GTA 5 1v1 Race But With 2 Sabotagers!

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this is face to face in GTA 5. but with two sabotages trying to destroy our lives each lap we're going to be transforming to a different vehicle some of them good some of them bad who'll make it to the end first me or jelly let's find out look at your lame car hey hey hey hey hey hey Josh what's up all the bag it's me what do you mean whoa whoa we've got two two sabotages and I just sabotaged to sabotage your loser oh you did Josh good job whoa playing some more face to face where we switched vehicles in order to win right yeah yeah but there he's oh he's flying over me what the heck oh my God he just flew over you he tried okay what is our first transformation it is a bus this is really bad when there's two ramped cars against those jobs yeah I don't think yeah they're not going for oh they are kind of going for us uh yeah they should probably try to get a better vehicle because with those small cars they can't get us exactly are we doing a jump I'm gonna try to hit you off okay whoa um you good did you make it yeah I'm good you're good I was sliding but uh okay I almost died but I didn't okay the sabotage is all hot on our tails but that's fine hot in our Tails oh no what's that is that it that's a wedger isn't it no no it's another type it's just [Applause] risk parent not trans wait you're missing a part of your truck jelly wait what yeah I've never seen that before okay that's weird we're gonna go around a little bit too quick for me mate too quick I'm not gonna slow down no you stay away from my slips yeah I do not consent to you using my slipstream without my permission Josh that's not how slip streams work okay okay yeah the wave was correct no hey hey wait what the hell out of the way hey guys I'm still I'm still missing parts of my vehicle I don't have a roof yeah I'm missing parts on this thing I didn't know this came without a roof mate wait you've you've got a roof on my screen I don't know what the hell's going on this is weird the game's clutching it's because there's two sabotagers they're trying to sabotage oh wait why is it sabotaging the game wait a second there's like boosts on the ground there are yeah I just saw there's a boost like in the ocean oh no Josh if they get these vehicles we are in trouble well they will get these vehicles Shelly no they're not um I'll catch them I caught one and he actually made it nice wait they did yeah I thought I messed them up enough no I don't know it was the one of them made it go Jay go oh I landed that oh my God I still am curious what these boosts do in the water I don't know if there's some sort of water track you can go on wait oh if they got the ramp car wait oh you're alive yeah what do you mean why does Richie not have the ramp car I he's only just changed oh yes oh this is good for oh yes oh wrong wrong button as well okay oh Josh what's wrong with it I've been rolling for ages there we go and now we are in armored vehicles oh God I don't know about this Josh okay I see two ramp cards jelly for some reason it made me fly up super high Maybe the guy's sabotaging us here is not really working We're not gonna fall in the water here are we now go go go go go go get Josh it's going oh there goes that guy oh oh my God I think you're gonna Sergeant went under me oh see ya no you are killing them yeah I'm smashing them out the way oh wait he's back okay I'm gonna go full speed on this oh yeah I see them I see the Boost that's weird I gotta Land This I Gotta Land This I Gotta land this I hate it see you later you didn't you could have hit me off there yeah but oh my god did I just oh yes although there's a problem the sabotages now know that they can get this vehicle oh true no no no no no you didn't get the checkbook no I didn't jelly oh yeah you know I didn't don't even ask me dumb questions oh God hey sabotage do your job someone has got a literal pointy vehicle [Laughter] hey Dodge judge are you in the water try to get me now stupid that's why the Boost is there no huh yeah that's what's up I think Charlie big time first place are they switching vehicles uh I think they are they're probably trying to get that wedge truck now that they know that exists that's not good Josh you're not in him you're not in for a good time [Music] I'm still in ah God I've been driving this thing around for a while all right so I'm on pointy truck duty now so no no no no no no no no no no you would have literal bus oh hello um okay Josh I think I hit you directly in the middle like not a lot happened which is weird yeah okay um all right all right so kind of in first place by a mile what's the Blazer faster in the water or on the LA on land oh my God the other sabotage is trying his best to hit me off but struggling I don't know the the water thing was great yeah hello who's this all right um I think they are about to get the Ram truck done Jenny you're a good like almost a lap ahead of me now yeah I know whoa did you see this guy no if sabotages could continue to mess jelly up while I catch up that would be really handy thank you what the heck that was weird all right I mean I've got the bus action going on now have you noticed oh have you noticed the massive fins in the water I think they're supposed to be sharks oh my God did they only just appear no I think they've been there I just think we're bad at recognizing it oh yeah there are sharks here big sharks wow um Josh I'm not sure about this oh my God there we go that worked out for me that worked out really well wow you just caught up big time man stay away from me stay away from me do you have this one next okay luckily the bus doesn't seem to fly easily yeah buses don't fly oh buses don't fly no I don't want I don't want swim okay so we're actually the same now you just caught up I'm in second place although one of the sabotages has got a armored vehicle which are pretty heavy the sabotages have been a bit uh they're teaming hey back up let's get him out of the way who are you talking about uh the sabotager oh I've got like the actual skull of mine now oh my God yes that means I think isn't there another sabotager though in front of you oh my God yeah he just respawned in that army truck but I hopefully I'm gonna make it oh yes okay I made it onto the platform not much can happen now not much but are you gonna make it oh I got it oh you're in it oh my God look at me [Music] that was must have been very close uh ramp car versus tank okay Jay oh I had a perfect lineup you missed it sorry mate okay so we're still powerful we're still gonna have sex really powerful we should work together against the uh yeah yeah I'll take like let's go at the same time go equal let's go let's go no dude you're in the middle don't hit me hit him wow damn that was cool oh I just did a backflip and oh he's gonna be here be careful no I don't think I'm gonna make it ah what a shame Josh don't even cry don't even try to sound upset I know you're not why you're not in a pointy car no you're in a pointy no not pointy no not pointy hey what's up I missed I missed but interesting yeah this is too much there's like a billion pointy trucks oh my God wait Josh wait let me go first you take care you're just gonna jump over there just watch this watch this psych hey guys hey guys we can be friends right my guy is over there literally flying and you're trying to take me out I just flew over them big time Josh oh God I'm happy for you jelly happy for you which way are you going talking about flying watch this I got Wings on this one too oh oh okay ah the seven are those temperatures going nice and then I'll nowhere gets smashed from behind I'm so far behind there's a there's a Witcher at the car just like on its side yeah um interesting tactic I'd say there you go he's in oh what's your brother oh my goodie good okay I'll leave you guys to that there you go water I don't know what to think of this oh oh he went past me I'm think I'm being given a little bit of a free pass ah really uh because you've been struggling they're focusing on you jelly but now I've got plenty try yes you did like me no there's three points easy let me tickle you tickle tickle tickle tickle oh I gave you a little tickle tickle from behind a little booty tickle jelly Josh yep you're in first place now no I'm not they're coming I'm literally not jelly though I told you you lapped me yeah but they think you are for some reason oh well that's a good thing I can do this oh jelly learn how to fly loser ah whoa I did that one in first try okay no no no no no no no no no I've come so far Fly Away Land There we go hey jelly are we caught up together then yes yes okay all right oh so one of the sabotages is Switched Teddy you see one of the sabotages switched to a um a submersible vehicle why is that that's not gonna do anything to us I don't actually know oh get him Josh let's get him yeah yeah team teamwork let's go let's go don't push me let's try the thing that you were laughing at that's hilarious that is so funny that is karma right there Julia Josh talking about Karma look who's coming for you mean look who's calming for your tail oh my he's just trying to do a jump and bounce hit me please tell me you're gonna kill him not today how are we doing okay no Daddy don't get too upset we've got something leave me alone leave me alone terrible Vehicles what makes you think that you were gonna get what makes you think you were gonna struggle with that jelly hey what's up I don't know oh give me a boost let's go boost me again boost me again that's not the type of boost I was talking about did you just oh yeah well I'm in the bus yeah will you wait problem that's not a little problem ramp car there's a way a ramp car what what wait did you just make it I think I dodged the the wedger yeah what the winter just kind of I I tricked them whoa what the heck he went over what is he doing hey John what is going on a swim with the fishes and I even got caught by the sabotage yeah wait so I've I've got a ramp card do they know him in first place seem to be going for you I don't know I I don't keep them updated on the hold up what are you doing okay I'll take it God oh God Eva take me out or don't take me out but don't mess us both up he's still there Josh he's clearly waiting okay all right I thought I'd be able to push him oh that wager was close yeah you guys you guys just got oh Josh just got the free pass he needs to be killed he needs to be killed come on I can't lose this like this come on what's the Silence about Josh I'm I'm testing oh oh he's going for it he's gone for it okay that's me down I gave it a good shot oh Josh just got hit I don't see you in the water yet okay we've got oh they're messing each other up for some reason hey what have I used one sabotager yes I use one sabotager to push the other sabotage you that worked well although get them he's in first guess it's gonna be a bit of respawning here which is not ideal get him not me Ben now yeah no are you kidding me I got pushed out I didn't make it either jelly okay relax ah yeah I'm sorry it's not very relaxing because the next one is one of those boat Vehicles Josh and that's a free pass past the sabotagers uh isn't it [Music] oh oh that made a mistake I think I'm mistake oh is is he respawned or am I not oh he has respond no no no no no Japan's right there yes no go go go go no no let's get out of here get him guys how can they do that I'm in my thingy car I got hit out but I can get back in long story what do you mean long story okay they're trying to block the ramp so I can't get out I see the Finish as well it's on the map hey have you made it yet no they're trying to stop me from getting out from the ramp oh they're they're doing a good job at sabotaging then yeah there we go yeah they were doing a great job oh you got blocked as well yeah I got blocked as well oh my God what's next oh okay so it's just a tank all the way home okay here we go Josh great point is there the Finish slides up ahead they're busting us oh what the heck okay thank you oh my God no you're too heavy oh we'll speak for yourself what's what side is the sabotager on are you kidding oh you went in the water he's on this side though jelly you just pushed off the ramp he is there you still have an opportunity to die oh yeah he's flying Josh is flying no okay Dodge yeah sorry my uh I dropped my controller oh my god listen mate I don't know about who is going on here the wedger is waiting for me and I'm not going first I think we should go together you think we've got a better chance together yeah you take left I'll take right okay off we go why me why me no oh God no when I fell off I'm so stupid to the Finish Line here's Katie on me though he's skating on me can I do it what yay oh my yeah this episode is right there don't deserve that win you don't hey it was your plan I followed it yeah I know
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,443,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, GTA 5 1v1 Race But With 2 Sabotagers!, jelly, GTA 5, Grand theft auto 5, 1v1 race, Sabotage
Id: KwIkgxbqGAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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