it's probably the ware bear that's true i just walked into like a dual enchant archer pack i was like this isn't great yeah i thought i was gonna be fine and then that happened and all right let's start wrong anyone finds a soul ring let me know okay okay so we're zero one two right on keys or zero two two zero to one isn't it uh zero zero two one yeah yeah sorry zero two one when they have one destruction anybody actually have some gold with him here not right uh i'm golden that's gonna sell it do you have it i just need to pull up my belt that's enough to teleport no okay sure uh three years up good day we need you here you can't do uh contest yeah i can't kill the snakes there's two snakes in the pocket oh i didn't see anything sorry keep going back my quarter not seeds where oh actually that circlet would put me at 105 fcr it's tempting who are keynes valor everything else is called in here now i would like one of you yeah we are i could probably probably get the circle up i yeah have 20. could put me at 105. owler we got argentine it obviously suits you better than me is that sarcasm [Music] all right so if we ever get an s rune hit me up i've got one here i'll uh get him up i'll hit you dude here you go three of them in ten go from 20 to 63 with all that stuff it's in rogue encampment okay it's not in the left side lava so i'm going right sides yeah yeah i got it i'm bringing it to you bt okay ah what game is it where you're in i'll come pick it up uh it's tier three uh okay five is up not in town act all right one one are you like in game all right [Music] thank you sir oh who has that 20 fcr home i really like not forwards today holy crap dude 63 is a lot faster than 20. yeah it's a little bit better this is like an empty milli nice my four weight i'm running out of mother potions oh that's so don't go in your tv got it yeah no i don't know what you're rocking but i have 39 cold res on a uh one i'm holding a lower res one oh should i use that or let assassin use it would you rather use the lower res one sure i'll take the one thank you need help at countess i'm going to pee this up but i can't kill him i got hate we're done holy here's the wand oh we're done with hate okay all right three two oh you got it okay all right countess bt dropped a sick nasty hat see how he needs it is that life fast recovered where is it uh count us so we need uh yep the classic thank you for trying mac it's all good though i thought the classic was four hours without a key drop that was a lovely time we did like 60 countess runs without a single tech turkey something like that what is happening to eldritch i don't know what was that that was weird eldridge and his crew just ran like a screen and a half away from us sometimes sometimes they just can i have gold or potions i have three mana potions i got those plenty in that killer dude now you're your own man imagine have potions sorry you got me down to it oh jesus you had to go these cold ultras so much yeah i don't have much cold res that's why they hurt so bad f counter step union yeah pulling on to the traps we finished the keys in the summer so fast i'm like still doing it but because i'm like oh we need more options hey saigon's gauntlets three saigon so far doll man we found two click gloves on uh normal we find all of saigon's i will drink how about that there you go seven is that um whatever i'll be back zero three two now by the way i ignore the splits what happened to frigid bow oh yeah i guess i didn't get it all the sorts should have stuff though right yeah uh i don't know two t's let's go nice let's go baby actually tail um neither if i've dropped a tyrone and i didn't pick it up i got it i got it i got it [Music] i'm still missing it soon one wait what number uh we're in eight i have an order if they're literally making us in the spirit right now yeah i mean do you have a base i have a crystal sword unsocketed okay we did uh did socket cuts careful that's really bad i really hate snakes yeah we all do we do the 99 push without snakes i think they're fixing it they're fixing this thing yeah that's that's they said that the sensor for our things too and they didn't alpha dude yeah alpha yeah wait till release we'll see there that's why i'm scared of the act i mean teo's thinking they're going to release like next month right all right don't think so yeah you're high [Laughter] i am so thankful or not i need more levels right now i want to summer dude all right come on easter eggs oh hello freaking go dude let's go cta is actually not that far off yeah did you guys kill countess i have nothing okay are these drops drops like nutso or they're they're pretty good they're pretty uh i'm gonna go back to one like i'm standing on an arcanes valor that is i feel like this is pretty that's a pretty nuts drop but there's always like one better items didn't be there's always a one drop 245 20 raid or something yeah like reaper yeah we got reapers tall last time as well yeah you always get one or two drops players yikes new game at least i know all right are we still three two three or three two three two excuse me yeah so just the two easy keys to get papa we need a german team to pull their weight can you [Music] well we don't have bo and freaking turrets that keep us alive so sorry oh don't feel bad too i basically stopped casting shockwaves like an hour ago yeah he's still giving them a level 20 hostage plus i do enjoy that i'm playing doesn't even have oak sage man the spirit of the barbs [Laughter] oh oh we weren't going for the pacifist world record or yeah he's been screwing with us he's running a poison creeper so that's strong in pd2 that's like the best leveling build in the entire game so ridiculous best leveling build it's poison creatures it's crazy it's ridiculous yeah i mean how it apparently has some pokey mechanics how incredible like anything i'm pretty easy you should try it dude like the fact that anything is faster than fissure is the most ridiculous thing in the world because that's already just such a broken uh sully what's that so you've got to see this dude all right p left that's it we only need the t key we got a d all right sully in town actually ridiculous so you're gonna direct yeah 233 correct uh can we get out of here then i don't i don't want to die yeah [Laughter] how do you feel about that sully how's that how's that swing yeah it makes me really wish it wasn't super high requirements right uh we dropped a hell rune you go sock at that bad boy i don't think that would be enough dude it's 113 string band decks yeah i'm just dropped a two to assassin skills 30 ias claw with dragon flight with dragon flame hello dude [Music] we're done boys we're done let's go all right uh meet in bab2 i'm dropping key by five stuff that was crazy fast yeah i'm dropping keys by act one stash just do everything like five and i have like two three ridges from somebody like yeah i didn't actually get any dropping some destruction imagine having those sully did you legit walk back into that room just to jack my gold or someone jacked my goals uh bt okay did i drop i might have jacked some gold here here i'm just gonna put you suck at your crystal sword oh all right i can right now okay here we go uh everyone else yep everybody out do you need a you know no i got it oh sock at your sword that's no no it's a nightmare it's not in hell the soccer quest you to create your we also have help okay i'm fine like nothing yet just stay out it's gonna be bad two two oh y'all did shank in hell okay one spawned i think so sorry what are you doing get out leave this place okay 34 fcr nice now you're at 105 right well maybe i have some math to figure that out that's a hard time three spawn oh god and dario's gonna be garbage okay come come my tp is that visual should be pretty good so go go let's just be aware just go ahead just go in it's nothing okay yeah let me know when you guys are ready i can kind of get us we we have nothing safe for lilith so it's just going to be disgusting you can't drop a cpr going yeah it's up it's oh freaking a all right i just got another one it's gonna be bottom left uh of me in the teepee everybody should just those brains go and yeah okay you uh google three go together all yeah go go go shoot down the bottom up you said bottom left bottom left yep there's just some minions to work through and she's got minions all in there so it's annoying i need to get through a lot of holy means yeah i need to get through the door to get there's a lot of just stuff all over here restriction from here bottom left bottom left straight line bottom left yep it's one more room over oh yeah actually being able to read tiles on battle map that's crazy rare they better not change that it's so cool every mod and everything is you can't it's all random holy poison dude it's so hot oh my god that poison we probably should reorganize my guess ah we were tanking that's what we were doing just go to dariel it's just like literally right there forgotten sans like right there he's the oh he's right there right i mean i just have to step in the portal instead yeah yes exactly yeah i thought i had to go down a little bit but no i'm just gonna step all right everyone out then everybody top left afterwards and spawned okay everybody's good to go just don't stay at the red portal too long yeah want to buy boo all right you want to do it llama you want me to do it uh you go ahead keep going please come down left come down left right here yep i'm barb bleeping uh save keep it sage sage sage said sage yeah let's keep that up it's iphone yep yep i got you bud okay it was down for five seconds scary all right good job everything just one shot here good job all right now rotate top right again rotate top right okay do you want us over here yeah okay as soon as everybody's there then we'll do it yep i don't want to teleport some weird place yeah there's gonna be teleports all right yep you're good it's gonna be new uber's world record nice fast keys yeah we got them in under 50 minutes yeah that was insane oh god these spikes well the double t key helped so much yeah yeah that's like that's insane to get okay all right come on go go go just go right game proof so that's what i'm saying i was trying to teleport with this garbage the entire time it was just impossible it'll be okay again it's gonna be okay that leap is so good dude i leveled off the diabolo let's go nice all right identified all right all right 10 10 necro because a little messed up at 20 20 last time that's a sweet one that's a sweet one let's see it baby 17 14. despite the slow health bill we've got a record on the torch i think for 1714 six minutes yeah like 3 16 3 3 15 x up the primer but like three dice it was 3 16 20 or something so yeah so it took us less than 50 minutes to get the keys it took us about 55 minutes to kill ubers after i mean total it was a lot smoother with everything everything was so smooth except for the speed running but we did recover yeah really well so good job everybody no we finally have figured out the teams for keys yeah i mean those things that was some really smooth key running i mean yeah we got a little lucky but we also weren't like laggiest [Music] i don't yeah i'll show you i'll show you what it is show me something hold on hold on uh where are you at let's post a screenshot or something what we spear skills 20 ias fire res gloves wow what just dropped what 220s with fire res what are you talking about are you kidding me you got like a really good pair of gloves that's illegal who has them michael do you still have them take a look at those thoughts straight up potentially till 90 degrees yeah half freeze until you get that raven these claws even have dragon flight oh my god yeah yeah and the claws have dragonflight on them uh it's disgusting with dragonflight east roon oh my god and then sculders so i could like go mf mephisto and get you all shaco's i do i guess i wanted to like next up like actually go through all five of them or four of them yeah let's do a couple more sets okay
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 82,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 3n3HNNJNi8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 54sec (11934 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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