Low Poly WW2 Spitfire Aircraft in Blender 2.81

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what is up guys welcome back to my channel my name is Stefan possum also known as infants eeeh today let's make a low fire I went to work this morning and I got on the train as usual the 4:45 a.m. train very proud of that because usually I'm not a morning person but now that I do gain them for living I can say that well I guess I don't really do it for a living yet because I don't make any money on it but maybe it could be a game that we've got a lot of faith in it so let's make this one count I've got about 1800 hours into this game so far and we need to add an order maybe thousand hours to get the prototype ready yeah it's a big prototype multiplayer game a lot of fun addictive yeah I'm excited for it still and let's get crackin what was oh yeah I was gonna say when I went on the train this morning really frosty outside - to three degrees Celsius have a look at this footage I shot it out the window yeah it was quite crazy zooming past through the night and it was flashing blue lights from the electricity from the frost-covered power lines so that was quite a cool effect and but let's get started let's make a Spitfire [Music] okay so I've got blender 2.81 loaded first thing we're gonna do is Google some reference images spitfyre blueprint and let's grab one of these reference images here this one will do let's copy this image and bring it into a photo editing software I use Photoshop but you could use pretty much anything and then we need to crop these images out so let's get the let's get this top view first I'll just use the marking tool and select this let's paste this into a new sheet and let's get rid of some of this stuff that we don't need the text here basically we need this to be matching up pretty much exactly in the viewports so let's get this hold shift key to multi select regions here would it be nice with some I know there's a trim feature in Photoshop but it doesn't really work when when it's not perfectly white or transparent it's got some artifacts from the JPEG that should do let's copy it or let's go to image and crop it let's save this ctrl alt shift s4 and save it as PNG spitfyre top and let's grab a side view here let's do the left one ctrl C new image ctrl V now we do this tedious thing a little bit again not another pretty good crop but we need to do the top and the bottom as well so I'll hold the shift key to re select here one more pixel that's it cropped alt ctrl shift s for webpage save and reduce bit fire left may even spell it fire and let's grab the front view let's get this marking tool here so it's important that all of these images are to scale as well so you don't grab my reference photo where there have got different scales from the front in the top view for example see that there is quite a few of those laying around the Internet's it's really important that they're in the same scale so think about that let's crop this and let's do the wings mr. top not trim trimmer is a good one but it doesn't work for my purpose since it's not and some artifacts in the white there so let's say this spit fire from so there we go now we've got the images that we need now we I should also mentioned I started up blender and I did by mistake I accidentally hit control 1 and just let you know that's a really handy shortcut to add the modify for subdivision and control to for example sub device it's twice so I didn't really know that shortcut so that's a freebie for you keep that in mind I will control three dozen three times but we won't be needing that what we will be doing is bring these images in so I'm going to drag them let's take away this box as well actually and now I'm gonna drag in the top view on the keypad I'm gonna press the number one key to get the front orthographic view and then I'm gonna bring in here the Spitfire from to you alt G to Center it and then let's press three on the keypad and that will bring me into the right view let's see we want to have rights we've got the left image let's see view from the left that'll do Alta G Center it and then let's bring press seven on the keypad as well and that will bring us to the top orthographic view and then we bring in the top we just drag it in and alt G to Center it and this one we want to flip around because if I do from the front view we see that this one's not rotating correctly so we want to rotate press Z and rotate it - 90 degrees around the z-axis that should be aligned correctly then and then we also see that the scale of this is incorrect so let's shrink this side view one press s to scale it and then just bring it down so it's matching the this one or at the top and the side view seems to match pretty good and the front view seems too much pretty good as well and it's in center of the cone roughly so that should do it all right what we want to do now is we want to change the opacity of these so let's double-click a to deselect everything and then I hit a again to select everything and then let's go into here the let's see the object data properties and then switch on alpha and then lower it to 0.3 oh yeah and I can't do that on multiple objects so I need to do this unfortunately for image so I select them one by one use alpha 0.3 and finally what we need to do as well is we need to that's actually named these properly as well so this is the top view this is the front and this is the side view and let's create a new collection here a right click new and then call this reference caps that I looked into the camera eye contacts wasting time here let's see I'll mark these drag them into the reference and then finally I'll go up here to the filter and enable the toggle for a restriction so I don't if I click on this one it'll make it impossible to select these which is really nice when you're working you don't want to accidentally select these reference images right so now we're all set up to start making the Spitfire I won't be making it to scale now because I can scale it later on if I want and again I want to stress that I'm doing I don't want to stress I hate this dress but I want to and point out that I make low poly objects so I'm gonna make this a low poly fighter plane or Spitfire if you want to do high poly so you could always keep refining it and add detail but I love the low poly style and that's what I'll be making today so with that said let's hit shift a and then go to mesh and cube because that's what we're going to start with and then I press tab to get into edit mode ctrl R to do a loop cut right click to center it press 3 to get face selected hit this left side and then delete all or the vertices of someone and delete and then I go to this modifier tab and I add the mirror modifier and I hit clipping so we don't get any splits in the center of the object if we accidentally parks devotees was there now we're ready to get started let's actually call this Spitfire instead and let's move it out of the reference into this collection here we can minimize that okay with that object selected the press a and then s to scale ease down a little bit select this invert or the end here I do shift space and then I can press G or select this one move because I like to have this little manipulator I think it used to be called anyway I don't know if it's called anyway I like to have that one visible and then that will just size it to the width of the aircraft and hits a to select everything three on the keypad s to scale and Zed to scale it on the z-axis let's move it up a little bit s to scale to scale it down to decide there we go and now I select to this face here go to the side view again three on the keypad who can drag this to here maybe scale it on the zed move it up press e again to extrude s to scale this time I didn't lock it on the z axis because it's okay to scale it a bit with wise as well because we're going to shrink it yeah e to extrude again and let's do all the way to the back here here and now we're going to enable this here which is the toggle x-ray because we want to start seeing the profile lines here to refine this in a little second but let's do the front so I'll select that face press three on the keypad e to extrude we're gonna do the cockpit here in a minute as scale Zed down to there - extrude again skeleton a little bit's e to extrude again here we want to have a few extra lines of detail to get the shape correct e to extrude again s to scale scale it up a little bit let's do the nose cone at the same time air e to extrude s to scale of it down slightly e add some more details here so we can get their roundness and then one more time e to extrude s to scale it down to there alright now we're starting to get the basic shape of the Spitfire here what we could do here is well and let's refine this one I press two on the keypad to get into edge select and then hold shift and alt and I select this and then it select a loop around this and then let's move this a little bit to there and then let's cook press ctrl R to do a loop cut put it there then I select let's say that can be selected still press 3 on the keypad two there and then now we're going to move this up a little bit so I'll select that edge press three again on the keypad move it up to there and again I'm gonna make this I've said it billion times now but I'm gonna make this low-poly so let's keep it simple okay I select this edge move it in we can actually look from the top view here have these edges selected so it's not really symmetrized for symmetry on the screenshot that I got but that's okay let's just do one side and make sure that one looks all right should be fine no one will be able to tell on the details because we're going to keep it quite low poly anyway see the front here as well well--that's oh yeah what happened here one mistake here no what happened let's move that one back anyway okay so let's go to the side select this one seven on the keypad to go to the top view so like on move it in and then finally the tip here as well it's a bit when you got x-ray open there sometimes it's easy to click the wrong lines there to be careful in this one a little bit I guess we don't really have to be too picky let's see if I see the front view here let's hide this object a little bit we're gonna have a round round this shape here so let's make it I think I'll do two loop cuts so I use the scroll wheel to scroll it up a little bit so if I use the scroll wheel as you can see you can select how many loop cuts you want and if you accidentally move this a bit just hit the right mouse button to recenter it and then let's look from the side view again these are actually in good place what we need to do is press double a on the a keyboard hold alt and shift and select this line here that will select the whole edge press 1 on the keypad to see the front and then let's move it a bit in and then we don't really need to move the back anymore so let's deselect this one like I said it's very easy to select the wrong one there I should do one on the keypad again to move this in deselect actually let's move this out of a bag in deselect this one one get the front view move that in that you do and let's do the same for the top we double-click on a on the keyboard and deselect everything shift alt click on any edge there actually let's deselect the back one because we don't want to move that on it's already quite tight and then let's move this in to here and let's deselect the Virant if we can hit it and let's select news to get there [Music] okay and then I guess the cockpit is a little bit wider than I have done it here so let's get the cockpit one here which is this one one on the keypad and let's bring that out to the cockpit sighs bring it down a bit probably bring this one down a bit and this one these will bring down a bit let's look from the side here [Music] that line looks good let's actually switch off the x-ray for a second and hide the reference to see and what it looks like that'll do for now it looks really weird in the front there let's fix that in a sec alright let's fix this let's enable the reference again we can keep it the non transparent now so we see a little bit better now let's fix these shapes of it that are a bit off we can toggle the x-ray to see [Music] okay here's the nosecone so that's alright [Music] do some refining here [Music] I think this line and if I look on the blueprint there's a natural line going across here so let's follow that one let's bring this on top of it gee to grab it as well you can do it G to grab and move G here I'll press to shift alt to move these and then let's scale that axis down a bit move it up there we go let's see the top here as well let's move this out get a bit of a nicer line yep press 1 to get into vertex select instead and that's good this one is too close so let's move this one out okay and if you can't move it out it's because clipping is enabled it so that's okay yes the aircraft is really really narrow back here anyway so let's keep it like that all right fell up to do it's disabled that this yep well do okay you with this we can always tweak it a little bit later on so now we're gonna make this pin here so I'll press three to get this face selected and then I press I for indent and then let's press B that'll help to get the centering okay when you're doing a insect over the center line helps it a little bit thanks to whoever pointed that out in my last video I wasn't aware of that a while back so appreciate that one okay and now that we've got this one we can select this face and press three for side view on the keypad e to extrude s to scale and why to scale it on the y-axis let's move that one back e to extrude again just to scale it's hit y to force the y-axis and then e one more time s to scale and press y naught R to rotate a little bit as well just scale why I looked there was a that's okay and it's really really thin here so let's make this slightly wider I disable clipping so I can so I'm allowed to move this out otherwise you'll find that the vertices are stuck there and I'm not really following the proper shape of a airfoil or whatever it's called so this plane won't fly well I will fly because we're gonna make it flight but it won't fly in real life if we are to 3d printer so now we've got the main body or fuse Lodge where it's called this is not good let's shape this I'm just gonna free hum this a little bit gee I don't think there's any chance in hell that I Spitfire is looking like this so let's move this up I think it was a lot rounder and then let's move these out to be you okay not going for perfection going for simplicity here he'll just have to look cool enough for a game that's it all right body shape okay let's make a wing tab and then to get the wings let's do three enable x-ray and actually I'll do top view and see let's do a loop cut let's press 2 to get into edge select them and let's move these Bucky there and then let's see this one I'll do a loop select 7 on the keypad and move this one back to there to be aligned more with the wings keep that try to keep the vertex count as low as I can and then let's select these faces that are going to form part of the wing let's see where do we have the wing yeah they come out quite low here so let's press e to extrude right click to snap it back plus one move them out a little bit to the side and then press R to rotate these and s to scale and we only want to scale on the z axis like so and then here let's press two on the keypad or not on the keypad on the top row there seven and then let's bring this one back to here and out a bit and then three let's switch off x-ray for now so I can actually select these faces hold the shift key to select multiple faces e to extrude s to scale it down I'll see the front view and one on the keypad is the front view 7 to get back to the top view s to scale it and widely scale a little bit on the y-axis over town e to extrude again one to get it into the keypad to get the front view G to grab it and move it down a bit s to scale it move it don't set on the keypad to see the top view move it s to scale it and white is get on the green y-axis let's do one more here s or eat extrude s to scale it again up a little bit front view down and then one final time eat extrude s to scale move it down wrote or to rotate slightly just gonna keep it straight I guess that's it want to see the front view let's move it down a little bit and then make this one slightly thinner hold the shift key to select those a little bit down so now we have the shape of the wings and the nice thing with the mirror modifier is that we only have to do one side so that saves a lot of time let's do the back ones here as well so let's head hit let's see what should we hit which key three to get the side view nope seven on the keypad to get the top view and this one I think I'll move back now I'll select two on the keypad no not on the keeper I'm hit two on the top row to get into edge selected and then one on the keep three on the keypad and it will x-ray oh this one is all the way up here actually so let's do a different approach here I'll select this face here and press I for inset and then let's hit edge selects s to scale G to move G to move and now we've found where this wing is going to be so let's hit three on the top row select that face 7e to extrude I see that we have to kill on controls that because it starts really far in here it's not really visible from the side view so let's go to top view and move this one all the way into where it seems to start here three Pro seven on the keypad eat Oh interesting escape again controls that let's move this one back control to where it starts here there it is now let's try it one more time you keypad to extrude s to scale force it on the y axis by pressing Y move it into place e to extrude again s for scale and Y to force it on the y axis II one more time to extrude s and y take a little bit be one more time s to scale it white scale it on the y-axis or to rotate a little bit and this probably looks hideous it does so we have to make it a lot thinner it's two on the key buttons get these leading edges let's go into vertex and select here modify these you okay seven so the shape of the wing I can also hit control and use the right mouse button to ring select here which is quite handy there we go and then let's see let's just make a bit of a tie dealership here I'll just select these vertices and straighten them out today again no need to be too picky so this shall do top view front view okay so this are a little bit too high let's double click on a all the control key use the right mouse button to rings select these and bring them down R to rotate its G to move that's it so now we have the rear F whatever those are called stabilizers or something and like my kids have got on their bikes and stabilizers well they don't anymore now they've learn how to ride terrible like this so let's go and click Save and say that us skipped fight okay now what we'll do is we'll add the propeller I guess so from you let's make a propeller here so I'll just hit here a vertex in the front press 1 on the keypad and then here I press shift s to go cursor to selected they'll bring the 3d cursor to the selected object or selected vertex I hit shift a and then I do a new cube and that'll add it into the same mesh but it's okay we add a new set of linked vertices here so they they can be treated quite nicely outside the airplane anyway as to scale it down let's detach this already I don't actually need it on this main object so because we're going to be want to be able to spin the propeller anyway so let's hit P and then separate by selection that created it into a new object here so let's call this propeller and let's make sure that we have the propeller selected here yeah and then let's apply the modifier we don't actually need a modifier at all so let's pit delete that modifier so now we've just got a simple cube here and what we'll do here is just mimic the propeller somewhat so can probably go out of x-ray mode tab to get into edit mode eight is like everything s to scale its and then this propeller is somewhat rotated but I think I'll make mine straight here anyway I'll just wing this a little bit wing it get a airplane wing it estes very coffee to scale white a scaler on the y-axis and s to scale it's on the x-axis and analysts just bring this up select three on the top key and make sure we have a space selected here and then let's hit x-ray so we can see actually we'll select all of these again scale them down scare them up I had this face here screwed a scale it's just from the x-axis e to extrude let's move it eat extra again s to scale maybe something like the SX scale again e to extrude s the scale or to rotate a bit e to extrude s to scale actually I should rotate in the yellow apron these liked everything to shift alt and then let's rotate this one a bit G to grab it won't if call it this tip a slightly different color here so let's move this feels like this line should go in a little bit so we've got let's move this mine in there huh have to put them on character to this so this is not to do a documentary of a proper Spitfire it's just to get it to close enough to what we want s let's scale this whole thing up a little bit so if this one was to wrote it yeah that'll do actually we should actually do a bit of a twist on the blade as well so but that I'll click click three to get into face select and then I'll select this face here and then I press ctrl+ on the keypad let's go to this one called proportional editing smooth r for rotate and Z for the z axis and then use the scroll wheel to scroll it down to get the proportional down a little bit control Z or minus to reduce the selection or to rotate the Z and then control - again are - again tarp and said that should do now we've got a bit of a twist on the blade as well don't know if that's the proper twist on the blade again it doesn't need to propel this plane so for visuals you should be fine so this is a one two three four five blade propeller so for this if I go out of edit mode here and then click on this one if I click bar on rotate now it's actually got a pretty decent Center but I need to move the center out into the center of this cone here and to do that let's do with tab then go into this object and then I press tab to get into edit mode and let's select - on that so like this edge and then one again on the keypad shift s and set cursor to selected here and then now we've got the cursor where I want the center of this propeller to be so we can tap out of this one select the propeller blade again and then press f3 and type set origin here and then set origin to 3d cursor so now when we rotate this blade it'll spin perfectly around that Center so if we start by rotating this one to here much is up fairly good shift D here to duplicate it right click press R to rotate let's bring the calculator up here actually how many degrees do we need 360 divided by 572 degrees so rotate 72 shift D to duplicate it right click to snap it back bar for rotate 72 degrees shift D right click our 70 to shift the right click our 72 there we go you can use an array for this but since it's only 5 units I think that's fine enough to do manually like that and then we can keep these as a single objects so let's take all of these propellers I hold the shift key and then ctrl J to merge it into one object and now we have the propeller here that will be able to spin later on ok what else should we do I think the the cockpit will do and I'm not going to do the landing gear for this one so let's just do the cockpit here so I go into the x-ray press 3 tab to get into edit mode here and to get the cockpits here let's do 2 not on the keypad but on the top row there so we can get abs selects one not three on the keypad this wannabe one to get the vertexes alone in all right let's press ctrl R that would make actually a massive loop cut we don't really want that much extra geometry so I think what we'll do now is do another little trick here so I'll press three again to go on the side view and then K for the knife cutting tool so I'll press K and then we can create some new lines here and then again as I said we're gonna keep this very low poly so let's just to shift and select these ones I for inset and if the center I was going to point to the screen and that's not gonna work but if the center is not doing it so nicely and like this one is you can press the B key because sometimes it does this so you get a centerline you don't want that one so be on the keyboard we'll get rid of that one for you let's just make it something like that so let's select it do this one by and I think okay to get some additional lines here just to make it we can colorize that one a little bit then that's a metal one again I think that's good enough for what we need to do but we want to keep it low poly like I said seen that bit too much no maybe ctrl s to save this one now what we'll do is I think that's sufficient for what we need to do so let's make I think I'll make a copy of this one shift D and then just call it the backup for now because now I'm going to start colorizing this we'll hide that one so about the Spitfire here so now we need a few colors so let's bring up some reference images let's do Spitfire and then let's just pick anything here this one for example or what should we do should we do a camouflage one that looks good so it's got a gray and a green and then we need white blue yellow black and a few things so then I recommend going to this pixel art comm which is a free one and you just do start drawing new drawing and then we'll do just four by four pixels because we're going to colorize it using this pixel colorizing method so let's get some grey two different Gray's let's get some green for the closest advert you maybe a different grade there as well some sort of a green there was I saw which one should be good maybe something like that on the darker one let's try a few different ones you all right we needed white/black need red and then I saw some yellow on there let's do different blues for the windows potentially so let's try a few so we have a few different options here let's try here let's have some darker Gray's as well so that should do it I think did I forget anything blue white red yeah I should do now we just download this one download showing folder let's call this one spit fire and then I hide this into not there yet I'll do I press the escape there I want to go into the shading and then I want to select this material here and then we drag it in to here and an important thing is that you changed from linear to closest otherwise you'll get artifacts and blurry colors so we got the base color there it's gonna look hideous first we need to switch this one to texture as you can see looks hideous and that's because we need to go to UV editing also enable the texture here click on a to select all objects here UV and then just hit reset here to zoom in here with the mouse wheel click a to select all the vertex vertices s to scale it and 0.01 and then G to move them and now we've colored the whole plane into this dark gray and now we can just pick different faces here so let's hold the shift key and select these windows and to a blue color on those we can have hold shift key and select these and color those maybe this dark color that and the nosecone I think what was that that was quite bright wasn't it yeah so let's from here select these three hit ctrl + + on the keypad to expand their or grow the selection there and then gee let's make this one white phonologists yep that's it now let's look again here yeah we've been gonna do some camouflage stuff here as well on the side actually let's add these here first it's one two three four five six little things here on the side for the I guess it's some sort of exhausting so let's hit the x-ray enable the reference here we see one two three four five six I click on two to get edge select shift s to cursor to selected yeah three on the keypad for side view shift a and then let's add a cube here and then go into the modify tab clipping isn't disabled which is good for now because when we scale it down we just want it not to be connected in the center here as to scale it down even more three to get into side view again G to move it into there and then s to scale it and white is to extend it rotate a little bit and then now hit ctrl R and use the mouse wheel to scroll it up so you get six different sections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so let's go down 1 2 there 1 2 3 4 5 6 and right click to get them to snap back and then hit 3 and select these faces here and now we want to do I for inset and as you can see it's doing all of them at once and we want to do them individually so just hit I again and then e to extrude them and then let's move them back a bit so 7 to get into top view shift space to get and this move and move them back a bit then hit elf to select all the linked parties is here and then it's actually selecting one that I didn't want let's double click on a it's L it's because we've got this one selected let's disable proportional editing 7 move it in or to rotate a little bit so again I'm just going to make it look not authentic let's see let's L to select all the linked once move it maybe down a bit out maybe rotate them up a bit you and then Arturo place but you do maybe they're way too big so as to scale them and then X to scale them on this x-axis move them in again or to rotate it a bit maybe something like that should it so make sure all of them are selected hits a on the left side here go to UV and hit reset and then on the left side s to scale 0.01 G and then let's select this one here okay that'll do let's head hide the reference again set control s you can tweak these if you want them to look differently so now we're gonna do the camouflage so to do that I'm gonna apply the mirror modifier and make sure you have a backup if you want one in case you want to modify the mirrored version but for my case I want to start adding some geometry now and I'm not gonna make the exact pattern like this one it's got but if we go here into modeling view hit tab now I'm going to start using K the knife tool and start adding some shapes here as camouflage and then you link these up here and then we let's add another one here you the reason why I do it this way instead of texture mapping it is because we're so low poly anyway that when we've got so few polygons we don't need to spend a lot of let's see I can press BOM to see the voters in Syrians but so that'll be easier to connect yeah so the reason why I'm doing this method instead of that doing a diffuse map or an albedo map is because that'll take up a lot of texture space and you need quite a high detailed texture map maybe 1024 by 1024 and that'll add a lot of size to this object so instead of that I trade that off so I shrink the size down to basically just a few bytes worth of this 4x4 pixel texture the benefits is by mapping it this way I can scale this object up nearly infinitely it'll be really nice and sharp clean edges no no blurriness from the texture map so that's a real big benefit the downside is that you do add some triangles to the object but again we're so low poly that I don't think that really matters and if you are concerned about real-time shadows you can make a duplicate of this model and really clean it up and have no extra details and then use that as a hidden shadow caster instead so that's one option you could do so let's add some more here to K for the knife tool okay you okay and that's a little loop here as well like they had on that one can do it into the wing like this as well you don't necessarily have to go fold wait an edge but what you she you need to be aware of something then and that's if if you bend this object using some sort of a vertex bender then it'll look strange if they're not linked to each other so be aware of that if you want to bend your plane model then you should not end them in the clean face like this then you should always try to connect it to some edges like this all right let's uplift we're gonna do some cross ones here as well so k again and let's start linking this across like this to create more camouflage patterns [Music] I'm sure there is a science to how this camouflage is meant to be but my science is randomness at the moment okay [Music] [Music] and I guess they have some here as well yep on the end wings [Music] okay so the knife tool is really neat for this it's really handy to just add these shapes and then as soon as I'm done with this I'm gonna start to apply the colors to this OOP controls that I did something when you cut Kay again hit these vertices yep let's do a bit on this tip here as well kay is my friend it's beautiful - mmm if used properly don't cut yourself okay and we've got this wing to play around with so let's go up onto the frontier maybe cut across here go underneath this wing here and then you could also add the flaps and things like that or whatever they're called you know the steering menus [Music] I find it really relaxing to do this I love doing low-polygon arch probably one of my favorite things nowadays [Music] something escaped if you do a mistake you just hit this tape [Music] not sure what I've done here oh yeah controls that actually let's get rid of this I'm gonna link these together like buttons to control okay and then finally let's just do a little bit here as well okay oh yeah here it's a good one as well if you double take a and then if you want to go past these things just click on L and L on these while you hover over them and H to hide them and now you can use it knife tool here really across okay [Music] okay and then all to H to bring those back double-click it let's actually start colorizing this a little bit so I'll hit three to get the interface select and then we start selecting a few of these I just hold the shift key now and then let's switch into the UV editing here G to move that one there hold the shift key mark these you jeetu move them and let's do this part here just use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out if you accidentally select a face here just click on it again while you're holding Shift key no need to panic see what we what was my thought pattern here to grab these for spelling could have added some geometry under here as well I guess but on the left side G and let's move to here just make sure I've got up to an hour and hour already Wow let's move and select these sometimes this little thing gets in the way but right G to move them there let's select here here we can actually do this trick I'll select the top one and press ctrl+ on the keypad twice G and then here it's colored this key again grab and move okay got some stuff on this wing hold the shift key and click like crazy G let's grab them over there and then let's do this big putt gee move it scrub it and move it then we had one thing here to admit like this key okay save this one control s I think that'll do for now the pattern and let's add the final touch first of all let's make these propellers black then we need to go into shading and assign them the same material here go back into UV editing hit a to select all of the faces UV and reset click a on the left sides s2 scales open 0 1 G to move and then let's do these tips white so we get a nice thing when they spin you'll get that white circle so I'd select the tips and press ctrl+ and then G to move them and pick onto the white there there we go okay what else so I'm feeling quite happy with this and now the last thing we need to do is just to put some of these on and here's a bit of a trick I guess let's move do we out have the placements on these actually let's go to x-ray and then enable their reference yep so here we want to add the blue and red so what I'll do is so let's see that's just to go into modeling 70 see the top view and then shift and right click to get the cursor to right about there and then shift a actually we want to deselect this well no we don't want to have any object so I'll tab make sure I don't have any objects selected and then I do shift a and then I do mesh and then let's do up cylinder here and then let's change we want to keep the low poly look so let's make that into 8 I press tab to get into edit mode s to scale it down to be the correct size there let's enable x-ray let's select the bottom here actually and then press ctrl+ and then let's delete basis so I just have this top part left and there's 7 to get onto the top view and then I for in sets and then bring it to there and let's put a mirror modifier on this and we should have won that okay the reason why it's not showing up over there it's because the center of this object is here so I press shift C shift C that'll bring the cursor back to there and then I do f3 and then set origin to 3d cursor and since the origin is now in the center here then it'll flip this one to be in the right place over here so with this one selected seven to get into top view again we can disable x-ray first of all and then let's disable the reference we don't need that at the moment and then we have to assign here on the shading let's assign the same material go to UV editing and get out of x-ray a to select everything UV resets go to the left side a to select everything s scale is 0.01 and then G to grab it and then let's see what colors was it it was red in the center and then blue on the sides here like that double-click a and then now we want to move this down onto the wings let's do add modifier and then do shrink wrap and then select a target this one just tap into edit mode and scale them down slightly let's see a to direct everything scale it down slightly so don't poke out old out of the wing there now we've projected it down to here we can actually apply this one on the shrink wrap on and as you can see it's too far down so I'll go into tab and then move it up slightly and then you could just leave it like this because when you're far away from the plane you won't really see it you could press e to extrude it down a little bit to get it into a 3d look l to link get all the linked ones and lower it down then you have a for definite that it won't show like and cap there and I think what I'll do is I'll move these back a little bit as well even if they're not in the exact right place I don't want them to lead out through the edge there all right final thing now is just to put this one on the back here and we'll do the same thing here so I'll go into modeling to get the side view which is number three on the keypad let's enable transparency and let's show our reference again shift and right click to get our cursor there shift a unto a cylinder press R to rotate Y to spin it on the RAI axis and ninety degrees s to scale it down and then we'll do this on something not so good there let's see it's because of God's I'm in the same object so let's cancel the way here until we get rid of that one we do we actually want I want to create a new object so double click a out of edit mode to make sure that everything's gone here let's repeat this process so we show this again shift right click in the center there and I look like a nothing is selected shift a mesh cylinder tab to get into edit mode Estus scale and then R to rotate press Y for the y axis in ninety degrees and then s to scale it down a little bit again that's it and then now we should be looking a bit better yeah so let's select this face here press ctrl+ and then delete this delete the faces select this one 7 nope 3 on the keypad eye for inset eye for insert again and I for insert one more time let's see so we needs to be read in the center first of all we need to then go into the shading tab with this object selected click material UV editing let's hide the reference a to select everything obey to select everything UV reset beta selects this is s for scale there in 0 1 let's start with a bread which is in the center and then let's do this ring here so the shift key just to multi-select account scroll in and out you can hit the Delete key on the keyboard and little recenter around the area that you're working on and then G here to get the white select ease they were blue right yep G to select blue and then what was the outer edge yellow Jeep yellow all right ok and we need to do the same thing here shift us to get the cursor to selected go out of edit mode with tab f3 and set origin again origin to 3d cursor and then lets shrink-wrap this one now on to target here yeah that's better than project I want to project it o negative so let's apply this one and now let's do the tab to get into edit mode and move it out a little bit and then e to extrude it in it's a tech one that doesn't work controls that let's move it in again all right so this one is a bit trickier think what I'll do is I'll scale it down all that you won't be able to tell anyway eat extrude all right let's just do this manually hit them troll + ctrl + ctrl+ again let's select these vertices here move this in we find suitable and I think that'll do again we're going to view the plane from such a distance that it doesn't really matter that much but if you want to actually ID reference oh I did something hmm blend their 2.81 crashed on me hmm I guess you live in lone let's see if it ought to saved anything for me yeah I was here so at least I'd say that after I did the propeller and I need to redo these things lots of paint let's let's not be disappointed let's be positive friends again well the good thing is I know how to do it now so shift right-click you that's it control s let's look in the modelling you all right screw that's it I'm gonna bring a pulse here and then I'll come back and I'll bring this into unity as well so you can see what it looks like when it's in unity all righty oh I'm back let's see if it's still recording so the kids are asleep now read the a few stories to them I'm rolled all I think it was called so pretty much everything with a this Spitfire is finished now I'd say we've got the propeller what's call alerts rename this one called its ticker we can actually join this to this fire control J to join okay it's because I need to apply this mirror modifier first apply control J or shift select the airplane control J there we go and these as well we'll do apply the mirror modifier and then slap it on there and control J to join it okay let's export this thing now we should actually move the little plane back now I like to keep the center of the wings Center here so when it turns it turns around the wing so let's go tub a for everything and then move it back to there let's look from the front as well probably keep it here and for the propeller let's move it tub use the keypad here to move this one up seven three yeah I guess this looks pretty good now I noticed that they don't quite connect here so to fix that we can select these interfaces and then just hit s to scale them now connect them into there and then we'll move it eight does I liked everything and move it back a little bit there all right and that's it and then let's move the center of the pivot point here so what with these propeller blades selected I'll do f3 set origin and now we'll do Center volume is that so that allow if we rotate this around the y-axis they'll spin nicely right there and let's make sure with scale is one here no rotation and then for this one scale is one and no rotation that's good for unity we want to keep it like that ctrl s to save it and let's bring this thing into unity now and see what it looks like in there so I select these two hold the shift key and then let's go to file export FBX and then we want to take selected objects and then it's important to do the apply scaling here to F fix unit scale because then one unit in blender will be one unit in unity and then finally experimental apply transfer experimental apply transform we want to do and that will make the rotation correct otherwise the X rotation will be incorrect in unity so let's bring this straight into unity project I've got one started here let's create a new folder here under assets called bit fight and then let's do show in Explorer here Spitfire control C and then we'll switch back to here and then we'll type in this copy and paste that's path here and then call this one Spitfire and then export and then it'll automatically import into unity then since we saved it into that folder we can untick we don't need this material so we'll take that material click apply there but what we will do is drag in the texture that we created before we downloaded let's see in a download folder here somewhere spit by a PNG let's bring that in let's track the Spitfire into the scene and as you can see the rotation is correct and everything in the scale position is a little off here which is let's fix that control a I'll hit when this is on and then apply location and then for the propeller to control a do we want to do that actually no we want to keep the propeller there so control s let's mark these two again shift let's repeat export FBX selected objects FBX UNIX scale apply transform let's overwrite this one here we go and then we can just drag this spitfire texture onto the spitfire itself here onto the sub object there the important thing to do here is okay so I can see that there are a few things here first of all we should change the spitfire texture to from bilinear to point and then we should disable any compression here because otherwise you'll get artifacts and then you can see that these stickers that we created here or not correct first let's apply this and then rotate the light a bit and the reason why these stickers are wrong is because the normals are incorrect so we can go in here if that happens it was because when we extruded them something went a little wrong and here if we go to the drop down here and then do back face culling and we can see that those are hidden so if we head hover over this sticker and press the L key on all the stickers and then press f3 and type flip norm and then apply flip normals here to get out let's hold shift and select everything ctrl s to save it export FBX selected objects FX unit scale and apply transform so let's overwrite this one and now we should have the stickers appear there and also the lighting is a little bit off here because let's go to select the main camera go to game object and align with view that will bring the camera interview there so the lighting we can is the final thing we can adjust a little bit here so we go to rendering light settings and then let's switch this to order generate the lights and then we need to assign the material here to the propeller as well when I drag the texture onto it it created this material automatically so we can drag this material onto the propeller as well ok I think that's pretty much it should we do something else no we can tweak this a little bit either you can keep it into a traditional shade like this or you can add some metallic to it you rotate the light source here you can see and have a metallic feel to it if you want let's keep it light but I think for this one I'll just keep it the traditional old low-poly looking like that there you have it and the propeller if you want to animate that one that will spin quite nicely in here as well if you just do a rotation on that one I don't know why I picked the Spitfire but that's what it ended up with today if you have any suggestions on any other type of objects to model maybe other vehicles or props or houses or scenery I don't know just throw it in the comments and I'll try to put a video together about that as well so I mean while I hope you enjoyed this one and stay tuned for more modelling videos and more unity and blender videos and please subscribe if you haven't already hit the thumbs up if you liked it I hope you did I enjoyed making this one like I said I love making low poly objects speak too much speak too fast never mind this one Curtin wiser value until next time have a good day and I'll see you soon bye [Music] study it I hope I recorded everything now imagine if that cameras off copley blend your craft on me once as well have a good day and I'll talk to you soon over and out alright let's do a little script tears well create script rotate ort and let's put the rotator script on to the propeller rotator I'll rotate or and then to transform rotate and we want to do it in the vector three forward direction and then let's spin it at 1,000 times time.deltatime to keep it consistent over frame rates and now we should have a spinning propeller Spitfire [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 78,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitfire, blender, blender 2.81, lowpoly, modeling, unity3d, game art, low poly airplane, blender 2.8
Id: VB8pVlR_KPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 29sec (4229 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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