Building A PIRATE COVE In Our Minecraft World! (Squid Island)

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AR mes and welcome back to squid Islands as you can see there's a bunch of signs behind me and it always gives me a little bit of a nervous breakdown when I see a bunch of signs when I lock in but it's a new server and hopefully we don't troll each other yet okay we just started dude who is this from anyway AR I like that they started it off like that at least since you're a pirate I've spared you some time by emptying my chest for you that's right now you don't need to come to my Island to look to loot my stuff also let me know what's in the Treasure it's this direction oh wa wait he built a new house too dang and it's not a pyramid okay well I really need to step my pirate check up and that's exactly what I was planning on doing today so we've got a lot of stuff to do PS build a boat dude okay listen I am not going to actually build bu a boat yet it is coming and also say hi to Polly of course she's on my shoulder right now it's a she by the way pirate Polly I am going to need you to go off of my shoulder real quick though Polly because uh well I don't want you to get into any trouble while I'm gone and also what is this just looks like a bunch of trash but he said that there was like treasure in in this direction you know what it's it's too much right now I need to focus on something else else but I will definitely come back to whatever this is later on in the video so stay tuned first of all the first thing I need to do is gather a bunch of materials because the plan I have today is actually really epic ooh and look my little automated FB no it's not automated it works but there's a hole in my ceiling all of a sudden where did that even come from dude what the heck anyway we've at least got a little bit of red now I have grand freaking PL for today okay I want to start establishing why I'm a pirate because right now my Island doesn't look very piratey we're going to be changing that today in order to do that I am going to need a better pickaxe uh wow there's a lot of mops around jeez okay I don't want to look at you buddy hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey get out of here creeps I don't want nothing to do with you so listen my mission right now is to find three diamonds at the very least and get a diamond pickaxe should be pretty simple I think I have legitimately found one of the coolest looking caves I've ever seen in Minecraft I'm going to turn around in a little bit and show you guys but first let me pick up some more iron I'm in a little bit of a pickle right now so H give me a second there we go look at this place dude ah Minecraft what a beautiful game it is I am almost dead I didn't even notice that wait I forgot my armor upstairs dude oh that makes sense then anyway still looking for diamonds by the way I just wanted to show you guys the cool cave would you look at that oh ah why am I being haunted everywhere I go die die die die die a horrible death look diamonds I'm always in the middle of dying I swear can you guys just go away thanks dude I don't know if I'm the first one to actually mine diamonds but here it is we've got diamonds there was only two of them I really wanted three so I can make a pickaxe but hey you got to take what you get how are fish coming down here oh I see more Diamond yay top priority right now is simply just getting a good pickaxe but hey I'll take all the diamond I can get and it seems like there's even more for me to get dude great the reason why I needed a uh pickaxe is because I want to mine a bunch of diorite I'm going to need that for my pirate build that I'm making this episode diamond pickaxe he we did did it we did it now listen I've got a bunch of mining to do and and that's pretty boring to look at so while I mine would you mind listening to my Craner stall ad real quick because today is actually the last day where you're going to be able to order anything from the website and get assigned selfie of me and all you've got to do to get the signed picture in any order that you actually order and get 25% off is Right selfie 25 in the discount code when you check out okay that's it [Music] okay I think that's a pretty good start uh of my actual diorite mining I need to make basically the coolest pirate entrance that I can to my Pirate Island all right I'm thinking dude that house is pretty gosh dang sick I got to give it to Dilly that is cool looking anyway I think pretty much this is probably the entrance over here to my pirate domain haven't done any landscaping around here so it's about go dang time okay so I definitely want it to be somewhat going along here I think that's going to look the absolute best if it does now it goes up a little over this way what I'm basically building as the entrance is a giant skull kind of like my logo but also you know how like pirate CES have like a a big skull that usually is where they hide behind that's sort of what I'm going for here anyway okay so this is sort of going to be the mouth I think okay I think I've pretty much got like the first part of like the skull down and some of the teeth but this is pretty much one of the hardest things I've ever built in Minecraft so uh I'm excited to see how this is going to turn out hopefully it's going to look dark scary and awesome like a real pirate thing would look I'm just doing my best here okay Polly I hope I'm going to make you proud buddy all right now I got to add in the detail that's really going to make that's really going to like sell this build I hope it's the dark oak background and if I've done everything like I wanted this should look somewhat like a skull now I just need to add my dolls here of course this is going to be the entrance all good all right let's try to like step away from it real quick and take a look behind us and see what it oh yeah you know what that is so good dude I am so proud of that all right there we go now we've got dos and obviously I'm not done fine-tuning this thing at all this is just the beginning all right it's still going to be a lot of work to do now any good Pirate Cove is also going to have somewhat of a road that leads up to its house right now obviously I want my house to be where the shack is I don't want the shack to be my house don't get me wrong but it's going to be in the vicinity of where the shack is now I've actually got a really cool idea too of how I want to make it even more pirate and for that I'm going to need birch wood but I'm not sure if we even have any birs around I'm going to have to like swim around and look at the different Islands but maybe maybe we do all right Polly sit on tight I know I don't really wear you a lot today I just want you to stay safe okay I need to see if I can find some Birchwood or something like that cuz I do have an idea of something that I want to make like I told you guys I mean that's clearly Jelly's Island but listen if I find Birchwood around his Island I'm taking it I don't care who's it is he also kind of trolled me with that useless thing oh yeah I still have to see the treasure as well stay tuned for that okay I got a lot of stuff to do I don't want to get too distracted no I I really don't see any okay let me just take a look you know what that looks fine too all right that's what we're doing I know not it's not making a lot of sense right now it's going to make sense soon what I want to do okay guys just give me a little bit of your patience basically I just need a bunch of this stripped wood here and then I also need to make a pair of shears because I want the leaves from this tree and you know what I'm kind of in luck because a lot of pirate CES are made a lot out of wood I feel like so it's actually got to be pretty easy designing like the flooring and stuff look at that dude doesn't that already look freaking sick I really think it does that is an amazing front door to have I don't think I've ever had a cooler front door than that I also need to build like a big duck for like boats and stuff oh there's so many things that I want to do bro there's just so much but let's start off oh there's a little there's a little good I swear I didn't do that on purpose let's let's move on so what I wanted to to make is basically a palm tree like kind of like a fake one you know what I'm saying cuz obviously we don't have legit ones so I'm trying to just build what I think a palm tree would look like on a on a Pirate Island if that makes any sense at all I I think it does cuz we don't have a lot of trees around my Island we don't really have a lot of anything so I might as well decorate it with my old yeah you know what I'm going to say that works now what do we do about the floor Let's test out jungle planks cuz I think I mean anything jungle related is kind of really pirate isn't it I think that works dude I think this is a pretty cool pathing floor maybe I mean yeah I think that works okay we need to add a little bit more detailing around here but so far I must say I'm pretty happy with how this is turning out at least I I hope that I'm going to live up to my pirate expectations I know there's no bat right now but like I said it's it's going to get here okay when have I ever let you down on boat time I don't think I ever have to be honest I I do I do it quite a lot yeah you know what I think this looks pretty gosh dang pirate dude I like it would normal wood planks look better though I think they might dang it all right well now that all of that is done we need to figure out how our base is going to look cuz Polly you definitely need a better base than what you had before and I am determined to make you one buddy okay first let's get the outline done I kind of want this one to be a rounded base because I haven't done that a lot so I just want to make things a little bit new around here you know what I'm saying also I feel like round is just a good pirate shape really remember I found all that bassal last episode I want that to be the flooring in my house cuz it looks kind of evil and pirate so I am going to need to go down there and get some more also yes I did read your comments saying that I was ignoring the amethyst whatever that was behind the Bessel honestly my bad I didn't know that was such a big deal really oh Polly actually I need you to sit I don't want you to get hurt all right no not on my shoulder Polly it's very cute but it's just it's dangerous all right you sit there and I do need to get poly a name tag too we've got so many things to do dude we really do all right so this is where I got the uh bassal and here's the amethyst dude okay wait a second this actually looks this looks so sick I'm going to have to get some amethyst up there I feel like this is almost like finding pirate treasure I can't believe I ignored this you know what you guys are right even though you were yelling at me a lot I am man enough to admit when you're right right and you were right I was an idiot for ignoring the amethyst now let me get more Bassel okay and the floor is done now I just need to decide on the shape which is always like my hardest thing to do I'm not good at that let's see if I can figure something good out I also need to start smelting a bunch of sand actually luckily sand is one thing I am definitely not missing I've got so much of it it's literally everywhere dude all right now for the for the outline and stuff a few moments later for a startup pirate check I would say this is not half bad it is not as insane as jelly sauce over there or J's Lighthouse but you know what we might not be the best Builders around here but we have more fun and that's enough for me okay let me move the trash that jelly gave me in there since this is my home now I might as well try to make it actually feel like one so we are going to put down some stuff here jeez he really just gave me a bunch of trash dude how dare he you know what I'll actually take any hand out I can get right now I am still poor uh so anything to help really I don't know who he thought he trolled but I really don't feel that troll which is good all right Polly come with me I'm going to welcome you into your brand new house Polly a check this out wow isn't that so spacious and while one point I'm going to have to like build you a really cool burd en closure but like I said lots to do Polly I'm a busy man right now the pirate shck there we go so we've now got a skull we've now got a pirate shck the next thing we need is actually something I'm going to ask Josh to help me with so uh oh yeah wait I need to do this first okay treasure is in this Direction all right so do I just like go in this direction or what's the deal here dude like how you're not going to give me coordinates or anything I just got to go that way when do I know that I that I see it when do I know that I'm there is this like a fake Treasure Hunt is there really nothing in this direction I'm not going to keep going for much longer dude okay I'm I'm a busy man right now wait I didn't notice that jelly gave me a berri treasure so I'm hoping that it is going to point me to a treasure or something like that hello Turtle dude that house is sick JY did a really good job on that okay yeah uh something is definitely happening I guess I'm getting closer and closer to it oh it's right out there somewhere oh yeah I guess I guess it is on this island okay well you know what AR matey I like a good treasure hunt I am a Pirate after all I don't know how far down I got to go for this thing oh there it is WAOW um wow that that's the most insane treasure I've ever seen dude holy [Music] crap I'm rich now thanks JY oh mate okay okay you know what you know what I've just had an idea I am going to share that treasure with jelly I might be a pirate but I don't want to be mean I feel like I feel like it's kind of also his diamond so let's let's give him half of what we've got okay I think that's only fair he pointed Us in the direction of of the right thing so that's what I'm going to do I know Pirates don't typically do that but I am a nice pirate I guess for jelly from Craner your treasure gave me a bunch of riches so I want to share them with you one two and I'll also give him some of the gold and some of the iron and you know what I'm I'm pretty happy happy with that actually that made me feel good about myself all right now the next thing that I want to do like I told you guys is I want to order something from Josh because I genuinely think he's an amazing Builder and I want him to build this for me I know we don't have companies yet or anything like that but I'm hoping that maybe if I pay him well he will actually help me out on what I want from him to Josh from Craner I hope what you find in the chest is payment enough I think you are the best builder out of all of us so I would find it an honor if you build me a big pirate flag at my base skull and bones are required use the color yellow a lot all right let's see if he actually wants to do it I'll give him two diamonds for that I think okay I'm also broke again I think that's fair enough I think that's a good compensation all right look at the beginnings of pirate island it is all coming together nicely dude what an eventful day this is still not the final house but I think it's a good enough starter house for me and next up Polly I'm giving you your name tag but that's not today thank you all for watching and remember
Channel: Crainer
Views: 207,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogo, jelly, crainer, minecraft, squid island
Id: ZWs3NtcqMMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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