Lesson 2: Implied History Lesson

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god you see derek you look excited i am because we're in a series called present truth in deuteronomy today an inspired history lesson so i'm glad you joined us for our study today welcome to hope sabbath school and welcome to the team and i'm excited as you know because brittany is going to lead our team today one of our team teachers and we've got a great study in store for you i also want to welcome our remote team members joining us glenny's joining us from florida glenny good to have you as part of the team today and addison's joining us from british columbia and canada addison always good to have you on the team we're glad you're here and we're glad to hear from each one of you our hope sabbath school members around the world here's a note from kathleen in singapore kathleen says hello hope sabbath school team kathleen gets a wave thank you for the great work you're doing for god reaching out to people who need the word of life i like that it's not just information is it it's life thank you for reflecting the light of god that our path may be lighted to lead our feet to the city of god amen oh my blessings from god our father to all who hear his word and keep it well kathleen thanks so much for writing to us from the beautiful city of singapore we're glad you're part of our hope sabbath school family give our greetings to your family and to those who are watching hope sabbath school there in singapore jimmy writes from washington state in the northwest part of the united states he says i'm a member of a small church 12 members in grand coulee washington we love to watch your program in church and to study the bible with you all you know we've discovered that haven't we some people actually for their sabbath school bible study time play hope sabbath school and i've heard of some who hit pause and have some discussions and then started again it's such a blessing to be able to study the word of god with you god has blessed me with the honor of leading the bible study on sabbath morning in my church well jimmy we're so happy that you're doing that i always watch hope sabbah school the night before i will show your prayer or i'll show your program on sabbath morning for the study please keep up the good work that god has blessed you with well jimmy we're just so excited i hope you're downloading the outline you can get that at hopetv.org hope ss and you can get the same outline that brittany will be using as she leads us in our study today here's one of those regular notes we don't just get emails sometimes we get notes and this note is from a donor in pennsylvania hey stephanie you're from pennsylvania right it's just a short note from a couple and it just says we really enjoy hope sabbah school the panel is great and a gift of 100 to support the ministry of hope sabbath school thank you couple in pennsylvania you know who you are and thanks to each one of you who supports this donor-supported ministry you can go to hopetv.org donate you say i want to be part of the impact movement that god's using to bless people around the world thank you for your support people like jane in papua new guinea who writes to us and says hello hope sabba school family hello and fellow christians all around the globe so now everybody's waving in papua new guinea we say okay my family someone will tell me what that means my family my mother and five sisters have been tuning in to hope sabbath school since january of 2021 we have learned that the god we serve is almighty and is ever enduring and faithful to us both in good and in difficult times good lesson to learn we look forward to sabbath so we can watch hope sabbath school especially the wonderful discussions the lord we're serving will see us through the perilous times that will come to all our church families around the world jane writes keep the faith well jane thanks for writing to us from papua new guinea one last note from french guiana someone who's an expert on geography tell me where french guiana is french guiana is travis i think it's just west of uh guyana you're right it's on the top of south america right yes greetings to you brothers and sisters rights christopher we are the parasaud family living in french guiana members of the eden seventh-day adventist church we've been following your bible study for many years so many that we can't even count them sabbath school is such a blessing we enjoy the good atmosphere the smiles and of course the scripture songs we always watch every friday night isn't that beautiful just think about it french again you hadn't thought about it when you came to study today right someone's watching in french guiana every friday night you can count on us never missing hope sabbath school nothing feels better than having a bit of heaven down here may the lord bless you all well i just want to thank each one of you for writing to us uh you can write to hopetv.org hope ss you say derek do you need to hear from me yes we'd love to hear from you how you're blessed by a study of the word of god right now we need you to help us sing our theme song is taken from the book of deuteronomy this series deuteronomy 31 6 it's short but powerful be strong and of good courage do not fear nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is the one who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you let's sing [Music] not together nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is the one who goes with you he will not leave you nor forsake you be strong and of good courage do not fear nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is [Music] do not fear nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is [Music] what a beautiful promise that is he will not leave us or forsake us brittany why don't you lead us now in prayer as we begin our study sure let's bow our heads for prayer dear heavenly father we just want to thank you that we can call you our father because you love us so much and you created us and you not only created us but you gave your only son to save us and we just want to thank you that you've brought us together today to study your word lord no matter where we live on this globe we can open up your word we can study it we can get closer to you and we can be prepared for the days that lie ahead and lord we just pray that as we open your word today that it would not just be words on a page but that your holy spirit would illuminate it just as you inspired those who wrote it that it would not just be words on a page but it would come into our hearts and transform us and make us more like you and we ask this in jesus name amen amen well have any of you ever received a farewell message a handwritten one maybe you've heard someone speaking and you heard those words and then later you found out that person passed away those are the last words that you will ever hear from them again that happened to me years ago i found out that my grandmother who was a wonderful godly woman who i looked up to every day that i would be at her home to visit and come down the stairs and i'd see her reading her bible and in prayer and what an impression that made in my life and one day i found out that she had passed away and then about three days or four days later in the mail i received a card and it was from her and she had written it you know before she passed away i received that card and it was the last handwritten note from my grandmother and in it she told me how she was praying for me and she even asked for my forgiveness for something and i was just reminded wow what a treasure these words from a godly grandmother who loved the lord and i look forward to seeing her again but wow that brings us to our study today the book of deuteronomy because in it we have the story of moses who was an inspired leader that led god's people from slavery to the promised land and he's 120 years old when when he's giving his farewell message and we'll see that um in this story he's impressing the people to trust the lord just like my grandmother impressed me to trust the lord and so may we learn that lesson as we study together today and as we begin our study i want to ask a question is this book of deuteronomy just a historical event of things that happened or is it something truly inspired how can we know that this isn't just an historical account how can we know that it's actually a message from god to us does anyone have an answer to that before we look at a verse together sumiso i think i think detronomy 18 verse 15 does specifically state that the words were put in uh god's words were put in his mouth would you read that for us samiso let's go to deuteronomy chapter 18 and verse 15 and 18. you'd read that for us reading from the new king james version it says the lord your god will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst from your brethren him you shall hear verse 18 i'll raise up for them a prophet like you from amongst thy brethren and put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that i commanded him thank you samiso so we definitely see there that god put the words in his mouth yes i think that's a really important foundation to our study because some people see the bible as human words about god but the prophet has told us and in fact many prophets through the scriptures including jesus that that these are god's words to the human family that's right and i think that makes him so much more reliable and authoritative for our lives and transforming right because if it's just human words right it may or may not benefit our life but if it's god's words it can change us amen let's look at a couple more verses that talk about how god inspires people um with his words and let's go to amos the minor prophet of amos and we're going to look at chapter 3 verse 7 and i'm going to ask addison to read that for us in amos chapter 3 verse 7 please and i'm reading from the king james version surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets [Music] wonderful verse just shows us that when god's gonna do something he doesn't keep us in the dark he actually lets us know he gives us those messages ahead of time he makes the promise and then he fulfills it so that we can learn to trust him amen let's look at one more verse together that talks about how god inspires people to give a message to us in the book of isaiah and i'm going to ask stephanie to read that for us in isaiah chapter 46 verses 9 and 10. and i'll be reading from the new king james version remember the former things of old for i am god and there is no other i am god and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure amen what a promise that we can trust in god he knows the end from the beginning so it doesn't matter what you're going through in your life today you can know that god sees the end from the beginning and he's going to be with you each step of the way and he was with moses each step of the way as well even giving him this final message now before we continue in our study i want to know where do we first see the name of moses mentioned because as we studied last time together moses wrote five books the pentateuch and many consider job another book that he wrote as well so where do we first read about his name is it in genesis the first book that we consider him to have written no no no does someone on the team know exodus and would you read a verse that shows us his name and when we first hear it mentioned in the scriptures um we can go to exodus verse chapter 1 verse 22 for instance and i think that's the very first one um actually no no no 2 1 to 10 it's where we have the narrative of moses birth um shall we read the entire passage or yes would you read exodus chapter 2 verses 1 through 10 for us please okay i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says and a man of the house of levi went and took as a wife a daughter of levi so the woman conceived and bore a son and when she saw that he was a beautiful child she hid him three months but when she could no longer he hide him she took an arc of bulrushes for him dubbed it with asphalt and peach but the child in put the child in it invaded it in the reeds by the river's bank and his sister stood afar off to know what would be done to him then the daughter of pharaoh came down to bathe at the river and her maidens walked along the riverside and when she saw the ark among the reeds she sent her maid to get it and when she opened it she saw the child and behold the baby wept so she had compassion on him and said this is one of the hebrews children then his sister said to pharaoh's daughter shall i go and call a nurse for you from the hebrew women that she may nurse the child for you and pharaoh's daughter said to her go so the maiden went and called the child's mother then pharaoh's daughter said to her take his child away and nurse him for me and i will give you your wages so the woman took the child and nursed him and the child grew and she brought him to pharaoh's daughter and he became her son so she called his name moses saying because i drew him out of the water thank you for reading for us sabina so here we have moses's name first mentioned the interesting thing is we read this whole account of a hebrew child and how god saved him because all of the hebrew boys were being thrown in the nile river and being killed and this one was spared and we don't have the account of his name his hebrew name from his parents right it doesn't mention what they named him it only mentions what that princess of egypt named him moses means drawn out and he was drawn out of that river for a very special purpose and that's where his name is first mentioned now it's interesting how the bible then fast forwards when we read exodus we read about the character of moses as an adult we don't really hear much about him as a child except that his mother was allowed to raise him what a wonderful blessing from the lord a miraculous intervention but now we want to focus on his character what was he like and why did god choose him to lead his people and so let's look at exodus chapter 2 and i'm going to ask travis to read for us exodus chapter 2 verses 11 and 12. and i'll be reading from the new king james version now it came to pass in those days when moses was grown that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens and he saw an egyptian beating a hebrew one of his brethren so he looked this way and that way and when he saw no one he killed the egyptian and hid him in the sand wow so the very first thing we hear about this child that has grown up is that he commits sin right that he murders and he does it in defense of his people so that helps us know moses knows who he is he knows he's hebrew he knows he's not an egyptian and he's trying to defend his people or trying to deliver them in his own way it appears now we want to look at a few more verses to see did moses stay that same way was he that kind of man when god called him and we're going to look at chapter 4 of exodus and i'm going to ask glenny to read for us exodus chapter 4 verses 10 through 18 to find out more about moses i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says then moses said to the lord o lord i am not eloquent neither before nor since you have spoken to your servant but i am slow of speech and slow of tongue so the lord said to him who has made man's mouth or who makes the mute the death the being or the blind have not i the lord now therefore go and i will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall sing but he said o my lord please send by the hand of whomever else you may send so the anger of the lord was kindled against moses and he said is not aaron the levi dear brother i know that he can speak well and look he's also coming out to meet you when he sees you he will be glad in his heart now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth and i will be with your mouth and with his mouth and i will teach you what you shall do so he shall be your spokesman to the people and he himself shall be as a mouth for you and you shall be to him as god and you shall take this rod in your hand with which you shall do the signs so moses went and returned to jethro his father-in-law and said to him please let me go and return to my brethren who are in egypt to see whether they are still alive and jethro said to moses go in peace thank you glenny so we see a little bit of a different man here right from that one who took matters into his own hands anyone want to comment on a change that we see addison yes please share with us yeah britney so this is it's an amazing account you know here we see like these these signs of a very humble moses of moses that over 40 years has grown in his relationship with the lord and there's like this humility aspect that shines out so clearly also too along with that he recognizes that he has limitations that if he tries to do this in his own strength it will be in vain he needs divine strength he needs to trust in in the almighty and you know he says lord i can't do this on my own that's right thank you addison we see such a character change we want to look at one more verse and then talk about more of the change that we see in him and this verse that we're looking at is after he has begun to lead god's people he's been called he's been chosen and he's been transformed and we're going to look in exodus chapter 32 verses 30 and 32 and i'm going to ask harold to read that for us exodus 32 verses 30 and 32. and i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says now it came to pass on the next day that moses said to the people you have committed a great sin so now i will go up to the lord perhaps i can make atonement for your sin then moses returned to the lord and said oh these people have committed a great sin and have made for themselves a god of gold yet now if you will forgive their sin but if not i pray blot me out of your book which you have written wow does anyone want to comment on the next step of transformation that happened in moses's life as he's called and chosen and transformed yes travis well i think that moses from the beginning loved his people exactly but um he wanted to do it his way and when i see from that god took him through a humbling experience tending sheep because that's not that is a very humbling experience if you've ever done that and so god takes him through the humbling experience leading sheep and then the children of israel and here we see him going to god and saying god pleading on their behalf rather than trying to do things in his own might that's wonderful we and we even see a picture of christ right because jesus is interceding for us in the heavenly sanctuary and moses was willing to take that role um for god's people when they sinned and so what a beautiful picture of how god transforms us and makes us more like him through all of the experiences that we go through now i want to ask the question what's the significance of the fact that moses shares this inspired history lesson found in deuteronomy on and we're actually gonna actually we're gonna read a verse and then i want to ask the question so let's go to deuteronomy chapter one verses one through eight and i'm gonna ask samiso to read that for us in due deuteronomy chapter one verses one through eight i'm reading from the new king james version that's one detroit deuteronomy one verse one to eight these are the words which moses spoke to all israel on this side of the jordan in the wilderness in the plain opposite to surf between puran tafal laban hazaroth and dazihab it is 11 it is 11 days journey from harab by the way of mount sir to kadesh benir now it came to pass in the 14th year in the 11th month on the first day of the month that moses spoke to the children of israel according to all that the lord had given him as commandments to them after he had killed sihan king of the amorites who dwelt in born and og king of basian who dwelt at ashtaroth in adrian on the side of the jordan in the land of mohab moses began to explain this law saying the law of our god spoke to us in herob saying you have dwelt long enough at this mountain turn and take your journey and go to the mountains of the amorites to all the neighboring places in the plain of the mountains in the low land in the south on the sea coast to the land of the canaanites and the in lebanon as far as the great river of euphrates see i have set the land before you go in and possess the land which the lord swore to your fathers to abraham isaac and jacob to give to them and their descendants after them thank you samiso so moses has led the people to the border of the promised land once again and it's mentioned here that it happened in a specific time right it said the 40th year why do you think the bible mentions this 40th year and it even says the month the 11th month what's the significance of that sabina uh i think that god inspiring moses impressing him to record that was willing to make a very important point connecting this event with events that took place in kadesh bernier 40 years before that about 40 years before that when when the people they were already preparing to get into the promised land and unfortunately they rebel they have no faith and they doubt god's promise that he was going to grant them deliverance as they walked into this canaan land new land and god at that time already had informed them that because of that they were going to spend a year for each one of the days that has been uh that had been spying the land so this is for me the importance of this record here that we will connect us with that event yes and god had said they were going to be wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and then they would enter the children would enter the promised land not the parents but the children and here it mentions it's the 11th month the 40th year and god is going to fulfill his promise right it's showing us that god keeps his promises and that we can trust him amen and what a wonderful uh testimony that we see there now how in our own experiences how can we learn to trust god um what does god do to help us learn to trust him um and help us learn to rely upon him harold well uh one of the biggest things we can do is look at the past like how has god worked with us throughout our lives and then realized like wow actually through each milestone in my life god has been there and actually i remember a co-worker told me that waiting can be exhausting but they are the keys to unlocking god's blessings so at times we have to wait because there's even a verse in psalm 27 i believe that says you know i would have lost heart unless i had believed that would see the goodness of the lord but it says wait on the lord so we have to wait and be patient because we can just think back like wow you have done this for me i know you're preparing me for something greater and you want to reveal something that i'm not ready maybe and who knows it's going to be even amazing once we experience that blessing that god has in store that's right so definitely looking back at what god has done and like you mentioned harold scripture gives us that promise and fulfillment so we can learn to trust god travis did you want to mention something else that teaches us to trust i was just thinking you know there might be some viewers watching for the first time don't know anything about god right and so i i was thinking sometimes we just have to trust him with something give something to god ask him to do you know to bless you to to work with you through situations but when we take things to god then we can see him working if we just sit there and don't do anything but he says ask and you will receive that's right so prayer right bringing something to god in prayer pastor derek did you want to mention well i think what harold said about our lives is also true in the history of the world the bible tells us as harold pointed out in a previous study that even though the fulfillment of the promises may be delayed the god because of our rebellion or resistance that god will fulfill his promises so i think when i read the bible and someone might say well god if you did that for hannah could you do that for me and the answer is yes and the holy spirit can speak to us so i think the bible encourages us that god will fulfill promises if we're willing to open our hearts to him that's right and in the next part of our lesson we're looking at examples of how god taught the children of israel to trust him as they were traveling through the wilderness those 40 years and we don't have time to read all the verses but i encourage you viewers to go and read each one for yourself but let's just as a team reflect on what are some of the ways that god showed them that they could trust him what did he do for them as they were traveling through the wilderness samiso it looks like you have one you'd like to share yeah there's so many but he did sustain them one thing that was miraculous which i noticed was that their shoes did not wear out yes over 40 years yes their shoes and their clothing did not wear out and they were walking that's right four years of walking in the same pair of shoes i can't imagine that but that's miraculous right gleny can you think of something that god did while they were in the wilderness that showed them they could trust him he provided food for them water for them gave them guidance light council supernatural provisions that was a lot of providences so many things you're right and this this food wasn't just something they purchased it was bred from heaven right and the water wasn't just bottled water like we have today it came out of a rock so these are miraculous ways that god showed them look i'm with you you don't have to worry about anything and you can trust me and he does the same for us today i was smiling while uh when samis was sharing about the sandals and clothes which is an amazing miracle protection i guess sustenance but they would have starved to death with good shoes and too close but god like lenny said he provided for every aspect of their lives including protection from the predators that were there in that wilderness that's right so you know god loves us so much and he provides for every every need that we have that's right and like many have mentioned we don't get to see that unless we put god to the test we have to ask him to do something in our lives right um we can say god i'm struggling with uh whatever it is in our lives i'm struggling financially i'm struggling physically i'm struggling emotionally can you help me and god is just waiting for us to ask and then he can intervene in ways that we never expected let's continue on in our study and we're going to look at how moses reminds the people about a failure that their parents actually experienced many of them were young at the time and he's reminding them of this failure again and we want to know why what is he trying to teach them from this and so we're going to go to deuteronomy chapter 1 and we're going to read verses 1 through or 19 through 25 to start and i'm going to ask glenny to read that for us deuteronomy chapter 1 verses 19 through 25. sure um deuteronomy chapter 1 was 19-25 so we departed from horeb and went through all that great and terrible wilderness which you saw on the way to the mountain of the amorites as the lord our god had commanded us then we came to kadesh bernia and i said to you you have come to the mountains of the amorites which the lord our god is giving us look the lord your god has set the land before you go up and possess it as the lord god of your fathers has spoken to you did not fear will be discouraged and every one of you came there to me and said let us send men before us and let us search out the land for us and bring back word to us of the way by which we should go up and of the cities into which we shall come the plan pleased me well so i took twelve young men one man from each tribe and they departed and went up into the mountains and came to the valley of eshkol and spied it out they also took some of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down to us and they brought back word to us saying it is a good land which the lord our god is giving us and addison i'm going to ask you to continue reading for us in verses 26 through 33 so we can continue hearing about what happened next reading from the king james version notwithstanding you would not go up but rebelled against the commandment of the lord your god and he murmured in your tents and said because the lord hated us he had brought us forth out of the land of egypt to deliver us into the hand of the amorites to destroy us whither shall we go up our brethren have discouraged our hearts saying the people is greater and taller than we the cities are great and walled up to heaven and moreover we have seen the sons of the anakins there then i said unto you dread not neither be afraid of them the lord your god which goeth before you he shall fight for you according to all that he did for you in egypt before your eyes and in the wilderness where thou hast seen how that the lord thy god bear thee as a man dot bear his son in all the way that you went until you came into this place yet in this thing you did not believe the lord your god who went in the way before you to search you out a place to put your tents in in fire by night and to show you by what way ye should go and in a cloud by day and we're going to continue reading a few more verses of this story and i'm going to ask stephanie to read verses 34 through 39 for us all right and i'll be reading from the new king james version and the lord heard the sound of your words and was angry and took an oath saying surely not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which i swore to give to their your fathers except caleb the son of jefuni he shall see it and to him and his children i am giving the land on which he walked because he wholly followed the lord the lord was also angry with me for your sake saying even you shall not go in there joshua the son of nun who stands before you he shall go in there encourage him for he shall cause israel to inherit it moreover your little ones and your children who you say will be victims who today have no knowledge of good and evil they shall go in there to them i will give it and they shall possess it wow what a story and such sad sadness i'm sure as moses is recounting those details thinking god could have led us in the promised land right away but you've had 38 years now to learn to trust him now why do you think god um reminded them of this as they're at this border again the children now why is he bringing this up right at the border of the promised land you know i was just thinking brittany while well it was being read by by gleny i wonder if there were some young people that thought i remember my dad saying that yeah i remember maybe with tears in their eyes we wanted to go in but i remember them saying that um so moses i mean he's not just wanting to cause them pain i think he's saying yes some of you do remember that and i don't want you to make the same mistake now that's right but believe the promise of god that's so he's giving them another opportunity and this is their opportunity because many of them were young it said that you didn't know the knowledge of good or evil right they they couldn't make a decision but their parents chose and and they received the consequences of that um so now he's giving them the opportunity to choose are you going to trust in god are you going to believe in god and that's a reminder for us today because many of us may have either grown up in a home where we heard about jesus or maybe throughout our lives there's been someone who's told us about god but it doesn't matter who our parents are or what they've instructed us we hope if they were godly that we would follow their instruction but it's our own personal decision right if we are going to trust god if we're going to believe him for ourselves if we're going to enter the heavenly promised land it's a personal decision so the children are being reminded this is your choice do you believe god have you learned to trust him and we're reminded of that today yes travis the beautiful thing is to remember too in the context of our salvation in heavenly promised land is that it's his fight that's right he's going to go before us the same as he did for the children of israel beautiful thank you travis and when we see that in this description that we just read that two of the adults at that time two of the spies are promised that they get to go into the promised land now can anyone remind us why joshua and caleb were said told you can go in but the rest of that generation cannot can anyone remind us of that sabine yeah because they believed god promised that god would provide for them they had faith in god's promise that even if things would appear to be or difficult that god would be following through for them and that they should not fear anything that's right so they were the encouraging voices amidst the group of discouraging voices right when the reports came back from the spies this land has giants and the cities are fortified and we can't overcome them and j and joshua and caleb were like if god is for us who can be against us let's go in it's a beautiful land and god rewarded for them for that um and so that's a lesson for us too um what kind of voice are we going to be to those around us to the future generations are we going to be a voice of encouragement that encourages those younger than us god is with you you can trust him or are we going to be like satan is too strong the temptations of this world are too strong what kind of voice are we going to be um to the next generation um an important point of reflection for us harold did you have a comment on this yeah and it's sad because when technically they could have when the children of israel were at the border the first time it's like amazing how they forgot about all the miraculous things that happened in egypt and in throughout the desert it's like wow what happened like how did you forget it's like technically fresh in their minds but then i think about myself like well i'm not any different than israel because i've had many wonderful experiences with god and then there's points in my life where i doubt god and like hey harold like what are you doing like did you forget that god did this for you like not too long ago and i'm like so i can't even point the finger at israel i am like israel too so it is a reminder that um we need to be thinking about god meditating and thinking about the past and how he has actually led us so many lessons for our our lives today sabina did you want to add to that yes what i'm thinking brittany also is that you know it's true that god he will bless us according to how well we respond to his law but it is true also that our mistakes will have consequences to the innocent so right now i'm thinking about joshua and caleb and their desire that they had immediately to possess the land and how they had to wait for those 40 years and they didn't deserve it so i think it's not only a call for for us to think about ourselves and how we are going to suffer but also about the suffering we may be causing to others when we you know don't trust god when we don't follow his law um i'm just thinking about how important it is that we be mindful of those around us that seem to have a consequence not only in our lives but also in the lives of those that we care for our family members what a great point and glenny i saw that you had your hand raised would you like to share something with us yes i was just seeing how you know here's here's the mind of humans where we see our obstacles we see all the impossible scenarios that can happen this is where the israelites were this is where we are most of the time and here's god's ways that uh that's much more higher than ours and it takes that element of faith to get up here and for caleb and joshua they had to cling on to the promises of god to reach this point and many of us are stuck in this area of logic and reasoning saying our giants are big the possibilities are great but we forget that god's ways are higher than ours that's right thank you glenny and pastor i think it's really important also brittany to to realize that many of those who did wander for those next 38 years um they may have been saved yes um you know it's not like they were all lost they they we can repent right we can repent and the thought came to me also back to the consequences of parents with children i'm sure there were some young people that wanted to get into the ark in noah's day and their parents kept them out god is not god looks at the heart of the person and so i'm just so thankful that god loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love and even though sometimes the people who can i say have direction over our lives especially when we're young you know that god still sees our heart and i'm so thankful that that some of those who ended up wandering in the wilderness um that they chose to repent and be saved by god's grace that's a great reminder thank you pastor derek travis did you want to add to that i'm just sitting here thinking you know this lesson is titled inspired history lesson and i'm thinking they distrusted the word of god they distrust they took men the the word of ten men over the word of god and so i'm sitting here thinking boy it's always best to trust the word of god that's right yes that's the only firm foundation for us that's right well let's continue on in our study and we read next about overcoming hostile forces there was forces that they came against that they thought these people are too great for us but god had a plan and so we're going to look at that in deuteronomy chapter 2. deuteronomy chapter 2 and we're going to start with verse 26 and i'm going to ask stephanie to read that for us in deuteronomy 2 26-29 and then we'll also read 30-35 and i'll ask stephanie to continue on with that for us and i'll be reading from the new king james version and i sent messengers from the wilderness of kedamath to sihon king of heshbon with words of peace saying let me pass through your land i will keep strictly to the road and i will turn neither to the right nor to the left you shall sell me food for money and that i may eat and give me water for money that i may drink only let me pass through on foot just as the descendants of esau who dwell in zaire and the moabites who dwell in air did for me until i cross the jordan to the land which the lord our god is giving us but sihon king of heshbon would not let us pass through for the lord your god for the lord your god harden his spirit and made his heart abstinent obstinate that he might deliver him into your hand as it is this day and the lord said to me see i have begun to give sihon and his land over to you begin to possess it that you may inherit this land his land then sahon and all his people came out against us to fight at jehaz and the lord our god delivered him over to us so we defeated him his sons and all his people we took all his cities at that time and we utterly destroyed the men women and little ones of every city we left none remaining we took only the livestock as plunder for ourselves with the spoil of the cities which we took wow so here we have an interesting story god has asked them to go into the land and they are given a message to the king right let us just pass through we're not going to take anything from you we're not stealing um anything that we use we're going to pay for uh and how does this king respond he refuses to be a blessing he refuses right um and he actually gathers an army as we keep reading against them uh and and then we see that they actually are given permission to overcome those people and and even take out all of the people in those cities um it's a crazy story and and some could look at it and say there's so many innocent people there why why did god give them permission to destroy them why the children and the women and you know all of this um along with that king why not just the king he's the one who you know was hard against god's message um what would you say to someone about this description of almost like a genocide happening right um any lessons or or what could you share with someone who's struggling with that that's a very difficult thing that we come across in scripture at times we wrestle with yes harold well um if you go back to genesis um god told abraham that the people would come back to the land of canaan the promised land actually god already gave that land to them he said that he wouldn't give the land yet until the iniquity of the amorites will be filled up now my question is who were the amorites and leviticus 18 actually gives us a picture because even though it doesn't mention the amorites but it does mention like what were the nations around israel were doing and they were very wicked people they were like doing child sacrifice they were like doing uh worship protest prostitution in worship and another innumerable like wickedness so god was working even through them through what he was doing in egypt so all these nations knew what god did so they weren't ignorant so god was still like trying to reach and they still denied so it's not like they were ignorant and as you mentioned earlier the parents made a decision for their children it's possible that children didn't want to get involved but if the parents decided to be in rebellion i mean they'll also suffer the consequences that doesn't mean that god has is not looking and trying to consider that i mean does if we believe god is a just god he knows how to handle that situation that's right yes travis did you want to add to that i'm just thinking of two stories in the bible and first i guess i want to base my comment on this that god is not willing that any should perish i know that that's the word of god i trust that more than man's word and then i think of the story of abraham pleading for this this for sodom and gomorrah if there's even ten right and then i think of jonah a pagan city god sends him to a pagan city we could have why didn't god just destroy the city because he knew there was people there that would repent i cannot think that god would destroy people who would be willing to repent and so that's just how i look at this so and like we i'll go to your comment in a minute pastor jack like we were mentioning with the the children of israel who perished in the wilderness um we don't know that that they did not receive eternal life right they may have been repented and been forgiven we don't know about all the people that had heard these miracles and stories of how god had delivered the israelites maybe some of them who perished actually did have hope of eternal life maybe they had accepted god maybe not all of them were lost for eternity we don't know for sure but pastor derek did you want to i want to thank you for the courage to ask this question because my heart felt really sad when i read that and if my heart felt sad what about the heart of god i mean he like travis said he loves all of his children but i think the the danger for some people if they just read that without knowing the context is they get a really distorted picture of god and and that's why i'm so thankful for jesus you know god so loved the world that's right that includes these people that he gave his son and and he wants us to to be set free from the bondage of sin and death and to have eternal life so i'm just so thankful jesus said you want to know what the father is like if you've seen me yeah and i'm just so thankful that that the scripture doesn't end with the pentateuch because they're looking for the messiah who comes that's right and as we are finishing up our lesson today i want to go to a few words of jesus and how he how god shows us his love for the wicked and the just right and how he doesn't show partiality and so let's go to matthew and we're going to look at matthew chapter 5. i'm going to ask addison to read that for us in matthew chapter 5 verses 43 and 45. and i'm reading from the king james version ye have heard that it hath been said thou shall love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he makes his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust wow so here's jesus words on the topic of the good and the evil he loves them both right he sends his reign on the just and the unjust and he doesn't want us to just love those who are our friends or those who are our family he wants us to love our enemies could it be that god was trying to teach israel to love their enemies even as they were going up against them god is working with each one right and he wants us to learn that lesson today as well that that he wants us to love those who even use our name and talk against us those who do things to us that we don't appreciate he wants us to pray for them he wants us to love them and the only way we can do that is if we have a transformation like we've studied at the beginning of the lesson happened to moses right at first moses was trusting in his own strength and trying to do what he thought god wanted him to do but he didn't really have that relationship with god and then we have this period where he's in the wilderness for 40 years and he's learning what god is like he's learning how patient god must be with us as he's being patient with these sheep right and then we have god calling him and he's like me why me i can't do this and then god encourages him yes i've prepared you for this and then we see that as he's leading the children of israel he realizes god's called him to intercede on behalf of the people and and that's only through what jesus has done in his heart right what the holy spirit has transformed in him and that's the only way we can do what jesus calls us to do in matthew right to love our enemies it's only if we allow god to bring his transformation in our life like moses experienced and i think that's one of the the big lessons from our study today this is an inspired word of god a farewell message for us and it's a message of transformation and how we can trust god with all of our lives and so i i pray for each one of us that we would trust him today with big and small and that we would see him transforming us would you pray for us pastor derek thanks so much brittany you know it's a solemn thought but but in that parallel passage in luke it says be merciful as your father in heaven is merciful i'm so thankful for the patience of god today are you i'm thankful that he comes again and again even when our restlessness or rebellion turns us away and he calls us to accept his unfailing love and his deliverance for this life for time and for eternity would you like to trust him with your whole life today would you like to say god will you save me today maybe save me for myself i i'm so restless and i turn away so easily let's pray a miracle of transformation can happen in our hearts today a father in heaven we're encouraged as we as we see how you could take moses with all of his weakness and you could change him to to love you and to love his people and want them to be saved i pray for a transformation in our hearts today and i thank you that you're such a merciful and patient god may we accept your love and may your love transform our hearts i pray in jesus name amen amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath school today you say derek i need a transformation well let me tell you the good news god is a god of transformation he can change our hearts accept that good news and then go out and be a blessing to those around you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
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Id: K6aN5Oklx30
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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