DODGE The 500MPH METEORITES! (Human Fall Flat)

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today I'm playing human booklet it's me that's great I'm an astronaut whoa you're right oh no that won't any Farrar's Oh bad bad bad bad the only way I can save planet Earth is to unlock this door now there's five space keys hidden around this spaceship we have to find them within 30 minutes before the meteorite hits planet Earth now you can help the world as well every life in this video is one human save from Planet Earth please leave a like in this video save the planet also make sure you go to jelly Surkov that's right green t-shirts cuz the planets green think we're in space yeah I can see planet Earth after wash it's pretty clear isn't it we're in space space station happened oh look it removed one of the bars of this door we so they'll get five of the tubes to open the door first yeah Coast I get hey guys yeah that's right way out let's go find are they hmm in the space station Josh you die Josh oh wait this one obstacle is we have to dodge oh wait is this thing here no we have to continue I think I think so if I'm correct this is like a dome and this helm will hang hurry up or button guys let's go up I'm gonna go up the stairs gonna be a lever here and we're gonna have to house that guy's to control this I've actually got my head is stuck between controlling the city okay we're gonna die my neck is stuck in between the staircases at all if you have there we go thanks guys okay so we got some rinks and I think these rings control those rocks what rings you see the rings that you're standing in yeah this is a giant ring so if we move this one nothing happens okay wait stop oh stop it oh it's the jump up with yeah but we need more of it I think is there more that come around I think so okay spin it can you spin it this is gonna put you to a spot where you can get on you okay say stop stop now so now we're really yeah yeah okay I can tell about anything Jenny why would you keep doing that oh I did it how am I still ok Jenny turn the next one in okay next one okay any let me know if it's turning it's turning right yeah sure we're supposed to line it all up yeah exactly guys come back to me jelly this is why okay I'm literally helping you right now but it's gonna hang on the door I fell down well you better die all right I'm back your jelly alright Craner I think I'm doing it you know you're don't you're not turning the right one guys no I Josh you're so stupid oh you're turning the wrong one I am already I've already lined two up no crater don't lose that right I don't move it I light it up where do you where are you lighting up - jelly - will you jump from Josh gotta find you a bit here job the exterior one is over here from my side there's two sides Josh okay Oh on the other side yeah okay okay this is another swing oh look at that thing yeah I got it good job no I did I he was grabbing me doing it good job buddy bring it over here Josh thanks for your hard work no problem hey let me go there's another dome where we have to get another one of these green wings what do we call them guys he's doing Punky's whoa Serkis what is really weird I am blind are you supposed to find that in here like oh guys the entire room filled with them I get it I think we're supposed to find it herself we have to jump around it can put on these walls huh oh yeah hold on Wow why do we have one of these things it up get up get up guys we turn on or something we have to put one in there wait you go through I thought you couldn't get through that one in there guys I want this thing no it's me it's Doug yes help me out help me lift it please what are you doing - what are you doing we need it wait we can't get through yes I need to bring one with me he's not even listening we came wait maybe we can look what else we gotta do around here there's nothing else to do Gilly wait yeah there might be another one in that direction and you guys don't want to open it oh this is a GLaDOS dogma I can't think I can swing this one goodnight just know just cut it it enough you can swing with that Josh okay I hopefully I don't drop it you might want to grab it yep I'm coming oh yeah okay lifting left end I caught it's too many we'll have to look at Josh yep oh yes there we go all right now put it in the lock and it doesn't open Hey okay wait wait wait what's happening ii thik whatever that space noodle went away wait no no come back don't worry now wait one at a time when I talk come on come on what are you doing Josh you're so annoying Josh I don't know where it went look wait so where did it go it went back to where it spawned Josh okay I'll get it back yeah I'm doing all the hard work here okay no jelly there we go there we go yeah here we got the thing with us Josh yeah that's one was it the respawned I don't know I think it was the one in the in the colored room why did you guys have to okay I'm gonna check the jumping one you got towards the colored room why did you guys have to do that it was clearly Josh's fault all right it's not the jumping one so it's in the colored room which is where I am I see yeah nice all right you guys focus and see what we got to do next well I'll bring this key back all right okay the next one is wait will one left yeah yeah I know where to go follow me amazing follow the leader this way just go through the guards I'll be fine wait this is never gonna fit yeah maybe can we break the glass oh right yeah won't fit with the thing yeah figure that out when we get to that I guess hey guys in back of the bridge what do I do exactly just over the bridge you just need to walk okay just walk forward okay maybe a bit faster and perfect hurry up oh no don't one of these things in real life there's so much fun fall off the edge here wait I'll create a died oh hey Jenny fancy seeing you here hey has a dress help me no Kelly come on let's go oh wait oh I thought he died already somehow he's still alive yeah that's awesome I'm trapped my but you guys are both gonna die you guys are both going to die guys yes friendship I got you wait yeah Rob really grabbed me Rob you guys actually managed I'm yeah because we're friends and you suck supposed to be man's best friend jelly all right well not yours I'm guessing we climb this tree think so wait is this or the last one is I can literally see it guys that looks whoa is this what I'm supposed to use the wheel to launch or so and whether to go to the other wheel this is amazing oh it's all moving around I don't know you have to let go with it said lined up with the platform oh I can't hold on a - one it's too high up okay Josh can you just take care of it seems like you're ahead yeah yeah do it for teddy and now yes come on jelly doughnut J don't let go until I pop okay yes I landed on my back kind of doing okay so we just got to continue doing that I got a guy okay we hold onto the wheel this is really interesting but we got to be careful okay this is where I fail all right so we got a whole log to the next wheel I when it like touches right now now yeah I didn't do it I got it I was too scared it's separating again I'll do it the next round Josh oh there we go you think I might have done it I felt like a wig yeah sure in the last part just doing come on staircases do it yeah I'm gonna be honest yeah we can't lose this so definitely don't to get this to Crane I think we could just punch the glass with this thing it'll break but we have to get this through without falling off easy it's time although together oh yeah look at that together forever okay no no wait let go what a nice okay Josh first and me Oh Josh you're gonna die you're gonna you're actually gonna die yeah piece of the puzzle I think so just don't die come on come on come on come on if you are a buck face nicely killed you Josh Shelley's gonna die no I'm not look it's me crater do we all right again like you doing it all okay let's go from this door and figure out what not yes just really holding it all together wait say the magic word Joey's cool my eyes well I guess we did it guys good thank you high five high five next watching human poop flat if you want to see another human fall flat video then click right here and that's all I'm gonna say adios oh I said nothing Oh more what why am I still talking I said I would stop talking now
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,977,382
Rating: 4.9468875 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, human fall flat, space, new, funny, game, games, gaming, hff, troll, troll map, space ship, human fall flat space, DODGE The 500MPH METEORITES
Id: ufqAFfsCY8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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