LET GO = BURN In LAVA! (Heave Ho)

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you guys see that like button on my nose try clicking trying click it you can't do it Oh job for the rest of the video slogan man trainer and I are gonna be playing some heave-ho which is a game we've never played before and we're gonna try and manage to work together now that's really difficult okay I thought clicking the like point was difficult now this is gonna be difficult for us we're basically little humans without legs and we have to use her arms to climb to the finish line and bring the coin it's great by the way if you did not manage to click the like button then you have to click subscribe button you just have to go to jelly sternotomy get yourself some sweet that's right boys jelly sorta calm let's play this game hey I don't like this anymore why are we playing new games in can I go back to the craft I'm just swinging guys look there's somebody to sign on the board you see that finish line over there we better get to that oh hold on to my hand look deep about me holding up the crater Twitter's got a point hey oh wait this is Jimmy crater let's go left please okay let go whoa wait wait jelly if you let go I can swing us oh no not that one run run hand jelly jelly you need to wait I'll grab Craner and then Creina you grab like I let me let go I can't wait okay this is good we've got a line so jelly just needs to grab crane asleep and coin okay guys I got the coin now what we need to swing to the other side I'm only gonna go ahead grab him he has a coin oh wait wait wait are you ready about this okay both that we are so bad at this game hey the coin and somebody that needs to grab right yeah wait someone the grabs onto the coin no crate let's properly work together here okay we got a problem work together Jenny you stay up here I'll get printed to get the coin okay okay go get the coin boys okay okay now jelly now Jenny grabs the coin and now we've got like a chain okay I'm going down to get the coin I'll grab the chick okay great now that yes now we can grab them to the finish okay wait I can grab it I think I can watch this look no you need to let go just the last second let go yeah I got it I got it okay maybe I can swing you guys over he can land in the finish oh gosh it's in there Craner okay now you let go Jenny so you guys both made it but what about the coin it's going back you need to kind of join as well oh okay man don't worry Jenny this is we can get you out of this okay ready for you guys catch this first the boy okay I'm gonna throw it three two one whoa your body caught it oh it's got it now I can swing I can do anything grab to us birth to us but yours okay now we do that go Creina you like hey where's Jenny going Jenny just using us climbing okay I'm gonna let go my right hand you gonna put it around you you got it you got to push yourself over buddy okay we get the coin again okay someone grabs the coin to put it for me okay I didn't do that I think JD crap by coin I got it I got go okay okay grab his hand Weiner come on down grab my relax okay okay now we got a swing at the bottom on the right it's a gold coin hey jelly we'd like to use what we learn traces on this likes okay that's basically that's nasty critic elf me you Twitter pig hold his hand there we go okay we got that bird thing okay frame out why are we all down the crane of wiener just wait stop just keep going up yeah that's perfect and then jelly yeah and then no you should be able to grab the block Craner somehow wait steady Zig daddy okay wow what is that thing I told it oh hey try and put it in the why don't we yeah now if we aim up everyone push upwards so much weight am a really we need a chain guys you were tested Josh and I test you know you need to grab hands come on push up push up the top stretch show us your strong arms there we go there we go come on yeah yes I can swing it [Music] throw it okay that will grab the coin in a second okay let's go just go crazy legs off my left which yes this one no [Music] go the other way Craner touch the red side of that block hold the red side of the block that josh is the right side the right side of my block yeah the right side did I say red side yeah there we go not my what Josh can get the next block yes yes go get the next block okay oh that's perfect okay wait I have to forget what over there in we need to get further in grab the right side of the block of my head that's my side of the block there Josh's hold on why is train ahead I can't watch this let me go up yes okay I've not let go I have not let go Josh you got to swing it down I can do this okay that's too much just do a little swing okay then again a bit lighter than that or jump to the next block we can get the coin someone grab this grab it grab it okay Josh you hold really I'm holding on Jenny I'm holding on to you so let go wrap your right hand I'm letting go in my right hand big crabbit come on okay I got it you got it I got it on my right hand oh there we go [Music] going alright where's the coin now let me just a little swing Wow let go let go crater now let go let go of your right right let go you're right what we're making like a we're trying my body like this bro hey hey hey we are getting pro oh we got to do a swing around here guys come on look at that in the middle again for crane in the middle wait I don't even need you guys so that's like a do it myself I can do it myself I can do it myself and then why you grabbing me myself well why are you grabbing me oh I'm not crane is never gonna make it we didn't help him jelly I know yes not a help look we got a help printer it's okay Greiner I'm actually doing better than jelly what are you talking about holy God to each other okay okay I oh boy we're good okay beer don't let go don't let go oh hey this is jelly oh great we didn't invite you okay come on crazy let go you're not dog quiet stop holding on oh god the spikes the spikes the spice I'm not sure if I can hold on to that Oh what your right hand okay here we go coin way to grab the coin get the quarry I can go are you holding your hand no good okay and there we go okay crane let go come on guys yeah there we go Wow this is great this is going really this is it this is actually good jelly walk there we go and crater yes swing and then we got one more to go come on go don't let go the food this you need to let go thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly store.com [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 8,910,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, heavo ho, game, games, gaming, funny, gang beasts, multiplayer, jelly, funny moments, heavo ho funny moments, let go = die, fail, LET GO = BURN In LAVA, lava, dont fall in lava
Id: mWf5xVnEqM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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