Lets Go Tiling!!!!

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hey guys welcome to Larsen Farms enjoy the video what just happened where'd my hair go I'm just kidding it's the next day does it look better in the shorter little thinner little cooler sure feels nice hey everybody how's it going today I'm here again with Mark from PKK's Aleutians that also is involved with yeah I partnered with Hagar equal power and what we do is tunes which I'm sure people have seen are yeah you get out there you have seen they were the guys that tuned this hair Gator and they're 8520 he just came back out basically to check in and see what we thought which of course Eric loved the extra power he's like I thought you never got in the ninth gear I'm like no I never had the horse bar and he's like I've been in an all season and Slifer take it easier but yeah he's just back out here he says he's going to be doing a free giveaway I am of a tune I am I'm gonna be doing that but what we're gonna do check all they have to do is hit the subscribe button on my video and they're gonna be automatically registered not only for this giveaway but for future giveaways and product discounts also now make sure on this product giveaway for a free tune you do this before June 1st and you'll be registered automatically with that subscribe button I choose a name from there I'll put it out on the video next month in June and give me a call that's yeah so go check out his website especially if you want tunes anyways that site is that w WP k EA k the number 8 and Inc I and C week 8 ink.com will have the link in the description below perfect you're gonna have on your website absolutely you go check out that link in the description and that'll get you to the free giveaway and that's a will you'll be rolling smoke like us alright see you later [Music] hey how's it going today guys look at this mess we're gonna clone some tile and a really wet ditch yesterday and being it was the first day I did not record would have been very interesting to see but it was such a mess and everyone was crabby and you just you just don't video stuff like that very irritating thing in the mud that we were in and now somebody has really got a job on their hands but today I go better so I might be fulfilled so today hopefully better than yesterday it was cold spirit colder today I don't think we got any frost last night so that's good but it's still pretty chilly the cold night so you have to come back I guess tonight it's gonna be pretty cold and Sunday night is gonna be really cool the corn will probably get froze off hopefully the beans are underneath still if not the corn will grow back but the beans it's a really get some might have to replant something let's hope not we'll keep you updated so yes this is a planted soybean field it has been planted and we are driving all over it because probably haven't started growing yet but when else are we gonna have time to do this I mean it's just something that's got to be done we need to change foods from the heat to a six inch boot now so we cloud the 8 inch up through this here ditch basically eliminating the ditch more or less so that we don't have to farm around it anymore yeah fancy homemade boot trailer I'm going to back up here dad's gonna come up here with the excavator and we are going to swap boots yeah should work so basically what we got to do is pull this pin out really easy hook a chain up there the boot comes off goes on the trailer other boot comes back goes here four four and six inch we go take this here plate off this plate comes off we put a skinnier plate on that's what we got to do now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I want to show you something that we do that may be a little different than other people do we've been tiling since kind of a tweens pro tile or Wayne's Clown tile came out well we've noticed with what they did when they first got them is all the T boxes the tile is oblong and crushed down and what we found out is this we put key rock around it it sets in a lot nicer and you're a lot less likely to crush it with dirt jumps and stuff [Music] it also makes it a lot easier for closing up stuff because you don't have to be ads cautious with big dirt chunks coming down because the stuff isn't all that durable and basically very susceptible at first to the crunch is what we call the tea boxes another thing that we do is we'll bring this to up the top of the soil in certain spots if it's in like a low spot we'll bring this here I'll call the way to the surface that allows the water to get down in there and instead of doing like a standpipe Inlet if you don't have to take a lot of water through that pipe just a little bit more than seep tile this is what we call a French drain or a French Inlet when you bring this rock up to the water flows through it really good rake to the perforated tile it works really well but that don't work in all cases because if you got to remove a lot of water quickly like a bigger low spot these won't work but if you got like a smaller little spot where it you need to move less water less quickly this works really well and it's also very clean way moving water because then no there's no silt in the line it just kind of slowly moves through this rock filtering the water so you get really clean water don't ever let anyone tell you that tile is a bad thing because it's crazy crazy clean believe it or not we've have a tile line with a lift station pump so basically we didn't have a grade to have an outlet so we have to pump it up out of a hole basically and it was flooded for a couple of years like we didn't have a pump in it it was just kind of squirting up and out of it and the minnows swam in there they've been in there for three years tell me that I've had a minnow guy tell me it's impossible tile water don't have oxygen in it there must be an oxygen in it because there's minnows living in it for three years now there is no way minnows are getting into that tile system other than when it was flooded at the outlet three years ago fun fact and I'm sweating out too heavy for long drawn the jacket so that's just a little informational tip at the up heavy ground I highly suggest using key rocker on all your key boxes or holes that your explai Singh the pipe together at because it's very likely to crush or get dented and damaged if we have a tie line that don't work nine times out of 10 that's at the tee box or right by the inlet where you dug down to put a key in to come up with a stand pipe another reason we kind of got into these Rafi and lots easier to farm over works pretty good lay in pipe GPS controlling [Music] you right there's the fight so now like I was saying before we explode it just like this dump the pea rock on their water filter through P Rock nice clean way of moving water no more over-the-top flooding no more dirty water exactly what the government wants so I'm currently waiting for more tile because we didn't have enough out here so he's gone to the yard to get more and I am on the phone well not anymore but I'm hot spotting to my computer because I'm having technical difficulties because for some reason the GPS told it to bury itself back there and now I got a reply way in about a hundred feet was that so that happened hello chat live Larson farms [Music] glad I didn't hit that with the tip of the plow that would have been a dead stop really quickly [Music] [Music] just a little walk just a little one it's a bit of a hole [Music] [Music] the styles fit in someone's got to hold that as I pull ahead it feeds in through the boot and lays it behind the night [Music] good thing I didn't clean the camp so now we got it started in the hole he just drives beside he eats it in keeping her on grade [Music] now he's going to cut that pipe right there and then he's going to put an end plug in at plug it's all this is the seat blind in this little Valley here and I just flower lady in grease clout it's all on great off of satellite right there there comes the end what and then I raise it out to look wow that it's the end of the line reason okay now turn off the controls who makes it easy but you also gotta have someone texted guy to run it to reads and I'm in here and not there to Randy I'm sure they could figure it out but they like to point the finger at me you inflate me if it gets put in wrong so right now I'm surveying so basically I push the starts to survey button drive towards where the outlets gonna be or we're keying into another line and it monitors the elevation as it is doing right now which is all downhill which is good and the Batmen is what the plow goes off of so you guys drive the same exact path back and then the plow keeps it at the depth that you can set where you want it to be the minimum depth and the maximum depth it's like you're cutting through a ridge or a hill or something and the plow will do what it needs to do you can set the degrade I'm right now putting it in a tenth-grade it will do whatever grade above 1/10 the grade but it will never go below it depends agreed which is ideally what we want tenth agreed is one-inch and 100 feet so every hundred feet you know the tile is one inch higher [Applause] you want to tell him to subscribe and thumbs up subscribe and come do this man oh hey that better yet yeah Friday we got to go on Friday night [Music] and right there get all that pee track in there level it all off when he comes to backfill it now he can't damage the tile because it's Pete Rock went all the way around that round pipe supporting it pretty slick if you're having your field custom tiled I would suggest to make it mandatory that they peer out here tee box it's gonna save you a lot of money in the long run they started unrolling it from the wrong end of the roll because it's a partial and now it's inside it out and in a big big knot Oh dad's yell at scream it you can imagine how irritating this is for him pretty nice in the calf [Music] this is like trying to unroll a toilet paper roll from the inside out think about that for a minute see how well that works okay I'll get out get some action here [Music] you guys ever do this again you grabbed the wrong and when you hooked it up yeah I did I always find the prints go this is a ABS and children out there oh it's grab the right side when you hook up [Music] good thing there's all a 14 feet left [Music] [Music] yeah boy [Music] the tire I always make sure which end your coupling to unbelievable Oh what everything you don't have a temper a freighter you blew up more than one good thing I don't have a temper but that would have been somebody I didn't like so that's about as slow as it will really go because if you go any slower than that you don't have enough power about 1.5 is the absolute slowest you can go hitting rocks left and right there go you lost your mitten is laying in the trench yeah I have to mark the rock that was here somewhere yeah that stopped instantaneously I'm gonna go get the hoe it's sitting over there waiting for him he says he's directing Eric the big Swede yeah I'm stuck on a rock and now this normally entails raising up backing up a bit we gotta get that outfit there we go so basically back up raise up get up and over the rock dig down with the excavator find the rock floor go around the rock done plate ideal but is what it is look at the big suite he's getting after that rock over there [Music] somebody is keyed in somebody's kid in somebody's pinching the mic button boys of annoying feeding route [Music] I wish whoever was holding the mic would quit do you ever wondered how it comes out basically it's like that only underground pretty much [Music] well he starts to investigate have you guys ever noticed that all of these mystery hair heads they're always the worst one watermelon every one of them is watermelon no watermelon yeah well we found the problem [Music] just a little problem the quad didn't really like this rock and then it his brother was with him so he got it out obviously there refeeding it into the same hole so we'll be up and running shortly sucks when you're like a hundred and fifty feet from the end of the run and this happens and it's the end of the night it's like seven o'clock and it's our last full of the night and of course this has to happen well that's another checkmark boo-boo one farm down anymore ago next week don't forget to subscribe guys give us a thumbs up maybe a dirty one but at least it's a good one hope you enjoyed this video get you guys next time
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 236,632
Rating: 4.9726863 out of 5
Id: Ubuj4FexZIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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