Ann and Chris (PART 1) | Parks and Recreation

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hey Ron did we make out last night good god woman no okay that's it that's all the men that I know you guys just knocked it completely out of the park and I appreciate it and we will see you later and Perkins hey April's party a party yeah [Music] there's no reason not to love him but I didn't know oh fancy this listen I have meetings all day but I'd love to chat with you can I call you you have my phone number no you couldn't remember your phone number but you gave me your phone terrific that's great we'll talk later okay do so well guys we'll talk later I am so excited that you finally agreed to go out with me what a magnificent flip-flop you're magnificent ask her out er tell me every single detail of your day I love dates I love connecting with someone I love engaging them I love being surprised by them I have never had a bad date they've all been either great or phenomenally great nurses are the most undervalued members of our society by far I think all of you should make as much money as the CEO of Google Wow thank you I agree can I ask you a question why am I so positive all the time yes that's exactly the question I was born with a blood disorder and my parents were told that I had three weeks to live and here I stolen some two thousand five weeks later and I have enjoyed every one of them [Music] in it that's going great thanks can i buy your drink oh I'm very flattered but this is my stunningly gorgeous day and Perkins oh hi hi sorry oh no problem in fact let me buy all of you a drink for being so welcoming today waiter I think I may actually like Chris [Music] yeah perfect Hey how was your run ended with a five and a half a minute and my oh my personal low I think the pavement in this town is soft what's with the mask flu prevention my body is finely tuned like a microchip and the flu is like a grain of sand it gets literally shut down the entire system my body's like a chip - potato chip no speaking potato chips you and I are on for dinner tomorrow yes yes definitely I'm super super excited looking forward to it excellent way to go buddy way to go we've been on a couple of dates I really like him the problem is he's like a perfect human man I can't find one flaw there was one time I thought he farted but it was me I vomited somewhere in this room I don't remember where though wait you might want to check that drawer stop pooping you have to get up off the floor now as far as my friends nothing like a complete physical breakdown to make a guy seem less intimidating I love the flu this is a disaster you're not into football I knew there was something wrong with you knew it honestly I haven't felt this good in years and it's not just because of the supplements he has me taking in the soluble fiber and the increase in regularity it's him he's moving back to Indianapolis in a couple of weeks which sucks but if he asked me to move with him I think I would I would like a local beer I'd like it in a bottle I'd like a bottle would be called I would like a glass of white wine I would like it to be Chardonnay and I would like that with one ice cube Thanks you are going to love this ver ocean team really supercharges the bacteria in your colon plus it smells interesting waft it are we actually ever gonna drink it or we're just gonna sniff it I love sniffing don't get me wrong you are hilarious so you're leaving soon um back to Indianapolis briefly and then on to a town called snarling Indiana for several months never heard of it it's quite small the cows at number the people 41 it sounds amazing I like you a lot I love spending time with you then I thoroughly enjoy you in Perkins I just think we need to talk about what that means for us I don't want to be clingy please it is something that we need to figure out and we should do that right now I'm so happy you said wow that's disgusting yes it's very hard to drink look we'll find a 24-hour diner or we can get one of those cows that we saw on the way up here and we'll bring it back and we'll make steaks out of that and Perkins what are you doing here whose pink razors in your shower excuse me Leslie found a pink razor and a pink swimming cap in your shower whose is it I guess you're talking about my razor I shaved my legs for swimming and women's razors work better for whatever reason mens razor technology hasn't figured out a properly contour the shinbone and and the swimming cap Indiana breast cancer awareness triathlon 2009 came in fourth well I found concealer in your medicine cabinet what's that about I'm a human being sometimes they get blemishes I'm not perfect Oh God I'm so sorry honey I'm so embarrassed I was scared that you were cheating on me no I'm not cheating on you but I'm also not dating you we broke up last week we talked at your house do you not remember this of course I remember but we didn't break up I'm sorry Ann but I'm certain we did okay you said that you didn't want to leave Pawnee and that I was the most amazing woman you would ever met which you are and then I said that I would move to Indianapolis if I had to and you said you didn't want to make me do that and then you said that in a different world oh my god you broke up with me oh yeah so here's what happened sweet and beautiful Ann has never been dumped before and Chris is such a positive person when he broke up with her she just didn't realize it it's kind of understandable although it does kind of make you wonder how good of a nurse she is oh my god you left you said you were gonna work late and I kissed you it's enjoyable as that was I did find it odd I wanted you to meet my parents I'm sure they're great people but strange this humiliating sorry I gotta go hey whatever happened to you in the bionic man Chris he broke up with me but he did it so nicely that I didn't even realize he did it I've done that to multiple men how you doing you don't okay thank you so much for asking it's been tough yeah two days ago I was sobbing at a pizza buffet and they asked me to leave I've been looking at some dog adoption websites about $700 with the candles from Anthropologie I did this to my hair you know your basic bottoming out kind of stuff yeah normally people tell you to talk about your problems I'm gonna recommend you follow that noise up that's what my mailman said and Perkins Chris hey I heard you were back I didn't do this because of you well it looks great yeah you look great am i right it's so good running into you yeah we should get together soon I'd love to catch on me too ketchup and mustard ketchup and mustard oh Jesus oh it's full I relish your whip well I saw say your face no you have to understand that the time I genuinely thought you and I would never see each other again I completely understand that's what makes you so amazing no and Perkins amazing oh no oh no oh no you know I wasn't saying that I thought we should get back together again but you said that you indicated oh my god this is happening again I have to move right yeah I'm gonna leave the country bye everybody bye [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 899,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, NBC, Leslie Knope, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Ann Perkins, Aziz Ansari, Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza, April Ludgate, Chris Pratt, Andy Dwyer, Ben Wyatt, Retta, Jerry Gergich, Donna Meagle, Official Channel, adam scott, jim o'heir, chris traeger, rob lowe, compilation, love, love story, ann and chris, romance
Id: jFCqFrJaR7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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