Hope Sabbath School: Lesson 3 (2nd quarter) How Jesus and the Apostles viewed the Scriptures.

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God and this new series on how to interpret the Bible is amazing today we're going to look at how Jesus and the Apostles viewed the scriptures and I'm excited not only because you're with us and the team is with us but because Stephanie is going to teach today and it's so exciting to see young leaders who step up and teach the Word of God because as you see Jason and Stephanie and Trisha Lee and others teaching tens of thousands of young leaders around the world they're saying I'll teach an interactive Bible study too and you can go to our website Hope TV org slash Hope SS download the outline and you can teach the class in your setting and we're just so excited that you can be with us as part of a great miracle of God and this is a great series isn't it I'm looking forward to today as we talk about Jesus and the Apostles view of the Bible here's just a few emails we've received recently I had to look up a luthier to find out where it was does anybody know yeah Billy I saw some resonance a luthier is one of the Bahama Islands it's a northern chain a luthier hello brothers and sisters you have to shout cuz a long way David I greet you in the name of mighty name of Jesus my name is David I'm from the beautiful island of eleuthera I started watching hopes Sabbath school a year ago which gives me an extra boost that's needed to teach my own Bible class here in Ala Thera what's amazing is that I don't have to wait for Hope Sabbath school to come on TV because I downloaded the hope Channel app being used in more than 220 countries now around the world you can download the app go to your App Store look for Hope channel Hope Sabbath school is available but all of the other great programs on Hope Channel and David downloaded the hope Channel lab gives me access anywhere anytime sounds like an advertisement hey the good Lord continue to bless each one of you reach as many as possible around the world amen hey man Oh David from the beautiful island Valerie's there I'm sure if you invited a life hope Sabbath school we don't want to go there but we're glad you you're part of our family dar dar Dias writes from Kenya and says I love watching Hope Sabbath school every week it blesses me so much and it helps me to contribute when I go to worship I've referred some of my friends to watch Hope Sabbath school it is touch many people as we prepare for the second coming of Jesus well dirtiest thanks for sharing with your friends about this in-depth interactive Bible study well here's a card from a donor it's a pretty card and it says God be with you your precious team thank God for Hope Channel god bless you and keep you strong and healthy and a gift of $30.00 to help save a school you know it's amazing how God takes five loaves and two fish and feeds the multitude isn't it we can all be part of a great miracle of God so thank you for your support and I hope Sava schools the donors supported ministry Irvin rights from the Philippines has anyone here from the Philippines or has been to the Philippines Kim you have been to do you have family connections family connection family connections well this is from Iligan city in the Philippines don't know where that is I'm very thankful Irvine writes for Hope Channel I'm a newly assigned Sabbath school teacher here in Iligan City in the Philippines it really helped me go deeper and have an in-depth interactive study of the word of God you can tell he's been watching and be able to share it not just in class but also with my family to be a living testimony of God's love and grace amen amen Irvin we're just so thankful for your witness there in the Philippines a living witness may God continue to bless this ministry I may not be able to study with you there but I hope and pray we will see each other in heaven by God's grace well thanks for writing to a servant which is so happy you're part of our Hope service go family in one last note from a Liberian in the United States of America tena writes and says I'm so grateful to God and honored to be part of hope Sabbath school you know they fill all part of the hope Santa school right I know when when Stephanie will ask a question some of you will raise your hand because they're interacting with us right I say part because I've been following Hope Sabbath school for some time now I began listening and following you or when I was back home in Liberia it was a great blessing to me and then helped me as a teacher in my church now I'm here in the US and I'm still following hugs at the school every Friday evening I love the scripture songs because I'm also a singer well tena we need your help right now because we're gonna sing our theme song for the series on how to interpret the Bible it's a beautiful text from Colossians 3 verse 16 it says let the word of Christ dwell in you if you haven't learned it yet you can download it from our website hope tv.org / hope SS download the sheet music the mp3 file but many of you have already learned it let's sing it together [Music] sleep [Music] teaching [Music] songs and hymns and spiritual songs singing with [Music] tgd [Music] sweetie in Psalms and hymns spiritual songs singing [Music] amen amen semi I'm excited about the studies today why don't you pray with us as we begin let's bow our heads dear Heavenly Father lord thank you so much that we have your word and we can study it today Lord I pray that the words that we study would not just be ink on paper but it would be something that would be life-changing and that we could make it a part of our lives today in Jesus name Amen amen so I am excited because this is about Jesus and the Apostles view of the Bible amen and I'd like us just to jump right in to Matthew chapter 4 we're going to look at Jesus and how he related to the Bible and I want to say how he related to the Bible personally okay this was not just a theory but this is how he related to it personally Matthew chapter 4 and trishal II if you could start our study this today Matthew chapter 4 verses 3 & 4 and leading up to this Jesus has what has just happened baptism baptism so his public ministry has begun and what happens right after his baptism the spirit led him into the wilderness all right let's see what happens next verse 3 and for trishal II I'm reading from the New King James Version now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the son of God command that these Stones become bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God amen all right Jesus response was what okay let's go to verse 5 through 7 and Evelyn if you would read that for us same chapter Matthew chapter 4 verses 5 through 7 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version then the devil took him up into the holy city set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of God throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot because against a stone jesus said to him it is written again you shall not tempt the Lord your God Satan comes again and he brings a temptation what did Jesus say okay next let's go to verses 8 through 11 and Shana if you would read that for us same chapter Matthew chapter 4 and I'll be reading from the King James Version again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and she with him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and saith unto him all these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship Me then saith Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him all right and what was Jesus response on the third temptation it is written okay by the way where was it written exactly that was all from Old Testament right in Deuteronomy let's turn over to Matthew chapter 21 and look at verse 13 we're gonna talk a little bit more about these verses but I just want us to see the trend here Matthew chapter 21 verse 13 and Kim would you be willing to read that for us sure I'll be reading from the English standard version he said to them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you make it a den of robbers by the way what is taking place in that what is the context of that that verse right there Gladys she just went into the temple and there was selling and it's changing of money inside of the temple so Jesus was enraged when he saw that his house had become so that disagreed with all these things happening that were not worshiping God so he used this is saying that his house we call house of Prayer so he kicked them all out and he said it is written it is written okay so the what he experienced in Matthew chapter 4 what was that that was a temptation what did he experience in Matthew chapter 21 a challenge challenge a challenge right and both of his responses were what okay so tell me what what are some important lessons that we can learn from his example of how he related to the button the Word of God well clearly Jesus himself read the scriptures thank you alright so that's something that we could often overlook but in order for him to say it is written mm-hmm he had to know it very good thank you glad it was practical to him it was not just a head knowledge it was something that he applied to his daily life all right he applied it to his daily life did I see Jason and it seemed he was familiar with it cuz even when the devil used Scripture at him he brought scripture back so he's familiar with having discussion with Scripture incidentally did he even refute Satan on if you are the son of God he didn't he didn't even touch that of course that's for another study that but Jesus it is written that was his response and Stephanie he not only knew the Bible which I think is really important the Holy Spirit can't bring to you remembrance what you've never put in exact but also he knew the Bible had Authority Authority got the authority of God in the Word of God amen holding some book yeah that is critical because it isn't just a good book we learned in a previous study that what what is it it's a living it's an active it's it's the Word of God that makes a huge difference Travis did you want to did you have something you want to do we kind of want to just expound on what Derek was talking about and also mention that when he asked him if you are you the son of God he says it's written don't you shall not tempt the Lord so he's saying I am the Lord I know don't tempt the Lord mm-hmm incidentally later in the first in the Bible it talks about where the spirit when the Spirit of the Lord is leading a person they are a child of God all right so just an interesting thought has there ever been a time when you felt the need to hide the Word of God in your heart in your mind well go ahead what you should expect me to share about my wife in the scripture songs but I was with a great man of God who was dying his name was was elder dower been a great leader of God's people and and I was reading scripture to him and every scripture that I read he even though his very weak he recited it with me and at the end Stephanie he looked at me and he said they're all true and I thought what a way to face death because it's just asleep - Jesus Lee calls the righteous in the resurrection but I just saw someone just filled with the Word of God that really impacted me thank you very much for sharing Samee so I had an experience when I was in boarding school where I was being attacked by the devil and I just thought about hiding God's Word in my heart and just recites scriptures and with time I was able to sleep peacefully amen but it took a long time but scripture really helped me just declaring the name of Jesus and just reciting the Lord is my shepherd and that really took me through a quite a difficult time in life that is so practical and real there is power in the name of Jesus amen amen yes well I was going through a very tough situation emotionally and spiritually and it was just like I struggled to sleep just like something so sad and the text kept coming to my head he shall keep in perfect peace he whose heart stays Steffes that's fussing him I carry much am I just thinking about it because just repeating it over and over I was just full of sleep and the Lord was just bringing it back in the word and so would now get stressed again and I would just keep he will keep in perfect peace just saying it over and over that's a twenty six person yeah just in case someone doesn't know whose mind is stayed on you because she trusts in you hey was there someone else he wanted to share before Evelyn well I am a nursing student so I remember I was doing clinical rounds in a hospital and I started talking to one of the patients and we started talking about you know our spiritual lives and he says oh well you're seventh-day adventists why do you go to church on sabbath and I thought ding a good time to open scriptures so I went to good old Exodus and went to chapter tiny and showed him God's lie said well it's in God's law for us to to keep the Sabbath so it was a good moment to say it's it's important to know Scripture yes yes totally without the Word of God in our hearts we can't recite that we can't be this the blessing that God wants to have us be without that that knowledge so I think we've kind of touched a little bit on the danger of not knowing the scripture but what are some Bible verses that come to your mind as to why it may be dangerous to be ignorant of the scripture let's start in psalm 119:105 and Laurel would you read that for us sure why is it dangerous to be ignorant of the Word of God we're going to look at psalm 119:105 and then john 12:35 and alex if you would read that for us Oh Laurel all right I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path amen all right in Alex let's go ahead and come boyer verse with psalm 119 okay John John 12 35 35 okay and we'll look at the last last sentence there okay I'll be reading from the King James Version then jesus said unto them yet a little while is a light with you walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth all right so the word is what and a light okay and John 12 says what those who don't have the light walk in darkness so those who are walking in darkness are they don't know where they're going yeah do you just not want to know where you're going no we all want to know where we're going right let's turn to Matthew chapter 22 verse 29 and Travis would you read that for us Matthew chapter 22 verse 29 another reason why it's dangerous not to know the scripture and I'll be reading from the New King James Version jesus answered and said to them you are mistaken not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God all right what's the problem with not knowing description the scriptures well mistaken my Bible says err does anyone else have another another version Argent's has deceived the seed that's stronger right then I'm mistaken no you're actually deceived because you don't know the Word of God yes Travis you were gonna say something well I think in this I believe in this context is there they didn't believe in the resurrection and he's and and and of course the resurrection is taught in the scriptures and he said if you don't believe in the resurrection then you have no part with me but you see if we don't know the word the word is not only a defense against the enemy but it's a defense against deception and that's why we need the word in our hearts so the Holy Spirit when a deception comes that we might not even recognize at first the Holy Spirit will bring a word of God to our minds and we'll see it for the deception that it is yes and it's I know that there's it's been said that those who do bank work they look at the authentic money they look at the true and that determines when they see money come in that's false what is false so we're going to turn our attention now to how Jesus related to the law specifically so I've looked at how he related to the Word of God personally now how does he relate to the law and we'll turn to Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 20 Matthew chapter 5 17 through 20 and Pedro would you read that for us I'll be reading from the New King James Version Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets I came did not I did not come to destroy but to fulfill for certainly I say to you till heaven and earth pass away one jot or a chill will not by will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled whoever therefore breaks one of the one of the least of these Commandments and teach men so shall be called lease of the kingdom of heaven but whoever does not teach them he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven for I say to you that unless your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees you will by no me enter the kingdom of heaven all right what how does Jesus relate to the law here what's the first thing you see in chapter in verse 17 he's fulfillment yes he didn't come to what but to fulfill anything else that you see he also shares that the law is not going to change that he didn't come to destroy it but it also can't be changed God is the same yesterday today forever more and that's important because sometimes people think that the Bible is only relevant for a long time ago back then or it's not relevant for us today but he's really laying a good foundation here to say not only did I not come to destroy it but it can't be destroyed it's still applicable yes anyone else one thing that I see here is that the word is above men and says you know if you have to the righteous have to exceed the Pharisees in the census and he says it's a it's important for us to recognize that we're not to follow people but to follow the Word of God yes and we're actually know in the New Testament further on in the New Testament that those who are making their own righteousness they don't understand the righteousness of God they don't they can't comprehend that glados oh my form was going to be also of other Pharisees and the Pharisees in those time were the teachers of the law they knew the Bible the Word of God supposedly word for word so they're basically saying it's not just head knowledge Jesus is saying you you have to go deeper than that so you have to your righteousness have to be above and beyond the word of the letter of the law beautiful segue into our next few verses alright let's look at verses 21 22 27 and 28 and Jason would you read those four verses for us let's see this is a further delineation of what God or Jesus was saying in those previous verses I'll be reading from the New King James Version Matthew chapter 5 verses 21 and 22 and 27 and 28 you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment but I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whoever shall say to his brother raca shall be in danger of the council but whoever says you fool shall be in danger of Hell fire verse 27 you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not commit adultery but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart all right what important truth is Jesus conveying in these words trishul II what he's trying to share with us is that the law is about more than just our outward behavior and our actions and that there is the character that needs to be changed in all of us sin is not just an infection of our activities it's an infection of our hearts and what God wants to do is to heal us completely so that our hearts are change our mind is change our motivations are changed and then you'll see it with the way we treat each other but the people at the time were very superficial they were doing all the right actions even though in their hearts that were still full of lust or in their hearts they're still full of hatred they just didn't take it the step to actually act on it but God said that's not good enough what I want to do for you is put the law in you so that your mind has changed your heart has changed and then your actions follow beautiful that it's really looking at the spirit of the law which is our motives and our intents and our our feelings and our thoughts vs. the letter of the law which is what you refer to our actions so how would you respond to someone who says to you all I need to do is keep the spirit of the law not the letter don't everyone Stephanie that that would be like saying I won't last after a person but I can commit adultery I won't hate someone but I can kill them it's ridiculous I mean people say that but it's a ridiculous thing to say Jesus is moving us above just the letter he it doesn't want us to kill or commit adultery or steal or write tell lies or whatever but he's saying the ultimate is actually to love right but but if you love him you're not gonna kill or commit adultery or it's taking us to the next level all right Alex I'd say without the letter you don't have the spirit you know we without the instruction without you know God's Word you don't have you know everything to judge about mm-hmm so if you keep the spirit of the law you will naturally keep the letter of the law yeah if you're truly keeping the spirit of the law right Travis and then Jason was basically say the same thing is that it's not even possible if you don't have the letter of the law how would you even know what the spirit of the law is like to me at least it doesn't seem even possible because I do I even know what I'm doing then it's like you know so this so the letter of the law kind of points us to the spirit of the law in a sense very good Jason you can't separate the two because the spirit flows from the letter and if you're keeping the spirit you are keeping the letter they go together I see a lot of hands we need to move on we're going to look at that's great discussion we're going to look at the summarizing of the commandments in Matthew chapter 22 we'll look in verses 37 through 40 and Billy would you be willing to read that for us Matthew chapter 22 verses 37 through 40 and let's see how Jesus summarizes the Ten Commandments okay I'll be reading from the King James Version Matthew 22:37 240 and Jesus said unto Him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is in great this is the first and Great Commandment in the second is like unto it thou thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two Commandments hang all the law in the prophets all right and this was an answer to the question of the lawyer which one which commandment is the greatest and this is Jesus response what do you think about that response is it a new commandment is he setting out new okay I see no hey can you tell us why no no well I look into this too this is this is a reflection we just spoke we see the the spiritual aspect of connecting with God and also with our neighbor there work together it's like the letter of the law and the spirit of the law it's it's connecting with God and connecting with others and that summarized what is the blessing that God wants to bring to us every day and we when we come to the scripture and when we live the life of of God has asked us to live so when we love God that vertical relationship is right we will naturally have a good relationship with those around us right I think it's more than on these hang all the law and the prophets yes if you love God with all your heart you're not gonna have any other God before him or have idols or take his name in vain or dishonor the Sabbath which is a sign of his creatorship that flows out of loving God with all your heart if you love your neighbor with the love of God you're gonna honor your father and mother you're not gonna steal kill commit adultery is so covered it it's not saying well just do these and you can get rid of those it's a summary on these hang all right let's let's turn our attention now to Matthew chapter 15 and we're going to look at verses 3 through 9 and Kim would you be willing to read that for us Matthew chapter 15 verses 3 through 9 we've already looked at the Pharisee some of Jesus response to them here we see another glimpse and I'd like us to take a look at that I'll be reading from the English standard version Matthew 15 verses three through nine he answered them and why do you and why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition for God commanded honor your father and your mother and whoever reviles father or mother must surely die but you say if anyone tells his father or his mother what you would have gained for me is given to God he'd need not honor his father so for the sake of your tradition you have made void the Word of God you hypocrites well did Isaiah prophesy of you when he said this people honors me with their lips but their hearts but their heart is far from me in vain do they worship Me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men hmm how does Jesus respond to them when they're putting tradition above his word what is his response it's pretty bold isn't it what does he say hypocrites hypocrites you are worshipping in vain okay so why are they worshiping in vain what's missing usually I think why they're worshipping in vain is because of what they were actually doing so the commandment said honor your father and your mother and instead of taking care of their parents I believe what they were doing is taking the money or a part of the money they would have used to care for their parents and say hey I gave this gift to God as an act of worship I am now free from my responsibility to care for you you know and so they were trying to say I've already worshiping God I gave him a gift I don't have to take care of my parents anymore but in a way it was still false worship because how could you say you're worshiping God if you're not following what he wants you to do for your parents and so they were not just making up this tradition but they were even using this tradition to kind of justify saying look I took a gift I'm giving it to God I'm clear of my parents responsibilities they live as long as they want to live it's not my respond to that was not honoring God or the commandment and that tradition was actually when I was hurting those parents those elderly parents that could have lived for who know so long now we're not being taken care of so what is the origin of the tradition who originates it a human being okay and who originates the commandments of God God all right you know what's the concern Stephanie is that in this those traditions came from religious people right and there may be someone watching hope Sabbath School where traditions have come even from church which are not based upon the Word of God so we have to move on this is great discussion what we're noticing is is that with tradition versus God's commandments someone is being left out and who is it God God and who is the center of all scripture yes exactly so let's move over to one of my favorite stories it's in Luke chapter 24 and this just to kind of lay the foundation what has just taken place in Matthew 24 or previous to that fiction yes Luke 24 and we're looking at verses 13 through 16 we'll start there right before that Jesus has been crucified and we know that the tomb is now empty and there's two disciples and they're doing something let's pick it up pick up that story in verse 13 13 through 16 and Travis if you would read that for us and I'll be reading from the New King James Version now behold two of them were traveling the same day to a village called Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem and they talked together all the things which had happened so it was while they conversed in reason that Jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes are restrained so that they did not know him all right what's taking place two disciples going where a man to Emmaus they're talking discouraged discouraged and what happens Jesus shows up alright let's look at 17 through 24 and Travis if you can continue on reading that and he said to them what kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad then one whose name was clip is answered and said to him are you the only stranger in Jerusalem and have you not known the things which happened there in these days and he said to them what things so they said to him the things concerning Jesus of Nazareth who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him but we are hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel indeed besides all this today is a third day since all these things happen yes and a certain woman of our company who arrived at the tomb early astonished us when they did not find the body they came to us saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said he was alive and a certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just that the women had said but him they did not see all right how do you what do you see about this conversation how much does Jesus talk questions and he just let them talk right there's something important about that let's read verses 25 through 27 and Samia would you read that for us verses 25 through 27 of Luke chapter 4 I'm reading from the New International Version it's 8 he say to them how foolish are you and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter into glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophets he explained to them what was said in the scripture concerning himself what did Jesus do alright he hold them about what what was written about him about himself and he referred back to what had been written which should have triggered in their mind everything that they had just said oh and today's the third day so there's some connections going on there let's take a look at verses 44 - 45 in the same chapter chapter 24 and Gladys would you pick up yes I was reading from the New International Version 44 and 45 yes he said to them this is what I told you while I was still with you everything must be fulfilled that it is written about me in the law of Moses the prophets and the Psalms then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures any takeaways from that but that's not clear pass and his friend that's now in the upper room with all the vitals yeah Thomas isn't there but Judas isn't there either back he's restating what he said on the road yeah which is basically that the scriptures all point to Messiah and and I'm the Messiah all point to me so Jesus referred back to what had been said about him but he also referred back to history okay can you think of any we're going to look just share with me some of the names or events where Jesus in the New Testament points back to events in the Old Testament whatever comes to your mind tricia lee i know he talks about father abraham they referred to him as that I know he refers to Abraham the father of faith that the people would have really looked up to there's a lot of good examples there but also he said Joseph Moses lifted up the serpent the Son of Man will be lifted up yes Travis I know in Matthew chapter 12 he talks about just like Jonah was in the belly of the great fish so that the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth yes very good example Samiha it talks about Noah in Matthew 24 it talks about the flood yes any other ones that come to your mind those are great ones definitely Justin we're mentioning that but what we need to realize is there are many people who don't believe that those individuals ever existed even Christian people theologians who think well they didn't really exist they were just kind of like prehistory you know but Jesus speaks about them as real people he speaks about real events like the flood he speaks about real situations like Jonah I mean supernatural events that took place so Jesus had confidence in the reliability of the mythical record yes that's really important he recognized that it was real yeah it was truth all right so how should we relate to someone who believes that these are just stories they're myths there's really no truth to them how do you relate to someone who would who sees the scripture as that lattice or for me I think what has helped me when I common situations with people that I know that don't believe in God or that they don't trust I use my personal experience beautiful and how the Word of God has helped me through different situations how when I was in the in the surgery of my brain tumor there were the name Jesus was the one who pulled me through so I I can just use my August sample and believe it or not they have to be convinced but there is something special about the Word of God amen amen thank you personal testimony yes I see Jesus here doing the best example he asked questions you know if you have doubts ask questions and they they had they had the truth here they said they were waiting for they were hoping for him to be the one to redeem Israel they knew but they were not recognizing that they already had the answer themselves we're asking the questions for somebody that is skeptical why do you believe that way what this signifies to you asking questions that's great Travis people who don't may not believe that the Bible may also have had it misrepresented and maybe don't have it a real idea of the true character of a loving kind caring gracious merciful totally awesome God if that's the way it's been presented to them we need to be patient with them and we can teach them of a loving kinda merciful awesome Savior how do we teach them Travis sometimes it's just by our actions sometimes it's maybe events that happen in our life it might be things that we've experienced you know different experiences that we can share with them because the biggest miracle is that of a change life amen and you probably be on your knees praying your God my friend please note they're mine right sue me so so Jesus lived in a very similar period right he had some people who did not believe at all right and then you have the Pharisees who believed in the entire scripture in addition to the scripture they had oral traditions where they elevated those traditions to the point of Scripture then you have the Sadducees will only believe the first five books of the Bible and he referred to all the same I believe in all scriptures as an authoritative source mm-hmm very good very good thank you I don't want to miss anyone did anyone else have a comment before yes Trisha I think something that helps too is that sometimes we tell these Bible accounts or Bible stories we just end there but Jesus said these are they that testify of me and I think something that has helped me is going back to these stories these accounts and reading them and asking myself asking those questions where do I see the love of Christ here where do I see God at work even in a story like the flood he's there working and saving and what do I need to learn that I can apply to my life today and when you start to see Jesus and all these stories it just becomes more believable more real in a whole new way is it possible all that when we're presenting the word of God that we present it in such a way that it sounds like it's a story and a myth but yet we can present something that's magical and is unreal as if it is real so how do we how do we get past that how do we present the Word of God as it truly is real something I can bank on something I can depend on when I run into a challenge that I run to the Bible how do we do that Alan I think it all goes back to again with the devil has counterfeits and he has a way of getting into every aspect of our lives and in Scripture going with the traditions you know he traditions are tied to Scripture in every in so many ways and people allow traditions to take over if we hide God's Word in our heart if we make it our lamp unto our feet if we live that out in our lives on a daily basis and we make that part of us if that's what's getting us through it's not going to come across as a myth it's gonna come across as a real-life story and something other people can count on as well thank you Alex that's key the Word of God has to be real to us yeah before we can make it real to other people as we recap so far what we've studied we started out with how Jesus related to the Word of God personally amen then we saw how he related to the law specifically and then how he related to the entire Bible historically mm-hmm because of his example what happened to the Apostles let's look at acts Acts chapter 4 verses 20 24 through 26 Acts chapter 4 24 to 26 and who has that Jason would you be willing to read that for us I'll be reading from the New King James Version Acts chapter 4 verses 24 through 26 so when they heard that they raised their voice to God with one Accord and said Lord you are God who made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them who by the mouth of your servant David have said why did the nation's rage and the people plot vain things the kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ what do you see the Apostles doing here using scripture scripture all right let's turn to Acts chapter 13 staying in the same book Acts chapter 13 and look at verses 32 to 36 and I get to read Gladys or could you read that for us yes I'm reading from the New International Version Acts chapter 13 verses 32 to 36 he says we tell you the good news what God promised our ancestors he has filled for us their children by racing up Jesus as it is written in the second song you are my son today I have become your father God raised him from the dead so that he will never be subject to decay as God has said I will give you the holy insure blessings promise to David so it is also stated elsewhere you will not let your body one see these decay now when David has served god purpose in his own generation he fell asleep he was buried with his ancestors in his body decayed but the one whom God raised from the dead did not decay mm-hmm who is Paul quoting he quote isaiah in psalm yeah right he was quoting david actually and then let's turn over to Romans chapter 9 again we're looking at the Apostles and how they related to the Word of God Romans chapter 9 verse 7 and Evelyn would you read that for us Romans chapter 9 verse 17 I'll be reading from the New King James Version for the scripture says to the Pharaoh for this very purpose I have raised you up that I may show my power in you and that my name may be declared in all the earth it says the scripture who else could you what could you put in the place of the scripture God right God says to Pharaoh okay let's turn over to Galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and Alex would you read that for us yeah the wayans chapter 3 verse 8 and I'll be reading from the King James Version and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed so we're seeing over and over again and one scholar put together over 2,600 references to the Old Testament to the Hebrew Scriptures why are they reef why do they refer back to the Hebrew Scriptures they were the Word of God they believed it was the Word of God Word of God yes Trisha Lee and then Pedro in addition to knowing that that was their sacred text it was also their history so this is the history of their forefathers and so they knew that these characters were true King David was a real King Pharaoh was a real king of Egypt and so it was just putting an anchoring a point in time that these are historical figures historical on prophecies but they are true and inspired and so the audience they were speaking to could relate to that because they studied them in Scripture Holy Scripture but they could also relate as this is the history of our people God is still working with us he's still speaking to us it's the history and yet it's relevant today yes Pedro I was gonna mention something similar the scripture is history but also we can see is the Word of God it happened God said it God did it and if he did it before he can do it again amen amen Billy yeah so the church during that time they were fighting with this concept that they were starting on you know well new religion or denomination and what so that what they've been showing is that you know it's been consistent as we just read from Galatians that the gospel was actually preached you know since Genesis to Abraham so they are saying that you know that good news has been there since since the beginning in that it's not a new religion yeah the same consistent religion that's following through what Jesus has been saying that you know he's been in the law it laws laws of Moses in the books of the prophets that he's been there all along amen in that it's a matter of basically continuing that in that lineage and it's not certain bring something new Travis I believe there's an excitement through all these verses because they've been studying the scriptures over and over and over and it's just been fulfilled the Old Testament can be summed up in the promise or a covenant made of the coming Messiah as the New Testament it's a promise fulfilled God Jesus and the Son of God had fulfilled all of these promises they're excited they're happy yeah scripture just came totally alive to them they're excited that Jesus has come that he they had a savior everything's fulfilled they're just permeated with with love and belief in these scriptures so that there are some folks that will only believe the New Testament what have you learned from our study today it's the entire Bible and what is the entire Bible focus on and salvation and is this something that we can use for today okay some short testimonies of how you've found confidence in the Word of God and how it's brought you through Pedro well one thing that I love to do and my off-time is to give Bible studies and every time I start doing Bible study we go I to go to the Book of Daniel and see the history being told by God what will happen and coming back and look in history we can see that God was sure to everything that he has said and their very last events there are coming to an end are going to happen according to his word so the Word of God assures me every day not only helping others understand but is a reminder that God God's Word is faithful and truth his word is faithful and true another short testimony as a teacher I love to instill that passion for the Word of God to my students kindergarteners they love to learn little verses and using the songs that we learn here and teaching it to them mm-hmm you know and I love to hear them say in the hallways it would be like lying lips are abomination to the Lord when somebody tells them a lot or use the word too much talk leads to sin that is just developing him down early the love for the word of God thank you that is relevant for our lives today thank you for this study and there's so much more that we can learn let's keep our eyes focused on Jesus and keep studying his word amen amen thank you Stephanie and you know if Jesus and the Apostles cherished the Word of God we can too right we should too and have that same confidence that the Holy Spirit wants to guide us into truth through his word and I want to pray for you today perhaps you're just starting to join us on hope service school we've got some exciting Bible studies that can help you understand more of the Word of God if you go to Hope Bible study org study the themes of the Bible we've got a series on prophecy why because the more we fill our minds with the Word of God prayerfully asking the Holy Spirit to guide us the closer we connect with the God of heaven let's pray father in heaven thank you so much for the example of Jesus and the Apostles followed his example and we want to follow his example to and hear the word of God and live the Word of God and believe the Word of God and thank you that it leads us to the Savior are soon coming save you Jesus and I pray that lives will be blessed today as a result of this study in Jesus name Amen there's so many people maybe even in your own family who need to know this isn't just an ancient book it's the Living Word of God so take what you've learned today go out and be a blessing to those [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 26,356
Rating: 4.7591624 out of 5
Keywords: seventh-day adventist, hope sabbath school, hopesabbathschool, Bible, Jesus, apostles, Bible study, gospel, religion, word of God
Id: diZRqey9JPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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