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yes let's give this Minister in this convocation a great hand clap let's just take time and thank God hallelujah once again before we begin the testimonial service of complication mm I Q out of the ward and just give our great founder apostille Murray a great hand clap about in fact let's give them a standing ovation along with his lovely wives evangelists early very dr. berry and dr. Murray let's give them a standing ovation let's tell the Lord once again long respected by our founders thank you kappa countess or somebody shout hallelujah now let's do petitions our hands up in their eyes look at all the present pastors Lisbon ministers and pastors a hand crowd everybody South Bank on them in the dark the women of God let's help those hands begin for Jesus blessed famous amen tonight I do give glory and honor to God amen to apostle and sister Marie to Pasir Wallace and pastor was pastor Ferguson the bishops Bishop kill Bishop cannon all these fine pastors and their wives up here tonight a man I'm thinking of praise God tonight a man for being saved sanctified and filled up with God's precious Holy Ghost I think an appraisal or tonight aim it because I have always had that testimony man I didn't even know anything about being saved they'll being filled with the Holy Ghost I knew about doing things in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost but any man I didn't know that you could get that power of God in your life a man with the Holy Ghost in help you to do right in the veins and gold in the right ways that you needed to go amen but I found myself a few years back a man bound by a drug called crack cocaine a man found myself in a situation they meant that I pray this and promised myself that I never get caught up in but I got caught up in that situation anyway man I at a partying lifestyle a man and I was a big drug user I didn't even use much marijuana man but I tried to drug crack cocaine one time a man and that was that was it I got hooked that time amen I remember I can remember any time I thank back and reflect back upon that amen I think about the song they saying where they say turn out the lights the party's over praise God but the party was over but I just couldn't turn out the light same and it just kept going on and on and on and on him and I tried to put this drug down but I couldn't him and it began to destroy my life and not only did it begin destroy my life a man but people around me began to suffer I wasn't bound by myself a man I might Bend only one smoking that dope and it was more people bound lately better than myself a man and I realized and I could see the hurt and the pain on them a man and I tried hard and hard as a man to get rid of this drug but it just wouldn't happen amen and I thought it appraised garden that if I joined join the church that it would help me and I could get rid of this drug I knew to God with my only help a man because I saw my friends going in and out of the various pen of takers around him and they coming back doing the same old thing man couldn't help myself going to the rehab and back doing the same they even heard stories of them when they was in the rehab jumping out the windows and going to getting hide coming back and I knew that that wasn't my hip I couldn't that wonder I was serious about getting rid of this drugs I was serious about turning my life around him in and I realized that that wasn't my help a man if they didn't help there what made me think it was going to help me my only help I knew was going to be God and I began to pray and ask God to help me and I joined like I said I joined the church but I found that it's not in the churches in Jesus it's not in just joining the church you got to have Jesus in your life you got to have power in your life baby and I remember yelling in church and he's time to preach it when Holly and I get in my car and I run across the bridge and I smoke my cigarettes and drank my beer and smoke my dope and it began in and I began to get frustrated amen and disgusted with all this and I remember that God just wouldn't leave me alone him in and and I tried and I tried and I tried and I just couldn't let this drug alone and I can remember one evening that we were sitting around getting high and God was dealing with me that evening and as we were getting high I just couldn't do it anymore I just just just just couldn't do it and God was dealing with me that day and I told God I said God you know I'm walking away from this stuff today I said God you gave me this life and you made a mess of it god I'm gonna give it right back to you and I think it I praise God a man because God heard if he didn't hear any other prayers he heard that one right there a man because when I put that drug down and walked away I had about oh maybe two or three miles to walking I walked home and as I got home I said up under the tree a man still talking to God about what I plan to do it asked I told God that he when I founded a church that I was going to go to this church but I wanted God to lead me to where he wanted me to be come because I knew that it would deliver us wasn't in every church then God had a place of deliverance for me I knew this and God garden dinner didn't let me down him and he showed me a light and I'm set under that tree that very day he showed me a light I saw some people from this church getting in their car getting ready to go to church and it just touched upon my to go over there and tell them said when are you going back to that church I want to go with you and the man standard this was on a Thursday night he said we're going back Saturday night and praise God that Saturday night I was sitting there standing in his driveway and waiting on him to go to church and I went to church with him that night a man went over the four gospel holding temple he made like I said I didn't know anything about being saved didn't know anything about being filled with the Holy Ghost mmm but God picked me to this church so I could be saved and feel what the Holy Ghost and be taught up under this ministry how to live the life and how to use that power that God had given me to keep off of the drugs amen and to stop up the life that I was living and I think and I praise God tonight amen because when I got over to that church they man that God saved me and set me free from those drugs amen and he filled me up with his precious Holy Ghost amen because that was the power that I needed to stay off of those drugs amen and that's been over 10 years ago and God is still keeping me and I answered all righteous one pray for me as I continue in God to God was the head of our life on time father pastor Ferguson until I mother to all of the pastor's and first ladies to a possum early and sister Marie we thank God for being your one tonight and the selection that we are going to sing for you is mary did you know pray for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we did you oh that's our baby boy would one day a walk one water married is along that's our baby boy we save our land and water you do know that my baby boy is wholesome man you know and it's how you deliver where are you mary did you know that's what baby boy would you slide to alignment mary did you know that's our baby boy would calm a storm with his did you know that's our baby boy whoa when you kiss your little baby all you can those bears know that oh mary did you know [Music] all married you know [Music] [Music] baby boy would one day rule of nature maybe did you know that's your baby would create and the horny ah [Music] I'll try jeez Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] and please burn up Oh [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] Wow ah ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a song that takes us way back woman sister murdered those two here come on put your hands together I mean a man going look further back [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] go away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] true real truth real truth of Jesus Oh [Applause] he said Shire don't worry buddy he gave us one guarantee he'll be with you [Applause] see we now listen everybody is cladding in a somber mood I remember when I was a little boy I used to hear these praises and they didn't always have music but when you think about the old camp meetings you can hear those songs [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] there is no soul [Applause] Oh machine Hey [Applause] see something for trying to change the way it used to be memories of [Applause] [Music] this is the best time to be alive the devil don't like it but the traitors here look at somebody in telling the devil don't like him but this stretch is here and I want to tell you now you might as well get it in your skull you can't do nothing with the church did I get a hallelujah you might as well get ready to get with it because the tracks are here the sack nothing an ABC will not be moved and so I ask God what am I going to breathe I don't know how much we go holla tonight and I don't know how much we don't turn comers we may not turn any tonight but I'll guarantee you by the time you leave this place you would have known you've been to church that's your neighbors that we may as well have Church the Bible says God is not spirit but we might as well get this together that everybody that worship God don't worship God in spirit let me share when you stop your complaining now Justin a mistake quit complaining it makes me sick to hear people talking that where you know preacher I've been going through if you ain't going through then you Baxley everybody who saves sanctify and love the Lord is going through something that's why you still say [Applause] everybody we're going fruit nut minister went back from whence they came and I told you last night I've been there I've done that I'm going back now look at the neighbors they get it together and stop complaining and then we can understand something the Bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous so I want to know what is your problem I'm going to do something well if I don't tell you that listen I want to point something out to you in reason if you please I think they turned me down a little too low I can't go no way with that and if you read through the Bible you'll understand something and God point this out to me Jesus has and never claimed all power is given unto me I'll tell you went to hell and back when it came out of hell he says all power I feel God coming in here let's give it all to me when you say for the bridge of somebody's above results I'm going through hell you better go on and don't do there because there is a fresh anointing awaiting you you got to go to hell together look at your neighbor and say neighbor order in the house I want to point something up to you and we're going to the book of sounds and I'm going to preach tonight briefly from the subject let the party begin look at the nape and shake hand the two questions that let the party begin [Music] what are you ready but or not let the party begin but before this before we can celebrate God has told the house to order when I look at the Apostle and that's why I wanted to come early this year the healing Moebius Marie I see several things as the Amanda of weather the storm one then I see a pioneer somebody that gets things started and that qualifies them as an apostle an apostle is a forerunner an apostle is one that goes in territories that are invaded by demons and break the bonds of hell and commands say them to let God's people free now you're going to be blessed I'll be when you follow the order of God just add everything you've got to follow the order you got people want to be blessed hey I don't know how much we go holla but they won't break the honor look it was it oh you can't break the order of God and be blessed notice this now I got to take my time notice this the Bible says if you'd be willing everybody hold a Willie really a person Marie stand up and say we got to build the church everybody that is willing say yes I didn't mean you must say yes and if you said yes already see everybody everyone holler yes we go help you that's willing now the next word is obedience see the Bible inside you will be blessed if you've been willing he said to not be blessed you be willing and obedient me you got to do as you're told whether you understand it or not I would again but I need a better understanding you ain't got no the order of God is still be willing oh oh designators I feel like a plaster wall is talking to you you've got to be willing opinion don't messy your blessing by cars house hello a material gain you got the message of spiritual maturity by how well you keeping order of God what is God order follow me understand you ain't the head can I like this little bit that's the name and tell them you making brief but you in a head [Music] at number I searched all the time I don't care how you screaming holla at the end of the day I am the apostle God got one sheep everybody else's Indian and so you've got to understand there is a divide and everybody all divine oh no you may be a good preacher you ain't ahead you makin sing well Tony can conduct please applaud but he ain't that the loser neighbor cephalic him you know where he's going the Bible says be anointing say the divine order of God is flash apostle I don't care whether the devil like it all now and God an ice dam hair flash look at the neighbor just smile and get him upset so how dare you thought daughters gonna anoint you foots got a nice day and the anointing comes from the hair to the Bears now who is the beard the Apostle Mary is the head the bishops is the bar the beard you members are just discuss then I could come from the head to the bed and down to the staff Sam's 123 the whole you know be hi how good how good and how pleasant aha it is for brethren haha to dwell together not notice this is good it is pleasant it is right for brethren to dwell together in unity in unity now how do you know that a church is in unity when the weakest one look strong what does that mean to be naughty of such as unity in the body of Christ that you cannot tell when there is a weak church in the organism Russell Murray says something the other night and I listen and we cover when you don't wear the preacher I'm from a small town and I can't do this God is sick and bad up and out of our complain he said I want brethren to dwell together in unity and when we get together in unity God will supply us with strength there will only be unity when the divine order of God is kept when you get out of order there is chaos and confusion every preacher that does not follow the divine order is out of all them and everything is out of order gonna wind up in chaos you wonder why these churches have to change and I got the answer the old order and something out of time - gimmicks trick read drive read and they got a lower their standards the out of order look at the neighbors they're getting older getting over getting over come on Hudson and with your shoulders and which as soon as I can you know we don't get semantics we very soon uh-huh it is like the precious ointment and it's like the less excitement a bumper here notice where it's not as ready anointing hit not the skirt oh not the beard the posture will happen the college I got might be need the green duck a duty I got my plz dumb lion devil we actually poorer adult you need to get in order [Applause] and the honour of God here's the anointing hits the head that directs the body oh no I feel I'm talking as a money stack govern the body so in the head say I'm going downtown the body goes we live in a town when the heads are going one way to foot say not me sorry apostle so we go do this and as somebody else I went I can't get with it right now skewer levar if you sit down and read this stuff in a negative way you out of honor that's why you ain't got no anointing if I'm Sonic I mean you Donna students I do mean you the anointing touch a head everybody it's done hey not yours anything that's gonna happen but both gospel holy temples don't go to reveal it to the apostle Marie first here's the vision II every one of us got to fall in line to this divine order in order to be anointed touch the neighbor tell them if you want to be anointed you gonna follow this order now give me a few minutes suddenly going to see if we can train some cones we got in trouble when we lean on our own ability this is my lil work me my mama my mama dog and my one cat and we go with this antenna loud move for us and what fool us we get in service and couple of people start falling out pop star damn cinema so we had a move of God if you were out of order you ain't how to move from the time you get started God don't move where there is disorder because you dance and Sheldon speaking town under bus under Texaco she'll hand us that don't mean you in order honey can I get me a witness yes anytime you an order you want a few man experience to divine favor of God you got to see healing and miracles in your church but it coming through God's divine order some of us trying to rush the anointing does it ever set reverse and get it order then I say hits the head of Aaron aha that ran down upon the beard now notice where it go next but Aspen fairy preaches the anointing is the head can I talk me the vision comes to the Apostles he pass it down to the ministers which is the bed he's a number the mustache and so when he pass it down to the minister's which is the beard it is their responsibility damn it down to describe this is the members of the church somebody the club your friends will give God the praise now you can decide you let them gavel usual and say way if we take everything we've gained and support adhesion what's go home to us you ain't got none you owe you know God doesn't have separate and individual visions in the same organization everybody's seeing something different you cross out that's the neighbor tell them if you ain't seen with the Apostles do you cross I come on come on y'all have me ducks and everything if you ain't seeing what the Apostles see you cross us your problem is you need another touch you can't see a vision difference but what God show the man of God I don't care if you in the next County if you're in this you see what the Apostles see and you sees it because he shows that to you you'd appeared now touch the neighbors that you described and this anointing comes down I episode Allen say something that Lord have been dealing with over the past weeks this apostolic anointing which has nothing to do with Jesus only but God has called the church now in an Apostolic movement where wow our teaching is built on the Apostles doctrine somebody ain't gonna say nothing here the apostle dr. is these signs or you my helper here it's gonna follow them to believer they supposed to follow the sign kappa where you see a believer the signs supposed to follow him why we don't see the sign you're out of order which I'm around somebody and hug her and says you my friend but I think apostle Wallace me and you readin that ran upon the beer that ran a plan to be even errors beer notice this now Yvonne Erin beard when the purpose you come to this convocation and this man of God shares with us the vision that God give him the duty of the beard is to return to the states with what God give us at this convocation there should be no mumbling grumbling fumbling and tumbling because we see the mission and if you ain't seen a vision everybody you talk to you need to persuade them off this vision RLS Hariri that went down aha but the skirts to the skirt of his garments all right go to Isaiah 55 and vote God said I want the church to get ready I sit here and the anointing of God is so strong in this place I said god what is this does the people really understand what God is getting ready to do God is doing something in Full Gospel that path is the understanding of the natural man you got to be in the spirit you got to be anointed to see what God is doing the disorganize of in destruction you've got to be in the spirit to see what this church has come into it's party time you're off look at the baby at Holly it's party but you can't see it in the flesh Isaiah 55 and Tory below whee-ha I have given him notice this God has not just set apostle Murray our leader up as a common man apostles are not ordinary people did I messed up your man will clean it up they are extraordinary because they have been endowed with an anointing to destroy principalities and powers if you don't believe it I don't care how to dry up your church is you a day and let the Apostle come through and that anointing will stir up stuff it's because the Apostles a new thing is a special anointing to break barriers that the devil has invading Isaiah 55 and for Rijo be Allah I have given him I have given him for a witness to the people a witness who is this man God representative do you represent God and God should I've given him for a witness aha for the people to you real hey leader a lead everybody holla leader what does that need to do what a leader does you don't need the leader the leader leads you you want to be blessed follow the leader now you got a lot of few leaders and Obama's we call them bench leaders that sit down in the pew and try to leave somebody the bridge of priests up man there's you in that don't goes for me cuz the loud speaks to me well you better go back in the room cuz what you heard was not God you ate too much see what understand them collard greens are a cabbage and ham hock have stopped talking to the afterlife you got to go back in because you need to hear God God say he give you a leader how come you lay down and got up with something else how come you went to bed and laid out huh Oh our Delta me all night last night he will tell you get right you going to hell I've given up as a leader on a commander uh-huh to the people the people believe who he helped got your neighbors that God gave him to leave you Leviticus let's skip that and go down to Leviticus we're hurrying because we want to see how we can tie this together huh and so God said to me people must understand I move by divine order not a way we can mess up as we we are carried away by some of this new stuff we see you notice out of order Church these confused people these phosphated people they got so much of problem and stress then they go to church and wake it out and the church was made for us - depalo divine order so God can bless us so we can walk in prosperity nothing wrong with prosperity for the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness can I get a witness here it is the desires of God that you prosper but you need to get delivered and set free but that's the divine order and that's why I'm blessed come in the Dallas because I can't deal with this crazy religion Leviticus 26 23 read and if you will not be reformed by me notice this now if you will not be reformed by me by DC by the Lena if you ain't gonna be reformed by the leader but gonna live your own life do as you please nobody going to tell me how to live this is my life I live it the way I please the devil is a knock me liar and the truth ain't in him I beg a neighbor turn the devil is a lie when you come in God sex you coming in order you my to be an order are you gonna find us that you ain't in the church darling gonna have nobody in the church out of order doing as they please livin any old kind of nasty life got the devil in them is speaking in tongues shaking like a leaf inherited the church became a show now don't eat I can tell what kind of car you drive I wish I was prison in the Bahamas I would have tagged you what to do with your car somebody ain't gonna say nothing here God is looking for somebody that's gonna get fail but the Holy Ghost so what if you drive a Mercedes that has nothing to do with it and I tried the BMW from Monday to Friday and drive a Mercedes on suddenly somebody asked me why I shall feel like it [Applause] and they had a rate up in the papers about media today and then the papers to read they got a gossip column and is read nation's chief of us who drives a $75,000 BMW and so I call it I said y'all got the information mixed up I Drive that from Monday to Friday and I Drive a home almost $100,000 Mercedes on Sunday read it right if you don't talk it now what you saying for apostle this I want to show you that your material gain has nothing to do with your spirit so standing with God you can drive a Mercedes and still go to hell you can drive a BMW and still go to hell so what if you oh god I feel a prison you standing up you're bragging about your material gain your car your clothes your house I live in a twenty seven room house eight bedrooms sit on morning four acres of land but it has nothing to do with my spiritual standing with God colorful life richer your money has nothing to do with the blessings of God then I tell pops every day don't miss your spiritual life because of what you've got financially your hands and give God the praise if you're out of order you ain't black hey Bishop Keyes cannot understand mr. Chanin y'all help me out Shh people good claims faster words they got the Holy Ghost love the ministry but invest their money hello now saying that they don't need when god give his visionary a vision every patient in full gospel Holy Temple should hold up on these temporal things they're trying to get until demand of God has already completed the vision that God gave him to complete y'all ain't gon like me but I didn't come you in a bar a ticket I got a round-trip ticket credit cost money in my pocket and I'm more than a million miles from being broke I'm only financially embarrassed what I'm trying to tell you honey you've got to understand how this anointing is going to flow this may not be what you want we made hallow tomorrow night but imma get this thing in you you want God give us now hit it hit it don't try this one i briefed us in the Bahamas I said look if you believe that I the man of God you claim you believe and you got fifty thousand dollars in the bank go to the bank do your head like this tell you maybe he's coming at you withdraw at least ten percent over that fifty thousand give it to the man of God and say the anointing is coming from the head oh you're missing is everybody else is doing it then folk we're going at searching ain't getting no blessing simply going to church sitting now there to act like they cry I don't know summer on with black folk y'all gotta forgive me can I get a witness at will Wilk will cry in a minute and end them to us we satisfy with a drill in our flesh and as it is a problem I built the power moving on me anytime the power bar move on you it comes to bring a change can I get a witness yes you've got to follow the other flip us readers then I'm going to breathe it in really quickly but we're walking trail around to me but we'll walk contrary if you put anything before the vision you can't wear it ice why you in play how do you know this you spend your money for suit you put it on a next time you can't fit you you put it on and it fit so good this week yes some do you look like duck in plastic you spend your money to buy some stockings and you get to the hotel and you can't find your stockings when you find it and put it on your big toe comes straight through [Music] you spend your money for clothes and when you put it on and just don't fit you somebody ain't gonna say nothing here God said you should have invested in the mad kingdoms the Lord's are something I'm getting ready for celebration it's party time everybody 22 ends up in all it's party time but the only people gonna be partying is those that follow God divided on everybody hold on he's bunch of out of all the saints living as they please read the rest of that one then we'll also walk contrary unto you God says look I'm gonna walk contrarian to you why you didn't follow my divine order you put your business before mine that's why some of you wind up driving a push some of you you got to push it to stab push it to stop we got a push for you got a hope McBeal hope it make it then God should have you follow my divine order have a bless you let's go to Isaiah and we go get ready 46 intend we don't get ready to suit we can suppose this for the night divine order people names a messed up Jack's box a living nothin ain't nothing now to come to church and jump and show to leave touch and go and Shaka sleeping with somebody there never matter and top of me and him been together long enough he's my common-law husband comma Lord of devil yeah if you ain't marry you shacking up and you need to understand you ain't going to heaven another your sweetheart that's your sour heart your Legos say nothing is driving you that house some of you young ladies ought to be ashamed let these fellas fool you because they got some Jerry Kyle in their head that is slick here and you're running crazy after this slick looking ahead bow wave your hands and holler glory I'm not going Messier we gonna turn this cone in a minute Gustus you'll have to follow to buy an order that's like the searches out of order everybody now I tell her night search I mean y'all I'm throwing them to Bahamas sixteen seventeen so they got boyfriend and girlfriend I'm in love I'm 17 you know anything of a love that's the devil fooling you and because we want to live the life we please I know what I see once this adobe bishop I know I love and I say you can't you don't know him yeah how you will love somebody you just me they're confused what am i you selfish have I got a promise or Sarang she said I'm in love as I was the parameter she said with two people which one do I choose as a nun she's the wire services you don't love men ever you can love two person but this how this churches confused they want to live like the devil in hell and come sing in the choir you can't tell them about that tell them about it they get upset they're gonna set them on leave I'm going to find these Church where they have loves and with a sympathetic you can't be no sympathetic good and this cat right gift you going to hell that's it if I don't and you young ladies I don't have enough sense to stop being in church singing praise to the Lord and somebody walk it off the street oh my baby I ain't sleep last night and God you trippin I'll tell you the other time anybody told me but but but you got anybody don't get rich tripping or Thomas I'm hauling in little ice all in love you don't fall in love if you fall in love you tripping and if you trip and you falling down and you want these cutters them and I fell in love with you ah look at them and say you tripping you in church when they trying to swing you but I didn't sleep with you tonight and sleep last night and you got no crazy my wife you've been walking up and down to my mind rush baby my feet hurt and you believe that life that's the devil in them you ought to go to sleep and go to bed and set your eye and say your prayer so God can deliver you but this new church offer us all kind of things but I come to Dallas to tell you tonight it is out of order it's not going to be blessed until we follow the divine order of God Isaiah 46 verse 10 uh-huh declaring beings declaring the end from the beginning see this that apostle anointing God gives the man and eyesight to see not today and this is why so many people cannot understand the Ministry of an apostille it's not your ordinary past Oriole - tree and he say well the Apostle is hard owners that's the Ministry of an apostle I tell them in my church when your pastor that is an evangelist stand up he stand to evangelize you when I come in the city I'm the man that tell you about yourself I tell my church I'm not the one that got you up jumping in and speaking in tongues and hollering and falling out I'm the one that tell you but yourself get right get said get deliver let's go to heaven or you won't die and go to hell little clinic owner with that can somebody pour your hands up in Halle Corey and so God said I'm calling order to the body of Christ let anybody that's gonna be blessed he's gonna walk in divine order everybody don't stand up just pick your foot up and put it down come on touch it over so you got to walk in divine order if you want to bless you got to walk in order there he is a celebration coming there is a party coming there's a time when the body of Christ gonna come into the refreshing but not before she's get in order read and from AHA ancient time the ancient I heard things uh-huh that are not yet done read saying uh-huh my counsel shall stand your God send my counsel so sad what I give their hand is gonna stand can I get a witness here and so what God's calling is divine order read and I will do and I will do all my pleasure all my pleasure uh-huh calling the rabia's bird calling arabia's bird for me not a radius by representing a few minutes explain that the prof does it prophetic symbol of the Apostolic anointing that Arabia's bird in the Greek word represents a hawk a hawk is a bird can I go to witness here that scoops down upon him and it is an aggressive bird and so what God is calling the church now to be aggressive God is calling the church to take back what the devil is stolen from her can I get me a witness yes but search need to become spiritually violence and go to hell door and so Satan you've got something not belong Dasha can I get a witness yes and I come to collect I spy the neighbors say I won't it acts 3 less close notice something and we're gonna bring this in in order for us to celebrate we must have an occasion I understand tonight that you may not show much with this but God said I want this to get into the hearts of people because the church has become out of order everybody got their own little thing going how how crazy a guy my sense in a corner and we got our own thing going this is what the Lord gave me I gotta work with this this or the Lord gave me we ain't got no insight we can't see beyond our big toe some of us don't know where big toe is huh so in all of us to celebrate there must be a reason and before the celebration comes God says I want to bring restoration the restorer means to bring back recall re-establish hello some revive and so does this before this divine order must come and then I'm going to bring back some things to the church that has been taken from her what has happened please listen connect got to get this in your spirit what has happened we can sit up here tonight and talk about this new church as much as we want this new church is a Flom that makes the people flesh feel good people are not going to come where we are because we tell them about their self and so what we do we draw back because we don't want to hate nobody feelings everywhere Jesus went two things happen he leave them shouting dado cussing man I tell it my church when I come to your town I leave your son glad or you won't cuss me out anyone you do is alright with me because the job of the gospel is not to make peace with everybody it's not to make everybody comfortable I don't know who tell people they supposed to come to church and nobody supposed to have cinnamon I like to go to church wait the preacher don't get old man there I'm the man was sent to get on your nerves I tell them I said I was called to work on your nerve and as I like to go to church where you can and this is not American I was Bahamas I get real upset with mean I don't mind scaler nobody that's it and you notice I like to go to church man you can just feel the power of God and let me tell you something America if it have not changed in your life it was not the of God or somebody to give Jesus a round of applause the gospel was mad sunshine I don't understand how you could be save and desire the same thing that we used to desire before you can say when the Bible says if any man be in Christ I mean this Christian exchange ain't talked you cinnamon says and the handle was a you jiving you trip in me this talk is the talk of a while when Jesus come in he change your life and then Peggy when I used to but then what happened with the change so we caught up on the prosperity session of the gospel or we gonna lose because if I want to restore some order I want the fear of God back in the house where people fear God where you can come to church now this is not America again forgive me I got a couple of them through how do you notice you don't know where you are now when you go to church I mean you'll think you in the movie theater they sitting up and they got the arms around one another and they rub in one another's shoulder get upset with me now and Bishop they think cuz they married they got the right to do it I don't care how much you married to her you ain't got no business rubbing her shoulders in church some of these fellas can never get in the spirit they just step right up under this woman leg click the order and under harm and they can't get in the Holy Ghost I agreed us your wife honey but this thing is not a god you in the house of God and you come to praise the Lord you ain't come to be robbing and stealing and robbing ah honey somebody them fool this new generation I don't care who tell you that of God's when you come to church you come to praise God you ain't come to look see where your wife sitting or whether she's still in you're not here she got the Holy Ghost no matter where she are see this their God they can't get a despair Bishop ear rubbing rubbing come out this man this man me I got the papers if the papers all you got on your meat you gonna be hungry [Applause] you need to know in this day and time honey you need more than two papers young meat needs some Holy Ghost because of yummy they got no Holy Ghost you will be in the deep freeze and she will somebody else frying pan I care what the devil tell you you got the power to divine order of God because there is a celebration coming it's time to break loose I pride the neighbor's house feel appraised all right you need the Holy Ghost when I come to church I come to places I had come to love match I come to show who wife is the prettiest [Applause] but such gotta show off going on no wonder we can support the apostle vision you trying to run race with somebody else [Applause] [Music] Kevin come on it no we can't support the apostle vision we find a run/race buying stuff what you care for can I get a witness how any all right so you got to know your place and you got to learn to wait on God God is sick and tired of this church where people got this competitive spirit everybody now walking and Vincent trying to solve you better sit your skin down and get full of a Holy Ghost and all night long to be talking and you ain't get no edification out of it and it doesn't oh we you know played the load the Lord bless man build us with new cars and and the Lord bless my little precious wife over there and seal the deer she's got her a new car and you know the Pope precious little thing don't tell people what the hell she gets home somehow another day these women were trained these excuse me now the women were trained to grin and pretend they catch hell home with these fellas and when they come to church they gotta maybe ain't nothing else mother show and gods just what I want the people to do is to understand there's a time or refreshing that is coming from the Lord and when this refreshing come people are going to come to church and experience the power of God then the anointing of God is going to fall and the Apostle is not going to have to stand up and tell so I need you to support this vision but people don't get so full of the Holy Ghost they don't run to the man of God and set apostles I want to give this I've got the sees the vision come to pass can I get a witness 22% of the biases party time well is party time I'm to y'all can I get a witness it's party time them but the high-five somebody says party time not tell them I got a reason to celebrate I got a reason to praise the Lord because I understand the divine order last picture in and through acts acts 318 verse 18 uh-huh but both things uh-huh which got before but - things which God before has show by AHA the mouth of all his prophets grief that Christ should suffer the clay should suffer in other words you've got to understand as Christ suffering the flesh arm yourself likewise forget about complaining but you're suffering you go go through them touch the neighbor say forget about complaining about it you gonna go through them I went through some things this year and God bought me out when I was getting ready to go to Texarkana Texas I could not go my eldest brother was struck we can't stuff it was a terrible time for me my aunt died one of my great supporters it was a terrible time for me but I refuse to quit I tell the devil do as you please but Christ I live for Christ I die forget about your suffering Reid you have so fulfilled we repeat ye therefore notice that way to reap and he therefore and be converted and be convert it change turn around may know you're going in the wrong direction tile around reason you cannot be anointed you out of order you get up and fly to preach it is as dry as sort of biscuit you out of order so we're caught up on the hollering then you don't understand however let them go say you know Lowe's that's so June when it run down July and August run down September and you said yeah and October look at November you don't know what the preacher saying there is no change bunch of puppet clowns divers and connivers God says I want something that's gonna change the life of people people must understand the anointing is gonna flow through the divine order the sides will not experience a move of God does she get an order it comes from the head down to the beard then to the skirt you can't get it members it gotta be passed down to you I don't care what you in your house shaken under civic honda civic honda civic honda civic and coming out too much about the Holy Ghost and they got power to live right they always get upset with me some your sister's got hundred Civic under sitting at power to listen to your husband's you try to rule your husband get mad with me of you please let the woman be in subjection to her husband subjection mean under his authority under his rule under his govern but the man is the head next up the gang of prison now the man is the head now notice what the NEMA is that a man is the head he does the thinking for you he does the speaking for you he does the hearing for you he does the smelling for you he does the speaking for you he is the tell me you got the Holy Ghost alone listen to your husband he get me mad I'll tell him a thing or two the devil is alive you go understand divine order hey I'm gonna breathe that over here that makes I breathe that in the Bahamas and home on television the telephone key ring one lady call me is apostle odd about that yes I was listening to you for eight years when I taste them you set my husband up to get killed I [Applause] [Music] said what I'm she don't know he woke me up and tell me get up apostle Wallace is straightening you out coming I say he's right you out of all of you ain't listen to it he's Sam and sanctified you don't do as you please you don't jump up and go to mom and your husband don't know where you are you don't be gone all day in your husband don't know where you act and you come to Chatham and I've been laying before the Lord you better cut it show God is a God of order I tell you before I don't care how much money you making you and your money come under subjection and this is the Wallace I don't care you make a million dollars you earn your 1 million dollars come under subjection when it reached my house you rule it from the office where you work to my house when it reached my house it comes under subjection where somebody the Hollywood realism I can hear some of you right now my husband better not try that he better not try that because he [Applause] if you serve and sanctify you will understand he is your protector this job is to love you love dummy Oh God you can understand loud since the water sand I been too married over 26 years we get better with age you grow in love you don't fall in you grow and God says there is Eddie by Donna and your women to try to rule your husband I telling you now you out of order thank you how much tongues you speak in and God said I want to place it back the way I want it to be but I've got to come through divine order read repent now let's get ready the venturi we're pretty therefore repent ye therefore and be converted be converted that your sins AHA may be blotted out ha ha when the times of refreshing aims a profession shall come from the presence of the essence of the Lord and he shall send Jesus Christ notice this the time of refreshing who's going to get it don't say I've repented you want to be blessed how do you repent is there a change in your life you men that don't know who you want what you want got your wife and looking at somebody else's oh hello sitting up in church and oh man I can't eat peas and rice all the time oh I can't white rice all the time I got to mix it I'm sorry brother you stuck God says don't stop repent is going to experience this refresh aim this revising Full Gospel and I'm through holy that's it I'm done is on the list to receive from God dis refreshing that is coming from the presence of God now I'm going to song bahamian and and I don't know what I can preach this year but I'm gonna preach it I tell folk in the Bahamas I say don't mess with me because if you mess with me I'll run in the presence of God because in the presence of God there is fullness of joy and I was right hand there are pleasures forevermore you've got to know how to get in the presence of God in spite of your circumstances don't tell me this of my back is against the wall so God said there's a time of refreshing I won't ever wonder stand with me
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 5,087
Rating: 4.6999998 out of 5
Id: -Vgkgu_bd0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 57sec (4857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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