Lesson 5: “The Seven Seals” - 3ABN Sabbath School Panel - Q1 2019

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the Bible tells us in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God it says to receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your souls and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God rightly dividing the word of truth join us now for the 3abn Sabbath school panel our study today is The Book of Revelation [Music] happy Sabbath welcome to three be inside of a school panel in August tele this is going to be a day a day that the Lord is going to give some real blessings to each and every one of us hope you're having a good Sabbath day already but you know what it's going to be a better day as we study the Word of God together this subject that we are on is just absolutely wonderful I'm talking about the seven seals we'll wanna be on number five and in our lesson and it's talking about the seven seals and it's you just don't want to miss not even a minute of this and I'm sure most of you have the study guide so we'll just bring it up quickly with if you don't have a study guide you can certainly get your free one I like this because it's free people like free things so why don't we go ahead and get it we can go there by going to ABS g dot Adventist dot org to get your free study guide or visit your local church find a church they've got a lot of them there your name is on it be sure and go by and pick it up I need tools when I study and I know that you maybe you do too so please go get you one and study along together because what each one on this panel is what we'll do is they have so much material and they have to just choose by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit to just condense down quickly as they can and move quickly as we can and some time it means you'd have to write some things down because they can look it up sometime I'll give a passage and I'm reading it already before anybody can even write it down we don't mean anything by that but it's good to have it chop these things down and God's going to bless you for it again we're glad that you joined us and we're gonna look at our wonderful panel and pastor John McCain always a pleasure I love working with you the joy thank you a man of God you love Jesus that's what I see on the panel that's very important amen and next to you you have sister Shelly Quinn it's always good to work with you sister I know because there are brothers and sisters in Christ it's always good and so always enjoyed it and you've been a real blessing I know in my life and thank you for the Ryan de down here on the end dome along with a new man on the block that's right what's that a time or two more just to kind of rub it just a little bit yeah yes been a real treat to get to get to know you and most of all it's always the Christ is shining through I mean that's what I look at it's not what a man looks like what he is you know does he love Jesus and then you have on your left right there Jill Marconi Jill it's always a pleasure you're always upbeat and always happy in Jesus and you're a blessing in my life it's a privilege to be here and we love you in your precious wife oh praise God well Whitney know before we start our study we need to pray don't we so sister Jill would you pray for Holy Father we come before you in the name of Jesus and we just thank you for the book of Revelation we thank you that it is not sealed and that we can open it and learn the truth that you have for us in this book and Lord right now we just ask for the outpouring of your Holy Spirit the anointing of your spirit that you would give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to walk in obedience and we thank you in Jesus name Amen praise the Lord okay do you have you have your book with you I know you study guide look at our memory verse shall we it to me it's powerful found in the book of Revelation chapter 5 Revelation chapter 5 and we're going to read verses 9 and 10 Revelation chapter 5 3 verses 9 and 10 it says I like the way it starts out and someone may start humming on the panel if they do it's alright it says and they sang what a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book to open the seals thereof and thou was slain and that was redeemed us to God by the blood out of every kindred tongue people and nation verse 10 and has made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth those are just powerful we've read a fianc I know several times before but you know when I say that they sang a new song I'm looking forward to that you don't have much of that here in this life you know but I don't want to get to heaven we're going to I'll make a joyful noise here I'm going to be able to sing that new song I want to learn that new song by the grace of God so a memory verse is very very important it is as we read it here we can go back after reading that we can go back as we read chapters 4 and 5 in the book of Revelation you know it it identifies it does denta Faiz Christ as the one who is worthy to be able to open this sealed these sealed scrolls and we might say we might ask the question why is he worthy well it can be answered in a lot of many different ways and it will be as we go along but here's what's inside that's one thing to start getting me someone has something that's all sealed up and you can't get to it why is it sealed why is it so important not only could who can open it but what's inside so I'm just have to do this on Saturdays lesson just quickly before Sunday but if we have time and we don't I think it's very interesting because number one I believe is this it shows different phases of the comp diversity between Christ and the enemy and also the church so that it's the history of the church is showing all the battles everything that's going on that's very very important number two I believe it reveals the plan of salvation and that's how important that is so that's that's what it's all sealed up number three it talks about the spreading of the gospel how the gospel is going to go into all the world going to reach people for Jesus also in that scroll it's going to act it's going to be sayings written down about those who reject the gospel that's kind of interesting those who reject the gospel darkness and death the number five and it seems to carry more than that from the you know talking about from the Christian Church in fact in case you've missed it in case you've missed it in Christ object lesson in page 294 it says this tells us this the decisions of the Jewish rulers to reject Christ was registered in the book with John saw in the hand of him that sat upon the throne Wow so things that are in that scroll is very very important only one certainly could do that so chapter six is very powerful has been brought out many times and we know that it's going to continue to be brought out to us it reveals the process of how God's people are going to be overcomers how we're going to be victorious and but us be able to set with him on the throne we're looking forward to that Sunday's lesson Revelation chapter six verse one and two I just read those because we're talking about the seals very very very very important and you know if you've read the seals it really it goes through mirela quickly there's not a whole lot of information so you have to go back to chapter revelation four and five and let it build up into Revelation chapter six and onward revelations chapter 6 verse one and two says and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder and one of the four beasts saying come and see - I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him he had a bow and a crown was given him and he went forth conquering and to conquer I noticed you know we talked about opening of the seals once the seals commenced to be open dental is the only one that can do it they have to be opened in order I've seen people try to explain sometime how they'll try to open the seal and then they'll skip to the third one and try you can't get you get them out of order that way they have to be opened in order you know because they contain a prophecy as simple as that and it goes right to the end of the world remember when John first saw and this was brought out in a lesson before and it almost made me cry because when John first saw verses sevens sealed scroll in God's hand is that he wept much because no one can it he wept I wonder how much how many of us is really so serious about the cause of Christ that sometime we see things we sensed thing that makes us weep it makes us weep inside we don't understand it we don't know how it's going to be worked out but it really touches our heart and here John begins to weep maybe uncontrollably at times but why would he weep he say why John why are you it was answered there because he could find no one who's going to open these seals who's going to break the seals revelation 4 and 5 talks about the one of the twenty-four elders praise God previous lesson Tom 124 ELLs one of them stepped up and said what there's one that can do it there's only one that can do it he's the lion the tribe of Judah that is why Bible is very clear because he's a conquer because he's been victorious he rides through and he conquers he's been victorious he's gained the victory over the enemy he's the Lamb that stepped forward he's the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world he could do this now why was the Lamb Jesus the only one then that could open the book well I'm being very simple in scriptures admit many reasons they liked us to bring out a couple real quick the lamb has all authority he has all authority in heaven and in earth Matthew chapter 28 18 he has all authority so if you're in all you have all authority you can do that he has that and he's represented - by the power that he has you notice one of the description is this lamb he has seven what was it seven horns and what his horns in the Bible horns represent according to Ibaka is it chapter three horns represent power and as you read Habakkuk chapter three verse verse four it says there's horns that come out of his hands this is representing the power that God has so you know and then of course they do we talked about the figure of before of a lion symbolizing the strength that he has Jesus the Lamb of God why can he open he's our mediator he's our mediator praise God we need him he's the only channel between God and man he can open 1st Timothy 2:5 he's all-powerful mediator sees everything from the beginning right down to the very end he's Alpha and Omega revelation 20:2 we know that he's represented by the lamb the seven eyes of Revelation 5:6 and again we mentioned because Jesus has a victory he has conquest he's conquered he's wrote the over the enemy and over sin I praise God for that my Bible says he's a resurrection and the life in John chapter 11:25 he's the Lamb that died on Calvary this is more talking about he is worthy to open these seals absolutely is Hebrews 2:18 because he himself was suffered and tempted he's able to help those who are tempted realize how much encouragement that has given me over the years to read that passage of Scripture he's been through it Kenny he's there before you and he's going to be there with you when you go through that temptation he's going to help you to gain the victory and he said the innocent then the innocent Jesus would suffer with or suffer for that guilty I praise God for that first Corinthians 5:7 quickly says Christ our Passover he sacrificed for us so do what do we need we need the lamb we need the blood of the lamb needs to be on the doorpost of our homes it need to be in our house it needs to be and certainly in our hearts and life we find that the white horse the first seal the first church have very much in common every much in common as you studied God wants his people to be wide awake I believe this all my heart he wants us to be wide awake in this hour that we live because what he wants his he's checking the spiritual condition you know what kind of spiritual condition do we have today are we faithful are we unfaithful and when we were unfaithful God sends judgments I see him he's done that all through scripture why wouldn't he do it now try to get our attention revelation 6 verse 1 and 2 that we read well ago we know it's highly symbolic you can read Revelation chapter 19 11 through 16 what do we see Christ doing he's riding on a white horse in there right like he's riding on a white horse his army in the final battle he's victorious and think he's gonna won that victory for me and for you he has a bowl with his hand he has a crown on his head in fact the Apostle Paul I said I think he said at one time and just we're talking about Pentecost we're talking about the gospel going to the world on this first seal that was open he said well just a little more than 30 years the gospel then preached every inhabited part of the world I mean you're talking about you know Pentecost you're talking about the gospel going it was absolutely I mean just going out so fast and grabbed getting the attention of the people God's kingdom you see was expanding dundar that's the first seal that we look at right here first here's what corresponds we realize with the message of the first church and Ephesus so as we look at these things and as we go into the the second seal and so on and so forth and third seal it becomes it's going to become so clear the things that were in it and the history of the world and the plan that God has for us to save us in his kingdom so what does the first seal put it in a nutshell what does it first seal all about it describes the spreading of the gospel especially at Pentecost how powerful it was how to expand it to all the world how to expand it God's kingdom and this is a plan that God has not only for that time Pastor John he hasn't for us today he wants his kingdom continued to be expanded until he come in the clouds of glory I believe that's all of our job it's your job at home it's our job here by the grace of God to expand this kingdom as we look at that first seal Pastor John well thank you pastor Kenny you know we're walking through a lesson here that requires us to have one boots waiters and you got to make sure that the waiters at all because the water is deep when you get into revelation it's not a book that you tiptoe through it's a book that requires you to have on spiritual eye sight and the Lord gives us that when we opened the book but we've been timed at the time as we've continued now with lesson 5 day 5 or less than 5 is now going through the seven seals Revelation chapter 6 we're going to peak pastor Kenny unfolded the foundation of the seven seals the seven seals what was so wonderful about it if you saw a last lesson study we couldn't have these if Jesus wasn't worthy the final scenes of our history could not even begin to unfold except for the worthiness of Christ and so the battle that ensued to even get Jesus to the point where he was worthy enough to open the scrolls and to loose its seals is a big part of the battle from that point on I think I alluded to this maybe in one of our prior studies from the time the seals were opened you had revelation 12 I believe is first to 12 which says woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knows he has a short time once the scrolls B once the seals of the Scrolls began to unfold anybody can count chronologically 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 from that point on from the victory of Christ Satan took his battle to the next stage he came he increased his wrath he couldn't defeat Christ in the Old Testament couldn't keep him out of the world couldn't keep him out of the world couldn't keep him in the tomb couldn't keep him out of heaven so now he's coming after the church and so the seals if I would give it an overarching description it is the seven it is a is that how the church began and what the church has to go through to get to seal number seven and you're gonna find battles you're gonna find a white horse red horse and I'm going to talk about the two the the black horse and the red horse and then we're going to transition over to Shelly I'm not gonna even go into your area at all because I know she'll he's got something prepared for us but Revelation chapter 6 verse 3 let's look at that together because we're now on the second seal remember the gospel is going forward conquering and to conquer you might look at the book of Acts as a perfect example of how the gospel continue to spread without and I wouldn't say without hindrance it had continued resistance but Acts chapter 13 when the gospel was resisted even by the Jews that Paul and Barnabas were preaching to in Antioch they were seen as earlier they ignorant and unlearned but it was obvious they had been with Christ when he listened to the gospel they were proclaiming then they get to Antioch on the Sabbath today they preached a powerful sermon to people encouraged them but the next Sabbath the whole city comes together the Jewish leaders in the devout men and women of the city are angry they speak blasphemy they they they deny everything they preached this habit before they want to reject them put them out of the city Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off of their feet and they said the gospel is not going to the Gentiles the Gentiles were glad and they glorify the Lord and wherever they wore the Word of God grew and multiplied devil said wait a minute this is not working out the way I think I'd like it to do and when you study the life of Paul you begin to see even even the vision that Peter had when Peter had that vision about the Lord sending him to Cornelius there were so many barriers that the devil had established one of those barriers was exclusive exclusivity the Jews thought that the gospel was exclusively for them so anybody that wasn't a Jew they rejected them the Lord had to get that out of the way by giving Peter a vision that said the gospel is not just for those of us who think that we have the nationality that brings the gospel exclusivity so we had to get him past Cornelius who was a Gentile and the gospel went to the Gentiles but then you have this continued battle and when we read verse 3 we see what's happening from the glory of the gospel the devil now begins to persecute those who are receiving the gospel verse 3 of revelation 6 when he opened the second seal I heard the second living creature saying come and see it's an introduction yeah and another horse fiery red what out and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth and that people should kill one another and it was given to him a great sword now notice it was granted to him to take peace from the earth he was allowed to take peace which opens the way for people to kill one another he took the peace now what was taken the peace from the earth when Jesus made the statement in John and Matthew 10 verse 34 here it is Matthew 10 verse 34 jesus said do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth I did not come to bring peace but a and so when you look at the picture here the peace is taken from the earth and Bible says at the end of verse 4 of revelation 6 and there was given him a great sword now watch this the sword comes with the gospel because the Word of God is the sword wherever the sword of the gospel is doing its work Satan seeks to take peace from men's hearts and when the gospel is rejected the natural result is you lose peace that's exactly what's happening here but the reason why it's also referred to as red is because many were dying for their faith you read the chapter of Hebrews 11 you see that those who are going through the battles it takes you through the Old Testament and New Testament and it said there were those who chose not to be delivered because they didn't seek a better burial they sought a better resurrection so you see all those whose lives are being taken that's what the red is all about but then you go to the third seal and it says in verse 5 and 6 when he opened the third seal I heard the third living creature saying what did he say come and see see and I looked and behold a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hands and I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Denarius in three quarts of barley for a Denarius and do not harm the oil and the wine the symbolism here is amazing now when this talks about the cost of the gospel wheat is the synonymous to the gospel but all of a sudden barley which is not what they ate barley today is used to make beer it was the cheaper of the of the grain wheat was the good grain but what's happening now is if why it is the victory of the gospel then black as the resistance the ultimate resistance against the gospel if white represents the victory of the gospel black takes us to that time when it seems like and we talked about one of the churches I think Sardis in Thyatira when they began to lose faith when they began to wane Ephesus was the victory of the church then you had the continued but you notice as the gospel went on he talked about the Diocletian Emperor Diocletian ten years of tribulation 3 or 3 to 313 ad people being killed that's what's talked about here so when you look at the seven churches some of the seven seals are synonymous with that but it's talked about a nevere in a different way and so you have here the gospel now under persecution it seems to be dying out and it's and now it's becoming rare and anything that's a rare becomes more expensive what is being said here is as opposition increases you've got to make a decision to be willing to give your life for the gospel and so that's going to come again we know that let me get further revelation we're going to see revelation 13 I'm not gonna go there today but but the oil and and wine are basic necessities of life wheat or basic necessities but all of a sudden you find that these things are not becoming scarce and barley is increasing in price and so it's saying what goes from a wage that can feed an entire family now all of a sudden you've taken a week's wages to get something that is not worth a whole lot yes the devil starts to get rid of the gospel and we know even during the Dark Age as we come to the time of the Dark Ages where the gospel was almost non-existent but God did not allow the gospel to diminish what happened this is exactly what happened the scarcity of the gospel and this was predicted by the Prophet Amos Amos 8 verse 11 and 12 you know the days are coming the Lord saw this coming says the Lord that I will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of the hearing of the word of God they shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east they shall run to and fro seeking the Word of God but shall not find it and that's exactly what was happening under the Red Horse they were being killed for the gospel now you can hardly find it the Black Horse where's the where's the victory it's not there anymore where's the gospel you can't find it because two reasons the devil was distinguishing those proclaiming it and secondly people were not prising it is highly enough they did not love their lives unto the death and so therefore the oil and wine was missing and the barley cost more we're gonna take a short break and we'll be right back [Music] ever wish you could watch a three-bean sabbath-school panel again or share it on Facebook Instagram or Twitter well you can by visiting 3abn sabbath-school panel comm a clean design makes it easy to find the program you're looking for there are also links to the adult Bible study guide so you can follow along sharing is easy just click share and choose your favorite social media share link save a life for eternity [Music] welcome back 3abn Sabbath school panel we're glad you're still with us this very very important we're going to go to Tuesday's lesson sister Shelly Quinn that it looked like a good lesson to me the scene of the fourth seal so we're continuing as we started we're going to go with the fourth one thank you so much Tina we what we have to remember is that the events that occur if each one of these seals opens is not what the content of the scroll is the content of the scroll is is God's plans to solve the sin problem and to save a fallen human beings but all seven seals need to be broken before the scroll can be opened so as we're looking at the Four Horsemen of revelation 6 1 through 8 what work these are portraying is the progression of the gospel and the consequences of its rejections so of course this interpretation relies on looking at revelation 6 - who is the writer of this white horse and cleani as you have said this writer that's going out to conquer and - to conquer the world is we know from revelation 19:11 that this is Jesus Christ so all of the horses but this white horse all the other five horse are four three horses will produce afflictions you covered the red horse this is the color of blood and oppression opposition to the gospel and there was a spiritual famine for those who rejected the black horse black related to darkness portrays the famine for the Word of God and now I'm going to cover the pale horse and that represents the pestilence and the death that is a result from the famine all of these are drawn all these things are drawn from the Old Testament and they all describe the reality of what happens is the consequence of sin so let's look at revelation six verses seven through eight in this the fourth seal when he opened the fourth seal who's doing the opening Jesus I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come and see so I looked and behold a pale horse and the name of him who sat on it was death and Hades followed with him and power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword with hunger with death and by the beasts of the sea so this opening of this fourth seal is calling forth pestilence and death the pale horse in the Greek is Clovis and it is an ashen gray color like a become decomposing corpse so the rider death is accompanying him and and it says Hades followed him Hades is just the grave is what it's talking about it's the abode of the dead but they are permitted to destroy by sword hunger death and wild beasts so let's look at Ezekiel 14 because this is where it's coming from these are the fourth severe judgments of God Ezekiel 14 21 through 23 is equal 14 21 through 23 and this is what the Lord says how much more it shall be when I send my for severe judgments on Jerusalem this sword the famine the wild beasts and pestilence to cut off man and beast from it so these are for severe judgments for their unfaithfulness and disobedience to the Covenant and it was intended to bring Israel to repentance now let's look at verse 22 yet behold there shall be left in it a rim who will be brought out both sons and daughters surely they will come out to you and you shall see their ways and their doings then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that I brought upon Jerusalem all that I have brought upon it and they will comfort you when you see their ways the remnants ways and their doings and you shall know that I have done nothing without cause that I have done in it says the Lord God so we see that this is a this forth horse is a graphic portrayal that conveys the truth that rejecting it the gospel brings about spiritual consequences spiritual famine if you will and it in inevitably spiritual famine leads to spiritual death but the good news is that the power and death and Hades are limited what did it say in verse 8 it says they power was given to them over a fourth of the earth you know Jesus assures us that he possesses the keys and the keys are the symbol of power our jurisdiction over something in Revelation 118 he says I am he who lives was dead and behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of Hades and of death and we know the relation tells us Hades and death is going to have its in in Revelation 20 and verse 14 it says that death and Hades were cast where into the lake of fire which is the second death so what the seventh-day adventists Bible Commentary says is that the Seas of these four horses revealed when the scenes are open may be regarded actually all of the seals as having both a specific and a general application the scenes of the seven seals portray the future of the church and just like with the seven churches the seven seals correlate with different periods in Christian history so they parallel with the message to the churches of Ephesus Sardis Pergamum Thyatira in revelation 11 in verses 3 to 14 this indicates that the scene of the four horsemen actually extends beyond the first millennium and it it might refer to both the first millennium of the Christian era and and the general realities of the entire Christian age but the scene of the four of the four horsemen likely described the first thousand years of the Christian era first during the apotheca Stalag times the gospel spread were happened ly throughout the world and the first phase was generally faithful the second phase was followed by a period persecution from the Roman Empire and from the end of the first to the beginning of the fourth century this is kind of what's being portrayed in the second seal followed by the progressive spiritual decline the third seal points to the period of compromise of the fourth and fifth centuries which were characterized by the spiritual famine of the Bible we know this is the dark ages and this led to a famine of God's Word and the fourth seal this on this pale horse aptly describes the spiritual death that characterized Christianity during the dark ages and it resulted in the spiritual death that was characterized throughout the medieval period I want to return to a scripture that you just were getting started on and that's revelation 6 6 let's look at that again he says and I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Denarius three quarts of barley for a Denarius and do not harm the oil in the wine even when the word of god is scarce the Holy Spirit is still at work the oil and the wine will not be affected by the famine of the third seals plague the oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit the wine symbolizes the salvation in Jesus Christ so salvation no matter what's going on even during this fourth spirit our fourth plague they see I'll get it there salvation is still available for all who seek the truth to me that is the most glorious and wonderful truth to know that each one of these is being limited to a certain portion of the earth and as these seals are being opened though that they've been opened by Jesus Christ and they each one have a redemptive purpose that's the beauty of our Lord and Savior in his life you know I as I was listening to each one of you kind of unravel and unpack these four horsemen as we would say or the four horse it's interesting because I have to be reminded and I would like to remind our viewers at home the importance of allowing the Bible to interpret itself amen because you know I grew up in a church many churches not just one but most of the other denominational churches that I grew up in they applied a wrongful interpretation to a misguided interpretation to Bible prophecy which was more of a futurist interpretation rather than the one that we discussed at the beginning of this series which is a historic approach to to Bible prophecy interpretation you know for instance you know talking about the white horse I remember being taught that the white horse was the Antichrist because they're seeing it from the future and by the way many not all but many Protestant denominations and they actually teach that in there in teachings that the white horse is not Christ and the forgoing of the gospel but the Antichrist and what you start with that you've contaminated the entire thing so you know you guys set it up beautifully and and I and I love what you had to say Shelley because that set me up perfectly for the fit seal because they actually the fifth seal is actually in my understanding of and studies it's actually a response from the previous seal yeah especially the time period as we see this from a historical perspective not that all the book of Irbil I want to clarify that not all the book of Revelation is historical I mean there are future events as we're going to get into that much of the book of Revelation is future but in this particular perspective as I'm studying through verses 9 10 and 11 of this fifth seal the cry of the martyrs it's a response from what is happening in the previous church age from the previous time for instance the fourth seal would kind of parallel give or take a few years the time period of the Church of Thyatira and so what we're getting in now is we're now extending into a time period from about the 1500s into the 1700s and I'm gonna jump right into the scripture because I know I've already talked and talked a few times too long or few minutes too long but notice what it says here in Revelation chapter 6 beginning with verse 9 and we're just going to kind of unpack what's happening here in the fifth seal I'm gonna read through those verses and then we're gonna go back through when he opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held notice how the Word of God is is a constant repetitive theme we keep seeing that all through these passages that were reading verse 10 says and they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth then a white robe was given to each of them and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were were completed mercy so it's it's got a little bit of a negative tone to it but I just want to begin to unpack these notice in the opening portion of this first verse and in verse nine of the fifth seal it says when he opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar I made mention during the break as we were discussing it's impossible I believe personally it's impossible to fully understand the book of Revelation without having a healthy understanding of the Hebrew sanctuary this is a sanctuary in general this is sanctuary language for instance the altar here which altar there's two different altars mentioned within the sanctuary discussion and so those two altars of course would be the altar of sacrifice and of course the altar of incense which is found within the holy place of the sanctuary notice what I found in Leviticus chapter 4 verse 7 here this is Leviticus chapter 4 verse 7 I think it answers this question for us especially with the context of this passage it says and the priest shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the Lord there's gonna pause there so this particular altar that he's talking about in the beginning portion of this verse is no doubt the altar of incense because if you consider the ultimates it's different four little horns so the priest would go in and they would take the blood and it would sprinkle it about the altar upon the veil and then they would touch the blood on the four horns of the altar but then notice what the verse continues to say which it's in the tabernacle of the congregation and then notice here and shall pour notice the context clue and shall pour all the blood of the Bullock at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation so in this particular verse there's a differentiation between the altar of incense and the altar of burnt-offering so the question is when we see when it says here that he saw under the altar souls of those who had been slain for the word of God which altar are they are they are they are they crying out from of course this would be the altar of burnt sacrifices because in interests I just made a few points here the blood of the sacrifice was poured out at the base of the altar this is altar of sacrifice when you go into and talking about the altar of incense no blood was altered although it was carried in word it was communicated or foregone we know that this this blood was not actually poured out at the altar of incense only at the altar sacrifice the expression of course poured out is used to describe what the wicked did with the blood of the righteous and of course we see this in revelation 16 verse 6 as well which we will get to in the future the word saline notice the context clues is identified is identical to the one used in revelation 5 verse 6 okay to describe the notice the sacrifice of Jesus as the lamb on the cross okay he appeared before the throne is slain notice the altar of this of sacrifice represents Christ's sacrifice on earth so that the souls must be crying out on earth not in heaven so notice how they're crying out on earth not in heaven and so now that brings up the question souls mmm many people have read this text and I think all this completely destroys my whole concept of the state of the dead because as the Bible teaches very harmoniously when you die you you sleep in the grave you rest until the second coming of Jesus so what are these souls again I just want a reference here revelation chapter 6 verse 9 and 10 I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held and they cried out with a loud voice so here it's interesting that in the Old Testament the word soul and blood are very closely linked when when innocent blood that is the life because the life is within the blood is shed it cries out for justice kind of like the Bible describes of Cain and Abel when Cain is slain Abel Abel's blood cried out for all the ages his blood told the story okay that's exactly what we're seeing right here Leviticus 17:11 is a good reference scripture for this it says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for that the blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul so the blood tells the story there's not really dead souls you know crying out from under the altar in their blood there there's they're there they're being slain during this time of Thyatira during this time of the fourth seal they were martyrs for Jesus and their blood tells the testimony of the life that they live for Christ even to the point of death they would not allow themselves to be defeated because they were in Christ Jesus notice how they crowd how how long O Lord notice here this is verse 10 and they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true until you judge and avenge your blood on those who dwell on earth the martyrs who were slain by the Inquisition during the fourth seal cry out for justice in the fifth field so they've given up their life but not in vain not in vain thank you notice the God's response I could spend a little bit of time I had a quote from great controversy but I'm gonna pass it I don't have much time left but notice someone to start with verse 11 now notice God's response here then a white robe was given to each of them and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were were completed there are two phases in the seal pre 1798 okay before 79 that would be of course the first part of the martyrs being slain for their faith but we're told that this is going to be repeated at the end of time before Christ comes back there's a second set amount of fact it's implied right here in this verse until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were notice Revelation chapter 13 we're gonna get to revelation 13 verses 1112 and 15 notice what it says and I'd beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he had power to give life into the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause notice as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed so there's gonna there was martyrs before 1798 and we're told that it's going to happen again in closing I just want to remind us that you know there's a lot of bloodshed and it's not a positive thing but you know it's not in vain because notice that we told were told right here at the beginning of verse 11 why a white robe was given to each of them those white robes are robes of righteousness and we're told that these white robes actually are going to be obtained before the great investigative judgment it's for the purpose notice Matthew chapter 22 verses 11 and 12 Jesus told the parable they had to have the white robe before they came to the supper of the Lamb so I want to encourage all my brethren at home around the world and all of us on the panel we need to prepare receive those white robes now we have a chance in Christ Jesus what an incredible study Ryan thank you so much each one of you God has gifted you as teachers of the word of God and as I think about the fifth seal the cry of the ages the cry of people who said how long the Lord you know you think about some 73 I believe it is where David says why do the wicked seem to prosper and why are the righteous being oppressed until I went into the sanctuary and I understood there and so from Abel when his blood cried from the ground all the way through the ages specifically coming out of as you mentioned the dark ages with the Church of Thyatira but I loved that dual application with the end time and that coming as well so right now we're moving into the sixth seal and God begins to answer the prayer of the Saints God begins to answer that question that says how long is this gonna happen how long until you avenge the blood of the Saints and the sixth seal takes us from that time period right up to the second coming of Christ just before the second coming of Christ because the last verse of Revelation 6:17 says the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand so we're looking at signs that take place in the heavens during this time period from the 1700s through the 1800s if we're comparing churches to churches this would probably be the Church of Philadelphia but during this time we see what takes place so let's look at these are some of the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ let's look at the sixth seal begins in revelation 6 verse 12 we're gonna pick up verses 12 and 13 he I looked when he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind so how many signs do we see here we see the great earthquake we see the Sun becoming black as sackcloth we see the moon turning to blood and then we see the stars that fall from heaven so before we unpack that I want to look up a couple of scriptures and if you all can help me look up scriptures Ryan can you get Matthew 24:29 and 30 Shelly can you get Joel 2 verses 32 32 you know this prophecy in Revelation was predicted not only the falling of the stars and the Sun turning to black and the moon turning to red and all of the earthquake all of these endtime events were predicted in the Old Testament and also predicted in Matthew so Ryan you wanna be that's Matthew 24:29 and 30 absolutely it says immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from the heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory so we see a couple of things here it talks about the Sun it talks about the moon and the stars no mention of earthquake but the other three signs are specifically mentioned here and it says immediately after what the tribulation of these days then these signs begin to take place so we know we just came out of the Great Tribulation with the martyrs just came out of that tribulation of the dark ages and immediately after that time then we're going to see these signs begin to take place now there's not only a connection between coming out of the time of tribulation and these signs of the end there's also a connection between the signs of the end and the second coming of Christ because it says after these signs then you're going to see the Son of Man come so Shelly can you read Joel 2 verses 30 through 32 and I will show wonders heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be safe for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance as the Lord has said among the remnant whom the Lord calls so there again we see the connection between the signs of the end and the second coming of Christ there's four endtime events that took place this is in during the 1700s leading into the 1800s the earthquake the four signs listed here is there was a great earthquake we know November 1st 1755 there was the great Lisbon earthquake they called it one of the most extensive and severe seismological I hope I got that word right disturbances ever recorded was to say an earthquake disturbance that was ever recorded they say 75,000 people some some historians say upwards of a hundred thousand people died as a result of that earthquake November 1st was Catholic holy feast day it was actually All Saints Day and the churches were packed with people and they had a great deal of candles there and when the earthquake occurred the candles spilled and fire broke out as well in the city the quake lasted for three and a half minutes now we even we've encountered we should say an earthquake here in southern Illinois I remember waking up early in the morning several years ago and the whole bed shaking but it was just a few on the Richter scale this was eight point five to nine on the Richter scale it lasted three and a half minutes and the tsunami of course you know the devastation of the tsunami that occurred after that they said that you know when the water went out that people ran into the sea because there were like buried ships and treasures and they wanted this treasure and they're trying to grab it and then the tsunami came and it was over nine meters high and it killed all these people so a week after the quake 90% of the buildings had collapsed by either the quake flooded by the tsunami or they been burnt by fire and the shockwaves were felt in North Africa in the West Indies and in the Caribbean now what about the Sun being darkened we go a few years later to May 19 1780 that's what they call the dark day from Eastern New York and the dark day the darkness spread eastward across New England even even out into the sea roosters crow frogs peeps because they thought the night had come and pandas were required in fact in Connecticut a member of the Governor's Council his name is Abraham Davenport he said I am against a German the day of judgement is either approaching or it's not if it is not there is no cause for an adjournment if it is approaching I choose to be found doing my duty I wish therefore that candles may be brought so he thought this was the day of the Lord like this was one of the signs then that night the moon turned to blood and I need to hurry here the fourth sign is the Stars falling from heaven November 13 1833 over a hundred and fifty thousand meters fell that night more than thirty per second here's an eyewitness account never did rain fall much thicker than the meteors fell toward the earth east west north and south it was the same in a word the whole heavens seemed to be in motion now let's look at the response to the signs and what happens just before the second coming of Christ we're picking it up in revelation 6 verse 14 the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place and the kings of the earth the great men the Richmond the commanders the mighty men every slave in every free man what did they do he was themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand so their response is fear and dread terror at the thought of Christ's coming again let's compare that with Jose at 25 you know where I'm going 25 verse 9 and it would be said in that day behold this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us this is the Lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation so what made the difference in their responses sin sin brings fear then brings guilt and separation from the father remember Adam and Eve in the gardens they walked every day in perfect communion with God and then when they chose to partake of the forbidden fruit they had when God came calling for them that night because sin brings separation and fear of the Father think about revelation 21 the very end of the book once again there will be complete harmony with God revelation 21:3 behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them so what is the difference between those who are greater that's coming and those who welcome it with joy the difference is sin it says here at the end the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand those who are able to stand are without fault before the throne of God now you might be thinking there's no way that I can stand without fault acknowledge your sins confess and repent them accept him into your heart know that he will write in your heart his law in your heart and in your mind and that he will enable you to stand in that great day a wonderful job praise the Lord all the information so what we say at the beginning of the program I think comes true because the Holy Spirit was working on each heart and each life and mine and things were presented I think that maybe somebody maybe hasn't heard before or it just came together do you like it sometimes even we've studied a subject and all the sudden is just like it comes together praise God so it's coming together and just thank each and every one of you for what you know your it takes time it takes a lot of study prepare for the and if you're like I am I'm always the one that's blessed so you want to take we've got a couple minutes left and just some thoughts that you have pastor and we'll just go right down the list here well you know when the gospel began to go forth it was referred to us on the second and third seal we talked about the wheat and then we talked about the barley barley is nothing compared to wheat but the promises of one the gospel once again seems to be getting scarce and it's hard to find here's the promise the Lord says in psalm 37:25 i have been young david said now i am old yet i have not seen the righteous forsaken or their descendants begging bread but here's what you must do blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled in Matthew five or six hunger and thirst and you won't have to sell for barley the Lord will provide you wheat is a living word again with Revelation six six he says that as he's saying what's going to happen here he says to the Angels third the creature do not harm the oil or the one so even when the word God is scarce we know that the Holy Spirit is still active in the salvation of Jesus is still available because that's what they were in no way we mentioned those white robes in reference to the fifth seal I love this quote here this comes from the faith I live by page 51 she says the resurrection and ascension of our Lord is a sure evidence of the triumph of the saints of God over death and the grave and I pledged that heaven is open to those who wash their robes of character and make them white in the blood of the Lamb and Jesus ascended to the Father as a representative of the human race and God will bring those who reflect his image to behold and share with him his glory the sixth seal ends with that question the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand and I love the next chapter which is an interlude as it were between the sixth and seventh seal and we see that those who stand are those who are sealed God next week amen so it's something to look forward to isn't it so those of you joined today make sure you know next week that you join us because that to me it's just it's more exciting as we go along and the Holy Spirit will continue to work I know one bring light and truth to each and every one who wants that light and truth I found just a couple of things in a few seconds we have I thought was interesting revelation just always points out Christ as the living one you just kind of put it in a nutshell and get down it's all about Jesus it's all about costs all about his his a sacrifice that he made for us so we just pray that's been a blessing to you you've been a blessing to us we love you we pray that you'll be sure and tune in next week because we'll see you then to get the Gospel message [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 61,673
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Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, The Book of Revelation, The Seven Seals, Seals of Revelation, 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, Bible study
Id: j328pRZ3FuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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