Questions to Nutnfancy in the Bunker, with TacticalDoodle

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@ 36:00 They discuss where they get their Orange paper targets. Bountiful Shooting Range.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cschaf5 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to another episode of questions to nutnfancy we are in the bunker tactical Doodle Golf Club golf club my shoulder is totally sore from shooting that that that Ruger 10/22 today yeah totally sore yeah dude yeah lottery coil snap a clavicle this is coming up in a gr V this is my original 1976 Ruger 10/22 still we're in the same stock it has traveled to Alabama Virginia Utah Arizona organ and other places I'm probably forgetting the every man's rifle the Ruger 10/22 whoa good times q t.n alright let's jump right into it we have some good letters sent to the PIO box we do prefer a written format single page if you can do it if it's multiple pages or is glazed over right yeah it's just like gosh I can handle maybe two paragraphs or so yeah maybe maybe two okay take it away TD alright recenter that's why stalking only the best production values hit it none I've been watching some of your shotgun videos recently and I have a few questions and thoughts for my Remington 870 Marine Magnum cool shotgun by the way yep I'm trying to decide between a sidesaddle and a Velcro card system I noticed you didn't address velcro card systems in your ammo carry ways that work video can you do a video on that or at least post some thoughts and recommendations in comments reading them comments on that video a lot of guys seem to like the velcro card systems but I'm sure lots of us would like your opinion also I just bought the Remington 870 DM with detachable Maddox it's pretty great I already have it so I don't need a review yeah hey some truth yeah but I'll bet a lot of guys might be interested in your thoughts maybe you can do a comparison review at the Mossberg 590 M which also used detachable Mac's but in a very different way also I was watching the combat shotgun shootout series and I did not see it a part 5 addressing the winchester 1300 did you not get around to making that part of the series I only saw parts 1 2 4 talking about the 870 and 590 whoa very astute very astute uh what's a stood about that is he realizes that I never and still have not officially done the Winchester 1300 review it seems like I have them cuz I've talked about in so many reviews and he was one of my crew helping me test it back in 2009 here in T&P so and actually we do have that in the bunker right here there you go and so this is actually look fully loaded with rock salt strangely enough because it's a proven man stopper true or false so they stopped the eight-b-- riots at the zoo they do actually don't they yeah I was kidding about the man stopper and I was kidding it that it's not it's not loaded with rock salt I'm just messing around it's actually loaded with this stuff Rock Hill it's gonna be a combination of double lot number four buck and like I've shown you on tabletop this thing is you're welcome to the net and fancy household ed to Liam this is what's gonna greet the bad guy so anyways I will tabletop this actually I'm going to probably bunker it we put out a poll in patreon tonight and we asked him hey we got some G rvs coming up right to G RVs and I said do you want tabletop format do you want bunker format and it was overwhelmingly in favor of the bunker and lo and behold we got some new stuff in the background what that is exciting nutnfancy we love all where's my megaphone thank you yeah it's fun and we're here to have fun for sure getting back to his letter though I forget his first name do you Nate what is it I'm calling him Danny his Dan Danny Danny did you just make that up I'm pretty sure I think it's Danny okay sorry if we got your name wrong number one well I didn't address the card system because when I did my ammo loadout system I don't remember if they were really prevalent back to him and if they were I just missed it but if you guys don't know what that is a shotgun card is gonna mount just like from what I know about it and maybe I'm missing missing some stuff yeah they're gonna mount on the side of the receiver just like this standard aluminum plate sidesaddle which actually uses a cross pins to mount and then the cart system will have velcro and so you can just put it on you can peel it off and it's kind of an interesting way to change out your load and make your gun thinner if it's going into a case there are some advantages however there are some other disadvantages to the ones that I saw like I think SOE is a company that I looked on the internet tonight and looked and they're elastic loops so when TD was a little kid I bought these really high-quality elastic looped shotgun carriers and I put shush shells in him and I learned from that carrier system that your elastics gonna be good for about seven years notice this one to some of you guys may be looking at this and say well you know you have those loaded upside down why wouldn't you have them you know are you should put them upside down the sidesaddle the answer is because even the Palast the elastomer in other words the plastic here will stretch out over time and if you use the high base of the shells they won't fall through the carrier that's your answer so is it the fastest way to load would I run a 3-gun competition with it no but there's a home defense shotgun and this is plenty and it'll work just fine at least I have six rounds they're waiting to rock and roll but to answer your question Danny Danny Danny Newman it is now yep night putting with the Dean's daughter if I was to outfit this again I would look into velcro attached receiver loadouts I think that's fine I like the velcro attachment system has been proven a lot of different applications there's probably some LBE that uses that as well and I have modelled some elastic like in my lb loadout but that's just because there's really not a polymer if I'm remembering right a polymer option for that and on those I'm kind of I'm hoping that the elastic the new or elastic is better than that stuff I bought the 80s to be honest with you so far it's been good right something tells me about 30 to 40 years of elastic development might change it just a little bit am i that old so one thing about the shotgun carts is they're not going to make you a faster shotgun earth I from what I know it's just a way to carry a quick six rounds I would I would probably look into it nice thing is it's gonna be lighter weight it's gonna be thinner this because you won't have that big aluminum backing plate I like it getting to your other comment he's asked about 13-hundred and what was other point to 870 and 590 detachable right the tabletop at him bunker but the table top of the Mossberg 590 DM is done Jardine was my crew member on that we went out and shot it and it was overall pretty good and I'll just jump ahead and let you know what my overall take what was on it I wouldn't buy it and the reason is is I could outpace the magazine system not that I'm Joe shotgunner or not but sometimes I'll Jack the shotgun rapidly yeah shown that while we're talking this is a Sidewinder system Mossberg 500 adapted that I could never outpace and did you help me shoot this yeah did we ever have a GM out of this thing maybe a one little thing but this is a reliable system so that 500 590 DM I'm not saying it's horrible but I just saw a couple stoppages actually quite a few the rounds would pop off the magazine now you also mention the 870 detachable mag I haven't tested that one if you guys really want me to do that let me know my thumbs up in this video sharing it and watching a lot and I'll watch the numbers if it comes in high then I'll do it we literally almost bought one what four days ago literally almost it had it at the counter we are gonna grab it and then head and I love when I did the shockwave versus the attack the Remington the short Berta Bert's head pistol grip shotguns the the Remington was a lot smoother and faster but it's down around compared to the shockwave I love 870 I'm hoping that the DM version is even better the Sidewinder system and conversion we showed you again that magazine mounts forward of the receiver it changes everything else everything out and I'm not sure they're still making it and then finally I promise you I'm gonna bunk her the 1300 I don't know if TD will be here with me maybe I'll just do it alone today to be in the bunker with you nut and I understand that but I'm carrying the show anyhow so what's the bit right yep yeah so you went without the shade to see yeah that looks it's not dang that's bright it is I'm serious it is so I'm the one reading though I know burrito and see I peel off so anyways thanks for the comments I hope I answered it for you on we go to God we got a lot of stuff here in the bunker bunker by the way if you guys saw all the stuff we have waiting to cycle into the bunker right now you would literally urinate yourself is that an exaggeration I it finally gives me a chance to show off some of my secret models and fun little toys and trinkets I've gotten over the years we got some really fun stuff and I mean it's Where's Waldo for sure and maybe some stuff we talked about maybe some stuff we don't mention at all ever this is all decoration though yeah it's all decoration it's like death toys and stuff that I've had yeah there are different guns you probably haven't seen in TPMS guns that are new to us and again it's just decoration there you go so oh but I will probably bunker review the 13-hundred it's gonna be a rave review and in fact I'm really gonna push that someone somewhere makes that gun again I've been doing it for 10 years why don't they it really is the slickest awesome it's my favorite of all of them we keep tested 5 90s and eight 70s and every time I hope I pick up the 1,300 that's over 500 in particular cuz it's been about 6,000 hours of snap cabinet and it is awesome it is just slicked up like it only hired jeans it's nice and cozy there's a Hobbes meter on the side of that Winchester 1300 and it literally reads 6001 hours of try firing you see an actual fire yeah when iPods meters in a private plane so he's flying would I be hooking up with girls he would always kick open my bedroom when you're six another words rack the the snap caps in there and just get a good little sigh the way how's the girlfriend situation going for you dude zero all right we could do a whole thing on what's going on social media with the dating scene we're not gonna get into that and this bunker qtn is probably best we don't let's just say the pickings are slim am i right yeah nah no see quality see much now that I've said that they're gonna Oh dirty totally gonna do a video on the dating scene I've seen it too nuttin you know they're saying that yeah everyone yeah why is it wet I don't know you're a nasty just made that up yeah all right letter one this is gonna be a dude and his name is Tyler Gerhart and by the way if I see your screen name is your real name I'll just say it so if you guys have like you know whatever I've a Monica or something like I used and I'll use that - so Tyler here we go skim through that sucker yeah uh you guys in California in New York gonna love this letter because he's gonna ask for uh gun options not the word the experts we have a couple opinions well you ruin the surprise now it's okay I'm currently under the role rule of King Cuomo as I live in Rochester New York so with that being said your current knowledge of our gun rights I eat no muzzle device thick stock no bayonet lug ten round mags only no pistol grip telescoping stock mr. [ __ ] a if you have a fixed mag what do you think is my best option for a new center fire rifle currently have a marlin xt-22 I've contacted two guns okay stop right there so his defensive gun is an XT 22 but so he's kind of joining two things yet what's my best defensive gun this oh by the way have a nice t20 yeah which I mean it's something keep going I've contacted a gunsmith over constructing a legal slash custom ak-47 but I'm having second thoughts I found out through your review of the m1 garand that one is able to purchase through the CMP then another review of yours brought my attention to the fight like SCR another capable platform with interesting appeal okay Kenny halt right Erica as long as I may forget these points the first one he said was go back up a little bit prior let me just say right now the m1 grand is fantastic yeah buy one now you know fantastic buy one while they're still available otherwise 20 years right you're gonna be walking by a gun show and so you learned for you know twenty five hundred dollars and go they used to be six hundred bucks through the CMB hard-hitting thirty out six it shoots like a pussycat I mean you've seen it in soldier boy you've seen a shin it here for last ten years off and on we don't shoot all the time and accurate I mean it's easy to hit with it is such a fantastic weapon and it's also a very viable option even today granted you have we have eight rounds right there so there's there's a I don't know if you guys can fear that out move that rock there see that so we've got a clip of Grand Am oh they're a big fan and I said that the tabletop review about eight years ago that is still a viable defensive gun and it's probably gonna stay legal a lot longer than everything else because it's basically a curio and heroic you and I don't know if in your state they're classified is that maybe maybe no maybe yes maybe not let me go back to your ache a point you said you're going to do a custom custom make a build and that actually kind of arms me because I think the custom a que market is kind of a joke rent rent rent pay $2,000 for a stamped a que here's who a fool okay there's my rant I said it do you agree with that yeah it's hard to justify it a stamped a que and we've clicked around on we're not gonna mention names on these a que builds so you know you choose these certain components they put it together and they're giving you all these highfalutin promises about how it's the best se que in the world and you just spent I don't know seventeen hundred dollars on a que no no and you still have all the limitations of the a que platform some of which in this one in the background SGL 31 took a lot of time and effort to overcome so this one has you know modern economics to it does SGL 31 I guess I it's got a bayonet on it did you guys check that out by the way what what so ergo nom ik but I still more wait for optics no AR thank you okay continue to read thank you sorry for that rant with your thoughts on this isn't testing being a focal point in my research what would you pick in my situation I know it's a challenging question but any recommendations would be nice I'm 23 looking into starting a career in diving my goal is to hopefully end up in an aquarium facility or something related to ocean conservation it's kind of funny how you went from guns to diving like yeah we're changing a lot here okay hit it ah that's pretty much it okay that's it let's go back to the gun options New York State I'm not familiar with every New York's a state I know it's completely jacked up it's a leftist Haven it's a protectionist Haven if they could complete the outlaw guns altogether they would join NRA yes NRA still stay with geo a yes geo a still I just sent a hundred bucks of GLA because they're doing some great work in the Supreme Court love both organizations and I don't I will never ever ever try to weaken than all right anybody who does is a fool because there's not I mean if I look left or right there's not another button batteries running around anyway so that's at stake politically active but back to the question best defensive rifle I think you mean in New York State apparently he chose a 22 I think that's just what he has now and he's he's saving up honestly if you're 23 I don't think custom anything should be on the list this point stuff to buy sorry I mean it's not even on my list of stuff to buy give him some good cost-effective options from what you know then Detroit par-3 the first at not really cost-effective that still an expensive gun you might pick up a used one field great grand yeah a real beater garand off your upon pawnshop somewhere if you could find it you could go into gun broker I think all the grand prices have gone way up since we reviewed it a long time ago I think they still have the the lowest grade though so far under 700 you might be able to get one see if you could score a grand for $700 awesome the SCR is a good gun I like it it seems like a ire end Cal Tech su 16 we did have that one hard jam on us it was a big deal I tweeted out what actually happened when I still - you're at least entertain it into my mix yes I would but between that and su 16 what would you choose an X - su 16 featureless like a CA or even the RDB s is actually New York capable our DB s would be real good I'd go with our DB s and he helped me toss that's a survival and it is 5 pounds 14 ounces has that skinny little pencil barrel it was handy god we love that gun it was a ran really good to Din it yeah I like that addition to not the new one has like a goofy ass super tall side on that what's that about I'm he's talking about the are TBS survival I think it's because probably some guys complain that didn't come with our sites and so Caltech probably post engineer they give you like that I'm gonna 60 yeah I'll roll in a screenshot or something so you can see what he's talking about it does look a little bit goofy whatever I mean nothing's perfect yet kudos again to Caltech for coming out with such guys I mean who else is doing that a sub six pound bullpup survival gun no one else is doing it Ruger is gonna make one they just have to wait for a much smaller company to invent it market it start selling into all the R&D and they go there to go oh hell yeah we love Ruger we do but they do copy everybody a lot hey everybody look at our new product that looks a lot like the Walther p22 dude no it's completely different we just invented it yeah other options today are going back to some options of a BLR by browning in 308 yes weird one too yeah I said that in the tabletop it has very rounds limited but your rounds limit in your state anyhow it's a four round mag but get like five more minutes dude and it's fast as slick as shooting a 308 it's super accurate we love shooting it awesome fantastic along those lines why do you have to go some out of go Marlin 3030 Winchester classic 94 and 3030 those guns still work there are rural rural police departments to this day that are running those guns granted they don't see a lot of action or drug run and gun on the freakin state police in India still use old-ass World War two in fields in 303 yeah so yeah so to review SCR Troy PA r su 16 C AR DBS they were giving a lot of suggestions BL r Marlin 3030 model 94 garand and then m1 carbine m1 carbine as long as you know the magazine I don't know what your magazine situation is we gotta move on though thanks for the letter appreciate it and again the P o box is below I'm really happy to have this bunker format for QT n often do it in the zodiac I'll Drive out to we'll get in the boat somewhere cool summer fun and it's it was really hard for me not having the studio like we have now so you're probably probably going to see more qtn episodes let me know in comment though if you still like me to go out in the zodiac and do QT ends it is much more complex Thank You Tyler Tyler once again Robert Riley in Moultrie Georgia he's a 42 year old dude and I'm gonna read his letter actually you're doing such a good job you do it okay okay he did a really good job so this make sure I've not shown his email or one date delimited look at this dude this is how you do it so one is legible I can actually read it uh-huh and then it's one page so great job dude I appreciate you text totally no new doodles it's great I'm a fairly recent convert to TMP 2015 recently joined patreon I've watched hours of your videos and always look forward to watching the next one now writing to get your perspective on the next chapter of my professional life I'm 42 years old married to a beautiful woman and have three fantastic kids awesome I work as a certified registered nurse anesthetist with an excellent job in southwestern Georgia a handful of positions I work with and respective members of the Georgia Air National Guard they recently invited me to join their unit and serve as a member of this CC ATT critical her air air transport unit all those guys are super positive about Sarah I'm good I would greatly appreciate some straightforward advice I feel a deep desire to serve but not at the expense of my family's happiness and well-being I spent a lot of time researching the topic and praying about it your advice would mean a lot though thanks for being awesome okay I don't know about the awesome part but we're going to attempt to answer it and I'm gonna be totally sincere with you guys and I liked what he said he said I'm praying about it we're god-fearing people we believe in God and we're not we're not like pushing on people but that is our value system and I honestly think you should do your part when you're thinking about a big life change a big decision and do all your legwork and then you do it and then take it up with the Lord and then you pray and say how do I feel about this certain changed my life and where should I go I think that is good it's a humble experience it's an interactive experience with your Creator and yes we believe in God care what anybody says I will never ever change that so if you don't I respect that that's cool but we do and I liked how he said that so that's number one is take it up with a man do your part though just don't sit on your butt and act like everything's gonna be done for you getting back to your question and I'm gonna ask your opinion on this too so so doodles going to weigh in on this too perhaps should I join a military unit a part-time military unit to do what I'm doing in a civilian world so he's a trauma trauma nurse or something yeah anesthetist okay so do do that but do it in a military environment my take on this is be very careful before you leap into that because what's going to happen is you're gonna get a phone call in the middle of night and or say we're deploying you're gonna go talent title ten orders you're gonna be deployed for a year you're gonna leave your civilian job you're gonna be out out in Afghanistan and you're gonna be sitting in a tent and your little parcel if you're lucky you know hot bunking with some dude and you go what did I just do and you're gonna be asking yourself with what's going on now am i really making a difference would you do it I'm leaning towards no don't get me wrong I'm a big military service guy retired lieutenant colonel twenty-one years of service you guys know that go rah rah rah all that but with what we're doing right now it's just a waste to be totally honest it's a waste we're not really affecting any long-term changes in Afghanistan where we are where we're spending billions and billions of dollars doing basically nothing for society that isn't ready for it they cannot sustain a democracy they can't I mean we build schools spend millions and they go and blow them up WTH man hey they haven't crashed that many of the f-16s we bought them are they flying f-16s yeah we bought it but ton of f-16s and then they've I think they've been trying to train him stay site it's a laudable effort and I'm not going to go into some big long you know foreign policy rant here I love it no it'll be like a two-hour video you know yeah so that's enough said don't do it why aren't you tackling it for the foreign policy here's what I would say I didn't know I talked about your personal life - it wasn't just foreign policy but that does jive to it because it I'm out there eating an MRE deployed away from my family everybody will do this and I've been there and you go why am i sacrificing like this yeah what long-term benefit like I'm if I'm out there defending the United States of America against a foreign enemies and I'm like okay my times mean spent well what I deploy down and lodges and we're doing air bridge work I was in the kc-135 and we're doing air bridge work I was like this this whole Iraq thing is it's kind of a joke to be honestly I said that to my guys that's like you know it would almost be better to leave Saddam Hussein in power because he had leased maintains order down there sorry for the ramp but what were you gonna say I he's 42 he's got three kids I think his first allegiance is not to the country it's to his family there you go I think he owes them he owes his wife his kids his really his effort he already has a job I don't necessarily think he needs it's nice to think like patriotic serving your country and stuff your kids need you more than your country does and about canoodle ladies and gentlemen we waste about the ages and honestly I think as soon as you spend time around dudes in the guard unit and their hot box and each other's farts you kind of go I don't know this is no good here yeah and month after month goes by I was like when he was a little kid I mean I deployed a lot I wasn't like the army guys holy hell I'm not like the army guys it you know going for a year but I'd go for three months at a time sometimes four months usually was less than that but you do that you're sitting there you go what especially you get later in your career in the Air Force or the army whatever and you you weigh everything out on the life scale he's like what what am I really investing my time wisely my kids will be grown up look at this before you know it and there's a formative time when I can influence them and I mean I did it and I would do it all over again but with what's going on now and you got more out of it at this point he's in his career his schools already been taken care of it's a different story when you're young and you're like 20 because then you go well they'll pay for my school right they'll get me career opportunities you get financial and security benefits at the same answer your country now don't get me wrong in a lot of cuties I've been rah rah rah go military but again the life phase like TD is accurately pointing out is completely different now it's a young kid early in life go be a PG ya go kick some ass out there go save people go be a hero it's really different but now he's got three kids he's 42 he's an established career he deploys and he's gonna lose a buttload of money working for the guard don't do it next letter boom this is our friend I love he's gonna freak so this has been I read his letters all the time because he fires off the short to the point letters and all the time he's put like these $20 bills in there as a donation I don't know if he's TMP patron don't care I just love Ben he's so awesome so he's gonna correct me on some point so just scream through this quick he's so funny because I kind of did as a background I was talking about em Locke versus keymod and I was like I don't really give a crap and then he's gonna clarify what he meant Co I was astonished to see my letters mentioned in the questions and nutnfancy Jan 20 19 I did not think my comments merited discussion in the video nonetheless I appreciate your feedback and the fact you did not mention my last name oh I'll bleep it out then alright I think there may have been one miscommunication concerning M Locke I did not say M Locke was better because it had been adopted by SOCOM my point is that most manufacturers and customers will probably switch to M Locke because it has been adopted by SOCOM going forward I expect more M lock accessories and fewer key mod accessories until eventually key mod disappears think Betamax vers VHS ok enough thanks next letter I hear what you're saying here they're saying that in the battle is gonna win over in the long term that's cool you know whatever I I saw like came on but at such a minor point doesn't go ignore my earlier requests for reviews of the Beretta 1301 and Stoeger M 3000 semi-auto shotgun type Mata Greta and have not looked back I tarted it up with some artists industries accessories is my new GTW shotgun go to war shotgun nothing wrong with the old Remington seven eight seventy wing master purchased new for $85 at a grocery store in Lubbock Texas at nineteen eighty good heavens at a grocery store however there's something wrong with me I've developed arthritis in the left shoulder running a pub gun is painful the bread is exceptional did you ever visit Reese Air Force Base alone before got Bracton 90 seven there's another abrupt change of subject so he's talking about shotgun oh by the way have you ever gone fishing in Vietnam yeah um that's interesting actually yes I have it was Issei Reese yeah totally have been Teresa days at 38 in there I think I got a 38 patch in the background ladies and gentlemen oh there you go made in the good old USA the t-38 Talon named by my dad his grandfather whoa sit right above the m82 yes awesome yes I went Theresa I didn't spend a lot of time there my pilot training base was hell Rio Del Rio we called it hell Rio it was a good base cool by the way that 1301 beretta shotgun is fantastic we have a verse song mm it's a license-built beretta I think it's awful beretta we've shot that thing long before TMP and it's it runs like I don't know diary out of a kitten it's awesome yeah it's just super fast and I hear your your point that you know pump shotguns as we can older are more difficult to run here's a mini rant they're difficult to run even when you're young I've said that in a bunch of table tops here in the bunker I'm saying it more and more pump shotgun is a skillset we say all the time and everyone always comes in the comments know it's easy I can run it and then if we were to plop anyone just from the general shooting public did you say pop yep up there yeah I shot guys on plop didn't you have a friend you nicknamed him plop no that's from Oscar in the office anyways sorry dudes we're just having a good time classic plot classic plop uh yeah running a pump shotgun is a skillset you got to practice but you can't put a hops meter on your pump shotgun it just feel like he does and Stroke it until 2:00 in the morning you all right amber for is from see grace and here comes his letter you're doing a fantastic job skimming through these letters and again I think I highlighted some of the important points right here yeah how long oh you did pretty good that's almost a page you kind of blowed over a little bit I don't know if I wrote where he's from hit it Oh shir questions nuttin January 2019 video and was inspired to write you I'd like to thank you for all the great reviews I've made several purchases based on your videos the XDM good x yes good such a just good size hold on elite teachers yes yes all the time you love it I love it SOG flashes all hof gear right there bros bushnell t rs.25 still a great red dot sight for 7mm Rx several four sevens pre on twos still have my crayons and a couple of Kelty backpacks I still have several items on my wish list based on your videos guns knives optics we all do man so don't feel bad your videos have changed how we evaluate gear so much that the nikon prostaff seven was on my wish list before you came out with your top five TAC scopes video which i just recently purchased ok hang on right there don't lose your spot and I just broke in patreon if you guys and I don't know how this will sequence with the video flow the top three in three different price categories ar-15 scopes so we've been evaluating over the last couple years these Reese copes no they're not the only ones but there's no there's more ar-15 scope content and TMP it's out there so we tear it up I'll try to keep this shortened to the point just a few requests in a couple comments but first a little about myself I'm a retired navy chief air traffic controller 26 years total service 85 to 2011 USS John F Kennedy Nast Alice nouse Fort Worth New Orleans Willow Grove who knows maybe we've spoken to each other before I'm sure we have totally after I retired I took a contractor job in Afghanistan that did not work out then I went to work for Lockheed Martin as a flight service station specialist I've always wondered what those guys were every time I talk to him I can never figure out Lockheed like when I rolled in back in the 90s Lockheed was running the the maintenance contract for the t-38 and they still did I think they were doing the F not deaf eyes but the 18:38 so they bid it and these were maintenance people but there's some good employment opportunities working for these aviation contracts but a flight service station that's the dudes you call for weather mm wicks brief cool you call and usually end up getting the same finish in Louisiana that gets all angry I currently reside in Pennsylvania however I just accepted a job offer from the DoD in st. Louis Missouri working at the national geospatial-intelligence agency aka defense mapping to see my sponsors retired air force kc-135 nav request can you do a review of the MAS defense custom barreled uppers specifically they're very reasonably priced 225 to $295 a stop right there yes I can do a review on it but you need to send me your upper so message me and patreon YouTube general we don't really check messages there anymore because it's just no one uses it very much so either send me another postcard or something I'll give you my address to ship it to me I'm not going to go out and buy a $300 upper to test it we've got so many damn uppers we're a wash with him so and then uppers a non firearm so you could ship it will pin it on sure we'll test it will do a review on it I did skim through the website I liked what I saw and I'm glad there's suppose I mean I think they're bragging about the accuracy on mass defense I like what I saw and he's not associated with mass offense he's just uh yeah he's just a guy interested in also Springfield Armory has come out with an XDM and 10 millimeter I'd love to see review even though I probably won't buy a 10 mil yes stole because of the scarcity of 10 mil ammo 45 ACP is much easier to find here comes a mini-ramp I feel it you ready yeah do it for 10 millimeter because you don't shoot your guns anyhow I feel better thank you that's best people seriously I mean guys are like I don't want to buy a 357 sig how many rounds you pop in here ah 200 by whatever caliber you want I'm being honest most guys do not shoot their guns you dumped be honest are you going out every month and going 200 rounds every single month no I'm not not fancying a busted me that's what I'm saying so get your freaking 10 mil I love to millimeter in pistol it's awesome so we're Glock 29 fans Glock 20 fans and yes I received your review request XDM and 10 mil I'm excited about it we love the XDM I don't care what the interweb says I don't care what other gun troopers say about it it is a fantastic pistol it shoots so well not the lightest do I like it better than the Glock I don't know it's a great pistol we'll get one and test it close close call full power 10 mil coming out XDM yeah I'm a fan with all the free crap they give you - would you give that bad yeah what kind of crap like a hat no they give you like the holsters and the little focus things Oh whose magnet writers that's right value package in there yeah I love that so the best but it's functional and if you're getting a new mag system like that like ten mil to different size bags awesome everybody should do that love the XDM God is still out there it's still going well Satya last question that we get a lot where do you get your orange and white accuracy targets with the four inch squares shown that one right there so there's a Walther PPK s22 this target is what he's talking about and the answer is bountiful shitty range the Lions Club shooting range a bountiful utah that's the only place I've ever seen them I Drive all the way there to buy them because I love them so much oh and by the way it's a great shooting range you want to talk about a great [ __ ] range the lines Club range and bountiful they just like to shoot there's no ugh knots walking around behind you like there are at the Lee K that's a local range we have and I'm sorry I just sometimes it's people interfere and it's just nonsense Lee the Lions Club is outstanding so it's reasonably priced decent range it's outdoors so you get wind rain all that who cares we're out in the desert all time shooting that crap all the time so that's where you get on you might be able to contact lions club shooting range in order I wouldn't count on much I asked the guy where they're all volunteer man so I highly doubt that's gonna work for it the highest gas factor that's give a [ __ ] factor I've seen out if any of the range dudes there keep in mind they're all old retired and they all have that retiree hat was maybe a tooth and I remember asking the guy once where he got the targets cuz we liked him and people had asked this before and he just looked at me like I was just a total idiot last time I went there I bought a 200 yeah he's like ok count them out do you know like you got it because I love it they're just clear you can see the they're perfect at long range and no there's no text on them ya know I'm sure someone's like well I have no choice order there's no advertising on them now you might see yeah they used to have it on there that was for bountiful and you might find this target somewhere else but it's my favorite target and it really shows up well on the camera that's another reason I like it moving on we've got number five this is Keith H and this goes back a little bit and it's a little bit messy can you read that if you can't just pretend like you make something up none fancy I was driving my Lamborghini the other day thinking about you're glad sport and if I could beat you in it how can I increase the mileage in like I Arda yes first I must apologize for the terrible handwriting as well as the blue paper papers okay we don't mind it with that out of the way I just wanted to personally thank you for all you and not just you but all you and tactically LaHaye altogether do i stumbled on your channel one night when I was first looking into purchasing my first handgun I ended up getting a Taurus 24/7 g2 that's pretty good I don't mind yeah I liked it a lot more than I expected don't worry sold it last year ok ok it was a 40 Cal so I would love affair' apparently after having it for two years I found I prefer my px4 subcompact to carry over the 24/7 did not need it I just reviewed the px4 last year and I actually liked it a lot better and I thought it would I gave it a lot of love PT to it guys just know I'm showing you this go ahead your concealed carry protocol and obligation to carry videos helped my questions immensely even night I even had my girlfriend watch the videos with me as we both got our permits together now as for my AR at the moment it may not be as you know light as I would like to get it to me but after all it's a Barbie doll for men and it is always subject to change especially once I have access to a vise and funds to do a free flow handguard setup I guess I should also thank you whoa dude handguard sort of cheap though yeah then get out like a free flow handguard I'm even the Chinese ones it becomes so good yeah for like 80 bucks and whatever length you want em lock key mod whatever okay go yeah we're spoiled these days thank you for somehow getting me into FTE and tan on guns I wouldn't have to agree with you it sure does look cool indeed it does thanks as well for tech gurus excellent work TMP store between TMP tan hat name play al patch and 3k cook fuel bottle thanks for getting all that everything arrived here in Florida faster with no issues at all the music CD rocks yeah those are we only did a couple of them my friends and I do some in the webstore I don't know last year and he had some found a small quantity and then they're gone if you guys don't know what that was we actually had musical artists that helped us in tnp forever why don't we do it anymore well we've talked about on qtn already and not all the band's stayed together so and they stopped producing music I mean Brian isms quit making music do do quit make some music and I I mean I here's the thing within don't forget where you are here's the thing with T&P is I can't wait for people I can't wait for other people to come along otherwise production stops and so tnp always has been trapped it tell me if I'm lying here team TD a fast-moving train I mean holy hell this thing moves at 100 miles an hour no matter what no matter what the weather it's like to church it retreats going and people can either hang on and go for the ride oftentimes they fall by the wayside they just cannot they just that's why people even people watching it we're a mile is that holy crap three videos in one week and I've got 4,000 more to me is that an exaggeration I mean we could do a QT n every week and talk about everything under the Sun parenting dating politics cars knives guns scuba diving flying ammunition exterior ballistics sisters so there's so many interesting things in life oh and by the way that's what you're seeing in the background kind of an understanding of history too there you'll see in the background okay go ahead sorry yeah my friends and I who also watch videos have been getting jealous of the amazing scenery and you're shooting biking camping and motorcycling bits I'm originally from NJ as well as in Florida everything in the winter is same looking flat Beach palm trees swamp lifts I might have to check you out sometime don't mind it cold love the mountain roads of course becomes a book I'm going to call it quits thanks again for being awesome your philosophy of life rocks and keep up with all the fantastic work I'll see you for a few hours on your next vid sets 36 year old TMP or Keith Keith H last night quit quit City Oh hey zoom they don't I don't think Moe some care Keith the barf uncle there I'll give my alias thanks writing in much appreciated like your enthusiasm and don't move to Utah we got too many people yeah yeah damn Olympics just flogged it oh yeah well that started it and then it's just been getting out of control I mean there are so many people I mean for us to drive to the desert now it's like hours it takes forever like they're doing these settlements will call them along the way tons of people and they're all in slow-moving mini vans or poorly driven Priuses another rant sorry moon log number six this is Dave a thanks and I may have read his letter before but I liked it so much I'm gonna read it again I don't remember usually we put it we file in a certain location no it's not the garbage can we actually have a file that we keep all the old letters and these are uh this is a picture of his kids go home TV I want to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude towards your project and how it's changed my life since a young age I've been a wilderness person growing up camping canoeing and shooting after college I accepted a job as a federal agent that's cool come on fortunately I have to live with one to the nation's larger cities partner also in adjacent years I have had twin daughters I also suffered from a training accident the required hip surgery I can no longer run recreationally that sucks these combined hardships left me feeling sorry for myself stuck somewhere I didn't want to be and extremely limited in my adventures due to my responsibilities I was going down a dark road when I came upon the project you spoke of being a quiet professional not being a chicken [ __ ] you spoke to teaching your kids values of hard work and challenging oneself I realized if I didn't get my head on straight I wouldn't be a sheepdog the family my family needed me to be so if I'm limited in my ability to travel an adventure than adventure will come home I have made an indoor pellet gun range in my garage so I can practice close-quarter drills hostage chutes etc I practice knife baton even my postage stamp-sized yard I read of pilots shot down and their survival strategy I've also made two US K kids to level two kits and many level one kits for the home learn food dehydration etc I say it's because maybe you can encourage the M peers in a similar situation to take advantage of their situation even if they in a hard spot like me to have health problems are not mobile you've spurred me on to be a better father a better husband vigilant sheepdog I want to think this is not in fancy thanks mrs. because your husband's work I want to be a better father for two beautiful girls I know his efforts can add stress to the family thank for your selflessness and giving nature not and keep up the good work love the backpacking shooting into venturing bids yours truly Dave oh yeah that is awesome thank you I don't think I have read this letter actually this is fresh thank you so much I'm humbled when I hear that TD is humbled when we hear that there's really so many aspects of T&P I mean gear it's at the core but there's really and I think he gets it Dave gets it there's really something else going on here and it's something a message we send out to the world because the world especially with all the protection is Amanda she it that we see in in society now is that they see these guns like oh my gosh they're evil what they don't understand is that the huge majority of Americans have this strong value system and they're normal they're fun people they do everything normal people do their family people we showed a picture of his kids right here they're giving their kind or considerate they're hard-working people and that's the message of TMP is it we're definitely not extremists we're not a you know we're not conspiracy guys we've never have been but at the same time you know we're god-fearing Americans you know and we believe in the Constitution the Constitution was god-given God inspired God created I'm sworn to uphold and defend it and I shall and that's normal that's just being an American so we model that I want a model through the years I think we have about loving your children loving your family spending time with friends I said that ever since I started TMP like we did arm serenity remember that I ended arm serenity in 2008 by saying that and I say hey go out me because that was really fun experience go out and make those valuable memories getting back to your point sometimes and it could happen to any one of us we lose mobility we have these huge health problems we have all these designs and these grandiose plans to be adventure and go out do these things that we can't because we're injured and so I love her approach what you've done and that is to make the best of your situation and in life sometimes we're just giving a crap sandwich right TD and we know people like this my wife was watching someone on her Instagram feed she's an Instagram addict by the way a whole different issue and but it makes her happy I guess whatever and she but this was sad as she's watching a young girl and not girl she's a young woman but she's married has a kid or two and she's got this huge problem with cancer I mean it keeps coming back and her days are numbered you know why did she get it who knows you know sometimes or just screwed in life getting back to make the most of what you're given I appreciate the help that you are given you see us do this I mean we max it out we go motorcycling we go whale watching excursions watching people throw up and [ __ ] chili dogs why did you do that we go out in the zodiac in San Francisco babe we go out at Monterey we go backpack and I have to drag him back back to my lab I hate it did you hear that he hates it my whole family hates it hey you want to go backpacking literally if I say that I'll hear people running and dorms closing in the house hey guys seriously I'm gonna go cleaning organizing Pat so much work I actually don't mind the hiking part itself except he always saddles me with the heaviest [ __ ] last time I did what it was like 90 pounds just for the raft and then every time you always act like gold my packs so heavy and then I pick it up in like way okay for the record that was stupid carrying that particularly after as far as we did and that is the over the ledge series it granted it's a long time ago we did that oh my god got a packraft but dude yacht I don't know if he's washed it I did the BOK adventure series and yeah I have more to go on that same old story all the outdoor content does this reviews no one cares and so that's why we cannot put it and never will put it as a priority in P because there's too much interest in this I'm sorry this stuff right this what we're doing I mean the guys show up and they'll support the work so for us to do the back package of mnsure blah blah blah I said all this before it's basically a three day minimum three day event probably more like five which three days we could get a lot of good testimony oh my goodness yeah and so this week we'll have two full days in the desert maybe two full days at the range and we'll have in set foot egde we'll get data thousands around shot and set what feels good productive anyways I'm sorry that your hips jacked up I hope it's better and I love your attitude because you're making the most of everything I hope in a lot of ways that I'm able to provide content that's an interesting to you guys you mentioned you build at you SK I did my I'm so happy that I finally did my be okay video that's your bug out kit that is a long-term survival kit it's going to be on a wheel to conveyance I'm using the up cart lyft or like a deer haul or cart go watch those videos and that's another way you can backpack by the way you don't have to haul it in so that's what I really wish you would have done and over the land just use that deer baller awesome you can load that thing up with a hundred pounds the only thing is you don't want to go hiking up steep hills because there ain't no brakes us this is my hair be like moving on this is Kim and Scotland dude look how short to say there we go this is a postcard he sent it and he has his email so we're not going to show you what he wrote hit it yeah here's a little something you can use to help someone to need thank you for all the brilliant work you do you and your family are such an inspiration and comfort you're amazing Kim from California PS if you ever need a graphic designer for free of course let me know boom that's preciate the offer we actually have a graphics designer in the family and a slaw suspect yeah he is amazingly talented here's cut here comes a few images from what he does he can do really advanced a sci-fi art like Gundams are seen in the background halo style art he does figures she does vehicles he can basically do everything he will probably get on with a company well using his graphic arts graphic arts capable also to have some programming experience too which is interesting guys would say they CTD here how come my suspects not on the camera gas factor a one point five what can I say and as you remember he said what GES stands for he doesn't want to do it he doesn't like hey do you want to go out shooting the desert what does he say he doesn't he just doesn't have an interest in it all like I get excited about stuff and I crack open the book on grands and read about the types and figure out oh is this bolt made March of 43 perfect it's correct he's just not wired that way from care he likes fantasy weapons and stuff but when it comes down to hey we're gonna have to go out for 10 hours and test these guns he ain't he ain't there usually it's just me he's visiting now so he's just visiting now and then he'll be underway on to better things but he'll bounce back and forth into the project pure faults next up thanks for the letter by the way hope we answered it I don't know if there was really a question in there though Canon Scotland Scotland Merry Christmas it's not much but please accept these small items that were taken back to Arya and get what you'd like your resource is valuable and all of us have been able to pull from your knowledge outlet keep up the energy alright from the temples it's cool awesome so that's a temple family and just to reiterate here comes a mini rant please don't send me anything ever awkward pause yeah don't I mean please don't because we have so much stuff but I got to tell you what he said was pretty cool he did send cool stuff for instance here's a rat's tourniquet he sent wonder if we could stop the bleeding on this what do you think no yeah hey this cork probably the ER for that one this is really cool a little bit heavy for inclusion to oneplus maybe a level-two kit you could do these got some water perfect purification potable aqua eye I said in my be okay review why do they put this in a glass bottle it makes it way so much I the answer is probably it stores so much better in glass and they probably tried it in glass and plastic which is permeable to some degree let's probably the answer he's got this this is a really cool gift yeah he did say REI I don't patronize REI anymore because kit because in the last couple years they've come out against the Second Amendment like vocally and I said another qtn episodes if you're gonna do that if let's say you have a stance you don't believe in gun ownership by civilians in United States we all have different views that's cool don't come out with them publicly if you're a business owner just shut up don't say anything don't post anything on there on your social media accounts even after a mass shooting don't rant complete holy freaking whistles there that I really like this sento compass right there you can put that on your watch although we probably use the compasses in our phones most often right until the battery dies got that right there so this pretty cool stuff you sent really cool I mean this isn't just something he got at the swap meet on Saturday so thank you the temple family thank you thank you thank you you actually gave us REI number that's hilarious so anyways please don't send us anything of you I say that and have said it and people are still gonna do it it makes me feel guilty I even may not feel personal capacity I do not take free stuff from people not even Costco samples I just don't it's not in my code I hate it in it and I'm sure it comes off crazy but it makes me feel even more guilty and when it's someone I can't pay back you need to reevaluate never taking free stuff from people here's a story for you so I'm on high school graduation I went down in Panama City Beach I'm sitting by the pool with my chick that I just met by the way she was hot her name was Michelle papania it was her last name for the Italian girl I made up she's like mutton no serious is true yeah yeah she's an Italian broad so she and I are hanging out the pole I just met her and we're just kind of hanging out and here comes a student at brand-new collectible ta Trans Am and it was kind of like that ocean blue and white addition and this was back in the early 80s and he came out came with his girlfriend there he's hanging out we start talking he goes hey dude you just wanted because I'm marked about his car how much I like to yeah take it for a ride I was free guess what I took him up on it I railed that thing we get to keep it yeah but I mean Here I am a high school student he offered me you know hey man you wonder bright I'm absolutely crazy and I did it I was gone for an hour and a half came back he was totally chill and no I didn't wreck it didn't get a speeding ticket I may have smoked the tires a little bit it was a good time good time so my point is sometimes it's okay to receive something graciously offered take advantage of it you may regret if you don't back me up TM peers in the comments I stood the most and by the way things in life start free well there's some truth to that button them by the way you could be that person who graciously helps someone else I give hey I like rinses up be sent all this stuff guess what's gonna happen him someone's gonna give him stuff Karma's gonna Karma's gonna happen something's gonna happen where he's gonna get some cool things coming in his life if you're a generous person in life you get generosity if you're tight and selfish the world you usually treat you in Christ isn't it more selfless to not take free [ __ ] from people we're hearing that I don't give it I give stuff a lot more often we don't I get it you're right I'm the same way but I'm saying overall sometimes evaluate it it's okay it was for merchandise and stuff we don't want any we're overwash and stuff oh I forgot to show he could sent this - I can't believe forgot that Susanna unbreakable he sent this book look at this guy Wow the temple family we got to wrap it up this is qtn I think T we're almost an hour I think we'll put this on the B channel do you have any input on that I think so because honestly it's hard to put it on the a channel because it's so far behind in patreon patreon is like 10 videos ahead and the a channel is [Music] I talked about it last qtm in this qtn in the zodiac so I'm gonna pop this on B channel I think it's good views like sixty thousand in a week guess what you have another key TN episode I didn't want to do it we ran our we'd went through basically nine letters there's a lot to talk about again we could do four thousand videos easy thanks for subscribing become a TMP pay child member or not doesn't matter really a B channel is still alive Daddy channel D channel I want to see if this tourniquet works by the way for obvious reasons we're in the bunker this is the nutnfancy project signing off from the great state of Mississippi what that's weird see you guys later
Channel: Lt Col Nutnfancy
Views: 51,121
Rating: 4.9087577 out of 5
Keywords: questions to nutnfancy, should i join the military acoholics anyonmous, best job, how to get good paying job, how to be cop, golden rule, best lbe, how to get a job, winchester 1300 shotgun, troy par, keltec su16, nutnfancy qtn, t38 talon nutnfancy, trans am, how to pray, xdm 10mm, zodiac pro open, how to carry shotgun ammo, nutnfancy bunker, barrett .50 m82, how to be a dad, how to be a mom, life values, teaching your children, how to parent
Id: taBmHKBN200
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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