Lenovo Legion Go - The Definitive Quick Look

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hello everyone my name is the fox in this video we're going to be doing a technical quick look of the new Lenovo Legion go this was this is the retail version I actually bought this from Best Buy shout out to Best Buy by the way they shipped this to me the launch save for this was the 31st and I got it on the 31st at noon so amazingly great support by Best Buy from uh the company there with the whole Logistics that they're doing there doing a great job so thank you to Best Buy for getting this so quickly so I've been able to review this faster uh but along those lines the since this is a retail unit I can confirm unfortunately that it is a portrait native panel that is on here so it's kind of unfortunate seeing Lenovo use a portrait based panel on a PC gaming handheld well from they are a very large manufacturer so I was really hoping that they would have done better here uh so it remains that only the Asus Rog Ally actually has a native landscape panel it's also an EDP panel that has vrr uh whereas this is most likely mippy and does not feature vrr even though it is a sensationally large 8.8 in QHD display so that's 2560 by 14,600 2560 x600 it's 10 by uh 16 x 10 aspect ratio uh so a very large display size comparison wise the Asus RG Ali is considerably smaller it'll come up basically to uh one joycon less on this device uh roughly speaking the little Legion go is sort of similar in Dimensions to the steam deck but the steam deck has a little bit better ergonomics overall I'm still fine with this this type of device is very much function over form and that to be honest is uh me so I like a lot of the things that they did here and we're going to talk about a bunch of those things first let's just quickly talk about the specs there's two different versions that you can get there's a $700 model and a $750 model so this one is the $700 model it's 512 gig SSD installed for $50 more you can do one tab so it is pretty much a no-brainer at that point just to spend $750 get the one Tab model I think that a lot of people would find that to be more than fair uh in this particular unit all of both of those units are going to be uh the z1e AMD z1e it's a offshoot of their 78 40u uh this is a very very performant Apu it's the best performing Apu that we have there are some caveats here along with other additional tech specs on here the one thing that is nicer on this particular unit over the Asus RG Ally is that we have lpddr 5x 75 500 megga transfer Ram whereas the Asus RG 6,400 Mega transfers and I can confirm that it does actually go up to there because you can actually clearly see that it's 937 MHz uh this being when you got equate it out it's 7500 megat transfers 6,400 megat transfers would be 800 MHz on RAM frequency so we are confirming that we do have that fast speed of ram we need that Ram to feed the GPU so we're going to be doing a full performance comparison uh between the Asus RG Ali and the Lenovo Legion go and some other devices but that's going to be on a later video that's going to be a more in-depth video this is a technical quick look we're going to be doing some quick benchmarks because there are some different performance modes and I want to give you a quick look of that on a CPU bound synthetic T Test we're to compare that on a few different things we'll touch based on that in a second so basically that's it 512 or 1 tab SSD the AMD z1e in both platforms 7500 megat transfers Ram 16 GB of it uh and that's pretty much it the 8.8 in uh 2560 x600 screen which is unfortunately portrait uh and no vrr but it is 144 Herz just want to interrupt real quick I forgot to mention this while I was going through that little Spiel is that both of the USBC ports are USBC 4 so they actually do support the pcie tunneling so you can get Thunderbolt type of support egpu Thunderbolt support on both of these ports if you wanted to so uh I've already confirmed this using the gpg one I plugged it into the bottom port and it came up through the GPU Z and I plugged it into the top port and it came up through GPU there is one caveat here A word of warning um warning might be a little bit tough here but uh you have to remember that the Lenovo Legion go is using the z1e so by that there the z1e does not have access to the latest AMD adrenaline drivers so if you're going to use an AMD based egpu solution via Thunderbolt you're going to have a bit of a bad time because when you install the latest AMD drivers you're going to knock out the z1e drivers that are for this so when you unplug it you'll no longer have drivers for your device in a handheld state so you have to go ahead and install those back the Lenovo drivers to get that up and running so that's the only kind of problem that we have using AMD EGP Solutions through a thunderbolt so I really wouldn't recommend AMD Thunderbolt solutions for this instead I would very much recommend any Nvidia solution so put any NV uh envidia card into an egpu and you'll be just fine the Nvidia portion will have its own drivers and they can run cooperatively you know there's not going to be a problem you disconnect it'll go back to the AMD z1e Lenovo drivers no problem anyway back to the video I am going to briefly talk about the problems with having a portrait based screen uh for PC gaming handles especially on Windows not so much on Linux because Linux is already going to wrap a lot of those games so viewing it through the lens of a Windows PC gaming handle having native portrait is unfortunate for a lot of reasons we're going to go through a small slice of that in a moment up first I want to just quickly take a look at performance benchmarks now this is uh synthetic benchmarks that we're going to be taking a look at here so I'm going to bring that up on the screen right now all right let's understand what's going on in these benchmarks this particular synthetic Benchmark I'm using is heaven and the type of constraint that I'm putting into is a CPU bound test uh this is per watt that we're looking at and we have four different tests that are here first we have what the steam deck is doing per watt on this graph and you can see that the steam deck is clearly blowing out the competition this has been known for a while that uh the steam deck is very very performing at lower tdps but obviously ends at 15 watt and has massive diminishing turns after 11 and 12 watt anyway so you can see where that Arc is right there that the steam deck gets a lot of its performance really around the 10 11 watt Mark so that's the steam deck and then if we look at the the red yellow and blue lines those are all the Lenovo Legion go now I want to explain something right here in the legion space app itself right here you can see that there are two different let me go over here there are actually two different two different modes of power so six different options you have thermal mode with is quiet balance performance and then Custom Custom is you know another thing but you can actually just specify the wattage all of these tests that you're seeing right now on on this Benchmark are all in the thermal mode of balance which is effectively a 20 wat tdb cap regardless of ryen adjust or any other software solution that you're going to try and push extra wattage to it then there's the OS power modes and those are the what you're seeing here so you're looking at per performance balance and efficiency now you looking at this and you can see that the legion go efficiency power schema the yellow line is the most performant per watt along this entire graph it is getting the best performance out of all of them over performance and balance and you may be asking yourself well why is that that seems odd it's actually correct and this is something if you've been following my channel for a while this should be noticeable to you you like oh yeah that makes sense for anyone that's new to this this will seem odd it seems counterintuitive you have to remember there are two things that are going on number one we are in a power constrained device this z1e the 78 40u all of these types of devices when we take a look at the CPU component and the GPU component the CPU could use up to 65 Watts by itself the GPU can go up to 35 Watts so you're looking at something that's close to needing 100 watts to effectively hit all of its Max cores so all eight CPU cores at 4.3 GHz the GPU going at 2.7 GHz pushing all those allar clocks would require around 100 Watts now that doesn't mean you'd get that performance out of there because we are memory constrained right we only have that 120 a bit wide 7500 megat transfers Ram feeding the GPU and the CPU so we're going to have diminishing returns right around the 18 to 20 watt Mark anyway 28 watt is where you're really going to start being at the the maximum amount of power that you're going to be going at regardless so that's just something that I wanted to quickly just identify here right so that's number one number two is that you have to remember that the windows OS power schema and a lot of Legacy operating systems when we were targeting performance modes in any type of scope it was always going towards the CPU which means that both in the performance and the balance mode they are pushing more power if there was a a a lever that says okay I have 25 watts coming in I need to push power to CPU GPU and Encore for the moment let's just talk about CPU and GPU but if performance is saying push all the power to the CPU remember the CPU can use up to 65 Watts no problem so if we're just pushing power into the CPU it'll use it it'll use it but it won't do anything more for us for performance so when you go into a efficiency State that's saying use less power on the CPU but it doesn't dictate anything for the GPU thus you are giving more power to the GPU to do more work so even in this very CPU bound uh situation what we do with efficiency is we actually wind up having a better overall situation where we're feeding the entire Apu better overall as opposed to putting in performance or balance modes so you always should be putting on an efficiency mode we always should be trying to pull back from the CPU giving it either putting on a CPU cap a limit T taking off Turbo Modes because the zen4 CPUs are already outrageously performant so you want to limit how much that's going there now I want to just take this to the next step right we talked about all the OS power schemers since we know that the efficiency for Windows OS power mode is the best what happens when we take it off of the balance TDP uh cap and we can go to Performance and now we're going to be able to go up to 25 and 30 watt so when we take a look at that we look at the next chart and you can see this is the Orange Line in there so once we start pushing the Orange Line in there then you can see that we are effectively making use of that wattage before the graph that you saw even though I had the charts going up to 28 watt effectively it was always going to 20 watt so we were just Flatline there but if you put on the performance TDP scope uh thermal scope on the legion space app you will then be able to start using more power on the Apu itself and thus getting better performance so now we're in like at 220 FPS this looks pretty good for a 7840 and a z1e with this particular settings so let's go ahead and just take a very brief look at what the Asus RG Ally look looks like in this same test so this is just the legion go with efficiency power schema but the performance TDP space uh scope in the legion space application itself versus the Asus RG Ali now the Asus RG Ali I've already tuned up so we have made sure that cor isolation is off VMP is off uh EP is at 60 we're using power saver mode we're already doing all the efficiency stuff and when we look at this you can see that the acers RG Ally with my uh performance settings that I've already done this is outside of the default settings that the legion go is so we're looking at pretty much default Legion Go versus a tuned up acis RG Ally by me uh so you can see that the acers RG Ally actually does really well uh in the I want to say 11 to 20 watt TDP scope from 11 to 10 uh 20 watt in this CPU bound test the acus RG Ally is doing better this may largely be because of my tuned up settings because I'm actually pushing I'm catering towards uh CPU power and GPU power a bit more than what the defaults are for the legion go so once I'll be able to tweak that and see how far I can push the legion go in a follow-up video we'll look at that later but as we start going uh pushing a little bit more we actually see that that most likely the 7500 megat transfer Ram is actually starting to pull ahead so this is where we're starting to see the legion go win at those higher tdps so that's a very brief look at performance between all the different modes on the legion go in a CPU bound synthetic Benchmark again I'm going to have another video that is going to go far more in depth with a lot more additional game benches we're also going to do a GPU bound uh full wattage range so from 5 watt to 30 watt but in a GPU bound scenario on heaven and get an idea of what that looks like so that we can start comparing to other platforms as well and have a better idea on a CPU bound end and a GPU bound end and how that system operates along with a bunch of different games in 10 15 20 and 25 watt TDP benches so we have a full understanding of how these machines operate especially when we're trying to save on battery now that that quick look at performance is done let's go ahead and talk about why the portrait based screen isn't great now a lot of people uh they get kind of carried away they like well only old games are affected by this that's not true Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that has been notorious and a lot of people that have been in the handout space know about this for a while that if you run our Red Dead Redemption 2 with the Vulcan API backend and you try to run full screen it's actually only going to be in a little small quadrant over here you can fix this with other tools but it is very very annoying and that is a problem with portrait based screens you can get around this easily by just using direct X12 but anyone that's having this issue it makes the user experience really bad and if it was just a native landscape panel this wouldn't happen at all there's lots of other things that H uh happen across there as well so I'm going to bring that up in this particular section right now so let's get into that so let's say you're getting this and especially you know you have the FPS mode you have a a trackpad here but you can also convert the right joycon into a mouse and the left joycon can be uh the was keys or whatever Keys you want them to be to play older PC games uh with no problem so you're going to go and say you know I've been wanting to play Aliens versus Predator classic so you're going to go there you're going to press the the play button and then you're going to get hit in your face with d3d initialization failure and the reason we're getting that is because of the portrait based panel if you wanted to play this game on the A's RG Ali it would just run uh but there's also some other stuff so like there's arcs fatalist this is also a great game you're going to try to play it and then it's going to try to load and Kabam what you're going to get is bad display mode because of the portrait based panel so it's going to try to run it in a software renderer solution so right now the GPU is not doing anything the CPU is what is going to render everything on the screen and it may seem like it's just going to go along and you're like all right you know what I can't have full screen but that's okay I'll just play like this and uh I'll just let my powerful CPUs handle everything so as this is loading let's go ahead and jump ahead and see what you see all right and so as you can hear the game is loaded uh but it isn't doing anything and you'll get brief flickers on the screen of stuff rendering uh but for all intents and purposes this is super broken unless we go ahead and try to wrap this uh direct X7 game into something newer uh typically these wrappers are going to be doing openg GL which isn't very good on uh AMD as it is although AMD has newer openg GL drivers that are better but you can see how broken this is uh this is just not going to work it's slow and broken so let's go ahead and take a look at some other games other games like Carmageddon 2 you like oh sick I I want to play Carmageddon 2 again I got a nice PC gaming handheld you go ahead and press play it just crashes and gives you no error whatsoever it just says play again so for from your perspective you don't know what happened uh this is another game this is a direct X game and this is a special type of broken that works with the so you can see down here this is the like a helper task menu this allows you to uh the Asus RG Ali has this as well this allows you to flick up from the bottom of the screen even if it's full screen mode T typically it's not actually full screen exclusive it's something else uh but with Legacy of cane Soul Reaver 2 this direct X8 game uh effectively there is another screen that's on top of everything else and then all of your inputs no longer work and I'll show you that in a second so we're going to go to Sim City 4 this is another good game especially with the mouse mode on the right joycon and you're going to go ahead and say you know what I want to play some Sim City 4 Deluxe oh too bad it doesn't work at all uh let's go to Legacy of Kan and see how broken things could possibly get so now you're going to click play all right so it's loaded for a bit nothing's happened it didn't stop it just says cancel but you can already see that I can't touch anything so if I swipe up here okay I can get to the taskbar but if I go here and I click on Soul Reaver I can hear it running in the background but nothing's actually displaying so I go over here and I'll say you know what okay I I can't touch anything how about how about I open up task manager I'll just I'll just close it nope I can't touch anything here nothing works even if I were to try to bring up the mouse the mouse doesn't work so there is a special this is really super broken at at the moment this this doesn't work so the only way that you could effectively get out of this is to go go to your user and sign out so you'll close everything and then get an error and uh that's the only way that you're going to be able to basically get out of that particular situation again I'm going to do a separate video on why native portrait panels are bad for Windows PC gaming handled and why we should really be striving to go to landscape only uh GPD had tried fixing it on the GPD Win 4 initially that had some setbacks because of uh a stale frame that got put in there gbd did wind up fixing that later on uh and then on the gp1 4740 version that was all fixed so there are only a few actual native landscape PC gaming handles that exist you have the GPD win Max 2 the GPD Win 4 which actually is converting a portrait panel but it's still overall still fine at this point uh you have the AC RG Ally and that's it so there aren't a wide range of native landscape uh handhelds in fact only the windmax 2 and acus RG technically qualify and only the acus RG allly has a vrr EDP panel most everyone almost everything else is mppy based so that's a quick understanding of of that I want to start going in and talking about all the other parts of the controls and everything on here like the hall based analog sticks and how the joycons work and overall I'm pretty pleased with it so let's go ahead and get into it let's briefly talk about the software that is available on the Lenovo Legion go so this is called Legion space and I'm going to tap down here just so this goes away because I need to be able to access that button in a second I thought I would just be able to bring it up just by pressing the button but that doesn't work instead you can actually press this button over here to bring up the uh Legion space button but it actually Cycles between like a steam like quick access menu and also that button over there which is super weird and a lot of people have already brought it up now the taskbar is here blocking my menu button so I can't even get to it easily let's go over what's available on the main screen up here very briefly you have your battery icon your Wi-Fi and letting you know what type of mode you're in up here is a pretty straightforward gallery of what's going on and a recommended of what they have the platform gaming this allows you to quickly and easily download a launcher to install it and everything is handled via here Xbox is already installed steam I installed through here and everything worked just fine if you were to go to library this only shows games that you've already played it doesn't show games that are installed so this is one thing that the Asus RG Ally does in that it scans your library knows what's going on over here is Android game and this is basically just leveraging uh Amazon's own app store through the wind store so that is how you would get to there so they're leveraging a lot of different things that are already available on the PC gaming landscape without actually doing anything themselves down here this is something that's a little bit more unusual unusual uh the Asus RG Ally does this as well but they bring this into a bit more front and center so this will jump over to third party stores you'll get a little notification that it's a third part third party store that you're going to go to and this is where they will actually make a bit of money so there will be affiliate links effectively for all these games that you're looking at wherever you're going to buy them on uh so they're going to be making money from that angle instead of buying from Steam directly so that's pretty much the front end of the front end let's go ahead and look at the menu really quick because there's some interesting design choices pressing this will get you back to the desktop uh this is your recently played this is the home screen so that'll just bring up this again if we go back to menu you can take a look at what is downloaded this is going to show you anything that Legion space is going to download itself go back to menu uh here you have screenshots where it's going to look at your screenshot folder and more importantly here is your settings folder if we jump down here this is the performance menu and this is something that I've already talked about earlier on and again I do recommend the OS power mode being efficiency and thermal mode being performance with these two settings at least so far using the default settings and doing no more that will give you the best performance at every wattage so if you're running at 10 watt it's going to give you the best performance there if you're run at 25 watt it's going to give you the best performance there so this is what would recommend leave rsr off if you wanted to look at other better settings that is going to be something that I'm going to be taking a look at later on in my full review video this is more of a quick look in the display section this is where you'll be able to quickly change between resolutions so they offer 800p 1200p and 1600p all 16x 10 aspect ratios and display refresh rate is 144 HZ or 60 HZ uh this is depending on what you want to do there is no vrr again this is a portrait based display most likely myy based not not EDP so we wouldn't even be able to make use of vrr anyway cuz vrr is only on the EDP standard and not on mippy mippy has its own and isn't as full featured as vrr is for vibration this is where you're going to be setting how the vibrators uh feel on the joycons themselves this is again something we're going to be looking at more in the full review in controller mode you can see that we are on gamad now this is something that I wish that they did a little bit more in here for the game pad mapping you can do gyro and Gyro will act as left or a right stick so this is going to be something that's on here which is nice and this is something that the Asus rgi does not support just yet you have to use third party tools to uh use it if we take a look at these other buttons that are on the back buttons of the joycons themselves we actually have a limited amount of buttons that are here you can only effectively make these back buttons over here more Xbox buttons which is not very very useful the nice thing here is that this button mapping profile changes based on the mode so if we take these joycons out and go to FPS mode which we'll look in a moment you can actually change it to a whole swath of different keyboard Keys which is really nice to see here you're going to get the lighting effects and that's will you will set that this Bas is just a quick look at your dis space and then your screenshot folder as well as a download folder so that's pretty much it for the legion space settings themselves the thing that's weird with the legion space app itself is that this is like the quick access menu on the steam deck and it brings up the menu of the Legion space first which is super weird and you press it again and then it gives you this quick access menu Which is far preferable and looks very similar to what the steam deck has already did with Steam OS in their quick access menu from here you can quickly just go to any particular setting you want do lighting effects this is something that I like that they've done because it's simple and effective uh for here you can actually very quickly just go up to the frame monitor if you press all you'll be able to see your statistics really quickly and that's built in nothing for you to do thermal mode for performance and Os power for efficiency that is what I found to be initially the best performance at least so far from a CPU stress test a CPU bound gaming stress test we'll look at that more as my full review comes out and then we have productivity mode so you can set external display as primary uh this is type of stuff that is kind of simple to set up on Windows itself but they provide it in here as well and that's pretty much the Lenovo Legion space application itself with all of its quirks and it's uh a bit Half Baked at the moment I would like this button to just bring up the quick access uh menu instead of toggling between the four of them which is just super weird and the legion space app itself I wish was a little bit more fleshed out than where it is now however that being said the legion space app works as it should and uh in so far as what we need to know for like the battery and everything so if we bring these up you do get a quick look at the battery controller status of the joycons as well which is really nice to see and it's very full featured in that respect so the other part of the Legion space app is that these joycons can actually operate as something else so we're going to go ahead and close this but we're going to go ahead and enable what they call FPS mode so we're going to go ahead and engage this and you get a little tool tip on on screen that FPS mode is engaged there's also a little magnetized Puck here that will engage this okay and then you can effectively use this as a mouse of sorts uh I would recommend taking a look at this because in the legion space app itself we can actually see some different settings so we now have Mouse DPI settings so you can change this to whatever you want this is going to be whatever you kind of want as your preference so give that a look before you go ahead and do anything now you can see in button remapping tool we have the FPS default they have different settings but let's go ahead and just take a look at what's available to you so what's cool here if we take a look here you can actually see that this is already labeled as was the WD that's actually really nice to default to that so this makes it so that you could just play a game and it's pretty simple for most FPS where you're going to be using this and moving around and it feels very very natural but if you wanted to go ahead and uh make any other button whatever you wanted to so if you wanted this to be something else you can make it whatever you want so it's you have the mouse keyboard and numpad so this I wish was built into the Xbox app the Xbox gam pad side itself uh but this is the last part of the Legion space app and I actually like the amount of customizations that they have for the mouse mode more so than the Xbox mode all right let's take a brief look at the controls that are on the Lenova Legion go for what it's worth these analog sticks I actually like I this is my preference okay this has always been my preference and if you've been following my channel for a while you always know I've always liked this concave is better than convex so that there's a nice place for your your your thumb to sit into and this riged material that they have around here feels really nice it's just really really accent additionally these analog sticks are Hall based analog sticks and more to the point they even feature the same type of uh circularity that other Hall based uh handhelds have so if we'll go ahead and click on this you're going to see that we have very little average error when it comes to making a complete circle for all intents and purposes this is fine I do prefer it to go outside of this circle but if you are a big circle main then these are going to by default work as you hope they would when we take a look at this d-pad this d-pad I'm not not a big fan of it's super flat and instantly clicks down the amount of travel to click down so let's see like there it is onpressed pressed how little travel this d-pad has so they are Dome based d-pads um instead of membrane based which I prefer I always like Dome based as opposed to membrane based but that's just my preference not that it's right right or wrong now the short travel and the very square-ish deep head itself uh I mean how it feels I'm really not the biggest fan although in terms of input I don't have any semblance of missed input here and even when we're doing like half circles you can see that the motion is fine it's just that I don't really like it all that much I don't like using it it's perfectly fine uh for a d-pad where you just need to select any particular quadrant real quick so for a game that is analog dominant and you need to just select a you know previous weapon or just quickly select a hotkey or something that's totally fine that is perfect but actually using the d-pad for d-pad purposes I'm not the biggest fan of it second up I'm not a fan of them prioritizing their Legion space buttons right where it's most comfortable for select and start I would have much preferred select and start right here and if they found just some other place to put their Legion space buttons because as it is uh pressing these uh start and select buttons are an annoyance I don't know even if start and select were just right here on the left side and they just had both of these buttons over here technically I think that the legion space button and the quick access menu could have just been one button especially how they have it currently configured there really isn't much of a reason to have this giant splash page come in front of your face when you can effectively get the same thing by doing that with one button so this setup is kind of Sur fluous I don't know where they're going to go with with that uh it's not not something that I'm a big fan of when we talk about the back keys I think it's going to be better if we go ahead and take these joycons out and there's a segment in this video where I talk about this so I'll talk about that a little bit more in length on the back we have a nice kickstand which is really nice to see on this type of device especially if someone wanted to use this device as a tablet PC where bringing a Bluetooth keyboard into the mix and kind of leaving these on the side with FPS mode this is something that's a little weird for me right because I like that the joycons are always attached which means that the mouse mode that you'd be disconnecting from here would also always be attached however not everyone is going to be carrying this little puck around uh it is magnetized so that is nice to see however getting into this mode uh I'm not the biggest fan of it so you can see that we switched to FPS mode and you kind of hold it like this so Mouse one Mouse two and then to get to the the scroll wheel you have to use your thumb which isn't great because you kind of have to disengage how you're going to be using it so you wouldn't be able to make use of the mouse scroll wheel like you would with a normal Mouse in gaming uh however again I already touched based on this in the legion space part of this this becomes W and you can kind of do all the hotkeys you can see how that looks in the legion space part of this review but having all the different buttons and everything I'm glad that this function exists I just don't don't really think that it's very practical uh while it is a neat idea I think that they need to find a way to make this built into the joycon because no one's going to be carrying that around or at least I don't think people are going to be carrying that around or maybe they're going to be using the case and always having this on the bottom just seems like a big to-do to get into this particular mode so for me this doesn't make much sense for me for the analog triggers themselves actually I'm a big fan of them and how they actually fit in the hand and when we talk about just using them as joycons themselves and how everything kind of just rests on your hands all told this is actually far more comfortable than joycons feel in the hand when they're separated as is so I actually think that this is a bit of a plus also these analog triggers are really nice and how they feel how my fingers want to land is exactly where I think they should be so big plus for the analog sticks and triggers if you were a type of person that mostly cared about analog triggers and analog sticks uh the lenov fusion go is actually really good all right briefly I just want to show how these joycons come out so there actually is a little toggle here and there this will bring in the clips a little bit so what you want to do is you want to press in here and then push down to get these out if we can get a close look at this you can actually see the little so there's that joycon Rail and you can see how little action there is from pushing this little button down here and that helps you just push it down to get it out so if you want to just do it to both controllers it's not the best action in the world I'm not a big fan of it so you want to press that down and go down with it and then even pushing it back in feels a bit odd to me I'm not the biggest fan of it it doesn't really it's not joyon satisfaction of putting it back in you know what I mean it's kind of weird so it's also weird for me to do it through a viewfinder so that's how it pretty much goes in and then yeah kind of just click click clip it back up okay and then okay you can hear a little clip but it's uh it's a bit weird and I'm not a big fan of it all right so here is Doom Eternal and you can see that I'm running 800p but I'm also using the ultra preset so a pretty high GPU preset to be using you can see that we're getting around 120 FPS over here this is to be expected because Doom Eternal is a fantastically optimized game all right so here we are in Mouse mode and I am not used to having a vertical Mouse whatsoever what are my buttons okay that's jump okay that's zoom in okay that's fine okay that's okay like strafing into shots not sure I I know how to use a a vertical [Music] Mouse now I [Music] [Music] switch don't know anything Buton how I jump uh so this is something this is fairly well understood and this un makes sense to me now but some of the buttons I'm still not really sure where they are and then the scroll wheel over here uh this is something that it's going to take used to although maybe it's because I'm playing through a viewfinder um not the biggest fan of this setup all right so here is returnal this game is absolutely brutal on gpus it will Hammer gpus this game gets medicated on the steam deck and it's also getting be up pretty bad here we are running at 800p low settings and I am using FSR performance so we're actually using a lower resolution than 800p and then upscaling 800p which then upscales again I had to boost out the brightness on the display just because the game is rather dark to even get picked up on my camera so that is why this is getting a little bit blown out but a nice thing that you can see here which is excellent if you take a look at VM you can see right there 937 MHz that is the lpddr5 x7500 megat transfers if it was 6,400 megat transfers like the Asus RG Ally is it would be 800 MHz but we are indeed running at 937 MHS so we're going to be able to get that extra boost from Ram to go to the GPU and be able to feed it when we start pushing more TDP which is nice to see and this is a game that is going to love getting that extra juice so one of the things that I wanted to test here is switching off the controls now one of the nice things about the switch is that you can take the controls off not such a nice manner all right so controls are off and let's see if hey look at that nothing needed just worked very cool so one of the things that is kind of neat here to think about is that you could technically use this now one of the things that I've always done with the switch myself is go on a treadmill and put the switch tablet on the top part of the ledge of the treadmill and then just walk with the joycons in my hands so this is pretty much the only PC gaming handheld where it is going to be as seamless as that even though taking off the joy-con parts of it are not so um what's the word I'm looking for graceful it's not very graceful to take these joycons off they're kind of like tanks getting on and off I'm actually a big fan of this so one other thing that's worth mentioning with the Lenovo Legion go is obviously its ability to be a tablet itself so if you wanted to bring a Bluetooth keyboard with you and type up you can do that as well the other thing that's you know useful for this type of form factor is that if we were to go ahead I already have rotation lock on you can actually you see right there so I'm going to go ahead and disable rotation lock and if we were to go to like say I'm not going to go there so say you wanted to go to like websites or anything you want to read you can just go ahead and put it in tablet mode and then just use it as your tablet so this is one of the other benefits of the Lenovo Legion go is its multi-purpose type of Nature and the display for what it's worth is absolutely fantastic again as a recap whole based analog sticks a big plus the Deep head is fine for a dome base but it's okay some of the button placement is a bit weird the face buttons are fine the touchpad that's over here I'm glad that there's an inclusion for that that's always nice to just have as an additional part there having the FPS mode on the joycons but also having the joycons actually just automatically connect giving you all the battery information through the legion space app all of that works well enough and seamless enough that I'm very happy with the solution that Lenovo has right now however where Lenovo is with Legion space right now is really Rocky this is a rough start to a launch they need to do a lot to fix this up there's a bunch that they can that they need to fix here that I've already addressed in the legion space part of this video so that's it for my quick look for this particular video again I'm going to have another video where we're talking about just the problems of native portrait based panels that'll be a separate video detailing everything there and then there's going to be a separate video as well where're just doing reviews might do the reviews video first uh but that's it for me hopefully this video is informative guys as always thank you for your time and thank thanks for watching
Channel: The Phawx
Views: 52,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phawx Plays, Let's Play, Quick Look, Steam PC, PC Gaming, Handheld PC Gaming, Lenovo, Legion Go, Lenovo Legion Go
Id: 8_8mAxSysP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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