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this is the most Monumental and Powerful PC build I've done so far and it's going to be my new gaming PC let's go hey y'all it's buts welcome back to my channel hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day full of positivity and happiness as always and for today's video we are building my main gaming PC I usually run a dual PC setup so I have my streaming PC but today is the gaming PC and we are going all in look at these parts my cat's at the door you want to say hi doesn't she look so excited to be here what do you think of the PC build Christa isn't this exciting let's talk about all the components super quick and then we'll get into the build what you checking out there Christa is that the rim is that the sponsor for today's video this video is sponsored by crucial let's pop a squat and talk about them hey before we jump into today's video I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsor for today crucial crucial is known for its highquality and reliable RAM and SSD products I so excited to check out this Ram kit from them this is the crucial ddr5 Pro memory overclocking Edition and can't weit take a moment to appreciate this design language for a second it's just so Sleek it would match pretty much any build this Ram has an origami inspired aluminum heat spreader design speeds up to 6,000 megga transfers per second 25% lower latency for a Competitive Edge during gam playay it's Intel and AMD compatible and you can overclock it a little nervous about overclocking and not sure what you have trust me been there done that crucial is launching The crucial system scanner that safely scans your computer's Hardware so you can see your current configuration and get recommendations to max out your memory and storage for Optimal Performance as a Creator this has been incredible it has saved me time and increased my productivity in gaming recording streaming editing the works The crucial ddr5 Pro memory is a fantastic Ram kit for beginners and experts alike I highly recommend this Ram kit and thank you so much crucial for sponsoring this video I really appreciate it now let's go throw this Ram into my PC shall we thank you so much crucial for sponsoring this video I really appreciate it I'm so excited excited to build with this Ram it's so clean so pretty I've already Fang girl over it Ram there's also very clearly a theme with all of these parts the Asus Rog hooked it up majorly with a lot of the Eva Parts I am so unbelievably honored thank you so much I am so happy thank you thank you I'll be sure to do you guys proud with this build for the motherboard we have the Asus Rog Maximus z790 hero Eva Edition motherboard one of my favorite colors is red so not only is this motherboard extremely powerful it's also aesthetically pleasing for me I love the color red I love me some anime it was a match made in heaven next cat can you not sit in front of the light please next up we got to talk about this RTX 4090 the Eva Edition what a glorious beautiful card striking red extremely powerful pardon me wants to vertically Mount this GPU but honestly you won't be able to see her if I do so undecided honestly there's a lot of things that I'm undecided about in this build we'll get to it next up keeping with the red theme obviously we have the Asus Rog reuen 3 360 a argb Eva 02 Edition aiio cooler that is an extremely long name it's red it is red I'm so excited about it I have red components red and black is one of my favorite combinations ever for technology so I'm excited to see this all together and working you might be looking at this case here thinking what the heck is that this is our power supply that's really heavy this is the Asus Rog Thor 1000 W Platinum Eva Edition power supply red and black that's pretty much what you need to know and obviously extremely powerful I can't believe this power supply comes in this case how robust how fancy just and very heavy I'm going to put that back now oh my gosh it's heavy I just realized my CPU is not here on the table because it's actually being used in my other gaming PC so I'm ripping some parts from that but we are going to be using the Intel Core 14th gen I9 14900 K that CPU has genuinely increased my productivity I can't wait to see how it works with the ram as well and with all these parts obviously this is going to be a really powerful build I'm kind of terrified but not really first storage I do have storage in my other PC that I will be taking out but for now I definitely want to install this one this is the SK hyx Platinum p41 SSD it's just an m.2 2 terabytes I meant to install this in the other PC but I just saved it for this build it it's boring story I'm using it now before we talk about this let's talk about the power supply cables I'm going to be using because it's weird and I know it is all right hear me out I know I'm going to get a lot of divisive opinions about the color I've chosen for the power supply cables but if you guys know me I'm a big fan of a maximalist Vive with my PCS in any of my technology if you've seen any of my past gaming setups I'm all about the noise I'm all about the color I'm all about the high contrast I love combining different assets and different colors that don't quite work together but somehow making them work therefore I want to try out these blue power supply cables I know orange and green kind of the go-to for this set but her eyes are blue I think it'll be fun I think it'll look cool in my setup and that's what I care about and to better complement these blue power supply cables we have this little GPU bracket I guess they call it a graphics card holder it's the Eva Edition I believe it's RGB so I'm planning on hopefully making it blue I think it'll tie all the colors together especially because I can't use a blue power supply cable for this graphics card I don't think or actually can I I don't know I have a lot to learn today and I'm taking you guys along for the ride I haven't even talked about the case yet oh my gosh NZXT they sent me the H9 flow that was so nice at them I saw a full build on display of macro Center using this PC case and I became obsessed immediately it's so clean I love how the glass comes together at an angle there it gives me a very much a fish tank vibe which I believe is very trendy in PC building right now but hey I'm all about it and I chose white because like I said I like combining different assets and creative things that don't quite Mak sense together but I'm going to make them work somehow maybe I don't know is that everything I do have some Corsair fans on the way Corsair thank you guys so much for sending me fans for a couple of my builds these are the ones that I'm hopefully going to put into this PC build they're just on the way right now they're currently being shipped all that being said it is time to finally build I have my ey fixing kit here I have the wow stick my electric screwdriver let's get get to it shall we I'm intimidated but it's going to be fine this PC is going to turn out incredible I already know it and friendly reminder if you have long hair put it up when you're building your PC okay trust me just do it time to build and we start with the motherboard oh my gosh it's so pretty look at it oh my gosh I'm so excited oh it's beautiful we're going to start with installing the CPU y'all have seen this before so I'll just go ahead and run through it really quick you pick up this little lever let me make sure my arm isn't in the way this lever right here you pick it up you pull this back you line this up accordingly don't mind the thermal past that's on it okay I've been putting this CPU to work but you put it into the socket I've been told if you push down this very slowly the CPU cover might pop off so let's try oh that wasn't really much of a pop sometimes it'll just like clear this it like goes Skyhigh I learned that recently by the way save these I don't know if this is like a PC building tutorial not really I'm just building my gaming PC but we put this down like so and there you go next up we install the rim and we have 64 gigs of this crucial RAM and guess what they go into all four slots you don't have to wonder which slots they go into RAM installed next up I'm grabbing the CPU Cooler and grabbing the bracket that goes on the back how do you guys prefer PC build videos do you guys prefer when somebody like sits down and walks you through it do you prefer mostly b-roll with voice over let me know what is going on with this box the kinds of videos that I've been enjoying as of recently have been people just walking through and talking while they're doing things so so that's how I'm going to do today's video let me know if you like it here is the block and the radiator bracket bracket bracket bracket yeah we're good what is going on here I was saying something in regards to safety I'm installing the uh bracket for the cooler by the way in case y'all didn't know I actually worked as a service technician at Fries electronics and I learned a very important thing about safety when it comes to putting up your hair I used to wear my hair down all the time when I worked and you know it was fine for a bit until I really got inside of PCS and I got my hair stuck in a PC case fan definitely not pleasant my hair started getting coiled up into the fan it was a not good situation thankfully I was able to power off the PC before it got worse but I definitely learned a valuable lesson uh throw your hair up but I didn't learn well enough I ended up putting my hair up in a high ponytail and it almost got caught again one time and that's when I said enough is enough I'm putting my hair in a bun so from that day forward I wore my hair in a bun whenever I worked looking like a little librarian there we go okay m. two where to here this board is so gorgeous look this is already peeled off this has been tested I should mention this uh board and everything has been tested I'm actually going to throw two SSD into this build I'm going to go ahead and throw in this one it was in my last gaming PC Focus please it's a 970 Evo plus I think I want to use this for the operating system and the other one for video files and editing and whatnot I believe everything is Gen 4 throughout the entire board so it should be perfectly fun I think it's going to run great in you go down you go twist you do and there we have it now we're going to put this one right here oh you could put two that's a pleasant surprise look at all those thermal P oh go ahead with yourself Asus R OJ I might end up taking this SSD and putting it into my streaming PC but for now we'll put it here we'll figure it out I feel like I am now just realizing in my life that I am allowed to flip-flop components around in my PC so depending on what I need get in there hello there we go I forget what I was saying I run a dual PC setup I'm going to learn to flipflop components around depending on what I need in the future and that is all I want to say about that mother board is prepped moving on oh my gosh wait a minute it is misspelled ion genian I'm so glad I got the misspelled board let's go come on taking apart new pc cases scares me a lot normally this is stuff I would edit out but not today there we go what I like about this PC case it gives me fish bowl Vibes like a fish tank but also the power supply mounts in the back here if you can see that let's get the motherboard in here and as per every PC build that I do I do corner corner corner corner just because that is a force of habit I've always done that so the PC components don't just like lay flat like that they go down more even I said this in pretty much every PC Bild that I've done hi you're so fluffy how do you do it you're so goofy looking why do you look like that you're so cute she stole my chair but she can have it I'm just going to roll you out of the way okay next up I want to go ahead and plug in the front panel connector so let's do that oh the front panel connector one isn't a bunch of tiny ones it's only one big one that's awesome front panel all in one go right there you didn't even see it my camera didn't Focus it's okay let me make sure y'all see me plug in something HD audio is going to go right here and actually I do plan on replacing these fans so I might go ahead and take them out right now this is going to take a while so how's everyone's day that's one fan down but my day's been pretty good so far well I mean it's really good now that I'm building a PC let's be real especially one with parts like this so I've seen a little bit of Eva but not as much that I have wanted to I definitely want to binge it one of these days now that I have the parts I definitely want to but I will tell you I am an anime fan at heart I was a tunami kid big time even gelion definitely would have been a series that I would have gotten into and loved but it's a little dark so I don't think my parents would have let me watch that one but what I do know about asuka's character is that she is very um hot headed seems to have very little patience definitely not a very gentle personality I'm excited to watch some more Eva though and see how her character evolves should I install the other fans right now probably we're doing these Corsair fans I'm excited oh my gosh I'm unboxing this and it all comes out out in one piece that's amazing I think I want to have them go this way I feel like I'm kind of zip zooming through this PC build I apologize uh I'm just I'm really eager to get this done I want to use it Parts have been sitting around for way too long I think I'll plug these in in a little bit for now I just want to get them installed next up I'm going to go ahead and focus on the AO but I'm not going to use the fans that come with this AO I'm actually going to put on more Corsair fans I know white fans might look really weird on this cooler but that's kind of the goal I want this to be very mismatched I want people to feel confused when they look at my build I want them to think what what theme was she going for what color scheme was she going for exactly the more confusion the better this cat stole my chair whatever I guess it's more so your chair isn't it you can have the stool she claimed it she sits next to me all the time when I'm gaming she's so cute are you done she's done I can have the stool back it's like she understands what I'm saying I'm going to have this mounted like this in the case block on there look at this block look at these freaking components dude do I have to screw down all of these when they all click in probably not am I going to we'll see there we have it no we don't I have one more screw two more screws oh my God I missed that that would make sense with having two screws left over oh dear Hannah I know you're excited about getting the PC Bill done but do it right okay currently doing some research on how many fans I can connect to this one Hub I think I can only use one which is great but I've also decided I've changed my mind on how I want these aiio tubes to go I was going to originally do this way but I think I want to flip it around and I'm going to take out this fan in the back which means I have to flip these fans around hey post production Butter's here what are you doing you don't have to flip the fans around Hannah there's no cables that you have to Cable manage through the back but guess what she's about to do she going to unscrew those fans and flip them around watch this transformation ready 3 two 1 I didn't even notice until I watched the recording flipping the fans around didn't it was 3:00 a.m. I was so tired I didn't know oh my gosh that edit is so unironically funny I'm crying okay moving on before I put the radiator in here I'm going to go ahead and plug in the CPU power cables up here just for easier cable management I'm also taking out the hard drive bay cuz I'm not going to have a hard drive in this let's work on the aiio next I'm really glad I have these flexible power cable extensions because this is a tight fit and I'm starting to regret my decision but we'll see that'll work for now now for thermal paste I'm using some thermal Grizzly CPU that is where this would go and actually I learned an entirely new way to apply thermal paste apparently I've not been putting enough if I were to demonstrate on my phone it would be 1 two 3 1 2 3 one two 3 and that is a way to make the thermal past spread as evenly as possible on a rectangular shape when CPUs were Square the one in the middle made sense it don't no more I learned I learned that recently with building a PC with robit tech so I'll leave that video down below let me make sure I have this completely focused look at that painting it's not my best work but it'll work when I first did this method I thought oh my gosh that is so much thermal paste why are we doing this but then I actually took the CPU Cooler off and it spread over the entire CPU so it made sense it looks odd but it makes complete sense I'm just going to take this off for now that is so much better and remember friends not too tight on the actual CPU itself just make sure everything's wrist tight looks good you can put that back on top before I plug in the fans and the CPU Cooler let's go ahead and do the power supply this bag looks like it's been through just a friendly reminder that this was all tested before it was sent to me so this is all open box essentially oh these are cool I like these a lot I don't know if I'll use them but they're cool look at how beautiful this power supply is oh that's so pretty too bad it's going to be in the back where we can't see it oo look at these cables those would look good too CPU is this one of them fancy ones for the graphics card I actually don't know we'll put it to the side six pin for the RGB Hub another CPU Big Boy power cable I do need this one for the graphics card has a nice little shelf for it to sit on I love that I forgot to show this but remember this GPU sag bracket that I brought up I don't know if I want it sitting on fans I didn't know it operated like this so I don't know if I'll be able to use this I'm going to think on it but for now we won't now I'm working on chaining all the fans to this one header it can carry 14 devices seven on each side so this side I have the three fan fans up front this side I'm going to have the other fans as well and it's going to be powered here on this cable and then plugged into the motherboard here it's super complicated but I think I got it figured out I'm proud of myself here's my cable management if y'all want to make fun of me it's fine I don't know if this is working yet so I'm not zip tying anything yet without zip tying this is actually not half bad it's pretty bad actually once I put this door back on phenomenal kind of look at this masterpiece of a graphics card isn't she glorious just the colors everything about her the red so striking we will be installing her my camera is about to die let's see if I can install this GPU before that happens what a satisfying click look at how pretty my camera is on 4% let's go ahead and give this a power on I just need to see if it works 3 2 1 please front panel connectors got disconnected different Outlet there we go it's getting power now it was just the outlet I knew it too all right ready 3 two 1 that's powering on fan spinning F the top fanss aren't working though did I plug them in I don't think I did oh holy oh I feel so happy right now yay me get the top fans working really quick all right take two with all the fans working go I don't know if we're getting a post but I don't see any errors so I think we're looking good y'all and my camera's about to I'm not I'm not going to put that on video that's bad that's the best peel yet hi cat truth be told I broke out in a sweat with all those peels but shall we go ahead and Power on the PC it's time show me the RGB there's the RGB maybe if I log in can I log in without a monitor let's see I did it let's go this is definitely the most powerful PC build I've done today and I got to tell you I thought it would be more complicated no four RAM sticks easy nine RGB fans easy the lack of cables is amazing power supply cable extensions easy and the red and the blue combo can we just take a look I know that this aesthetic is not going to be everybody's cup of tea but for me this looks straight up like a fish tank I'd love to add some more red down the line not too sure how to do that yet yet but I love the color combination it's so loud it's so weird this PC brings me so much joy to look at which is the most important because I am the one who's going to be using it a couple of things I did learn in this build in the back here with these Corsair fans I actually had them upside down so the Corsair logo was upside down so I had to flipflop them I thought the fans would spin no they're they're not intake so they wouldn't have they would not spin they are stuck so I had to flip yes as for the graphics card holder this one works fine for now um I you know with putting fans on the bottom I didn't really take into account how a GPU holder like this would fit in there I would love to put this into my build but I don't know how I feel about putting it on top of some fans so I'm going to hold off y'all comment down below and let me know do you all know if putting this on top of the fans if that's going to cause too much problem I couldn't find any answers online so I figured let's just play it safe I'll go with this one it's small it's minimal and it's red oh and obviously down the line I'm going to be changing out this power cable that goes into the GPU I don't think they make custom colored ones yet this is a relatively new uh piece of technology so I don't know it's up for change all I know is this is a fantastic beautiful build that I am so excited to build onto for years to come it's my gaming PC it's going to be my editing rig I'm going to do so much recording so much productivity on this build yes but let me know what you guys think comment down below and let me know what you think of the entire build the parts did you learn something new I also want to give a huge shout out to crucial for sponsoring this video I am so excited to use this Ram I have 64 gigs of RAM four RAM sticks I've never had that in my life and look look at how Sleek it is shaking the table calm down Hannah and also huge shout out to Intel Asus Rog Corsair and NZXT for providing some parts too thank you guys so much I'm so lucky I will always do my best to provide and spread the joy that is PC Building and friendly reminder I do have some more PC builds coming up soon I run a dual PC setup I have the gaming PC now I got to get the streaming PC in order so stay tuned for that but anyways that's all I've got like comment face subscribe if you enjoy the video thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video whatever I make bye-bye bye-bye I have to go now I must play this and experience the joys of this build I'm so excited about it it's pretty what do you think Connie her ears flicking I don't think she cares too much hi
Channel: NoisyButters
Views: 284,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noisybutters, noisybutters tech, noisybutters gaming setup, noisybutters pc, noisybutters pc cleaning, gaming setup tour, gaming setup 2023, upgrading gaming setup, pc build, noisybutters pc build, noisybutters setup tour, before and after, how to build a pc, how to clean gaming setup, streaming setup, best gaming setup, gaming setup ideas, gaming setup room, gaming setup aesthetic, rtx 4090 build, asus rog eva, eva 2 pc, budget pc build, high end pc build, dream pc build
Id: ec5tthsQC7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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