Lennox Lewis On Fighting Mike Tyson & Holyfield, Being A Heavyweight Champion & More | Drink Champs

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👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Bobo_Balde 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/napaszmek 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen boxing hall of famer standing tall at 6 feet 5 [Music] inches hi this is [Music] drinks [Music] what it good be honest with you this is your boy n-o-r-e what up it's dj efn and this drink chance [ __ ] happy hour make some love and right now the person that we have in front of us when you think of champion i don't think the word champion is is is enough you got to call him the champion champion champion he has defended his title through the most this is this is the real boxing league right now boxing kind of seems soft i'm so sorry for y'all now but i mean the real boxing league where everyone was for ropes this and you and the man has held from england for uh of jamaican descent all the rosters from england so he's up jamaican descent from england went over to canada fought in the olympics dominated there went pro and beat everybody in fact when you look at his documentary you realize not only did he beat all of his opponents most of the opponents was running from him he went to catskill new york and met up with the champion they said that one day the champ won and then the next day the other champ won and it was destined for them to meet at at the end and they met at the end in case you don't know who we talking about we talking about the remarkable they're impeccable [ __ ] now one thing that one thing struck me immediately studying you was the bob marley what's it called crazy ball crazy ball as i'm watching the documentary i see that this repeats itself so i was like it was something that what does that song mean okay you know uh it's interesting that you said that first thank you for the introduction guys that was great um and it's a pleasure being here with you guys let's go let's go and by the way what you want red or pink what you want to start with oh red um you know i used to go dances all the time especially reggae dances and i like clash dances so you know the sound clashes yeah sound questions so for me you know if you're gonna go or work to a song it's gotta mean something you know go into the ring it's gonna mean something and crazy ballets meant a lot to me because i i started growing my locks because of like a situation and i said you know i'm just going to focus and i'm going to grow my hair so you know my friends were saying you know john which is god wouldn't give the power to a ball head so you know that's why that's why i started growing my locks to gain my strength because i had a samson like complex you know as my hair grew i just felt i got stronger type of thing so that's the that's that was the the vibe going in the ring you know chasing all the crazy bollards out of the town because one defeated don't look at me like that brother no because you want to um cause you know why when i first noticed it was against tyson so at first i didn't listen to the lyrics i'm thinking this is a record that you're you're deliberately making towards tyson but then later on i found out there's a deeper meaning it found out uh that it was almost about skinheads yeah well i i i don't know about that but it's it's really how it mean what it means to you okay what it meant to me was like yo you know i've got here and i'm chasing all the crazy ballads out of town is that not a in rasta culture like growing the the the hair the dreads not a part of that yeah of course yeah i mean you know um uh people i grew up with were rosters part of a band party you know and i found that they were more spiritual you know they were my teachers without you know of life and uh it was it was important um for them to grow their hair and not allow a comb to touch it wow and a lot of them felt that if they cut their hair they would catch a coal and get sick so their hair really gave them strength right wow now let's get talking to the beginning real quick miss baker let's open that up yeah miss baker like she was the woman right who you took over yeah well what happened with miss baker miss baker uh is actually my mom's friend and my mom left and immigrated to canada you know that immigration uh story i'm sure a lot of people have that and um you know she couldn't take me at that time so she left me with a good friend miss baker and this is london this is in east london and uh you know miss baker was a good friend to her i think they took nursing together anyway my mom immigrated to canada with a friend over there and uh you know looking for a new life type of thing and uh left me with miss bacon miss baker wasn't really too nice to me you know i don't know what happened in between her husband was really nice to me but she wasn't nice to me even um sometimes i would um he would go and leave me alone with her and she would just be shouting away and you know cursing at me you were the only child in the house in the house at the time so um you know i didn't i grew to not like her too much but uh it's interesting because i went back years later and she jumped at me and hugged me it's probably discipline she was trying to teach her something like that i don't know i don't know well that's what it is i don't think she had any children so this was like all new to her all new to her and uh not everybody's suited to to be a parent [Laughter] so so let me tell you the only problem i have for the documentary it's so well put together it's so you got dr dre oh narrating it i didn't realize it till the end of it i was like now this is familiar i knew that from the beginning my only problem is i didn't hear about it as much like i don't feel like they promoted it no um you're right um they they should have promoted a little bit more but um it's it's one of those stories that anytime you watch it it's gonna impress you you know what i mean so even if you're late right it's still gonna impress you yeah you're gonna still be happy about it because it's a good story especially around nowadays and you know there's a lot of different people a lot of immigrants coming in you know for them to connect to the story how did you connect to the story man um first off uh you're one of my favorite boxers i don't know if you know that um and it always amazed me i knew he was a chess player without you knowing without me seeing you play chess cause i watched it in the ring and that's that's who you are so for me when i dug deep the the best part was for me to see how how how content you are like when people were talking like even for tyson like tyson said i want to eat your children like that was crazy and you sat back and you did an interview and you said well i hope he's a vegetarian at the time i was like that's the greatest one come back you can [ __ ] say but what it is this a person i think uh was it larry merchant no no not larry jim lampley yeah um and he said a lot of people don't understand they don't realize that you come from the hood just like them it's just you you have the british action mixed with a little bit of canadian people because you thought proper that you had like a proper upbringing like like he was with the queen of england or something like that they don't realize it from east london so um how was that how was that that was good i mean uh east london is a is a place is you know is an important place in london all the all the famous people all the famous people come from east london right so that's not brixton right no that's south london that's south london but the whole doesn't matter we're in london it's like you're london or you're you're you're from the uk so it doesn't matter i don't i don't understand why people have these different areas and say hey we own this area it's like the whole place right um yeah and you know there there's a code of ethics in in one sense like you know a handshake is good as a contract your word is your bond you know i grew up on those type of um ethics and you know it's followed me through through life because it's a east london way of life right now um um you also played football and baseball what would have happened if you would have made it in these other sports what do you really think uh football baseball i didn't play basketball my bad you know i wanted to play basketball so much right yeah i wanted to be like so great at basketball but then when you guys when you got like five foot five guys jumping over your head he was like oh okay maybe this is the wrong sport for me you know i remember going for a rebound and like four guys smaller than me was jumping over me and grabbing the ball right so i was like nah this is not the one you know so the football position you played in football football i was a running back okay okay yeah i was a running back uh uh we paid we played out of the i formation that was the last one and i love football yeah football was great to this day yeah yeah yeah as a running back please straight on somebody gave me the straight arm one time and i never forgot it i'm like yo i went to go tackle him and i was flying through the air because it was like hitting me something i thought i thought she was gonna get involved with um i don't know why i did i thought you gonna get involved with wrestling wrestling no well wrestling to me i actually did wrestling in school oh wow but i didn't do like wrestling like wwe oh yeah yeah yeah cause i you know i'm a character i believe so i believe i believe you're gonna represent england and like yeah yeah i believe so what do you like being told i know in the documentary it says you're a world person but if you had to choose one what would you want to be um like you know yeah i mean um citizen of the world right yeah because uh you know a lot of people stay in one place they don't get to travel i'm so glad i got to travel at a young age because i got to realize like you know in uh where did i go in europe you know when you go to the bathroom they ain't no toilet paper there's like newspaper on the floor oh like you got to grab some newspaper and it's like you know come to reality and saying wow we've got we've got toilet sometimes they don't have toilets it's just a hole in the ground yes yes all right so we've we've got a toilet and we've got toilet paper so i should be thankful you know you know it's not i'm not suffering those people are suffering right right so um yeah traveling at a young age is very important i went to a lot of different places world view and yeah your neighborhood becomes like nothing they're also you know playing chess at a young age right i would say to a lot of kids out there to play chess because chess helps you think helps you plan and helps you predict the future in one sense when you play chess or when a kid plays chess he's sinking five moves ahead so you know the kids that don't play chess and that are getting in trouble they're not thinking before what they're doing the chess players are thinking they're not gonna go rob a store or stick somebody up because everything thought of the five moves afterwards yes right of what could happen to them so that's why i always push chess at young kids now uh at the olympics you could have you could have you could have represented as england but you chose to represent canada what made you do that um you know i left england and you know canada was the country that actually nurtured me that's where my mother was and when i came over to canada i learned all kinds of different things first thing i learned was snow yo what is this white thing like wait hold on but it was rain it was snowing in england though right i learned okay how to deal with the cold winter sports ice skating right learning about long johns because i used to wear like two pants no long johns learning about uh you know hockey and all these different sports so that was really an eye-opener for me just learning different things and learning basketball football my first sports were actually soccer and cricket so i didn't know any other sport about soccer and cricket okay cause the [ __ ] was torn down and the guy in the paddle yeah yeah yeah i think i'm nice in that for some reason it's about i've never played it but i think i think i'm nice to it i think i think i play cricket i don't know it's not as easy as to think and it does look no it doesn't look good it throws the ball down and it bounces and comes up you have to remember you know depends on what spin that they give the ball it could go it could go whoop it could go whoop you not you don't you don't know until that hits the floor and then you got to react mr lee i'm ready for shots baby hold on god damn i think i'm nice and quick you think you you could never play crazy let's do it let's try if you drink chance drunk cricket oh you [Laughter] yeah but this is the part that was shocking to me that i did not know i remember rick bro giving up his title but i did not know you're in riddick ball before in the olympics yeah now not only are you for the olympics but just be clear you won the gold medal but you came up to him and you said i'm gonna knock you out yeah and this why did you single out ridicule was he the number one contender no you want to hear the joke okay i went to the olympics and everybody kept on coming up to me and said oh rick's boss is going to knock you out i'm like who's rudy bo and it was really on members of the um american team okay oh and a couple of other people say yeah yeah ridiculously is going to knock you out i'm like who is ridic bowl so i'm like you know i asked one of the guys could you take me to riddick bowl please so we you know we went and we found them we looked for a while anyway i seen him walked up to him and i said listen i'm gonna knock you out did you introduce yourself do you say i'm linux lewis no no i just said i'm gonna knock you out then i walked away then he was like who's that who's that he's gonna find out who i am and um because i thought it was disrespectful for him to say he's gonna he's gonna beat me and he didn't even know me who was this guy i didn't know him either right um so i'm glad that we fought and you know i knocked him out all right let's let's get let's get a shot because i want it i want i want to get in yeah that's cool it's cool yeah okay yeah yeah because cause cause all right in america red bull goes on and he has this career yeah is this a secret between you guys or there's other people that know that what happened in the olympics no nobody really knew just it was a secret between us guys so when he when he boxed holyfield and he came out of the ring he for some reason he walked past me i don't know if it was like for on purpose but he was saying oh you're not right i'm like not right what the hell are you talking about anyway i'm gonna knock you out he said it to you no i said that to you i said that to him again because he remembered the first one so i said it to him again because it's the same thing right and then he got all heated and then he never fought me wow he never fought me put the belt the wbc belt in the garage in the garbage which is a disrespect another disrespect to muhammad ali at least faces on there his face is on there yeah past champions yeah so i think he was afraid that i was going to knock him out i think that's what dr dre narrated too listen lord we don't know in our career this is about digging up our legends speaking of our life man you are a real champion one of the only champions that bow out on your feet not on your back kept your titles and we gonna respect that and salute that son by the way this is our dream chance sports panel right yeah yeah yeah you got a special panel here on your own all right so let me let me ask you during the boxing waves after he drops the belt as is people in boxing is saying wow riddick don't want to fight him no one's going to fight this guy is it a dry spell from them because no not really i think i think a lot of people were looking for that fight you know this is a fight of the guys from the olympics right you know rick ball said oh uh he uh he got ripped off okay prove it let's fight in let's meet in the professionals all right let me tell you ridicule threw a great combination in the olympics that hit me that really pissed me off wow and it was like a one two and then up the middle like it's almost like a tyson punch and he learned that because he had a great uh trainer and he worked with uh professionals i didn't i was always working with amateurs right but he only caught me with that once and that really turned me on to really you know focus on the next round right one one thing about boxes right that uh it's different from any other sport like you'll get dunked on and you'll still come out and play you can get a home run hit on you you could still garden pitch when people get hit with that one punch that flaws them either knocks them out cold or they hit the canvas how does a boxer we how do you get come back from that well it's it's interesting and it's a good that's a great question because uh a lot of people can't come back from it right like you get posted is that in training you train for the being knocked down coming back up no no no no no no no that's not what i'm saying is that any anything apply to that the greatest question is how does it feel to be knocked out that's what i'm about to go next go ahead and then i'm like let me knock you out how does one like what is going through your mind like you train i believe it was mike tyson who said everyone is prepared until you get punched in the face right like so what happens when it's not punched in the face you knock down like how does that all right i'm going to tell i'm going to tell you the the rockman my brother rockman okay bless that's great to hear you say your brother wow wow i see rockman how about you me and him where ends in the beginning right and it was like yo he said some things that really got under my skin right i said some things that really got under his skin right and we we solved the whole thing in the ring and then we were friends so that's what i love about boxing you know although we can be enemies but you know once we fight it out we can be friends right so um for him uh when me and him fought he threw an unbelievable punch which my chin happened to be in the way of i put up my hand and i thought i blocked was blocking it like easier i got this regardless but it went around here and caught me on the chin and the reaction was was straight away boom boom so i went down and you want to know how it feels it felt slow everything was going in slow motion and then when i hit the ground everything's split up wow so um yeah in that fight i never really got an opportunity to really come back and you know recover from it or anything the referee just stopped the fight but this is what happens in boxing you know a loss how do you come back from a loss right well for me it was easy because i realized straight away what i did wrong it wasn't like i got beat up or anything i made a mistake that mistake won't happen again right so my my mental condition was like all right goodbye if you got hit with the right hand do you come out the next fight and are you just avoiding that right hand or are you are you are you still like on guard for overall or is it like you know what i'm just avoiding the right hand that's what i messed up last time is it like that absolutely okay absolutely you look at you you look at the fight you look at it continually and you say what did i do wrong and then you you when you're training you're still thinking about what you did wrong right oh i got to keep that hand up i gotta make sure this is up watch out for that because that was really his best punch that he hit me with and uh you know he did a remarkable job with the punch but uh the second fight now right your second fight that was four months later yeah five months later you know i looked at the whole fight i actually was in uh south africa with mandela mandela yeah you got to talk about that yeah that was great you know i've seen rockman won the heavyweight championship of the world and left africa didn't visit mandela well he was there early though yeah he was he was for the altitudes let's get back to the man no because that's a lot of people were saying that you took pokemon lately any time you well that was the first time i actually uh fought in altitude right i didn't know how high it was altitude for people that don't know that's like you're less oxygen in your body right you have to get acclimated your body has to get acclimated to breathing that way right and i wasn't acclimated right i was actually um you know feeling good but anyway when i got into the fight it kind of messed up my rhythm my training rhythm this is not how i how i train because what happens when you're in a high altitude you gotta you throw a combination then you gotta take a breath it's like a slower fight and you gotta make sure that you don't um take too much breath and have to go you know what i mean it's like getting light-headed as well you get light light-headed you're not getting enough oxygen in your body and it kind of messes with you mentally it's like oh i'm going to get tired if i do this i got to slow down so it kind of messed me up in a fight a little bit but not the second fight right yeah yeah i'm a person that learns from my mistakes so i didn't got that made some noise and you met mandela yeah on that trip right the first one mandela mandela said he was studying your boxing style yeah he said oh don't worry don't worry linux that's you'll get it next time i know you uh i'm like mandela's one shot from mandela by the way excellent documentary i told you thank you thank you you know um by the way i would have watched the documentary brother we would you see it brother uh-oh i mean that was everybody's homework but um it was parts like that that impressed me that i i didn't know to see the humanity oh damn yeah [Music] um you know that uh not only that this is a question i know i'm bouncing around yeah um did you and tyson have squashed it when ali asked you both to be his bell his um yeah yeah you had already squashed oh yeah long time long time oh okay all right all right cool because i was just looking at it right after that fight we squashed it after the fight oh wait tyson came up and showed respect yeah coolest we were going too fast [Music] pick up my brother tyson yeah no no mandela yeah let's stick with mandela for a second yes that's historic i mean it was important it was important to me because this man spent 27 years in jail for the rights of black people for the rights did you visit the prison in cape town yes i did you went over there yeah i didn't get to it was a cloudy day and then the the ferries weren't going the prison is about as big as this room it's like how you put a prison on the island and then make it a small prison and then make the sales small it's like some mental thing and that prison was still open when you visited oh yeah and they have tours to it now you can go when when i went out there the person that actually showed us around was uh actually in jail with mandela wow so like they're alcatraz yeah and and you you you were um in a ghana for the fight or you was in ghana to see mandela or no i went to ghana actually for uh my friend's uh wedding wow yeah the prince the princess called the prince yeah you could say he's the prince of ghana i call him prince so your prince are gonna there you go so how does this phone call happen did somebody say hey man nelson wants to meet you and you're like nelson who and they're like i doubt they say no man i don't know my aim was to if i'm going to be in africa i'm going to definitely look him up yeah definitely i went to i went to soweto i went to all the different johannesburg yeah yeah um great place yeah you know wow massive right just big right yeah great place i ate so much food in africa i'm like wonder why why am i eating so much food they said because it's fresh we just killed it today you know for people people um that uh i had a conversation with acorn about this on here and um and and a car keeps you stressing that that there's you don't have to take shots to go to africa everyone thinks that you have to take shots to go to africa because you can't drink their water is that something that you experienced um yeah i didn't take shots i took pills oh wow wow i didn't we didn't take the mean drain we didn't take no shots to go that's why which part of africa did you go to south africa we went to two johannesburg and kings these are only for like the paranoid people i mean you you drink bottled water you're not going to drink tap water just because you're not used to their water all right oh true oh that's crazy man damn i gotta go i gotta go to the application [Applause] i'm bouncing around a little bit the title bigs fight you beat him in the olympics right yeah but 1991 you got your revenge how did that feel it felt good um you know the only reason that tyrell biggs beat me the first time because of a lack of experience this was an olympics this was a little accident and before that he's had international um experience all over the globe and this is the first time of my international experience and he was definitely a little bit better than me in in what he did yeah in the olympics so i realized that okay he won the olympics i'm gonna come back and and and beat him in the pros and uh my focus was real real serious when i when it came to training for that particular fight if you look at that fight i was in great shape and i was ready for the rumble so um and i and and i was upset the fact that oh you beat me in the 84 olympics and then you won the olympics you didn't do anything you didn't go professionally right yeah then i'm gonna beat you just to show that you know how good i've become now when i watch when i watch i also watch the documentary i want to watch the actual fights because i'm a fight fan yeah the only fight i can really say you defend the deeply lost is the rock the the rock mom fight i live on the court fight i watched 10 times i watched on the thing on the documentary but then i actually wanted to watch it myself you were up at seven and a half what's your figures this is when i really said to myself you're a real gentleman because i wanted you to refute that i wanted you to be like [ __ ] that like you know and but you just you did take it what did that feel cause you was up at seven and a half i did it myself maybe eight but i s seven and a half right when you got up and you went like this you did wobble a little bit but your hands was up as a champion i felt you should have defended your championship yeah i felt like they he should've took it from you yes he was almost took it from you but when you did like this you defended right i felt like you're supposed to make them let me tell you it really depends on you know boxing's a funny game because you know if if the promoter is putting on a show then he puts everything together he brings that promoter yeah yeah we're gonna give it to him next yeah i'm ready okay he brings in the judges he brings in everybody so if it's his show and his boxers boxing you know the referee yeah might be israel judges well after my fight i actually seen the referee sitting at a big round table all dressed up with don king after the fight i was going to the after part i'm like wow and he goes lennox lewis the greatest effort actually i love don king king don king's a real nice guy you know obviously he's a is everybody knows about his promotional days and what he's done and his history but um you know he's a person that i kind of learn from so i watch and i learned from and there's a couple things i picked up uh i believe abandoned holyfield got 15. you got 10. and don king got 10. and he didn't get punched in his face at all somebody said somebody's going to punch him in his face come on let's do another goddamn i want to know where linux gets the mindset of the positive thinking because you're right after the mccall fight um i was beaten before you hey you'd be [ __ ] after all that after the scream the holy field fight when he clearly won to me and they called it a draw how positive he is you could and he knows he's getting ripped off but he just stays positive but not only now let me help you out with this not only did he get ripped off this was the time the crowd actually the crowd was like your biggest flavor flav height man there was like it was like the crowd was like overtly getting yeah it was like yo and like where did that positive mindset come from god you've had it your whole career till now yeah and uh i'm a positive person and i believe that you know i want to be around positive people because um i don't like when people bring you down or energies bring you down and um i realize in boxing you gotta win definitively yeah don't leave it up to the judges and there may be some time you're gonna lose you can't be in boxing and think you're gonna win all the time there may be a chance you're gonna lose so mentally you have to know that what how are you gonna deal with that so um you know it's a situation where i lost the oliver mccall yeah i i i want to be for you it doesn't matter that the referee helped him or whatever it did in that position you know because i'm thinking you know i'm a heavyweight champion of the world this is my title right man has to win it from me but yeah he knocked me down once and you want to stop the fight so i mean every box has been through their type of drama or situation where judges have gone against them uh what's that was it whitaker against um i believe uh uh what's my man name i'm from mexico and he beat him up the whole fight and then at the end he just hit him once was that chavez chavez yes yes yeah that was a great fight yeah that's a great great friend of the whole fight and then at the end he got him one and the reps just stopped yeah um you know so boxers go through their you know ups and downs but you can't let the downs affect you right you gotta you gotta you gotta see through it like so like life you know all the downs you gotta make you gotta bring it back you it's how you deal with the downs basically which defines who you are so but is there underbelly of gambling and things like that that are deciding these things that have nothing to do with the actual boxing itself you know i always thought that i always thought yes you know somebody somebody knows something how do they know to you know to to do the the betting the odds right that blows me like did a judge get paid to go one way yeah i don't know you'll never know you never know you never know but one thing i realized in my boxing career bring your own judges right right now again i'm bouncing around a little bit one of the most interesting fights was when it was england against england the bruno fight yeah baby and i remember i believe he was in a car and a reporter comes up to you and says he said he's going to knock you back to canada it wasn't a nice thing to say and then you said well he's trying to intimidate me but i can't be intimidated how how was that like um because you you're born in england yeah and uh okay i mean you know frank bruno was the main guy in england right now he was doing pantomime he was doing all kinds of things and he was the girl man look he wanted to get in like when i thought that's my man from england look at this question right here so uh you know he's been over there for a while so he you know he's the darling of uh england everybody you know loved him he didn't give no trouble um he was a nice guy i thought he was a nice guy too but nobody was there to challenge him and when i came over i came to challenge him i said he is the he is the old i am the new and and i think that affected him mentally because he didn't like what i said he said i was gonna he's gonna knock me back to canada and they didn't want to accept me uh being british that i was born in england because of my canadian accent i said oh he sounds american it sounds every every time i go to england he sounds american he sounds american i was like i'm canadian i'm british i was i grew up in canada that's why i sound american but i've got a north american speech yeah right so yeah that was uh that was a serious time at that time it was really the new coming in getting uh coming against the old and it's a fight it's always a fight i'm coming in his territory so once the people seen the fight and realize okay the new is good the new is the one that's going to win the heavyweight champion of the world in over a hundred years this is the man that's gonna do it so that that's why everybody you know his fans started to be my fans and obviously he's got a great is die hard fans but you know they liked me as well because the fact of what i was doing oh what i did make some noise as a champion who you are so how was that confidence builder for you when you won in the olympics and can canada embrace you because they they didn't win in 50 something years yeah so that confidence to you is how much it was great because uh you know after the olympics i actually went to um the west coast of canada vancouver vancouver's dog i love calgary too all these different places i didn't bring no money right everybody gave me everything it was like wow and people old ladies were coming up to me and saying thank you thank you i'm like why because you won the olympics and i felt i felt really really great on that and let's drink to that oh man all right hold on hold on you got it i got i got like 15 000 questions brother i got notes that's why you know i'm feeling great you guys are serious about this dream didn't work i was giving you red vine and that's how you say it but all right okay after the oliver mccall fight you did something that was remarkable you recognized your mistake but you didn't give the credit to the fight oh oliver mccall yes you gave it to him you know why i didn't give the credit to him because it was a lucky punch the man where i moved and did his thing right and he was shocked himself i'm like because that was right out the gate right you know mentally i was trying to throw to get that right hand and i was trying to knock him out i was trying to knock everybody out right and to me it was a learning process it was a learning process because i was trying to knock him out he knocked me out so i said what did i do wrong and then almost like the reverse rope-a-dope right yeah so i realized what i did wrong fixed it and i came back well here's the genius part about it you looked at the architect and emanuel stewart absolutely absolutely and let me tell you if you look at the documentary you're gonna see manny say roll and come back you took away his best uh his best weapon roll and come back and that's what he did right and to me see that's the difference between a a a normal trainer and a trainer that has experience because he can say to you man that guy's been knocking people out with right hands this is how we're going to go after him we're going to let him throw that right hand take it away from him and come back because he's throwing it with everything so i put everything into it all the all he did is wave it off and come back and really i'm helping myself knock me out because i'm going forward get in the way of the punch yeah and i'm going forward and he's going he's just really swinging back and coming forward i'm coming forward into the punch and meeting the punch dead on yeah now now you had um also pepe the trainer right pepe great trainer uh actually you know uh who do you go against you with like he was he was down what was he doing with the homie right the same dude i forgot the guy's name right now but uh yeah how was that in boxing guy did you come up with and it's actually it's actually not business it's business yeah it's like if they're gone yeah okay yeah um you know for him coming against me i don't hold it against him because he's a trainer you know and uh he was in my camp he knows me so i think the other side was smart to get him right we want to know about linux lewis what's his what's his assets what's what's good about him where can we get him if they're gonna give the trainer money training has to live right right you know what i mean so he's gonna take it well i love pepe pepe's a great trainer and he actually just lost one of his sons so condolences to him blessed him yeah man so but all right but emmanuel stewart so what happens because you guys are in the in the documentary which i love we took him you asked him and you said how did you beat me yes he told me wow so took away the right hand i was he said i was reaching too much and i was over uh reaching because my balance was over so they took advantage of that and this is technical error technical error that's why i always say to great uh boxers get a good coach get an old coach because he can he's been around a while he can tell you things that you don't know i'm not gonna lie forget the documentary just for me being a linda stewart's fan i knew when you got with a man what type of fighter you like i mean he was already elite yeah but he made you super easy let me tell you emmanuel stewart is a great by the way rest in peace yeah bless um he taught me so much and he knows so much uh great trainer he's the trainer of champions right uh when when we had a fight coming up he would say to me go watch the fight because you got you you break down things easy good i like the way you break the things down so i looked at the fight i broke it down he came he said that's right that's what we need to do plus this so he would add a little uh to it and um we're a great team right and he was a he's like i said he what he said and when he spoke i understood and could relate to what he needs done so if he said go win this round he knows that i will go and go and win this round how how how crazy was it because um i believe the klitschko brothers did the same thing you did after the clisco brothers fought with you they hired emmanuel yeah smartest thing they ever did get the trainer of champions i think i think i think um you know they they did the right thing they made the right move and uh you know it it helped them it benefited them right man i mean um you know looking for his track record obviously i i met mayweather but i didn't go to the gym with him all you know take boxing like that i love boxing but um it's it's like he he makes a champion a champion yeah he makes him more than he is so how was it so did you have to go to detroit and train with him or uh what was it i i know you had dinner i think i think they said it they said you guys had dinner but then how did they move forward and then they said you guys have some rest like don't just come in here immediately train get some rest and then what was what was it like proceeding oh yeah yeah so the first meeting with emmanuel i actually knew emmanuel before that right cause he said he's gonna be a champion back then like yeah yeah yeah so um manny basically came into camp and showed me a couple things that i didn't know right like for instance you know because of the fact that i used to fight smaller guys and they used to be hookers so i had to make sure that my left my right hand was up all the time so i used to keep it up here keep it up here manny came into the camp and said why are you keeping your hand up here he said he said if anybody throws a hook you can move your your your hand two inches can you i'm like yeah i can i can he said then do that he said your hand should be in front of your mouth and let me tell you he helped me because in the ray murcia fight ray mercer had a great jab great job he was popping that jab he actually gave me a fat lip and you know boxers after a fight even if you won walking around with a fat leap is embarrassing people going what happened what happened so he helped me out of that because i hated that it was embarrassing and always having a fat lip and i won right right oh my god so um he was great you know this is technical put your hand in front of your face because even if a guy throws a a jab it's going to catch your hand it's going to catch your hand you said if a guy throws a hook you can move your your hand two inches yeah so the technical aspect of emmanuel is he's like a professor he knows it he knows it good seems like it seems like so all right let's let's so we talked about uh uh the reddick bowl talked about did you talk about razorback no no raise erotic razoratic was a a sparring partner of mine in fact we spired together so we would help each other and uh he had such a great job he actually helped me develop my job because he had a great job and when we sparred uh so much it's like i was learning off of him and it was like i wanted my jab to be good he would hit me with his jam like nah this guy hit me with a jab it was like a a fight almost like a fight but it was actually sparring matches we're helping each other but it was a fight you know i didn't want him to get better the better of me he didn't want me to get the better of him so we helped each other get better i'm sure about iron yeah yeah what was your favorite fight you ever had favorite fight there was no favorite fight all my fights are favorite favorite because of the fact that each fight brought around something different it's not different math problems different math problem to solve there's the math problem it's your choice to fix it yeah you have a real great great great great career listen so i don't know did you get the gloves oh so sorry did you see the gloves you know i got gloves for you to sign man i'll just throw that out there man i'm super fanning out listen oh you forgot him oh you [ __ ] up dude i got my gloves brother i got my gloves i've got a charity okay called the olympics lewis league of champions leaders with kids yeah you watch them let's take shots from the kids yeah yeah come on kids don't take shots a little kids for you all right so tell us about the charity that's a big deal yeah we uh we've been around for six years we've been having camps for four years and it's basically bringing kids into a situation where like we're teaching them how to be great people you know i look at my life and the people that were involved in helping me this is what i want to do for young kids create um boxing camps for them real uh teach them how to box and teach them how to deal with life and the distant the same disciplines that we have in boxing will help you through life right so um yeah these officers introduce you to boxer right huh a police officer brought me to the gym right no way i actually went to i got to tell you the story so be ready it's like it's like we have all these different high schools in miami then they say to you okay we're gonna have a dance every month at a certain high school but if anybody from any different high school goes there and fights they're expelled so obviously we went to this school called kci and the bad boys from there wanted to fight us because the girls liked us obviously and you know we realized we we said to we said to them listen come down to the police boxing gym and box and we'll fight you down there you guys said this to them yeah because we couldn't fight at the at the dance so they said yeah yeah we're going to go we're going to be there we'll be there england or canada it's in canada okay and they didn't show up i went me and my friend went andrew um didn't show up anyway the trainer said hey you which is me go move around with this guy i moved around with this guy and then all of a sudden he hit me in the nose and my eyes started watering i didn't like it he said okay don't worry don't worry go with this guy put me in a guy with my size i started doing muhammad ali which is the only yeah the only guy i watched on on boxing and it felt like it felt good it was a game to me and that's what caught me in boxing unless you know you're a maniac where you like violence [Laughter] all honesty like some people are just skilled at what they do some people are skilled at talking some people are skilled at rapping some people are skilled at knocking [ __ ] and something about you knew that first time you got in the rain you said i liked this yeah yeah it was great and i realized it was your own you don't have to depend on a team because i was a team player i played football basketball this team is a one-team one-person team teammates right so it really depends on you so it depends on your sacrifice so if you're partying drinking or whatever and then you're going to fight it's not going to work if you're focused dedicating it's gonna work especially if you're good and if you're focused mentally and strong-minded yeah take it all day did you already have the height ah no i'm good i'm good are you sure did you already have the height when you first yeah well i was i was kind of like that lanky kid tall and lanky it was interesting you know i noticed on your fights as tall as you are and as reaches you have you go inside you get inside all right so that's good because you know a lot of fighters a lot of heavyweights don't like boxing inside and tall guys right somebody told me yeah somebody told me i forgot who that was i think it was emmanuel said you got to be good on the inside and the outside you got to be able to box on the inside and the outside so i learned to box on the inside because of that because i don't want anybody beating me on the inside i want to win on the inside and the outside so i want to be the pr a great professional on the inside and the outside as as a chess player not to cut you off sorry would it be fair to say that since you're talk and have reached that the opponent is training that way so when you're getting close they lost you know like they're trying to stretch they're training to fight you from a distance but since you get in the middle then they didn't prepare for that well sometimes sometimes because some some guys that have shorter arms feel that if they have shorter arms they can beat you their their main focus should be on the inside they have to get in the inside because they're they got shorter arms so and then if i got long arms i can't box inside but i'm i i fooled them i fooled i fold them yeah that's a great answer yeah all right so i want to get into it man everybody ready good times it's finally time to die from the catskills so face the tyson first off what are you thinking like because according to documentary i forgot my your man's name he said that that i think tyson won the first day yeah oh courtney courtney your homeboy who wrote with you i [ __ ] with him yeah if i see him i'm so lucky yeah um and he said uh custom model and i believe you guys angie yeah courtney i mean uh um so they said that you guys spawned the first day and you did you you lost the first date somewhere and then the next day you learned him yeah and you are back years later this happens right first off that's like your style like if you lose you you figure it out and you get back right but this is something that i think is barely on tape like you guys sparring i don't know if that was both for you guys i kept looking really tight but i was like i gotta be those two you know let me tell you let me tell you bro we went up to the cod skill cat skills okay and actually i was in santo domingo dominican republic yeah but you've really been all over the place i won the world junior championship over there oh oh sure the america is this this is when i was like uh 17. okay let me take a shot for you come on give me a shot right here we go that's what you got i pulled it way too good that's good that's good all right you can't get drunk though no no all right okay sounds good and i won the the tournament over there the world junior championship and the the american team said well you didn't box the best like who's the best they said tyson you don't like taking planes these managers who don't like to complain and uh if he was here would be i'm like really so me and my trainer talked to me said listen let's go find this guy he's up in the catskills i'm like okay he said let's drive up there so we drove up there okay i didn't stop you because the catskills is close to canada correct yes because that's upstate new york upstate new york buffalo yes continue i'm with you every week i drove up there i met mike tyson i met custom model nice people mike tyson was nice he was like you know you know he's my age and he's he took me up into this room he he put a sheet up and he was looking at all fights i'm like yo where did you get these old fights i've never seen these old fights beta no no yeah projection [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay this is real [ __ ] hang the sheet up and it was in his room and it was like we were watching it and he was telling me about these old fighters and how they would box and what they would do and i realized wow i didn't know about this sweet science realizing how these guys would you know headbutt and punch a guy uh behind the head and different things they would do in the fight tyson's teaching you how to fight dirty no he was actually he was actually showing me how these guys got away with okay with certain things in a fight because the referee wasn't watching but they got away with it and it's part of the fight part of the space if you don't catch the redneck it was great it was a great learning experience for me and uh you know it was great to go up there actually spar with the guy that later on i would fight and custom otto actually predicted that he said that at one point you guys are going to meet later on and i didn't know if that was true i i i always remembered what he said and i said is this ever going to happen and it happens okay all right so now cat skills happen you go on you live this career tyson comes out you never fight he goes to jail he comes out right i believe one of his tactics was he won the fight prior to you getting in the ring because most people he intimidates them now are you not intimidated for mike because of the catskill experience or you're just not intimidated because you don't get intimidated i don't get intimidated i don't get into yeah my thought like let me tell you first time i went into the ring i had my first fight i had to go to the bathroom and my stomachs were my stomach was this [ __ ] no i had to wee plus i had butterflies in my stomach did you say we yeah i've never heard that before okay [Applause] after 10 fights didn't have to wee anymore no weird but it was a nervous thing right so i had butterflies in my stomach everybody just butterflies yeah yeah right after 20 fights done with the wind done with the butterflies so that's how you progress in in boxing mentally okay so now you're dominated this guy is on the other side of the world you guys are connected and you see the previous of what he's capable of i'm not sure if if he's on a downfall at this time i'm sure you could probably are you talking tyson tyson yeah tyson's coming out of incarceration he's a monster yeah but he's a monster oh yeah this press conference happens and in the documentary you say i'm not backing down all right so in that situation it's a situation of like all right we all know about tyson right nobody knows about me right so i'm like i think we got to make some noise and you know in in my culture it's like you know we say the dog that barks the loudest has no teeth so it was a situation where like yo this is the first time it felt like he was deliberately trying to yeah he's bad he's a bad guy in the sense of like he can intimidate people he's intimidated a lot of people but he don't know who he's intimidating he's intimidating a bada a bada guy right i'm a bad man in that sense i don't take that so um this is the children at the time right yeah so he knew well i knew what he was about but he didn't know what i was about right you don't know where i'm coming from nothing about me it's like that ridic bull situation where like yo he said to this about me okay cool all right he's gonna see so mentally i was prepared for that i was prepared for that fight i was looking for that fight and i knew that he didn't know me and mentally i'm really strong-minded are you are you holding on to what happened as you all as children or you saying nah you know what that was us children actually i didn't realize i didn't know where it was coming from i didn't know why he was being like this because we knew each other as when i went up to the catskill where we were friends you know he says that he says that like yeah afterwards he says that he says it's only promoting the fight but as a fan i didn't take it like that i didn't take it like he was only promoting the fight i took it like what the [ __ ] is these two grown men you know this is me as a fan this is i have no ties to anybody at this time at least it's okay let me tell you well a lot of people don't realize and don't remember or don't know is the fact that a lot the promoter wanted that to be an american british thing oh like west coast east coast west coast yeah but it was it was more american and the british are coming the british are coming so we said no it can't be that we don't want that type of mess that's too messy it's not even true but it's some wrestling [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah so uh you know it was more just um you know me trying to get the heavyweight championship of the world tyson trying to legends meeting wow and i'm gonna tell you some funny [ __ ] the other day um zav judah's out here so i couldn't get get to get to him we couldn't make it happen or whatever but i'm saying zap judah and linux have a connection i just can't identify the connection i watched the documentary the third time and i'm like diggers zam judah was actually what tyson that day did you you and zab judah had a relationship other than that oh no that's the first style no i i knew of that a jab he uh i've watched him box he's a great fighter and um yeah but you know obviously there's this people that love tyson that you know what they love tyson so much zab is one of them right um i don't hold it against him so okay now this fight finally happens right you already know you're great you already know what's happening you're in the room i believe you're playing bald hats right what am i playing i don't know was it in in the tyson fight no it's about in the dresser oh no no no you're playing something i was playing capleton that was current to that time yeah yeah right and the guy from tyson camp because see your man said that he knew he was going to win the fight from the press conference the press conference i did not know that i think he's going to fight because of how you did not care the tyson's man was there to sign your glove glasses that was the body snatcher right there oh wait wait what i was the body snatcher that was uh mike mccollum the guy that was gonna sign the glove oh i didn't know yeah and he's jamaican he understood yeah he understood nice guy loved the guy to death but you know he's a tyson fan he loves tyson he loves me too but uh at that time he was with tyson so tyson told him to come over come over watch me wrap my gloves we're playing some jamaican music we're getting into it he's feeling the vibe you know i'm trying to you know i'm trying to say he's trying to say you know he's on a tyson field i'm trying to say i'm on a lewis field we're not giving up this is how we feel about it you know we're feeling good so all he could feel was the vibe in the dressing room knowing that we were ready and he couldn't really come back and give that to tyson and say oh what could he tell tyson yeah they're not playing yeah [Laughter] but he felt the vibe so now i let me ask you you do know the reputation of tyson this is after holyfield you beat holyfield he fought holyfield he bit holyfield's air off he bit you in the crest press conference i believe that's what you yeah in the leg yeah i threw the first punches though the first three punches i believe you said yeah so this first round happens at least the first time i've ever seen this they had these people with the yellow shirts first time in history i've never i'm a boxing fan my father was a boxer for the golden gloves i'm not a boss i'm a shooter i don't know why i don't know how that happened it's [ __ ] weird right but anyway first time i'm looking and i'm seeing yellow shirts in between the wind and i'm like wow what are you thinking i'm thinking i've never seen this before and i'm thinking i'm walking in the ring let me tell you first thing tyson came into a great song dmx dmx maybe what was it what was it what did you need one yeah yeah hey you sound just like it huh you know who i came into you know who i came into i came into bob marley bob marley and i wasn't in no rush i was easy yeah we're going there we were chasing the ballers out of the tower and big up to the marley family the whole the marley family bigger richie bigger yeah he goes to my people yes okay um so you know i was relaxed coming in the ring when i came in the ring i went over to my corner i seen mike tyson in the middle of the ring looking over at me i'm like i don't have to look over i'm back here i can see everything so uh that was interesting first time in history that ever happened first time in history we actually weighed in on separate days because of the press conference because of they thought something was going to go off you know my team against his team because it happened before but it didn't you know it was great that we walked into the fight with a human uh i'm going to tell you something barrier and i'm not on um tyson's team in any way shape form or fashion but when him rushed you at that press conference i bought the pay-per-view immediately because i said holy [ __ ] they hate each other this is what so when tyson at the time his promo works what you're saying absolutely yeah that's what you're saying you gotta remember like what yeah what's that can you show me your google account four or three okay oh three two i had four let me tell you okay i didn't come to that press conference to fight i was in the suit it wasn't a great suit yeah i was in a three-piece suit i was like you know but i did have the fruits of islam protecting me so they protected me like i wasn't touched in that sense like when when he attacked me they were there wow i didn't want that fight that to happen in fact i i couldn't believe it happened why would the man attack me so i thought that he never wanted to fight because he was like um red bull did yeah yeah you think that's a red bull move type of thing or no i i couldn't be with tyson i just thought it was racist i thought it was a sucker move in one sense like yo why is he's doing it doesn't he want the fight to happen we're gonna make millions what's he doing but i didn't think the millions mattered at that time so anyway when he bit me on my leg it's like yo i was shocked that he was biting me on my leg i've never been bitten by a human before so you knew when you got big oh this is human right you knew that right thank you this is this human yeah this is a human bite it's not people i was acting actually in a little shark like yo this man right bit me i can see the drew blood there's a green circle around the bite that means almost yeah yeah and then this guy's saying that you know he wants he wants to eat my kids i'm like i don't know about all that jail talking oh man he's just coming from jail yeah let's kill talk to me and then also let's be clear i'm a tyson fan but he also told a reporter i [ __ ] you in the ass to me that was just wild and wild like yo we were videotaping this whole [ __ ] and you can't you this is not this is not the guy you met in cask no no i don't know him like that i don't know him like that i know him as a nice guy you know and you guys were kids very polite yeah so this is a new person to me so after the fight this is the guy that i know right right because i'm gonna be honest i always felt like you didn't forgive him right after the fight right after the fight when he's apologizing to you you're definitely not looking at him you're looking away was that on purpose no maybe adrenaline you got to remember you got to remember i won the fight so i can never look at him badly like yo i wonder if i feel good right you know [Music] this is the fight of the century my brothers yes this is the fight that everybody was looking forward to they wanted to see this fight so i'm happy it actually occurred instead of like yo if he would be incarcerated we never fought that this whole argument would be be going for centuries right now i'm gonna tell you something but wait you gotta before you you gotta give it up to tyson yeah for his humility after the fight let me tell you yes not only that mike tyson came to uh um new york club i forgot the name of the club right now escapes me but when they were uh saying that i was you know undisputed champion he came and said and played his respect and i'm like yo this guy respects me man this guy's full of respect i love this guy when he was with your wife yes yes i can't remember right now because you guys got me drinking so so uh when you look at the odds and all this like people like lennox is what was the odds against you and tyson you know i think it was more always from britain and you know horizontal heavyweights uh you know they don't have a chance we got we got a killer we got tyson so everybody was looking at me as being the soft englishman type of thing so i just wanted to prove them wrong the strength of that all right i got one more shot left come on please please i also you know mike the mike sunny the mic i watched the dock myself and um i noticed from the beginning to the end you had lots of friends but there was three friends that you trusted that you took that car story is ill just good just to keep you grounded and i want you to talk about that you know the importance of having your friends uh go along your journey with you and second part of the question is are your hands still considered lethal weapons let me ask you the first question yes let me ask i mean second question yes let's my friends were important it was important to me to keep my friends there and you know let's talk about corning courtney is such a great friend me and him we're in the same class together we used to give trouble to the teachers that's the football player he's the guy that we talked about yeah yeah yeah we're on the same uh football team together now see the guy who's supposed to go be an athlete uh laugh like a trainer yeah but he stopped because for you for one fight right the one with the car with with closing your eyes yeah and uh you know he knew i know him i knew him i know how he is he's a serious guy he don't take he he's he's a straight talker so having him on my team was very important was a good asset for me because i don't have to worry about if he's going to lie to me if he's if money is going to manipulate them if people are going to mention keeping you grounded keeping me grounded so he he was great so respect him as i pour you know the shot so now you beat tyson you go in the ring like do you realize how many people love tyson did you get like death threats and things like that when you beat tyson like because like [ __ ] was like you know it must be somebody like no i know i knew a lot of people love tyson right to the degree where you know i would like for instance i'm in new york and we're going to one of those after-hour clubs i mean my boy is going to the club alone as we're walking into the club we're seeing like 15 guys stomping out one guy and then as we're walking in the guy comes up to me and says oh yo yeah we love tyson i'm like i love tyson too and then you know nothing happens they they go on because i'm like you're ready i'm ready for it yeah i'm ready for it and you know it's like that it's like i'm in i'm in america a lot of tyson fans and i'm the man that saying i'm the best and i'm gonna beat tyson so you know i gotta watch where i step because there's a lot of tyson fans before quick time of slime do you remember me i'm shooting a video um i'm gonna live my life yeah i remember that video little x is filming the video little x pulls me to the side says yo you know what lily stewart says i wanted to chop little x in his [ __ ] throat [ __ ] little stew and say he's like then this dude's gonna come by and come chill we're like hi come give him a five i'll totally forgetting i'm filming the video it was the other day i was there too yeah no he was on tv and this is a gyro and they pull up yeah i roll on them look and they say man linux you could tell he's just focused i don't know if you remember this but i remember like yesterday because i never forgave john for this i never forgave so i looked and josh just looked at he was like yo bro so you know you know you're going to lose against tyson and i could just look at the lyrics he just zoned it on you remember this yeah like he just was just he gave him the eyes of paige he didn't really want to you know we're invited and i can remember i remember when he beat tyson i called john ruiz you [ __ ] up man but i could imagine well this is job rules y'all didn't disrespect he just was yeah you know he just was voicing his opinion but i could imagine what you was going through through the world when you when you're walking around people would say we're here no more here probably more in america because even to puffy i said puff who are you gonna pick he said i gotta go in new york after all you see he said i gotta go to new york i'm like okay cool i respect that i respect the man saying to my face he's going with tyson but me and him are friends because that gave me the heat to prove him wrong right like yo bro i beat and now you're friends with dr dre goddammit getting over his little situation yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean by the way yeah great busting up yeah yeah so let's just dive into that for a second um most people can't get dr dre to pick up their phone answer they too yeah well yeah what's that connection uh let me tell you dr dre is an english in his house he's incredible bro incredible like yo this guy is he's like this guy should be playing chess he's playing chess on a different level right he had the efn glasses on too his glasses on what are you hanging out with him and you say could you narrate my [ __ ] or he just says listen i met i met uh dre in miami wow at a club i mean it was sitting down he had like six bodyguards and i was sitting next to him was like yo what's up and me and we're talking for a while and i realized the guy's got a great spirit great energy and then when i went to his house to talk to him about the documentary he showed me his big house beautiful house but he's got a beautiful mind and he's got he's got great positive people around him his friends are very positive so you know i told him my thing about doing a documentary open up my life and this and that he said do it he said my friend came every day and told me i need to do the documentary i was like no no i'm not doing it then after the third time he said okay you do it then he did it he said he was glad he did it so that really showed me that i needed to do he said open up he said people want to know you they want to tell you yeah we need to know the other part yeah and he was right so i did and he helped me open up with my documentary so god made some noise that's a great job by the way now we got a segment on the show called quicktime islam now if you don't want to pick either one it's okay yeah you got to take a shot okay all right all right let's just get it let's get his shot relax give him a little something cuz i know you can't pick for this first one and i'm gonna take a shot with you i'm gonna take a shot with you whenever you can take out that's cool all right cool you can't pick then we take a shot okay this first one you might as well get your shot ready let's do it right because this is a quick time islam right the first one is england or canada the world that's a shot what the [ __ ] are you doing drinking water yeah we all gotta suffer okay this should be easy that's cool this should be easy for you mike tyson or ali oh both oh before you go to the next one let me tell you why let me tell you why both legends i love them both great uh people great great character and their living history generationally they were the greatest in their own sense you know all right but i'm gonna need you to choose a style for here now jay-z on us oh you got oranges and you got apples which one do you put in your grocery basket which is the favorite fruit oranges or apples that's weird too all right all right let's let's take this one that's how i look at biggie and park oranges and apples yeah that's why i ain't got big your pot here but um jay-z and you already said that we already said yeah msg or mgm don't know who they are msg is [Music] is my brother now the reason why i took that because joe lewis is bigger he's a heavyweight right how's your heavier heavy weight i got i got a couple more all right i think you i think i know you're going to pick with this emmanuel stewart or custom model oh you got someone you got to pick one you got history and science which one history more science i believe in science is but this one is i'm gonna get my shot lined up okay jordan or kobe oh dude come on that's history of science dude that's exactly what it is [Music] let's say you know when i heard about kobe's passing recipes i was so disappointed i was so struck what really struck me the most was the fact that he had his daughter with him oh so he will be forever loved and you know every time i go in l.a i see different paintings so he will always be remembered so i respect that sorry let's have a look let's have a let's have a salute for that okay then we're doing that regardless him and his daughter yeah yeah so you're pretty cool yeah we have to um yeah you have to okay braun or durant oh talking about two great basketballs that's the problem so how can you pick one both of them let me tell you the next one you gotta pick one i'm gonna pick it i'm gonna pick it the next one that gets tough it's very tough this is easy little kim or foxy bro oh foxy brown baby [Applause] big respect to little kim because she was the first he was she was the first she did it the most she did enough things and she's opened the way for the young kids that are coming up now so little kim is there and let me tell you i was walking at one time i think i was in the fountain blue or something and she was out there and i walked past her and she goes hey you don't remember me you don't know me i'm like oh you she's a little kid so uh and she was she was actually at poolside so you know we don't know where he's going i feel like he's trying to fix him oh these are hazardous sounds questions you got to put yourself a shot unless he's like does the sun need unless you're going to pick somebody you're not picking on biggie right that's cool that's cool listen i am picking somebody you are picking somebody up i'm picking history and science history and science episode indoor training or outdoor training i say winter training that's outdoor no i don't know when i was training in the winter i got in the best shape of my life you know why because i couldn't i couldn't stop and if he dies he'd die oh cause you got to keep yourself warm yeah right i even dragged him if he dies or dies don't remember that i'm sorry i'm sorry history of science guy hey man i love you man i took a shot what's your favorite subject all right all right so here's the crazy [ __ ] right here it is this is my engineer give it to me baby [ __ ] up listen floyd mayweather or sugar ray lennon and let me tell you i'm not wrong on both because you know sugary leonard is a legend and he's i've watched a couple of fights of him where he's impressed me so i you know when you say which one science baby science baby you already picked mayweather right yeah i gotta take a good shot for that right this one i'm pretty sure clear what you want to say dr dre up daddy he's gonna say dr legends and say to pick one you've been saying it's going to marry just go with your narrator man and let me tell you something bro salute you're talking you're talking apples [Laughter] give me another one and this one i know how he's gonna answer this one darling this is the very last quick time with slime is everybody here yesterday you know it baby come on let's go i got one yeah let's go frank or kelly oh hey i like frank and kelly they both the fact that you know i knew frank as frank for the whole of his life when he turned into kelly it's like okay if if this is what you wanted that's the first booster [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah the first blue yeah i'm not i'm not going to fight it if that's what's that's good if that's okay if that's gonna if that's gonna come for your hands still very hard at all what basketball team did you like don't tell you tell me boston celtics [Laughter] [Music] that's right that's right tell them so um holy moly guacamole because this is very like you know i like frank but then i like kelly after i was but like you were like the first person to have like a bruce jenner typeish in your camp and you accepted it it wasn't in my camp in a sense what he did was really realize that this he wasn't happy with himself so he wanted to be kelly i'm saying if that's what you want to be kelly and it's going to make you happy and it's going to make you it's going to save your life because if you're thinking about it you're right right if you're going to if you're trying to hurt yourself and you feel that if you become kelly you'll be all right i'm with it you know i don't i don't want people to commit suicide on different things no no no but that doesn't tend to fight the way he communicates with you or or or royalty yeah no you know what i mean it had to be conflicted because you know jamaicans are probably the deepest rudest this is true oh i realized that some of them come to me and say you know what every man should live how they want to live yes i summon them but there's not all no no i believe in that you're talking about i believe in people should live how they want to live if you want to live like that that's okay right i'm not fighting against you i believe that too i believe what you believe yeah we the world the world is round it's not flat it's not square it's round so we we got to open up ourselves and be open to different things yeah so if people have that in their mind if you want to be a certain way i'm not fighting against you that's how you want to live your life this is your existence so i'm not against it it's about who's on your side actually yeah like i said it doesn't change the communication he has with you from beginning or then no no no so uh you know when i look at uh kelly you know what his choices are and what he wants to do and the fact that he's doing it i'm not i'm not fighting against him beautiful this is like he was the first um colleague general i mean i'm sure he's not the first no no no especially at that time right and he didn't do it against you he obviously it was hard for him yeah it was all right yeah i mean look if the man wants to do a certain thing i'm gonna think about it and say if that's what you want to do i'm there i'm there i'm like i'm supporting it you know look i don't want people to commit suicide if they want to do commit suicide live your life but not live in your life your life live your life i was going to say that hasn't been the highlight from the documentary where he started as as him and then ended as kelly so that shouldn't change the perspective of who he is as a person right right right right i don't know who to call wait wasn't it i like the vote it's crazy because how they put it in the documentary i thought they put it perfectly right yeah that's why yeah yeah you know that's perfectly true because a lot of us don't understand what's going on but we respect yeah and that's all we got to do it's just respect you know it's not for us to understand just to respect everybody into the visual choices like that's right not respected you know there's a lot of things going on in in in the world right now there's this megan uh aspect going off with uh with with what's going on with the with the royals yeah megan marco marco yeah no you know she's she has shown that there's different things going on that she had to deal with and uh how she came out of it morgan says she's alive yeah nobody chris morgan's a [ __ ] piers morgan is a bully he's a bully in one second piss morgan you can't shut me down [ __ ] you they gonna let me do what the [ __ ] i want to do in your early years growing up [ __ ] him king did that for you and you couldn't do it for yourself you know he don't even have headphones almost over man listen he's a professional in your early years growing up in britain would you agree with what she said did you feel any of that what the racism just say what she said was uh was her reality and uh i appreciate the fact that it came out so people can actually talk about it yeah and i think that talking about is very important because it gets people's views and what she's gone through like for instance we don't know what she's gone through but she told us what she's gone through her truth yeah her truth and we have to listen to it this is the first time that you know anybody yeah a black woman's being involved in that family in the in the world but can you can it's not surprising these are monarchies that are centuries old me i know slavery or whatever everything that's happened in the world you're right you're right uh it happens and uh it's interesting that it's brought to the forefront it's important that it's brought to the forefront because what she's saying she's saying that she's involved in the family and she felt like yo she felt that nobody was with her and she felt that she needed to um tell the people what was happening around her so that was happening that was that was that was good yeah it was legit that was positive yeah it's it's interesting because it it it helps us you know open up to open up and speak about what's happening be open to the bims where it's like the memes the memes like the english family how they see the baby and then how the english family see the baby did you see that yeah i did yeah you know it's reality you know if she felt that way and you know i understand that people will talk about the future and how the future looks so if they're saying what color is the baby gonna be um that's positive talk you don't know uh megan how she looks you wouldn't think she was black but she's black this is beautiful why would that be positive talk i think it's positive because it's talk you know people are interested it's an inquiry it's interesting absolutely right you know if somebody said oh what color is the baby going to be it's not positive who cares but that's not positive it's positive you know why i say it's positive because it's it's being spoken about somebody's saying i wonder what the color of the baby is going to be like that's not positive hang on you know it's it's it's it's an inquiry it's an inquiry if if a tall person has a baby with a small person is it positive to say are they going to be short no it's just an inquiry no but that's actually an obvious conversation it's a conversation it's an obvious conversation if a black person is going to have a baby with a white person are they going to be dark skinned that's not positive that's inquiry no but it's not negative depending on who's asking the questions it's a conversation thank you it's a conversation the conversation in the conversation if the clansman is saying what color is the baby that's negative no it's a conversation [Music] because you can go baldness tell them why because if you think it's positive it's positive if you think it's negative no i can listen bro i get that that spiritual hybrid is can i take a picture with you sunny tv [Music] no this one's because i want to go back to south africa real quick because i went to south africa and i met some great people and i want to shout them out real quick because they're going to be watching this and soweto there was a place called and i don't want to i'm going to butcher the name slakas which means butcher butcher or butchery and it was like they're like their spot where like the the rappers went and and mc's the top mcs came out of there and i want to just shout them out uh selema wrights another mc out there so shout out to them everybody that i met out there in south africa was amazing what can you tell us about south africa for the people that haven't been there i'll tell you what i got out of it which was insane hearing them talk about apartheid openly in open spaces with every every race in the in the room they just talk conversations like we're saying here the ones that don't have america the way i heard it over there and they're still going through [ __ ] like they still have a lot of problems in south africa but they talk openly loud proud no matter what they talking about the past the present the future whatever and and nobody's like blinking an eye of like is there a white guy there or is it this guy is it better than here in terms of that conversation is how people embrace that conversation yes the way they embrace it right yes the way they talk about the conversation yes that's good i would have i would say that's what i got out of out of that trip and drain drain could speak i don't know drake yeah when did it finish like maybe less than 30 40 years ago apartheid is fairly new in terms of like all of our you know it's it's the current thing that happened in our lifetime okay let me tell you about the apartheid i didn't know there was like a uh you met nelson mandela no no no a thing where where the black people the indian people the less light people have they were on the charts what they call colors over there which that was a new thing that i never understood right until i got there did they still bro yes indian people have to live where the indian people black people have to live where the black people live light-skinned people but the black people are the africans yeah right you know i'm saying the black girl african-american let them talk yeah let me talk let me talk one question still but let me talk let me talk to them i didn't know there was a colored thing and the color thing is like if a comb goes through your hair then you live with her in a place nicole don't go through here you have to live over there it's in the birth certificate we found that out over there they put uh cape colored colored means mulatto for us yeah cape colored and that means that's your race that's who you are that's what you are uh you have to live over there that's how you live i mean that's that's your status this is not only a there's a comb gonna go through my hair but guess what i'm good everywhere i'm good everywhere listen bro i would just want to know what kind of shampoo you lose [Music] [Applause] i can't thank you so much thank you bro no no but i feel like i feel like i feel like i feel like he's still one i feel like i don't know why you want to do cocaine now the ferocious one not not because the other one was like a doctor right the other one and then you beat the one that's like me be there what made you even want to take that fight you you beat me tyson you pulled yeah no bro brothers are great calls yeah no clisco brothers are there that name they're the next generation they came after me so um you know they paid their contribution to boxing financial right i jammies yeah i james so and i i appreciate that i respect them for that i respect them for that you could have retired and just walked away but you wanted these vicious russian it's ivan drago this is [ __ ] the guy from rocky yeah i'm not sure hell yeah i don't want to just take this fight i don't have your number at this time ain't my mom texting you don't take this fight why are you fighting ivan drago you beat mike tyson just leave it alone what made you want to do that because i had the opportunity of boxing the next generation great [ __ ] some serious some somebody said to me somebody said to me said like yo you're the best of this generation that other generation is right there you can beat them and then retire i'm like you're right that's what the goal is that's what i wanted to do i wanted another generation yeah the hawaiian guy tuma tua he wasn't hawaii was it i wanted to it's amazing i wanted to i wanted to have my generation be the best of my generation and be the best of the next generation coming so that's why i bought clisco let me ask you a pers this is going to be super personal are cubans good boxers i hate those the cubans from the island are all right i'm so it's very important they're actually to me to me the cuban boxes are the best boxers in the world really wow why are you why are you checking it out [Applause] they focused they sacrificed and they worked and that's what made them the great amateur fighters of today so what do they need to be beyond amateurs cuban fighters don't turn pro yeah because of the politics right because they're they're they're cuban uh amateurs for life they're not allowed to turn pro because the the cuban system doesn't allow them to make money and do this do that right right against the government right they're great amateur fighters yeah no more for me they pushed race jet jam i used to watch boxing with my father and i never knew they were like caring about your [ __ ] ever in new york that's black cuban stupid i know come on ask me what gloves i love what gloves you love leland smooth champion yes they got different i like everlasting uh everlast because obviously muhammad ali wore everlasting that's mine by the way sonny don't play yourself no no give it to him to sign please okay i would appreciate it no but before we end this before we ended i have a i have questions for you please ask me i want to make sure you have you take care of it can you sign that lettuce please that sticker thank you cheers [Laughter] one wait i have i have two i have two great questions i have two great questions you had no no no i got two questions i'm gonna get a man the champions are real yeah oh that's a good one paul that's a good one right there but wait the question is this last question is please let's take a shot one more question let's take a shower gotta take this opportunity to drink transport to save this question you went too far no i'm gonna say he's taking an opportunity you won the sports personality of the year the same moment muhammad ali won sports century sports sports century of the year how did you feel about that sharing that stage with him i felt great i thought it was an honor to be alongside with my hero with the person that actually got me involved in boxing everybody's hero yeah it made me realize that yo you know this is a goal and how he actually did his thing so it was an honor being a part of that that is excellent then the follow-up question would be you were on the song with talib quality an exhibit called countdown west is from canada yeah boom he made a song about me a couple people made a song in history about me you know and please i respect everyone that made a song about me because i respect that because uh a lot of people don't know but you you intro that song yeah and i want to show it right here go on hi this is linux lewis all right let's do let me tell you something man let's take a look you gotta finish this [ __ ] hold on and let's do another shot oh my god please and please take the smoke champions you know let me tell you something bro linux this is the first time i've ever interviewed somebody and when they say you're a gentleman and a scholar i appreciate that he told you that blessed i was so confused in life [Applause] yes this is the untold story by lenox lewis please watch it you'll be inspirated by amazon you know everybody's been watching muhammad ali mike tyson listen to the people mike tyson [Applause] hold on so linux yo listen thank you so much thanks for having me thank you for coming through very much guys and let me tell you something drink chance we love to show love to the people that deserve love and love he give us the flowers right now take a picture you
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 285,963
Rating: 4.8425522 out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop
Id: f0AvzPIkqKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 41sec (7241 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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