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have a great night Tony Montana are you down uh are you why are you chilling why why is he sitting goodbye and we are recording it's a miracle man do I have a story for y'all if I look exhausted it's because I am hey y'all it's SPS welcome back to my channel hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day full of positivity and happiness as always I already feel better after doing my intro the positive energy it's here and for today's video you can already see what the star jacket we got on today we are going for the umbrell something camo the pink star camo in Modern Warfare 3 I already got the other star camo the 90 star camo in Modern Warfare 2 we're getting this one I'm excited for it it's perfect but before we jump in two things technology wise I am so fried no pun intended because my SSD uh fried I actually had started recording this video and this fried in the middle of recording so I lost all my footage but we didn't make too much progress so it's okay I bought a new SSD for my operating system that I plan on putting in here but I'm going to put in my old one for now and see if it's getting cooked I don't know I am covering all my bases I think this was just a badass SD no offense but it died after a week so that's where we're at but bios update technology we're good I know what I'm doing kind of and another thing before we jump in I want to give a shout out to GFI because the g-f madness BOGO sale is here BOGO stands for buy one get one so you buy one tub you get another for free you buy one get one truth be told I didn't know what BOGO meant for the longest time so featured flavors include blue ice Naruto Sage Mode a whole whole bunch more blue ice I've been drinking quite a bit because it is the second flavor I ever tried back in 2012 2013 it's been a long time it's one of the original Three flavors it's very nostalgic for me but feel free to go check it out I'll leave a link down in the description below Bo go I rhyme but now let's get into some Call of Duty and hope that my technology isn't suffering too bad you're doing great do you see my PC and view right here it's awesome here we are back at some cods and for today's video let me show you guys what we are going for if you go to all camos here scroll down to the fun category right here boom bam boom bam thank you ma'am look at the stars look at the Orange it's a match made in heaven I coordinated with the colors in my room I desperately need this camo and zombies get 20 consecutive kills with a lockman shroud 10 times without taking damage I only did one out of 10 because my my PC crashed like it just show off completely and I lost all my zombies loot when that happened yeah I've had of time so with that being said let's play the video game let's hop into zombies look at this empty class I want to scream we got the lockman Shroud we're going to equip that okay here's my class for zombies get it got a good is it fascinating I don't think so but we're going to go ahead and play some zombies I also have two cats in here we have the boy right here I will show ready I can turn him around look at his little paws look at him hey buddy how you doing and then we have my cat Christa on the floor there she is happy cat she has been loving sitting on top of my PC though before I uh started recording she was sitting up there so I guess even she overheated well I don't know if it's an overheating problem I I'm going to figure it out did we spawn in my favorite xfill we did I love this spot okay now it's time to be a star I'm a star I'm a star I know not everybody watches horror movies who watches my channel but I'm just saying that's from Pearl Pearl's a fantastic movie and she's a star I'm a star there's like a scene where she's crying about how she's a star if you haven't seen it and you're old enough go watch it highly recommend very weird though I will say oh I need to uh upgrade oh I know how to do this I swear that's five kills so if I just do this without taking damage that's eight does it have to be quickly or does it have to be just consecutive 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I don't know if that counted I wish I could tell in game but I'm not sure what I do plan on doing is Pack-A-Punch this and then camping an xfill I think that'll be the best way to go about getting this camo so for now let's go ahead and drink a quick res because knowing me I'll probably need one I got bubble guts and that ain't a good sign you have bubble guts and it isn't a good what does that mean Miller what does that mean do you need more fiber in your diet do you need a Tums what does that mean I do only have a small ruck sack now oh man I lost everything because my SSD okay maybe there's a locker we can investigate where do I find those hey look at that it's a medium rug sack let's go that's a good start y'all I'm also looting some expensive stuff so I can sell it for Essence I need air support now oh oh that scared the crap out of me I just got smack why did the dude scream and say he needs air support oh man it was just a regular zombie that jump scared me that's bad that looks like a locker do you have anything of Interest broken glasses very interesting but now what I need what is this is this a perk it is Tombstone Soda what does it do drink to leave a tombstone stash on death in the next game wow wouldn't that have been something I could really use does destroying hell hounds count towards the consecutive zombie kills they are zombies but they're hell hounds I have so many questions I feel like in a lot of these videos I ask just constant questions back to back so people who are commenting like put in an entire essay of like yes you can do this no you can't do that yes you can do that so thank you if you do answer all of my questions really sorry that I'm so inquisitive but not really being inquisitive is a good thing right and learning the game as I go are you mad at the locker I thought somebody was behind me do I have my headset on backwards no anything in here more broken glasses well somebody died in game that is a very sad story I'm sorry friend have a picture of a cat that's that's a step up we got a comic book oh I like these um goodbye I want to it but I don't need it oh I want that so I did the 30 enemies without taking damage but does that count towards the challenge cuz it does it have to be in a timely manner Ence some mushrooms here what's what's in here hello thank you for the essence there's a signal 50 I don't need it I don't need it I don't oh look at all the little Riley oh that's so cute and little rubber duckies and a little lock this monster of course they race don't scare me like that I hear a beep boop what what's beep boop hello are you beep boop cool uh I was here in my last video which I lost all the recording of it I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of yeah a bunch of lockers up here let's see no no no no yes yes yes no okay there's a medium ruck sack but I can't stow it in take it out of the game I mean I could sto it but I can't take it out of the game can I okay let's go to a buy maybe sell some stuff full armor whoever was the announcer for all the full power full armor it's me spoiler alert it's me can't you tell oh look the orb I'm going to go for the orb you guys have fun I'm going for the orb what happens when all of us go for the orb I mean we're all on the same team essentially right so much Essence yes I need it I need it wow that's nice do you want the loot I'll let you get the loot first okay and then yeah you can have the essence I'm may I thank you so much thank you have a great day okay I sell stuff everything I did not contribute to that but I'm so glad the game thinks I did oh I'm actually already close to Pack-A-Punch and H I'll make my way to the Pack-A-Punch and hopefully get another Essence by the time I get there aha I knew it I will take that gladly thank you that's enough perfect oh thank you you seem a little lost there buddy ow why would you do that I never say ow when I play video games it's actually one of my pet peeves why why do people say ow when they play a video game why did I just say it are you in pain when your character takes a hit is it a form of empathy are we just empathetic Gamers it's a genuine question and if we are empathetic Gamers why don't I say ow when I play a video game I don't know why besides right there that was very out of character for me what there's a rocket what's he do okay cool have a good time oh laser I believe it was this individual who uh oh you don't want that I'm just going to I'm just just going to take that thank you very much well this is creepy this announcer confuses me well this is creepy yeah we're on a zombies map everything's really creepy right now there's zombies everywhere what do you mean this is creepy two play armor vest I already have that how do I Ascend here where's the Pack-A-Punch aha oh this is where I died and I was saved by pumpkin man if you haven't seen that video I'll link it in the corner I couldn't believe it I got down I died I asked for help and a pumpkin man came in to save the day you can't make it up how do I go up oh stairs well how about that man you really got to travel up for this okay yay okay do I have not pain uh do I have a sres no I'm going to get one and then I'll Camp a xville and hopefully I'll be able to get the camo by station oh it's weird it changes it from a three round burst to like a five I think I'm not sure I don't know how to do math yeah no six six now how much does a self reses cost and especially if I don't what I just pick up no I forget what I was saying how much does a sres cost if I don't pick one up oh a cluster do I want this I think I'm good wait self fres are in bathrooms there bathro around here I think they're in bathrooms I think self reses and stems and first aid kits first a kits bandages I I don't know I don't know the loting zombies okay we're going to sell all this stuff can you not buy a sres awesome where's the bathroom full power like how the announcer rolles are with full power he doesn't have to do that I love it oh speaking of which this camo that we're going for is umbrell Destiny umbrel something which I believe umbrell is about like moons Shadow something like that but did you know that umbral actually means threshold in Spanish ESP we go again okay Bo yes why is there liquor in the bathroom it's for cleansing wounds obviously before you bandage them up well I do also have quick res what does what does quick res do is it just does it quickly res you that would make sense well okay I got a camo but it's not the one I'm looking for I got excited for a second why don't I just go for a bounty maybe on the way there I'll find a selfes somewhere and then I'll go camp an xville I got time to the Bounty how was there an explosion right here oh it was a dog bye dog grab this little beep up be beep value Target oh yeah look a jumpy portal we're going in I see Essence should I follow sure just following the essence I know the bounty's back there I should probably go for the Bounty I'm going to do that actually do different buys carry different things maybe there's a s fores on a different buy H I have so much to learn burn that Bounty look at him he seems very unbothered wow that was cool okay oh he's fast isn't he oh he's fast am I really playing Ring Around the Rosie with a [Laughter] Mangler mangled uhoh nope nope thank you very much self ra I knew it we'll take that I will sto this because I can use it in another game and honestly I'll take that too why not okay I think it's time to go camp in xville now which one shall I camp I think I might do this one it's next to the storm I now know what the storm does or is it the storm the little gas whatever it is this thing right here I know what that is now it expands once the countdown on the left side is uh it hits zero a nearby players play for where are you I don't have my chat available where are you oh I see it I'm going to go save him guys I get to be a hero I'm so excited I'm coming my friend look at me guys I get to play Hero how do I get over there uh sorry hold on one second how do I get to you okay I see a window here uh okay so second floor second floor do I go higher up I guess so yeah okay okay I have found found you my friend I got you I'm doing it guys I'm a zombies player did you see him you see him rise I got you oh oh oh is that a thing thank you so much have a great night that is so are you serious that's a thing I will take that oh that is so nice so nice I love zombies dude we're Buddies Now What's his name Tony hi Tony Tony Montana I know that name there's a K-pop artist that has a song about him wait I have to know who is who is that Tony Montana is a fictional character and the villain protagonist of the 1983 film Scarface you'll learn something new every day look he's still my friend the storm is very close for comfort at this xville I I may have to relocate there's a bunch of zombies here I'm hoping this counts for the consecutive kills I'm a kaboom Kaboom I think I'll camp this xill it's kind of cool next to this little stor I'm not going to lie okay I'm going to do it dang it I have to be careful I don't get hit that's the hard part here oh no don't do it nope nope sorry if I'm quiet I'm just kind of manually counting manually Counting manually counting I'm just counting I'm counting in my head to see if I'm getting all the uh consecutive zombie kills that I need for the for the camo challenge I hope I'm doing this right oh have a great night Tony Montana are you down uh are you why are you chilling why why is he sitting goodbye he's just straight louing on the X helicopter I wonder if that's Canon to Tony Montana's character in Scarface I'm curious I wonder if he's like a laid-back individual I'm going to watch Scarface after this now because of that dude's name all right we go again I'm just going to do this for the next 10 minutes to see if I get my camo I feel like there's something that I'm missing in regards to this camo Challenge and I have a sneaky suspicion I'm going to learn a very harsh lesson it seems to happen often with Call of Duty camo challenges dang it 17 18 oh No 19 does The Mangler count as his own kill he has a zombie is going to need next dang it I got hit the very last second oh we got it let's go yay we did it yay awesome we got it uh should I go ahead and Exel or should I just maybe stay and you know I am scared of my game crashing again actually we're leaving that's what we're doing we are leaving goodbye yay we got it yay I love seeing a successful XO I mean don't we all that's kind of a Mot point I think I bounced back decently well for you know having my SSD die the last time I was playing this and I lost everything I need to purchase a primary weapon from a mystery box it's probably a good idea look at all the stuff I X fied with that's pretty good yay that was great I'm glad that went the way it did I unlock the rare ether tool that's a for what do you call it Packa punching in your pocket a Pack-a-Punch in your pocket look at all those challenges look at the oh look at the little umbrell Destiny camo Oh yay we got the camo in here it is on the lockman Shroud doesn't it look fantastic I didn't even realize so the regular multiplayer challenges results in this camo and then the zombies challenges results in like the same camo but a different color way I will say there's a lot of orange on this which obviously I'm not mad about it because I love orange obviously little guy makes sense orange is one of my favorite colors I wish there was a bit more star on this though personally you just take a look at this I like it I think it looks absolutely fantastic but I do wish I wonder if it glows in the dark does it glow in the dark we're going to find out I think the Stars glow in the dark I I need to find a darker Place H I don't know if they glow in- the dark I can't I can't can't tell I don't know if this is the map for this why am I on shipment why is this available it is March how how am I here anyways Tada look at the camo look at it go it looks so good I love it I'm definitely going to be running this in multiplayer for sure I also wanted to put this camo on this variant because I am loving the way that this font Blends in and you see the purple all over the gun as well this is beautiful I love this so much and even the Tracer match I love it do these glow in the dark I don't I can't tell I'm so confused but you guys saw that gun with that camo in that variant how's about this one look at that look at that so this is the star camo from the last game which looks amazing do these glow in the dark I'm so confused I don't know but overall I'm extremely happy with the way this camo looks and how we got it yay I got to play Zombies for a video yay but with that I'm done and there we have it another camo on not even a path to camo I just wanted the star camo how could I not pick up a star camo my g-f flavor is star fruit did you guys see the tub on the look I forgot to point that out I have the starfruit tub in pillow form on my chair but it was lovely to bring out the star jacket and go for another star camo and call duty Cod if y'all ever want to add any more star camos I will grind them all that's all I've got like comment fa subscribe if you enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching I will see you guys in the next video whenever I make bye-bye bye-bye these cats look hilarious behind me the boy is completely upside down with his paw like this and Christa is like awkwardly doing this over the chair I'll put in a picture right here so you can see see but why are cats so weird why are they so weird I feel that's a question that will never be answered but have a great day thank you for stopping by I appreciate it g feel boo sale don't forget bye thank you
Channel: NoisyButters
Views: 84,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noisybutters, mw3 zombies, noisybutters zombies, noisybutters camo grind, noisybutters road to interstellar, noisybutters mastery camo, mwiii zombies, mwz, mw3 zombies guide, modern warfare 3 zombies guide, modern warfare 3 zombies, modern warfare iii zombies, mw3 zombies pack a punch, mw3 zombies beginners guide, noisybutters rage, zombies funny moments, mw3 zombies funny moments, mw3 zombies mangler, pink star camo mw3, umbral destiny mw3, how to unlock pink star camo
Id: _us7AW0SJq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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