Lessons of My Father: "Depussification" by Nutnfancy

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Nutn has a bunch of really great life philosophy videos, in addition to tons of cool gun/gear reviews. Definitely fuckin' manly.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LtCmdrShepard 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2014 🗫︎ replies

The most important thing he talks about, IMO, is the completely unjustifiable and unsupportable sense of entitlement that most people walk around with these days. Everyone I talk to thinks they are fully entitled to their luxuries, and the very idea that they might, for any reason, have to go without, causes the most incredible indignation and self-righteous defensiveness. It's really amazing. In any kind of emergency or hardship, these people would, as the man says, shut down and be completely unable to cope. they would, indeed, be the first to perish, and they would be complaining and whining about it until their last breath.


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2014 🗫︎ replies
I think most people in the world are a bunch of [ __ ] I don't mean to be derogatory but that is a great direct way for me to convey to you my subscriber exactly what I'm talking about and a lot of guys already are probably not in their head to go yeah dude you're right they are what has happened to us as a society you know how have we arrived to this point where society is mostly made up of [ __ ] it is isn't it um yeah I think so if you don't know who I am hello guys nutnfancy here running the nutnfancy project it is time again for another philosophy video kicking off a periodic series of videos called lessons of my father and this one's called deep pacification something I want to advocate among our parents our teachers anybody else in responsibility and if you don't have a good role model in your life to our young people that you can apply these concepts to your own life regardless of what your parental or caretaking caretaker situation is whoever your guardian is doesn't matter that's not an excuse let me seriously look at society um a lot of the things I'm going to do address will kind of dovetail into my other philosophy videos sheep dog concept concept you SK are urban survival kit I talked a lot about the sheep sheep dog mentality and sheep mentality in these videos and also my other video sheep dog concept obligation of carry all of those it's a running theme through the nutnfancy project but I'm really going to zero in on this and that is engendering and encouraging toughness and our young people of America and all over the world not just America because that's what this video is uh as far as my worldwide audience in the none fancy project by this time several years have passed and I've been running the nutnfancy project there is a lot of video out there in the process of reviewing knives guns backpacking gear adventuring with friends and family youths kind it can get a feel of what my philosophy of life is okay and I've said it on camera camera to get out to make family and friend memories to maximize your time to invest your time to not be a couch potato image but to go adventure as much as your schedule in your history that serious heat there's a lot of reasons for this one is of course to make those memories to have fun another reason is to encourage what I'm going to call deep ossification okay and that is being a man be a man of substance okay where has that gone in our society Asians here comes you know if we were to dial the time clock back a hundred years I don't think this would be quite the problem it is today and what am I talking about guys little what do you mean what do you mean everyone's a [ __ ] well what I mean is that we have a majority in society not everyone but a majority in society of individuals both male and female they completely shut down in the face of hardship they possess what I like to refer to as an entitlement attitude okay they're entitled to luxury they are entitled to the highest wage possible they're entitled to comfort they're entitled to clean water they're entitled to good food and a lot of them feel like they don't need to earn they're just entitled because they are who they are okay I'm me so I'm entitled to it you will give this to me you know I've seen young people with this attitude thousands of them you know who's to blame well if they do have parents in their lives their parents are to blame okay you're raising these kids with this entitlement attitude okay so that's one facet of what I'm talking about the other facet is again the inability to cope with hardship okay let's dial the clock back just a few years my family and I were living in a town that lost electricity for two weeks for two weeks in our neighborhood no electricity you would be amazed at what happened to people and how they transformed into happy-go-lucky you know you know working citizens into quivering balls of our quivering masses of jell-o completely completely non functioning people were freaking out with just the loss of one public service electricity they're freaking out you know the linemen were trying their best to restore electrical power because where I live the electrical lines were in the trees I storm happen you know rain turned to ice the electrical lines weighted down so in mass these electrical lines came crashing down you know for heck I think hundreds of miles it was really a regional problem it took a lot of work for them to restore electrical power and in some neighborhoods we didn't have it for like two weeks what a great insight it was it was a great insight it was an opportunity to go back in time and to get those skills that our ancestors had that the Pioneers had you know but these individuals that I saw most individuals I saw we're completely ill-equipped more importantly mentally to handle the situation they found themselves in I'm not going to talk about temporal preparations I'm not talking about survival kits in this video I'm not talking about you know hey you know having warm clothing and being able to be self-reliant materially in that situation other videos will address that and have already what I'm talking about is the individual okay the qualities that make you up as a person and because that is your most important tool because a mentally equipped individual can find themselves in that situation they can survive remember surviving is not being comfortable all the time those are two different things like I said in snow crews a lot of people kiss I just enjoy you survive that means you're able to make it through not comfortable you'll make it make it a fire reflector most of the people today I really worry about them to the point that if that were an extended situation I think actually I don't think I know some people would literally lay down and want to die is that harsh I'm talking real with you dudes that they will give up their will to live because they don't have the luxuries that they have been grown accustomed to it's of our own making we live in an awesome society at the push of a button we have entertainment at the push of a button we have delicious you know delicious and affordable food you know I'm talking like going through a drive-thru or something at the push of a button a mouse-click we can get stuff delivered to our door you know we can listen any song we want that's ever been made in the history of mankind with a push of a button all of this is great I'm not saying it's bad I love it I love living in today in today's world it's it just totally rocked but along with that we cannot become disconnected with those qualities that make up a man of substance a woman of substance and there is a huge disconnect that has happened a huge disconnect because we live in a world of artificiality okay everything we see that push of a button is an illusion and it can shut down on us in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye okay right now as I'm taping this you know we have a volcano that's pretty much you know the ash of which is shutting down all air travel within Europe that's one volcano dude can you imagine if three decided to erupt the world over in various Geographic spots just volcanoes forget earthquakes that button you're pushing may not work it may be shut down and then you'll you know these people I'm talking about the sheep of society this is a good term in this situation as well they'll look left to look right there to help them whoa what do I do because they're [ __ ] they cannot handle they haven't lived a life that's led up to them to be able to cope with that this video is meant mainly for parents and secondarily for those young folks that may or may not have parents because you can implement the concepts I'll discuss all by yourself you don't need a parent a mom or dad or another caring guardian to do it for you I am a product of my dad I'm a product of my mother okay I get attributes from each of those individuals even though they didn't stay married they divorced when I was seven okay and I was raised between both of them growing up off and on sound familiar to a lot of you guys probably yeah hey yeah you know I have a broken home I was raised that way so I know exactly how it is my father was mainly responsible for putting me on the pathway of deep pacification okay my dad was an interesting man he was raised in Oregon as you know also coming from kind of a broken home but he was an adventurer you know he went out and he the way he put food on his family's table is he went hunting because they were so poor they couldn't you know afford to buy anything so the meat that my dad provided from his hunting trips fed the family okay fishing hunting that's what he did you know completely self-reliant a man of substance absolutely you know and then he went on to make something of himself also an Air Force guy served two tours in Vietnam you know combat tours getting shot at managed to get out of there he was a warrior there too you know in Vietnam he used to volunteer to go outside the wire and go on combat patrols it's crazy if you ask me but he did he was known as a warrior came out of that experience and was able to make a good living front for himself started his own business you had his retirement to draw upon and that took him to a higher standard of living and that's very critical to this concept I want to prove that higher standard of living can be but with a blessing and it can be a curse 2d post vacation okay a lot of guys right now are not in their heads because they already know where I'm going with this when you live a comfortable life in back in the 70s we began to live a suburban lifestyle you know it wasn't quite as push-button as it is now but it's still pretty good and you know I wasn't raised not continuously at times it was on a farm I was raised in suburbia but here I had a dad who understood the concept of again the word de pacification that he took very distinct steps to make sure his children weren't going to take things for take things for advantage to have those entitlement attitudes it had a great work ethic that's a whole separate video and he went about in very deliberate ways to do this that was my dad rugged individualists absolutely um not with us anymore sadly he passed away in a plane crash back in the 80s I know sucks my kids never knew and so it's up to me to pass on those lessons he put me on the pathway that I'm on through a variety of experiences one of which were all our hunting expeditions I did and guys last me hey nutnfancy you still hunt actually I don't it's rare I do is I'm not against hunting it's just not something that I do you know and I prefer to see an animal in the wild you know like an elk or something I don't know not kill it that's just me um I'm not against hunting at all I was raised as a big hunter and my dad this is one of his tools he used to teach me these lessons in other words toughness mental toughness when we went hunting we didn't drive in a pickup truck okay we didn't load up the four-wheeler and go out driving around dude when we went hunting we went backpacking and I'm not talking a backpacking for a couple miles we went weigh-in you know we went bear on bear hunting expeditions in Virginia for a week at a time backpacked into the Shenandoah mountains away from all the roads all the people using game trails and that's how we bagged our bear you know deer hunting the same way you know in the western US deer hunting we backpacked in long arduous backpacking trips and know at times I didn't dig it you know look at my face does it look like I dig it no it was tough it was work and often times parents that's reaction or and get from your kids as you're teaching these lessons these life lessons that at the time they're going to probably resent you now there'll be at times and they look and go you know what I hate you I hate you for making putting me through this this sucks all my other friends are out there playing video games why Cannot they don't see the larger purpose they don't see the big picture that's your job again if you don't have parents it's your job as a young dude or dudette okay put these lessons a lot you know in operation your own lives um when we lived in Virginia my dad said hey you guys want a swimming pool and I want to probably mention this again probably in my work video I'll say this um you know my brother my sister all three of us were living together my dad was a single dad by that time he was uh probably a major in the Air Force probably lieutenant colonel I forget his rank he was TDY lot he worked a lot and uh kids we kind of raised ourselves at that point because he was you know coming and going all time and when I say raise ourselves we took care of ourselves frequently because he was gone working doesn't mean we still didn't do a lot of cool things in the family we did when he was home we did these adventures you see on camera and he goes dude you want a swim pull and we're all like yeah that would be awesome dad he goes well you can either have a swimming pool or game room which one you want on house and we're like swim and pool all three of those like swimming pool that's great he goes rock on let's do this now my dad goes um okay we'll start digging it tomorrow well in our minds were thinking he's gonna bring this backhoe in right he's gonna start digging it this is in the 70s of course no backhoe rise he says okay guys this is a Saturday when we kicked this project off in the nutnfancy you know seen your family you guys here's your shovel gives us all three shall we start says start digging he wasn't joking he's like start digging he had already marked it out he knew where was going to be and we started digging not for a couple days not for a couple weeks but I think he had his dig for like three weeks straight and it was like you go out and dig that pool and all three of us were cursing and goddess sucks you know and it would be it would be raining you know the muds coming down and we're loading up the wheelbarrow it was just an absolute mess those memories are burned into my memory banks and my dad made us dig now did he intend for us to dig that entire swimming pool but hand they're in the Virginia suburbs no he knew there's no way we could do it what we he was trying to do is deep pusseh fie us to teach us a work ethic okay to teach us that you're going to have something nice but you're going to earn it okay you're going to make this thing that is nice out of your own capabilities you know no one's going to give it to you you have the capability yourself we dug I don't know about the about a pickup load worth of dirt you know we're just kids excuse me we did the best we could and then later on sure enough here comes a backup three weeks later after we dug in the rain the the sunshine of three weeks straight and this is during the summertime so we're out there every day digging and yeah just like every kids we're bailing from the project when we could run off with our friends and he'd come get us say get back here get to work you want the pool you're earning it what was my dad trying to do is he trying to punish us no he's trying to teach us those things I said too deep pusseh Phi is okay backpacking trips you know my dad did a continual instruct or some instruction through our family outings andhe pusseh fiying me okay we go on fishing expeditions okay uh and weeds we go camping out for those you know we hike along the creeks hiking back at night again and all types of weather isn't that funny all types weather rain so when you know no big deal you know my dad is the one that introduced me to that and put me on what I like Colin you know the Tom Sawyer Huck Finn way of life that you realize you know what it's raining pretty hard I hear it's dark I'm cold I'm wet but I'll survive yeah those lessons of my father man and I just continued on with him sledding you know skiing shooting expeditions river rafting jumping off trestles of course I was more me than my dad these are all lessons that I learned and I continued in my own youth and that I'm advocating that you do the same okay deep ossifying yourself let me say this to every kid is different so parents you may have some children that you're raising both maybe some boys some girls and they'll embrace these lessons of gee pacification differently some will really rebel against them they won't like them and others will go you know it sucks I don't know if I really embraced it a lot of the lessons I sure did the huntin ones all the expeditions I love that stuff it's part of who I am my dad and I were kind of torn from the same fabric that way my brother on the other hand he didn't really dig doing that he didn't like getting out and backpacking and and going through all the hardship to hike to a certain area and then huntin he just didn't it wasn't his thing for me it was but there's going to be different levels I deal with out as a parent too every child is different and so you may have to use different tactics and trying to get across these lessons of deep pacification to fight the entitlement attitude and to teach the ability to absorb and conquer hardship and that is at the core of what I'm talking about okay and there's ways to expose your kid to hardship that will acclimate him or her to it you did you know what I'm saying team sports is one way not the only way and I will say I've worked with a lot of youth through the years within the last decade or so and I've had a lot of exposure to all kinds of kids and I've had a lot of jocks who played football basketball you know bass whatever that when I took them out into hard trying circumstances I'm talking backpack and mostly they shut down on me you know so I'm not going to say team sports is all that but I think there is some exposure to these hardships to the toughness where you're exerting yourself and you're getting rewards from it that's a good thing I think backpacking is a key tool you know to bring kids out and you know to this day I still work with youth groups and when I can it's really tough for my schedule now and tea and pmia careers tough when I find those today's youth they don't like backpack okay they don't like hiking and I'm generalizing here because it requires effort okay they're used to having life handed to them at the push of a button on a silver platter I me because I mean I deserve to be entertained to be fed to be clothed you know the attitude I'm talking about you've seen Avenue and we need to fight against that attitude big time starting as parents it starts in our own families and then whatever other sphere of influence we find ourselves in we still need to fight against it judiciously forthrightly in a cool way we need to encourage the deep less efficacious in the world in America because it is damaging our society and there's lots of different ways to do it like I said backpacking is one of my favorites what that does is it gets the kid the person away from the comforts of society and it teaches self-reliance it teaches that hey you know what you can live off your back you know you can carry your own food in you can provide for yourself I talked about mental toughness in the nutnfancy project in my shootin vids in the sledgehammer series of videos when it was windy when it was snowing and we'd been out there for eight hours straight I think I said there at one time you know it's time to tap into that mental toughness that reservoir of mental toughness that you have in order to connect with your weapon of choice to gun okay for non gun people bear with me you know but it's a great example because there's going to be times in your life when your tired you're uncomfortable you're wet you're hungry but you know what you'll make it you know you'll make it don't worry about it relax take a deep breath and think logically how can I correct the situation tap into that reserve of mental toughness what you do is apparent when you've taken your kids backpacking okay camping especially in hard situations don't always go out when it's spring or summer parents you should be taking your kids out when it's snowing you should go snow camping okay you should take them out when it's pouring rain it may not be the happy-go-lucky experience that your kids want or that you want but you're building that reserve of mental toughness that your children can draw upon later in life because what's going to happen in that situation is they'll go through it they'll be uncomfortable they'll have some unpleasantness they're going to have to deal with they may have to work their butts off and making a fire splitting wood hauling stuff huh just like our ancestors used to do okay why have we lost all those lessons because we have a push-button world you know because we don't have to live that way we have that disconnect from our ancestors and it is a bad thing you should have the skill sets that our pioneers did our pioneer ancestors about making fire about making food you know about doing all the things which enable you to live comfortably even though no one's providing that for you okay some team peers watching this will go nutnfancy that rocks I love it but I don't have any of these skill sets I was not raised by a mom and dad who gave these to me how do I give them to my kid it's a fair question one is continued Washington fancy project I mean I have put hundreds of hours of video out already lots of energy time effort and work in trying to provide that for you my subscriber I'll continue to do that it's a life philosophy yes I do gear reviews of all types and descriptions stuff that interests me my law enforcement my responsible civilians my military brethren and sister sistren good enough continue watch the project emulate that which you see in a nun fancy project if you want to and I've already heard from thousands of team peers that have done just that gotten out and done these backpack trips the camping trips with their family their friends and so much good it comes of it you know they get in better shape they make those great family and friend memories they strengthen those bonds and along the lines of this video they start building up that reserve of mental toughness that feeling of self-reliance that I can get the job done when the chips are down remember I discussed this in the video a first-aid story because so many people are so poorly equipped from society the sheep of society when they're faced with hardship I personally think they were never given or they never gave themselves this reserve you know because they're in the push-button world and the push-button world is easy to live in because only skill you need is money and to be able to push a button and you'll get whatever you want as long as you can do that you can live in this artificial world and everything looks to be just perfect okay one of my first assignments in the Air Force was going to an ejection seat aircraft part of that was you had to go through water survival okay and back in the day they used to do water survival at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida it was an awesome course but I'm going to use it as an example of how the military approaches this very subject which I'm attempting to convey to you they took me on the back and not mean to but all the students going through this course and it was water survival in other words learning how to live when you eject from your aircraft okay with issued survival gear knowing how to signal you know how to just chill out and to be rescued you put your put on the back of a platform-style boat and they hook you up to a parachute rig and off you go parasailing actually you're under like a canopy of a military parachute and they take you up to altitude I forget how high it was 300 feet or so there Tony by the boat and then you cut loose and you free fall into the bay and you do everything they trying to do you know you release from your parachute you deploy your raft you get in your raft you get your signalling equipment up and functioning and you chill out and you wait and while you're waiting you think they'll be here in a minute nope they left you out in the bay therefore I think I was out there for four hours or so floating around don't get me wrong they didn't forget about you but what they're doing is giving you that opportunity to experience what it's going to be a light be like to be alone to suddenly be cut off from everything and you're all alone and it's just you huh stuff I've talked about the nutnfancy project already okay and use your survival gear yes but I think more importantly they want you to realize that you can make it just relax eventually you'll get picked up if you do the things that you're supposed to do so I'm sitting there floating my raft you know looking underneath the boat there's like a seven-foot hammerhead shark swimming underneath now let's go to the ride there's another one there's like several hammerhead sharks swimming by me as I'm in my raft I was like oh well it's cool I'm glad I'm out in the water anymore um and no no students were attacked by hammerheads a hammerheads minded their own business be honest with you it wasn't an issue and then the helicopter comes in after the four hours and then you go through your you know your procedure swamp in the you know the raft so it doesn't fly up into the rotor of the dolphin help helicopter and then you tie into the yoke and your winch DUP exercise over that's a very small example of how the military works but the military traditionally has been very good at deep pacification for the men and women who serve they have to be because in the military you are responsible and and a lot of services and most of the services they will teach you that the buck stops with you you know if you screw something up it's your job you know um the push-button lifestyle ends when you get in the military I mean you deploy to Iraq Afghanistan you're living in a tent you're doing patrols in the foothills you're getting shot at you're shooting bad guys you know you have to be mentally tough if you're going to succeed at that and while I kind of do a broad stroke against society and say I think that we're a bunch of [ __ ] in society I think we are I have been impressed with a lot of our youth in the United States of America I'm dead serious I think we talked about the greatest generation but I think the generation that serves in Afghanistan and Iraq has proven themselves equal if not better than that generation from personal stories for people I know directly from team peers that I've talked to so there is an amazing a core group of dudes out there and girls too who's served very courageously in the military given their lives at times for concepts they believe in so when I say the society are a bunch of wussies it's not everybody it's a lot but it's not everybody there's some hardcore people out there that have done exactly what I'm talking about occasionally you'll find someone that has no no practice in the stuff that I'm talking about at all and they're thrown into the situation let's say Afghanistan combat operations hardcore stuff they're seeing guys get blow and blown up and they're able to cope it's just how that person's put together there's no sand but as a parent as a guardian I think you will do your children the kids that you have got you have legal custody over to start a process of deep ossification for them fighting against the entitlement attitude first and foremost is what I will say you're not entitled to anything no one owes you anything okay if you want something nice you know you want a nice living you want a higher standard of living you want that video game you want that bicycle you want that car go on it okay again I'm kind of bleeding over into the work video but also it has a lot to do with the character of a man the substance of a man or a woman fight against an entitlement attitude chores are a good thing accountability is a good thing hey I told you get this done you didn't get it done excuse me the privileges privilege is being taken away from you okay there's a dozens of ways you can implement that and be very consistent how you apply that don't vary it if you say you're going to do something do it look for offered to scuse me look for opportunities to engender toughness I've talked about this already you know the family outings backpacking is a great way so look for opportunities to Depot safai your kids and heck if you need it to Depot safai yourself you know look for these opportunities uh lessons of my father you know to be able to withstand discomfort you know bad climate conditions snow rain wind hard work no discomfort of all sorts and descriptions yeah my dad taught me those lessons you know and in doing so he said he basically says yeah it's okay to live in the suburbs and to have this standard of living that I've worked to give you guys but along with that as a man you're going to need a skill set okay you're going to need a skill set to be a warrior in the woods I don't know if that's the right word I'll use it though to be able to connect with those skills that our pioneers had and I ran with us you know my dad put me on the path and then I went to finishing school in my later years because you know I just ran with it and again that's my personality I'm adventurous personality I dig it every kid's different that's just the way I'm put together obviously you can see it in video hundreds of hours worth um but that's why my dad worked with me and then when I went you know later on I went down south to live with my mom because my dad and I at the time weren't getting along that well I didn't mean I abandoned that lifestyle I took it with me I call it the Tom Sawyer Huck Finn way of life again I love that it describes it the adventuring going out living off the land I did that stuff it's so fun my buddies that I had in high school down south and that's where I grew up in high school mostly is down south Alabama to be exact dudes you probably don't know that we'd go out adventuring and all types of weather we take our motorcycles drive out and live off the land for three days straight in the summer fishing catching bluegills catfish snapping turtles you know hunting squirrels cooking squirrels eating squirrels you know duck huntin you name it we lived off the land I mean we'd bring a like a jar of peanut butter and you know some basic food items but the meat we ate the meat we caught sound familiar that's the way my dad grew up so and I'm going to tell you this parents sometimes you think you're not getting through to your kids you're probably getting through to your kids you know the lessons that you've taught like I said my dad and I at the time we're not getting along and yet here I was replicating his way of living because he had taught it to me and granted I hooked into a really cool group of dudes in high school that saw life the way I saw it they were just laid back and fun and very capable in the woods I still respect them too the state with her woods capabilities amazing dudes but it comes from my dad and the lessons that he taught me be a man of substance be a woman of substance and this isn't just for guys is for the ladies that watching that fancy project too and I don't want to put myself out there or some you know tough guy you know that I'm you know mr. woodsman out there I'm not what I'm telling you is the way that I was raised by my dad and to not be a [ __ ] okay I know you know I pretty much can vouch for his way of bringing his kids that it works you know tough conditions whatever you know people bleeding sucks whatever you know you're wet you're cold you're hungry I'll survive we'll get there you know you're all alone up in snowy conditions you know it's getting dark you're miles away from everybody else I have the confidence that I'll be able to make it and that's what I want engender in society and not just in a wilderness setting but in every setting the ability to withstand hardship discomfort to maybe not get immediate food it might be a day it might be several days where you get food can you survive a lot of the world does you'll survive make it now be tough depo safai yourselves depo safai those that you have influence over and have fun while you're doing it and in doing so you'll build up that reserve of mental toughness that will serve you in all types of situations and I wish that as a society who can move towards that the deep pacification of the world that's one of my wishes this is nothing fancy guys thanks for everything you do for me in the project more lessons of my father bids coming when I get some time and time is always short thanks so much we'll see you
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 240,624
Rating: 4.7697377 out of 5
Keywords: how to be tough, pussyness, overcoming adversity, nutnfancy father, backpacking, work ethic, how to parent, advice for single mom, benefits of sports, suck it up, parenting advice, teaching kids, f15e strike eagle, ov-10 bronco, being self reliant, survival skills, shtf, wrol advice, americans are pussies, push button world, meaning of life, serve others, depussification by nutnfancy, combat mindset, shooting drills, nutnfancy philosophy, medal of honor
Id: Dfx73Z6fhbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2010
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