How to Rig a Scifi Landing Gear in Blender

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how low it's my clitoris cheer for Markham 3d and this is part six of creating this landing gear in this section we'll be ringing and doing a little bit of animation so please make sure you like and subscribe if you want access to the full course even though this is the last part jump over to Gumroad or jump over my patreon bond or let's just start off with the armature what I need to do is I'm gonna select this and these faces here because this is gonna be kind of like the start of our armature I'm going to go shift s cursor to selected and we know that this face and this face is the center of this piece so now if I go tab into object mode shift a let's add in an armature single bone we know that this tail bone sits exactly in the center of that rotation there from here let's come down into this piece here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna press C to select select that middle bit shift s cursor to selected how about we deselect this with middle mouse shift s cursor to selected there we go from now let's go back into the armature I'm gonna press e to extrude shift s cursor to selected and then let's do it one more time for this bottom area so let's deselect this C and we're going just to select the center there shift s cursor to selected let's select our armature e to extrude left-click shift s selection to cursor there we go and now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna extrude on the y axis and this will be our foot now the next part of the next piece of the puzzle will be these pistons so let's go back into this object what I'm gonna do is let's select all these internal faces there we go shift s cursor to selected and that'll be right there oops obviously we've got something else like to get down here let's deselect that shift s cursor to select them back into here I'm going to select this bone shift D to duplicate let's select the head shift s curse selection to cursor there we go and there from here when I come down this bottom section I'm gonna go see and select both those faces into here shift s cursor selection to cursor whoops sorry let's go back into here shift s cursor to selected into the armature shift s selection to cursor and what we need to do now is split this up so I'm gonna select the bone right click subdivide and we want to flip this around so at the moment if we come up here into the pivot point we can see that we've got 3d cursor we're gonna change this to the medium point so now I can go rotate 180 and we've got some funky results so what we need to do is come into the bones and relations and let's remove that parent so now when we go rotate 180 there we go you can see it's a little bit off kilter so I'm just gonna press alt R to reset the rotation and now that's looking rather nice let's shift D to duplicate that bone it's coming to here and select this area select our bone or a tail or our head sorry shift s geez did it again back into object mode shift s cursor to selected shift s selection to cursor let's come down to this one here C shift s select gosh shift s cursor to selected shift s selection to cursor let's select all that with a control else liked everything that's linked right click subdivide let's select up bone here remove the parent then we can rotate 180 degrees alt R to reset the rotation and we've got one more to do down here let's come into here I'm gonna press C to select that shift s cursor to selected into the armature let's select the bone shift addy grab our thing shift our selection to cursor one last piece and that bit there shift s cursor to selected shift s selection to cursor oh yeah still right-click subdivide let's select that bone delete the parent rotate 180 degrees hold our to reset the roll all right now the best practice is rather than having this or buffing about is we need to name these so I'm gonna select the top-loading call that one main this one here will be upper leg and we've got lower leg and we have foot and let's now make name these piston bones I'm gonna select this bone here and I'm gonna call this main p1 this one here will be upper leg p1 coz this piston one I'm going to go to this one underneath we will call this upper leg p2 so now I'm going kind of like one two one two so this one here will be lower leg p1 lower leg p p2 and this one here will be foot p1 excelente so let's now jump into pose mode and obviously you can see nothing is happening here let's go back and we see nothing is being followed we do need to go back into edit mode and picks up some of the parents so let's get an object and into edit mode so this bone here will be parented to our foot bone so let's go parent URL foot bone this one here will be parented to our lower leg this one here we parented to our lower leg this one here will be parented to our upper leg upper leg and this one here will be parented to our main there we go so now if we go into pose mode and we start rotating we can see all the bones are moving now we need to do a little bit more work now I've actually down here on this piston I've actually moved it from here to up here because of the way doesn't really work before we start adding constraints we now have to actually add in empties at each one of these points if we were to track the positions of the bones the problem is is the bones are calculating each other and the actual animation would become actually fairly wonky so what we're gonna do is go into edit mode and let's go into wireframe I'm gonna select here shift s sorry let's select any shift s cursor to selected let's go tab into edit mode only object mode shift a let's add in an empty and then I'm gonna come up here select this bone shift askest and a selected tab empty and so what we need to do is we need to add now empties to all these points whoops where's my bone here it is like that barn yep there it is shift s cursors are selected shift a let's add in that plane axis I mean empty back onto the bones here shift s cursor to selected there we go two more shift s cuz it's our selected adding that empty and lucky last where are you bone why are you doing this to me shift s cursor to selected control I add plane axis now from here we select our armature we go into pose mode and we've got to set some constraints now so from here add bone constraint me retract to that we're gonna select that one there this one here track two let's select here and so we're kind of tracking to the opposite empty so at this one here we'll go track two yeah it's that one this one here will track to this year so let's go track to eyedropper from here you sir will track to this one and you sir last of all track to this one yeah and there we have it so now if I go into pose mode we can see everything's tracking we can see that we can't come out too far on this one but if I go to side view let's rotate that up and if that hasn't worked silly marker so let's go into object mode and we need to parent our empties to our mesh as well so let's select our empty we're gonna go into our constraints and object constraint child off and cover your child of itself let's go in and select our armature this one will be main and then we need to set the inverse or brings it back let's select this empty child of let's select out armature and it'll be upper leg because we're pairing parenting it to the lake set inverse this is the next one a child of the armature this one will be upper leg as well set inverse where are we here oh no that's right that's right the next one is this this would be lower leg so child of let's select our armature child of lower leg sit in verse this one here there we go so I'm just trying to make sure we get the right ones child of armature and this would be lower leg set inverse and this one here would be child of whoops armature and foot set inverse so now we can select our armature pose mode there we go everything is lining up everything is hunky-dory and there we have it we have rigged up there we go that's maximum we can do oops bring this one back down there we go now we're going sold mode we can see I can turn off the display so we just see this I mean it's it's all folded up technically does that piece fit in there not really so we might just fold that one out so will select this bone here rotate and xx so there we go so that's kind of like the maximum there so you can see how much it unfolds now if we wanted to animate this what we can do is we can probably go to frame 1 I'm just going to select everything and go out R to reset the rotation out and G to reset the location just isn't case we did that from here what I'm gonna do is I want to select everything I'm gonna press I to set a keyframe and location rotation and scale well actually we only need to really worry about rotation and then I'm gonna set frame 250 to be out in frame so probably this here all the way up there this one comes in to about here is and then we got our foot probably about there let's select everything I set that rotation and so if we press play this is what we've got it's a little bit slow but you know what I'm fine with that for now we can see that the tracking is looking really nice the Pistons are following each other awesome brilliant now what I will actually want to do is I want the lower leg to start moving first and then the upper so I want to grab the upper leg and I probably gonna move whoops just gonna select the first keyframe and move it over 20 frames so we can see that the bottom leg will start moving forward first and then I want the upper leg to come to finish first that's pretty cool so in technically we could select everything let's just speed it up so what I can do is I can select here and if I were to scale it'll scale from whatever frame we currently on let me just make this window down here a little bit bigger so for instance if I were to be here and scale we can see that everything's scaling around that point so we come back to frame 1 like we can scale we can speed it up by half so we do a scale of 0.5 and then we press play and we can hold that and then really what we could do is I could shift D to duplicate those frames and then scale X minus 1 that didn't work did it let's go shifty move it over by one scale X minus one and then we have it so what will happen is it'll come up hold its pay place and then it'll come back down now I'm funny enough with the animation when it works a finer works beautiful however our material was now would be a little bit off so for instance if we watch we can see that our marks are staying still house thinking annoying as that quick fix me what we can do is we can select our objects I'm going to alt H just unhide everything without page select everything I'm gonna press E you smart UV project and we'll do that with all the pieces use my Kira project this one here you smart you be project this base plate here whoops select everything you're smart you be project the Pistons smart you be project and lucky last alt H select everything you smart UV project now we need to come over into shading and we in turn change object to you V and so that's our yellow metal metal two will be now u V 2 vector and I believe material 1 will be u V 2 vector so now if we're going to layout and we start moving we can see that at all the little mark stay in place which is exactly what we want and so that is pretty much the end of the course thank you very much for hanging around for this long please if you haven't already well I can subscribe to the channel share the surrounding friends let me know in the comments below has this actually helped you in any specific way if there are other things you would like to learn please leave a comment below as well and let me know and I'm more than happy to start exploring other avenues for you as well so until next time thank you very much guys I really appreciate it and take care
Channel: Markom3D
Views: 34,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender modelling tutorial, blender modelling tutorial 2.8, blender modelling timelapse, blender modelling tips, blender modelling character, blender modelling tips and tricks, blender modelling 2.8, blender modelling and rigging, how to model in blender, how to model walk, how to model a character in blender, how to model in blender 2.8, blender modelling tutorial beginner, blender 3d modelling tutorial, blender beginner modelling tutorial - part 2
Id: 6BUgz7Lr1Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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