Lessons Learned in God's Waiting Room | Sermon by Shelley Quinn

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[Music] hello i'm shelley quinn and welcome to the worship hour let me ask you a question do you find yourself in god's waiting room maybe you're in emotional pain or physical pain have anxiety-ridden thoughts are just going through mental anguish right now today we're going to do something a little bit different i want to share with you my testimony of eight months that i spent suffering but in god's waiting room and let me tell you time is never wasted in god's waiting room he will teach you much and today's lesson is called lessons learned in god's waiting room let's pray heavenly father we come before you in the name of jesus and lord thank you for everyone who is hearing my voice now i pray they will stay tuned join in and lord learn the lessons that you have taught me in your waiting room i ask in the name of jesus you'll send the holy spirit to be our teacher get me out of the way father in jesus name amen i want to lay a foundation before we get into some of the more personal things but this would be lesson number one it is not a lack of faith to admit crushing burdens are beyond your ability to bear let me repeat that it is not a lack of faith to admit that crushing burdens are beyond your ability to bear in the middle of cov19 in march i had two unrelated friends who called me both had just lost a loved one to cancer one it was a mother the other it was a daughter and as they were sharing their grief with me all of a sudden they both ended with this statement well god won't put on us more than we can bear have you ever heard someone say that someone who whose spirit is crushed and they're going through the worst time of their life but to keep a stiff upper lip they bravely put forward this idea god won't put on us more than we can bear let me tell you something that is not biblical it is not a biblical truth and i want to prove that to you listen to the apostle paul's own admission of his despair second corinthians chapter one and verse eight ii corinthians 1 and verse 8 paul writes we were burdened beyond measure above strength so that we even despaired of life so it's an error to say that god won't allow more on us than we can bear and in fact in my mind it makes god out to be a monster to think that he would allow these things because he thought we could bear them where did that idea originate it is a twisted application of first corinthians 10 13. first corinthians 10 13 says this no temptation has overtaken you except such as as common to man but god is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it you see paul was encouraging the corinthians he was encouraging us that god will always empower us to resist temptation he will always give us an escape route from temptation all we have to do is pray and ask for his help and we can count on it because matthew 1 21 says that jesus came to save us from our sins but it is wrong to say that god doesn't allow us to be overwhelmed with earthly burdens or that it's a lack of faith to admit it let's return to second corinthians chapter one and verse eight second corinthians chapter one and verse eight and we'll also look at verse 9. he says again for we do not want you to be ignorant brethren of our trouble which came to us in asia that we were burdened beyond measure above strength so that we despaired even of life yes we had the sentence of death in ourselves that and anytime you see that it's a purpose statement that so that we have the sentence of life in ourselves for this purpose that we should not trust in ourselves but in god who raises the dead burdened beyond measure this is paul's admission he was saying that he had more than he could humanly bear why would god allow more than paul could bear why would he not save him when paul had no physical or intellectual or emotional resources to bear why would god not spare him that trouble well he says right here god allows it to happen for this purpose that we should not trust in ourselves but in god who raises the dead paul was god's great ambassador for grace and he needed to learn that god's grace is sufficient that he had to trust in god's power to save him and you know that's the same lesson we need to learn today when we are crushed in our spirit when our burdens become unbearable it's not a lack of faith to admit it paul did but we go to god in prayer cast your burdens on him if you will remember that he loves you with an everlasting love and he says to us in the bible seek me with all of your heart because i have a plan for your life a plan to prosper you he will carry you he says in his everlasting arms yes god loves us beyond measure his grace is beyond measure and i ask today if you're feeling crushed in spirit allow god to lift you up allow him to fill your heart to overflowing with hope and that brings us to our second lesson hope in the greek hope means eager expectation so you can say that hope implies patient waiting that's lesson number two let's look at psalm 27 verses 13 and 14. and david writes i would have lost heart unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living in other words while i was still alive wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord waiting on the lord is eager expectation of what he's going to do in your life but who likes waiting you know i'm a fast person i walk fast i eat fast i learn fast i work twice as fast as most people my husband calls me his racehorse and boy i'll tell you we're on an elevator the door is open and i'm out the gate even if it's the wrong floor i am not fond of slowing down to wait are you time is generally thought of in terms of linear advancement but i have found myself for eight months in god's waiting room i expected after my i was recovering from two surgeries by the way two major back-to-back surgeries three months apart and what i found was my expectation was that after the first surgery i would return to work within six weeks but i found myself in this time warp it was an inescapable cycle of circling just going round and round waiting for a landing place it was almost as if i was waiting for life to reboot the problem with waiting is that waiting can cause anxiety-ridden thoughts and anxiety-ridden thoughts can breed impatience and you know what happens when we become impatient it can cause self-defeating actions just look at abraham and sarah and what i found in my own recovery is that i was guilty of trying to rush my recovery and all of my zealous efforts backfired and just slowed everything down facing my physical limitations to me was at first extremely devastating but god brought me to a place that can only be described as settled acceptance settled acceptance it was when i finally realized this is beyond my control there's nothing that i can do but god still has a plan for my life and i realized that if i would just give it to him surrender to him he would take the anxiety out of my heart and i would accept his timetable i told my husband think about an oyster shell when you have an oyster shell and it gets an irritant in it what happens over time it produces a pearl well i was learning to have the patience of an oyster and god was producing a new treasure inside of me what i also learned is that i focused on god's hidden blessings what i mean by that is i didn't focus on my lack or my inability but rather i began to focus on what goodness god had still given to me and what i could do and i found that prayers of thanksgiving helped to strengthen my heart banish discouragement and restore some joy now i don't want to make light of anyone that's suffering depression because thanksgiving is not a panacea for depression but it helps and by the way it is not a sin to be depressed jesus was in the garden of gethsemane are you in god's waiting room don't lose heart keep hope in your heart and remember hope implies patient waiting eager anticipation of what god will do he will strengthen your heart he will save you and he will increase your courage as you're going through this and you know one of the beautiful blessings of the time in the waiting room is as time passes the painfully sharp edges of our memory begin to get worn down and it brings relief lesson number three rebellion rips our lives to shreds rebellion rips our lives to shreds let's look at hosea 11 4 hosea 11 4 god says i drew them with gentle quartz with bands of love and i was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck i stooped and i fed them isn't this an endearing picture of our loving god he draws us with gentle cords to guide us to his path of life with bands of love he keeps us close to him and he removes satan's yoke of sin and then he gets down on such an intimate level to stoop and feed our souls i find that amazing you know in december of 2019 i had extensive spinal surgery and then this this was spinal surgery when i say extensive there were four lumbar discs l2 through l5 in one lumbosacral joint l5 and s1 and what happened is they gave me a spinal tap and they gave me a level of anesthesia to keep me paralyzed during the surgery because it was critical that i didn't move while the surgeon was wielding his knife to release my nerves after the infusion pump pumped me filled with this anesthetic the surgical team strapped me to a table very tightly and my arms were strapped completely above my head well what happened five hours got swallowed in the in the black hole of erased consciousness and you know i knew when i awoke i was going to be in pain because i had my first spinal fusions when i was only 19 i knew there would be severe pain but what surprised me besides my back is that i had this constant firing of lightning-like pain in my shoulder it caught me off guard it caught the medical team off guard and i had to do some serious whining for six days before they ordered an mri and the results of the mri showed that i had a totally torn rotator cuff and a shredded bicep how did that happen even though i was seemingly unconscious during my surgery my mind was very aware of the discomfort of being bound in a certain position and subconsciously i couldn't recognize that what was going on is that i was banded to this table for my own protection so what did i do my body resisted i strained against the restraints and i strained so hard that it tore the shoulder the rotator cuff it tore the bicep i had to have a shoulder replacement for this it was irreparable but there is a similar scenario that exists in the spiritual realm please listen to what i'm about to say rules without relationship result in rebellion rules without relationship result in rebellion humans tend to rebel against anything any rule that they perceive as restricting their freedom if they think it's just an arbitrary rule when you think about this how many religious rules are resented because they are not it isn't recognized the foundation of love upon which they are built how many over protective well-meaning but over-restrictive parents have mourned as they watch their children walk away from church and into the black hole of erased consciousness i want to tell you something you cannot beat somebody over the head with the fiddle to convince them how beautiful the music is we can't do that with god's word either if we don't have if we don't recognize and are conscious of god's love for us if we have an incomplete or incorrect understanding of god's character it causes us to perceive his commandments as restrictive and all too often we will restrain or our strain against his guidance and then our rebellion rips our lives to shreds god does have clearly defined boundaries for his path of life and his ten commandments serve as guard rails to keep us on that path that we can experience abundant life that we can be saved and avoid the enemy of our souls that we can avoid sin but let me tell you something god created us as creatures of free will we can either accept his love or we can reject him god does not intend he never intended his bands of love to restrain us against our will that wouldn't be love so what i encourage all of us is to understand how much god loves you and and to realize obedience isn't legalism obedience is love it's an expression of love and loyalty for god obedience is his pathway to blessing obedience is our highest expression of worship lesson number four this one really caught me off guard refusing help from others robs them of an opportunity to grow in christ let's look at ii peter 3 18. ii peter 3 18. peter writes grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ to him be the glory both now and forever amen you know what i learned at a very early age to be fiercely independent it was a matter of necessity and people often praised me for this trait that you know oh shella you're so good at handling things but what i didn't recognize is that it was in direct competition with god's plan of salvation by grace in fact it took an epiphany a holy spirit light bulb moment for me to understand that this was not god's plan it is something that here's how i'll put it self-reliance is nothing more than pride god took me in 2002 he took me on a journey through scripture as i tried to understand his plan of grace let me tell you what the bottom line is the bottom line of salvation by grace is total dependence upon god that's it grace eliminates all rights to self-glorification it's about being totally dependent upon him you know he taught me that his three greatest gifts of grace were jesus christ the holy spirit and the word now you think about those three great gifts and you understand the effects of grace here's the definition god gave me divine grace is the unearned undeserved undeserved gifts bestowed by a god of infinite love which provide these gifts provide his divine assistance and supernatural power and to salvation well if you've watched 3abn much you know i wrote a book called the grace pipeline i even had a program about this hey i thought i understood god's grace i spent a lot of time studying it but while i was in god's waiting room he gave me a lesson i will never forget i was lying in my hospital bed after the five hour surgery and nurse brooke walked into my room and she said shelley is there anything i can do to help you she came to my bedside and even though i was in excruciating pain in my usual manner i tried to help her it's hard for me to accept help from someone else i feel guilty and she looked at me and she said why do you do this why do you always try to help us please don't rob me of the joy of serving you that's why i'm here but the most amazing thing is when she said that the holy spirit impress something upon my mind i will never forget what he said to me is you are doing more than robbing her of her joy you are robbing her of the opportunity to express god's love therefore you are robbing her of the opportunity to become a little more like christ what have you ever thought about that that refusing someone's help you are actually robbing them of an opportunity to become like god it's amazing that day i realized i was guilty of interrupting god's plan in developing self-sacrificing loving others i i was speechless actually but what i've come to understand is this i knew vertical grace i understood the grace that came from god to man but i didn't understand horizontal grace the grace that comes from god through others to us and god's grace the fabric of grace is woven with both vertical gifts straight from his hand and horizontal gifts coming from others are you allowing him to weave that blanket of love in your life lesson number five this one was amazing it's time to get real it is time to rip off the mask of verbal camouflage let's look at psalm 34 13. psalm 34 13 says this keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit when i was in the hospital for a week out five days and had to go back in a second time because i woke up and couldn't walk couldn't move my legs at all so the therapist who had worked with me before the first week i was in the hospital came to see me the second day after i had been readmitted he tried to get me up out of my bed and i strained to even move my leg an inch or two i had had some complications with nerve damage in my groins so i slumped back down to my bed and just as i did a charge nurse popped her head into the into my room and she said just checking on how you're doing and i said great how was your son's game last night well after we had a brief exchange i turned back to the to the therapist and he was sitting there on the ledge a window ledge just shaking his head and he said shelley you are your own worst enemy and i said what do you mean and he said i know you well enough now to know that when your pain is really intense he said you just breathe in short gasps like a woman in labor and he said perspiration beads will pop out on your forehead and he said yet when you're like this you still try to gloss it over with a cheery word and he said let me tell you something sis he said medical personnel are not trained to to read between the lines we're trying to go by people's facial expressions well he was right i was in excruciating pain and i'm just a grin and barrett kind of gal i don't want to be perceived as a whiner i want to uh have people to see me as a happy christian so sometimes i'm asked the truth with a smile and i use verbal camouflage to hide my brokenness have you ever used this technique of deflection let me ask you have you ever arrived at church and your heart is broken you get out of the car walk in and someone says how are you and you say oh i'm great happy sabbath and then at the end of the sermon you walk out just as devastated as when you walked in and nobody knew nobody had the opportunity to pray for you or perhaps maybe somebody has cut you off with a a bad remark making a joke at your expense and you laughed it off but you never confronted the abuser in private or maybe one of your loved ones a husband a wife a child has said is everything okay and you in your frustration just say yes i'm fine let me tell you something people are not mind readers our words define us if we hide ourselves before behind a mask this verbal camouflage we become invisible our feelings are invisible but if we express ourself openly and honestly then suddenly people know we are visible and then things can actually change sadly some people put a wall up around their pain and when they do nobody knows what's going on behind the wall but these poor people think nobody really cares verbal camouflage is deceitful now i get it we don't want to just wear our feelings on our sleeves we don't want to when somebody makes the casual comment how are you today oh we don't want to spill the beans and i'm not asking you to but what i am asking you to do is not to be deceitful if you're not doing well and somebody says how are you just say i'll get better or well i'm blessed no matter what or i am looking forward to something that god is going to do now if somebody is unknown to you if they're a stranger on a bus that's enough you say i'm trusting the lord maybe that's enough or if it's someone at church who's just too busy to stop and and for discovery they they'll go on you don't have to go into all the details but when you answer in an honest way if you say i'll get better and someone looks at you and says tell me about it then you'll know that god just gave you a defined appointment god has given someone to you to help you beyond where you are and to comfort you so let's rip off the mask and get real all right lesson number six grieving differs from self-pity grieving differs from self-pity grieving a grieving heart actually looks for and craves compassion psalm 34 and verse 18. oh i love this psalm i love this verse psalm 34 and verse 18 says the lord is near to those who have a broken heart and he saves such as have a contrite spirit when your heart is hurting go to god go to god and humbly ask for his help he is will be your source of strength and courage and comfort and hope you can go to god knowing that he is especially close to those who are broken-hearted and that word contrite which says the con he's saved such as have a contrite spirit in the hebrew you know what that word means it means crushed to a powder when when we have a contrite spirit it's when we are absolutely crushed to dust and you know what god is close to you when you feel like that some of his greatest miracles have been with dust let me tell you about my mama because then you'll understand how i came to learn that grieving's different than self-pity when i was growing up my mama didn't tolerate whining let me tell you if i woke up cranky as little girl she'd say you got up on the wrong side of the bed go back to bed and she'd make me go get back in bed and spring up from the other side now it's interesting how the psychology of that it was never a feudal exercise because i would always emerge from my room and i'd be in an upbeat mood so she planted seeds of cheerfulness in my heart becoming a christian harvested that attitude because i really believe when we recognize the love of god and and all that he's done for us that we can't help but be cheerful christians should have a cheerful face well what happened was that my during my experience i just have to tell you that i didn't always feel that cheery you know i heard jd say after 33 years of marriage he was talking to a friend and he said ah the best thing about being married to shelly is she goes to bed happy every night and she wakes up happy every morning well the pressure was on i had a reputation that now i had to protect but when i was in the hospital in december i was in the hospital 14 out of 19 days and i can say that i went through it with a sunny disposition but inside my heart i was screaming it was horrific truly so what happened is after i got out of the hospital we were in our room and one of my therapists came and when she came for physical therapy jd my husband decided that he was going to make a pharmacy run while she was there well i felt really relieved when he left because i thought thank goodness i don't have to try to protect my reputation of cheerfulness so i looked at her and i just said hey i gotta warn you becky and i i confess i was smiling a little forced note of cheerfulness i said i gotta warn you i know that self-pity is straight from the pits of hell but today i'm feeling a little sorry for myself with the voice of an angel in a gentle tone she said no you're not shelley you're grieving you are grieving the loss of your independence the loss of your dignity and the loss of your identity for now wow here i was i couldn't get in and out of bed by myself couldn't dress myself i couldn't use my dominant arm my right arm was was useless i couldn't open a bottle of water by myself and i felt so helpless and she was right i was engulfed in grief and it was okay to admit that it's so amazing to me when we think that grieving differs from self-pity you know i don't like to be pitied but i found myself just craving understanding i crave the compassion that some people offered me and i just want to encourage you right now if you are grieving if internally your spirit is crushed know that god understands your struggles he is near to those who are broken-hearted he will save those who are crushed in spirit come to him with a humble heart and he will fill your heart with hope he will send the compassionate comforter the holy spirit like a father pities a child so the lord will pity you and he will save you all right lesson seven lesson seven is this when our prayer life is pinned to the mat we need stretcher bearers luke 5 18 and 19 says this luke 5 18 and 19. some men came to jesus carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat they tried to take him inside to jesus but they couldn't reach him because of the crowd so what did they do they went up to the roof they took off some tiles then they lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd right in front of jesus wow i just love this story because what we're seeing is four men who were the stretcher bearers for his friend and they had to make a great effort to get him to jesus you know in certain circles i'm considered a prayer warrior somebody who knows how to press into god's presence to usher others before his throne of grace and and i can honestly say i god has taught me so much about returning his word to him the promises from the bible knowing that his word will not return void and it's a precious thing to pray with others or to pray for others and i know in my 18 years here at three abn i god has given me the opportunity to pray for and with so many people i've lost count but i have to tell you honestly what happened to me when we came in today one of the cameramen asked me he said shelly i just got to know during this time did your prayer life really increase and i said well i'm going to talk about it so you'll hear during this recent predicament when i was in such mind-numbing pain and it was so constant i could strangely pray for others but not for myself really it was just there was like a brain fog over me and i thought what's wrong with me lord why can't i keep my mind focused on you for more than a minute at a time i had the attention span of a hummingbird and i thought why aren't my eyes of faith focusing on myself i kept a running chatter with him all day long i mean i would talk to god off and on all day long but i thought was his chatter really prayer i recited a lot of my blessings things that i was thankful for particularly that he was carrying me in his everlasting arms but i just couldn't get focused in on the lord i couldn't press into his presence like normal i was suffering a kind of prayer paralysis and i learned to identify with the paralytic who needed people he needed his friends to carry him to the feet of jesus i needed stretcher bears i needed people who would pray for me and i thank god and i want to thank you i've had so many emails and cards and phone calls and letters thank you if you were one of those who were praying for me i know we didn't make a public announcement i didn't want to make a big deal of this but i am so glad for those who interceded for me in prayer who acted as my stretcher bears to get me to the feet of the lord i will say this we human beings are an interesting lot you know we think our experience is so unique to us we don't always want to share what's going on especially if it's what we feel is a spiritual shortcoming we're afraid somebody's going to judge us or think less of us and it took me a little while i i didn't even talk to jd about my prayer paralysis but i was talking with two friends who had also been through major surgery and i told him hey i just can't pray for myself and they both said yeah me either and they were both strong christians and i said really and so it's something and i was just talking with someone yesterday who's in the hospital with cancer and a terrible diagnosis and i was sharing some of these thoughts with her and she's a missionary she's a strong christian and she said oh shelly i'm the same way you know our need is great but we've got great difficulty great difficulty taking it before the lord but even so i still felt a little bit hypocritical a little bit guilty because here am i somebody who's written a book on prayer and i'm having such difficulty praying for myself but then god in his infinite kindness and compassion had someone at work send me this quote i want to read it to you because this quote brought my heart so much relief let's look at it it comes it's an ellen g white quote from ministry of healing page 251 paragraph 5 and she says often your mind may be clouded because of pain then do not try to think you know that jesus loves you he understands your weakness you may do his will by simply resting in his arms oh i cannot tell you what comfort those words brought jesus understood my weakness he understood that the attitude of my heart when i was sighing and moaning and groaning he understood that this was an attitude of prayer even though i couldn't express my thoughts and words to him so what did i do i took her advice i rested oh that is such a beautiful thing to remember how much god loves us and to rest just to rest in his arm not to get into this pro-forma religion where i've got to be praying i've got to be reading let me tell you something back-to-back surgeries back-to-back anesthesia wow your brain is in a fog but i know that my pain is no worse than so many out here who've lost a loved one to covet or have lost their finances and sometimes your brain is in such a fog you're in so much emotional pain that you can't pray just remember how much he loves you and he demonstrated that love by becoming coming down and out of heaven our god became a man and he died for us what love so what i recommend that you do if like me you find yourself in this place is rest rest and thank god for stretcher bears thank god for those who are praying for you because you've told them you need prayer they can't pray for you if you don't know so tell them i need your prayer don't be ashamed to talk about your own spiritual weakness let me tell you something i don't care who it is i don't care if it is a pastor an evangelist that you've seen on tv for 30 years everybody goes through the same thing every one of us is human we all have our mountaintop experiences with god and we all have our valley experiences with god psalm 27 verse 14 it says this psalm 27 verse 14 wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord when we are waiting on the lord it is with hope in our heart and what is hope eager expectation you can count on god when when he has given us a promise in the bible you can count on god bringing that about we've got to have faith that he will without faith we cannot please him we've got to remember that first john 5 10-12 says that if we don't believe in god's promises we're regarding him as a liar but when you're waiting on the lord it's not just sitting back and doing nothing you can spend time in the word reading his promises we're just saying lord move on my behalf i love isaiah 40 31. isaiah 40 31 says this those who wait on the lord will renew their strength they will melt up on wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint are you in god's waiting room i want to encourage you to yield to his sovereign timing i want to encourage you to cast all of your burdens on him for he cares for you he loves you if you will keep your mind focused on him trusting in him he promises isaiah 26 3 that he will give you perfect peace he will bless you with strength in the midst of your trials truly he will if you trust in the lord leaning not on your own understanding but leaning on what his word says hope will build up in your heart and the god of hope will cause your heart to bubble over with joy those who trust in the lord have unlimited strength or an unlimited source of strength and he will give you grace to meet the day i encourage you today wait on the lord be of good courage now we're going to hear from our dear pastor ryan day and tim parton will be accompanying him on the piano with this beautiful song [Music] when peace [Music] see [Music] thou hast taught it is [Music] with my soul it is [Music] and lord haste the day when my faith shall be shy [Music] [Applause] [Music] eyes shall sound and the lord shall descend [Music] [Applause] my soul [Music] with my soul [Music] is my soul amen oh i am so glad that you were with us today and i just want to take a minute since we have a couple of minutes to read something and just briefly recap what we talked about lamentations 3 24-26 says the lord is my portion says my soul therefore i will hope in him the lord is good to those who wait for him to the soul who seeks him it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the lord if you're in god's waiting room today i'm sorry my heart is filled with compassion for you but know that there's going to be an end to this trial god will bring you through this fiery trial he'll carry you through bring you out on the other side not smelling like smoke remember that it's not a lack of faith to admit that your burden is crushing you paul did some are just unbearable and remember to hope in the lord you can have eager expectation god will fulfill all of his promises and his word remember don't strain against the restraints the bands of love that god has put there for your well-being remember that he is wooing you even now can you sense his wooing with cords of loving-kindness our god is calling you [Music] please learn to accept god's gifts from others don't rob them of an opportunity to grow in self-sacrificing love [Music] rip the mask of verbal camouflage off come before the lord he already knows but share with someone who will be your stretch or bear and please remember grieving is different than self-pity grieving requires a craves compassion god will be there for you but i want to encourage you if you know someone in god's waiting room if you know someone who's going through a difficult time you be the one who is going to offer god's grace to them thank you so much for joining us today you know we love you we do we pray for you all the time you're our family but always remember this nobody nobody can love you more than god oh please accept his love allow him to love you don't reject your creator and the one who has an inheritance saved for you in heaven god bless you now and always [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 20,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Worship Hour, Shelley Quinn, Sermon, church, bible, jesus, god, pain, burden, stress, anxiety, anguish
Id: VDRkKVzbnjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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