Lesson 1 The Gospel from Patmos

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God I'm excited today as we begin a brand new series on the book of Revelation our first topic the gospel from Patmos and I know this is going to be a life-changing series so I'm really glad you joined us and welcome to the team you look ready to study the Word of God and we're excited you know as we realize we've got hope Sabbath school members in how many countries around the world we know a hundred and fifty because you're using our hope service school app but maybe there are more and what was delighted to hear from you you can write to us at SS hope at hope TV org and when you do we share it with the entire team and what do you do when you read those notes you praise God and here's just a few one from Monique thank you for writing to us from South Africa she said I can't wait to watch Hope Sabbath school together with my 9 year old I'm a single mother of four and here in South Africa we are very scared we have evil strikes riots and hatred between people but once a week I see the shining faces and the love of Jesus shining through you on the Hope sabbath-school team amen praise God that's what heaven is going to be like and the earth made new where righteousness dwells but we're praying that you would see the love of Jesus she says it makes me feel a little more at ease even though we're far away we know that we have family praying for us please remember us in your prayers well Monique thanks for writing to us from South Africa these are troubled times around the world and I'm just so thankful that you're finding peace for you and your children through Jesus here's a note from penny in New Brunswick Canada and actually penny sent me a picture she said I just want to say thank you for sharing the Word of God it's a blessing to me and gives me a better and deeper understanding of the study as I'm leaning a study at my local church but notice on the picture my mother Julia who's a hundred and one years old watches hope Sabbath school on her tablet and we look forward to studying with you every week amen so 101 years old that that I think we had one other person who was a hundred and one that may be a record Julia we're glad you're part of our Hope Service Co family too as well as your daughter penny God richly blesses all praise to him we thank each one of you for sharing his word well thank you penny for writing and thank you Julia for watching high-tech grandma right glad we can all be part of Hope Service school together Andy writes from the island of Penang in Malaysia he's written to us before actually you may remember Andy writing uh been greatly blessed by hope Sabbath school I'd love to see the Sabbath school class I teach here in Penang looked like hope Sabbath school the discussions are lively and unrehearsed yet everybody contributes something not just reading a Bible verse I study the Bible every day in the morning to start off my day that's awesome right his words are lamp to our feet and I draw principles from God's Word thank you for reading this email well Andy thanks for writing to us from the island of Penang in Malaysia and you've got a study group there please give our greetings to them we're glad you're part of our hopes Abba school family here's a note from a donor in Hawaii and you know I don't read their names I don't want to parade a person but I want to say thank you to you because hope Sabbath school is a donor supported ministry and and we're partnering together aren't we this stone of rights it says thank you for hope Sabbath school and those behind the scenes for all of your efforts so that's our media team here that's our coordinators the people that make lunch for us when we film all day the people behind the teams you are providing a blessed ministry for all of us around the world we're writing to you from Hawaii where we lived for many years to let you know we will be sending a contribution of 450 dollars online tomorrow to support your ministry well you can go to hope TV org slash donate and you can give a discrete secure donation but it's going to bless lives all around the world I want to thank this family and Hawaii we'd all like to come and visit you right what a beautiful island and they're serving God there thank you for your support one last note from Marilyn in Georgia in the United States of America we get someone on our team who lives in Georgia Hope Sabbath school is a wonderful blessing keep up the good work many times I wish I could interrupt and say something you see it's not just interactive for us right that's probably the result of teaching the Bible myself for many years my husband and I started watching Hope Sabbath school so many years ago I don't remember he's passed away five and a half years ago but I'm continuing to study the Word of God amen thank you God bless you all well Marilyn we're looking forward to the day when the dead in Christ will rise when God will make all things new and God will gather all of his children including your precious husband that will be a joyful day we want it that's really part of the theme of the book of Revelation the end of all things and and the entering of a new heavens and a new earth Christ is coming back in glory so I just want to pray together that as we study that he'll bless us but I think we've got a song first don't we yes we've got a song from the book of Revelation take him from Revelation 1 verses 17 and 18 it is the words of Jesus himself he says do not be afraid I am the first and the last I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore you can download the song the sheet music from our website hope TV org slash hope SS and you can learn it sing it with us we're going to sing it right now do not be afraid I am the first and the last I am and you man is I am the Alpha and the Omega of the game and the end [Music] the Omega the beginning God Almighty Almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am beginning and who is to come I am Bo the beginning and the end to me Almighty my team my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know what the word are men means right let it be so oh man I'm I'm just looking forward to the day what we can hear Jesus sing that you know those are the words of Jesus if you have a red-letter addition we're beginning an amazing journey in the book of Revelation today the Gospel of Padma from Patmos let's pray that the Spirit of Jesus would speak to our hearts and life-changing ways Father in Heaven it's it's a great blessing even to sing those words of Jesus the first the last the one who is and was and is to come the Almighty we're wanting to learn more about Jesus in this series from the book of Revelation not just to know about him but to know him as our personal Savior and Lord and soon coming King so guide in our study each hope Sabbath school member around the world we pray in the name of Jesus amen go to the book of Revelation chapter 1 we're going to start in verse 3 and Britany I'd like to ask you to start it's I don't know of many places in the Bible where it gives a promise like this at the beginning of a book we'd say this would be true in all of them but what is the author of the book of Revelation say in Revelation 1 verse 3 I'll be reading from the New King James Version revelation 1 verse 3 blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near so who's blessed everyone is blessed now when it means the one who reads we would assume that not everyone in that first century culture as the scripture was passed around knew how to read right yeah and so they would listen as someone else who was able to read would read the scripture blessed is the one who does the reading and the one who everybody is going to be blessed if we hear and do what they see did you notice if we do what it says ah okay so simply here I mean the demons here and they tremble right but if we hear and keep the words of the book we're going to be blessed there's one other scripture that reminds me of the promises that scripture is going to bring blessing to us it's written by Paul and 2nd Timothy Gary I wonder if you could find that passage for us in 2nd Timothy 3 verses 16 and 17 because you will talk about what kind of blessings might come and let's see what this scripture says okay and I'll be reading from the New King James Version 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16 and 17 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work so if we take some principles from there what are what are some blessings that might come as you hear the words of the book of Revelation you'll understand what the truth is okay doctoral means teaching of Scripture right so you you're not going to be led astray doesn't it say somewhere by every wind of doctrine yeah right so you're going to know what the truth of God's Word is what else Gary it may equip you to share that truth that the man a woman of God might be thoroughly equipped and you're saying one of the most important good works is to share that with someone else Canada and it will instruct you into righteousness instruct you into righteousness so it's going to teach you how to live back to what Daisy said not just here but think about do Harold I like the perfect correction because we are falling beings we're like sinful so it just puts us back on track in fact we're gonna go as we go it to study about the messages to the seven churches there's some areas of saying God's blessing but you're out of line here right Lisa being complete be complete that's amazing isn't it so there's a tremendous number of blessings and as the believers began here or reading this revelation of Jesus Christ which blessing do you think was most on their minds you see we don't know but probably all of the above it fits multiple-choice right we're gonna need instruction it rises us we're gonna need reproof for correction we're gonna need sound doctrine we're gonna need to be equipped so there's a lot of blessings that come as we begin our study so let's go back to verses 1 & 2 and Kenneth if you could read the first two verses verse 3 will say keep listening keep reading you'll be blessed but let's read verses 1 & 2 I'll be reading from the New King James Version Revelation chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place and he sent and signified it by his angel to his 7 John who bore witness to the Word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ to all things that he saw so this question is a little more complicated and one-word answer but who wrote the book of Revelation you're chuckling but Lisa I like how it says that he sent and signified so this is Jesus's letter to the churches but John is is you know transcribing what Christ has shown him and what he has seen in what is going to take transcribing is an interesting word because much of Scripture they see a vision and they put it in their own words and they kind of struggle right yeah when you're trying to describe for example the New Jerusalem it's like but there were some times that specific words of Jesus were spoken there we might use the verb to transcribe or to actually write down what Jesus said but so you'd say the author of the book is Jesus Jesus through John John John okay that make sense and we might include because all Scripture is given by that also the Holy Spirit is energizing John's mind you with me so there's something very wonderful going on as the message is being conveyed now Bible students Daisy have had a discussion of when it says the revelation of Jesus Christ if it's the revelation of that is by Jesus or the revelation of about Jesus it which one do you think it is is it the revelation by Jesus or the revelation about Jesus that's both we're back to multiple choice Kenneth is that what you were going to say it's both isn't it yeah Jesus is giving a revelation so it's the revelation by Jesus Christ but it's also the revelation about him Jesus is at the center now why is that important Travis as we go into this book we're gonna see it has all kinds of symbols and some pretty challenging passages to remember that this book is all from Jesus about Jesus because Jesus needs to be the center of everything and I think people over the years has not been scared because and even my Luther himself said this shouldn't even be in the Canon because Jesus isn't in the center and then eight years later he says it's all about Jesus this should for surely be in the Canon and so Jesus has got to be the center of everything so that's important if we start looking at the seven last plagues or any part of the story good whoa then we've got to see how how does having Jesus at the center help us to really understand what's being said here I just wanted also comment about how the book of Revelation was also important to study because a lot of people think is the weirdest you know it's it's strange or scary and so they stay away from it but if you're a believer of Christ and you're follow of Christ this is something that's important and it's stated in that verse the first three verses that you know it's important is from Jesus and it's about Jesus and anyone who reads and listens is blessed so it's really important that we study reads and listens and because that reminds me of the Sermon on the Mount what Jesus remember he said those who hear my words and do you do them are like a wise man a wise woman who built away and who's the rock you know if you're not sure the answer is Jesus okay right yeah build on Jesus and well there's some things we may come to there that are a little challenging for us why do you think Laurel and feel free rest of the group why do you think this is an important study now we're studying it now at this time in Earth's history because this is about talking about the future was given the past but we're thinking about how this could happen at any time we do not know the day or the hour and we see signs going on in our country around the world with disasters and so this is to encourage us as well as give a warning okay so you'd say it's a we have a word in English a timely message it's like it's on time yeah for us today Gary yeah just a piggyback off of what Laurel saying I mean verse three ends for the time is near and that was back when John wrote it yes and how much nearer are we today in fact the scripture says that that the night is far spent and the day is almost here right it's nearer than when we first believed right so there's this sense of urgency which will actually hear in some of the messages right by the way this is good because we want to be interacting with each other Tricia Lee I think it gives us hope and it's nice to know how the story ends yes or ends well for all of us that we know even now we're experiencing a lot of difficult times personally but there's hope because we know Jesus is coming back and he paints that picture for us and so we get to look forward and see the symbols and read the prophecies with with expectation with excitement because we know that the story ends well for us beautiful beautiful kennet jesus warned us about deceptions in the last days and I think even a book so that we will be able to know the deceptions and stick to the truth so about come today as to why he gives us some of these warnings he wants us to be ready well we're gonna we got lots of hands still race we're gonna move on if we can after your comment Daisy I like the fact that the Bible tells us that God does not do things without first letting us know what he's about to do and the book of Revelation is a good example of letting us know what is about to happen before it happens and that's a perfect sequel to our next point in our study so let's go back to verse 1 of Revelation chapter 1 and I'm gonna ask Jason I know it's just a short verse there but it gives the title of the book the revelation of Jesus Christ and then what does John tell us I'll be reading from the New King James Version Revelation chapter 1 verse 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place and he sent and signified it by his angel to his servant John so some benefits let's look at a couple of verses that give us some clues can its been referring back to the teachings of Jesus let's look at a couple of places give us some clues why being warned about what is going to happen can be helpful for us John 14 and verse 29 Harold if you could read that for us and then John 16 glados if you could read the first four verses of John 16 so someone might say don't tell me about bad things that are going to happen right I don't want to know well let's see what the Word of God says John 14 verse 29 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it reads and now I have told you before it comes that when it does come to pass you may believe so this isn't really talking about preparation that we would say preparation is important but simply when it happens what you believe what what Jesus says in fact more than just what Jesus said it's true but but what not only what he said but you will believe in him that's right because he's the Center he's the savior he's the soon coming King and he will say when this happens then you'll remember and believe not just what I said but who I am that make sense amen all right Harold and I'm Billy the reason being is that we are very forgetful so whenever we're reminded by the Holy Spirit like remember Jesus told you this and we see happen oh yes my faith is renewed I believe that's a great thing right and and I just come back it's not just oh that's right that information was given but I believe in Jesus right talked about that even in his prophecy in Matthew 24 alright John 16 glados verses one through four we're talking about the benefit of knowing what's going to happen even if it's going to be something difficult yes I'm reading from the New King James Version John chapter 16 verses one through four these things I have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble that will put you out of the synagogues yes the time is coming the whoever kills you will think that he offers God's service and these things they will do to you because they have not known the father nor me but these things I have told you that when the time comes you may remember that I told you of them and these things I did not say to you at the beginning because I was with you so I'm not going to tell you everything now but but but at the right time I'll tell you and apparently revelation the book of Revelation which is written what several decades after the writing of the Gospels toward the end of the first century it's like I need to tell you some things that are going to happen right so that when they happen do you think it's also important that we should prepare what do you think certainly that we believe in him what do you think's to me so if I know for example I'm going to stand before the Sanhedrin or I'm gonna stand before a council maybe if I don't live in a part of the world where there's a SAN abran right I'm gonna have to give my testimony for the hope that's in me preparation well preparation would be studying the Word of God and and contained in the Word of God is is that what it tells you that it's going to happen and so yeah equipped and you know what to expect and more than that the Holy Spirit even if you know does equip you to deliver so you're telling me not just studying the thing that tells me what's going to happen but studying the whole scripture right so that the Holy Spirit can help me in my time of need Jason and it's not just a physical preparation it's also a mental and spiritual so you can be print physical it visible - yes it lets your heart we've prepared so that way when you go into it you don't have to be afraid you can be at peace because Jesus has said this is gonna happen you're fulfilling his plan or what he would he said so why would anybody I love this discussion kind of wired here that's great why would anybody ignore a warning message that comes from God Gary well there may be several answers to that question yeah yeah why would someone ignore that if a loving God is giving counsel instruction sound doctrine equipping correction maybe they don't have a relationship they may think they do but they don't I mean when we looked at John 16 it verse 3 says and these things they will do to you because they have not known the father and they're doing in the name of God right they have an idea that they think they know but they really don't so that might be one reason is that they don't have that connection Lisa I think every time I have to go somewhere after pack a bag not everything can go in there and so when Christ is preparing us for the end there are certain things that just can't be part of our lives anymore we have to streamline and you know hunker down and get ready and some people aren't willing to make sacrifices and how they live or the decisions that they know they'd like to maybe maybe go to church once or twice a year or even once a week for a little while but but not affect their whole lives is it possible another some people disregard or now that's not the right verb ignore a warning message is because they don't know yeah is that because you told me at the beginning what day even some Bible teachers say about the book of Revelation just leave it alone right that's it just it's not I'm not not understandable right you can also be scary I mean there are parts of Revelation that are frightening if you don't understand that it's for your own benefit and so it just depends on I guess least one gary said basically a relationship and either take the warning as bad news or you take the warning as thank God for letting me know so that I can through his power be prepared we need in Hope Sabbath school to tell them the truth but we need to tell them it's all about Jesus yeah and Jesus loves us and he wants us old to not only pass through those trials but to be ready for his glorious appearing right so we're gonna move on to the greeting and Daisy I'm gonna ask you to read that for us in verses 4 through 6 the opening greeting and then let's talk about that I don't know how people greet you when you see them on the look at this greeting and see what lessons we can learn I'll be reading from the New Living Translation this letter is from John to the seven churches and the province of Asia Grace and peace to you from the one who is who always was and who is still to come from the Sevenfold Spirit before his throne and from Jesus Christ he is the faithful witness to these things the first to rise from the dead and the ruler of all the kings of the world all glory to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us he has made us a kingdom of priests for God his father all glory and power to him forever and ever amen how do you describe that greeting what do you think Jason well that's like the whole goth it's like oh it's not like what's up it's like the whole no message that's integrating anybody else what impacted you in just a few words really GLaDOS I like that it gives like the authority this is no authority no he is from Jesus like in verse five says it's from Jesus Christ the faithful witness so it's like giving authority to what he's going to say afterwards mm-hmm go to second Corinthians if you would sue me so maybe you could read for a second Corinthians one and verse one that's the first verse of the Epistle and then go to chapter 13 verse 14 that's the last verse of the Epistle again the book of Revelation given by Jesus to his servant to O gone right John but we're gonna look at Corinthians and you're right Gary Corinthians is a letter by the Apostle Paul to me so could you read 2nd Corinthians 1 verses 1 and 2 we find some similar wording to what Jesus is saying and John is saying in the greeting in Revelation reading from the New King James Version it says Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus Christ by the will of god and timothy our brother to the church of god which is in corinth with all the saints who are in a care grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and stay right there if you would sue me sue in second Corinthians but go to chapter 13 that's a very end of the letter so it begins by identifying himself and then saying grace and peace right now look if you would to me so verse 14 of chapter 13 and second Corinthians the the end of the Epistle verse 14 says the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all now that's not a greeting that's a farewell but how does that compare to the kind of greetings we get today what's the most common greeting someone gives you how are you doing by the way that you never answer have you walked along too how are you doing and you go how are you doing nobody ever answers the question right or there's this kind of a slang expression in America where I'm living what's up what's up you know tried to do that in closed captioning right well what how would you react Trisha Elliott if someone came up to you and said grace of peace do you truthfully from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Wow it's not typically what we'd expect right and and yet I think as gary said though no was it Gary or Jason said the whole gospel was contained Jason right in that one greeting Gladys yes I have a friend that he that's what his greeting is always grace and peace to you and it is very odd to hear that nowadays because like you said when people ask you how are you they're really not intending to hear an answer but the gospel is just reach in that greeting grace of peace to use it's just beautiful yeah and we don't have to use 400 year old language you know like in the days of thy youth but it's biblical language is that grace is very much of a New Testament word and and Shalom or peace is very much of a boat ESMA Hebrew word it's like it's like the whole thing right grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Daisy I was looking at the ending and like we said it's not common for people to do that but I did meet a friend one time and whenever we're parting company he'll be like God be with you or even in our local language and the tree died like a saying I mean come home which means God be with you and to me it was very encouraging that you're parting ways you don't know when you're gonna meet again but if you say God be with you it's so encouraging so it's beautiful to me well maybe you it's by the way that language is spoken in Ghana yes say that again nah man cow I'm gonna get emails from God God be with you god be with you you know maybe we could learn some simple things that can be put into practice in our lives you know thank you God be with you person goes Wow thank you starts crying I need that right that may be a witness right there so even in the greeting we're finding some instruction how to live I want to go back to verse 1 you say Derek this is going to take a long time if we keep going back to verse 1 but there was a key word there in verse 1 because in the book of Revelation we find symbols mm-hmm right Laurel could you read for us again this is verse 1 again of Revelation all right I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible revelation 1:1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show to his bond servants the things which must soon take place and he sent and communicated it by his angels to his bond servant John so your translation which was the new American yes says he sent and communicated does anyone have another translation of that word Brittany besides communicated my Bible in the New King James Version says signifies signified anybody have another word besides signal communicated and signified don't sound exactly the same do they in fact the verb there signified has the idea of showing by symbolic signs signified now in the Hebrew text we find a similar idea in the Book of Daniel someone go back to Daniel chapter 2 and verse 45 now the he the Book of Daniel was written in two languages this is deeper Bible study but the primary language of the Book of Daniel was Hebrew but then a section of it was in Aramaic that's right but in the Hebrew translation into Greek called the Septuagint the Septuagint have you heard that that's the Greek Old Testament the same word signified is used in Daniel 2 and verse 45 so Gary do you have it there Daniel there's 40 bucks are you with me I know the language is Hebrew there but in the Greek translation of that text they use the same verb that we find in Revelation what does it say ok I'll be reading Daniel 2 verse 45 from the New King James Version and as much as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it broke in pieces the iron the bronze the clay the silver and the gold the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this the dream is certain and its interpretation is sure so actually again here my translation made known is the same idea of signified or showed in science now Britney this rock that strikes the image is not a rock right this rock in the dream is a symbol of what Jesus he is the rock of our salvation right and if we accept him we're broken but saved by His grace if we don't we were crushed according to the scripture God doesn't want that is they don't be crushed be broken except my grace so that's the rock and and then the head of gold doesn't represent a head it represents a kingdom that's right in the breast and arms of silver and the belly of brass and the legs of some of you been studying Daniel right and the feet of weight and and so this is a picture of the kingdoms of the world and Christ is going to finally come and and not wanting to destroy people but but destroy this Hugh then construction and bring in heavens new heavens new earth in fact it says the rock will fill the whole earth right so there are symbols and signs and and John tells us from Jesus himself that he's going to use symbolic signs in the book so let's look at one example in Revelation chapter 13 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 2 and he hasn't read for us recently Travis could you read revelation 13 and verse 2 in fact we've got several symbols in this text and I'll be reading from the New King James Version Revelation chapter 13 verse 2 now the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power his throne and great Authority so there reminds us of some of the beasts in the Book of Daniel right but then it speaks about a dragon who gives what authority to this now the Beast again is put on an animal it's a key power effect it's a political and religious power and the dragon does help me someone then how do I know the dragon you some people say this is just a myth that's like dragons and then they'll add fairies and you know and they'll just make it like this just some kind of no no the book of Revelation Gary tells us that well it interprets itself yes yeah that's a good principle of Bible study isn't it yeah yeah so in revelation 12 verse 9 could we look at that together Revelation chapter 12 what translation do I'll be reading from the New King James Mookie James Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 great principle of Bible study is let the Bible interpret itself what does it say about this dragon so it says so the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him so we're gonna be reading him setting about that later right but the dragon is the devil and it gives him another name yeah old serpent which is another sign or symbol of Genesis so if we start seeing these pants we say oh this is the same adversary once called Lucifer the covering angel right who rebels against God and now he's the dragon he's like a dragon giving power to the Beast yeah so we as we study the book of Revelation we're gonna get more acquainted with these signs though Tracy Lee got a question for you what if I get really stressed out because I don't understand what all of these symbols mean you know things that look like helicopters and they've got the terrible stings and like Trisha Lee I don't understand all of these symbols what are we gonna do with that well pray I think that when we come to the Word of God we should always come to it asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance and instruction and I think if there are times where we don't understand something we shouldn't just stop there keep reading keep looking for time to remind you see that symbol someplace else but even if we come to a put where we still can't understand that I don't think we should just turn away from it we can seek instruction for maybe other scholars other godly people but just keep praying and asking God that in his time that he'll reveal it to us and teach us what we really need to know because sometimes what God is trying to impress on our hearts right now might be a different message for each of us and in time we'll get the full understanding but he might be wanting us to focus on something specific that will help instruct us in what we need for that time in our moment you know earlier in our study we said when it happens then you would believe he says it's also possible when it happens the Spirit of God might say that's what is talking about in Chapter yeah right yeah you said I thought they were helicopters right I don't know there may be some but but again I'm speaking to our family around the world here if you if you find yourself trouble because you don't understand it all a peace and assurance comes through Jesus but not through understanding everything but we can keep studying we're not the only ones I mean there are examples of Dan you know he didn't understand things up and pray oh it didn't say his strength left him yeah yes it's like I feel dizzy I don't understand all of this and also in the New Testament Peter honey had a vision he couldn't comprehend what it meant they meant so to prayer and then God sent someone his way he was able to get a full picture of what God was trying to communicate great illustration where Peter has the vision of all of those animals and reptiles and he though those that's obviously symbolic too isn't it so he didn't understand what it meant anyone else want to comment as we move on to me so think about the eunuch as well when Philip came to him he did not understand what hey studying yeah because it was kind of speaking about like a lamb and where Shearer's is silent so this one opened not his mouth and this Ethiopian official is reading from Isaiah the prophet what we call chapter 53 they didn't have chapters back then but he's looking through the scroll and he gets to then is like I don't know what that means but God gives him an understanding so we shouldn't give up right in fact that's why we've got this series on the book of Revelation and I wanted to comment on that that is very inspiring because he was reading and the Bible say the Spirit of God sent the disciple yes his way yes so that means that so long as we keep reading God will send someone to help us with understanding so that that's there's lots of stories that that's in Acts chapter 8 where he's and the other one with Peter is what that's actually up to ten and eleven so you've been reading your Bible that's a good thing because you've got there in acts 8 that that this Ethiopian leader he's wanting to understand and the spirit speaks to Philip the deacon and says get down that road and instead of saying why he goes so we here we act and we act upon it right yeah that's the message in the book of Revelation another comment we're gonna move on as we're studying here about truth through symbols let's look at a couple of examples in the Old Testament if we can on Daniel chapter 7 we're not going to unpack all of this Jason but I just like to illustrate that at various times God has revealed important truth especially about the history of world events through symbol if you could read Daniel 7 verses 1 through 3 and Lisa if you could then read Ezekiel 1 verses 4 through 6 let's start in Daniel chapter 7 signified or showed through symbols I'll be reading from the New King James Version Daniel chapter 7 verses 1 through 3 in the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed then he wrote down the dream telling the main facts Daniel spoke saying I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other now back to the comment Lisa made earlier about the book of Revelation there are times when a Bible writers transcribes for example when the Lord says write and you know they write sit down but but at other times the Prophet guided by the Holy Spirit as here is saying well this is what I saw there's like this huge storm and there's the Great Sea by the way where's the Great Sea located it's multitudinous not tongues and people it's people's but there's a specific location in the minds the Great Sea the military was the Mediterranean area and that's where these kingdoms going to be rising up and battling and then he sees beasts so these symbols but you're right in Revelation it says the waters you see are multitudes of people so so we've already got these symbols you say what we're gonna have to study to be able to interpret let's look in Ezekiel we don't want to study all of Daniel right now we're just using examples of other Bible prophets that the Holy Spirit spoke truth is symbolic science I'll be reading from the New King James Version Ezekiel chapter 1 verses 4 to 5 then I looked and behold a whirlwind was coming out of the north a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its mist like the color of amber out of the midst of the fire also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man and each one had four faces and each one had four wings no I don't know what a being with four faces is that literal or is it symbolic jason says I don't know I maybe maybe at that point we would have to say I don't know but but there's some symbolism here now instead of the storm of the sea which he speaks of wars and conflict the whirlwind that's coming is not a war is it it's what what's coming here heavenly beings right I mean we're gonna see the wheels within the wheels and all that right God is revealing his presence and his glory but there's symbolism there and the Book of Ezekiel would be a whole other study as well but can we agree from the verse that Laurel read that you've herb said sent and communicated or show through signs things that must shortly come to pass as we're studying through the book of Revelation together we ought to ask is is this literal or is it a sign a symbol and we might at one point say not sure not sure but I know I know Jesus is at the center right and I know it's all about him which brings us to our last section Gary did you have a comment before we go let's go now to verses 7 and 8 then if you can read revelation 1 7 & 8 and I want us in the last few minutes to talk about the main focus we know it's all about Jesus right it's Revelation by Jesus Christ about Jesus Christ but even with that there's there's some specific focus in the book of Revelation let's look at verses 7 & 8 okay and I'll be reading from the New King James Version revelation 1 verses 7 & 8 behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even they who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him even so amen I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end says the Lord who is and who was and who is to come the Almighty that sounds like our scriptures oh yeah okay so behold he's coming with clouds and every eye will see him Britany could you hyper-space over to the end of the book of Revelation to chapter 22 and look with us at verse 7 12 and 20 I'm asking what the main focus well you see the main focus is Jesus but is there something specific we've started with saying he's coming with clouds every eye will see him what do you have in chapter 22 verse 7 12 and 20 I'll be reading from the New King James Version revelation 22 verse 7 says behold I am coming quickly blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book and verse 12 and behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work and verse 20 he who testifies to these things says surely I am coming quick glee Amen even so come Lord Jesus and that's John by the way and so the last word surely I'm coming quickly Jesus says and we say and even so you know and some people might say well he says quickly quickly we're still here how do i how do I deal with that laser well this comes in the beginning and the end of the book and there are 22 chapters so there's a lot of events that need to take place and there's a process of his coming and so that's why we're studying this and if we're looking at the history of the universe you know maybe quickly feels differently for the Lord in resolving this great battle than it does for us the most important issue though is that he wants us to be ready right so I want to go to Matthew if I can and then we'll have a few moments for some comments Matthew 24 because the same Jesus who has revealed behold I'm coming quickly has this to say in Matthew 24 and Laurel could you read for us would you read verse 27 and then read verses 30 and 31 for us okay all right I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible verse 27 for just as the Lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west so will the coming of the Son of man be and before you read verse 30 and 31 like lightnings east to the west that reminds us of the word of Jesus behold he comes with clouds and it's not secret right every eye is going to see him and then verses 30 and 31 of Matthew 24 Lord all right and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with the power and the great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds one from sorry from one end of the sky to the other so got a question about symbols here it says he comes with clouds here it says angels do you think the clouds are clouds of angels yes were they like thunder clouds maybe both that's right but there's a beautiful promise that Jesus gave in days I'm gonna ask you to read our last verse from John 14 verses 1 to 3 this may be the first time a hope sabbath-school member or someone maybe you tuned in for the first time this promise brings beautiful hope to all who are looking for the return of Jesus and that's really what the book of Revelation is about what's going to happen how to prepare how to welcome Jesus our soon coming King with joy in our hearts would you read those words in John 14 verses 1 to 3 I'll be reading from the New Living Translation don't let your hearts be troubled trust in God and Trust also in me there is more than enough room in my father's home if there if this were not so what I have told you that I'm going to prepare a place for you when everything is ready I will come and get you so that you will always be with me where I am I like that when everything's ready you know when when the history is unfolded at a certain time the Lord will say it is finished right he's going to come in glory and by God's grace as we study the book of Revelation we're gonna we're gonna meet him with joy right so again we're beginning a journey on the book of Revelation and why is the Book of Revelations to me so good news for our lives today so book of Revelation is a revelation of Jesus so he wants to reveal himself to us and so John is he's right in the sea includes in as a greeting and doxology that you're going to see a lot of things throughout this book a lot of images a lot of signs a lot of symbols but unless you miss the point behold I come quickly and so that's for us he wants to reveal himself to Travis when you look at the book of Revelation as a picture but we all like fairy tales and we see a prince and we see a dragon and we see his woman and Revelation Jesus is the Prince and Satan is the dragon and that the story you know we love these kind of things and it ends with the prince rescuing his woman but unlike fairy tales this is true blessing comes if we study the words of this book Kenneth and revelation is a love letter to his beloved revelation is a love letter to his beloved it's revealing the truth about Jesus because Jesus wants us to be ready when he returns he glory Daisy I just want us to also put up there that a lot of people always blame God and say why this way though if God exists why are bad things happening to me but revelation makes us see the whole picture a better picture of what's going on between good and evil so I think it's given us information that we need to explain some of the questions that we have about life and we're gonna be studying that in this series on the book of Revelation it's going to be a blessing I hope you'll stay with us from study to study and that you'll experience that connection with Jesus that makes us go through whatever is ahead with peace in our hearts looking forward to his return let's pray that that can be our experience father in heaven thank you as we begin our series on the book of Revelation that we can remind be reminded it's all about Jesus and that you want us not only to know about him but to know him as our personal Savior and our soon coming King may we make that commitment today wherever we are and may your spirit guide us in your truth in the name of Jesus we pray amen well thanks for joining us for hopes have a school today it's going to be an amazing journey and if you don't understand everything say all ask Jesus when I get there because it's all about him point to Jesus who is our soon coming Savior go out and be a blessing to those around you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 18,514
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: hope sabbath school, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek morris, John, island of patmos
Id: v87KlUxx5AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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