4 BORE Rifle vs Zombie Torsos (The Biggest Rifle Ever !!!)

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today we have not won but two zombie torsos and we're gonna blast them with the four bore 50 BMG 650 grain round four boar 2150 grain bullet one inch in diameter yes it's gonna be messy here we go oh my gosh foreign what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and we're back out on the range for another video with the almighty four boar you all really seem to enjoy my newest addition to the channel and your number one request was to see me decimate a zombie torso with it well today we're going to do just that I am very excited to do so so let's go get set up and get started so for today's video we have not one but two zombie torsos I figured since we're filming with the four bore we might as well go big or go home if you've never seen these before they're made by Ballistic dummy labs they have lifelike bones flesh and organs and these have been zombified with green blood so I figure first we will shoot one of these with some common calibers just to give you something to compare to then after that we will align both of these up and blast them with the four bore and for those of you who live under a rock and did not watch the original four boar video let me show you this thing real quick you have a barrel that is one inch in diameter this thing is a Christian Firearms falling block four bore rifle you just pull this little lever down it lowers your block you load your round in and you're ready to rock and roll this is the biggest shoulder-fired rifle there is and I don't think your shoulder could take much more than this this will produce upwards of 200 pounds of recoil and this is what it shoots for some comparison this is a 50 BMG 650 grain round and this is the four bore that is a 2150 grain bullet and like I said it's one inch in diameter okay I'm gonna get one of these guys oh he's happy one of these moved off the table and we're gonna get started so the first caliber we're going to start out with is nine millimeter I'm going to be using my brand new Canik sfx rival and I'll be loaded up with some Underwood Ammo nine mil plus P 147 grain hollow points oh here we go that looked like it hurt we have a good hit right here on the left side and we do indeed have an exit hole a little spider on the skewed you're not going to want to be here now this isn't where you want to be right now the next caliber we're going to hit this zombie torso with is 357 Magnum this is a Kimber k6s combat and I'll be using some Underwood Ammo 158 grain jacket at hollow points okay here we go I definitely hit him a little harder than the nine mil yeah okay we hit right here and that's quite a bit of damage and again we did exit out the back nine mil and 357 Magnum are two common pistol calibers now let's hit it with one or two common rifle calibers this is my Kel-Tec su-16 and I'll be loaded up with some Underwood Ammo 223 62 grain control chaos thank you foreign and we made it through the back of the zombie the last thing we're going to hit this zombie with before moving on to the four bore is 762 by 39. this is some Underwood Ammo 123 grain control chaos and I'll be using this beautiful SKS yeah that one had a little more kick to it uh Mr zombie got hit right here in the lower ribs and we blew out the side oh all right so judging from what's happened in previous videos once these things take enough damage they kind of fall apart and they don't want to stand up normally at the end of the video is when I shoot these areas but I'm afraid that after we hit these with the four bore I'm not going to be able to stand them back up so today we're going in reverse order first we're gonna take a shot straight through here and then I will turn them facing me and we'll try to shoot through both torsos with the four bore I don't know if you know this but those zombie torsos are not cheap and neither is this gun and neither is this round and on top of that I'm gonna have to pay for a chiropractor's visit after today's video so if you could do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button shoulder fired artillery oh okey dokey here we go oh oh [Music] [Music] my gosh never never seen results like that before that was absolutely ridiculous well I have to say I'm actually a little surprised I was expecting damage but I was not expecting that much explosion because we're shooting a solid lead round it's not a hollow point it's not meant to expand it's meant to penetrate but boy did it deliver a lot of damage there is nothing left of these zombie heads we're just left with the base here and over here as well so my conclusion with a four bore take out two zombies at once I'm gonna go with yes the only problem with this is now I am legitimately curious at how many zombie heads it would take to stop a four-bore we'll have to save that one for later but for now we're going to turn these this way and we're going to see if we can make it through both zombie torsos this place uh is covered in bone fragments there's a piece a big piece right here there's the face I mean those bone fragments went everywhere at least 50 foot in diameter a little behind the scenes footage here I typically put up a canopy so my slow-mo camera doesn't overheat well as you can see it caught quite a bit of fluids on it all right let's get loaded up again all right here we go [Music] [Laughter] the four bore is not playing around it went through both zombies like they weren't even there this is quite a bit of damage and when I reviewed the slow-mo footage you could see this just open up if you look here on the back side that is um quite a big exit hole oh then it continued on into the second one still did quite a bit of damage and then blew through the back of the second zombie those results were pretty impressive we went through both of the heads we went through both torsos so now what do I do I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn them sideways shoulder to shoulder and we're going to take one more shot foreign [Music] it blew it apart so uh this torso here is um completely done um it does appear that are around went into the second torso and it looks like it exited right there but that first torso full-blown exploded so after reviewing the slo-mo footage I could see that the round kind of deviated out of the zombie torso and then continued on came over here started looking hoping I could find a round and we did and it's right here and it looks like this thing also smacked into the berm you can see some wood pieces there but that is all kinds of chewed up and it's still just such a solid piece of lead that is just ridiculous four did not disappoint I am very impressed with today's results what else would you like to see me shoot with the massive four bore let me know in the comment section down below something I forgot to mention was my new shirts if you want to support the channel be sure and check them out there'll be a link in the description down below if you enjoyed today's video do me a favor and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on Kentucky Customs Kentucky ballistic Shorts patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below [Music] and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics talk to you next time [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 4,067,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 bore, 4 bore rifle, 4 bore vs zombie torso, kentucky ballistics 4 bore rifle, 4 bore rifle vs ballistic dummy, 4 bore kentucky ballistics, 4 bore vs ballistic dummy, the biggest rifle ever, 4 bore rifle vs ballistic torso, 4 bore vs human torso, 2150 grain bullet, 4 bore rifle vs, 4 bore vs, kentucky ballistics 4 bore, the biggest rifle caliber, 4 bore rifle shooting, 4 bore rifle vs zombie torso, four bore rifle, 4 bore vs torso, 4 bore rifle vs torso, kentucky, ballistics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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