Let's Make! | Long Tall Quilt Pattern

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it's 5:00 in the morning here in Grants Pass and I'm getting to work here at Jordan fabrics this is the building we're in there's a beautiful morning the sun's going to come up over the mountain here but what I thought was really nice still a little a little bit dark out but to the west there's the moon and you'll be going down soon but it's beautiful morning very pleasant weather here hope you having a good day yeah hi I'm Matt Jordan and I'm here at Jordan fabrics and I was talking with my wife and we decided this evening to show you how to make a quote called long and tall from cozy quilt designs a very simple quilt to make I think you'll enjoy it and it uses two and a half inch strips and the two and a half inch strips that we have chosen is one we call glow and it's fabrics designed by Amy Butler from Westminster designs and Westminster designs also handles the designs of K facet is very well known fabric artists mostly with a little modern twist to most of them I'd like to show you the quilt so let's go over end and take a look at it all right so I'm headed over here and I hung this quilt up so we could get a really good look at it you can see these are just the two and a half inch strips these are just a two and a half inch strips coming down it's relatively simple there's little highlight fabric end caps that we put on it small little border background fabric very easy and then a larger border and see what we have on the back here and so on this back what we didn't was just choose a fabric that we had in the shop that kind of coordinated with it I don't think that's necessarily Amy Butler fabric but I think this coordinates with it so we we put it on the back of the quilt it's a very pretty design I think you would enjoy making it and let's go over to the workshop now and get started and have some fun all right we're ready to start the first step so we've got to cut out our background fabric and our accent fabric which is these little caps that go on the top of each strip so I've picked out these fabrics here you want sort of a plain color it can have a little texture it can be a batik I'm using modis grunge for both of these because they have a little something going on but they read as a plane so I've already cut some fabric off the bolts here and I've got it iron so that it's all ready to cut it's real important to iron your fabrics really really flat for the background we're going to need some strips a 16 inch 12 inch and 8 inch and a 3 inch so I'm gonna start with the 3 inch I like to use a weight to hold the ruler here keep sitting nice and straight it acts like a whole nother hand up there [Applause] now we'll cut the accent fabric and all we need is one and a half inch strips here so you can cut them one at a time I like to fold them and cut four layers at a time but that's just a matter of preference you want to cut what is comfortable for you these are one and a half inches wide and I think that's all I need now we'll put these aside and we'll open up the strip set so I've got my 40 piece strip set here these are also known as jelly rolls lollipops but they're all two and a half inch strips cut exact we cut ours with a straight edge we don't use a pink edge so here is ten of the strip's here then we've got ten more here so we've got 40 different strips here so you can see the variety of fabrics here they're really fun so we've got a lot of different textures and patterns and these will mix up into a really nice quilt for the long tall pattern in the size we're making I need 12 strips at a time I've got ten here and let's grab a couple here so we're going to put these twelve in one group then we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten here let's take a couple more we've got twelve for this group and then we'll take these ten and grab a couple more and we've got twelve in that group we've got a few strips left over and we may cut those up and mix them in but for now we need to sub cut these twelve and then we're going to sub cut these twelve to a different size and sub cut these twelve to an even other size we've got our strips 12 here 12 here 12 here so these are going to get sub cut now the pattern will tell you the sizes you don't have to remember this but I'm going to be doing 17 and 4 12 and 8 20 and a half so all we have to do is sub cut the whole stack to those sizes it will tell you in the pattern and now I'll show you how we sub cut them so let's select this pieces so most patterns that call for strips they're already two and a half inches but you need other cuts so we call that sub cutting I'm going to take two strips because I'm comfortable cutting four layers here and I'm going to make my first cut on the end here and I don't use a weight for this because my hands are on either side of the strip and it holds it really nicely so I'm going to do a 17 so I'm going to measure this over 17 and then I'm going to do the four inch I'm going to go ahead and do that those same measurements for this whole stack check my pattern for this it's a twelve and eight check my pattern for this it's 20 and a half's we'll cut all those up and then we'll be ready to so I've put aside the printed strips for a moment because we need to show the background and the accent so these backgrounds each get one strip fill in to the end of it so I'm going to open these up and I'm going to use a quarter inch seam and I'm going to stitch this all along the one edge here it's important when you're using long strips like this not to stretch them so you want to just lay them right down on top of themselves not stretch and just carefully sew along the edge it does go really fast but the blocks everything will lay much better if you don't stretch anything so we are going to show one accent piece to each one of these now we're going to sell the next strip onto the next background as you show these on you don't need to finger press them we are not going to press them or iron them open at all we're going to leave them closed just like this and we're going to take them back to the cutting table and we're going to cut them just the way it is so just keep going till you've got one accent on each background I've got all the accent pieces sewn to the background so now I'm going to stub cut all of these so these are going to get cut into two and a half inch strips now I didn't even earn it I just have it laid on my board with this right along the edge if you feel like you've stretched it or it's wavery tall you can take it over and iron it but mine is nice and flat if you're feeling really brave you can take another one of these and you can put it right on top and you can cut it at the same time I actually take all of mine and layer them up and cut them all at once so if you line them up and really really straight you can do this but feel free to do these four one at a time this just saves me a lot of time when I do them all at the same time so you want to have them nice and straight straight everywhere now I can get all the layers done all at once and I'm going to go back to using my weight so we're going to get a nice clean fresh cut at the beginning here and then we're just going to do two and a half inches all the way across now you can see why I didn't iron these open it's hard to keep it really flat to cut if those are ironed open this much easier to do it this way so just cut this two-and-a-half inches all the way across now in the middle of each strip is the fold that existed when your fabric was folded on the bolt or when your jelly roll was folded up I usually don't use this section so I'm just going to cut this part away because it's sometimes really really hard to get that fold ironed out and I don't like that in my quilt we've got plenty of room so we're just going to make a fresh cut here and then start measuring again so we don't have to use that phone at all so we're just not going to use that now we're going to keep cutting I've got all the background accent pieces all cut so see these are all ready we've got all the different sizes here we've got small medium large and so we can stack these all up and then we will sew these onto our pretty strips and we'll get our blocks going so this was a really fast way to get all these guys sewn and they're really accurate like this because we didn't iron it first so I'm going to stack them up and then we'll put them with the strips and we'll start sewing the blocks together I've gathered up all of my pieces here these are the background accent pieces that are separated by size and here's all of the pieces from the strip set separated by size so all we're going to do is take these shortest cases and sew them on to the longest background accent and this is the little bit bigger a little bit bigger all the way up this doesn't get sewn to anything so this is going to form our block so let me show you one block I've got it done when these are sewn together they're all going to be exactly the same length and that's what I've got here the long background a little bit shorter a little bit shorter and this basic block is what makes up the whole quilt so we're going to sew them together now so I'm going to take these first two pieces and I'm going to chain piece them I'm going to sew this to this the whole stack and I'm not going to iron it till they're all the way done so let's do this step first the best way to sew these is with this piece down and put this on top of it so we're going to line up the edges and use a quarter inch seam and I'm just going to chain piece so I'm just not even looking at what fabric is going where I'm just going to stitch them all together then when we're done with this whole section we're going to take it over and iron it just continue on for the whole step I've got my whole stack of pieces sewn here and I'm going to show you how I like to iron them so I like to have a straight edge here so I can make sure that I'm ironing it straight because it is possible to iron this crooked we don't want to do that we want it straight so I want all the seam allowances to be going towards the print and away from the background so a good way to do that is to put it down on the table put a little pressure on it and then pull away you can feel those seam allowances facing that way then now I'm going to make sure they're open and I'm going to make sure that it is lined up parallel to this straight edge here if you put your iron down you can kind of pull away and they will be nice and open and then just double check and make sure you've got it straight because it makes making the block as you go up a lot easier if these are straight so here's another one so put your hand on it a little bit and then slide this down the ironing board and you can feel those seam allowances go the other way pull it all open and flat hold it with the iron give a little pressure here don't stretch it but just a little pressure and then make sure that it looks lined up my ace and straight now we're going to do that with all of these pieces and then we've got some of the other sizes here it's the same procedure you still want all those seam allowances away from the background so little pressure pull it away make sure - nice and straight I've got one of each size piece here and this is what we need for one block so I've got them laid in order here and we're just going to sew each scene so again line everything up and use a quarter inch thing I like to take a couple stitches at the beginning and that will hold it and then you can stretch this make sure everything is lined up and sew right along the edge I'm going to open this up and I'm going to finger press the seam towards the right so I'm going to press it away from the background where I can so I'm going to make my seam that way and I'm going to just draw my fingernails down I'm opening it with my hands here and finger pressing down along this line it just makes it much flatter when we go to iron it so now we're going to sew this seam and I've got all these laid so that all of these seam allowances are facing down they're facing down here they're facing down here and that makes it easier for you to fill them without a seam allowance flipping so they'll stay nice and flat I'm going to sell the last team here the whole block so together really really fast it's fairly easy sewing so this is a good project if you need a big quilt in a hurry we're going to finger press all these seams all of these themes were to the right here so just pull it open a little use your fingernail you have to put a little extra pressure right where that seam the seam allowances here on make sure they're going the way you want them to go now this finger pressing means that when we take it over to the ironing board those seams are for the most part laying the direction we want them to go you can see it's a little bit unflattering but now we'll take to the ironing board and we'll give it a nice steam pressing so that's the whole block there we need to make 12 of these and then we need to make 12 that looks just like this but they're mirror images so they're going to have the same pieces and parts but it's going to look like the opposite let's iron it and then I'll show you both half I've got the block nicely ironed here it's real important to get it iron nice and flat because that makes sewing the rest of the coat such a pleasure so you want to make 12 of these blocks then we're going to make 12 more better mirror images so it's the same part two pieces they're just going in the opposite order when you sew the rows together now this is going to get sewn to here and that's our whole block the whole quilt is made up of these so they'll just be turned different directions to make the quote big like you see here and we'll get all those put together we'll put on a little border matching the accent and then we'll put on a bigger border in one of these really nice prints and the quote will be all done okay let me show you where our Patrick block will fit onto the quilt here so this is the block we were working on it's right here and then you turn it over and it fits right here I really love this quilt because there's big pieces of patchwork Annie Butler has gorgeous prints a lot of which have a really big scale so this gives you a nice chance to see some of those big prints I also love all the background here because you can really go crazy with the quilting we did a pattern called tangled and it's very swirly we used a turquoise thread and it looks really good the quilted nice and big we used a great big print on the back really elegant they call this a twin size but it's about 73 by 96 it's almost a full size quilt and it's a quick so so if you have a jelly roll with some fabrics you like a lot even boutiques would look just gorgeous in this you can stitch it up really fast thanks for watching our tutorial today to make the long tall quilt and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 248,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, North Star, north star, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, Pattern, Trade, Winds, trade winds, batik, Batik, Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, Cozy Quilt Designs, Long Tall, long and tall, strip club pattern, strip, strips, Jelly roll, bali pops, lets make, let's Make, strip set
Id: I6mcot_CFVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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