Leslie and Ben, a love story (Part 2) | Parks and Recreation

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I'm Pawnee is a really special town I love living there and and I look forward to the moments of my day where where I get to hang out with the town and talk to the town about stuff and the town has really nice blonde - here - mm-hm it's red a shocking number of political biographies for a town which I like oh god I'm sorry and I know we can get into trouble but I can't take this anymore and I feel like we have to at least talk about it and we have a serious code Ben well it's not really code if you say his name he told me that he liked me and I'm gonna go make out with him right now on his face that's awesome no no read me the script seriously yes all right Leslie its Leslie Knope from the parks department speaking to you through ad Perkins friend a beautiful nurse thank you do not do anything with Ben be responsible no matter how cute his mouth is your job is on the line shut up Ann you wrote that no you then Leslie Leslie you don't know what you're talking about I care about him very much and I've had two and a half glasses of red wine and what that means is I'm gonna go make out with him right now and it's gonna be awesome yeah yeah no you're supposed to talk me out of this no don't stop shut up and I'm doing it anyway yay lastly well actually I think it's good that Chris showed up cuz I wasn't thinking clearly I love my job Ben loves his job and it's just not worth the risk oh hey hey Chris just wanted me to drop off these receipts oh well he's not here he took off okay oh oh it's so nice to see you so happy about a guy Thanks I don't know when I look at my life right now it feels almost perfect I mean we have to sneak around but weirdly it's kind of fun that nobody knows hello Leslie how long have you been sleeping with Ben what how long have you been sleeping with Ben that's disgusting and wrong I don't even get why would I I've never had sex with anyone anywhere it's none of your this is an outrage who do I call hey hey hey hey hey Ronnie listen you're just who I was looking for are you did you forget the did you connect can I get that thing can we just uh did you bring it this isn't good Vincent you're being really nice and what I'm about to say is gonna make you hate me okay then I'll just open the box for you Wow you knew I figured it out a while ago I'm sorry I should have told you I knew but I just wanted this to last as long as possible we have to break up why why do we have to break out Rome Leslie everything you've accomplished you have earned and you have worked for I don't want anyone to think that you got where you are today by sleeping with your boss but I really like sleeping with my boss yeah yeah I miss you like crazy I think about you all the time I want to be with you so let's just say screw it we would have to tell Chris yeah I could turn into a scandal if I hurt your campaign and yeah how would you imagine we do this I don't know but I I know how I feel and I want to be with you but I'm done steamrolling people this is how I feel how do you feel last May at your request Ben and I drove to Indianapolis to bid for the state Little League tournament the night we returned was the first time we kissed each other on each other's mouths it was excellent you will be suspended for two weeks with pay just two weeks correct this concludes the investigation I thought I was gonna get fired I should have gotten fired why didn't I get fired Ben asked for a private meeting with the committee and he took full responsibility for the bribe and resigned effective appeal the meeting that Ben and I had it's on the record you should take a look at the last page of the transcript mr. Wyatt Chris for God's sake would you mind not jumping for a little while mr. Trager sorry Ben but this is how I fight depression what do you find I'll stop thank you okay so you were prepared to resign effective immediately and take full responsibility for all the events that transpire to lull the Sebastian's memorial mr. Wyatt that is correct mr. Trager okay fine this makes me sadder than I previously thought humanly possible but I accept your resignation can I ask you one more question what's all of this over the sneaking around the scandal losing your job was was worth in it yes it was because I love Leslie I want to be with her and I don't want to hide the way I feel about her anymore so yeah it was worth it because I'm in love with Leslie Knope mr. Trager that was beautiful I'm literally crying and jumping crying noise crying noise nose blow your victory speech Councilwoman Knope someday when I'm more emotionally stable I want to read the concession speech you wrote for me [Applause] you have to go to Washington I told you I'm turning it down I was being selfish you put your whole life on hold for me the very least I can do is try to return the favor well my boyfriend might not be moving back for a while so I have to back out just wanted to look at it one more time you know I can't give you your deposit back I know and there's a $300 right actually is there a way I could put down like a hey hey I know you were coming back here no what are you doing oh my god what are you doing I'm thinking about my future I am deeply ridiculously in love with you and above everything else I just I want to be with you forever so Leslie Knope wait wait wait okay I'll just I need to remember this give me a second Leslie no no no hold on just I need another second please I need to remember every little thing about how perfect my life is right now at this exact moment okay are you good yeah I'm good Leslie Knope will yes marry me oh yeah okay you're all I need I love you and I like you I don't love you now like you and now with the power vested in me by the state of Indiana I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the legs [Music] take the running leap and you left [Music] there were a lot of signs of been and I should get married tonight but truth be told we just really wanted to get married when you're in love everything seems like a sign I love my husband I'd love my job and I love my friends even though they really can't handle their booze hey we should just go [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 949,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Parks And Rec Bloopers, Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, NBC, NBCU, Leslie Knope, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Ann Perkins, Paul Schneider, Mark Brendanawicz, Aziz Ansari, Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza, April Ludgate, Chris Pratt, Andy Dwyer, Leslie and Ben, Leslie and Ron, Andy and April, April and Ron, Ben Wyatt, Retta, Jerry Gergich, Donna Meagle
Id: sURE3sRBUcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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